Block-Heads (1938) Poster


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Possibly The Last Great L&H Picture
Theo Robertson22 September 2004
BLOCK-HEADS is set up with an idea which must have seemed totally ridiculous in 1938 but when you stop to consider that Japanese soldiers were being found on remote Pacific islands 30 years after the second world war ended the idea stops being ridiculous and becomes shockingly prophetic

This is possibly the last of the great L&H movies ( FLYING DUECES being the only other contender ) , after this the comedy duo started appearing in studio features that didn't seem to show much respect to their genius , made them slightly off centre and stretched stories out for almost 90 minutes when a 60 page script would have worked much better

This means that BLOCK-HEADS suffers from the mild irritation of so many other Stan and Ollie star vehicles - It's rather episodic . But seeing as it's so funny what have we got to complain about ? Listen out for Stan's tagline " Is there gonna be a fight ? " which is repeated several times and the surreal sequence of closing the blinds on the stairway . Strange when people discuss the films of these two comedy gods they always think of slapstick but forget they were also masters of surrealist visualism too . The funniest moment is probably the final scene in Ollie's apartment involving the married couple from next door

I still think THE LAUREL AND MURDER HARDY CASE is the best of their vehicles but BLOCK-HEADS deserves its own mention as being one of the very last superb Stan and Ollie comedies
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Fans Of Stan & Ollie Should Like It
ccthemovieman-118 December 2009
This is the "boys" - Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy - it what many consider their last good comedy feature film, doing what they do best: short slapstick routines. It's almost a compilation of them, a series of routines more than a story with a plot. Stan and Ollie, between 45 and 50 years old when they made this film, were Hollywood veterans by now.

Frankly, the comedy might be considered a little too corny for today's crowd but, hey, the movie is 70 years old. If you're a fan of these two comedians you should enjoy this film. Anyway, when anyone provides a lot of gags in just under one hour, you'll hit and miss a lot....but some things will always be funny. Some are still clever, too, such as the bit with the window shade being a shadow.

You can always count on Ollie being henpecked and Stan being an airhead (he's a WWI soldier who marched in a trench for 20 years not realizing the war is long over). Of course, if you think about it, that premise has more holes in it than the proverbial swiss cheese, but who cares? A good portion of this film involves the simple fact of Ollie and Stan just trying to walk 13 flights up the stairs to Ollie's apartment, and the adventures that happen to them along the way.

After watching just 57 minutes of these guys pratfalls and slapstick routines, you'll be exhausted!
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The Last Great Comedy By A Wonderful Two-some!!
nick30087021 April 2004
The last genuine, hilarious Laurel and Hardy comedy has no plot at all!! Just a series of hilarious gags that come thick and fast.. I would rate this feature(their last for Roach / MGM) as possibly their very best, only Way Out West comes near!! It's such a pity that after this film the decline really set in.. I would recommend Block-Heads to any Laurel and Hardy fan.. that said it is not going to change your mind if you don't like L&H as the boys are wonderfully true to type.. the ending is a reworking of Unaccustomed As We Are (their first sound movie) and in my opinion is much better here.. Don't miss the scene with the great James Finlayson!! If you get the chance to see it.. DON'T MISS IT!!
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Mister Laurel & Mister Hardy Arrive In A State Of Confusion
Ron Oliver23 June 2002
Two War buddies - BLOCK-HEADS both - create complete chaos in & around a fancy apartment building.

Stan Laurel & Oliver Hardy are once again up to their usual high jinks, dealing with frightful wives, dangerous neighbors and the homicidal tendencies of nearly every inanimate object with which they come into contact. At this point in their partnership the Boys' were firmly established as screen legends; they worked together like well-oiled machinery, producing one laugh after another.

Billy Gilbert & James Finlayson - the Boys' greatest nemesis - are on hand and in very fine form as Ollie's highly belligerent neighbors. Gilbert's Great White Hunter (`I don't bring ‘em back alive. I bring ‘em back dead. I come back alive.') is especially funny. Patricia Ellis as Mrs. Gilbert & Minna Gombell as Mrs. Hardy add to the merriment.

Movie mavens will recognize OUR GANGer Tommy Bond as the mean kid with the football.

