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Killer Nun Ain't Much Fun *warning: some minor spoilers*
Jenabel_Regina_del_Mundo27 December 2003
Warning: Spoilers
From Ken Russell's 'The Devils' to Jesus Franco's 'Love Letters Of A Portuguese Nun,' from Sergio Grieco's 'Sinful Nuns Of St. Valentine' to Gianfranco Mingozzi's classic 'Flavia The Heretic' and everything in between, I am a self-confessed nunsploitation freak. I wanted to embrace Killer Nun uncritically. I also like to check out any film featuring Joe Dallesandro, who is always interesting. Except, maybe, in this movie. But it would be unfair to ask Joe to save a failure like Killer Nun. The basic problem with this movie is the misleading title. With a title like Killer Nun, you are compelled to either deliver the goods, or condemned to disillusioning your audience. As a viewer, I haven't felt so disillusioned since I saw 'Blow Up' and not a single cast member exploded. I actually fell asleep the first time I tried to watch this film, right after Anita Ekberg stomped on the old lady's dentures. I did not pass out from tiredness but from the surprise agony of boredom this film inflicted upon my vulnerable brain. I trustingly placed my fragile psyche in the hands of cruel and insensitive filmmakers who betrayed me! By the time I fell asleep on the initial viewing attempt, I had long wearied of chanting "Kill, Nun, Kill!" every time a nun appeared on screen. Maybe if the film had been marketed under the title "Horny Junkie Nun" or "Nun With Occasional Psychotic Episodes" I wouldn't have felt so ripped off.

The second time I settled down to inflict Killer Nun upon myself I was prepared. I sat through it with steely determination, thankful for my preternaturally high pain threshold.

There's some soft sex and nudity, but only one scene between Sister Gertrude (Ekberg) and her younger lesbian nun lover contains any hint of eroticism or interest. Sister Gertrude humiliates her submissive girlfriend, Sister Mathilde (Paola Morra, an Italian Playboy Playmate who also had a small role in the nunsploitation flick 'Sex Life In A Convent'). Ekberg forces her to dress in silk stockings to satisfy her admitted fetish, and demands that she repeat the words, "I am the worst kind of prostitute!" Unfortunately this is a case of too little too late. This scene could have been deliciously lascivious... another opportunity to deliver the prurient goods utterly wasted.

The same can be said of the gore. Yeah, people die in this movie but the first outright killing occurs nearly halfway through the film. The gore, such as it is, is almost entirely implied, and will only irritate fans of graphic violence FX. Another killing carries genuine potential for thrills and terror, as the victim is sadistically tortured with pins. Somehow the filmmakers actually succeed in making scenes like this boring. Doesn't cut it with a film called Killer Nun, babe.

As for the other half of the reason I was looking forward with some pleasurable anticipation to watching this movie. Joe Dallesandro. His role is negligible. Aside from a lame soft sex scene with Morra, he's given nothing to do at all. Dallesandro is usually more than watchable in genre films. While he never gives a bad account of himself, in this instance his presence is wasted. A significant letdown for this fan.

I never imagined I would be disappointed in a nunsploitation entry. The biggest shock this film delivers is what a dud it turned out to be. I've had more laughs filming myself vomiting than I had watching this movie. If you want nunsploitation then consider Killer Nun as a last resort. Instead try one of the films mentioned in my opening remarks, or maybe you'd enjoy my personal favorite, Pedro Almodovar's 'Dark Habits.'
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A mild disappointment
lastliberal31 July 2008
This is an interesting film about nuns and murder that was shocking in it's day, but suffers in three areas.

First, it stars Anita Ekberg in her most skintastic role. No, you don't get to see her 40-23-38 body, just a brief flash of bun as she manages to get a quickie in town while she is stocking up on her drugs. Yes, she is a junkie nun and she also has a mental illness or brain disease. You never know which as everyone denies there is anything wrong with her. However, she is prone to fits of rage. Is she capable of murder? The murders starts when she returns from town. They are not particularly gruesome, and those looking for giallo will be disappointed.

Finally, there is a hint of lesbianism, but those looking for full blown nunsploitation should look elsewhere. Her roommate is Italian Playboy Playmate Paola Morra, in her first film. Now, Paola does swing both ways and does give full frontal. She is definitely something to see as she is incredible beautiful, but there is no action between her and Ekberg - you just have to imagine it.

