Cabo Blanco (1980) Poster


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a return to bronson's European roots
kuciak13 April 2012
It is no secret that Charles Bronson became a star in Europe before he became one in the US because of Death Wish. In Cabo Blanco, somewhat a takeoff of 'Casablanca', Bronson starred in the most European looking of all his movies. Yes he did films in Europe like Love and Bullits, and there is a brief sequence in Naples of the superior 'The Mechanic.' But due to casting, it has a feel of a European movie, the most since Someone Behind the Door'. Of course, the film does take place in Peru, and was filmed in Mexicao, but certainly the participation of the film with Dominique Sanda, Fernando Rey, and Camilla Spav certainly gives the film that feel. Also it is only the other time that Bronson worked with Jason Robards, (Once Upon a Time in The West) this time as a villain.

It is also perhaps the most romantic film that Bronson has done, and all though he was 58 when he did the film, he looks the younger than he had ever looked since his role as Jeff in 'Violent City'.

It is also a curious puzzle in Bronson's career, as it did not get much theatrical play in the US, if at all. Why this is has never been explained. On first viewing, it is an entertaining film, at least I was when I first saw it in 86 on video. Perhaps one of the problems also was that it was short at 87 minutes, and Bronson's popularity was on decline, though, sadly, the Cannon films with Death Wish II, and 10 to Midnight, with its incredible violence would shoot Bronson back up to big box office status.

It would be, I believe, the last time we would see Bronson without a shirt on. Perhaps he might have been having trouble keeping that athletic looking body that he had, less than 20 years later he would need a hip replacement.' In fact, in the film, he is seen that way from the back, as he walks away from camera, it is almost as if he is saying through this scene, you won't see me with my shirt off again.

This is a fun movie to watch, also if you are a person who likes to see a lot of naked women, you won't be disappointed. Though I don't recommend it for that.

The film does have its flaws though, The song 'The Very Thought Of You, gets played to many times that it becomes a cliché. Also the climax, and some of the scenes before that are so contrived and silly. I would also suggest that it is condescending to some of the supposedly native Peruvians, though this might harkin back to the days of the 40 American movies, which have some scenes which begin in black and white. However, if you think about it, the ending shot is ironic, and can make one think. The narration does add a veneer of sophistication to the film. Listen very closely at the end, as you might miss some important details.
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A lot of talent, a little interest in this strange Bronson vehicle.
fs322 November 2000
Certainly one of the more eccentric of Bronson's starring vehicles, it tries to evoke memories of Casablanca even in its title. Taken apart from that unlikely-to-attain goal, it's fairly interesting, with a few talented cast members to keep it going (though they're not well served by the material). Large chunks of the story are pretty muddled, but as a curiosity piece, it's worth seeking out for Bronson completists.
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Dominique Sanda was a miscast
mwmerkelbach19 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
„Caboblanco" is not a bad movie, but you can easily divide its strengths and weaknesses. Fernando Rey and Jason Robards are the strongest actors. They both deliver great performances as they usually do. Charles Bronson does a solid job too. I think that he is often underrated as an actor, because of the decent quality of most of his movies. J. Lee Thompson directs this one in classy old-school-manner that could have produced a far better movie in case the script would have been above average, which it is not. The cinematography, the photography and the choice of locations are truly first rate. And J. Lee Thompson had the spirit and the feel of a director. He was born to do, what he did.

Most of the supporting actors are pretty cool as well. But Dominique Sanda was a miscast. Her wooden and strangely impersonal acting did confuse me from the very beginning. She seems to be completely lost in nearly every scene and any suggestions of mystery to her character are not convincing at all. The chemistry between her and Cliff (Charles Bronson) doesn't work out at all and that's a pity, because everything else and everybody else seem so carefully chosen.

But the main point to criticize is the script. It delivers some nice ideas, but too many loose ends and open questions. Why do scuba divers let the submarine explode that obvious, though they must have known, that the wreck was not the one everybody's looking for? Why did they kill the fisherman, who was diving for oysters for centuries? How come that Cliff was perfectly placed to rescue him, when the British agent Lewis was trying to escape through the jungle? These plot holes do not fit to an excellent script, which only could lead to an excellent movie. It's a pity, because Caboblanco already got many fine ingredients: competent actors, a perfect score by Jerry Goldsmith, marvelous locations and a stunning cinematography! In the end it's only a decent action flick worth watching once for fans of Charles Bronson and/or J. Lee Thompson.

