General Hospital (TV Series 1963– ) Poster

(1963– )

Rick Hearst: Ric Lansing, Paul



  • Ric Lansing : I'm just doing what the people of this town paid me to do.

    Alexis Davis Cassadine : Then the people deserve a refund.

  • Ric Lansing : Ms. Cassadine, I know you're not stupid. You know you're only hope is to let her go.

    Helena Cassadine : Oh, hope? hope is overrated.

  • Alexis Davis Cassadine : What?

    Sonny Corinthos : The buttons are straight, the jacket looks really nice, but the hair is kind of - what were you guys doing? You guys rolling around in Ric's office?

    Alexis Davis Cassadine : Of course not.

    Sonny Corinthos : Or maybe on the desk? Were you guys doing it on the desk? May be a little uncomfortable.

    Alexis Davis Cassadine : Don't be ridiculous.

    Sonny Corinthos : Well, I mean, it's not uncomfortable? You like doing it on the desk? Well, it makes sense because, you know, you and Ric are working all the time, so on the desk - you know what I mean?

    Alexis Davis Cassadine : How much longer is this going to go on?

    Sonny Corinthos : Uh, not too long. Your earring. I think you're missing an earring. You might've left it in Ric's office. Maybe in the broom closet? Or in the back seat of his car?

    Alexis Davis Cassadine : Maybe.

    Sonny Corinthos : Maybe?

    Alexis Davis Cassadine : Maybe.

    Sonny Corinthos : Right.

    Alexis Davis Cassadine : Or maybe it's on the sofa or the patio. It could be in the bedroom. But we kind of find that boring. And if it's not in the apartment, then it could be in the elevator. Any number of elevators, all over town.

    Sonny Corinthos : Whew. Wow.

    Alexis Davis Cassadine : Your brother is gifted.

    Sonny Corinthos : Hmm.

    Alexis Davis Cassadine : More than you could ever imagine. He satisfies me - no, he rocks me, body and soul, on every level, like no man that I have ever known.

    Ric Lansing : Was good for me, too.

  • Ric Lansing : I heard there was a problem with Sam?

    Alexis Davis Cassadine : She's in surgery, both she and her baby are at risk.

    Ric Lansing : What happened?

    Alexis Davis Cassadine : I'm not even sure.

    Ric Lansing : Were you with her?

    Alexis Davis Cassadine : I went to the Chapel to ask her, to beg her to reconsider. I told her that she was Kristina's only hope, and then I pleaded with her to give the stem cells. Mother to mother.

    Ric Lansing : What did she say?

    Alexis Davis Cassadine : She said she couldn't do it, and I got so upset. I don't know what I did. I just pushed her. I pushed her and pushed her. And then - then she agreed and then she fell down in pain.

    Ric Lansing : What if Sam's baby dies? Can she still save Kristina?

  • Alexis Davis Cassadine : Any word yet on Sam's baby?

    Ric Lansing : They had to perform an emergency c-section. The baby didn't survive.

    Alexis Davis Cassadine : Oh, my God.

    Ric Lansing : Look, I know that Sonny's gong through hell right now. I now he would ever tell me that. Alexis, I spoke with Dr. Webber and he told me that you didn't cause any of it. He also told me that the stem cells would still be viable even if Sam's baby dies.

    Alexis Davis Cassadine : How do I bring myself to ask her?

    Ric Lansing : I know, I know. Look, she's not going to be able to make an informed decision at this point. So you are going to have to be the one to ask for Sonny's permission.

  • Alexis Davis Cassadine : Look, Lorenzo Alcazar was out for blood. Hey, he stated in front of a room full of police officers that he was going to exact revenge on Mary Bishop for Sage's death, and because of you, he now knows that if this goes to trial, she would probably be found not guilty because of reason of insanity.

    Ric Lansing : Right.

    Alexis Davis Cassadine : He's not going to let it go unpunished. He has all the money in the world, he has God knows how many hit men on his payroll. Do you honestly think it's so hard to believe that he would get someone to give her the wrong medication when he was conveniently out of town.

