Gizmo! (1977) Poster


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A truly memorable and positive viewing experience
BruceCorneil16 July 2003
One of the great documentaries of the 1970s . Manages to be both extremely amusing and fascinating thanks to an excellent collection of archival film clips ,a fine narration and some truly inspired original music. The message is clear. Don't knock the guy who comes up with some crazy invention because his next attempt at the same gadget could sell a million. The whole thing aims to celebrate the pioneering spirit of those who dare to attempt the seemingly impossible whether it be for the genuine advancement of their fellow humans or just to provide a few much-needed laughs to lighten up the world in which they live. A truly memorable and positive viewing experience which all students of documentary-making should see.
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A comedic look into the world of invention
martinr8 January 2002
Gizmo is a tribute to humankind's pursuit of progress and the inventive spirit. "Invention" in this film is a pretty loose term - you see strange contraptions, and you also see people doing amazing (and odd) things with their bodies. Most of the footage is in black and white and looks like it was gathered from old newsreels. Unforgettable sequences include flying machines complete with flapping wings, "human flies" climbing skyscrapers without ropes, a whiskey distillery that ages whiskey "100 million times faster than nature", and the topper is a woman who has rediscovered what she calls the "ancient greek cosmic laws of flight". This film is pure magic - I have watched it countless times and I laugh just thinking about some of the scenes. So many of the people in this film should have tried their inventions out before calling the newspaper out to film them. Some of the failures are just spectacular! Also definitely worth mentioning is the soundtrack which is fantastic. Almost every segment of the film is accompanied by a great song which helps to set the mood and really adds to its replay value. If you come across a copy of Gizmo, definitely check it out - adults and children will both really enjoy it.
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Deadly Serious Failures = Present Day Guffaws
redryan6412 July 2014
USING THE COMPILATION method of filmmaking, the freely edited use of old newsreel film is strung together; bringing us a 'brand new' product. The selection of the title of 'GIZMO' denotes mechanical inventions. But the production team extends the perimeter of interest to include certain instances where humans function as would an invention.

THIS IS PROBABLY a fine example of what has been called "Camp" humor. What was dead serious yesterday, can be and often is, quite laughable. Because we have the benefit of hindsight, which is always 20-20, to see what was the folly of hopeful, young inventors of 50, 60 or even longer ago.

WHAT UNFOLDS BEFORE our very eyes is a parade of failed multi-layered winged airplanes, athletic "improvement" devices and every sort of outlandish device imaginable. Among our favourites is a revolutionary 'flying' machine; which employed a series of flapping umbrella-like half cube globes. They pulled down fiercely and were, theoretically supposed to create an upward heading column of air; which would (again theoretically) lift the vehicle upward. It didn't.

AMONG THE "HUMAN" machines we have is an old time strongman who catches cannonballs as they are being fired from a piece of archaic artillery.

NOW, JUST YOU think. What a great 3rd Baseman that guy could've been!
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great documentary
jimbo-937 March 2003
I saw this film in the 70's (on PBS i believe) and remember laughing out loud at the unlikely inventions offered up with earnestness and enthusiasm by their slightly delusional inventors(before watching them go wrong, horribly wrong). Great b/w vintage footage. Its like America's Funniest Home Video's for The New Yorker readers.
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charming,delightful a real insperration!
swampgirlus23 January 2001
I absolutely LOVED this movie! Some of the inventions really cracked me up.My favorite scenes were the buildings being blown up.It looked like they were shrinking.I wonder what that weird liquid was and why the people were dry when they climbed out of it.What was the deal with the guy at the very beginning of the movie making farting noises with his hands.Just how was that supposed to help mankind?Anyway the scenes with people trying to fly was my second favorite.This movie lets you know that everyone messes up once and awhile and you shouldn't give up!
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You CAN do the impossible!!!
mtsurveyor7 March 2021
I first saw this movie on PBS when I was about 6 years, about 1980. I'm unable to explain just how much this movie impacted me and my life, but it's been my favorite movie for 40 years and I've seen it a hundred times. The editing together of the old reels of people "trying to do the impossible," the hilarity of comedian Milt Moss' narration (adorned with his many made up words), and the genius of the score written for this film made it a family favorite which we still quote in everyday conversation. The deeper impact this movie had on me was due to its candid portrayal of "people obsessed by a dream." That people that pursue the impossible are a pretty goofy bunch, much of the time worthy of laughing at. But that when they succeed, when they do the impossible, it's pure magic. I cry with joy every time I watch the closing scene.
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BandSAboutMovies28 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Howard Smith started his career as a journalist and is best known for his column "Scenes," which ran weekly for twenty years and became known for its cutting-edge coverage of the emerging counterculture. Not only did he report on the Stonewall Riots, he was inside the building as it happened. He also produced and directed, along with Sarah Kernochan, one of my favorite documentaries ever, Marjoe.