It's interesting to realize that the theatrical version of "Caboblanco" shown in Argentina is 15 minutes (!) longer than the one we watch nowadays in the US or Europe on DVD. My whole impression of the movie might have been influenced by the fact that it was heavily cut, which seems to be possible as soon I think of those "plot holes" I already mentioned. I think it's necessary to get that uncut 102 minute print to be published as soon as possible.

Last but not least: Do not forget to check out the perfect Bronson/Thompson collaboration "Murphy's Law" (1986), which is the most underrated B-movie of the decade.
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Regular and badly paced USA/Mexican/Spanish coproduction about a variety of shady roles searching for a valuable treasure
ma-cortes20 April 2018
An inkeeper : Charles Bronson and an assortment of misfit characters are searching for a nazi treasure with unexpected consequences. This variety of other characters include an ex Nazi officer : Jason Robards , a mysterious French woman : Dominique Sanda , a suspect police chief : Fernando Rey , an adventurer : Simon MacCorkindale , among others .All of them assemble in Peru after WWII and everyone shares a common interest : to find a missing treasure of gold , lost in a ship wreck.

This is an adventure, thriller, suspense movie full of flaws and gaps , dealing with a motley group searching for a Nazi loot sunken off the coast of Peru. The plot sounds familiar as the film results to be a very inferior crossover between Casablanca and The treasure of Sierra Madre , taking parts here and there . Average screenplay by Victor Andres Catena and Jaime Comas Gil with plenty of twists and turns .The main and support cast is frankly excellent though really wasted , giving mediocre interpretations. Bronson plays in his usual wooden style a tough and two-fisted bartender who runs the local watering hole ; Dominique Sanda is a beautiful woman searching for his lover ; Jason Robards plays a nasty Nazi who controls the townsfolk and the police chief well performed by Fernando Rey . Here appears an important plethora of secondary actors as Gilbert Roland , Camila Sparv , Simon MacCorkindale , Clifton James , Anna De Sade and brief appearance by the Spanish Aldo Sambrell . Atmospheric cinematograhy by the Mexican Alex Phillips , being necessary a perfect remastering because of film copy is washed-out. Adequate and sunny scenarios by the expert production designer Jaime Perez Cubero. Evocative musical score by Jerry Goldsmith , but far from his great soundtracks.

The motion picture was regularly directed by J.Lee Thompson . Lee made various Charles Bronson vehicles , both of them got some successes , working in titles as St Ives, White Buffalo , Ten to midnight, Death Wish the crackdown , The evil that men do, Murphy Law , Messenger of death , Kinjite forbidden subjects and this Cabo Blanco . Thompson's greatest hit was Navarone guns as well as MacKenna gold . Rating : 4.5/10 . Mediocre , though the movie will appeal to Charles Bronson fans
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Everyone wants a piece, and a past to escape too.
lost-in-limbo2 April 2008
Director J. Lee Thompson and actor Charles Bronson always made an interesting team, and this particular effort was the last one I needed to see. Compared with most of their collaborations in the 80s, this is a diamond in the rough and quite an off-kilter, old-fashion adventure / mystery story that sets out to be intriguing and creates a nice feel of the times, than anything relying on Bronson handing out nasty punishment. Well on that point, the violence when it does eventuate is surprisingly brutal, if quick and too the point. When it happens, it comes from nowhere. However Bronson is given a chance to spread his wings, and act with confidence and stalwart appeal. It's a terrifically surly, down-played performance by Chuck in a suitable heroine role. Working off Bronson is a tremendously solid cast. Jason Robards' is subtly powerful in a fine turn and Fernando Rey's sly style always amuses. Dominique Sanda displays a potently classy presence. The support cast rounding it off are just as good with Simon Mac Corkindale, Dennis Millar, Clifton James and Camilla Sparv.