The film was well directed and well written. It was an interesting work, but I feel that it will disappoint more than it will entertain.
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Killer movie!
Infofreak30 July 2001
I'm really surprised at the lack of comments for this classic piece of Nunsploitation! This movie is really, really odd! Anita Ekberg plays a cancer obsessed Nun who works as a nurse. Old people start getting killed, and she starts flipping out. She stomps on an old lady's false teeth, shoots up morphine, picks up a guy and screws him, and gets sexually involved with a fellow disturbed nun. Is she the killer? Does she even know herself? Watch 'Killer Nun' to find out.

Warhol regular Joe Dallesandro appears as a doctor but isn't very memorable. Ekberg's lesbian lover is though! One of the hottest nuns you'll ever see!
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Say Two Hail Marys And I'll Whack You In The Morning...
ferbs5422 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Sister Gertrude, in the 1978 Italian horror film "The Killer Nun," is certainly not your typical, garden-variety nun. Addicted to mainlining morphine (Sister Morphine?!?!) as a result of a recent brain tumor operation, she also smokes cigarettes, drinks liquor in bars, hallucinates, has up-against-the-wall sex with casually picked-up men, wears makeup, steals, engages in domineering lesbian sex with her roommate, and, perhaps most shocking of all, refers to her Mother Superior as "bitch." Still...does that mean she's responsible for the wave of recent murders in the French hospital where she works? What would YOU think? As played by Miss Sweden 1951 herself, Anita Ekberg, Gertrude really is a sight to behold, both in and out of the, er, habit. Sadly, this picture, though great sounding in synopsis, is a real mixed bag, never dishes out quite enough in the sex and violence departments, and will probably leave most viewers wanting more in terms of sleaze, shocks and scares. Still, there are some pleasures to be had here. Giulio Berruti's directing is occasionally quite stylish, and the film's score, by Alessandro Alessandroni, is freaky (especially during Gertrude's "shooting sprees") and really quite excellent. Film buffs will also be happy to see Alida Valli and Joe Dallesandro in small roles, and one of the film's murders, featuring multiple hypodermic needles in an old woman's face, should satisfy all the gorehounds out there. The DVD that I just watched, from the good folks at Blue Underground, looks fine but has been poorly dubbed; subtitles would have been infinitely preferable. I had to watch the film twice to make sure I understood the ending correctly--the hushed, fast-talking dubbing doesn't always make things easy--and, if I may make a, um, confession, did appreciate it more the second time around.
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Boring, with an over-the-hill starlet
Groverdox20 April 2016
"Killer Nun" has one thing going for it: its title. Aside from that it's an exercise in tedium, relieved by very scant nudity and a couple of nasty, violent moments.

The nun played by an over-the-hill Anita Ekberg is crazy due to a brain tumour she's just had removed. She forces her geriatric charges to do grueling calisthenics, stomps on their dentures, reads them gruesome tales of saintly martyrdom, has sex with random men in bars, shoots up heroin and may well be a murderer.

The movie has aspirations to the erotic in a few scenes, I guess, but Ekberg was way past her use-by date. The younger nun who tries to seduce her was much better looking, even with a massive bush, but we don't see enough of her. It's all about Ekberg, and who cares about her? Pretty hard to believe she was ever a sex symbol.

The movie has one horrible torture scene where someone has needles pushed through the skin of their bandaged face.

