Last Cannibal World (1977) Poster

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An adventure in the jungle.
CannibalThing30 March 2006
Jungle Holocaust opens with some beautiful shots of a small aircraft flying over a seemingly endless jungle. The four people on the plane are going to the middle of said jungle to check up on a mining crew one of them sent out there. When they get there the camp is of course empty, and all that they find of the inhabitants is a heavily decomposed head. They end up having to stay the night in the plane because the pilot, understandably, will not fly over the jungle in the dark. At this point their situation goes from bad to worse as they have to deal with getting separated, a tribe of natives who just happen to be cannibals, being lost, and being far out of their element.

The movie centers around Robert Harper (Mossimo Foschi) and his ordeals with the cannibals and the jungle in his struggle to get home. The character development is a highlight as the events take their toll on Robert's psyche. He becomes more savage, animal like, and at times it seems, insane. Actor Mossimo Foschi does a very good job portraying all of this, by the way. Actress Me Me Lai is never clothed, a plus in my book, and performs well, though her obviously fake breasts do detract from the believability as she is supposed to be playing a native.

There isn't much gore but some of what there is can get a bit strong. Some will find a scene with a crocodile particularly hard to watch.

Overall Jungle Holocaust is one of the best of the Italian Cannibal genre and is oddly uplifting for this kind of film. Highly recommended.
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Bunch of SAVAGES !!!
Coventry22 June 2004
A four-headed team clumsily ends up stuck in a jungle. Pretty soon, two of them die (rather clumsy again) while savage aborigines are chasing the other two males. The duo depletes one last time when one of them disappears during a wild-river flow …does it have to be said…clumsy! The supposedly last cannibal tribe on earth imprisons the one man left, named Robert. They don't start cooking him just yet, but fool around with him a little, first. He escapes and takes a local girl with him, who serves the role of beautiful hostage. However, the journey through the undiscovered jungle is hard, long and full of surprises.

Ruggero Deodato's general rehearsal before unleashing the notorious `Cannibal Holocaust' upon the world is an explicit horror film, but not as shocking or repulsive as its successor. This film merely serves as an old-fashioned adventure-movie, there were Cannibal Holocaust is a severely shocking ethical portrait. If you ignore all the illogicalness of this film, you'll have yourself a good time. That's a fact. It's a rough and straight-to-the-point horror production with more than enough footage to keep you entertained…although a lot depends on your definition of entertainment, of course. Italian horror standards stand throughout the whole film: gore, sleaze and cruelty! Since so many things are happening during the first 20 minutes of `Jungle Holocaust', the film tends to get tedious after a while…or so you would think! Surprisingly enough, there still are more than enough adrenalin-filled sequences that keep you alert and – and this really is positive in my book – Deodato gives an excellent portrayal of how someone is unintentionally driven into complete madness and a total loss of realism. Jungle Holocaust contains quite a lot of animal cruelty, which can be regarded as offensive by Italian horror-haters. The crocodile-dissection easily equals the vicious tortoise slaughtering in `Cannibal Holocaust'. The cannibals themselves are some of the wickedest I ever saw and they seem to follow some bizarre rituals, too. They show an unusual interest for male nudity and they don't seem to worry too much about controversial handlings such as murdering an infant (pretty disturbing sequence that was). They do bring forward beautiful women, as Me Me Lai is the sexiest native girl I ever saw. Jungle Holocaust is essential viewing for Italian horror/sleaze fans. Not as memorable as `Holocaust' or `Ferox'…but certainly worth your time.
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Filmed in Coatbridge, Scotland
Bezenby17 October 2018
I guess when you've run out of Westerns, Gialli and Eurocrime films to make you've got to start looking elsewhere for inspiration. Last Cannibal World isn't the first even Italian cannibal film (that being Deep River Savages) and it's not Ruggero Deodato's first jungle film either - that's Gungala, a film with a far less sinister atmosphere than this vileness. What this film did was kick off another genre exploiting free-for-all of cannibal movie clones which isn't what you'd call the best period of Italian cinema.

Some guy actor called Massimo Foschi, who will be spending the majority of this film naked, plays an oil prospector called Robert Foster. Robert in a private plane with jungle expert Ivan Rassimov and two people who will shortly become cannibal fodder because they are not white. Robert's concerned that they can't get in radio contact with the makeshift airfield an advance party of engineers has set up, and things get worse when they tried land and a wheel is knocked off the plane by the long disused radio. That's no good.

The pilot reckons he can get the plane up and running in short order, but then Robert ruins everything by running into the jungle looking for his missing engineers and gets lost. Eventually Ivan Rassimov finds him and they head back to the plane, finding the murdered corpses of the engineers on the way back. Now Robert is in a hurry to leave the place, but the pilot tells him it's too late and they'll have to fly out first thing in the morning. We the audience are then clued in that someone is out there in the dark (via a nice jump scare), but when the female companion of Robert has to go outside to pee, she's captured by the natives waiting outside and things go tits up right away.