The film's opening sequence, with newsreel footage of World War One battles, is unexpectedly grim for a comedy. Fortunately, the laughs start quickly. Best bit - Ollie, thinking Stan has lost his right leg, insists on carrying him everywhere. Stan lets him.
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Stan in the war
Petey-1027 April 2000
It's the year 1938 and the war has been over for twenty years. But Stan is still patrolling in the trenches without knowing that the war is over.Stan's good buddy Oliver sees his friend's picture in the paper and goes to the veterans' home to get his buddy. Block-Heads is a hilarious Laurel and Hardy comedy.The movie offers you lots of laughs with the boys.Who could forget the scene where Ollie carries Stannie because he thinks Stan has lost his leg in the war.But Stan has the leg underneath him in the wheelchair.And the scene in the stairs.Block-Heads is one of the best Laurel and Hardy movies.Just watch the movie and it's non-stop laughing from the beginning to the end.
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Laurel & Hardy in an amusing series of mishaps...
Doylenf24 June 2007
The first half of BLOCK-HEADS contains the most amusing skits in the feature that runs just a little short of one hour and seems like a series of farcical sketches that become a little too hectic toward the last twenty minutes. But fans of LAUREL & HARDY probably won't really mind since it's good slapstick fun.

The most amusing idea has STAN LAUREL still keeping watch in the trenches during World War I and shooting at a German plane until the pilot (who lands safely nearby) explains to him that the war has been over since 1918. When Stan is reunited with his friend OLIVER HARDY at a veteran's home, he's sitting in an unoccupied wheelchair and Oliver thinks he's a vet with a missing leg. It's one of the funniest sections of the film, that has Oliver carrying him, getting dumped on by a dumpster, and taking all sorts of pratfalls as the routine winds on.

Later, at Hardy's home, the slapstick gets even wilder but not necessarily funnier. Too many staged arguments with his wife (MINNA GOMBELL) lead to the sort of shouting matches that can become tiresome after awhile. But through it all, STAN LAUREL has some good comic moments as friend Oliver gets in trouble with the lady next door and her jealous husband (BILLY GILBERT).

The gags are fast and furious in typical slapstick tradition and it's a fast-moving comedy that should satisfy fans of the duo. Gilbert is a joy to watch as the jealous hubby, easily stealing scenes with his caricature of the man across the hall from Hardy.

Summing up: Delightful mixture of gags and slapstick situations in the Hal Roach tradition.
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Here's another fine mess they got themselves into (I mean that in a positive way).
lee_eisenberg3 July 2005
"Block-Heads" begins in WWI, where Stan and Ollie are in a platoon fighting in Europe. While Ollie and the rest of the group go into battle, Stan has to guard the post. You can tell that he's doing his job, because he continues doing it for twenty years after the war ends. After he returns to America, he and Ollie meet up again, and from there, they do their usual stuff. Probably the best scene was the football scene (I won't spoil it). But the wheelchair, temptress, garage door and kitchen all provide some laughs. They may play blockheads in the movie, but believe you me, Laurel and Hardy were comic geniuses. Gilligan and the Skipper were sort of a later version of them, and Chris Farley and David Spade were an even later version.
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"Remember how dumb I used to be? Well, I'm better now".
classicsoncall6 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Lots of funny bits comprise this Laurel and Hardy feature, many of which could conceivably have been reworked into individual shorts. The story finds Stan discovered while still manning his sentry post from the first World War, but twenty years later! Subsequently, Ollie looks him up at the Old Soldiers Home and from there it's one disaster after another. I've always differentiated Laurel and Hardy from other comedy teams like Abbott and Costello in the sense that they do things funny rather than simply doing funny things. Although there are a fair share of funny things happening in this flick as well, with able assists from the likes of Billy Gilbert, James Finlayson and even former Our Gang bully, Tommy Bond. Stan's smoking pipe bit always manages to crack me up and the topper this time has him brushing the ashes out of his hand when he's done smoking. Minna Gombel is on hand as Ollie's less than understanding wife, but on the other hand, what's to understand? Rounding out the main cast is Patricia Ellis as Mrs. Gilbert, who's quite pretty while doling out her own share of laughs with the covered chair gimmick. A very funny treat for fans of the comedy duo that would please just about anyone.
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Stan and Ollie at their best
Vincentb3414 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
As Blockheads opens, World War I is raging, and Stan and Ollie are in the trenches. As the troops prepare to go over the top, Stan is ordered to guard the post. As a flashy montage brings us to 1938, Stan is still at his post, unaware that the war is over. In a great shot, he tosses a can of beans onto a mountain of cans that has been accumulating for 20 years.

