1990: The Bronx Warriors (1982) Poster

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Fred Williamson - King Of The Bronx
Witchfinder-General-6664 October 2007
Enzo G. Castellari's "1990: Guerrieri Del Bronx" aka. "1990: The Bronx Warriors" is a trashy end time action flick that was mainly produced to cash in on the success of two prior post-apocalyptic cult flicks, Walter Hill's "The Warriors" of 1979 John Carpenter's "Escape From New York" of 1981. I have utmost respect for director Castellari for movies such as the great late Spaghetti Western "Keoma" with Franco Nero in the lead, but it "Bronx Warriors" is certainly not one of the highlights of his career. Although "The Bronx Warriors" is overall a silly film that lacks in many departments, it has some qualities and is fun to watch if you're a fan of apocalyptic 80s trash. The exploitation factor makes it worthwhile, although it could have been higher, since there's no nudity, and not nearly as much violence as i hoped for.

In the future (the year 1990) The Bronx is entirely in the hand of criminal gangs. The fight against crime has become so hopeless that the state has decided to keep out of the Bronx and declared this territory no man's land and people have to kill in order to stay alive in this godforsaken place ruled by hostile gangs. One of these gangs, a biker gang called the 'Raiders' are lead by a young guy called Trash (Mark Gregory), who falls in love with Ann (Stefania Girolami Goodwin, daughter of director Castellari) a girl who has fled to the Bronx from Manhattan...

The main reason to watch "Bronx Warriors" is the great blaxploitation star and badass Fred Williamson, who is once again the epitome of coolness as 'The Ogre', the self-proclaimed King of the Bronx. Another cool role is that of Vic Morrow, who plays a professional gun called Hammer. Other than Willamson and Morrow, and Victor Conelly, who has a smaller role, the performances are pretty forgettable, especially Mark Gregory is rather terrible in the role of Trash. I also found it quite questionable, why the huge, badass bikers with their tattoos and full beards would accept baby faced Trash, who looks like he's 15 years old as their leader. Some (unintentionally?) hilarious aspects of this film are the ridiculous-looking rival gangs, like "The Zombies", a gang whose members come on roller skates and armed with hockey sticks, another gang who look like Neanderthals, and another 'fearsome' gang of rouged guys who look like ballet dancing drag-queens.

The great Fred Williamson is responsible for almost all the cool moments in this film, which is otherwise quite forgettable. Nevertheless, the exploitation and trash factor make "Bronx Warriors" worthwhile if you're a fan of this kind of trashy end-time cinema. Don't set your expectations too high, and you might have an entertaining time, if only due to Williamson and several bloody fights. Mildly recommended to lovers of trashy 80s stuff.
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inferior copy of The Warriors (1979), but still somewhat entertaining
FieCrier11 March 2005
Definitely struck me as an uncredited remake of The Warriors (1979) with elements stolen from Escape from New York (1981).

The Bronx has been abandoned by police, since it has been taken over by gangs. Each gang wears costumes and have matching modes of transportation. A woman runs over a bridge into the Bronx. She's due to inherit the presidency of The Manhattan Corporation, but wants to avoid those people who would have her be just a puppet. After she gets attacked by one gang, another gang saves her and she becomes the girlfriend of their leader, Trash, who has the most feminine walk I've ever seen in a guy. Perhaps that's what too-tight pants does.

Anyway, Trash's gang ends up having to fight their way through a couple other gangs to get to the King of the Bronx, the head of the Tigers, Ogre. Trash also has to deal with traitors in his own gang.

The video I saw unfortunately was cut, so I missed out on the tap-dancing gang (!). There were some silly gangs in The Warriors too, so I guess they were just following that.

Fairly entertaining, but derivative. Don't bother with any cut versions.
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Vic Morrow almost won...
Aaron137528 June 2020
I have watched the sequel to this film before, but this is the first time seeing this one and I have to say it is a better film. Basically, it is kind of a combination of Warriors and Escape From New York brought to us by Italy who likes to take something that is popular here and make it their own. Usually the film is not the best film ever made, but it can oftentimes turn out to be rather entertaining and that is the case with this one. It has some good action and a so over the top plot that it is at times rather funny too.

The story, Trash and his gang find a girl being harassed by a gang on roller skates called the Zombies! Why they are called the Zombies and not the Wheelies is anybody's guess. This girl is actually supposed to be the head of some major weapons company, which is honestly rather stupid and just a strange excuse to bring in the Hammer! Vic Morrow plays the bad guy and does so with his usual gusto making the film more entertaining than it should be. Trash must find the Ogre who is king of Bronx, but there is much treachery afoot and the flamethrowers are a coming!

Fred Williamson plays the Ogre and the amount of times he appears in films in Italy leads me to believe the man really enjoy the country. I heard he once asked to be in a film, the one with the guy and a talking motorcycle and they agreed to put him in it. I am betting he was going to have to go home otherwise! Vic Morrow also appears in a lot of these Italian films too and I bet the same applies to him.