Robert shows that he's probably inherited his oil company because he seems to operate without any foresight or intuition. The pilot gets a spike ball to the guts, Robert loses Ivan on some river rapids after they get lost again, then Robert thinks it's a good idea to eat some strange mushrooms before tripping out, getting caught by natives, getting stripped to the nuts and getting his tummy banana tugged on by some backwards cannibals.

They also think he's a bird and dangle him off the ceiling of the cave their in before trying to eat his watch and throwing him in a cave with some birds while periodically throwing slops at him or peeing on him. Robert also gets to meet Me Me Lai, who mistakes the universal hand signal for 'I need food' for 'give me a handy'. Me Me stands out a mile not only because she's the only cannibal with all her teeth, she also seems to have a very good plastic surgeon judging by those fake boobs!

We spend rather a long time watching the natives being primitive and eating snakes/crocodiles, stock footage of animals eating other animals, and the natives being savage by having a rival native's arm eaten by ants before eventually escapes with Me Me and the romance/lengthy chase sequence begins! Turns out the most romantic thing you can do with a native is punch her directly in the face.

If you remove the animal cruelty from this one (and luckily my copy is missing the croc eating scene, but keeps the gore intact), you have a decent jungle adventure which thinks it's being clever in showing one civilised man's descent into savagery as the only way he can survive his ordeal in the jungle, although it's all just an excuse for gore and violence. The animal stuff is kept to a minimum thankfully, but that would be remedied in Deodato's Cannibal Holocaust, a truly nauseating exercise without any redeeming features.

The goriest part of this film is reserved for Me Me, who is rewarded for leaving the tribe by being served up with a bat confit, grub ganache, native drool foam, bamboo tuille and a crocodile jus. This won the tribe Masterchef: Cannibals in 1977.
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The One that Started Them All?
squeezebox26 April 2004
JUNGLE HOLOCAUST is a brutal, no-holds-barred early entry in the bizarre cannibal subgenre of the seventies and early eighties. It's shocking, violent, immoral, sleazy and exploitive. In other words, it delivers.

I can't defend this movie from an ethical standpoint. Even the observation that the live animal slaughter (which is fairly minimal here) is committed by people who apparently were members of a real tribe of primitives, as part of their daily routine doesn't change the fact that it was shot for purely sensational purposes. But it is undeniably intense, suspenseful and creepy.

A plane lands in the Amazon wilds while searching for a couple of lost explorers. The people in the plane wander off a little too far and become separated. The movie then follows one of them, who is captured by a tribe of cannibals and kept prisoner for months. He finally manages to escape and kidnaps a young, beautiful female member of the tribe to use as a guide.

The movie has a gritty realism to it that makes it play almost like a documentary. It captures the gradual transformation of the character from a "civilized" man to a grunting "savage" extremely well, although a scene in which he wins over his female companion by raping her is a little over-the-top, to say the least.

The midsection of the movie is almost entirely devoid of dialog, so the atrocious dubbing is confined mostly to the first and last sequences. Overall, it's a very well-made and unsettling thriller, although it would have been far more suspenseful had there not been a disclaimer at the beginning saying the main character survived to tell his story.
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Savage, wild, and fascinating
bensonmum227 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
As a primer for the better known Cannibal Holocaust, Jungle Holocaust is definitely not a movie for all tastes. It's rough and raw presentation of savagery would put-off many a viewer. And because director Ruggero Deodato chose to use real aboriginals as his cannibals and real jungle locations, the movie has an authentic feel to it that serves to increase the unsettling feeling Jungle Holocaust produces. I've never run into a real cannibal, but this is what I would expect them to look like. They're dirty, vicious, and wild and (other than one exception) completely believable. The situations our hero Robert Harper (Massimo Foschi) faces seem real making the horror in Jungle Holocaust very effective.

Beyond the gruesome on-screen action, the acting is a real highlight of Jungle Holocaust. Foschi has the most screen time and does the most with it. His slow disintegration into madness and to the savageness of the cannibals around him is fascinating to watch unfold. It's a terrific piece of acting. Me Me Lai has the second most screen time and while she's good in her non-speaking role, she's also the one exception to the believability factor in the movie I mentioned previously. I sincerely doubt that any stone-age, cannibal tribe in the history of the Earth contained a woman that looks as good as Me Me does in Jungle Holocaust. She looks too good to be believable and stands out like a soar thumb when compared with the other tribe members.

Finally, a word of warning: Those who do not want to see real animals die on-screen had best be advised to stay away. If you are easily offended by this kind of stuff, don't' watch the movie. While I personally find these scenes unconscionable and disgusting, I was able to get past them and appreciate and even enjoy the brutal nature of this fascinating film.
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Tedious pre-"Holocaust" cannibal caper
Groverdox7 July 2020
"Ultimo Mondo Cannibale" is the cannibal flick Ruggero Deodato made before his notorious "Cannibal Holocaust".