Looming from the presentation is a film-noir tone, and I don't really get the 'Casablanca' references (from it being a rip-off to an unfunny spoof) made about it. There's no denying it's rather talky though, but the script is involving and smartly weaved together. This works due to the screenplay having a busy (if muddled) plot and still keeping a breezy (almost brooding) air to it. Some contrived, and convenient actions occur, and the drama can seem a little uncertain. But it never becomes a worry. Also how they used the breathtakingly erotic Mexican backdrop in the action was accordingly staged and well-framed. Talk about nice sight seeing. The swirling, wide-screen camera-work had that ability to capture that organic sense of place, although the underwater shots came off terribly murky. Thompson's direction is undoubtedly workman-like, slow and effective on a much larger scale, despite the dreary look to its visual styling. Jerry Goldsmith's rousing melancholic score is picture-perfect. Everything boils up to an thrilling climax, as the calmness makes way for a stormy (literally) confrontations of two men, who share something in common, but how they go about things are entirely different. They have a past they like to forget, and this is their chance for that to happen and put away that lingering fear of something catching up.

One of Bronson's interestingly obscure oddities, which unjustly flopped and deserves an audience.

p.s I would love to see a good DVD print of this film, because the grainy VHS copy I rented doesn't do it any justice.
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'Casa' Blanco
Pycal19 June 2009
Judging solely from the cool poster art (featuring a mean looking Bronson with a .357 magnum in hand) I expected a gritty 70s/80s style crime flick with the main twist being that it's set in a tropical Latin American location instead of the typical NYC or LA. Instead what we get is a 1940s era neo-noir with shades of 'Casablanca'. I guess I would have been fine with that as it would have been an interesting change of pace for a Bronson flick (so long as it were accompanied by plenty of hard-hitting action). However whatever potential this film had quickly deteriorates as the plot becomes nothing more than a lame, slow paced, sunken treasure movie.

Highlights include a few creative(though underwhelming) action scenes, topless Latina chicks, and appearances by Fernando Rey and Jason Robards (who isn't very convincing as a German expatriate). Even a cameo by a talking parrot can't save it. Avoid.
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...Where legends are born.
Hey_Sweden21 February 2019
The third teaming of film star Charles Bronson and filmmaker J. Lee Thompson casts Bronson as "Gifford Hoyt", a hotel & bar owner in an exotic locale off the coast of Peru. It's the year 1948, and an ex-Nazi named Gunther Beckdorff (Jason Robards) pretty much runs the show in the area. Newly arrived is a Frenchwoman named Marie Claire Alessandri (Dominique Sanda), who's looking for her old lover. The plot centres around the search for a supposed fortune in gold located in a shipwreck somewhere in those waters.

The story (admittedly, heavily inspired by "Casablanca") is nothing special, but it does entertain reasonably well. It's never truly exciting, or suspenseful (and the ending does leave characters and viewers alike with a dissatisfied feeling), but it holds ones' attention. The real value lies in this exotic setting ("Cabo Blanco" was actually filmed in Mexico), and its sights and sounds. As photographed in widescreen by Alex Phillips, Jr., it looks positively great. And it's supplemented by a majestic Jerry Goldsmith soundtrack.

Bronson does quite nicely in the lead role, showing off a natural charisma that we didn't see all that often; a lot of the time, he was required to play fairly grim characters. He's extremely well supported by an amusingly slimy Robards, and an excellent Fernando Rey (in the films' standout performance) as a morally compromised police chief who's in Beckdorffs' pocket. Sanda is lovely, but comes off as somewhat awkward, having to act in English. There's also a pleasing variety of familiar faces in other roles: Simon MacCorkindale, Camilla Sparv, Gilbert Roland, Denny Miller, James Booth, Jorge Russek, Clifton James, and Aldo Sambrell.

"Cabo Blanco" benefits from a fairly sordid atmosphere, and is violent without ever dwelling too long on unpleasantness.

All in all, it's worth a look for fans of the actors.

