Kiss the Girls and Make Them Die (1966) Poster

Seyna Seyn: Wilma Soong



  • Ardonian's secretary : [Ardonian is in his office trying to hide Lord Aldric 's hat and knapsack . His secretary walks into his office saying]  Miss Soong is here sir

    Wilma Soong : [He looks up and this beautiful young woman is walking into his office. He is stunned to see this incredible rare beauty. She walks near him and starts saying]  I have come to arrange a meeting place between you and my employers. Also to set a date and time to this meeting.

    [Ardonian points to a chair and she sits down in it] 

    Mr. Ardonian : [He writes down a time and place on a piece of paper saying]  can you remember this

    [Ardonian is shocked looking at this incredibly beautiful woman , her Chinese bosses really knew Ardonian well and picked the most beautiful of all their women] 

    Wilma Soong : [Soong looks up at Ardonian and says]  of course

    Mr. Ardonian : [He says to her]  very good then

    Wilma Soong : [Soong stands up saying to him]  it has been a pleasure meeting with you. Mr. Ardonian. I look forward to working with you again.

    Mr. Ardonian : [He says]  it is very important that someone very senior will be there

    Wilma Soong : [Soong says to him]  I can assure you Mr. Ardonian we do not play games

    [Soong stands up and offers her hand to shake with Ardonian. He reaches over and shakes hands with Soong. Soong tries to finish the handshake but Ardonian pulls her towards him. Soong is initially stunned and freezes Ardonian looks at Soong's face and zooms in on her face looking ar her eyes. Ardonian has a strange sick smile on his face as he now looks lower at Soong's lips. Ardonian is showing himself to be a sexual predator. We all know what he was thinking looking at her lips. Soong turns and thanks him. He looks down ar Soong's derriere as she wiggles out of his office. Ardonian constantly zooms in on parts of young woman in a very lustful manner and these girls turn out to be the ones he plans to put in suspended animation.] 

    Mr. Ardonian : [Ardonian calls his jungle laboratory on a video phone]  Kruger, I have just been informed they have agreed to a meeting. I want the laboratory open to there inspection. Please show them everything they ask about and tell them how we are set up.

    Krüger : [Kruger says]  yes Mr. Ardonian, I will do exactly as you say. I am very happy they have responded as quickly as they did. Is there anything else sir ?

    Mr. Ardonian : [Ardonian says]  ; yes, Kruger this is only the first baby steps in this process, I really don't know how long it would take to have any real progress. But, hopefully, things will go well. They seemed anxious to be honest, I requested that someone senior who could make decisions be there and they said definitely yes.

    [Ardonian is looking at notes on his desk for the name of the girl he just met . Then he says to Kruger] 

    Mr. Ardonian : Kruger, if everything falls into place I believe I have an excellent replacement girl for the collection. Her name is Soong, Wilma Soong. Hopefully you and your team will have the pleasure of putting her on ice .

    [It was a dead give away that any woman Ardonian did this stare at a part of her body it meant he want them to be placed onto cryogenic hibernation. The girls who he zeroed in on their lips Miss Soong included he was fantasizing about having that girl preform oral sex on him] 

  • Ling : [Ardonian and Soong have made it to the launch site together as the Chinese delegation has requested.Deputy Chairman Ling walks up to Ardonian and says]  these are the specifications for putting the device inside the rocket

    Mr. Ardonian : [Ardonian takes the plans and thanks him then he says]  I'd like to congratulate you on your great victory only five revolutions around the North American continent and their civilization will begin to go into a decline.

    Ling : [He says]  yes this will be a great victory over the Americans

    Mr. Ardonian : [Ardonian says]  the rocket will launch in exactly one hour. I understand that certain members of your government feel I will use the device against other countries including your own. So I want Miss Soong to translate so there are no misunderstandings.

    [Soong , who came to the meeting with Ardonian is suprised but remains silent. She reaches over and pulls out her microphone . Soong who is sitting slightly apart from the delegation watchs as all the Chinese delegation put on headphones.She wore the very best of her finery. It's a traditional Chinese dress red with white flowers on it. Short sleeves and knee length with slits up both sides. She wore white heels and a matching white hand bag. She is wearing very sheer flesh- toned stockings.] 