It's pretty tedious. Of course there's the requisite animal cruelty, allegedly not shot by Deodato himself but one of the producers. This is mostly staged animal death, such as a horrible scene where a bat, having just been tied up by the producer, is thrown to a snake which crushes it to death while screeching noises play on the soundtrack, and a scene where a crocodile is eviscerated by the natives.

This one is set in the Philippines - are there even tribal societies there? - rather than the old standby, the Amazon. There's less plot here and barely any dialogue. It mostly revolves around a guy who crash lands in the jungle, gets taken hostage and imprisoned by "savages", escapes with the help of a woman who he inexplicably rapes...

Yes, it's a pretty nasty flick. There's no attempt to make the character sympathetic at all, and that on top of all the violence - however subpar the gore effects actually are - makes you kind of grossed out.

But I guess that's why you're watching it in the first place.
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BBQ Me Me Lai
Rathko6 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Viewed the same week as 'Cannibal Ferox', Ultimo Mondo Cannibale was disappointing. The linear storyline is almost non-existent and makes no attempt to provide any twists and turns along the way. The first half of the movie is more than a little tedious – a group is set upon by tribes people, Foschi is captured, stripped naked, and thrown into a prison from where he observes the tribes people slaughtering several animals. Finally, the movie hots up a little. Foschi escapes with the equally naked Me Me Lai, breaking her wild spirit through the ubiquitous rape scene, and they hike through the jungle. Me Me ends up as supper for the cannibals and Foschi goes tribal on their asses.

First, the good points: The location shooting, as usual with these exploitation flicks, really makes the movie. The scenes in the tribe's enormous cave bring a scale and grandeur to the art direction way beyond the budgetary constraints, and the sense of living in a humid, leech infested, green hell is effortlessly conveyed. The performances are adequate, though the actors, and Foschi in particular, go above and beyond the call of duty. You can't help but admire an actor who is willing to crawl naked through the jungle for several weeks in the name of Italian exploitation. The scenes of gore, though few and far between, are very well executed - the preparation and evisceration of Me Me Lai is a highlight, the eating of fresh entrails beautifully photographed in the flickering firelight. Though the movie can't avoid the vaguely racist implications of the cannibal genre, there is an unusual sense of authenticity about the tribe, and through looking at their social rituals, the cannibals come off as surprisingly believable.

The bad points, however, threaten to overwhelm the entire movie. Not least, most of the narrative is dull and repetitious, with endless scenes of wandering through the jungle, and Foschi's imprisonment seems to go on forever with nothing actually happening. The violence is minimal, with none of the appalled disbelief expected of the genre. But ultimately, I was most irritated by the complete lack of story development. I don't expect Fellini, but I expect something more developed than the seemingly random stringing together of scenes.

An interesting addition to the man-against-the-wilderness genre, but nothing special.
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A cruel , barbaric flick packing shocks, thrills , chills and horrible gore
ma-cortes19 November 2021
A supposedly authentic flick with inexplicable disturbing occurrences , based on facts containing chilling images , suspense , nudism , hair-rising events and extremely gory final . Loathing , grim and unsettling Ruggero Deodato picture with plenty of blood , gore and guts . This scary movie deals with a plane crashes in the jungle. Two of the survivors are Rolf (Ivan Rassimov) and an oil prospector , Robert Harper (Massimo Foschi) , venturing into the vast and unexplored areas of the virgin rainforest , only to disappear without a trace . The latter stumbles across starving natives , being caught up by a violent and primitive cannibal tribe in the Philippines' rain forest . Eventually, he gets away alongside a female cannibal (Me Me Lai) and tries to find his plane, while at the same time attempts to locate his missing companion so they can go home. Can this modern man survive in a Stone Age world? . A Gore-Rama for those with a thirst for blood!. Secretly filmed - Absolutely authentic scenes of cannibalism as practiced today! .A stone-age world of horrors ... Only one survived. Ripout! Barbeque! Devour! How long can you take it? .They eat and they are eaten! You won't believe that what you're seeing could have happened! The one that goes all the way! Don't turn away! Look at it! These are men, men like you! The men you will see eaten alive, are the same who filmed these incredible sequences .Better to rest in peace in the warm body of a friend than in the cold ground . Can a movie go too far? . The film they did not want you to see! This is not an imitation, this is the original, the one that goes all the way . The film that can't be shown on television . Welcome to the jungle. Those who filmed it were devoured alive by cannibals! Savage! , Terrifying! True! Eaten Alive!