So, this film has lots of mindless violence and lots of weird stuff going on and so it is not a good film, but fun to watch nonetheless. It is kind of like a Full Moon film with these Italian films that copy the famous films, they are usually short and may not be great, but always generally fun and once in a while you get a diamond in the rough. This one manages to entertain and also can make you laugh and make you wonder. Like, why didn't Vic Morrow simply move out of the way of the harpoon as he had all day to do so.
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One of the two best movies ever made!
Cristian-35 December 2000
Forget "Terminator 2", forget "Jaws" or "The Matrix" or any of those groundbreaking yet utterly predictable movies. What I am reviewing here is simply one (the other being its sequel) of the most fantastic works of art ever committed to celluloid, a movie of such vision and imagery as to haunt anyone who sees it for the rest of their lives. This is a movie that, if you just happen watch it on tv as a child you will be asking people 15 years later what it was and it will become so dear to your heart you'll have owned a copy in every conceivable format. VHS, CED, LD, VCD, DVD, Phase 4 Plasma crystal...well, in the future. If you see it as a teenager it will leave its mark on you and you might actually refuse to see it again because you will not want your fond memories of this movie wrecked, but I assure you, its magic and power will last a lifetime. One day, when you're no longer young, you will look back at this movie and remember what it was like to really feel alive. The main couple will be young forever on film, forever kissing as if each time was the first time. Young forever will remain the heroes.

And this I appreciate about it: finally a movie with teen heroes who actually are teenagers, not 30 year-old Eric Stoltz-types. Our hero was only 17 when he was picked to play the youthful leader of a motorcycle gang.

1990: The Bronx Warriors (1983)

The year is 1990. The place is the Bronx. In an alternate reality where crime has supposedly risen to such impossible heights that the police no longer attempt to enforce the law in the Bronx, Trash and his gang of Riders fight a corrupt corporation's efforts to destroy gang rule in the Bronx.

By 1990 most of the Bronx was owned by the evil Manhattan Corporation. This unscrupulous organisation was bent on dominating and owning the entire Bronx for the financial gains. They used of force to move people out of their homes. Naturally they needed the government out of their way so they exaggerated the Bronx's crime rate to get the government to give up on enforcing the law and left it up to the Manhattan Corporation to rule the place. However there was a flaw in the plan.

The Bronx may belong to the M.C. on paper but it really belonged to street gangs. In an environment where only the strong will survive, the many gather together to become stronger. Tribes are formed and together they protect their property and take justice into their own hands. And ruling over all is The Ogre.

Yes, that would be Fred Williamson! In the year when this was made it was already considered hyper-cool to have Fred Williamson in a movie. And he is here, yet another reason why this movie is AWESOME! As the Ogre, Williamson totally runs the show and steals every scene that he is in. We can see why other gangs fear him. His mere image imposes respect. He is regarded as a king, as THE King of the Bronx by everyone, friend or foe...only his foes don't get to live long, dig?

It's in this lawless world that we meet 17 year-old Trash. This young men is way wise beyond his years. He has the beauty of youth and his eyes reflect the wisdom of ages. Even older members of his gang respect him as their undisputed leader. And they look to him for answers when members of various gangs start showing up dead.

Enter Ann. She runs into the Hell we call The Bronx, runs straight into Trash's arms. Who is this troubled young woman? Who or what is she running away from? This girl shows up out of nowhere, purposedly trying to enter the Bronx and is attacked by members of a gang named "The Zombies". The Zombies rollerskate around in white hockey gear with large epaulets and they tease Ann before closing in for the kill. She is rescued by Trash and she is eternally grateful to him.

The climate in the Bronx is tense. Although most gangs can share the Bronx as long as no one enters the other's turf, all hell can break loose at any moment. Hell..that's what this place is. Hell.

As two members of Trash's gang are making out in the stairs of a building, a lone mailman makes his way up the steps. He is carrying a long parcel. As he makes his way through the ruined building, one of Trash's men threatens the postman. But, there is something fishy here. The postman turns and dispatches the Rider with shots from a rifle he was concealing in the package. Why, IT'S VIC MORROW!!!

VIC MORROW!! One great underrated american actor! Here he plays a great villain, a mercenary working for the Manhattan Corporation. His name is Hammer. He believes in nothing, he will stop at nothing. His only loyalties are to himself. As Hammer, Vic is what Tom Atkins usually tries to be, but only Morrow can be Morrow. A dedicated character actor, Morrow was killed in California, while filming TWILIGHT ZONE: THE MOVIE. I remember the very day, July 23, 1982. Morrow is an interesting casting choice because he truly was a Bronx native. He had been playing heavies since 1955's "Blackboard Jungle", an early JD flick, alongside Sidney Poitier, so by this time he had elevated it into an artform in itself! This was his next to last movie. Before that he had also been in a different italian film with James Franciscus named L'ULTIMO SQUALO. His character's last name in that movie was also Hammer, if I remember correctly.

So now I have explained the plot elements and I will not spoil anything else about this fantastic action-horror movie. The stage is set for the ride of your life in this NON-STOP movie where every minute something new happens. Boy, was I surprised to see BIG APE HIMSELF, Mr. George Eastman as Golan, the leader of the Zombies! He has a great little fight scene with someone in the cast...and I really don't want to spoil anything but it is one of my favourite scenes. The Ogre has a henchowoman named "Witch" who is anything but, unless it's meant to say she's enchanting! Like a superheroine from a Marvel comic book (Not DC....they'd never get it right), Witch is a leather clad kitten with a deadly whip! Trash's right hand man, Ice, looked like a young Steve Jobs. ;-) But everything in this movie is so crazy and hypnotic! The costumes of the different gangs, the ruins of the Bronx...this movie plays like a modern-day fantasy-quest!

