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Silly but fun
preppy-34 May 2005
Sci-fi about a creature from Venus coming to Earth. A scientist (Lee van Cleef) gets in touch with it through some machine. He believes the creature wants to bring peace and helps guide it to Earth. Naturally the creature wants to possess and conquer...

Infamous Roger Corman movie which has one of the silliest aliens ever filmed. It's also pretty stupid, dull in spots and laughable. But the acting is actually good (Peter Graves and Beverly Garland especially) and I DO find the alien at the end just...unbelievable. Also it does have two instances of over the top violence (for its time)--a man is set on fire and the thing gets its eye poked out (this is cut from some non-cable prints).

Not good but 100 times better than its remake "Zontar the Thing from Venus". And Garland and Graves ARE good. I give it a 5.
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"There is hope, but it has to come from inside, from Man himself."
bensonmum229 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
While It Conquered the World can't compare with some of the best sci-fi from the 50s, it's still a fun movie if you can get past the special effects. The plot is straight out of the 1950s Guide to Sci-Fi/Monster Movies. An alien comes to earth with the intention of taking over the place. The alien uses some sort of bat looking things to help him gather "volunteers" to his cause (they hit them in the back of the neck and inject them with some mind-control device). The biggest difference between the plot of It Conquered the World and other similar movies is that one character, Dr. Tom Anderson (Lee Van Cleef), is in communication with the alien and willingly tries to help him. This brings the whole Red Scare subtext found in a lot of these movies to the front as Dr. Anderson's friend and colleague Dr. Paul Nelson (Peter Graves) calls him a traitor. Being called a traitor (i.e. a commie) was about as bad as you could get in the 50s.

One thing that elevates It Conquered the World is the cast. You don't expect (at least I don't expect) to see names like Peter Graves, Lee Van Cleef, Beverly Garland, and Dick Miller in the same low budget Roger Corman film. I can't think of many movies shot on this kind of budget with four names I'm so familiar with. Corman really had a knack for spotting young talent.

The less said about the special effect the better. The monster is not as bad or poorly thought out as something like Ro-Man from Robot Monster, but it comes close to being just as silly. It Conquered the World might have benefited from not showing the monster. I recently watched The Space Children and noted that Jack Arnold was wise to limit his monster's screen time. What I wrote for that film applies here too – "Too often, low-budget sci-fi films from this period look ridiculous because of the desire for elaborate special effects (i.e. monster and aliens) that outstripped the funding it would require."

In the end, while you can certainly find better sci-fi from the 1950s than It Conquered the World, you can just as easily find much worse. This one is about average but worth at least one look if you're into this kind of thing. You might want to check it out just to hear Peter Graves closing speech – "Man is a feeling creature, and because of it the greatest in the universe. He learned too late for himself that men have to find their own way, to make their own mistakes. There can't be any gift of perfection from outside ourselves. When men seek such perfection they find only death, fire, loss, disillusionment and the end of everything that's gone forward. Men have always sought an end to our misery but it can't be given, it has to be achieved. There is hope, but it has to come from inside, from Man himself." It's worth the price of admission if you ask me!
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What Made Roger Corman Great
gavin69429 September 2013
A well meaning scientist guides an alien monster to Earth from Venus, so that he can rid mankind of feelings and emotions -- but only death and sorrow results.

Yes, this is a terrible movie by any real standards. Once you see the monster (or cucumber, or whatever it is) that allegedly "conquers the world", you will instantly know this is not a film to be taken seriously.