The ending may have had a twist, or it may not have had. I didn't care at all and was just waiting for the movie to be over.
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Dull Euro horror/exploitation/thriller film, there is much better out there.
poolandrews8 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The film opens with the on screen paragraph 'this film is based on actual events that took place in a Central European country not many years ago'. Yeah, course it is. During the credits we see a yet unknown nun in confession. Then we are introduced to Sister Gertrude (Anita Ekberg) who works in a hospital with a Dr. Poirett (Massimo Serato) and her roommate and friend Sister Mathieu (Paola Morra), other people work there obviously but these are the only ones you need concern yourself with at this point. Sister Gertrude has recently undergone surgery to remove a brain tumour and has been experiencing headaches, black outs and a loss of control. Dr. Poirett says that he thinks she is suffering from post operative shock and the symptoms that she describes are purely psychosomatic. In actual fact Sister Gertrude has become addicted to morphine. Sister Gertrude receives no support from her Mother Suerior (Alida Valli) as she tells Sister Gertrude that "it's a nun's vocation to suffer". After Dr. Poirett refuses to prescribe her anymore morphine, Sister Gertrude steals a ring from a dead patient and pawns it in the city buying the drug with the proceeds. Sister Mathieu steals morphine for her as well from the hospital. The patients and Dr. Poirett begin to notice that Sister Gertrude's personality has begun to change, for the worse. One night Sister Gertrude notices that a patient named Josephine (Nerina Montagnani) has put her false teeth into her glass of water on the dining room table during dinner. Angry Sister Gertrude throws them on the floor and stamps on them. Later that night Josephine has a heart attack in her room and dies, this is when Sister Gertrude steals the ring. Soon after this incident Sister Gertrude senses Dr. Poirett is becoming suspicious and talks to the director (Daniele Dublino) of the hospital and convinces him to fire Dr. Poirett. Things become worse for Sister Gertrude as Father Janot is bludgeoned to death and thrown out of a high window to make it look like suicide. More deaths occur as the new Doctor, Patrick Roland (Joe Dallesandro) can't quite believe what is happening at the hospital and he too also starts to have his suspicions about Sister Gertrude. Is Sister Gertrude a drug-addicted killer? Since the hospital doesn't want a scandal they try and cover up the deaths as accidents but eventually the truth is revealed............ Co-written and directed by Giulio Berruti I really didn't think too much of this European exploitation film. The script by Berruti and Alberto Tarallo is quite slow at times and surprisingly shy's away from the stronger sleaze and exploitation elements you may expect from a Euro film from this period and of this type. A bit of nudity, a sequence where a female patient gives a man in a wheelchair a blow-job and has sex with him and a scene where a woman has needles stuck into her face is about it. The film is set almost entirely in the hospital and the fact that Ekberg plays a nun is totally irrelevant and not really used to it's full potential. There are not enough suspects on show either, I always felt that it was going to be one of only two potential killers and I was proved right. And the films title 'Killer Nun' tells you just about everything you need to know as well. The killers motives are never really made that clear and the way they are revealed at the end is one of the poorest and most unimaginative I've ever seen, the killers unmasking is better in an average Murder, She Wrote (1984-1996) episode! I just didn't care about anyone or anything in this film, and that's never a good thing. Quite well made on a certain level but there are so many more better films out there in this genre. Dull, unexciting and somewhat uninteresting. Not worth spending good money on that's for sure.
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Sleazy Video Nasty meeting of Giallo and Nunsploitation
The_Void20 June 2006
Killer Nun is a crossover between two of sleaze cinema's most popular subgenres; the graphically titled 'nunsploitation' and the more popular Italian thriller known as Giallo. I can't say I'm very experienced with the former, but I'm a big fan of the latter; and the fact that this film was a part of the Video Nasty list back in the eighties ensured that I had enough reason to see it. As a Video Nasty, this film isn't all that good and is unfortunately one of the more tame entries on the list, and to be honest; I can't see a good reason for banning it, other than the obvious implications of a nun taking it upon herself to begin killing people. As a Giallo, this film isn't all that good either - as there isn't a lot of mystery going on, and the murders aren't too imaginative. However, as a slice of sleaze; this film works a treat! The plot follows a nun who finds herself addicted to morphine after having an operation on a brain tumour. However, this isn't the most dangerous element of her psyche; as the patients at the hospital she works at believe that she is behind a series of murders!