The acting is a little uneven but this is to be expected in a international co-production where actors speak different languages and have their lines dubbed in afterwards. Mark Gregory as Trash is simply incredible. In more than one touching scenes he actually cries! The tough exteriour is briefly removed so we can get a glimpse of the real man inside.

Ann is played by Stefania Girolami, daughter of actor Ennio Girolami who is also here as the President of the Manhattan Corporation. Director Enzo Castellari has his usual cameo, in this case as the Vice-President.

This is a movie that is incredible, and its sequel was even better!

1990 i guerrieri del Bronx Also Known As: 1990: The Bronx Warriors (1983)

********** Ten stars out of a possible Five!

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So Bad It's Good
Theo Robertson28 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
THE BRONX WARRIORS is one of those movies that you can't forget due to the fact that it's so bad . I saw it in 1983 and it's nothing more than an Italian movie trying to cash in one the likes of MAD MAX , THE WARRIORS and most blatant of all that John Carpenter / Kurt Russel movie where the one eyed hero saves President Donald Plesence from the penal colony of New York . I don't wish to bring up national stereotypes but I think Italians make blatant rip offs the same as they make war - Very badly

First of all we see a tough streetwise gang led by Trash ( Mark Gregory ) who sports a leather waist coat and has a frizzy perm . Obviously he's a tough nut because no one ever suggests to him , at least not to his face , that he could have a career as one of the dancers in camp early 80s disco crooners The Boystown gang . His right hand man wears a wermacht uniform and wears glasses . So we have a tough streetwise gang led by a man who dresses like a gay icon and his understudy is bespectacled . Oh I'm scared

I can't remember much about the plot possibly because the storyline might not have a plot , but I think it's set in a post apocalypse scenario or so the characters say . Strangely there's nothing on screen that suggests this since everyone is able to afford gasoline for their motorcycles and cars and all the buildings seem to be intact . I think most of the running time is taken up with Trash going on a quest through New York and bumping into rival gangs including one who wear gold bowler hats led by a woman

" Hi Trash . Where you going ? "

" Ah gotta get to da Bronx " mumbles Mark Gregory who at this point convinced me if The Boystwon Gang didn't want him then he could always try to become a speak your weight machine as a career move . But why should he show any emotion ? If you were menaced by Ruthie Henshall and the cast of a Broadway musical just how scared would you be ?

So Trash continues on his way and finds a friend who is crucified who tells him it was done by fascist cop Hammer

" I can't take the pain anymore Trash "

So instead of calling an ambulance - And there's nothing we've seen that suggests ambulances no longer exist - Trash breaks his friend's neck to save him anymore pain in an emotional scene that suggests that Mark Gregory would have difficulty being employed as a speak your weight machine

To cut a long story short the gangs get together to suggest their move on Hammer ( Vic Morrow ) who do you think turns up ? Only Hammer himself who has his fascist pigs pull out flamethrowers and start frying the gang members . Is it just me or would fascist cops burning gang members have been a good idea earlier since it would have stopped the city falling into a state of anarchy in the first place ? No matter because you forget such things as you see Hammer rant and rave like Hitler on speed until someone kills him .

The End

I'm shocked to read that some people paid money for the DVD . I watched this for free on video over 20 years ago and I still felt ripped off
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These reviews must have been written by the cast and crew.
coldwaterpdh22 December 2008
Well, it's been a few months since I've seen something as downright poor as "1990: The Bronx Warriors." I'd compare it to Bruno Mattei's "Rats." Plot: The year is 1990. The Bronx, NY has turned into a 'violent wasteland' mostly comprised of sissies riding rollerskates, bikers with brand new, sparkling clean Levi's, and a bunch of horribly costumed 'gangsters.' An obvious homosexual male named 'Trash,' leads the biker gang known as The Riders. They have no real motive or mission, they just live in construction sites and act stupid, not really committing any crime or doing anything interesting. A woman, who happens to be the heiress of a huge corporation, flees to the Bronx so she doesn't become a 'puppet' and The Riders, specifically Trash take a liking to her. A guy named Hammer, who is hired by the corporation, tries to take out the Riders and pretty much succeeds in the end, eliminating everyone cool in the film and leaving the wimpy, weepy Trash to finish him off.

The movie had such potential as a screenplay written by the amazing Dardano Sachetti, but in the hands of Castellari, this turkey doesn't even come out cooked. There are holes, acting that is on-par with a high school play, and stretches of sheer yawn-inducing dialog that the whole thing makes you scratch your head and wonder- could these people really be serious here? There isn't enough gore to make it cool, the costumes are atrocious, and throughout the film we see life going on as normal around the actors. (Cars going by on bridges and highways, kids playing basketball, old people walking the street, etc.) The Bronx hardly seems like a 'wasteland' and aside from the horribly costumed gangsters and 'scavengers,' the only thing wasteful about this film is the fact that money was spent making it. Look for some especially horrible acting from the guy who plays Trash when he forces some tears out in a few scenes. God, it was like watching a student film. What happened, Enzo?

"Escape From New York" it ain't. Italian horror buffs and vintage exploitation junkies can by all means skip this one. For a better example of Castellari's genius, see "The Big Racket" instead.

