The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1938) Poster

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The Original Boys of Summer
bkoganbing25 May 2007
I suppose that if The Adventures of Tom Sawyer had been made at MGM we would have seen Mickey Rooney as Tom with possibly Freddie Bartholomew as Sid with maybe Judy Garland as Becky Thatcher. But David O. Selznick was out on his own as an independent at this point so he chose to use talented child performers who didn't quite have the name clout that those urchin titans of MGM did.

But this universally loved story by America's greatest author certainly had a built in market that had no need of name players to sell it. Selznick saved on player's salary and put the money into production values and he and the public came away winners.

Tommy Kelly, Ann Gillis, and Jackie Moran as Tom Sawyer, Becky Thatcher, and Huckleberry Finn fill just about everyone's conception of what those kids from Hannibal, Missouri in the 1850s were like. They are given able support from such beloved character players as May Robson as Aunt Polly, Walter Brennan as Muff Potter, Victor Jory as the villainous Indian Joe, Olin Howland as the Sunday school teacher, Margaret Hamilton as Mrs. Harper, and Donald Meek as the school superintendent.

Selznick did a faithful adaption of the novel, the famous fence whitewashing incident is there as well as Tom and Huck getting a glimpse of their own funerals when everyone assumes they've drowned and the climax, the chase with Indian Joe in the cave.

It's a timeless classic, it can be shown to kids of all ages for centuries.
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Superb Family Film
craig_smith911 December 2001
It is almost hard to believe that this film was made in 1938. The movie is incredibly faithful to the the book. Even when you know the story it is still suspenseful in the cave with Indian Joe (that is the mark of a good movie). This movie belongs on every family's bookshelf and especially a grandparent's.
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Selznick Technicolor dress rehearsal to Gone With the Wind
johno-2122 March 2006
This film is in reality David O. Selznick's 1938 dress rehearsal for 1939's Gone With the Wind. Full length feature films in Technicolor weren't made until 1935 and there hadn't been many made by 1938. some studios didn't start using Technicolor until after 1940. Producer Selznick produced this big production film in Technicolor a year before he would masterfully capture the world's attention with it in Gone With the Wind. Production Designer William Cameron Menzies worked on both this film and GWTW for Selznick as did Art Director Lyle Wheeler, Special Effects Director Jack Cosgrove, Composer Max Steiner and Costume Designer Walter Plunkett. Wheeler was nominated for art direction for the 1938 Academy award for the Adentures of Tom Sawyer. He would received an astounding 26 nominations in his career including five wins including GWTW. Menzies got an Oscar and Cosgrove and Steiner were nominated for GWTW. Cinematographer James Wong Howe didn't join the others on GWTW but he had a cinematography career that spanned photographing Pola Negri movies in 1923 to Barbara Streisand in 1975 in Funny Lady a year before he died. Tom sawyer was directed by Norman Taurog who had a long directorial career from 1920 to almost 1970 and ended his career by directing nine of Elvis Presley's movies. Child actors Tommy Kelly as Tom Sawyer, Jackie Moran as Huckleberry Finn and Ann Gillis as Becky Thatcher. Veteran actors Walter Brennan is Muff Potter, Victory Jory is Injun Joe, Victor Kilian is the Sheriff, May Robson is Aunt Polly and Margaret Hamilton is Mrs. Harper. This film was trimmed from it's 93 minute run-time to 77 minutes when it was reissued in 1959 and that was the version that was shown on television that I saw when I was growing up. I've seen this a few times but haven't seen it in many years. It's one of the more faithful filmed adaptations of the many popular Mark Twain stories. I would give this an 8.5 of 10 but I would like to see the full version and see it on the big screen.
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To be young and in love . . .
flask14 December 2003
There have been numerous film adaptations of Mark Twain's beloved story, "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer," but few capture the boyish wonder and childlike bliss which permeates the classic yarn. Luckily, 1938 rendition is one of the select few that do. The acting is first class; the directing often innovative, and the whimsical screenplay is respectful of the novel.

The novel itself is entertainingly superior to Huckleberry Finn in its lack of a political agenda or societal commentary. Its sole objective is to return us once more to the naivety of youth when our life was far simpler and, in many cases, far happier.