Six out of 10.
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Play It Again, Charles
Michael_Elliott9 August 2015
Cabo Blanco (1980)

** (out of 4)

Peru, 1948 is the setting for this adventure film about a group of criminals living in Cabo Blanco. A bar owner (Charles Bronson) finds himself caught up in a mystery dealing with missing gold, which includes a beautiful woman (Dominique Sanda) searching for her husband, a Nazi war criminal (Jason Robards) and a crooked police chief (Fernando Rey).

CABO BLANCO is often laughed at because it's considered a rip-off of CASABLANCA. While this film does borrow heavily from that classic picture, the overall movie isn't nearly as bad as its reputation. At the same time, I really have to scratch my head as to why the producers would call the film CABO BLANCO because with that title you just know people were going to compare it to a much better film. It didn't really matter how this movie turned out, the odds of it being better than that Humphrey Bogart classic was very slim so why put your film in a bad position from the word go?

As for the film itself, it's slight entertainment, although there's no question that there are plenty of flaws throughout. I think the biggest problem is the actual screenplay, which has way too much story and at times it gets rather bogged down in dialogue. The story itself could have been more interesting had there simply not be so many characters talking about so many different things. I know the film had some production issues so perhaps this might explain some of this but at just 87 minutes it seems like there's way too much story here than is needed.

The film has some terrific visuals and especially if you view the film in its original 2.35:1 ratio. The locations are certainly beautiful and adds a lot to the story. The performances really aren't that bad either. Robards is entertaining as always and I thought Rey was extremely good in the role of the police chief. I thought Sanda made for a good femme fetale as well. As for Bronson, this isn't his typical tough guy role. This character is a lot more of a "normal" person so to speak and I thought the actor did a fine job with it.

CABO BLANCO also suffers from some weird issues in regards to content. There's really no profanity and the violence is never too graphic or brutal. These elements are certain PG worthy yet there is all sorts of nudity that pushes it pass the family friendly rating. I'm not sure why they added on the nudity but nothing else but oh well. In the end CABO BLANCO is neither good nor bad but just pointless.
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A Charles Bronson's 'interpretation' of Casablanca ?!
hotelfocus30 December 2014
It seems like almost all Hollywood stars have to have their own version of Casablanca.

Even Shakespeare plays must not have attracted so many varied 'interpretations'.

Even Charles Bronson ?!

But surprisingly the movie is still a typical Bronson movie. Factor in the nudity, the fights, the thrills, and the 'he-men' that populate your regular Bronson movie.

I personally found the ending a bit'weak and maybe obscure'; but it helps to differentiate the movie from being a direct Casablanca copy.

Overall, it stands up OK for die-hard Bronson fans.
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film noir in the tropics
trojans728 April 2013
A big fan of j lee thompson and charles bronson i found this movie worth a watch. its very layed back and old school like a visit to your folks.its south American local and tropic feel was a real plus and Charley was in in good form.but thompson was slumming it a bit,maybe enjoying the sun to much.the pace was slow even for this sort of film.

i think i could of enjoyed it more if the copy i had was any good, but it is poor with only the widescreen formate save it from being unwatchable. it is such a rare movie that i was happy enough to see it at all.

if you enjoy 70's style movies and gumshoe movies give it a go its good late night fodder.
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Parroting the legend of the good guys
jaibo9 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The third collaboration between star Charles Bronson and veteran British director J Lee Thompson is, like its predecessor The White Buffalo, a strange beast but this time the collaboration doesn't quite manage produce something interesting. An all-star caper set in South America after the close of World War Two, Capo Blanco shows a disparate group of International adventurers going after what turns out to be a hoard of treasure looted by the Nazis during the war. The image of Capo Blanco as a melting pot of various International chancers gives the place in image as well as name a nod to Casablanca. The ex-patriot American protagonist, Giff (Bronson), runs a bar in town just like Rick in the classic and the supporting characters echo figures who once listened to the "You must remember this" refrain – an ultimately good but morally compromised police chief (Fernando Rey doing Claude Rains), a wicked Nazi (Jason Robards for Conrad Veidt) and a mysterious, beautiful woman with Paris in her past (Dominique Sanda standing for Ingrid Bergman). There is an awkwardness to the film, as if Thompson is unsure as to whether this is an homage or a pastiche.