This ¨Ultimo Mondo Cannibale¨ (1977) or ¨The last Survivor¨ turns out to be a really gory film with full of cruel indigenous cannibalistic tribes , resulting in one the most savage and brutal tales in modern history along with ¨Holocaust Cannibal¨ by Ruggero Deodato himself , the latter deemed to be the most controversial movie of all-time . In this ¨Carnivorous¨ (United States title) or ¨Jungle Holocaust¨ (1977) whe find an unfortunate lost man who's humiliated, stripped naked, and thrown in a hole with a bird for a while , but he manages to run away with a female hostage ; it is filled with some genuine fright , horror and doom . A sinister and disturbing flick that goes on growing more and more and developing little by little until the unexpected finale . An original film that went on a sub-genre about a familiar theme in the Seventies , the cannibalism , a script full of shocks , screams and surprises . The mother of all cannibal films is an average semi-documentary flick by adding several animal scenes , including much excitement , filled with sleaziness and non-sense of style in which a naked man gets lost and while trying to find a way out of the jungle in order to return home , he gets captured by cannibals . One of the most controversial movie ever made is really a brutal flick with full of graphic killings , body dismemberment, sexual violence including rape , disfigured people, grisly murders by means of slashing , ripping to death , killings in cold blood executed by ominous cannibals, loathsome and lots of blood and gore . A mysoginist movie with plenty of nudism , sadistic frames , explicit scenes of violence and extremely violent style , no for squeamish . The Ultimate Terror/Cannibal Movie displays passable special effects , with special mention for the really disturbing scenes of chopping , beheading , stomach ripped out , actual animal slaughters and other cannibalistic frames .

It displays a creepy and eerie musical score by composer Ubaldo Continiello . Along with an atmospheric cinematography shot on location in Mindanao, Philippines ,Rainforest, Malaysia . This was one of the most grueling films ever made , being original but middlingly directed by Ruggero Deodato which remains his most successful horror film pairing with the infamous ¨Cannibal Holocaust¨ . It's first part of Ruggero Deodato's "Cannibal Trilogy" also including ¨Cannibal Holocaust¨ (1980) and ¨Cut and Run¨ (1984). This artisan is a prolific cameraman/writer/producer/director who has made all kinds of genres He is a notorious Italian director especially known for this one , today considered a classic "Cannibal Holocaust". He has directed all kinds of genres with particular penchant for terror, violence, and adventure movies, such as ¨Jungle holocaust¨, ¨House on the edge of the park¨, ¨Bodycount¨, ¨Dial help¨, ¨Phantom of death¨, ¨The washing machine¨, ¨The raiders of Atlantis¨, ¨Concorde affair¨, ¨Live like a cop die like a man¨, ¨Lone runner¨, ¨The barbarians¨, among others . Rating 5.5/10. Mediocre but entertaining.
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Brilliant Italian cannibal film that offers so much more than guts and grue
Casey-526 November 2000
Director Ruggero Deodato carried on the tradition of the Italian cannibal subgenre by contributing arguably the best entries in the genre, JUNGLE HOLOCAUST and CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST. While CANNIBAL dealt with a very human threat in a cannibal tribe, JUNGLE is almost a more grueling film in that the villain of the film is the setting itself, the jungle surrounding the adventure.

A professor crash-lands in the jungles of the Phillippines and is captured by a tribe of stone age men, who torture him and hold him captive to use as bait for food. He manages to entice a young tribal girl to help him escape. Deodato creates a tense, grimy look at mankind. His cinematography is constantly fluid, never stopping for a second, in endless trucks, dollies, zooms, arcs, and cranes. Amazing visuals! The musical score is excellent, as well, but I still liked CANNIBAL's better. Lead actor Massimo Foschi is unbelievably good as the professor who undergoes mental and physical torture while kept in a cave. He witnesses the horrific punishments of the tribal people, including ants eating a man's arm clean off.

Deodato makes the jungle the real villain in the story. The jungle is filled with harsh conditions and jungle noise that adds to the atmosphere and injects suspense and tension into otherwise normal scenes. The jungle becomes a character and what a character it is. It requires the professor to revert to his primal instincts and abandon all civilized thought, making a harsh comment on human nature in the process. Me Me Lai is excellent as the native girl who helps Foschi escape and Ivan Rassimov appears too briefly, but is good anyway. This film is no picnic in the park, it's a bitch. By the end of the film, the viewer feels like they have been to Hell and back along with the protagonist. But that's what makes this film work so well. To many viewers' chagrin, Deodato, as he would later demonstrate in CANNIBAL, shows too much real-life animal mutilation.An alligator is torn apart while still alive, a snake eats a mouse, and other horrific scenes. It adds to the realism factor, but then again, that is broken anyway by Me Me Lai's breast implants!

JUNGLE HOLOCAUST is obviously not for everyone, but I can't recommend it enough. It is long out of print, but Grindhouse Releasing should consider re-releasing it. After taking on CANNIBAL FEROX and CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST, why not close the infamous "Cannibal Trilogy" with a remastered letterboxed DVD of JUNGLE HOLOCAUST?
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A sign of a more savage time. Influential.
RatedVforVinny13 November 2018
One of the first (if the not the very first) of the grubby Italian 'Cannibal' genre. This one aka 'Last Cannibal World' was cut in the UK (-4 mins), because of the severe aninmal cruelty and a rape scene. Very much of its day and over the decades we have learned to pay more respect to the nature. Without going into that debate much further, all Italian 'Exploitation' is way more realistic and gritty, than anything poroduced by Hollywood (then or now). All said and done there are some really powereful scenes and a rather wonderful, leading cannibal lady to.
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Good clean cannibal fun!
Anonymous_Maxine10 May 2008
Last Cannibal World claims to be a true story about a stone-age cannibal tribe living on the Malaysian island of Mindanao who captures a 'modern' man named Robert Haper, who crash lands on the island. It seems that there is an oil mining crew camping out in the jungle while they search for drilling sites, and when a team flies in to check on them, the plane is damaged during landing and the drill team turns up missing. The pilot is sure he can fix the plane ("If I can find the wheel it shouldn't be too hard to put it back again!"), but won't fly until the following day, since it was getting dark.