The film clearly knows what its main strengths are, and director Giulio Berruti delights in showing things such as lesbianism and torture to his audience. The idea of one of God's disciples going around murdering people isn't the most original idea ever conceived, but it's well worked as the film always appears to be completely serious and manages to stay away from the comic book styling's of many Giallo, which would ultimately have harmed the film. Cult actress Anita Ekberg takes the lead role and delivers a strong performance, which despite not winning her any plaudits; works well in the context of the movie, and she does carry off the nun look well. Joe Dallesandro joins in the fun, and the rest of the unknown cast are good enough for this sort of film. The lesbian scenes in the movie are well done and actually rather erotic, thereby guaranteed to delight the movie's target audience. The plot is always secondary to the sleaze, and therefore isn't too interesting; but it plays out nicely, and while the ending isn't particularly strong; this is a good example of sleaze cinema and is recommended to the relevant people.
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Really weak Italian nunsploitation film.
HumanoidOfFlesh19 February 2005
I have seen plenty of nunsploitation flicks and "Killer Nun" is among the worst of them all.This Giulio Berruti's extremely boring horror film casts Swedish former sex symbol Anita Ekberg as Sister Gertrude,a nun working in a mental institution.Gertrude is clearly insane,and takes a great deal of morphine for her self-diagnosed cancer.She goes to town and picks up men,seduces a younger nun Sister Mathieu(Paola Morra of "Behind the Convent Walls" fame)who was abused by her grandfather,and supposedly murders patients."Killer Nun" is a disappointing Italian nunsploitation film that offers only a little bit of sleaze and nudity.Another serious flaw in the film is the relationship between Sister Gertrude and Sister Mathieu which only hints at lesbianism.During these scenes Ekberg appears frigid while Paola Morra feels more relaxed doing these moments."Killer Nun" is too tame for my liking and the pace is incredibly slow.If you want to see some good nunsploitation flicks check out "Flavia the Heretic","Visions in a Convent","Convent of Sinners" or even Bruno Mattei's "The Other Hell".Avoid this one like the plague.4 out of 10 and that's being generous.
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Go twisted sister, GO!
Coventry11 January 2006
Why on earth are most comments on this "Killer Nun" so exaggeratedly harsh? It's certainly true that this film differs immensely from all the other Nunsploitation-movies made previously, with a story that doesn't involve Satan-worshiping nuns for once and a remarkably lesser amount of graphic sex, but that doesn't mean it's inferior exploitation! On the contrary, I strongly believe the story of "Killer Nun" actually works for a change, since it's loosely based on a factual Belgian serial-killer case about a mentally unstable hospital-convent nurse who turns to murder after imagining an incurable disease. Actress Anita Ekberg, who I think she resembles Kathleen Turner, plays the respected sister Gertrude but she's no longer the devoted nurse/nun she used to be. She's convinced she has cancer, gets addicted to morphine and starts to do ungodly things, like mistreating her patients and even sexually provoking men as well as her young roommate. When some patients are found dead, even Mother Superior begins to doubt sister Gertrude. "Killer Nun" is atmospheric, but often very slow and admittedly the substance might be too scant to fill a whole horror movie with. Peculiar as well is that director Giulio Berruti hints at several controversial topics (lesbianism, masochism...) but eventually evades to show anything, and this is probably the reason why so many horror fans claim "Killer Nun" is a boring and eventless film. Nevertheless, this rare Italian exploitation gem features a terrific musical score as well as a handful of gory sequences (that were largely cut in post "video-nasties" versions). The acting is far above normal 70's euro-horror standards, with Ekberg, Joe Dallesandro and beauty Paola Morra all in great roles. As far as I'm concerned, this is a good and underrated film!
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Stylish, but hurt by a lack of incident
Leofwine_draca13 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of those Italian "nunsploitation" films (others include FLAVIA THE HERETIC and THE OTHER HELL), made in the decade after THE DEVILS and made to cash in on the same religious frenzy and sadistic depravity that seem to fill the minds of the holy in the movies. Sadly, THE KILLER NUN is a disappointing film due to the lack of violence on display, and moreover the lack of real power in the film. Due to this it's completely unmemorable, although not without its moments.

The film follows a strict, repetitive plot; a murder occurs, which is then followed by investigation and much suspicion, then another murder, and so on up until the twist finale (which isn't really that surprising, seeing as you never really see Ekberg commit the crimes she is accused of). As this is an Italian movie, there's a certain style to it which makes it watchable, and the crisp photography is nice to look at too, along with an expressive score.

The acting is pretty good as well, especially from Ekberg as the confused, tormented nun. The supporting cast may be full of unrecognisable Italians, but they all act professionally with the exception of a few over-the-top hysterical nuns. Gentle stalwart Massimo Serato plays a harassed doctor and cult star Joe Dallesandro has a minor role. Sadly it is the lack of incident which results in this film's downfall, that and the ending which makes you think "is that it?". It simply looks like they ran out of budget and had to draw the film to a premature close.