But, of course, that is sort of the point. Roger Corman built his reputation on cheesy science fiction fun. He knew it was not terrifying, but that was not the goal -- grab some popcorn and a Dr Pepper, and just have fun!
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If this is so bad, why are we still talking about it?
Kingkitsch31 May 2002
Give me a break! The commentary for this movie cracks me up...why don't you nay-sayers give a second to remember WHEN it was made? It's one of the best examples of 50's drive-in treasure in collective memory. This silly yet earnest little movie has wormed it's way into the consciousness of anyone who's ever seen it. Paul Blaisdell's Venusian Carrot remains one of the most memorable aliens to ever grace the screen! Add to this total piece of weirdness one of Beverly Garland's best performances, most memorable in her first sighting of the Carrot: "So that's what you look like.....You're ugly!!!". Where was her Oscar for delivering this line with total conviction (and a straight face?) Yes, there was life before bloated CGI computer effects, and this superior potboiler proves yet again that once upon a time, imagination and ingenuity could work wonders. One of the all time-great sci-fi movies!
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The Cast Saves This Otherwise Blooper.
gkrupa7329 January 2005
I have always found Lee Van Cleef to seem to be a very limited actor. Of course, that is because of the roles he found himself having to play. There was not much he had to do in the spaghetti westerns except stand around and look blankly sinister. Then some years ago I found a copy of this film. I remember seeing it in the 1950s but had forgotten the cast. I remember thinking the film silly back then. Now as I have ripened into maturity ("A full grown nut" as Ralph Kramden said to Ed Norton)- or maybe I have just gotten ripe- I find I really enjoy this film. A good monster film is never about the monster. The film is about the people dealing with each other and the monster in that order. It Conquered The World fits that rule. The special effects simply do not exist. The alien is totally absurd in its appearance. However, I can ignore all that because of the acting and the plot involving the characters. I found Lee Van Cleef especially effective in this role and I enjoy watching him bring his character to life. He is struggling with his decision to assist an alien from Venus come to Earth to save us all from our jejune frivolities which inhibit human progress. He wants things to be better for people and thinks he has found a way through this alien being. He has his doubts and Lee is well able to act this conflict of doubt to our great satisfaction. Peter Graves is an actor you can count on to give a good performance even when he is not inspired. Dittos for the rest of the cast. In short, if you can ignore the cheap sets, absurd special effects, uninspired means of corner cutting due to lack of budget, and just enjoy the acting- a weakness for the lesser of the 1950s genre helps, too- I would recommend this film with the stated qualifications.
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No It Didn't
hrkepler5 June 2018
"IT conquered the world," said Beverly Garland when she first time saw the prop of the monster on the set and then kicked it over. Yep, that's how ridiculous the monster looked, and the mysterious "It" doesn't look any good on screen either.

'It Conquered the World' is typical Corman's cheese fest at its finest, and great example how great of an actors Beverly Garland, Lee Van Cleef and Peter Graves actually were - they had to be in the top of their game to play through that pile of cheese with such a serious faces without looking ridiculous. The film has nice interesting premise - a disillusioned and naive scientist Tom Anderson (Van Cleef) helps an alien from Venus arrive to Earth and gain control. Chaos brakes loose when brains of some authoritative figures are taken over by hostile alien and rest of the people are taken 'under protective custody'. Scientist's wife (Beverly Garland) and his best friend (Peter Graves) are trying to talk sense into the mad scientist, while 'It' slowly gains more control over humans, until the fiend (who looks more like ice cream cone) is taken out heroic actions in real Corman's style. The film nicely plays with some interesting ideas, but never getting them properly developed or getting any full use out of them. Well - it is a Roger Corman movie, what else one can expect from his style of rushed production. The film is still highly entertaining, and Beverly Garland's powerful performance (did I really just said something like that about Corman's movie) has a lot to do with that. Peter Graves' Dr. Nelson's final overblown monologue about human nature over the montage of dead bodies dramatically over serious but somewhat eerie ending to this campy monster film.

Another fun exploitation flick, but with little bit substance (not well developed script, but rather on idea bases) under the covers of (extremely) cheap special effects and cheesy dialogues. In that department, 'It Conquered the World' surpasses most of modern big budgeted, glossy science-fiction extravaganzas with polished special effects.
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Pickle From Space
Jared G.15 October 1999
Only Roger Corman could truly explore the horrific implications of an evil vegetable! The acting isn't bad in this, considering the actors were being forced to take the ridiculous monster seriously. Graves and Van Cleef are both adequate and everybody loves Beverly Garland! Unfortunately, all the themes of the movie are stated in dialogue, especially the long moralizing speech at the end. My only problem with this is that it assumes the audience isn't intelligent enough to figure this out themselves. But oh well, there are a lot of movies that are much worse.
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Attack of the Venusian vegetable.
BA_Harrison17 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A giant crawling turnip from Venus smooth-talks American scientist Dr. Tom Anderson (Lee Van Cleef) into organising a trip to Earth, whereupon the creature promises to save mankind from itself by eradicating human emotions. Of course, the ugly alien only intends to conquer the planet. Thankfully, Dr. Paul Nelson (Peter Graves) isn't convinced by Anderson's good intentions and refuses to co-operate.