    Ric Lansing : Ok, It's plausible argument, I'll give you that. But I can't help suspecting that this takes the pressure off your nephew and his fiancee and conveniently places the blame on a man that you can't stand - a man, incidentally, who's the brother of another man that you hated and just happened to kill.

    Alexis Davis Cassadine : Must you always throw that in my face?

  • Carly Corinthos : He is going to do everything he can to help that little girl.

    Ric Lansing : The only thing I am concerned with is the welfare of that child. Custody issues can wait.

    Carly Corinthos : Oh, I get it. I see. So Sonny's going to be allowed to help save Kristina's life, but There's no way you're going to let him be anywhere near her?

    Alexis Davis Cassadine : Can we not talk about this now? Can we just - just try to be reasonable?

    Carly Corinthos : Reasonable, right. Right, reasonable is Alexis-speak for do it my way or else. You thought it was reasonable to deceive Sonny, and then I had to be reasonable and keep your little secret. Well, your little secret is out Alexis. You do not get to decide what's reasonable anymore.

  • Alexis Davis Cassadine : You convinced me to need you, and I do. So you don't back out on me now.

    Ric Lansing : I'm not going anywhere.

  • Alexis Davis Cassadine : He's going to be grieving for the rest of his life. What happened to him is awful. You never stop grieving for a lost child. There is no good time to do this. But it was to be done, because if you don't do it today, he will be in court tomorrow and he will lie and he will pay off a judge and get away with it like he always does, and Kristina will be living in his bulletproof castle. Just do it and get it over with.

    Ric Lansing : I just want you to be sure.

    Alexis Davis Cassadine : I am sure that Sonny is dangerous. I am sure that I don't want my daughter to be a casualty, and I am sure that you can stop that from happening with the evidence that you have.

    Ric Lansing : All right, on any other day, we wouldn't even be debating this, but Sonny just buried his child, and Kristina is alive because he allowed the doctors to give that baby's stem cells to Kristina.

    Alexis Davis Cassadine : You don't think I know that? You don't think that I would do anything not to have to do this to him? Almost anything, because I won't give up my daughter's safety.

    Ric Lansing : Obviously, I don't want Kristina to suffer, either.

    Alexis Davis Cassadine : Then you know what you have to do, and you don't just do it for Kristina, you do it because that's your job. You're the D.A., and it's unethical to suppress evidence, even when it implicates your brother.

  • Sonny Corinthos : I had nothing to do with the fire, Ric.

    Ric Lansing : Oh, the PCPD finally has ironclad evidence against you. It's locked up in my apartment. It goes up in smoke, and you're going to sit there and tell me it's a coincidence?

  • Ric Lansing : I need to call Elizabeth, Jason.

    Jason Morgan : Forget it.

    Ric Lansing : Look, she's my wife she thinks I'm dead.

    Jason Morgan : You get the ride back, Ric, that's all.

    Ric Lansing : You know what. I know that you hate me but there's no reason to make Elizabeth pay for what I've done.

    Jason Morgan : You're right. It would have been better for Elizabeth if I let you die.

  • Elizabeth Webber : Ric?

    Ric Lansing : Can - Can you see me?

    Elizabeth Webber : Uh, no.

    Ric Lansing : Well, then how did you know it was me.

    Elizabeth Webber : Who else would deliberately stand in the path of a blind person?

  • Courtney Matthews : I'm taking my nephew home.

    Ric Lansing : No, no, no. I can't let you do that.

    Courtney Matthews : Why not?

    Ric Lansing : Well, legally, I can't release Michael in anybody's custody except his parents.

    Courtney Matthews : Sonny's out of town and Carly's unavailable. She asked me to take care of her children, OK?

    Ric Lansing : Did she sign a paper to that effect?

    Courtney Matthews : I'm his aunt, and I'm taking him home.

    Ric Lansing : Well, I'm his uncle. Why shouldn't I take him home?