2 out of 10, kids.
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Stiff tight jeans, but it is one hell of a ride.
clauzy8227 September 2020
Dystopian New York (sometimes Rome), dodgy plot, biker gangs, ten-minute drum sequence, dancing street gangs, tight jeans... well the tightest jeans on a lead roll in film history... Intrigued? You should be. Not the greatest piece of story telling even for a b-movie, but 1990: The Bronx Warriors is pure raw and a fun watch, and it might have been even better only for a few moments full of cringe and God those jeans are blindingly tight.

Trash (Mark Gregory) the gang leader of The Riders who possesses the uncomfortable to look at tight jeans is facing the prospect of a turf war with The Tigers led by The Ogre, played by none other than the legend Fred Williamson. This is because of informers infiltrating The Riders partially due to Hammer (Vic Morrow) who is working for the Manhattan Corporation to bring down the gangs in the Bronx and to rescue Ann (Stefania Girolami Goodwin) the soon to be owner of the Corporation. Trash who now must go on a rescue mission himself for the girl he has fallen in love with, Ann. Through dangerous gangs of hockey players, dancers and a gang that resemble the Morlocks he risks everything to try and forge an almighty alliance with The Ogre. It won't be easy with Hammer closing in leading a police assault, can Trash and The Ogre save Ann and their beloved Bronx from annihilation.

A pity the dubbing is poor, the acting is hit or miss (which you expect in a B-movie), the fight scenes choreography is below par and the film lacks a bit of blood and violence. But don't let all this deter you, instead embrace it as the film is gritty, raw, cheesy and atmospheric, making it an overall really fun watch. Some of the characters are very strong and that drum sequence I could watch all day long. I can see why it is a cult classic. They even left in a few accidental takes (people taking accidental hoppers off motorbikes).

Cheesy moment to watch out for: Hot Dog (Christopher Connelly) and his club foot shoe which is an obvious hindrance to his lack of needing a club footed shoe.
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1990: The Bronx Warriors (1982)
fntstcplnt21 September 2019
Directed by Enzo G. Castellari. Starring Mark Gregory, Fred Williamson, Vic Morrow, John Loffredo, Stefania Girolami, Christopher Connelly, Betty Dessy, Ennio Girolami. (R)

In the not-too-distant future (1990, to be exact), society has all but collapsed, and the Bronx has become a desolate battleground for hideously-attired street gangs (and, in the background of one shot, children playing basketball?). To describe the story any further would be a cheat, since this incoherent disaster of a movie can't decide how it even wants to tell it; the obvious distinction of being described as "'The Warriors' meets 'Escape from New York'" will suffice. What doesn't suffice is anything related to skill, technique or entertainment value. The acting and character work--especially from a young punk called Trash (Gregory), who walks like a woman with a wedgie, rear-end thrust out like he's working it for catcalls--is pretty atrocious across the board (save for the nuanced effort from a bug that wanders onto the camera lens aimed at the helicopter during the climax). But who cares about personality or orderly storytelling in B-movie junk like this, right? What tanks this one completely are poorly-edited scenes that always either drag on forever or end abruptly, action choreography out of an unambitious high school stage performance, and bottom-of-the-barrel production values, even by Italian cheapie-exploitation standards (was the budget for the sets and costumes a few thousand lire?). If you can't even make flamethrower-wielding stormtroopers on horseback the least bit exciting, you shouldn't try at all.

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Excellent Cheese-fest from Enzo
Aylmer2 November 1998
Although not nearly as cheesy as AFTER THE FALL OF NEW YORK or Castellari's own WARRIORS OF THE WASTELAND, this is sure to please most fans of apocalyptic or THE WARRIORS-type flicks. Takes a few viewings to appreciate, but that awesome music, cool action scenes, and funny Kung-Fu violence make up for the lulls in the script. NOTE - the movie was butchered by about 8 minutes for U.S. release. Try to find an uncut copy if possible, since the U.S. version is missing a lot of action, violence, dialogue, and an entire gang!
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Escape from New Yuck
This movie is a lame copy of several better films. It belongs to the genre known as Spaghetti Ripoff, I believe. The main guy looks like Joey Ramone with muscles while one of the "gangs" looks like a Broadway dance troupe. They should be called The Fighting Minnellis as they poke you with canes while singing Liza songs.
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"The Warriors" meets "Escape From New York"
GOWBTW9 July 2020
This B movie is like cheesy version of "The Warriors" and a touch of "Escape From New York". The only thing is that it's only set in The Bronx. Rival gangs go at each other. Only one thing stands in the way: the heiress of a corporation that does very shady business. Eventhough she comes from a high end family, she would rather be with gang leader Trash. Thinking the rich life is all comfort, the company she's about to take over is everything, but honest. The gangs are supposed to be loyal to each other. However, Trash's gang has someone on the inside helping the evil corporation. It would be up to Trash to take out the trash in the corporation. A cheesy but highly entertaining film. The only main star I know well is Fred Williamson. And Vic Morrow before a year later he lost his life filming The Twilight Zone movie. This movie is recommended for New Yorkers. I can relate with very much. 3 out of 5 stars.
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How have I not seen this!
rivertam2615 July 2012
How have I not seen this film. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm a fan of bad cinema especially exploitative action pics Savage, Streets, Chained Heat, Barbarian Queen, enough said. But this one...this one takes the cake. It centers on a young woman who escapes from Manhattan in the future "1990" it was made in 1981 which has becomes the arms capital of the world to the Bronx which has been declared a war zone full of degenerates. She immediately falls in with Trash and his gang. But when Her rich Dad sends a ridiculous assassin to get her back who in turns plans on turning all the Bronx gangs against one another or something well chaos ensues. Now let's talk Trash. Wow he is one of the most stupefying, badly dressed, hunky conic characters I've ever come across. He has long curly hair, a muscular broad chest and sports a very open leather vest that exposes his nipples from time to time and very tight Mom jeans that well just lets you see everything. oh and let me not forget about his knee high leather boots. Oh he is amazing. even more amazing is how committed he is too the role. And his acting is just so bad he even has an intensely dramatic crying homoertic moment when his best friend gets killed. And the film is filled with gorgeous moments like that. The bad ass assassin is about 60 and jumps down from first floor windows in slow motion, Fred Williamson shows up as a sort of disco pimp character and his sidekick is a feisty blond with silver claws, a whip and a shiny silver and black cape. And let me not forget about the gang on roller skates with rainbow elbow and knee pads and their samurai haired leader. Oh I could just talk about this movie all day. But here it is if your a fan of Trash cinema you will be a fan of Trash and his gang and this movie seek it out as soon as possible it's worth it
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my dad was in this movie
freshstepcc25 October 2005
My dad was actually in this silly movie.