This is a movie of clips, mostly concerning inventors trying to be the one that changes the world. And it's also about stunt people who challenged that world, like John Ciampa, who was known as the Human Fly, the Flying Phantom and the Brooklyn Tarzan. He was an early parkour athlete before anyone even knew what that was and he was used by Paramount to publicize their Tarzan movies. In this film, you can see him enjoy dinner with his family before he climbs trees, leaps across buildings and even uses a drainpipe to scale a building.

You've seen the photo of Frank "Cannonball" Richards, but do you know his name? Gizmo shows more of him, a man who twice a day was shot in the stomach with a hundred pound cannonball.

Narrated by Milt Moss and written by Kathleen Cox, Nicholas Hollander (who would go on to write Animaniacs) and Clark Whelton, this film ends with this: "Maybe there are three kinds of people in this world, those who make it, those who don't, and those who criminate in this movie. They believe in the impossible, and they try to make it chorus in. Because in the heart, when you want to trade in life, you find the mountain, in the failure of triumph. Because in the heart, people see air and I know, if you have the thing to go, reason hard to see, the corona star, the spirit, the mountain, and man's Rex afore. Or to say it another way, man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for?"

Most of the newsreel footage in this movie had no dialogue. A lip reader was hired to determine what they said and actors dubbed in the dialogue. Two of the songs, "Let It Go" and "Somewhere" were written by J. Stephen Soles and his wife at the time, P. J. Totally.

How is this a Satanic film? Anton LaVey loved ballyhoo, which this is full of, and strange inventions, such as the automatons of Dr. Cecil Nixon, a dentist who created Isis, Galatea and more creations that he kept in his San Francisco mansion, The House of a Thousand Mysteries.
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Creative minds at work....
Mister-612 September 1999
It had to happen someday: a movie about people who DIDN'T succeed with their ideas.

At least they got their fifteen minutes of fame.

In "Gizmo", the excitement and virtue of creativity is embraced in full as a multitude of inventions from a ways back are shown, via newsreels. Some are pretty viable (indestructable head gear) while others are just plain silly (inummerable flying machines) but all show a lot of imagination behind the madness.

You have to hand it to the inventors, though: they were trying to better mankind. At least it wasn't through weapons of war.

All in all, "Gizmo" is a lot of fun, for the whole family, even. If you can find it, rent it, or even catch it on TV, watch it. Especially if none of your ideas ever succeed.

You'll feel better.

Ten stars. Let's hear it for the entreprenurial spirit!
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Excellent documentary about man's inventions and creative spirit
akin12310 April 2007
Gizmo! is a documentary centered around man's creative instinct. Some of the world's most way out inventions ( black and white) have been included here. The score is really original and watching it gives you a rich sense of satisfaction. It really left me with a feel good feeling.

I watched this 20 years ago...haven;t seen it till today. It was one of my inspirations growing up. It basically caters to an inquisitive mind so if you're into education...this is a great movie to show the kids.

There are multifarious inventions shown throughout the film. Some were successful some were not. All had the common effect of making you think "hey I can do that too !" There was inventions about flying, tumbling down a mountain side inside a giant wheel, making musical instruments with paper cups....all in all a very interesting watch. ps : I was addicted to this program for years in my childhood. Hope to see it soon again.
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Such fabulous archival footage
CtlAltDel21 May 2020
When I was a kid this doco would be screened regularly on TV. We always watched it. Such a fabulous compilation of archival footage. And I always loved the song 'It Moves Me' by Neal Rosengarden.
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marinor-701479 October 2018
Just saw this movie on TCM and all it was is a documentary on the first moon landing...REALLY! Did I miss something here???
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Anyone deciphered the meaning of the dedication and closing comments?
marlon_jackson25 December 2006
I love this movie/documentary. The first time I saw it was when VHS videos first became available to rent in my area in the late 1970's or early 1980's. The soundtrack is compelling and the end when they play the Canon inspired me so much I talked my then fiancé to use this for our wedding.