    Wilma Soong : [Soong is confused as Ardonian didn't notify her this was going to happen. So Soong Is completely in the the dark on this. She will sit and wait for this to develope. So she is following Ardonian's lead.] 

    Mr. Ardonian : [Ardonian says]  I want you to be perfectly clear on this and I want to eleaviate your worries once an for all

    [He turns up a switch and electrocutes the Chinese delegation] 


    [They are all dead leaning back in their chairs with their eyes wide open looking up at the ceiling with their mouths open. They look like a pile of dead mackerel at the fish store.] 

    Wilma Soong : [Soong leaps to her feet and jumps up on the higher level of seating, she is in complete disbelief she is still holding her microphone she looks over at the Chinese delegation and they all have their heads tilted back eyes looking straight up mouths wide open. Soong is gawking and her mouth is wide open. She can only make a gasping sound]  gasping sound

    [then Soong looks back over at the delegation still cannot fathom what has happened. She looks over at Ardonian and let's out with a shrill screech] 

    Wilma Soong : shrill screech

    [Soong is starting to hyperventilate and is going into shock she says to Ardonian] 

    Wilma Soong : why ?

    Mr. Ardonian : [Ardonian looks over at the Chinese delegation and thinks he has completely fooled them getting the much needed rocket he needed to sterilize the world . Now they all look ridiculous with their heads looking up at the sky and their mouths wide open. He lets out a very sinister laugh]  very sinister laugh

    [then his attention turns to Miss Soong. Ardonian starts to look at Soong up and down as she stands there hysterically hyperventilating, nothing like the very cool sly fox that was in his office only a few hours earlier] 

    Wilma Soong : [Soong looks at Ardonian and finally drops her microphone and screams out]  WHY, WHY

    [she starts to charge Ardonian. She is having a very hard time breathing and she is taking very deep breaths.] 

    Mr. Ardonian : [Two of Ardonian's guards grab Soong one under each arm. Between the jumping up to her feet and the guards grabbing her arms Soong's dress is pulled skin tight on her. Ardonian looks at the extremely nervous hyperventilating Soong and let's out with another]  very sinister laugh .

    [Directed at Soong. He says to Soong] 

    Mr. Ardonian : you should be very grateful you are still alive.

    [Soong doesn't answer him but continues to breathe deeply her chest heaving up and down. Ardonian looks Soong all over.She has a very perplexed look on her face trying to figure out what has happened. Only a minute ago she was finishing up this assignment now what?He turns to the guards saying] 

    Mr. Ardonian : Take her to the preparation room they are expecting her and they know what to do with her.And after her preparation is finished bring her to my laboratory I want her taken care of as soon as,possible

    [Ardonian looks at Soong and yells] 

    Mr. Ardonian : OUT !

    [the guards turn and one grabs Soong's bag and start to walk Soong away. Soong is fighting them but she is completely powerless against the two powerful men. Soong is being taken away to places unknown and it is unknown what Ardonian is going to do to her. All she knows is she is being taken to a preparation room to be prepared and then she is going to his laboratory but what are they going to do to her in the preparationroomand what is being prepared for ? Only earlier Soong had promised Ardonian that once this mission was complete they would have time for other things and she gave him a very sexy smile - letting Ardonian know once the mission was over she was going to be wined and dined by him and bedded. She cannot understand why he tricked them and murdered her bosses and what is he going to do to her. Soong didn't know that Ardonian was going to cook her goose and give her the works !] 

    Wilma Soong : [Miss Soong is being manhandled as the two guards walk her out of the room taking her to the preparation room. She is fighting them as much as she can but they are powerful men and she doesn't stand a chance. Song sighs and moans]  sighs and moans

  • Mr. Ardonian : [Susan Fleming the British socialite and British secret agent has been escorted to the laboratory in Ardonian's secret compound located underground deep in the Brazilian jungle. Ardonian is a Brazilian billionaire industrialist, who is living the greatest day of his life. He is seeing a wild fantasy come to fruition he must have had all his adult life. He is planning to sterilize the entire world and not just the United States and alone will repopulate it.He says to Susan]  this is the rocket that will blast off later today. After twenty times around the world the sexual desire of everyone will start to wane

    Susan Fleming : [Susan says]  you must be mad, surely they will come after you.