He drove the black and yellow semi truck. He worked for Joe Supor & Son Trucking and since they wanted to use that rig and no one on the set could drive it. they asked my dad to do the driving. I've been in that truck hundreds of times traveling over the road with my dad. it was great to see it in a movie knowing my dad was driving. when the movie 1st came out all the guys from the company went to see it and all patted my dad on the back. He was never paid for his time and one of the cameras broke the wind shield and was never replaced. Joe Supor also had a truck in the 1st Toxic Avenger movie, which he drove.
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Nowhere near as entertaining as I expected, but still quite enjoyable.
Infofreak10 September 2003
'1990: The Bronx Warriors' is a VERY cheap Italian rip-off of John Carpenter's 'Escape From New York' with a little of 'The Warriors' thrown in. Before I watched it I thought it was going to be a deliriously silly and hugely entertaining trash classic, but I'm afraid for me it just never quite made it. Not that it completely sucks mind you, but I was a bit disappointed. I think if you watched this playing a drinking game where you imbibe every time you see or hear "The Bronx" it might make it a lot more fun! (I said "see" because I was fortunate enough to see this in the original Italian with English subtitles) The two leads are pretty dull, muscleman Trash (Mark Gregory) and runaway rich girl Ann (Stefania Girolami), but the supporting cast includes Vic Morrow (his second last movie), George Eastman (from Joe D'Amato's notorious 'Antropophagus' aka 'The Grim Reaper'), and best of all, blaxploitation legend Fred Williamson ('Black Caesar', 'That Man Bolt', 'From Dusk Til Dawn',etc.etc.). Though why Morrow's character is called Hammer instead of Williamson's is quite puzzling! Anyway, this is quite enjoyable low budget idiocy with some rather laughable looking gangs and enough fight scenes and explosions to satisfy most people. I can't say I was knocked out by it, but it's worth watching, especially if you are a fan of Fred Williamson who steals the movie. But make sure you watch the John Carpenter and Walter Hill classics that "inspired" this first. They are both GENUINE trash classics, not a limp imitation like '1990': The Bronx Warriors'.
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If you're able to look past the shortcomings, 1990: The Bronx Warriors can be fun.
bensonmum215 July 2006
I'd be lying if I said 1990: The Bronx Warriors was a good movie, because its not. In fact, the rating I've given it is probably too high. But there's a certain amount of fun to be had with the movie. It's one part Jack Hill's The Warriors, one part John Carpenter's Escape from New York, a sprinkling of the Hell's Angels, a dash of bizarre costume design, and just a pinch of homo-eroticism all covered in Italian cheese. 1990: The Bronx Warriors unashamedly rips-off just about everything. I'm not sure what it is about the movie I like, but I found myself oddly enjoying much of it. Maybe it's the overacting, scene-chewing Vic Marrow, maybe it's the bad-ass Fred Williamson, or maybe it's the bizarre set-pieces like the one featuring the song-and-dance street gang. Whatever "it" is, 1990: The Bronx Warriors has "it".

Even though I had fun with the movie, there are too many problems and weaknesses to just ignore them. Beyond the less than original screenplay, the movie has other problems. Chief among them is the "acting" on the part of the male and female leads. Actually, I'm not sure "acting" is the right word for what these two were doing. They're as stiff as boards. The scenes of the pair in an emotional moment are all but laugh out loud funny. Other weaknesses include ridiculously large plot holes, bad fight choreography, and unnatural dialogue. But if you're able to look past these shortcomings, 1990: The Bronx Warriors can be fun.
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I guess the Bronx is the place to be!
lost-in-limbo13 November 2006
It's the year 1990 and the Bronx is declared a no-man's land and has been boarded off by the authorities. As now murderous street gangs, who see this as a battleground, run the area. An important young lady, Anne who soon will be in control of or more so a puppet of the Manhattan Corporation. Heads for the Bronx to hide out from these figures. On her journey, Anne encounters Trash the leader of the bikers. After a tussle with a hostile gang and she tags along with him. To get Anne back the Manhattan Corps get the aid of a cop, Hammer, to get in there and bring her back.