The murders, when they occur, are pretty good; they include death by suffocation, a bludgeoning followed by a fall from a window, and in the film's grisliest scene, a woman has pins pushed into her face - ouch! There are also individual scenes like when Ekberg stamps on an old woman's dentures which stick out as being quite powerfully portrayed. Although the sex was quite hyped up before the film, it's actually not that explicit, and instead kept to a sizzling undercurrent of lust and passion. THE KILLER NUN may be a pretty forgettable movie, but thanks to the Italian influence it's quite watchable as these things go.
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highly enjoyable
dispet17 June 2004
a very, very silly film. not once will you feel horror or revulsion (unless you are the sensitive type or a nun) but you may smirk, and you may laugh and you may even find yourself cheering on dear old sister gertrude as she goes on her rampage of false teeth destruction, morphine addiction, random sex and abuse and an extreme misuse of stockings. somehow this all ties together in a film which is somewhat cohesive, quite impressively directed for the most part, beautifully scored, very well acted and just generally entertaining. certainly not for everybody though, you do have to have a slightly bent idea of entertainment or at least enjoy cinema on the edge, on the edge of what, im not quite sure. over all, an enjoyable psychodrama with a touch of taboo.
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Creepy And Effective Nunsploitation-Horror
"Suor Omicidi" aka "Killer Nun" of 1978 is a stylish and pleasantly demented Nunsploitation Horror flick that is quite vastly underrated. While it is certainly not very typical for the Nunsploitation-sub-gene, this is a very atmospheric, at times mesmerizing and very well-acted psychological Horror film that lovers of Exploitation cinema should certainly miss. The great Anita Eckberg, cult-actress of the 50s, stars in the leading role of Sister Gertrude, a nun working in a Christian mental hospital. After having a tumor removed, Gertrude is convinced that she still has cancer, and, along with a proceeding morphine addiction, gradually gets more obsessed with this idea. Suddenly, people at the hospital end up dead... Unlike most other Nunsploitation films, "Suor Omicidi" is not about devil-worshiping or satanic possession. While the film does include sex and nudity, as well as a variety of perversions, the sleaze-level is maybe not quite as high as in typical Nunsploitation flicks. It is quite demented, however, and even though sometimes a bit slow, "Killer Nun" always has a tense, creepy atmosphere. The score by Alessandro Alessandroni is downright ingenious and effectively enhances the film's eeriness in a brilliant manner. Anita Eckberg is outstanding in the lead, and beautiful Paola Morra is also very good in the role of her young roommate and fellow nun Sister Mathieu. The supporting cast includes a bunch of familiar faces for fans of cult-cinema, such as Joe Dalessandro ("Blood For Dracula"), Alida Valli ("Suspiria", "Inferno"), Lou Castell ("A Bullet For The General") and Massimo Serato ("Macchie Solari", "Solamente Nero"). Over-all "Killer Nun" is a creepy, atmospheric and effective flick with a very strong lead that I highly recommend to all my fellow fans of Exploitation and Italian Horror!
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Anita Ekberg's career slips further into oblivion
bergma15@msu.edu22 February 2006
Anita Ekberg made this film in the late 1970s, just when her career was in dire need of a boost. Well I've got some bad news for Ekberg fans, this isn't the star vehicle that any of you were looking for. In fact, it's pretty weak. There was a plot, but it wasn't that great. The directing was alright, but most of the production value on the film was merely mediocre.

Ekberg plays a middle aged nun who works for a Catholic hospital somewhere in Europe. She has recently had a brain tumor removed and was told that she made a complete recovery. Ekberg has her doubts because she finds herself acting in bizarre ways. There are several murders at the hospital that Ekberg believes she was responsible due to her changing mental condition. The only person who seems to know about her problems is her roommate/lesbian lover.

The plot isn't very difficult, and the twist is predictable. Look for Joe Dallesandro of "Flesh for Frankenstein" fame (his voice is dubbed, so we don't get to hear the Jersey accent), and some mild lesbian action. Other than that, it's really not worth bothering with.
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Great title but light on nun sleaze
Dr. Gore7 May 2003
Warning: Spoilers

"Killer Nun" baby. What a title. I couldn't resist. I was helpless. A nun. Who's a killer! Had to see it.

Unfortunately "Killer Nun" was too good a title. It couldn't live up to the high sleaze bar it had set for itself. The main nun, Sister Gertrude, (Anita Ekberg), does not get naked. She wasn't a young nun but she still had it going on. She was looking good.

So Gertrude works in a hospital. She is also addicted to morphine. Patients start ending up dead. Gertrude is suspected of being a killer nun. Her young nun roommate tries to console her. She also gets naked a lot and longs to be with Gertrude. In a good scene, Gertrude says that she'll only make love to a woman if she's wearing silk stockings. But once again, the movie falls short and no nun sex scene. Rats.