    [Susan knows Ardonian is a extreme megalomaniac living out an incredible male fantasy.] 

    Mr. Ardonian : [Ardonian says]  oh no, they won't they will protect me. I will be the only one to repopulate the world. I have forgotten nothing.

    [He presses a button and a track on the ceiling starts moving several cylinders across the ceiling on a track. The cylinders start to come into view. Susan realizes they are Ardonian's girlfriends all in a state of suspended animation. She was briefed by british intelligence about these girls but she is still astonished looking at the cryogenic cylinders and the frozen girls. British intelligence thought that Ardonian was involved in the white slave trade.Ardonian says] 

    Mr. Ardonian : they live in a state of suspended animation. Death and illness are strangers to them . Their bodies are resting . Their metabolisms are quiet.I am offering you a last chance if you don't accept it yours will be the same as the rest of the world.

    [there is commotion on the lower level .Ardonian is fascinated with his thropies like a hunter with mounted heads on his wall. All the girls in their cybernetic freeze cabinets are wearing very skimpy silver metallic Brazilian bikinis all have their hairdos very tousled about and none are wearing shoes. Ardonian is looking into these capsules at his girls and is beaming with pride then he says] 

    Mr. Ardonian : I am living the greatest day of my life , i have dreamed of this day many many years ago and it is finally here .

    Susan Fleming : [Susan knew he wasn't offering her a choice but her fate was already sealed Ardonian planned to put her into hibernation. She also knew Ardonian was a huge creepy psycho sexual crazy. Ardonian had her scheduled for hibernation in a bikini.On the lower level a guard brings a girl and one of the techs takes her. The tech takes her arm and follow her up on the staircase.Susan knew her to be Wilma Soong, the Chinese interpreter/ liasion.Soong left the launch area being taken out by two guards fighting all the way now one guard has brought her to the lab and she is meek. She was incredibly exotic, well educated, very stylish, elegant and extremely beautiful. The highly stylish Soong is reduced to wearing an ill fitting yellow robe that she has to keep two hands on it to keep it closed. It is obvious the Soong has no clothes on under that robe.Soong is being brought over from the preparation room. Susan notices that she isn't wearing shoes. Susan said looking at the condition of Soong]  oh, my

    [.Susan has never seen someone so debased as this young woman. Soong really had the wind taken out of her. Susan was so shocked at the sight of Soong her mouth fell open watching her and she moved to holding on the railing that surrounded the area they are in.] 

    Susan Fleming : Soong is a replacement for one of Ardonian's girlfriends who are no longer part of his harem. Grace has escaped and Karin was murdered by Omar and Ringo.

    Krüger : [Kruger the former nazi scientist moves up the staircase from the lower level first and starts getting things ready.]  Shoes moving up stairs.

    Wilma Soong : [the tech is holding Soong and helping her up the staircase as Soong must hold on to the robe she is wearing.]  Soong says Oooohh !

    [Soong has no idea what Ardonian has planned for her but he has taken her clothes, it's probably a good thing she didn't know the sheer terror Ardonian has instore for her] 

    Wilma Soong : [the tech gets her up the staircase, it wasn't easy as she had to hold the robe together with one hand. Omar comes up the stairs last. Soong eyes dart around the control room, she gives Ardonian a look. She is wondering what Ardonian is going to do to her.]  Soong says hmmmm.

    Krüger : [Kruger has his back to Soong as he is working at a table putting a syringe together. The syringe contains a mix of very powerful tranquilizers to completely relax the body before it goes into the hibernation machine. Kruger knows to be effective the drugs must be administered very slowly through the syringe. Kruger also knew from the previous girls this was extremely painful for the recipient.]  Kruger is making russeling sounds at his work table.

    Wilma Soong : [Kruger is working on the syringe and he turns and Soong sees it, her eyes bulge and her mouth pops open and she bolts backward. Soong panics from the sight of the large syringe. It's obvious that Soong knows this very large syringe is intended for her.Omar holds her on her right side and the tech holds her tightly on her left.Soong's eyes are fixed on the syringe. She Says]  OH NO !