Thompson, in his later years especially, was a filmmaker whose world-view was riddled with misanthropy. Here he tries to take what Wilde might have termed a bank holiday from cynicism, as he confesses in a short "Making of" documentary filmed during the shoot, where he identifies the post-war setting as "…an era of romanticism, an age when things seemed to have a drive and excitement of their own, when values were considered to be important and the feeling that the hero in the end should triumph and that you could root for good against bad. We've lost a lot of that, as indeed we should do in the modern cinema. But that is occasionally something which should occasionally appear on the screens when we're making a film today." Cabo Blanco is an exercise in nostalgia but it is exercising muscles in Thompson which had long-since wasted away. For the most part Cabo Blanco a tired film. The story is told without any real effort at audience engagement. Most of the excellent cast are on auto-pilot. Yet this is the logical consequence of its nostalgic romanticism.

The denouement, a long and not very well-paced scene in Giff's bar, sees the moral of the film being played out, yet it is as if the figures are animated waxworks re-enacting scenes from a no longer living past. The police chief, who has up until now assisted the Nazi in the search for the treasure, learns that it is loot from "Churches, synagogues, death camps" and so jumps ship, joining the good guys. He regains, in Giff's words, "his soul". The film dramatises a moment when the post-war allies had the moral high ground and where their rectitude could persuade others that they were indeed the good guys. This is a legend now, as the film self-consciously admits in a series of mythologising voice-overs, and Thompson can only repeat it, parrot it. The plot self-consciously involves a parrot's memory. It as if the myth were preserved in aspic, no longer a living thing. The epilogue, over which the voice over tells us that "the legend (…) grew and grew and Cabo Blanco prospered", shows Giff with a swanky house on a hill with the girl, living the good life. A good life built of the legend that he is a good guy.

Yet Giff, as his back-story tells us, is a murderer. And as a murderer, he himself is on the run from gas chambers not in Nazi Germany but in the good old USA. Even when making a piece of supposedly romantic nostalgia, Thompson cannot help but let his cynicism seep out.
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barely released, hard to find, but worth it.
HEFILM26 October 2015
This is very slickly made film which sadly doesn't have a good reputation or a decent widescreen release. The camera-work on the film is excellent with much moving camera a great score and good locations.

The odd thing is the bursts of full frontal nudity and one really graphic death scene. These seem to be included for fans of Bronson's gritty films but seem totally out of place here.

Sondra is dull as usual. Bronson solid. Robards doesn't seem to want to be bothered by doing a German accent. It has real visual sweep. Odd rather forced voice over which seems to be trying to set this up for a sequel perhaps at the end.

Despite these forced elements--of violence, nudity,and nostalgia--the bulk of the film works as a mystery and intrigue--rather than say action. One of the few of director Thompson's later films that really hearken back to his early Hollywood career of sweeping location quasi epics.

The ending builds suspense only to pay it off in an offbeat--and perhaps off putting way for some. Jerry Goldsmith contributes a fantastic score too, btw.

Deserves more respect and proper restoration than it gets especially among the later career of Bronson. In fact, as a bit of an update a blu ray of the film does now exist, you can see and enjoy the widescreen phototgraphy to it's full impact. The blu ray also includes a well made making-of-film done at the time, by one of Gregory Peck's children, no less!
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A Miss is Just a Miss
TheFearmakers19 July 2021
This 'spiritual remake' of CASABANCA about an American who runs a Peruvian hotel/nightclub harboring a French woman who knows about a local sunken ship's treasure is also similar to future blockbuster TITANIC...

And for some reason the cache-seeking ship's captain, sending a mini-sub to investigate, narrates... in the form of youthful surrogate hero Simon MacCorkindale, eventually injured since this is, after all, a Bronson vehicle...

But unlike the Bogart classic, Dominique Sanda and Bronson's Giff Hoyt didn't have a previous affair (though he did with Robard's troubled blonde moll, Carmella Sparv, a far better actress)...

And yet she DID have a former French lover (and his old friend) who provided details about that treasure which... sadly, since fortune hunting neo noirs are usually pretty good... gets buried in a limited plot concerning pressure from the second/third of ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST, Jason Robards, as the main villain, a former Nazi, even less threatening than his native law-leg Fernando Rey or Aryan soldier Denny Miller...