Meanwhile, marital bliss has finally come to Oliver Hardy. Dressed in an apron, he cooks breakfast for Mrs. Hardy (Minna Gombell). He's a total wimp, completely dominated by his wife (she even gives him an allowance!). Yet when Mrs. Hardy tries to get him to realize that today is their anniversary, he isn't even close. "Was that the day I fell off the bicycle and skinned my knee?" When he finds out what day it is, he talks about whispering "sweet nothings" in his wife's ear. As he tells her that he's going to be gone for an hour, Mrs. Hardy says, "And make that hour short!"

When Ollie leaves, presumably to buy his wife a present, he hears about a soldier who stayed in the trenches for 20 years and didn't know the war was over. "I can't imagine anybody being that dumb." As he looks at Stan's picture in the paper, he quickly changes his mind. "OH YES I CAN!"

Ollie goes to the soldier's home to see Stan. Stan decides that sitting in a wheelchair with a pillow on it is more comfortable than a park bench. The chair, however, was designed for an amputee, and in order to sit in it, Stan tucks one of his legs under him. Ollie of course thinks that Stan has only one leg. There is one goof in this part of the film. As Ollie goes to get some water for Stan, Stan turns on the water, soaking him. Yet as Ollie walks over to him, his suit is totally dry! Soon a soldier comes by demanding the chair, so Ollie has to carry Stan. It's only when they both fall out of Ollie's car that he realizes that Stan does have both legs.

Of course, this only a prelude to a series of disasters, including Stan dumping sand on Ollie's car, then destroying the car as he tries the automatic garage door opener, and helping Ollie to blow up Mrs. Hardy's kitchen. In the features, Stan is often given magical powers. He can make a fist, fill it with tobacco, light it, and smoke (real smoke comes out of his mouth). Walking up the stairs, he pulls down the shadow of a blind. Later, after running up and down thirteen flights, he takes a glass of water out of his pocket. Ollie is full of disdain. "Why don't you put some ice in it?" Naturally, Stan removes two cubes from his other pocket.

Billy Gilbert returns, with the same thick German accent and short fuse he displayed in The Music Box. Only this time he's a big game hunter. After the explosion in the kitchen, Mrs. Gilbert (Patricia Ellis), locked out of her apartment, goes across the hall and is shocked by what she sees. The only thing standing in the kitchen is a large bowl of punch, which Ollie brings in to serve. Of course, he trips and the entire contents of the bowl land on Mrs. Gilbert. The only thing she can find to wear is a pair of Ollie's pajamas. Things get quite hilarious as Stan and Ollie have to hide Mrs. Gilbert, first from Mrs. Hardy and later from the extremely jealous Mr. Gilbert.

One of Lauel and Hardy's most entertaining and fun features.
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Watch your mouth, Mrs. Hardy!
jraskin-118 December 2011
I just watched Block-Heads as part of the newly-released "Essentials" DVD collection, and thought it was very enjoyable. Although it was one of the boys later efforts for Hal Roach, the energy and slapstick were still to be seen in full force. I have scanned the user reviews for Block-Heads on IMDb, and did not see any reference to something that I believe slipped by the censors, and obviously most viewers.

I was a bit startled to notice that at the 54:50 mark of the film, as Mrs. Hardy slams the non-working phone down, she seems to utter the s-word! Check it out, and see if you hear what I hear. This curse word seems to be quite audible, more so than Edgar Kennedy's s-word slip in "Perfect Day." Minna Gombell, playing Mrs. Hardy, had obviously worked herself up into such a state of agitation, that this word just seemed to slip out, and strangely, no one seemed to notice!
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An Old Army Buddy
bkoganbing14 June 2008
Do you have the feeling that the folks in the army deliberately forgot to tell Stan that World War I was over? Maybe they just didn't want the troop ship to sink on the way back from France.