For the older generation of film aficionados, child actor Tommy Kelly was the definitive Tom Sawyer. His winning smile, visible freckles and bright eyes encapsulate the literary character to a tee. After watching this film and re-reading Twain's novel, it is impossible to remove the image of Tommy Kelly from one's mind as he or she remembers Sawyer's antics.

It is in the supporting characters, however, that this film truly shines. The grade-A performances of Walter Brennan as the likable Muff Potter, a make-up smeared Victory Jory as the menacing Injun Joe and Olin Howlin as the violent schoolmaster are highlights of the film. Brennan seems to infuse a perpetual helplessness in his inebriated character that epitomizes the small town bum of a forgotten America; Jory makes Injun Joe the personification of evil and a red-faced Howlin is superlative as an authoritarian teacher who makes the audience cringe when he canes Tom. Australian-native May Robeson, who portrays Aunt Polly, is able to make smooth, believable transitions from harsh severity to tender leniency as the script demands.

Remarkably, the numerous child stars in this film were destined for unhappy lives. David Holt (Sid) spent his early life as a child actor in poverty as he, much like Tommy Kelly, waited for star-making film roles which never came. Jackie Moran (Huckleberry Finn) soared briefly higher towards elusive stardom when he was cast as the energetic sidekick of Buster Crabbe in a "Buck Rogers" (1939) serial. Immediately afterwards, Moran's career plummeted into oblivion. Perhaps the only exception to this streak of bad luck was Ann Gillis (Becky Thatcher) who found herself always in demand to portray a screen brat. Upon coming of age and legally capable of making her own decisions, Gillis wisely left the film industry to find happiness elsewhere.

"The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" (1938) is also significant in that its talented screenwriter, John V.A. Weaver, died shortly after its release of tuberculosis. His successful but altogether short career included writing screenplays for such cinematic classics as King Vidor's "The Crowd" (1928) and "The Saturday Night Kid" (1929). In a sense, this film was his last hurrah and it is only fitting that Weaver's last project in his old age should be subtly based upon the universal human longing to be young once again.
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Tears Along the Mississippi
wes-connors23 December 2007
Mark Twain's classic characters are brought back to life, by David O. Selznick, for an updated movie adaptation. For the first time, Tom and Huck are seen in color (specifically, "Technicolor"), which contributes to the film's main strength: it looks storybook beautiful. The reliance on set pieces seems entirely appropriate, giving the film great style; and, they are very well done. The cinematography, by James Wong Howe, is remarkable.

The story wavers from true triumph, however, in the direction of the characters; the "cuteness quotient" is set far too high. Many tears flow. Tommy Kelly (as Tom Sawyer) suffers the most, of course, being the lead player. It should be emphasized, however, that this is not due to his effort; under the circumstances, Mr. Kelly performs well. Jackie Moran (as Huckleberry Finn) is a cute best friend; but, not much like the "Huck" from Twain's book. Ann Gillis (as Becky Thatcher) is a cute girl friend. The players are all good, but May Robson (as Aunt Polly) seems the truest.

While more cute than mischievous, and far too clean, "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" is good enough to stand on its own. The familiar "lost in the caves" ending is a great climax; and, Victor Jory (as Injun Joe) still startles. The scene of "Tom" emerging, at last, from the caves - his black silhouette shot against the blue sky of freedom - is indelible.

******* The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (2/11/38) Norman Taurog ~ Tommy Kelly, Jackie Moran, May Robson, Victor Jory
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Oh, those KIDS!
tonstant viewer13 February 2007
We complain that today's movie stars lack the charisma, the memorable faces and personalities of the stars of Hollywood's Golden Age. But one thing has gotten better over the years and that's child acting. Today's kids are remarkably natural and real compared with the awful, slow, sticky artificiality of most of the child actors of yesteryear.

There are many wonderful things about this film. William Cameron Menzies' visualization of the graveyard and the caves, Jack Cosgrove's matte paintings (those skies!), James Wong Howe's cinematography are all first class and memorable. Some (but not all) of the adult actors are quite fine. But the labored hamminess of the kids is quite unendurable. The illusion of thought, the illusion that something is being said for the first time never surfaces here for a moment. All is wide-eyed, over-rehearsed, over-enunciated and torture to watch.