All in all, not too exciting. If the point of a "nunsploitation" movie is to see women dress as nuns and be sexual, this movie falls flat.
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THE KILLER NUN (Giulio Berruti, 1978) **
Bunuel197621 March 2009
I first became aware of this via the Blue Underground DVD, though I was not intrigued enough by the online reviews to acquire it; however, coming my way recently while being in a "Nunsploitation" frame-of-mind, I could not very well let the opportunity pass me by (in hindsight, the English dubbing is atrocious – even if the print reverted for a couple of brief scenes to the original Italian language). I have never been a fan of voluptuous Anita Ekberg and watching her as a demented, dope-addicted and sex-starved nun promised non-stop camp; with this in mind, obscure director Berruti lent the proceedings a matching deliriousness – but, alas, the end result is considerably less than the sum of its parts. The rest of the cast is interesting but, apart from Paola Morra – who, perhaps not to give the game away too early, effectively underplays her role as Ekberg's devoted 'room-mate' (incidentally, she would don the habit again that same year for Walerian Borowczyk's BEHIND CONVENT WALLS), clearly operating below-par: Joe Dallessandro (completely out of his element as a young doctor whom Morra effortlessly manages to keep in check at the climax – if you get my drift), Alida Valli (literally phoning in her performance as the Mother Superior), Lou Castel (as a nosy crippled patient) and Massimo Serato (as the irascible elder doctor who, however, continually cuts Ekberg's clumsiness some slack because she was the most valuable assistant he ever had!). Mildly interesting is the fact that THE KILLER NUN is book-ended by two confessional scenes (the second of which abruptly terminates the film without a proper resolution!) in which each of the protagonists spit out their hatred of the male species; for what it is worth, though clearly unbalanced and given to foul-mouthed outbursts, Ekberg is not the homicidal sister of the title but a victim of circumstance and rejected affection. Noted for its blending the "Nunsploitation" genre with the typical Giallo formula, these elements ought in fact to have made for a doubly enticing proposition; yet the two styles never properly jell, so that the film is too often ludicrous as opposed to gripping (much less scathing). In its favor, we do get Alessandro Alessandroni's score – which has an agreeable 'hard rock' vibe to it particularly redolent of Led Zeppelin's music! Unsurprisingly, the film is most memorable when it goes over-the-top – such as the irate Ekberg crushing an old patient's dentures under her feet (with the latter expiring soon after!), all the murder set-pieces but especially the one where a nurse has needles painfully stuck in her face (years before Takashi Miike!), and its two risible sex scenes (an old wheelchair-bound patient being serviced out in the rain by a young nurse and Ekberg herself picking up a man at a café and then making love in the corridor of his apartment-building).
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kirbylee70-599-52617921 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
There are more than one category when it comes to the exploitation genre. Certainly the oldest is sex followed by gore and then later by the various kinks and fetishes of people around the world. Nazisploitation combined Nazis with sex starved female prison commandants torturing and sexually abusing their prisoners. And then there was the nunsploitation films.

The nunsploitation films were popular in the 70s and didn't last long as a genre but they did make an impact at grindhouses at the time. The stories circled around nuns who due to celibacy usually ended up in sexual situations that their vows were definitely against. Not only did they find a way to have sex but for the most part it was what most would consider some deviant form of sex.

One of the earliest films in the genre was KILLER NUN. Perhaps what makes this film stand out among the genre is that the star is Anita Ekberg, an actress who was known for her career making roles in films like LA DOLCE VITA, WAR AND PEACE and 4 FOR TEXAS. For someone of her stature this was certainly a step down. And yet fans of the genre were probably getting more than they bargained for with someone of her caliber.

Ekberg stars as Sister Gertrude, recovering from a brain tumor she had an operation from and running a geriatric hospital. Insisting she isn't well enough to go on, the Mother Superior in charge basically tells her to buck up and deal with her life. Instead Sister Gertrude finds ways to get more morphine and eventually heroin to help her cope with her day to day routine. Not only that she finds comfort and assistance from her roommate Sister Mathieu (Paola Morra), another nun who's attracted to her and eventually begins a lesbian love affair with her.

Driven to psychotic rages Sister Gertrude takes out her frustrations and disabilities on the patients being left in her care and those around her. She stomps the dentures of one patient for taking them out at the dining room table. She reports a doctor on charges that are false. She has random sex with men outside of the hospital. Eventually it all leads to murder.

While watching the film I found myself wondering what the attraction was for this film. Perhaps the salaciousness of the film would hold more value if I was Catholic, so involved in my religion that the taboo aspects of this would make it arousing instead of exploitative. As a film on its own it was well made but felt forced rather than a movie that told a story in a straight forward manner.