Before long, of course, the group ends up separated and being pursued by cannibals through the jungle, and then the movie becomes a strange mix of gruesome horror and a twisted look at the animal side of humans. Of course, cannibalism is not politically correct, so the cannibal tribe is presented as more like animals than humans, with the grunting and the throwing food at each other and the spontaneous copulation. These are evolutionary drop-outs if ever there were any, but the movie doesn't know where to stop in presenting their backwardness.

Even the simplest animals have some instincts, particularly about things like eating and self-preservation, but not these people. One of the women tries to eat Harper's wristwatch, I suppose not possessing the basic abilities to distinguish between food items and non-food items, and for a tribe that has been living presumably for centuries or more in an alligator infested jungle, they sure spend a lot of time swimming and getting eaten or almost eaten by alligators. A woman gives birth by the riverside and, after detaching the umbilical cord with her teeth (and after an extreme close-up to make sure we know the baby is a girl – I didn't need that…), she goes for a nice little swim and gets immediately eaten along with her new baby. Smart.

Gore fans should be happy, there is sufficient disturbing gore in the movie, although most of the effects (such as the decomposed head in the beginning) are pretty weak, as is the editing. But there is lots of grotesque feeding scenes which include lots of filthy savages stuffing flesh in their mouths with lots of nasty sucking sounds and twitching meat. Nice!

Some of the movie doesn't make much sense, like the way they tie up one of the natives and put carnivorous ants on his arms, which slowly eat him while he screams his head off. It's one of the more disturbing scenes in the movie with all that screaming, but why would they do that? I thought it must be a sacrifice, but what kind of tribe sacrifices their own people rather than animals? And who is he being sacrificed to? The Ant God? Even if he was being punished, for a cannibal tribe to feed a man to ants seems like a waste of food, doesn't it?

Harper spends a good part of the movie trapped in a cage, although I missed the reason for that too. They couldn't have been fattening him up to eat him because that would also be a huge waste of food. Maybe they were saving him for a special occasion. At any rate, they put in this bizarre looking bird with him, and it's strange that when Harper kills it, its squawking instantly stops and gives the scene a genuine finality of death that is more realistic than anything else in the movie. At least until it starts squawking again.

There are two directions that the movie could go once a "sympathetic" jungle woman begins helping Harper – it could have Harper try to lift the woman out of the barbaric world in which she lives, or he could descend into barbarism himself. The most interesting thing that the movie does is that it goes in both directions, and actually does it pretty well. It's a pretty sharp indictment of Harper (especially if this really is a true story), given that, even after saving her from being sexually assaulted by another native, he rapes her himself. And he didn't just force himself on her, her beat her and then raped her. Are we still supposed to accept him as a protagonist?

After this, it may be a little strange to see that she basically becomes his loving cave-wife, bringing him food and cleaning and caring for him, until you remember that these are savages and I guess this is just how women expect to be treated. And Harper is happy, of course, given that he has found himself a beautiful island wife, and with obviously man-made breasts, no less.

There is a weak attempt at symbolism during Harper's brief descent to his most primal instincts, and then soon he meets up with another man from the plane, who laments that no matter how much mud he smears into a badly infected wound on his knee, it never gets better. He must not have been paying much attention in his Wilderness Survival class. All in all I guess the movie is as satisfying as a cannibal movie can be. At least you know what to expect, though. I think any movie with the word "cannibal" in the title is going to be pretty much like this. It's bad but it's a fun and disgusting kind of bad, the thing you can watch with your buddies over a few beers and have a few good laughs!
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Jungle Holocaust is a great cannibal film
rbjr33020 January 2005
Jungle Holocaust is a great cannibal film. But not only is it a cannibal film, it is also a jungle adventure, one mans story of survival. This is Ruggero Deodato's first cannibal film, therefore paving the way for the classic Cannibal Holocaust. Like CH, this film is also shunned by many for it's real animal killing and it's realistic human killings. But, it is not only the gore that make this a good film. It also has great direction and stunning visuals in the jungle, plus a good score and pretty good acting. It is a very realistic movie, filmed on location with real natives. Don't get me wrong, the gore is great, too, so if your looking for a movie with realistic gore, i highly recommend this, along with Deodato's next film, Cannibal Holocaust. Check it out if you like Italian cannibal films or if your a Deodato fan. Not for the squeamish. I give it a 8/10.
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macabro3579 July 2003

Unlike Deodato's later atrocity CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST, I can at least stomach this one since only one crocodile is killed and skinned by the natives, and then they eat it afterwards. This is something they've been doing for thousands of years, so who are we (as so-called 'civilized' human beings) to say they can't?