A cold-war-era sci-fi quickie from director Roger Corman, It Conquered The World is in the same vein as Invaders From Mars and Invasion of the Bodysnatchers, a thinly veiled warning for all of us in the West to keep an eye out for 'reds under the beds', those who might have been indoctrinated by Communism. While the idea isn't a new one, and the film's low budget doesn't allow for any fancy special effects or a decent creature (the Venusian is one of the goofiest looking monsters imaginable), Corman's assured direction ensures an entertaining movie nonetheless, the film's success helped by strong performances throughout (with a special nod for Beverly Garland as Anderson's wife Claire) and some unexpectedly strong violence (a cold-blooded shooting, a man burnt alive, and death for all of the women!).
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Literally an emotionless thriller
hannesjungbeck8 October 2019
If you cut out the bats and the shots actually showing the monster it becomes quite an eerie B-quickie. Lee Van Cleef is stiff but does a good job and the music can be chilling at times. The framing is spooky and unatural in a way that I think helps further the mood. The creature makes peoples emotions disappear and it fits the acting where they kind of just read the lines. It's a short and sweet sci-fi thriller that packs a few unintentional laughs. One of Cormans earliest. Perfect if you want to run a marathon some day when you're sick or it's raining outside.
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It Conquered the World: A Cold War Morality Play
ksj8708 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
It Conquered the World seems to be trapped in a sort of sci-fi Twilight Zone. Though it has a sizable cult following that appreciates its quirky genius, there are many genre fans who dismiss it as b-grade schlock. Rarely mentioned on lists of science fiction greats from the fertile 50s, the movie nonetheless survives and continues to entertain genre fans today. That It Conquered the World is a b-movie is undeniable--indeed, it is a near-perfect example of the type--but its b-movie status doesn't mean it can't be good. And it is actually quite good.

The story of an alien intelligence that takes advantage of a disillusioned scientist to plot a takeover of Earth, It Conquered the World is incredibly ambitious. The globe-spanning plot was typical of science fiction from the period, but director Roger Corman didn't have the budget of War of the Worlds or Earth Vs. The Flying Saucers. Corman had to rely on imagination, and his audience's willing suspension of disbelief. Yes, the limited sets and small cast at Corman's disposal don't always do the story justice--crowd scenes are not particularly crowded, the military response to the emergency is about 1/100th what it should be, etc.--but as a result the more intimate drama becomes a fascinating character study, and the multi-layered plot works as both Cold War paranoia thriller and introspective morality play. Corman and writer Lous Rusoff (and an uncredited Charles B. Griffith) are working with a complex, thoughtful plot that belies the movie's b-level reputation.

And the cast does wonders with the story. Headliners Lee Van Cleef and Robert Graves are solid as the scientists whose friendship turns bitter once it becomes clear that Van Cleef has sold his soul to the devil in exchange for revenge upon a cruel world. The beautiful Beverly Garland is often singled out for her outstanding performance as Van Cleef's desperate wife, and her nuanced portrayal of a woman trying in vain to pull her husband out of the pit is indeed excellent, and with her gorgeous looks, charm, and a killer scream Garland is one sci-fi's earliest great scream queens. Often overshadowed by Garland's performance, Sally Fraser's role as Graves's benighted wife is nearly as important to the plot, and Fraser's transformation from a caring, decent woman to alien-possessed temptress is highly convincing. Dick Miller, a genre stalwart, plays an army sergeant whose platoon is hunting the alien down...but what can they hope to do to "It" if they find it? Critics often blast this movie's special effects, and there's no denying they really aren't that special. But the script doesn't demand a lot of dazzling pyrotechnics, except for the climax, and the lack of high-end spectacle doesn't really take anything away from the drama. The creature design for "It" is much-maligned, but there is something wonderfully malevolent about "It" that overcomes any shortcomings. In any event, "It" spends most of the film lurking in the shadows, where many cinematic monsters are more frightening anyway. Despite the lack of sophisticated FX, even by 50s standards, the story itself draws you inexorably in, and the effects, limited as they are, nonetheless work within the context of the overall plot.