Mark Twain's immortal story retains power and magic, and the cave sequence in particular will stay with you, but in spite of the child actors, not because of them.
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Pleasant but disappointing
rudeboy_murray12 August 2008
Norman Taurog's 1938 Technicolor film is a nice enough time waster but suffers from being just too faithful to the story. All of the memorable incidents are checked off, the most memorable being the final confrontation with Injun Joe, all filmed on lavish and hugely impressive sets.

Tommy Kelly is fine as Tom – like most of the kids in the film (apart from Ann Gillis' bland, boring Becky) he overacts at times, but he has the charm required for the part. Jackie Moran's Huck is barely developed, a wasted opportunity. David Holt's Sid, played very much for slapstick, gets some good laughs.

The adult cast are solid, although none are given much to do and May Robson is decidedly more ancient than I always envisioned Aunt Polly.

A nicely paced, likable effort, but more imagination would have been welcome.
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From The Heart Of Mark Twain, Into The Hearts Of The World
Ron Oliver7 June 2001
THE ADVENTURES OF TOM SAWYER keep the small town of St. Petersburg, Missouri in constant turmoil, circa 1850...

This is a splendid family film, one of producer David O. Selznick's very best. Presented in wonderful Technicolor, it is like looking through the pages of an illustrated copy of the classic novel. All the favorite episodes are here. All of the performers are perfect in their roles. It is difficult to imagine a better transition from book to screen.

Elderly May Robson has one of her finest roles as harried, temperamental, lovable Aunt Polly. She easily steals every scene she's in & provides the sentimental heart of the movie. However, breaking out a bit, her last scene at the film's conclusion is hilarious. A small cluster of veteran character actors - Walter Brennan, Victor Jory, Donald Meek & Margaret Hamilton - are also exceptional in their roles.

12-year-old Tommy Kelly IS Tom Sawyer - he will instantly gain the respect & admiration of every prepubescent male in the audience. Beguiling & mischievous, with an infectious grin & sad eyes, he admirably fills the bare feet of America's most famous literary kid. The movie's other child actors - David Holt, Marcia Mae Jones, Ann Gillis & Jackie Moran - give excellent support. (Legend has it that Selznick found young Master Kelly in an orphanage. True or not, this was his best role. Very soon he was playing only bit parts and eventually left films around the age of 25.)

The cave sequence is especially noteworthy, thanks to the art design of William Cameron Menzies, the flickering camera work of James Wong Howe, and the moody music of Max Steiner. Spooky & claustrophobic, these scenes are the embodiment of every viewer's nightmares, and, thus, are tremendously entertaining.

It should be noted that while the character of Jim is correctly depicted as a slave, the film itself is blessedly free of the racism that blights so many Hollywood films of the 1930's.
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Faithful version with Tommy Kelly an almost perfect Tom Sawyer...
Doylenf16 February 2007
Selznick's THE ADVENTURES OF TOM SAWYER is an extremely faithful version of the famous Mark Twain story, generally well acted and cast with the kind of precision the producer was famous for.

TOMMY KELLY, despite some drawbacks in his acting, makes an almost perfect Tom Sawyer. He's a bit too quick in flashing the full smile, the nervous sideways glances, the hesitant speech pattern when confronting strict adults--but then, in the '30s there was no HALEY JOEL OSMENT or DANIEL RADCLIFFE to fulfill requirements for more natural acting.

Likewise, ANN GILLIS is a bit too coy as Becky Thatcher and even VICTOR JORY is a bit too melodramatic as Injun Joe. MAY ROBSON makes a wonderful Aunt Polly, stern but all the time showing that beneath the gruff exterior she's got a warm spot for her troublesome Tom. The final scene, where she slaps Sid in the face, is priceless.

William Cameron Menzies created some wonderful effects for the cave sequence that he designed and the early Technicolor does justice to all the sets and costumes, giving the film the look of an illustrated children's version of the classic novel.

Well worth viewing, although it may not be fast paced enough to suit today's children used to more fast-moving stories.