Shot in Malaysia and the Philippines, this one is about an airplane (carrying Massimo Fosci and Ivan Rassimov) that lands in a survey camp in order to follow up on their research, firsthand. The plane is damaged on landing and the camp is found deserted. Of course, it doesn't take rocket science to figure out what happened to them.

As Fosci and Rassimov trek into the jungle, they get separated from the plane and then Rassimov disappears down some rapids, leaving Foschi alone to get captured by the natives. They take him to an underground cavern and rip his clothes of, and then start probing his genitals with a stick. Then they tie him onto a rope and haul him up to the ceiling. Native girl, Me Me Lai gets to watch all this and is fascinated by Foschi. It's love at first sight.

Next, we see a native guy tied up and his arm is cut in order to let the ants eat it all the way to the bone. Cool shot. Then the native boys urinate on Foschi on a ledge high up above his enclosure. He get's all wet. Ha! They keep him there because they are going to use him as bait for the crocodiles, so he escapes and forcibly takes Me Me Lai with him. Along the way, he rapes her in the elephant grass, but it looks more consensual than a rape.

He hooks up with Rassimov who has survived the rapids and they trek back to the plane. Rassimov is badly hurt while My My Lai get's captured by the cannibals and is eaten alive in some scenes that later appeared in Umberto Lenzi's EATEN ALIVE (1980).

In a memorable scene, Foschi cuts open the native guy he has killed and starts to eat his innards, just to let the other cannibals watching know he means business. Himself and Rassimov make it to the plane although Rassimov dies while the plane takes off.

The Shriek DVD includes revealing interviews with Foschi, Rassimov and Deodato, plus film posters and trailers. Rassimov comments that it was far easier to work for Deodato than it was for Lenzi while Foschi and Deodato both say that it was the producers who inserted the 'crocodile getting killed' scene and not Deodato. I think that's a load of bullsh#t, myself and I don't believe one word of it.

Still, it get's a 6 out of 10 for holding my interest and for not being as sh*tty as CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST.
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Ruggero Deodato's "other" cannibal flick
gridoon202415 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Not nearly as well-known as the infamous "Cannibal Holocaust", this is actually a bog-standard story (hero is captured by cannibalistic natives, for some reason he is not killed but imprisoned, he escapes, is hunted down, and becomes a savage himself in the process), with limited artistic value. The dense jungle atmosphere is convincing, but the shock tactics and effects are mostly too hokey to have the desired impact (save for the all-too-real slicing open of a still living alligator), and the cannibals with all their grunting and shouting are really more annoying than scary. ** out of 4.
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Thank God it wasn't in 3-D!!
zmaturin13 November 2000
A plane full of annoying oil hunters crash their plane deep in a jungle and almost immediately the non-Caucasian members of the expedition are caught and devoured by a band of revolting cannibal natives, leaving the smart, sensible survivalist Ralph stranded with the weenie, whiny, panicky dolt Robert, who gets them completely lost within minutes. They manage to construct a remarkably sturdy raft that is almost instantly crashed into some rocks. The duo is separated and Robert eats some mushrooms that make him vomit, and then he is captured by the always-naked, mostly male cannibal tribe. They tie him up, rip off his clothes, and tug at his genitals. There is more male frontal nudity in this than at a pool party at James Whale's house.

There is, of course, one beautiful female native with no body hair and breast implants who falls for Robert- although not until after he ties her up, leads her around on a leash like a dog, and beats the snot out of her. This is a pretty detestable movie.

The print I watched was called "Last Cannibal World" and it seemed to have all the good bits (the gore and sex, that is) cut out. The tons of cruelty-to-animals (not as much fun as cruelty-to-humans) and the offensive male-female relationship result in a non-extraordinary cannibal movie devoid of any likability. I was never bored, though, and there are lots of scenes of that pathetic blockhead Robert getting humiliated. He's peed on, gets rotten vegetables thrown on him, and it tied up and swung around on a rope because they think he's a bird. And, according to some text at the beginning of the flick, it's all true!
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The Cannibal Rests In All of Us
Ruggero Deodato contributed the undeniably most brilliant film to the Cannibal sub-genre with his unequaled masterpiece "Cannibal Holocaust" of 1980. While "L'Ultimo Mondo Cannibale" aka. "Jungle Holocaust" of 1977 does not reach the brilliance of Deodato's masterpiece of three years later, this is still a highly atmospheric and at times stunning film that lovers of Italian cult cinema and sleaze should not miss. The aka. Title "The Last Cannibal World" is the correct translation of the original title and yet the title "Jungle Holocaust" fits the film very well. Like hardly another film, "Jungle Holocaust" accomplishes to show the jungle itself as hostile, unmerciful and menacing, and the film creates an atmosphere that is uniquely claustrophobic for a film entirely playing in nature. It is not only the cannibals here that are blood thirsty and primitive - the most grim thing in "Jungle Holocaust" is the pitiless jungle itself. While the film is of course ultra-violent and often disturbing, it is a bit tamer compared to other genre entries such as "Cannibal Holocaust" or "Cannibal Ferox", and often resembles a traditional adventure film - with the difference that this is filled with constant enormous sleaze and nauseating gore.