Meanwhile the biggest shame is CABO has fantastically manned camera-direction by J. Lee Thompson, seeming more in-tune with a modern (1980) thriller that the wardrobe and certain technological aspects also resemble...

And while primed to beat a lot of people up, Charlie's never in any real danger throughout.
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Period adventure south o' the border; violent and clichéd but not without points of interest.
barnabyrudge11 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Charles Bronson reteams once more with veteran British director J. Lee-Thompson for a typically violent movie in their usual style. One difference this time round is the unusual period and locale, but away from these slightly-out-of-the-ordinary details the film is very much more of the same from this long-running actor-director partnership.

What's going on in the bay off Peruvian seaside town Caboblanco in 1948? The British are busily searching the seabed for something, hiding behind a cock-and-bull story that they're carrying out scientific research. A newcomer in town, the mysterious Marie (Dominique Sanda) claims to be an ex-Resistance agent looking for someone she used to know. And on the hill overlooking the bay, Nazi war criminal Beckdorf (Jason Robards) is also desperate to lay his hands on whatever lies lost at the bottom of the ocean. An American fugitive running a seedy bar, Giff Hoyt (Charles Bronson), is concerned by all the strange comings and goings in his town, and decides to investigate further. He discovers that everyone is after a precious cargo which went down with a ship several years earlier; but no-one seems to know exactly where the vessel's final resting place actually is. Or is there someone mixed up in the whole thing who may know more than they're letting on?

Plus points include colourful location work, a more-animated-than-usual Bronson performance, a strong supporting cast and a stirring score by Jerry Goldsmith. Negatives include clichés galore, an unclear and sometimes bewildering script, and too many absurdly unnecessary flashes of violence and nudity. One spear-through-the-eyeball moment in particular comes completely out of the blue, and would seem more at home in a gory early 80s slasher pic than a period adventure like this. Having said that, it all builds decently to a rather tense and well-handled final scene at Bronson's bar where our hero and the Robards character endure a final battle of wits. Not perfect by a long shot, but there are plenty worse ways you could while away 100 minutes.
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DrSatan2 January 2002
Caboblanco is a really, really bad film, that loses many points for its feeble attempts to evoke the classic "Casablanca". I feel sorry for Jason Robards and Bronson, both of whom give decent performances on this film's lousy script. I'm sorry, but the story of various low lifes and politicos vieing over suken treasure (with a crappy romance sub-plot thrown in for good measure) cannot compete with Casablanca's story of sacrificing love for the greater good. Also, this film lacks Casablanca's wonderful supporting cast and great dialogue. Judged by itself, this film is paced far too slowly, and too little occurs. The ending, though, is what mainly draws my ire-"I put a bomb in the jukebox" indeed! Avoid.
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I saw this great movie more than one, but I never see Clifton james and Aldo Sambrell in this movie. Please help me find these two actors in this movie. Thanks. Fakhri
fakris16 October 2020
I saw this great movie more than one, but I never see Clifton james and Aldo Sambrell in this movie. Please help me find these two actors in this movie. Thanks. Fakhri
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Bad critical reviews for a Bronson movie? Never.
mark.waltz2 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Yes indeed, it's the audience who ultimately decides what is a good film and what is not, and if it's not the box office at the time of release, it's in the late 80's or later on home video, and ultimately on streaming. This is a forgotten Charles Bronson film where he's the owner of an inn on the beaches of Peru, post World War II, where Nazi treasure is being sought and people are willing to kill for it, and even take the risk of being killed. The story gets stretched out a bit, and the film isn't really all that long. In the last part, a parrot that Bronson seeks to get info from steals the film.