Trivia note: Both TOMMY KELLY and JACKIE MORAN (in a small role as Huck Finn) had bits in Selznick's GONE WITH THE WIND the following year--and both were featured in the Gettysburg battle death announcements, Kelly as a member of the band with tears in his eyes and Moran as Phil Meade.
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Definitive Version
RodReels-24 September 2000
Even after all these years, this David O. Selznick version of the Mark Twain classic holds up better than most. The humor with Sidney is stretched to the limits, but all of the novel's high points are included. And most impressive is the camerawork of James Wong Howe, especially in those latter cave sequences.
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Well-done enactment of the popular Mark Twain novel ...
dwpollar12 March 2001
1st watched 10/14/2000 - (Dir-Norman Taurog): Well-done enactment of the popular Mark Twain novel with suspense, laughs & tears. Popular child director proves again that he can teach kids how to act on film.
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Wonderful classic Hollywood filmaking
robert37501 October 2023
Others have stated very eloquently how good this film is. I first saw it as a child on TV ages ago. I don't know if it was the 77 minute version, but the memory of it always stayed with me. Now I can see it in a beautiful blu ray version, that looks like one is looking at a film print. It's every bit as good as I remembered, and then some. The tone, the production design, the acting, the direction are all wonderful. Tommy Kelly is the personification of Tom Sawyer--mischievous, yet ultimately kind and loving. May Robson's aunt Polly is both stern and lovingly determined to raise Tom right. All the other supporting players are also well done. I love the prologue from Mark Twain about remembering how we were. Thanks for reminding us.
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Far too sentimental for me
AAdaSC2 July 2023
I had high hopes before watching this. Mark Twain has struck me as an intelligent writer and master of dialogue based on quotes I have come across. I didn't know the story and although it centres around some kids, which I hate, I thought the Twain connection would lift it to classic status. I was wrong. It's about a kid called Tom Sawyer who witnesses a murder and runs away from home. All gets resolved in this story set in a small American town.

The tone of the film is awful leaning to the sentimental in every scene possible. There is no break from this approach. Forty-five minutes into this film and I had to announce that I hated it. This was from a neutral starting point and looking forward to it. Added to the nauseas sentimentality was Ann Gillis (Becky) as the love interest for Tom. She is terrible - horrid to look at and irritating as with her scenes of screaming and moping. There is quite a lot of moping in this film. I hate it.
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Some Notes About A Great Character Actor Cast From The Golden Age Of Movies
malvernp29 November 2020
May Robson--this veteran always gave her best in family dramas. Here she is as Tom's likable Aunt Polly, fresh from her memorable stint as Janet Gaynor's wonderful and endearing grandmother in the original Star Is Born from the previous year (1937),

Walter Brennan--he won his first supporting actor Oscar for Come And Get It in 1936, which was also the first year that this award was given out. He subsequently snagged it two more times. Nobody did a town drunk (like his AOTS character Muff Potter) any better. Truly a "one of a kind" performer.

Victor Jory--the following year, Jory played perhaps his most famous role as the amoral and unpleasant field supervisor at Tara in Gone With The Wind. He was able to be convincing in both sympathetic (The Shadow serial 1940) and nasty (Bad Men Of Missouri 1941) parts. His Injun Joe from AOTS is one of the most scary characters to emerge from movies of the 1930s.

Marcia Mae Jones--this busy child actress scored big as the victim of Bonita Granville's sadistic torment in These Three (1936). She made a convincing Mary Sawyer in AOTS.

Spring Byington--she will always be remembered as Marmee in Little Women (1933) and countless other maternal roles that became her unique specialty.

Margaret Hamilton--her Wicked Witch from The Wizard Of Oz (1939) is probably best described as the female counterpart to Victor Jory's Injun Joe in AOTS.

Donald Meek--the ultimate victim of life's misfortunes in cinema, whose unforgettable presence graced so many enjoyable films of the 1930s. In 1939, he created the memorable whiskey salesman role in Stagecoach; the previous year he was impressive as Poppins In You Can't Take It With You. The human version of a "'frady cat."