A group of four people have to land their plane somewhere in the middle of the Amazon jungle, one of them, a man called Robert (Massimo Foschi) is captured by a tribe of cannibals who still live like people in the stone age. His only hope to escape the savages, who eat human flesh, is a beautiful tribeswoman (Me Me Lai)...

The film makes a pretty good point about how a civilized man can be driven absolutely savage by being thrown into a world ruled by savagery. Even though the nauseating gore is not quite as omnipresent as it is the case with "Cannibal Holocaust" or Umberto Lenzi's "Cannibal Ferox" and "Mangiati Vivi", "Jungle Holocaust" is certainly not for the squeamish. The acts of violence are cruel and whenever gore is shown it is extremely nauseating. Bloodlust, mutilations, and, well... Cannibalism - it is all there and all shown in explicit detail. Animal protectors should also avoid the film, which arguably features more real animal killings than any other Cannibal movie. The sleaze level is also extremely high, Me Me Lai is the sexiest savage girl ever to appear on screen and she is naked throughout the movie (sometimes she's wearing a loincloth). Massimo Foschi delivers a very good leading performance, and the cast furthermore includes Italian Exploitation cult-actor Ivan Rassimov. As far as I am considered, this film is not nearly as memorable as "Cannibal Holocaust", which stands out as the unmatched masterpiece of the Italian Cannibal sub-genre, but "L'Ultimo Mondo Cannibale" is still an immensely atmospheric with some ingenious aspects that I highly recommend to all my fellow lovers of Italian Horror and exploitation cinema!
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Gore in the jungle.
michaelRokeefe13 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Director Ruggero Deodato's JUNGLE HOLOCAUST is part of his cannibal trilogy and a part of the rash of such to flow out of Italy in the 70's. An oil company prospector and one of his researchers lands haphazardly in the Amazon jungle near a vacated company base camp. Mossimo Foschi and Ivan Rassimov are captured by a Aborigine tribe with Stone-Age intellect and customs with a cannibalistic appetite. The early part of the movie is spent sweeping a trail through the chest-high foliage; but have no fear for there is time for maximum gore with a splash of nudity throughout the minimal plot. And oh yes, there is sex thanks to Me Me Lai. Be aware of the full-frontal male nudity. This movie was never rated by the MPAA.
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Very good cannibal horror film...
MovieGuy0110 October 2009
I found Last Cannibal World to be a great film. It was heavily cut and banned in Britain for quite some years. It starts off with a plane which crashes into the jungle. One of the survivors Robert gets lost and while trying to find a way out of the jungle he gets captured by cannibals. He is humiliated, stripped naked, and he has to face certain tortures and humiliations until he escapes with a cannibal woman. He is thrown into a hole he then tries to find his plane which could be stuck anywhere in the jungle so he can go home. The two then set out to try to find Rolf and the plane, with the cannibal tribe who happen to be following right behind them. I thought that this was a very good cannibal film which was directed by Ruggero Deodato.
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You are who you eat
Sandcooler31 December 2007
Is there anything easier to make than cannibal movies? You go recruit some guys to play angry natives at the local grocery store and a random woman who wants to be famous in a locally and not really kind of way. So you plastic surge the hell out of her, then find a guy who can't have sex at home because his mother always walks in looking for the lingerie brochure and ask him if he wants to have intercourse with this native silicone-enhanced woman. If there's a plot it's purely coincidental. Take this one. A bunch of people are in a plane and suddenly they either crash or make an emergency landing,it's really something in between. Than they walk around in the jungle forever. A year later Ruggero Deodato would solve this by having everything happen twice and extending the eating scenes but he didn't come up with that yet here. So the vaguely professorish guy among them soon finds himself captured by these savages. They don't eat him, because then the movie would be over. Instead they keep him for a couple of days and then let him escape like there are not hundreds of them. And then it really sinks like a brick. This is just plain bad, not even the shock factor is handled professionally, sometimes less is more, and sometimes cutting up a real crocodile for this goddamn movie barely anyone will ever see is just mean. Disgusting, and not in a good way.
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To defeat the cannibals, you have to become a cannibal
EasternZZ27 May 2019
This movie has the coolest endings to a cannibal film ever. It is intense, action packed, bloody, great music, and has an awesome ending. Seriously, it is very cool and poetic.
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Very Well Made Cannibal Movie.
DarkSpotOn16 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This film was very good. However, i think the main characters are kinda missing a backstory a bit, instead of them just going to the jungle, i mean there should of been some kind of a introduction to this and then everything what occurs, just like in Holocaust and Ferox, which i adore.