    [You can hear the deep breaths Soong is taking through the laboratory she is hyperventilating. Soong starts to plead and beg for mercy but she is gasping for air at the same time] 


    Krüger : [Kruger walks over to Soong as Omar pulls up her right arm outward. Kruger starts to rub her arm with alcohol saying with his heavy german accent]  now now young lady please breath deep ,and relax, cooperate fully and relax, I can assure you there is nothing you can do just relax and cooperate, breath deep.

    Mr. Ardonian : [Ardonian looks at Soong about to get the injection and gives a]  sick sinister laugh

    [he loves every second seeing Soong in such a humiliated state. Nothing like the very cool chickee that was in his office a few hours earlier. Then he looks over at Susan and watches her as she is watching Soong in sheer horror knowing she's next to get this treatment. Ardonian is thinking he is adding Soong to his collection of young chickens and he is the old rooster.] 

    Wilma Soong : [Kruger injects the syringe into Soong's arm. Kruger starts to slowly inject the solution into Soong. Soong is whimpering, crying, hyperventilating all at the same time. Her pleas fell on deaf ears all they want is to get Soong into hibernation as fast as possible as they have Susan to do right after they do Soong. Soong has no allies her at all. Soong is trying to plead now but all that comes out is]  gasp, gasp gasp

    [Soong puts her head back and her eyes look straight up with her mouth wide open as she is in tremendous pain.Kruger is still injecting the tranquilizers] 

    Mr. Ardonian : [Ardonian is starring at Soong. He has a smile on his face thinking he was adding this rare beauty to his collection and laughing how ridiculous she looks with her mouth wide open and her eyes wide open looking straight up, he is really enjoying her humiliation and the power he has over her. He says]  good

    [he must be thinking how he got her into cryogenic freeze and wind up as one of his sex toys. He doesn't care anything at all about Soong's pain and agony, to him she is just a piece of ass joining his harem. He has a big smile on his face thinking how he landed this very exotic beauty, then he looks over at Susan. He looks on as his band of scientific geeks/ nerds are doing this to this exquisite beauty. Ardonian is basically a very horny old man who now has these beautiful,young women as his playmates to repopulate the world. Ardonian is thinking how earlier in the day she was in his office then he thinks of her at the launch site sitting there translating with her microphone this extremely well coiffed, dressed and educated a very beautiful girl and all she wanted was to complete her mission successfully and she could leave to go wherever she belonged now no one will ever see her again nor know whatever happened to her] 

    Susan Fleming : [Susan is watching this scene Soong Is going through. Her eyes are like saucers starring at the helpless and hapless Soong. Susan is horrified watching these proceedings as she's next. Susan realizes Ardonian's girls plus Soong and herself are being transformed in Ardonian's sex slaves and whores.Susan says]  oh my!

    [Susan thinks how really sick it is that all these young very beautiful girls are the playmates of this dirty old man and then there is Miss Soong who wasn't even one of Ardonian's girlfriends she worked for the Chinese government and now she winds up here.] 

    Wilma Soong : [the injection has the fluid is still going into Soong's body.]  She moans

    [the end is coming and Kruger knows from experience it is the most painful. Soong moans] 

    Wilma Soong : moaning OOOOOOOOOHHHHHH

    [Soong looks like she is having a sexual orgasm the way she is moaning] 

    Wilma Soong : moaning OOOOOOOHHHHH

    [Soong closes her eyes then her eyes move straight up rolled back in her head. Soong stops moaning and now is making gurgling noises] 

    Wilma Soong : [gurgling noises]  The creepy little Omar loves listening and watching poor Soong and he moves very close to Soong's face and has a really perverse looking weird smile on his face watching her and has Suddenly Soong stops moaning and hyperventilating as the tranquilizers are taking effect. Her breaths are slowing down and she opens her eyes and is looking more normal ]