On a personal level, AOTS is important to me as being the very first film that I can remember seeing in a movie theater. It also was the first color movie I ever saw. In addition, it introduced to me the element of terror as a possible consequence of going to the movies. And in Tommy Kelly as Tom and Ann Gillis as Becky, I was exposed for the first time to the charm and sweetness of innocent childhood romance--something that probably confused me more than anything else. You see, I had a lot more growing up to do in the days and years ahead!
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Very pleasant and well paced, overall very likable
TheLittleSongbird8 June 2011
I like the book a lot. It is quite episodic in structure, but the characters, dialogue and the story of Tom's adventures are very memorable. This is a very pleasant film and the best version by some considerable distance, like the book it is episodic but it does maintain its likability and charm with only Ann Gillis's rather coy performance and an underdeveloped Huck being the only real problems. Visually and technically, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is very impressive with gorgeous Technicolour, authentic costumes and lavish sets. (Uncredited) Max Steiner's score helps convey the moods of each scene, the film is faithful to the book(not that it needed to be particularly) with good dialogue and an intense confrontation with Injun Joe and it moves at a good pace. Tommy Kelly is a likable Tom, but it is May Robson and Victor Jory that make the film as memorable as it is. In conclusion, likable and pleasant and definitely something I would watch again willingly. 8/10 Bethany Cox
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A marvellous piece of Americana
MOscarbradley22 March 2010
A glorious piece of Americana and a great film for children, this adaptation of Mark Twain's classic was directed by Norman Taurog, who was a dab hand at this sort of thing, (he had already won the Oscar for Skippy with Jackie Cooper), and is something of a classic itself. The very likable Tommy Kelly is Tom and it's a lovely performance, one of the least ingratiating by a child in all of American movies. He's untrained and innocent and when he cries he's actually very moving. Under Taurog's direction all of the children are first-rate; they all capture the spirit of Mark Twain perfectly. The adults include the great May Robson, magnificent as Aunt Polly, Victor Jory, a suitably frightening Injun Joe, Walter Brennan, Margaret Hamilton and Donald Meek. It's also luminously photographed in early colour by James Wong Howe. David O Selznick produced with all the care and attention to detail you would expect.
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efisch9 July 2015
This outstanding movie from 1938 is still relevant and can stand as excellent entertainment for today' audiences. Great for young and old there are thrills and sadness combined with comedy and great characters. Not a point is missed in Norman Taurog's direction--he was a specialist with children--and the timing is superb. The newly restored color is excellent as is James Wong Howe's camera-work and William Cameron Menzies set designs. The children's acting is totally convincing and Tommy Kelley as Tom Sawyer is great. The film has probably once of the best ending tag lines of all movies. Once you see this movie you'll never forget it.
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Twain's iconic novel turned into an unforgettable and gorgeous-looking film
Rueiro2 January 2016
Although it leaves important parts of the novel out -for budgetary reasons, I suppose-, what is in the film is all in the book, and to me it depicts the innocence and charm of Twain's children's world better than any other film adaptation has ever done. The Technicolor cinematography is absolutely fantastic, as well as the art direction. And the child actors are natural-born players, they are all perfect. And then we have dear old toothless Walter Brennan, one of my favourite American character actors and the first person ever to win three Academy Awards (1936, 1938 and 1940) as Muff Potter, the town drunk, a role he was born to play. David O'Selznick put the dollars in, and this film surely was a rehearsal for GWTW. And Norman Taurog, a director well experienced on working with children (Skippy, Huckleberry Finn, Boy's Town) at the helm. They made a film that will last forever.
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All your favorite Mark Twain characters....and color too!
mark.waltz30 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
No, this film has not been colorized, and looks as fantastic as David Selznick's masterpiece, "Gone With the Wind", which was in production as the same time as this. Selznick had utilized color successfully before with the original "A Star is Born" and the classic screwball comedy "Nothing Sacred", and must have believed that the color process would add to the sweetness of Mark Twain's most beloved tale. Unlike "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn", there was little controversy over subject matter, even if some of the material might have been considered scary for young audiences, which includes a murder witnessed by Tom and Huck and a sad sequence where Aunt Polly (May Robson at her most lovably irascible) believes Tom to be dead after he runs away. There's also the frightening confrontation between Tom and the villainous Injun Joe (the very scary looking Victor Jory) in a seemingly endless cavern, but goodness plays itself out and a legend of American fiction has ended up on the screen with great success.