If that was the case Ollie made the mistake of his life when he decided to invite his long lost buddy Stan over to meet the wife and have a good home cooked meal. Ollie's happily married now to Minna Gombell and when we first meet them he seems to be one happy well adjusted man.

Blockheads really starts when Stan is reunited with Ollie at the old soldier's home. I guess a grateful government is giving Stan free room and board for being the last man discharged from World War I. Still there's nothing like home cooking.

I think Blockheads offers us the proposition that Ollie can be a well adjusted if somewhat fatuous individual by himself. It's only apparently when he interacts with Stan that things just seem to happen.

And in fact that's what Blockheads is, a series of gags from the time that Ollie meets Stan at the home and just assumes he's an amputee because he's decided to sit a wheelchair rigged up for one. Right up to the point where big game hunter Billy Gilbert, the Hardy's next door neighbor chases the both of them out of the house because he catches Mrs. Gilbert in Ollie's pajamas. How she got in them? You have to see Blockheads to find out.

Best gag I thought was Stan dealing with an obnoxious neighbor who has just bullied Ollie into fetching the neighbor kid's football. Very priceless bit of comeuppance.

To see how in the space of an hour Laurel manages to literally become a home wrecker, catch Blockheads.
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Sign of the advancing years
Zipper696 March 2005
All previous comments seem to be divided on whether this is one of the best or one of the least of Stan and Olly's output. Certainly there are sequences, climbing the stairs, "there's gonna be a fight", the wheelchair bit and so on that are up to their usual high standard, but overall the effect is a stretched short, 60 minutes needs a stronger plot line. What was increasingly noticeable was the use of stunt doubles for most of the pratfalls and dives. Hardy's was all too obviously a normal sized guy in padding and Laurel's much heavier set than Stan himself. Never the less, they WERE brilliant screen clown and will have my respect.
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Lively vehicle for Laurel and Hardy
Libretio15 February 2005

Aspect ratio: 1.37:1

Sound format: Mono

(Black and white)

Old soldiers Stan and Ollie are reunited after twenty years and head off to Ollie's apartment for a slap-up meal, leading to a series of hilarious misadventures.

Lively farce, an expanded version of L&H's first talkie (the short film UNACCUSTOMED AS WE ARE -), in which the boys are reunited following their exploits on the battlefields of WWI (Stan ended up guarding a trench for twenty years, not realizing the war was over!) and become embroiled in a series of escalating calamities as they make their way home to Ollie's apartment for a celebration feast. L&H stalwarts Billy Gilbert and James Finlayson appear in cameo roles, while Minna Gombell plays Ollie's rebellious wife, unwilling to indulge his every passing whim (her transition from loving spouse to belligerent battleaxe is a little too abrupt, but no matter). Ollie foregoes the sidelong glances to camera this time around, but there are plenty of pratfalls, sight gags and double-takes, along with some gloriously silly dialogue exchanges (Stan: "If you want me to leave, I'll stay as long as you want!"). Directed by silent movie veteran John G. Blystone (also responsible for the L&H vehicle SWISS MISS, produced the same year), who died shortly after production.
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"You're Better Now!"
theowinthrop12 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I hope that when you see this great Laurel & Hardy feature film the print has the actual concluding joke - a bit macabre but fitting as it is. As the film is usually shown today, the joke may be briefly glimpsed (in some prints) before the film ends. More about that later.

BLOCK-HEADS has some claim to being the best of the final Laurel & Hardy / Hal Roach feature films (A CHUMP AT OXFORD is it's closest competitor). In it Stan and Ollie begin in 1918, as the men are about to go over the top from a trench in the last battle of the war. But Stan is ordered by the Captain to guard the trench, so Ollie goes out alone. We watch a brief, spartan montage showing 20 years passed and Stan is still in the trench. He has survived on cooked canned beans - and there is a mountain of cans on the side of the trench. As he is about to eat he hears a plane's motor approaching, and starts machine gunning the plane. The plane lands, and the aviator comes over angrily demanding what Stan is doing. When Stan explains he is fighting the war, the aviator laughs and tells him the war's been over for 20 years. Despite some questions about the truth of this ("It better be true, or someone will get in trouble!", says Stan) he leaves the trench.