Oh, this cheap Italian rip off reeks of awfulness and extreme cheese. Despite being poorly done this ridiculously shonky fluff is nothing more than brainless fodder. Entertaining, yeah… kind of. That's if you're in an undemanding frame of mind though. What follows here is a story taken from such great cult flicks like Walter Hills' "The Warriors" and John Carpenter's "Escape from New York". Instead the concept is treated rather nonsensically with an odd assortment of junky ideas with a pitiful script that just lacked any sort of wit and moments in the story that dragged, which you couldn't help but feel it. The style of it is terribly cartoonish and unintentionally goofy. Especially that of some fashionable gangs lurking in the Bronx. Like the tap dancing group who are real a threat and a hopeless bunch of roller hockey nuts. There are a few neat (if unusual) set pieces orchestrated in a gritty and glum setting. Versatile and upfront camera-work and a titillatingly funky grunge soundtrack capture this, but its too overlong and sloppy direction creates unexciting pockets. It's violent, but it's bluntly executed in a laughable and tatty manner. When it tries to get all-emotional between the casts, it gets lost at sea. The clueless looking Mark Gregory who played Trash was unconvincing and extremely wooden and Stefania Girolami was no better, but boasting the likes of Vic Morrow (who's simply larger-than-life in this meaty role as Hammer) and the charismatic shine of Fred Williamson made it easier to swallow this tripe.

What a crappy imitation! That's mildly amusing crap. Oh, and watch for Gregory's femininely "supercool" strutting.
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I can't believe that Vipco were behind this!
adam_m_curtis18 August 2004
I decided to risk buying 'Bronx Warriors' on DVD after seeing all the hype that had surrounded it and after strong recommendation from Vipco and the literature on their website (www.horrorvideo.com).

What a mistake!

This film is billed as one of Vipco's 'Cult Classics' and as 'the epic gang-action film of all time' - I must say that this is totally untrue and I hope that this review will serve to warn other potential buyers who may feel that this is a safe bet for a good action-based film.

For a start I see no reason why this is labelled as the uncut version - there is virtually no blood and pretty little violence worthy of any mention. The acting is also extremely bad with a horribly dubbed dialogue, the plot is extremely thin on the ground, and not much really happens! And as for the characters; Hammer, Ogre, Hot Dog, Ice and Trash, I think that the most frightening or even threatening aspect about them was their hair!

About the only good thing that I can say about it is that in one scene there was a decent drum beat playing in the background. Yep, that's it.

I feel totally let down and disappointed by Vipco over this - and they are usually so reliable!?! What happened?

1 out of 10.
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a whole lot of cheese goes a long way
Quinoa19842 March 2009
1990: The Bronx Warriors. Just look at the title, first of all. The movie is from 1982, and it's about *eight years in the future* where Bronx is a total wasteland, there's a "Manhattan Corporation" that runs things by not-so-shady guys in suits, and it's... damn it, let's face it, it's a rip-off. The Warriors came out a few years before, a smash hit, and the Italian exploitation maestro Enzo G. Castellari (also director of the original Inglorious Bastards) decided to do something unique in the annals of Western movie-making: a Bronxploitation feature! It's got bad dubbing, I mean baaaaad dubbing, a side gang called "The Zombies" that are really a bunch of hockey nuts, plus some gang members who do tap-dancing around their victims, a random drummer keeping the beat during a confrontation scene by the river, and uh, other stuff too like Fred Williamson being Fred Williamson.

So, yeah, you shouldn't expect fine art, but that doesn't mean that Catellari doesn't try, Lord does he! There's lots of SHOTS (I put capitals for a reason) as we see intense close-ups like of Trash crying (done ever so eloquently by the great Mark Gregory... please sense the sarcasm), panorama shots of The Riders riding their bikes through this No Man's Land of the Bronx with *other drivers driving behind them*, of lots of BIG action set-pieces. Did I mention as well that most of this was shot in Brooklyn and Roosevelt Island? To be fair, some wont be able to tell, unless one knows that that, uh, BRIDGE that's in many shots goes not to the Bronx but to Brooklyn, and as well there are actually quite a few good locations used. There were plenty to spare in the 80s that already looked deadened in the projects. So, in that sense, the ripping-off of the Warriors actually pays off.

But 1990 Bronx Warriors should be considered a kind of classic compared to scores of other wretched crap that came out around the same time (not least of which this film's sequel- yes, sequel- and other post-apocalyptic rip-offs like 2019 and Endgame). Now, don't get this review wrong, the writing in the movie is absolutely awful at least half of the time; if a character like, say, anyone has to speak for more than one line it hurts, horribly, such as dialog between Trash and Ann by the seaside. Making up for this though is a whole lotta attitude and so much unintentional (or just accidental) humor that it keeps one glued to the screen. Anything even remotely possible that could be even further exaggerated from Walter Hill's film is taken up for grabs, with a possible touch of Escape from NY thrown in, and the action is actually directed pretty well in that tasteless and trashiest of exploitation/grindhouse/whatever-goes style.