    Courtney Matthews : Do you want me to call a lawyer?

    Ric Lansing : You can call whoever you want to, Courtney. But, legally, I have to turn him over to social services, if his parents can't be bothered to come down and pick him up.

    Courtney Matthews : OK, you listen to me, you evil freak. I'm going to walk in that room and I'm going to speak to my nephew and if you try to stop me, I'm going to throw you across the room.

    Ric Lansing : I have no doubt about that.

  • Ric Lansing : Don't threaten Alcazar. Don't be around Durant. Just do yourself a favor, go home, be with your wife and your kids. And try your best to pretend like you're a law-abiding citizen.

    Sonny Corinthos : What is motivating this brotherly concern here?

    Ric Lansing : Look, you may be an amoral thug, but you're not stupid, all right? You're smart enough not to make public death threats. The fact that you just did proves you're nothing thinking clearly.

  • Det. Andy Capelli : Did you warn Morgan to stay away from me?

    Ric Lansing : Yeah, for all the good it did. You're a dead man.

  • Luke Spencer : Hey! Life's a gamble, People! This proves it! Everybody's got one chance to save his or her life! This is going to be a lottery, folks. Everybody draws a number, low goes first, high last. The only exceptions will be the badly injured and kids under 18 - they take priority.

    Faith Rosco : Who put you in charge?

    Luke Spencer : This. This is my authority. You want to challenge it, step forward. I won't hesitate to put a bullet in anybody who causes trouble. And one more thing - all drawings are final. No trading number, no selling them off. What you draw is when you leave, period! That all right with you?

    Ric Lansing : It's a plan.

  • Ric Lansing : All right, next group, line up, please. Numbers eight through 14.

    Helena Cassadine : I have 11.

    Faith Rosco : Well, looks like I'm leaving.

    Justice Ward : Have a safe trip.

    Faith Rosco : I hope you make it, counselor. But if you die tonight, look on the bright side. Sooner or later, I'll be joining you in hell.

  • Det. Andy Capelli : You're under arrest, Morgan.

    Justice Ward : Aren't you going too far, Capelli?

    Det. Andy Capelli : You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

    Sonny Corinthos : Capelli, we're in a burning building, where's he going to go?

    Det. Andy Capelli : He's going to go down! Down! 20 floors to be exact, and I'm taking him.

    Ric Lansing : You're taking him?

    Det. Andy Capelli : Yeah. That'll eliminate the rescue chopper from making a final trip.

    Ric Lansing : No, I'm sorry, Capelli. You work for the department. We don't want to lose you. It's unacceptable.

    Det. Andy Capelli : It's my job.

    Sonny Corinthos : Ric! This is murder! You know it is - the kind you like the best, where you don't have to get your hands dirty!

    Ric Lansing : Go ahead. take him down and make sure both of you make it.

  • Justice Ward : There's no way they could've survived that fall. Sonny and Carly are dead.

    Lorenzo Alcazar : That's a lie. Carly's not dead.

    Nikolas Cassidine : Hey, you go and you lose your chance to be evacuated.

    Lorenzo Alcazar : I don't give a damn. I'm going to find Carly. She's alive.

    Justice Ward : Where are you going?

    Ric Lansing : Sonny's my brother, I got to help him.

    Justice Ward : Sonny's dead. Think about it.

    Ric Lansing : We don't know that!

    Justice Ward : You have a wife and a baby on the way. They need you. You don't have the right to risk your life anymore. Sonny wouldn't expect that from you.

    Skye Quartermaine Jacks : The helicopter's landing. We have to go.

  • Courtney Matthews : Isn't this a sweet little picture - the sick freak reunited with his clueless wife and unborn child.

    Ric Lansing : I guess you heard about Sonny and Carly?

    Courtney Matthews : Yeah, Sonny and Carly are dead, Jason's trapped, and here you are, Ric - Good old Ric. Who tormented all of, you son of a bitch. It shouldn've been you! I hate you!