Ollie has become a henpecked husband to Minna Gombell, and they are planning to have their first wedding anniversary, when Ollie learns that Stan is still alive. He goes out to the old soldier's home where Stan currently is, and sees his friend sitting in a wheel chair, apparently with one leg. In one of the most touching moments of their joint film careers Ollie's facial expression is deeply saddened by his friend's loss. He sits down and chats with Stan (who is glad to see him), and he starts wheeling him to his car - he'll take Stan home for dinner. Stan tells him "I'm better now!", and Ollie smilingly accepts this. But then another man comes and takes the wheelchair back (over Ollie's temporary objections). A minute later, while carrying Stan he momentarily has to put Stan down. Stan manages to stand up - he has both legs after all - and Ollie suddenly realizes this when Stan is back in his arms. Ollie drops Stan. A moment later, in Ollie's car, he says with great frustration, "You're Better Now!!"

BLOCK-HEADS has been called the ultimate expanding disaster film of Laurel & Hardy - a type of expanded version of their sound short HELPMATES from a few years earlier, where Stan is supposed to get Ollie's house ready after a wild party before Mrs. Hardy comes home. Instead he ruins Ollie's wardrobe (Ollie ends up dressed up in a costume like a 19th Century Admiral) and Stan cleans up the house - but burns it down accidentally. In BLOCK-HEADS Ollie lives in an apartment house, and Stan manages to wreck Ollie's car (actually it's Minna Gombell's car) and blows up Ollie's kitchen. He also smashes the marriage (or appears to - Gombell is last seen headed for the old soldier's home to have them take Stan back). Stan is also responsible in part for a near confrontation between Ollie and his neighbor James Finleyson (which almost ends up in a fist fight - but Jimmy still manages to clock Ollie in the end).

But finally there is the problem of the Gilberts. Patricia Ellis and Billy Gilbert are the Gilberts, the next door neighbors of the Hardys. Billy Gilbert (who had frequently popped up in Laurel & Hardy shorts like THE CHIMP, TOWED IN THE HOLE, and COUNTY HOSPITAL) is a big game hunter who has just returned home. Gilbert is very jealous of his pretty wife, and she manages to get into the Hardy apartment innocently enough to help them clean up, but her clothes get ruined. They lend her some of Hardy's overly large pajamas, but Mrs. Hardy is in the apartment, and they have to sneak her out in a trunk. But Mr. Gilbert returns, and he starts sneering at Stan as a home wrecker. But shortly after he realizes there is a woman in the trunk, and he starts calling Ollie an "old dog" for putting one over his old lady - and then starts mentioning his own extra-marital activities. Mrs. Gilbert, hearing this, rises out of the suitcase and confronts her husband.

But Billy is soon chasing Ollie and Stan with a shotgun. And he is firing it every now and then. Soon they are in the courtyard of the apartment house complex and he fires, and dozens of men jump out of the windows of the apartments! Today that is the point the film ends. Most people do not mind, but there is a better end that exists. The last shot was to show Billy Gilbert sitting and reading in his parlor. We see stuffed animals all over the place - and finally Stan and Ollie's on the wall. Ollie's head turns towards Stan's and says "Here's another nice mess you've gotten me into.", and Stan starts to cry. Interesting actual ending of a first rate comedy.
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Stan and Ollie just before things started going wrong.
JoeytheBrit14 July 2009
Relations with producer Hal Roach were strained when the boys made this short feature (or long short) and it wouldn't be long before they made the fateful decision to throw in their lot with 20th Century Fox, a move that would mark a slow, painful and irreversible decline. This is one of the last of the films that shows them almost consistently at the top of their game - although even here the cracks are beginning to show. When comedians start relying on re-working their own material from nearly a decade before - as Stan and Ollie do here in the final reel which is a virtual scene for scene remake of their first talkie Unaccustomed as We Are - you know something isn't right.