Beyond the natural problems generated by the miniscule budget--most of which Corman manages to overcome--the film's biggest problem is pacing. The script, character driven as it is, is necessarily rather talky. Much of the dialog is vital to the surprisingly philosophical plot, but the relative dearth of action is a genuine weakness, and the film does feel rather longer than it really is. While there are moments of humor, the script generally takes itself quite seriously, and the performers do a good job of avoiding the temptation to surrender to parody.

It Conquered the World is hard to find these days, but if you can locate a used tape or catch it on late-night TV there are few sci-fi gems from the great 50s that can equal its ambition and creativity. Well-written, competently acted and imaginatively directed, It Coqnuered the World is one of the best b-movies ever made.
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Excellent 50's B-Movie
mullermike24 December 2002
I caught this movie on late night TV a few months back and I must say, I was laughing from beginning to end. From the endlessly entertaining dialog, to the downright ludicrous monster, this movie is an absolute winner, in a turkey kind of way.

Conjured up during the 50's heyday of sci-fi flicks and B-movies, I recommend this movie to anyone that is fan of this era in cinema. Makes me come to the conclusion that Roger Corman is God. I wonder if this set was used on other films, since Corman knew best how to get by on a shoestring budget. For the love of Pete, this is the same guy that made up to 9 films a year, eat your heart out Spielberg!! So basically, to those of you with a truly warped sense of humor, this movie is right up your alley.
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Disappointing DVD release
Rod Evan5 April 2007
This is an entertaining, well acted, well edited film of its genre. Classic anti-communist fear, rubber monster, Roger Corman trash fun.

Heavily cut on its initial release. BEWARE, the only available DVD release from Siren Entertainment (coupled with Creature from the Haunted Sea) retains these cuts. 29 cuts in total including ALL IMAGES of the monster! Ludicrously, while all images of our rubber friend are removed, most of the human to human violence, some of which is quite strong, remains.

I will never understand censorship ! Where Siren entertainment got this copy from I do not know. The film deserves a restored, uncut release.
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Pure Fun Sci-Fi Horror
Rainey-Dawn9 May 2016
One of Roger Corman's funnest films. It's a 1950s budget science fiction & horror film that I'm sure many teenagers and 20-somethings enjoyed at the old drive-in pictures shows during it's release.

These are cucumber-looking creatures are from planet Venus - and there aren't many of them left. They are somewhat logical but not completely - they have no feelings are emotions. They are using humans to kill one another - turning them into mindless slaves. This happened because Dr. Tom Anderson (van Cleef) was in contact with them and helped to guide them to our planet Earth. It is up to Dr. Paul Nelson (Graves) to help put an end to the destruction and deaths.

If you don't take this film seriously and just watch it for the fun of it then you might enjoy this Roger Corman feature.