    Krüger : [Kruger says]  that's it

    [and removes the syringe. They look at Soong and they can tell the drugs are taking effect.Then a silver metallic box is moving towards them on a conveyor belt All the nerves of Soong are gone as the drugs have really kicked in. Soong's humiliation is far from over.Soong has a totally blank expression on her face staring out into space.The tech and Omar release her arms and they fall lifeless to her sides.Omar is in the back with the tech on the side.Kruger removes her robe and it falls to the floor.Soong is standing there bare assed naked. All of her dignity is gone.Omar looks down at Soong's ass and his eyes bulge.Kruger knows they took this girl who just minutes ago was a nervous wreck and now she is complete putty now. Omar puts his hand on Soong's beautiful golden skin on her back.Kruger and the tech are super geeks and Omar is a total Dweeb and they are all fascinated looking at a nude Soong.The lurid, tawdry and sordid aspects are now out in the open as these three men ogle and leer at the nude Soong who has had this entire episode forced on her. Ardonian gives them all a smile as the ogle Soong but he was going to have her as a harem girl. Soong is completely powerless and naked. The metallic silver box is ready. They move Soong in front of it.Just before they place Soong into the metallic box, The tech pushes the door open on the box. Kruger and Omar both give Soong a good shove on her back. Soong takes only two steps but even heavily tranquilizerd she still gives a wiggle entrance into the metallic box and the doors close very quickly behind her making a sharp quick] 

    Krüger : ZZZZZIIIIIPPPPPP noise.

    Mr. Ardonian : [the box is tilted over to a 120 degree angle by a large metallic arm. The arm moves the box over further the box enters the machine. With a loud]  WOOOOSSSHHIIINNNGG sound.

    [Then, as the metallic box has fully entered the machine and goes in several feet out of view and the top of the box opens and Soong slides into the machine head first and she proceeds through the machine on her belly head first. Ardonian is monitoring Soong's progress on a control center. Kruger is monitoring Soong's vital signs as she advances and the other tech monitors another computer to check on her progress. Omar and Susan are looking at the various vats and tubes and cylinders around the room. Ardonian says to Susan] 

    Mr. Ardonian : [Susan in order to achieve complete hibernation the body must pass through vats, tubes cylinders and machines. Each has their own function.]  the machine starts making a series of noises ] a series of notes coming from a slide whistle go up and down throughout her time in the machine. Another is a fiizzing sound, a whirling noise combined with a gurgling noise , various whistles sound now and then, a buzzing sound . Over and over these same sounds repeat

    [a large vat filled with a reddish/ pink liquid starts bubbling up and almost reaches the top then it reverses. There is an electrical sparking on a machine and a dial which starts to spin wildly another large vat filled with liquid starts gurgling over and over. Ardonian is watching as Soong's body passes thru and the dials light up and there is a note sounded as Soong passes through. There are a series of the large vats and one could only imagine what is happening to Soong in there. After numerous vats and tubes Soong's body goes thru a few more machines and one puts a very sexy Brazilian style bikini on Soong then she enters the last tube.Soong is turned to laying flat on her back then she is frozen stiff in a micro second, a quick freeze and Soong is in suspended animation and placed into a cylinder.] 

    Susan Fleming : [Susan says to Ardonian]  how much longer is this going to go on ?

    [She is concerned as she's going in next. Susan looked around at the various glass tube vats and tubes and wondered how much Soong had to endure.Soong has already been in there about three minutes since she stepped in the metallic container.] 

    Mr. Ardonian : [He says]  only a few moments longer, she is being finished now

    [he gives Susan a smile. Kruger is getting a printout out of Soong's progress through the machines. Ardonian is checking the machine for details on how everything is going and what machine Soong is in. He let's out a sinister laugh thinking of what he has done to Miss Soong, and what is is going to do to Susan. Then he says to Susan] 

    Mr. Ardonian : Soong is almost done, she's being lambasted now like a holiday roast.

    [Ardonian smiles at Susan after his little joke Ardonian let's out with a very sinister laugh .Ardonian now knows everything went well with Soong's cryogenic hibernation he turns to Kruger and Omar and the other tech with a big smile on his face] 

    Mr. Ardonian : [Ardonian says]  Susan let Omar take you to see the finished product

    [Ardonian let's out a good laugh overjoyed that he has Soong is his harem. Only earlier that afternoon as Ardonian toasted Soong's beauty she said she tried to forget I returned that as it sometimes interfered with her work. Now she was in cryogenic hibernation solely due to her beauty.] 