So, get some friends, grab beers, and root for the Riders and the Ogre (yes, that's Williamson) as they face off against scads of cops on horseback (?) all around the Bronx. It's crazy, mindless fun.
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Guilty? Yes. Pleasure? Well ...
kosmasp28 December 2010
I am not gonna tell anyone that their favorite childhood memory is actually a nightmare. But if you watch this movie for the first time when you are already an adult (and not to mention have seen a few movies), then this will do nothing for you. Except annoy you. It is actually almost the case of "So bad, it's kinda good". But it only is "So bad, it's actually kinda fun to watch". Though that would be for all the wrong reasons.

I know I shouldn't be thinking about those things, but people going through a tunnel instead of just climbing over a bridge (especially considering the fact, that the Bridge option would be the safer one) just isn't going to cut it. The "real" for doing so, is of course because they obviously had no permit to shoot (I'm sure they weren't even allowed to shoot in the tunnels, but who cares, if they weren't caught?). And if you condone that behavior or even endorse it, you won't mind.

I actually do not mind either and I salute their heart and dedication. It is also very clear, that they must have the time of their lives on the set. Unfortunately that does not translate into a good movie. Speaking of translation: Since most cast was mixed, with Italians and American actors, there is quite a bit of dubbing going on. The German dub (all actors get German voices) is really terrible. And they even had the "voices" of Kevin Kline, Bruce Willis and other actors who have made it big (since).

I had the pleasure of meeting Fred Williamson in person. Apart from the fact, that he is still very fit (over 70 years old now), he wasn't going to trash the movie, instead opting to tell us (at the convention), that "every movie (he) is in, is good"! He didn't comment on the awful wardrobe either ... but that's budget restrictions too ... Was it still necessary to see the main guys breast 80% of the time? I don't think so ...
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Set in a post-apocalyptic New York City , a Castellari Sci-Fi movie with lots of action , fights , entertainment and amusement
ma-cortes21 June 2020
Italian post-apocalyptic Sci-Fi filled with chills , noisy action and spectacular scenes in slow-moving . Agreeable fun'n'funky science-fiction/action romp packing kinetic action , thrills, intrigue , shocks and lots of blood and violence . The movie likely satisfy action enthusiasts and Italian Sci-Fi fonds , concerning a wealthy young woman into this wasteland of motorcycle becomes a hostage in the most dangerous place on Earth . It's 1990 and the Bronx's New York society breaks down into two sides which has become a battleground for several murderous street bands , marauding delinquents , and degenerate slums trash . The authorities give up all attempts to restore law and order. From then on , the area is ruled by the Riders . In this future , crime is out of control and the Bronx turned into an inhabitable location and finds itself under siege by violent gangs with rare weapons fighting each other . Meanwhile , a girl named Young Ann (Estefania Girolami , daughter of director Enzo) runs away from her Manhattan boarding school being attacked by a gang of street hockey players wielding hockey sticks but then they are themselves surrounded . There appears a much tougher-looking gang , the Bronx Warriors led by Trash to take care of her , they'll have to fight against cutthroats , gangs of depraved crazies thirsty for blood and survive some battles to-the-death with lots of blood and gore . On the other side of the bridge , Samuel Fisher (Ennio Girolami) and the Vice president (Enzo G Castel) of a powerful company hire a ruthless mercenary (Vic Morrow) , he is assigned a dangerous mission : to infiltrate the Bronx and find the missing girl . As a corrupt father sends a violent agent to bring her back at all cost . In the middle of this chaos and at the end the motley group embarks a spectacular rescue against vicious murderous . The first to die were the lucky ones! Who will survive when no one deserves to live? A Heavy Metal Journey Into An Urban . Hell Where Everything Has Gone Wrong! .The lucky ones were the first to die! Now only the deadliest man alive can save him . Breaking out is impossible. Breaking in is insane. Once You go In, You don't Come Out... Until Today.

This film is a comic-book plenty of action , fun , adventures , thriller and surprise-filled entertainment . Adequate plethora of characters with average performances by its entire main and support cast . Spectacular stunt-work plenty of motorcycles running and leaping , crashes and violent fights including stabbing , throating-slit , slashing and blowing-up . Nice costuming and evocative production design in which the Brox has officially been declared a "No Man's Land" devoid of any law , there live several urban tribes , with weird costumes , as Trash's riders and strange guys dressed in fiberglass safety gear are on roller skates and others in plastic dresses practicing coreographic movements . Lousily starred by Mark Gregory as the tough and valiant renegade Trash , leader of the two-fisted Riders . Fine plethora of secondaries with familiar faces for its entire support cast cast . The enjoyable American actor Vic Morrow , in his last one , in fact this was Vic Morrow's last completed film before his unfortunate on-set death while filming Twilight zone by Steven Spielberg , the prolific B-actor Fred Williamson ¨The Hammer¨ playing The Ogre , and the early deceased Christopher Connelly . And other ordinary secondaries from Italian B series such as : George Eastman , director himself Enzo G. Castellari , his brother Ennio Girolami , Joshua Sinclair , Massimo Vanni , some of them played lots of Spaghetti , Peplum , Giallo and customary genres of the 60s and 70s . Screeching and anti-climatic musical score by Walter Ritz as well as functional musical score by Sergio Salvati . The picture is a rip-off , taking parts here and there from¨The Warriors¨ by Walter Hill , ¨Mad Max¨series , and ¨1997 escape from New York¨ by John Carpenter that was also followed by an inferior sequel : ¨Escape from L.A.¨.