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zappaman-693825 May 2020
This is the movie Zappa discusses during the preamble to the song Cheepnis on the Roxy & Elsewhere album.
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One of Roger Corman's most entertaining quickie monster movies.
Infofreak8 June 2004
A lot of people slam Roger Corman and try and act like every movie he made was worthless schlock, but while he definitely did make a few stinkers in his long career, the truth is that he was involved with more good than bad movies, either as a director or a producer. In fact, some of the movies he directed were better than just "good" e.g. 'The Trip' and 'Bloody Mama'. His early reputation mainly rests on his quickie monster movies, and 'It Conquered The World' is one of the most entertaining. So okay, it a low budget movie (and I mean LOW), it's very naive and the special effects are poor. The Venusian monster and the flying bat things will probably inspire fits of giggles in most people, but despite all that the movie has lots of energy and it hooks you straight in. It's also helped enormously by having an above average cast. The two leads are Peter Graves and Lee Van Cleef. Graves later became immortal on TV as Mr. Phelps in 'Mission: Impossible', and Van Cleef became a Western icon via his work in movies such as 'The Good, The Bad And The Ugly' and 'Death Rides A Horse'. Van Cleef gives an intense performance as a scientist obsessed with communication with aliens. Graves is his more level headed colleague. When Van Cleef intercepts messages from an extraterrestrial that only he can hear, his wife (Beverly Garland) and Graves think he is cracking up. He co-operates with the alien, helping it to try and take over the world. Garland is best known to most people for her later work on TV (e.g.'My Three Sons'), but boy is she sexy here! Hubba! Hubba! Being a Corman movie we shouldn't be surprised to see Dick Miller in the supporting cast. He plays a soldier, as does Jonathan Haze (Seymour in 'Little Shop Of Horrors) 'It Conquered The World' isn't up to the standards of such 1950s SF classics as 'The Incredible Shrinking Man' or 'Invasion Of The Body Snatchers', but it's lots of fun, and I recommend it to anyone who enjoys b-grade movies from this period.
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Does a super ego equal intelligence?
michaelRokeefe11 November 2000
Produced and directed by Roger Corman. Very low budget. A monster that to look at is laughable, not fearsome. A story line very much like so many to follow. An entity from outer space comes to our world and needs to enter human bodies in order to conquer it. A once respected scientist(Lee Van Cleef)has the ability to communicate with the invader and wants to be part of the super intellectual take over. His best friend (Peter Graves)is a rocket scientist that unknowingly provided the invader from Venus a way to arrive on earth.

The movie of course poses a frightening event in an innocent time. Mr. Graves plays his role very calm with little emotion to speak of. The rest of the cast seems way over the top. The cast includes Beverly Garland, Russ Bender, Sally Fraser and Dick Miller.

If the appearance of the monster was left to our imagination, it might have been more thrilling. But we get so disappointed without a creature of some sort to fuel our fears. It came and it conquered...well, conquered for almost an hour.
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Fresh Veggies from Venus
bkoganbing17 April 2006
I think some Academy Awards should have been given out for this one, to Peter Graves, Lee Van Cleef, Beverly Garland, Sally Fraser and the rest for managing to keep straight faces through out the 71 minute running time of this Roger Corman camp classic.

There are nine of these vegetable Daleks from Venus left on that planet and they've been keeping up communications with earth scientist Lee Van Cleef. Van Cleef's a scientist who the world has seemingly passed by and he's been convinced that the arrival of these creatures who are possessing superior intellects to rule the Earth will usher in a golden age.

They move like the Daleks on Doctor Who with the same general shape accept they got banana like feet and crab like claws. The one that comes to earth on a stolen satellite has to live in a cave above a hot spring to simulate the Venusian climate. And he's earmarked eight control devices for some selected key people, one of them being Van Cleef's scientific colleague, Peter Graves.

It was acting of the highest caliber for this group of players to feign fear at this ridiculous looking monster. The monsters on the Power Rangers look more frightening. And Van Cleef and Garland's confrontations with the creature in the end will have you rolling on the floor.
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It Tried to Conquer the World
daikaiju195427 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This 1956 "Roger Corman" cheese flick is about an alien from Venus trying to take control of people with by little bat-like pizza puppets. The alien also shuts down all stuff from clocks, telephones, cars and trains somehow. In the end the thing is killed by a blow torch to the eye.

What I think: The alien looks like a goofy traffic cone with lobster claws and devil horns. How anyone can not laugh at is is near to impossible. However the movie is pretty decent. These idea's of loosing ones emotions and thing stopping for a while have been used before, most notably in "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" (1956), "The Day the Earth Stood Still"(1951) and Invaders from Mars(1953). How Corman is able to get away with this stuff is beyond me. But this does not mean I hate all of his films. despite all the movies problems, it is good for a late night watch.
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An entertaining and well-acted classic Roger Corman low-budget gem
It Conquered the World (1956) concerns an embittered human scientist who guides an alien creature called Zontar from Venus to the Earth, so that it can bring peace to our troubled world by ridding humankind of its feelings and emotions. The scientist, however, is totally oblivious to the terrible consequences of his actions.

There's no escaping the fact that It Conquered The World is a low budget movie with special effects to match that will cause audiences to chuckle. This is more than made up for by the film's energy and its surprisingly above- average cast.