The 1930 version, equally as entertaining, is not as well known as this version, which isn't as well known, either, as the other Selznick classics I mention above. Tommy Kelly is a lovable little prankster in the title role with Jackie Moran in good support as Huck Finn, not yet ready for his own big adventure. In fact, Selznick would have to forfeit that tale to MGM with Mickey Rooney in that part the following year. Both "Tom Sawyer" and "Huckleberry Finn" were later musicalized for Broadway, Huck's story, "Big River", in 1985 far more successful than the underrated "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" which played extremely briefly on Broadway in 2001.

Life on the Mississippi comes to life vividly as Tom must contend with a bratty cousin (David Holt) getting him in trouble every chance he gets. This "Little Lord Fauntleroy" wanna-be is so obnoxious that you long for him to get his come-uppance, sort of the male version of "Little House on the Prairie's" Nellie Olsen. May Robson's Aunt Polly may seem somewhat cold towards Tom here, and even a bit abusive. But when she conks him on the skull with a thimble laden finger, it's presented comically. You really feel her guilt when Tom is presumed dead, and for good measure, the soon to be seen "Wicked Witch of the West" Margaret Hamilton is thrown in as the mother of Tom's pal (Mickey Rentschler) who is off on the island adventure with him.

Walter Brennan gets one of his great literature character performances as the drunk Muff Potter, accused of murder, yet obviously innocent. Jory's Injun Joe might seem a bit of a slam at the Native American culture, especially when he is referred to as a murderous half breed, but Mark Twain didn't pull any punches when it came to showing how life in the South was at this time. The presence of the little black boy (Philip Hurlic) who shows great emotion during his few moments on screen is extremely touching, giving a humanitarian feel to the way Twain himself wanted to show minorities, as people and not as products to be sold or exploited. Even if he did have racism embedded with him, it was outlined with a compassion that presents conflicted emotions.

There have been many versions of the Tom and Huck stories, but of all of them, this is the one I highly recommend above the rest. Beautiful scenery wonderfully photographed in color and a fast moving structure makes this a must for family viewing and certainly one that ranks as an all-time classic.
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An integral part of my childhood
mta7000-732-70800810 July 2021
Before VCR's, my father on Fridays would visit the Montgomery County Library in Dayton, Ohio, after work and come home with canvas bags of 16 mm film reels that we older kids learned how to thread into the 16 mm projector he "borrowed" from work then we'd flip the couch to face the wall with the projector behind us and watch classic oldies like this film that I grew to love the more I saw it. The other reviews here shed great historical light on this film but all I know is Tom Sawyer, Sidney and Aunt Polly as portrayed in this film were a joy to watch whenever dad brought this movie home for family movie night among many others rather than breaking the bank by taking his eight children out to the full-price movies. Years later, I read my First Edition Library replica copy of the first edition of "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" to revisit and add to the memories I had of watching this film as a child.
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A family classic
bugsmoran298 July 2015
You folks from the Chicago area will remember Frazier Thomas and his 'Family Classic' television program that ran for years on Friday night on WGN. My favorites were 'Robin Hood' and 'Tom Sawyer' from 1938. The movie is moving event that will take you down Memory. First love, raw fear, shame, murder, fun and pure joy is present in this wonderful retelling of Mark Twain's American classic. The story is set on the mighty Mississippi River in Hannibal, Missouri, circa 1850. The young boy playing the lead role is a very pleasant young fellow with plenty of charm and mischief to entertain the entire family. I have seen this film numerous times and I still love it. You will too.
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Vincentiu26 October 2012
just lovely. for the atmosphere, great performance, for pure joy, for respect for novel and courage to filmed a masterpiece in right style. crumb of a time, piece of Selznick creation, it is nostalgic, seductive, fresh and realistic. in few occasions, perfect illustration for book, in other - perfect reflection of everyone childhood. so, it is out of verdicts because it remains, after so many years, a magnificent experience. sure, in shadow of Gone on the wind, it can be an exercise. but its force and shining truth is more authentic than the mega-production. because it is a splendid adaptation. and more. because the sincerity and the fresh air of an unique age, the naiveté , the joyousness, innocence, Tommy Kelly who is Tom and not an actor in character skin, May Robson who gives her entire subtle art in the portrait of aunt Polly are virtues /ingredients of a great film about wonderful universe
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"Aunt Polly! Aunt Polly!"
Bored_Dragon18 May 2023
Mark Twain's cult classic has been put into motion pictures many times, and according to many, the best is David O. Selznick's 1938 version, directed by Norman Taurog.