This one's probably best remembered for the opening sequence which sees Stan still guarding his company's trench twenty years after the end of the Great War. It's a funny idea, and the boys get a huge amount of mileage out of it. When Ollie reads about his old friend's remarkable return from the dead he naturally wants to see him again. Big mistake. Within hours of meeting up again Stan has managed to bury Ollie's car in builder's sand, drive it into his garage door, blow up his kitchen, get him into a fight with James Finlayson and send his wife packing. Added to all the usual slapstick and pratfalls are some truly surreal moments such as when Stan pulls down the shadow blinds and when he smokes a pipe made out of his thumb. Definitely one of the boy's films that can be watched over and over again.
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Here's another nice mess you've gotten me into!
rupie16 June 1999
Although none of L&H's full-length films was as good as most of their comedy shorts - with the possible exception of Sons of the Desert and Pardon Us - Blockheads is a respectable effort with some fine comic moments, e.g. Ollie's misperception that Stan has lost a leg in the war. Jimmy Finlayson puts in his usual bit, and Billy Gilbert is wonderful as Ollie's neighbor ("Why do you think I go to Borneo all the time?").
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Good for fans but feels stretched to last the whole hour
bob the moo21 February 2003
Stan and Oliver serve together in the trenches of WW1 in 1917. When Stan is left behind to guard the trench when Ollie and the rest go over the top the war is won, but no-one tells Stan. 20 years later Stan is still guarding the trench when he is discovered and returned home. Oliver, now completely under the thumb and domesticated, sees Stan in the paper and the two meet up again. However Stan has an immediate effect on the quiet home life of Oliver and his wife.

I'm a big fan of Laurel and Hardy and have seen many good shorts of theirs. I have seen a few features and this is not one of their better efforts. It is not that the film isn't funny, but rather that it doesn't quite manage to be consistent over the whole running time. There are moments of genius but really the majority of the film revolves around a running gag about getting up thirteen flights of stairs. It all still works but there is the odd time where it is amusing without being as funny as you'd want it to be.

Laurel and Hardy do very well together and are inspired in some of their routines. They play their roles with real confidence and they manage to make even simple jokes be funnier by their delivery. The support cast are pretty unmemorable but still do their stuff as well as required – personally, I'll take any amount of James Finlayson I can get, even if he's limited to `man on stairs'.

Overall this is not one of their best feature films as it does feel very stretched, but it does still have plenty of laughs and manages to get 60 minutes and many routines out of quite a simple plot.
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jboothmillard22 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy are the most famous comedy duo in history, and deservedly so, so I am happy to see any of their films. It starts in the trenches of World War II, and Stan is the soldier left alone to guard, and two decades later (1938), he is still there pacing and eating beans, with no idea the war was over. Fellow soldier Ollie meanwhile is married to his wife (Minna Gombell), and remembers it is their first anniversary, so she plans a meal for the two of them. Ollie does see Stan in the paper, and goes to see him, and looking like his leg is missing, when he's actually sitting on it, he takes pity and takes him home, he does eventually see the leg before they leave. It does take a little while to get upstairs, as they miss the elevator (once out of order), as Ollie gets into a small fight with James Finlayson, and kicks a ball downstairs, but they get in eventually. His wife storms out seeing Stan, and they manage to explode the kitchen with a lit match and gas, with neighbour Mrs. 'Toots' Gilbert (Patricia Ellis) offering to help clean up. Mrs. Hardy returns to the mess, very angry, and Mrs. Gilbert is under a sheet shaped like a chair, before getting a trunk after Mrs. Hardy has left, and Mr. Gilbert (Billy Gilbert) comes in, and seeing his wife in the trunk, wearing pyjamas as well, it ends with them being chased by him and his hunting gun. Filled with wonderful slapstick and all classic comedy you could want from a black and white film, it is an enjoyable film. It was nominated the Oscar for Best Music for Marvin Hatley. Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy were number 7 on The Comedians' Comedian. Very good!
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Block-Heads was one of Laurel & Hardy's funniest movies!
tavm7 January 2015
Like their previous feature-Pack Up Your Troubles, this one has Laurel & Hardy in a World War I setting, only here while Ollie has gone back to a normal life, Stan is left still guarding his post 20 years after it ended! In the present time, Ollie has been married for a year to the day so he has an hour to go out. That's when he discovers Stan back from his duty at the soldiers home when someone shows his picture in the paper. I'll stop there and just say this was another of their hilarious movies from the late '30s complete with some of their regular supporting cast of James Finlayson and Billy Gilbert as well as some newbies like Minna Gombell and Patricia Ellis, who I just watched in Romance on the Run. I also liked Marvin Hatley's score as I always like his music in the other L & H pictures. So on that note, I highly recommend Block-Heads. P.S. This was Hal Roach's last film under his M-G-M contract before switching to United Artists afterward. He sold his Our Gang shorts series to his former distributor beforehand so this turned out to be one of those players-Tommy Bond's-last appearance for his former boss as he'd join the rest of the gang at his new Culver City neighbor. Also, if you'd read Randy Skretvedt's book, "Laurel and Hardy: The Magic Behind the Movies", you probably know about Stan's original ending and his boss Roach vetoing it. Personally, I think I liked Hal's better.
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Nobody can be that stupid...
AAdaSC27 February 2023
Oh yes they can. And with that, Stan and Ollie are re-united after Stan has been left guarding the trenches of the Great War (World War 1) - he's still there 20 years after the war has finished! Ollie invites him to stay at his home and meet his wife, Minna Gombell. However, she isn't too happy when they both show up and she walks out, leaving Stan & Ollie to cause chaos and wreck the joint.