Despite its shortcomings, the film works on many levels including interesting characters and the moral choices they make, a complex and thoughtful plot as well as effectively playing on 1950s Cold War fears.
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Food for thought from outer space.
mark.waltz24 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Is this plan one from outer space? Don't blame aliens, blame the commies when all of a sudden, power sources all over the world are affected by mysterious waves felt by military scientists. But of course, the audience knows almost from the beginning that this is bunk. They saw a space ship enter earth's atmosphere and a carrot like monster with shellfish like claws emerge, sending bat-like critters from its bottom out to attack various innocent passers-by. America goes into a panic, evacuating its cities as strange buzzing noises emerge in the sky. Those attacked by the bat like creatures from the alien's butt are basically body snatched as their minds are now controlled by the aliens, killing anybody who doesn't follow immediate orders to head to a camp for the ultimate conquest.

Cult favorites such as Peter Graves, Beverly Garland and Lee Van Cleef headline the cast here, although the credits determine that an unbilled Paul Blaisdell was asked to wear the rubber carrot costume and flail the lobster claw arms. It's too bad that you don't see this costume among all the Elmos, blue breasted hookers and Spider Mans in Times Square. Even more astounding is that with the bat-like alien creatures, there seem to be no strings attached. Unlike Ray Harryhausen (who chose to deal with a giant crab by having him boiled in a hot water spring so those trapped in the forbidden world could have a lavish dinner even if there wasn't any butter or lemon in sight), this monster is a little harder to conquer.

While the location footage is well shot, the indoor sets are extremely cheap looking. Van Cleef gets a speech much like Bela Lugosi's revelation in "Bride of the Monster" where his obvious madness is revealed. Graves (shiskababbing one of the bats) and Garland win audience sympathy. Still, there's a feeling of "Haven't we already seen this before?" and obviously each of them were done a bit better and didn't have the unintentional laughs that this one does. With classics out there like the original "Invasion of the Body Snatchers", this just fails to live up to the moralistic goals it implies. However, when they do retrospects of the history of science fiction movies, this one seems to always get a clip in there, even having been the film that Elvira shows in her "Mistress of the Dark" movie with the film's conclusion there for those who have not seen it to enjoy in all its campy glory.
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Lee Van Cleef; Loving the Alien
Coventry2 May 2017
In spite of the supposedly super-intelligent and ultra-menacing alien monster looking like a laughable and oversized vegetable with an angry face drawn on it, there are still several good reasons to watch this early low-budgeted Sci-Fi gem directed and produced by Roger Corman. For starters, there's the excellent ensemble cast! There are good roles and solid performances for Peter Graves, Beverly Garland, Corman's pal Dick Miller and – most of all – an exceptionally rare civilized role for Lee Van Cleef! Generally he only starred in raw westerns and exclusively depicted nasty villains, but here he's a respectable and clean shaven scientist. He even has a wife who genuinely loves him and remains faithful no matter what happens! Of course, he still remains Lee Van Cleef, so his character never smiles and nevertheless endangers the life of hundreds of other people. Another reason why this little gem plays in a different league than the vast majority of B-movies of the fifties is because of the clever and dead-serious script. As said, the monster may look silly, but the story behind it is tense, thought-provoking and compelling. Scientist Tom Anderson (Van Cleef) has been mocked for years regarding his theories about intellectual extraterrestrial lifeforms and how they could overtake our planet and save humanity from itself. From within his private home, Anderson has been corresponding with an alien from Venus and now helped it to hijack a NASA satellite and travel to earth. He believes that humanity should get enslaved by this super-intelligent creature and benefit from its wisdom and telekinetic powers, but his best friend Paul Nelson and own wife Claire desperately attempt to convince Tom that people should remain in control of their own emotions. This rather sober subject matter, in combination with a handful of deeply philosophical speeches and a few authentically tragic moments, leads "It Conquered the World" to be a much better Sci-Fi effort that it superficially seems. In the end, people are likely to just remember the goofy Mr. Potato Head alien and the silly bat-creatures, and that's almost a shame. Of course I understand that Roger Corman absolutely wanted to have a monster physically present in his film, in order to lure more people to the cinema, but in case the monster would have remained off-screen and hidden in its cave, the film might have been regarded as highly as contemporary classics like "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" or "The Thing from Another World".
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It came from Planet Dill
InzyWimzy28 November 2000
OK, what were the filmmakers smoking when they made this?