The exotically beautiful Dominique Sanda is one of those people willing to risk everything, as are her wealthy former lover Jason Robards, young adventurer Simon McCorkindale, and older grizzled adventurer types Raf Vallone and silent screen hunk Gilbert Roland. Definitely a popcorn film, serving the purpose for which it was made, to entertain even with clichéd characters that seem straight out of a late 40's Warner Brothers adventure. But not "Casablanca", although I could see Peter Lorre and Sydney Greenstreey popping up in this. Definitely a fun old fashioned film that kept my attention with beautiful scenery and plenty of action.
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Why hate it for ripping off "Casablanca" when there are better reasons to hate it?
Groverdox13 May 2019
"Caboblanco" is a rare movie that I didn't bother to finish watching. I had about twenty minutes left when I quit it. It's just exhausting, watching stuff happening on screen but having no idea about any of it.

The presence of great actors like Robards and Fernando Rey only makes matters worse. You start feeling bad for them.

"Caboblanco" begins with a guy going down in a little submarine thing and getting attacked and killed by frogmen who come out of nowhere. Apparently we are in Peru. Charles Bronson works in a nightclub, and Dominique Sanda comes through and becomes his love interest, despite the age difference. Robards is a crooked rich guy and I forget who Rey is supposed to be - or I never knew in the first place.

It's not just that nothing happens in the movie. It's that stuff seems to happen, but you don't know what it is. The movie doesn't have an entry point where you can start to understand what's going on. Or begin to care.

There's a few scenes with women who happen to be completely naked in the movie, as well. I didn't understand that, either.
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A somewhat laid back action film
neil-douglas201011 December 2022
An adventure movie set in Peru just after the Second World War. Starring Charles Bronson as Giff Hoyt, who runs a bar on the Peruvian coast. Now everyone wants to know the whereabouts of a sunken ship and it's treasure. Including Beckdorff (Jason Robards), a Nazi in hiding, who runs the police force in town including the Chief, Terredo (Fernando Rey). Of course there's a love interest in the shape of Dominique Sanda, who plays the mysterious Marie who is in search of a former lover. Whilst all this sounds very exciting it's not nearly as much fun as it should be. A missed opportunity because it has a decent cast.
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Cabo Blanco
CinemaSerf7 June 2023
Unfortunately, with the possible exception of "Death on the Nile" (1978), the presence of Simon MacCorkindale is rarely a portent for a good movie, and here is no different. When a diver is found drowned off the coast of Caboblanco, Peru, the official line is that is was accidental. Local taverna owner "Giff Hoyt" (Charles Bronson) smells a rat, and that smell gets stronger when "Marie" (Dominique Sanda) arrives in town and falls foul of the local authorities that seems a little too beholden to local German businessman "Gunther Beckdorff" (Jason Robards). Something is afoot - and it doesn't take them long to suss out that there might be gold on a wreck just off the coast. Comparisons with "Casablanca" (1942) are certain to be drawn but though there are plot similarities, the comparison ends pretty sharpish - this is simply nowhere near as good. There is far too much dialogue, a distinct lack of subtlety and style as the story develops and a paucity of action as Bronson is clearly just interested in collecting his fee. The ending is brash and garish too and this whole adventure offers precious little to engage the audience. Forgettable film, that, luckily, is easy to forget.
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larryanderson10 February 2023
I watched this Charles Bronson "adventure vehicle" with great hopes of a fantastic treasure hunt movie. There were bad quality English postings on Y/T but I ended up watching the beautiful wide screen, perfect color one in Spanish. There are a few clips of local girls laying about in the nude, which only shows well in the Spanish version. The story of the movie is an old one, where get rich quick characters try to outsmart each other in order to be the winner. I couldn't figure out why Bronson evens bothered to star in this clunker, as he was at the height of his popularity, and this movie just doesn't fit into any of his others like Death Wish. I wonder how many people went to the theater and were disappointed with this entry? It was filmed near Manzanillo MX. But takes place in Peru. I have vacationed in that area and it is a great place to visit, especially Colima..
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Stilted misfire
Leofwine_draca22 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A virtual remake of the Bogart classic CASABLANCA with Charles Bronson standing in for Bogie. Of course this turns out to be a totally misguided film despite the exotic Mexican filming locations and the sunny clime. J. Lee Thompson made a lot of good Bronson flicks but this is possibly their worst collaboration, a stilted misfire which just seems 'off' from the outset. The French actress is possibly the most wooden I've seen and all of her scenes are excruciating; the rest veers between tepid and boring, and never engaging.
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A beautiful Mexican location, quirky characters and the inimitable Bronson combine in an offbeat suspense tale
kate200019 May 2001
I gave this film an extra two points for the location alone.