  • Elizabeth Webber Lansing : Ric isn't to blame for any of this!

    Courtney Matthews : Yeah, he never is!

    Ric Lansing : Look, Sonny was my brother, too!

    Courtney Matthews : Oh, and you did so much for him, Ric. You drugged his wife, you made Carly think that you rapped her and you then you kidnapped her and tried to steal her unborn child! You're sick!

    Elizabeth Webber Lansing : Look, Courtney, I understand you're upset, but, Ric had nothing to do with what just happened to your brother and Carly, OK?

    Ric Lansing : Courtney, I would have gone after them if...

    Courtney Matthews : Oh, but you couldn't, because it was more important to get your psychotic self on that helicopter than to save the brother you wanted dead in the first place!

    Ric Lansing : Look - look I understand that you hate me! I under stand that! You have every reason to! But, don't you dare to presume to understand how I feel about our brother!

    Courtney Matthews : Oh, let me guess, Ric! you really loved him deep down inside. I don't buy it! Elizabeth might! But, I never will!

  • Alexis Davis Cassadine : The issue in question here is Faith's innocence or guilt, not my romantic life.

    Ric Lansing : Well, if that's what you can call it. You seem to express attraction like some sort of 9-year-old school girl, picking fights and throwing insults around. What happens when you reach your crescendo? Do you punch the object of your affection in the arm?

    Alexis Davis Cassadine : Clearly, you're defensive about your impotence in the court room.

    Ric Lansing : Oh.

    Alexis Davis Cassadine : Otherwise, you wouldn't be overcompensating...

    Ric Lansing : I see.

    Alexis Davis Cassadine : By making personal attacks on me.

    Ric Lansing : Here come the insults, right on cue.

    Alexis Davis Cassadine : That's right.

    Ric Lansing : Alexis, if you want to ask me out for a drink, why don't you just come right out like a big girl and ask me instead of resorting to school-yard tactics?

    Alexis Davis Cassadine : I would rather die of thirst than ever have a drink with you.

  • Ric Lansing : Oh, You know what? It must really get under your skin that Sonny's ex-mistress lives right across the hall. She's almost family now, isn't she? And we all know that you don't like anybody getting in your little clan.

    Carly Corinthos : You got a problem with Sam, Ric, get rid of her yourself.

  • Alexis Davis Cassadine : You were right. Sonny lied. He bought the inmate's confession. He perjured himself. He manipulated the system and he manipulated me. It's not the first time. But it's going to be the last.

    Ric Lansing : What are you saying?

    Alexis Davis Cassadine : I want to help you take Sonny down for good.

  • Alexis Davis Cassadine : I guess really what I want to know is, is what on earth entitles you to ask a favor of me after you lied to my face, induced me to suborn perjury all in the name of your pregnant little girlfriend? I mean, it begs the question why you would ask me a favor, right?

    Sonny Corinthos : Mm-Hmm

    Alexis Davis Cassadine : Because the truth is I am fresh out of favors for you.

    Sonny Corinthos : Mm-Hmm

    Alexis Davis Cassadine : The truth is, is that I am sick to death of you, Corinthos. I am sick of your self-importance and your sense of entitlement to do whatever you want to anybody you please whenever you choose because you think the world owes you a big, fat favor. You aren't any better than anybody else. You aren't any more special than anybody else. And if you happen to break one law too many and D. A. Lansing happens to find out about it and catch you, good for him.

    Sonny Corinthos : Should I take that as a no, or...

    Ric Lansing : You know, why don't you do us all a favor, Sonny, and just admit that you gave the order to blow up that ship and kill Faith Rosco?

    Faith Rosco : Oh, get your filthy hands off me! I didn't do anything!

    Lucky Spencer : Stop - look what I found.

  • Alexis Davis Cassadine : Most district attorneys would opt to prevent a murder, instead of waiting for the murder to occur so they could arrest the perpetrator.

    Ric Lansing : Really? And you would have handled it differently.