The only positive about this film is Beverly Garland. Other than that, I still shudder at the confusion I felt as the film prodded along (quite slowly). Apparently, some guy is in chaoots with an alien from Venus and these cheesy bats help convert humans into unwilling slaves. Really cheap-o budget here, atypical for B movies and even has a young Peter Graves who's stirring speech in the end will confuse any Nobel scientist. You also have incompetent army guys, conspiracy against humanity, unjustified spousal death, unwarranted use of makeshift flamethrower, and lots of screaming and fleeing in terror. The scene with the cop shooting some innocent storekeeper was quite amusing.

"He learned too late that man was a feeling creature and because of it the greatest in the universe..." time on Biography!
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One of the best B-movies of all time
funkyfry15 October 2002
One of the most entertaining sci-fi/horror films of the 50s. Very much camp with 3 all-time great B-actors (Garland, Graves, Van Cleef, one of the best B-casts ever). I love every minute of it. Includes John Haze and Dick Miller as army grunts and an out of this world monster by the now-legendary Paul Blaisdell. The best scene is where Beverly Garland confronts the monster from Venus: "You think you can make a slave of this world? Well, I'll see you in hell first!"

Fans of the Sergio Leone "Fistfull of Dollars" flicks should enjoy seeing Lee Van Cleef as a scientist who's betrayed the planet earth by helping the monster come to this planet and take over the show. Apparently, however, the "World" in this case consists of the environs of Grifftih Park and a few houses up on Coldwater Canyon. The monster is exceptionally poor -- you can see Blaisdell shoving the bat creatures out of the bottom of the suit.

This is a must-see for anyone with a sense of humor. It is not a bad movie -- it is a witty, fun, romping good time.
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Roger Corman's alien invasion movie somehow works on a nothing budget
Leofwine_draca4 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
An amusing, entertaining and cheesy little B-movie from exploitation king Roger Corman. All factors are present and correct for this typical alien invasion flick, from the violence to the bad special effects to the glamour content. Dispensing with any slow-paced moralising about humans destroying the planet, instead this film concentrates on a plot of alien possession, murder, and then take-over. The cheapness of the movie is clear, but doesn't detract from the inherent fun to be had from the simple premise.

This film isn't remotely plausible, but don't let that put you off from watching. Where else can you see flying bat-creatures capable of possessing human beings? What if I were to say these creatures are poorly-animated and unconvincing? On top of that, another major plus is that the killer alien RESEMBLES A GIANT CARROT! That's right, it hides in a warm cave for most of the film's running time, only to emerge as a hulking vegetable with rubbery, crab-like pincers! The alien is only destroyed when a scientist sacrifices himself and shoves a blowtorch into its eye, unleashing a steady flow of strawberry jam from the empty socket!

The acting is pretty wooden and non-existent, with one notable exception: a winning performance from Lee Van Cleef, who would later go on to star in numerous westerns. Cleef is exceptional as a multi-dimensional scientist, torn between his human instinct for survival and his willingness to help an alien invader conquer the world! His dilemma and eventual sacrifice is actually quite moving. On top of this, a high percentage of the cast die violently; all the women are sacrificed or murdered, and Corman regular Dick Miller appears as a comic-relief soldier. INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS is an obvious influence, but this doesn't stop IT CONQUERED THE WORLD throwing in its own ideas as well as a few snatches of fearful paranoia. Not bad at all; apart from the monster that is!
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remade for TV
cwd20177 June 2006
this is a decent s-f movie for corman but the interesting thing to me was hearing my father talking about seeing the same movie with two different casts at various times on TV! I've heard that corman remade or authorized remakes of some of his early films for TV. Is this true? Does anyone know anything about the remake or who was in it? I know that there are two versions of The Day The World Ended, but no one seems to know about the remake of it, either. It would be fascinating to see and compare the two, especially to see if anyone in the remakes went on to have any sort of career in TV or the movies worth mentioning. And I AM talking about the remakes. I know all about Graves, Garland, Mike Conners in The Day The World Ended, etc. But the remakes (possibly for TV) interest me more. Cindy Dare.
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