With all the histrionics going on here it's difficult to call any performance as worthy and well done. The end result is a movie that fans of the genre will like but others might find themselves scratching their head over. And yet I'm still glad to see someone like Arrow Video releasing this film and saving it from disappearing for all time. Once more they treat the film as if it were something special and for film historians, exploitation fans and movie fans that in itself is cause for cheer.

Arrow is including several nice extras with the film as well. They include a new audio commentary track with film connoisseurs Adrian J. Smith and David Flint, "Beyond Convent Walls" a new video essay by Kat Ellinger, "Starry Eyes" a new interview with director Giulio Berruti, "Cut and Noise" a new interview with editor Mario Giacco, "Our Mother of Hell" a new interview with actress Ileana Fraia, the original Italian and international trailers, an image gallery and a reversible sleeve featuring original and newly commissioned artwork by Daryl Joyce.
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parry_na13 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't massively impressed with this. With a title like 'Killer Nun', it is no great surprise to find Anita Ekberg's Sister Gertrude behaving in a continually unorthodox manner, indulging in brief sexual dalliances (with both genders), drug taking and being horrible to those in her care. Ekberg plays the deterioration well, and Paola Morra is also excellent as Sister Mathieu - but on the whole, this is a very dull affair.

Director and co-writer Giulio Berruti lets some sub-par visuals pass, with background characters glancing at the camera and occasional scenes that would have benefitted from another take. Only towards the end do events become disturbing, and effectively so. At last Gertrude's hallucinogenic events are increasingly frenzied and you get the feeling the film is finally getting somewhere. Sadly though, this feeling doesn't last long, although there is a good twist at the end.

I get the impression 'Killer Nun' is quite happy simply to feature controversial scenes of a Nun (or Nuns) behaving badly and doesn't really seem interested in progressing any further than that.
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More Like Italian Horror Than Giallo
thalassafischer9 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is a beautifully filmed and well-written 70s thriller that continually gets darker and sicker. It's one of the darkest giallos I've seen due to the nature of the sadistic nun Gertrude and her descent into insanity and morphine addiction.

The only reason The Killer Nun even qualifies as giallo is because there is a twist at the end, exposing the real killer. However, the director Giulio Berruti chose a true and bizarre Seventies European murder case to exploit, and there's an unsettling contrast between the small, restricted lives of the residents of the nursing home - including the nuns themselves who are repressing various forms of sexuality and/or anger - and the brutality of both addiction and murder.
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Great Soundtrack!! Poor Film!!
czar-105 October 2000
Killer nun is about a nasty, sadistic Nun (played by Anita Ekberg), working in a geriatric hospital, She Tortures and kills patients, while also having a lesbian/dominative type relationship with another one of the nuns. Joe Dallesandro plays a Dr. Patrick, who has his suspicions about the nun and her Evil ways, and tries to put a stop to it.
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A great nun exploitation film...
MovieGuy0110 October 2009
I found Killer Nun to be a great nun-exploitation horror film. It was originally banned in The UK, and was banned in Italy upon it's release. It is about a morphine addicted nun who is sliding into madness, The head nurse & nun in a hospital, finds that Sister Gertrude's increasingly psychotic behaviour to be a danger to the staff and patients around her. She starts to torture some poisoner's in the hospital, breaks an old woman's false teeth, and also stalks the young nuns in the convent for some kinky sex, and lesbianism, I found it to be quite a shocking film to watch in certain parts. I would recommend this film to other viewers to watch, as long as they can take the content of the film.
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dagonseve18 April 2010
Well, with a name like this, you definitely know that it falls into the Nunsploitation category. Without having seen this title, or knowing the premise, I already knew it was Italian - and it is, directed by Giulio Berruti. Only something with the name "The Killer Nun" could it come from Italy, and only from the 1970's. To be honest I don't even know where to start with the analysis for this one...there's not too much to say and plenty to mention all at the same time.

There are nuns. There are lesbian undertones. There is nudity, sex, and a fair amount of weakly-displayed violence that virtually has no effect whatsoever on the viewer. There are only a handful of films that people consider to exist in the Nunsploitation category with this one leading the pack. Now I almost have to see the others just so I can see what I'm missing out on. I don't know know how to convey my thoughts concerning the plot - some nun who works at a hospital has a heroine and morphine addiction and is paranoid about her possible diagnosis of cancer. Of course they have to throw in Giallo elements, or to us Americans, the Who-dun-it.