All the most memorable scenes from the novel are here, convincingly brought to the screen by lesser-known child actors, supported by veteran May Robson as Aunt Polly. Young Tommy Kelly is physically perfect for the role of Tom Sawyer, and his debut performance is so impressive that if you read the book after the movie, you won't be able to imagine Tom in any other way.

"The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" is a film that has no political, social, or any other subtext, but honestly and from the heart tries to bring us back to our childhood and remind us of what it was like when life was all about children's love and mischief, and in that it really works. This boy's adventure is filled with scenes that will make you giggle, while in some you may even shed a tear, and when the ninety minutes were up, I was nostalgic for the rest of the day.

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I think ¡°The adventures of Tom Sawyer¡±I saw is an old old movie.
xiaoqian13 November 2004
I think ¡°The adventures of Tom Sawyer¡±I saw is an old old movie. And I ever thought that it must be a specific one for children. However£¬I found out the movie nowadays also has its own particular attraction. I still remember that Tom's aunt and half-brother Sid have not satisfied with him. But Tom is real a kind of clever boy. He can often get away with the punishment. In a brilliant scheme£¬Tom is able to con the neighborhood boy into completing the task for him. Besides£¬the episode which is full of children love is very interesting. Tom immediately falls in love with Becky at the first sight who is the Judge's daughter. He does everything just for winning her love even he asks for¡°get engaged¡±. Of course£¬it is arranged funny in the movie that he broke his relationship with Becky because he accidentally blusts that has been engaged before. Sometimes I can't help thinking about the fact how really mature Tom is. Also a romantic boy£¬right£¿Mentioned about honesty and courage£¬Tom indeed is a good example for all the children even for most of us¡ª¡ªadults. Because Tom and Huck are extremely scared that Injun Joe who is real the killer will attempts to seek revenge on them. According to Tom's sense of justice Tom decides to be the witness in the court. I think Tom does not want to burden the guilty consciences and then make up his mind to tell the truth to the town. Maybe most of us could not do that like Tom in the real situation . Therefore on the other hand£¬¡° The adventures of Tom Sawyer is for all the people including children and adults. In this sense, Tom is our good example in the modern society. Although our society is boomer than before, existence of conscience is more necessary than before.

Guangxi University of Technology

Foreign Language Department English Major Class022

Qian Xiao (Rita)
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Colorful and quick
preppy-33 May 2008
This review is of the full 91 minute version. There's another one out that's about 77 minutes.

I haven't read "Tomy Sawyer" since I was a kid (I'm in my 40s now) but this movie bought back a lot of good memories! Tom Sawyer (Tommy Kelly) is being bought up by his Aunt Polly (May Robson) along with cousin Mary and the vicious Sid (David Holt). Tom is constantly getting into trouble with his buddy Huckleberry Finn (Jackie Moran). In the course of the movie Tom falls for cute Becky Thatcher (Ann Gillis), runs away from home, witnesses a murder and it ends with him and Becky being chased by the killer. OK--this is far from perfect. Kelly was an unknown--and it shows. He's not good at all. Also the film is episodic...but so was the novel. There's also a young black kid here who comes across as an idiot and is treated pretty badly. I realize that's a sign of its time but it's uncomfortable to watch now. Still this is worth catching.

The color is beautiful and the film moves very quickly. Kelly aside all the acting is good (Robson does wonders with her stereotypical role) and I was never bored. The very last bit with Sid and Aunt Polly was just perfect! It also bought back the book to me--I was remembering entire sequences I haven't read since I was a kid. This is also perfect viewing for the entire family. Well-made and worth catching. Try catching the full version.
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