    Alexis Davis Cassadine : I would have had the police on board the yacht before it docked.

    Ric Lansing : Of course.

    Alexis Davis Cassadine : Jax told you Faith shot him. You had plenty of evidence to arrest her.

    Ric Lansing : Well, maybe that's why I had officers on the scene - to make sure that she wouldn't be harmed.

    Alexis Davis Cassadine : What if there had been another ship in the vicinity? Innocent people could have - could have been killed when that yacht exploded.

    Ric Lansing : There is no way that I could have known that Faith was going to sabotage the yacht.

    Alexis Davis Cassadine : You knew she was psychotic. You took an unacceptable risk.

    Ric Lansing : All right, you know what? Here we are, right on schedule. For five minutes, you actually might have felt something for me. And that is just intolerable isn't it, Alexis, huh? Time to rebuild those walls.convince yourself that you don't want me to get close. That way, you can assure yourself that you were right all along. Right? I'm a repugnant, intolerable - what - what is the last one that you like to use? Complete waste of skin.

    Alexis Davis Cassadine : You put innocent people at risk when you bend the law to suit your own purposes. How many people who get close to you run the risk of being used in your campaign against your brother?

  • Ric Lansing : What is this? What happened?

    Faith Rosco : Well, You've heard of a cat with nine lives, haven't you?

    Ric Lansing : Lucky?

    Lucky Spencer : A patrolman saw her climbing out of the harbor making a run for it after the explosion.

    Faith Rosco : Yeah. I would like to report an attempted murder! Mr. Alcazar and Mr.corinthos are conspiring to kill me.

  • Ric Lansing : Dinner and Dancing?

    Alexis Davis Cassadine : Never again.

    Ric Lansing : Oh, come on, it was just a suggestion.

    Alexis Davis Cassadine : So was a cruise on the Titanic.

  • Ric Lansing : Don't do it.

    Lorenzo Alcazar : Do what?

    Ric Lansing : You want to avenge your niece.

    Lorenzo Alcazar : I want justice to be served.

    Ric Lansing : Yeah, well, that's my department, Mr. Alcazar, not yours. So I'm only going to warn you once. Stay away from Mary Bishop.

  • Ric Lansing : What do you think?

    Lucky Spencer : Mary's protecting her self my acting crazy. Everything she said and did was an act.

    Ric Lansing : Yeah, she's definitely setting herself up for a plea of insanity.

    Lucky Spencer : What are the chances of her getting away with this?

    Ric Lansing : From what I just saw? A very good one.

  • Sonny Corinthos : Faith ain't even in the prison van, and you're already trying to accuse me of killing her.

    Ric Lansing : Well, it a reasonable conclusion, isn't it? I mean, you've wanted Faith out of the way for a long time. Why would you let a small obstacle like prison to get in the way?

  • Alexis Davis Cassadine : My mother and father met when Mikkos was still married to Helena, and they fell in love. Mikkos was as in love as any Cassadine man is capable of being - present company excluded, of course. He wanted to marry my mother. He asked Helena for a divorce. She, of course, denied it and placed a curse on them instead.

    Emily Quartermaine : Then what happened?

    Alexis Davis Cassadine : My mother started having mysterious accidents. She started having illnesses that no one could explain. She was a very strong and independent woman who just suddenly lost her spirit. She was even afraid to leave the house. So Mikkos took her away. He took her to Europe, and she came back and it was as if nothing had ever happened, she was fine.

    Nikolas Cassidine : So you think Mikkos did something to lift the curse?

    Alexis Davis Cassadine : He did something. He went somewhere, talked to somebody - whatever it was, it went away.

    Ric Lansing : But the curse was eradicated and your mother was fine.

    Alexis Davis Cassadine : She was fine until Helena...

    Ric Lansing : Until Helena what?

    Alexis Davis Cassadine : The curse didn't produce the results that Helena wanted. So she took matters into her own hands - literally - and she slit my mother's throat.

See also

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