I'm not racist by any means, but this is typical 70's Italian sleaze in every sense of the word. If I was the type of person to be offended by movies, which I'm not, this title would probably manage to do that on every level. I invite films to explore and display themes not socially acceptable if they manage to have an impact. Berruti's resume is pitiful and I wouldn't be surprised if he was run out of town after making this.

In conclusion, it's not thrilling, shocking or stimulating. I would rather use the box art for this film to line the bottom of my cat's litter box. If any of you have ever thought about seeing a lesbian nun with a drug addiction and possible murderous tendencies then you should look no further.
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A fantastic 'Nunsploitation' film from the 70's!!
Flowbeer25 July 2006
I loved this film, 'Killer Nun' (aka Suor Omicidi 1978). When I first found out about it, I knew I had to see it! This came out a year after 'Communion' (aka 'Alice, Sweet Alice') and both of these seem very similar in their approach by their directors. Both seemed to be from the same vein of film-making. European! The film is about a Nun (and a sexy one at that, played by Anita Ekberg!) who is addicted to morophine and who is losing her mind...or is she?! What's wild is that she can get away from the convent and stalk the streets for a casual sexual liason, which is one of the high-lights of the movie! She goes back to the convent and really bad things start to happen, people first, they seem like 'accidents' or 'suicides', but as the film goes on, you start to see what is really happening - but I won't spoil it for others here! Just see it, rent it, buy it if you find it. The DVD is excellent. There's an interview with the director at the end and it gives insights of how they filmed this movie - inside an actual convent! And how they were able to get away with filming so many sexy scenes! There's plenty of hot sexual situations and nudity in this Euro-trash nunspoiltaion film, as well as some 'tasteful' violence! A must see for ANY Euro-horror, babe-loving film fan! I give it about a 7 1/2 out of 10! *******1/2
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Nodding off on a kilo of skag
Bezenby30 December 2018
Anita Ekberg plays a nun who is addicted to skag, is losing her marbles, and may even be a murderer. What's not to like about this one?

Anita works in a hospital and she was doing fine up until she had surgery to remove a tumour for her brain. Even though she's been given the all-clear, Anita is convinced that she's still sick, is hooked on morphine, and hasn't got the cash to buy more, so when she's not freaking out in the operating room, she's pawning heirlooms and going out on the pool. She's also got a young nun who is always stripping and making eyes at her.

While going head-to-head with the top surgeon guy, Anita now finds that someone is murdering folk in the hospital, and there are plenty of suspects to choose from. Most evidence points to Anita, but as this is some sort of mash-up of giallo and nunsploitation, things aren't that straightforward. When I think about it, Anita kind of kill the first victim by losing her temper with her and smashing her falsies, but I don't know how long I would last in a hospital full of freaks before I'd be shooting horse and screaming.

Lou Castel plays a crippled inmate who might be able to solve the case. I'm not quite sure what Joe Dallesandro was doing there as he isn't really given much to do except look slightly concerned. Anita Ekberg on the other hand is off the wall crazy, shooting down her lesbian pal, having it off in a doorway with a complete stranger, having dreams where her heads is cut open while she's awake. I've not watched La Dolce Vita but didn't she piss in the Trevi fountain or something?

This film got its ass banned due to some of the violence contained within, especially the torturing of an inmate with pins and a scalpel. It looks great, has a great soundtrack, and a has a nasty streak a mile long.

I remember buying this one on DVD. My mate in work was particularly taken by the semi-nude picture of actress Paola Morra, so there you go.
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She only took the veil.....
okpilak25 September 2023
Set in a nursing hospital, Sister Gertrude is the head nun, known for keeping a tight ship. But she believes she is seriously ill with a brain tumor, and is addicted to morphine. And in a later scene, she has track marks all up one arm. She is convinced the doctor is lying to her, and manages to get him sacked. She was given access to tightly controlled drugs, as she was expected to be above board. But while she took the veil, she apparently didn't take the vow, as she said she likes men, and indeed went into a town to get more drugs, and satisfied her desires with a man. She is in a room with Sister Mathieu, and their relationship is not one that would be looked kindly upon by the Church. There is an increasing body count, and the hospital head wants to avoid all scandal. As exploitation films about nuns goes, rather tame. If one really wants to view an over the top movie, then The Devils (1971), if one can even find a copy, and if so, how badly cut, but that will set the standard for nun exploitation movies. It is more of a murder mystery set in a hospital served by nursing Sisters than anything else. There is an epilogue running in the end credits, and the translation is difficult to see under the credits.
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