I kinda feel like our characters needed a bit more development, just like in Cannibal Holocaust and Ferox. Instead, we just end up with four people, going or accidentally, going to the Jungle, without any a bit indepth message underneath it.

However, there are a lot of good gore scenes here, what really shocked me, was the cannibal woman giving birth a baby, which she throws to a alligator, in order to capture it. That was probably one of the most repuslive things i have ever came across, and i have seen a lot, from Faces of Death to Orozco, to Cannibal films you name it.

Also, the cannibal girl that helps the main character, i felt horrible when they killed her. I was hoping so much she survives, she was kinda the most likeable character in the film, dye to being a cannibal, and still wanting to help the white-people.

The first half of the film was a bit slow, and then it just ramps up at being very interesting, and well made. I kinda feel like this is if Cannibal Holocaust's cannibals reverse roles, as in in Cannibal Holocaust white pople are to blame for the events, while here neither of the white people were violent, until the Cannibals show their own violence first, in a sense like the classic Hills Have Eyes, Violence causes violence.
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Absolutely Ridiculous
Jerry-9312 March 1999
For anyone who hasn't seen Deodato's *Cannibal Holocost*, this is a good primer for that. Of course, *Cannibal* is the most vile movie ever made, so you know what to expect from this one. Foschi and Rassimov decide they need to go into the jungle to search for lost people (the plot is irrelevant). Rassimov is lost in a boat crash, leaving Foschi to be captured and humiliated by cannibals. Foschi later escapes from the cannibals, with a beautiful cannibal woman (who has better skin, teeth and hair than the rest of the cannibals) in tow. They spend the rest of the movie trying to get out of the jungle. Foschi is completely naked the whole time. Terrible, terrible, terrible.

This film has everything a psychopath could want: cannibalism, rape, nudity, animal and ritual mutilation, and everything in between. It really is an awful film, and I believe I may have contracted a brain tumor watching it. You can fast-forward through the whole movie to the end, and view the one highlight: the terribly unpleasant post-mortum fate that befalls the beautiful cannibal girl. If you can't bear watching THAT (and it is hard to watch), don't bother with the rest. A must-see for Deodato fans; a must-avoid like the Plague for everyone else.
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Well-crafted, genuine horror based on Western fears
jay-bethke14 February 2005
Nobody who would bother taking the time to watch an Italian cannibal film will be offended by the butchery, nudity, or rape found in this piece. The Last Cannibal World, like others of the genre, really showcases the sort of "horror of nature" that exists in the western mind. There are as many shots of animals crawling around, devouring other animals, slithering and being filthy and savage, as there are of human beings doing the same. The cannibals mimic the animals, essentially, and the white men are unable to believe what they are seeing ...except for the one unlucky fellow who gets caught and, shall we say, does what he has to in order to fit in. Western peoples will be horrified by the disgusting behaviors of the cannibals (men as animals), the dizzying jungle that goes on and on, as well as the blood and guts: we seek order and reason, the opposite of the total chaos and irrationality as represented not only by the jungle, but by the culture-less cannibals (romanticized and caricature-like though they are). The film is a genuine dramatic and natural horror, and despite the cultural one-sidedness of the subject matter and its portrayal of the islanders, we must remember that it is a horror film, exploiting what Western peoples are afraid of: Deodato certainly gets credit for getting the formula down if not for anthropological accuracy. The killings of the animals in films like this can only be the reason why there are the "No animals were harmed in the making of this film" disclaimers following the credits of films today.
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Good movie on jungle adventure
dy384936 November 2020
Good movie to watch for especially the cannibalism and jungle adventures brutal killings and lots of gore and blood the movie is good one.
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markovd11126 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Considering the offerings of this horror subgenre, "Cannibal" or "Ultimo mondo cannibale" isn't unwatchable. It even has more interesting characters than most of these movies (though that's not saying much) and features a solid bromance. Sadly, now comes the part when I tell you that the brightest parts of this movies are whenever we see Me Me Lai's nudity on the screen and very brief nudity of the native woman with big breasts. Cannibals are, as usual for the subgenre, shown to be so primitive that they act like a bunch of monkeys, movie contains a lot of animal violence and it's clearly made for it's shock value rather than to tell a good story. It isn't so bad and boring it's unwatchable, but it for sure isn't what you would call a good movie. At best, it can be decent bit of fun if you are fan of the subgenre. But do keep in mind that this isn't some kind of a hidden gem. While the actors are giving it their best, the movie really doesn't require a lot of brain. For example, in one scene female captive of our main character tries to run away. He catches her and then rapes her. Next scene the music is all nice and romantic and she is bringing him food she found in the jungle. It's simple and crude movie and therefore I recommend it only to subgenre fans. Everybody else, avoid it like a plague. 5.5/10!
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