This film has funny sequences, eg, kicking the kid's ball down the 13 flights of stairs but it also grates in places, eg, the constant shouting across each other for most of Gombell's appearances. L & H are funny to watch and it's worth spending the short time of this film with them although the story just ends suddenly. There is, thankfully, a welcome part for James Finlayson as a man on the staircase who is his usual self and Patricia Ellis (Mrs Gilbert) has a role as a sympathetic neighbour.

Stan Laurel is funny in this with his dumbness and Ollie is on form with his facial expressions. Shame there wasn't a song and dance routine in this one.
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Block-Heads (1938) ***1/2
JoeKarlosi19 January 2013
***1/2 out of ****

One of Laurel and Hardy's funniest comedies. It begins in 1918 during WWI, where Stan and Ollie are in the trenches with their army mates and the whole entourage goes over the wall to do battle, leaving Stanley with orders to remain alone in the trench and guard the fort. The next thing you know, twenty years go by and it's 1938, but nobody has told poor Stan the war's ended, so he's still marching back and forth in the same old trench! Eventually, Stan gets rescued and is taken to an Old Soldier's Home where he is visited by his old pal Ollie. Ollie decides to bring him home to his place to meet the wife and have a nice home cooked meal with a nice juicy steak, topped off with a delicious seven layer chocolate cake, with typical mishaps along the way! BLOCK-HEADS is a fast-moving joy that clocks in at under an hour's running time. The laughs are pretty steadily spread throughout, and there are a lot of them. My favorite scenes occur mostly during the first three quarters of the film, especially at the Soldier's Home where Ollie reunites with Stan, who just happens to be reading a newspaper while sitting in a wheelchair with one leg tucked under -- Ollie thinks Stan lost his leg in the war and proceeds to carry him in his arms around the grounds! Hilarious!! The end of the film loses just a touch of steam, which is the only reason I hesitantly pause in giving this a full four stars. But all fans of Laurel and Hardy must seek this Comedy out, and new first-timers would do well to use this movie (and SONS OF THE DESERT) as their introduction to Stan and Ollie. ***1/2 out of ****
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Solid Laurel and Hardy Finale - Block-Heads
arthur_tafero25 March 2022
This tale of Laurel and Hardy has them joining the army (after some persuasion) and having adventures in basic training and in the trenches of WW 1. The film really takes off after the ceasing of hostilities. Stan has been standing guard for about 20 years and now is found by Ollie. Ollie introduces him to all the new conveniences of the modern world (compared to 1918). A nice scene with the incomparable James Finlayson highlights the movie. A decent finale.
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Extended Short
Gyran14 April 1999
Stanley stays in the trenches for twenty years not realising the war is over. Oliver rescues him from the veterans' home and takes him back to his luxury apartment. This disappointing feature harks back to the cruder slapstick style of Stan and Ollie's shorts. There is an interminable running joke about going up and down 13 flights of stairs to Ollie's apartment. There is one touch of genius when Ollie first encounters Stan in the veterans' home: he assumes Stan has lost a leg in the war because he is sitting in a wheelchair with one leg tucked underneath him. Ollie offers to carry Stan to his car and Stan cheerfully accepts. There follows a long and painfully funny sequence where Ollie carries Stan around, drops him, picks him up and puts him down again without realising that Stan has the normal complement of legs.
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