The gorgeous coastal town used in Caboblanco was in fact once a favorite retreat of members of a corrupt Mexican regime. The deluxe hilltop mansion, the thatched hotel-bar that Bronson's character runs, palapas lined up at the water's edge, a bare-bones, dingy police office, and so forth: you can't ask for a more convincing backdrop for this tale of international skullduggery.

Caboblanco also gets points for Bronson's spot-on portrayal of an ex-pate living in Mexico because he probably can't go home, the complex and riveting performance by Fernando Rey, and for filling out the cast with several supporting players in a non-linear presentation. There is a denouement at the end, but the film's mood and pacing are not obvious in working to that conclusion. In other words, Caboblanco succeeds in making a viewer feel he/she is eavesdropping on lives in progress.

Admittedly, this is a piece of entertainment, but it strives for something more, and it is NOT an imitation of Casablanca, by a long shot.

My one complaint is that the great Gilbert Roland was not used to more advantage.
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On a heretic Britanny treasure, Cabo Blanco is an unashamedly rip-off of Casablanca!!
elo-equipamentos26 January 2024
All happenings start in far-off 1948 at small fishing seashore town Cabo Blanco in a Peruvian province, where a former Nazi Gunther Beckdorff (Jason Robards) got hideaway in a fortress nearby which has its own private army and protected by bribery of the country's Minister, meanwhile an American diver Lewis Clarkson (Simon MacCorkindale) is looking around on deep waters a sunk vessel Brittany, whereof a local legend implies over a supposed treasure gold inside.

The matter lays out where the exact point of Brittany sunk, all become upside down when reach there the gorgeous French Marie Allesandri (Dominique Sanda) looking for his missing husband, at once getting shelter of Giff Hoyt (Charles Bronson), in meantime the corrupt Police Officer Torredo (Fernando Rey) that rules the place with heavy hands hol her passport at behest of Beckdorff, Giff intervenes to the aid of Marie hinting a mutual romance interest, in fact all characters actually aiming for get a clue where the Brittany's treasure is located.

Cabo Blanco despite takes place post WWII is an unashamedly rip-off of the unforgettable classic Casablanca, including in the name as benchmark, several elements assure such statement, Giff's seashore bar, it sounds like Rick's bar, Police Officer Terredo ruling the spot is very analog as Captain Louis Renault played by Claude Rains an ambiguous character, the beauty French Marie Allesandri means the femme figure of IIsa Lund (Ingrid Bergman) just named a few happenstances on storyline, it ain't so bad after all!!

Thanks for reading.


First watch: 1989 / How many: 2 / Source: TV-Youtube / Rating: 6.
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Great for the fans!
jasempre-15 December 2009
"Caboblanco" is a nice and rare treat for any Bronson/Robards/Thompson fan. Don't believe what every review says. There are only a few movies where Bronson puts down the gun and turns up his acting charm. Throughout out the 80s, he starred in a huge bunch of Cannon Popcorn-Actioners. They where just mindless and fun comic book thrillers. "Caboblanco" is one of the few Bronson suspense films where he gives an all-star performance. He doesn't need to be in an action film to give a solid performance. His scenes with Dominique Sanda are a joy and fun to watch and his scenes with Robards the greatest in the film.

Like any good movie, it did have it's flaws. "Caboblanco" has been labeled as an action film and a "remake" of "Casablanca." I highly disagree with both. It's more of a suspense/drama. The plot was a little boring and some scenes are just that. Of coarse, it's not a real Bronson movie without some violence, so there are a few action scenes placed nicely in the film. He throws quite a few punches and handles a gun here and there. But like I said earlier, it's not about the action in this movie. There are a few DVD copies on the net, so if your a hardcore Bronson/Robards/Thompson fan, I recommend you check this out. Although, there are a few boring scenes, it's a well made suspense/drama with a great cast. Scenes with Bronson and Robards are the best if the film! They make a great team. 10/10
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