However, one thing has bothered me for decades. And now that I've finally been able to get a copy of the movie and the internet has been invented ...

I've had many discussions with friends who've seen the moving regarding the opening dedication and the comments at the end of the movie.

What the heck is the narrator saying?

Is it a different language? Is he just making up words? "crianisus", "those who craminate in this movie", "man's rexiphor"?

Someone must know.
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Neil Rosengarden is the composer of We Don't Make 'Em Anymore. Not Nicholas Hollander.
nrosengarden-130 April 2007
Neil Rosengarden is the composer of We Don't Make 'Em Anymore. Not Nicholas Hollander.

Would someone who knows how to change this and has the time to do it take care of this please? It's so complicated. I am Neil Rosengarden and am the 100% composer of We Don't Make 'Em Anymore, and if you want to verify it, check it at BMI. Thank You!!!! Okay, I'll add more lines of text. What kind of text would you like? Yellow rose of text as? Text the A train? I need to get off the computer now. I have to write some more songs, okay. Don't make me come back here ever again. Thanks, it's really been fun.
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TV presenter?
Jery_Kilker7 November 2007
The images are amazing! Clearly, the filmed clips were taken at the time the events were ready to 'take off,' and the devices were at the final stage of development. Imagine how many similar concoctions never reached this stage, or took place without being filmed. The patience of editor Howard Smith for reviewing so many sources is being rewarded here. Some of the ideas inspired (or were inspired by) scenes in contemporary Hollywood movies, i.e., the building climbing, or survive as photo post cards. What we see here was a sampling of unusual and compulsive behavior popular in the film age. A question: was the TV presenter the young David Letterman?
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Great humor and spirit.
bob-4693 May 1999
Without question the funniest and most interesting documentary I've ever seen. I have been entertaining friends with this piece for years and they all love it. I love the fact that Gizmo has great humor and still is able to show the humans indomitable spirit.
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An entertaining documentary on human endeavors and inventions that may have been overlooked but certainly worth mentioning.
Shree1 August 1999
GIZMO is a delightful, comedic presentation of the human spirit of determination and the willingness to take physical risks to overcome obstacles. The centuries old saying that fact is stranger than fiction is very much exemplified by the characters appearing in this film. The most bizarre fact is that this is actual footage without any actors and actresses performing the sometimes hilarious feats of human endurance.

The movie is wholesome entertainment that should bring about a laugh or two at a family gathering. It would also be a splendid tool for a motivational seminar. Laughter is sometimes the best medicine, and GIZMO might be a remedy!
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Should be re-named "Marching To A Different Drummer"
boris-2620 November 2001
GIZMO is a wild documentary about the eccentric inventors and entertainers who only wanted to make the world a more interesting place. Among some of the lunatic inventions shown here are talking grandfather clocks, a bicycle that can scale houses, caps to keep swimmers' beards dry and cars that appear to drive backwards. Then you have the public entertainers who show they have the talent to do odd things such as bend hardware with their teeth, do carpentry with their tounge, tightrope across Times Square.

Added to this, the bulk of the footage is from before World War II, so these visonaries address the camera in an ernest, polite manner that adds much to this film. A great piece for the family.
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Fun Documentary about invention and the human spirit
gortx2 September 2020
Howard Smith's fizzy Documentary assembles dozens of newsreel style clips of all kinds of contraptions and oddball behavior into a highly entertaining stew. The basic idea here is a tribute to invention - whether by contraption or by physical feats. And, the motto is that even if one doesn't succeed, the effort is worth the risk of defeat. Of course, a large source of the enjoyment here is watching how spectacularly they often fail (although none of the footage seems to depict anything truly life-threatening). Transportation in it's various modes seems to be the invention of choice here (especially, attempts at flying). Milt Moss narrates in his wry thick New York City accent. Loose dialogue is dubbed over some of the clips along with a large selection of songs (including a Randy Newman composition) and music, adding to the breezy lite tone. In some ways GIZMO! resembles a visual compilation of Ripley's Believe It Or Not and Guinness Book of Worlds Records by way of those 60s Mondo films (not to mention a predecessor of World's Funniest Home Videos). But, Director Smith (who won a Documentary Oscar for MARJOE) gives the film a more unified vision here of the indomitable human spirit. And, a darn delightful one at that.
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