    Susan Fleming : [Susan]  OK, yes

    [Omar walks Susan down a level he places his hand on Susan's arm and she reacts violently pushing his arm off. Susan well knows that Omar is a real creepy little man and knows he will be ogling her when she is up there just like Soong.They walk over to the place Soong's cylinder would exit the machine. The cylinder comes out but it's on its back.Susan checks her watch and Soong was in the machine a full four minutes. There is a lot of smoke coming off the cylinder just like dry ice being exposed. There is a heavy layer of frost on the cylinder.Susan is unable to see anything but the steam and smoke. Susan knows now how the other six girls were done and she knows she's about to be done. Then an mechanical arm picks up the cylinder. Susan is looking at Soong, Susan's eyes follow Soong as her cylinder raises up. Her beautiful bob hairdo is in complete disarray. Her hair is piled on top of her head. Soong's eyes are looking directly at Susan but Soong's eyes are lifeless. Soong is wearing a very skimpy silver metallic Brazilian bikini. The panty part of her bikini is cut very very low in the front .Soong has a blank look in her eyes she looks like a mannequin.] 

    Mr. Ardonian : [Ardonian says]  what do you think Susan

    Susan Fleming : [She says]  Well you certainly gave her the works

    [Susan well knows he is going to cook her goose next and she is trying to placate the madman.] 

    Mr. Ardonian : [Ardonian takes a long look at Soong and studies her body thinking of all the people she may have known, parents, siblings, friends, ex lovers and possibly children they will never see her again or even hear whatever happened to Soong. He thinks of earlier in the day, in his office he tried to toast her beauty but she stopped him saying it interfered with her work. Now she was in cryogenic freeze due solely to her beauty. Ardonian knew Soong was playing him saying once the mission was complete she would have time for other things but now she was his sex slave forced to do all his bidding.Ardonian is so pleased with himself that he has made an asshole out of Miss Soong. Ardonian is going into a state of full ecstasy looking the at Soong in hibernation. Soong looks like a mannequin you would see in a department store never thinking she was a real human. Ardonian thought earlier they came to the meeting together and then he took care of the Chinese and now Soong is taken care of as well. The Chinese bosses insisted that Soong accompany Ardonian to the launch site little did they know they would be electrocuted and she would be frozen in a cryogenic deep freeze Ardonian gives]  a very sinister laugh.

    Susan Fleming : [Susan asks Omar]  her face and eye make up seem to have come through the process without damage. Did the machine dress her in the bikini and there seems to be grease on her body most heavily around her belly some on her legs.?Also what happened to Soong when she was going through the machines and vats of liquid and all these whistle noises and ringing bells, the vats of fluid seems to boil up and bubble with Soong in it.Sparking,electrical noises and the other noises and why did Soong have a strange look on her face?

    Omar : [Omar says]  yes the machines dressed her in her loutfit, her makeup was as she went into the machines and wasn't washed off in the process and yes the machine she went into initially as soon as the door closes sprays a very cold lubricant on the body below the neck and down so it wouldn't burn which happens in cryogenics. The rest you will find out for yourself very soon.

    Mr. Ardonian : [Ardonian says to Susan]  Susan, I have to go, Kruger will take care of you

    [he watches as Soong moves to be on the tracks with the other girls. Susan looks over to see Kruger reading the very large syringe and speaking to the other tech. Ardonian is really fascinated with his group of cryogenic hibernation friends and is truly looking at them as the were mounted heads in a hunters den.] 

    Susan Fleming : [Susan is looking at the cylinders the girls are placed in as Soong has moved up and joined their ranks and she turns to Omar saying]  I'd like my little bag

    [Omar shakes his head no. Susan pleads her case] 

    Susan Fleming : please Omar, be a real angel and a total dear, I really don't want to come out looking under done you know

    [pointing up,up, the cylinders Omar, Kruger and the tech all laugh and Omar gives Fleming her bag.] 

    Omar : [Susan takes out a compact case and she is checking her makeup. She reaches into her bag and pulls out a lipstick and she starts to reapply her lipstick. Omar laughing says]  have you fixed it you no longer look underdone ?

    [Then Ardonian calls Omar away.] 

    Susan Fleming : [Susan is applying lipstick as Kruger and the tech wake over to her. Susan says]  Well ahhhh ahhhh I guess I'm ready I had to fix my makeup a bit I really didn't want to come out looking underdone.

    [Kruger is tapping on the syringe and he tells the tech they will inject Susan down here then remove her clothing then they will bring her to the upper level to put her into the metal cylinder and get her into the hibernation machines. Kruger says] 

    Susan Fleming : OK, Miss Susan, just relax and cooperate. Its your turn to be done It will go easier for you, take deep breaths and relax there is nothing you can do so just cooperate

    [Susan pulls the top off her lipstick and points the tube at Kruger and the tech as bubbles emerge. Susan says] 

    Susan Fleming : relax and cooperate just relax and cooperate

    [as both men fall to the floor after being drugged.] 

    Susan Fleming : [Susan tries to stop the rocket but Ardonian's henchman come after her and she tries to run. She is caught by two of the guards and then Ringo sees her. He makes the guards tie her up and gag her. Most people think Susan is now for sure going to cryogenic hibernation but Ringo places her kneeling inside the rocket. Susan makes]  gagged sounds.

    Kelly : [Kelly comes into the control room and fights Ardonian trying to stop him from releasing the rocket. Kelly accidently puts Ardonian into cryogenic hibernation which triggers all of the seven previous girls to come out on their track around the control room tour. Kelly is astonished looking at the cryogenic collection. Then it dawns on him these are Ardonian's girls plus the Chinese interpreter. Susan might be among them. He calls out]  Susan ? Susan ?

    [he sits back and sets off the rocket. Now he thinks he sent Susan into Space. But James the chauffeur has rescued her.] 

  • Mr. Ardonian : Ardonian walks into his office and sees Miss Wilma Soong attending near his desk he says

    [I was beginning to think you would never arrive, the rocket was ready two days ago] 

    Wilma Soong : Soong responds

    [well, we are ready for the launching now] 

    Mr. Ardonian : He says to her

    [and the money ?] 

    Wilma Soong : Soong says

    [it had been deposited in a place chosen by you] 

    Wilma Soong : As Ardonian prepares two glasses of whiskey Soong appears a bit nervous and says

    [I am to accompany you to the launch site] 

    Mr. Ardonian : Ardonian thinks it over for a few seconds and says

    [certainly, meet me here at two o'clock] 

    Mr. Ardonian : in reality he was hoping to have Soong at his secret jungle laboratory where they will launch his missle and murder the entire Chinese delegation except for Soong who he has special plans for,

    Mr. Ardonian : Ardonian walks over to Soong and gives her a glass to toast their nearly completed mission saying

    [I must say you certainly have kept your part of the bargain] 

    Wilma Soong : Soong takes the glass in her hand saying

    [we always do] 

    Wilma Soong : she raises her glass saying

    [to your profit Mr. Ardonian and our victory] 

    Mr. Ardonian : Ardonian taps glasses with her saying

    [too your incredible beauty] 

    Wilma Soong : Soong's lips are on the glass sipping the whisky and she is visibly upset hearing this she lowers the glass saying

    [that is something I try to forget] 

    Mr. Ardonian : Ardonian can't understand this saying to her


    Wilma Soong : Soong is showing she is badly shaken but she says to Ardonian

    [Well, it doesn't help in my line of work] 

    Wilma Soong : Soong has revealed that she is broken hearted over some man she met thru her job as an interpreter and fell in love with him only to be badly rejected by him.

    Mr. Ardonian : Ardonian tries to help her saying

    [Well one does not work all the time] 

    Wilma Soong : Soong pulls herself together quickly and resumes her ultra coolness saying

    [once this mission is completed successfully Mr. Ardonian, then we will have time for other things] 

    Wilma Soong : soong gives Ardonian a huge sexy smile. She knows she must placate Ardonian as he is a very horney old goat and she is telling him once the rocket is launched she will love to go to bed with him. In reality it's only a tease and she has no idea of actually sleeping with him

    Mr. Ardonian : Ardonian has a look of complete surprise on his face saying


    Wilma Soong : Soong shakes hands with Ardonian and says

    [until this afternoon then Mr. Ardonian] 

    Mr. Ardonian : He says to her

    [yes until this afternoon then] 

    Mr. Ardonian : he watches as Soong walks away with her very sexy wiggle. Of course Ardonian has plans and he will have Soong wearing a Brazilian cut silver metallic bikini later that day.

See also

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