The picture was professionally directed by the prolific filmmaker Enzo G Castellari . And had a sequel : "Escape from the Bronx" aka "Escape 2000" aka "Bronx Warriors 2" . Talented and versatile writer/director Enzo G Castellari has made a vast array of often solid and entertaining films in all kind of genres as horror , Giallo , comedy , Western , and science fiction in a career that spans over 40 years . He made especially Westerns as ¨ Johnny Hamlet , Kill them everybody and came back alone, Seven Winchester for a massacre, Cipolla colt¨ and the masterpiece : ¨Keoma¨ . He also directed successful wartime movies as ¨Inglorious bastards ¨ , ¨Eagles over London¨ , Adventures : ¨Tuareg¨, ¨Adventures and loves of Scaramouche¨ , Simbad¨, "The Shark Hunter" , Poliziotteschi : "Day of the Cobra" , ¨Striker¨, ¨Heroin Busters¨ and Sci-Fi : ¨1990 : Bronx warriors¨ , "The New Barbarians : Warriors of the Wasteland" , "Escape from the Bronx" . This is a passable Sci-Fi movie, it is an imaginative Sci-Fi picture in which the camera stalks in moving style throughout a story with agreeable visual skills . This is a bewildering story , funny in some moment but falls flat and it will appeal to Science Fiction and Italian exploitation fans .
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pinballwizard-8371226 February 2023
Enzo G. Castellari's cheesy super-low budget cartoon-like action fantasy which is just awful on so many levels; direction, acting, script, and production design. Basically it is a cheap rip-off of earlier genre classics such as Mad Max, The Warriors, and Escape from New York, and as bad as this film is it still does have some entertaining value to it. Taking place in a post-apocalyptic New York City where the Bronx has been officially declared "No Man's Land" devoid of any law because of the murderous street gangs that totally infest that borough. A tall, handsome, muscle-bound androgynous looking young Italian actor, the late Mark Gregory plays Trash the leader of motorcycle gang who rescues a wealthy and beautiful young female runaway named Ann, played by Stefania Girolami, from another brutal gang on roller-skates. Trash does not know it yet but Ann is the heiress to the presidency of the powerful Manhattan Corporation which controls 60% of the world's arms production, she runaway because she is a pacifist and wants nothing to do with them. But the Manhattan Corporation want her back at all costs, and has sent in a sadistic covert agent named Hammer, played by the late American character actor Vic Morrow in over-the-top paycheck performance which has to be the worst of his career, he stages a series of elaborate double-crosses among various gangs to start a war between them in order to grab Ann from Trash's protection. All this will lead to a climactic assault by a team of flamethrower-armed cops on horseback led by the evil Hammer to lay siege on the gangs and get Ann back. The terrible direction by Castellari is almost non-existing, as for the acting Fred Williamson delivers the best in this film with his fun turn as the "Ogre" king of all the gangs. The film's star Mark Gregory cannot act, he is pure eye-candy and acts with his good-looks and sexy lean muscular body, and Stefania Girolami delivers a truly wooden and lifeless performance as Ann. Stupid from beginning to end, but it is somewhat amusing as a bottom-of-the-barrel B-movie.
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A choice cheesy chunk of vintage early 80's Italian sci-fi/action trash fun
Woodyanders11 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
One of the all-time coolest Italian futuristic sci-fi/action gang thrillers made in the 80's when this genre was highly fashionable, a spectacularly ungodly blend of "The Warriors" and "Escape from New York" with a dash of "West Side Story" tossed into the marvelously messed-up mix for good measure.

In 1990 the Bronx has degenerated into a vicious no man's land ruled by various ruthless street gangs known as "riders." The evil and omnipotent Manhatten Corporation rules with the proverbial iron fist. Soulful rich socialite Anne (foxy brunette Stefania Girolami), sole heir to the Corp's CEO dynasty, runs away into the Bronx and falls in with a grungy biker gang, promptly becoming the main squeeze of noble head honcho Trash (pimply, skanky-haired beefcake bodybuilder hunk Mark Gregory). The Manhatten Corporation hire shrewd, bitter, sadistic ex-cop turned nefarious mercenary Hammer (the almighty Vic Morrow in peak snarling, ferocious, big, resentful chip-on-his-shoulder nasty form), a scary stone psycho sporting mirror sunglasses, a furry mustache, a pump shotgun and a seriously screwed-up sociopathic disposition, to venture into the Bronx and retrieve Anne. Hammer abducts Anne, so Trash and company travel through the most dangerous areas of the Big Rotten Apple to seek the assistance of super-smooth big-time gang leader Ogre (a typically suave and self-assured Fred Williamson) in order to get Anne back.

The script by ubiquitous Italian splatter movie scribe Dardano Sachetti, Enzo Castellari and Elisa Livia Briganti doesn't have a single fresh or novel idea to be found inside its empty, idiotic, shamelessly derivative head, but does mine a fine line in incredibly creative and often sidesplitting profanity, first-rate gutter-mouthed dialogue, silly double and triple crosses, and even a few lame-o plot twists. Director Enzo Castellari imbues the junky proceedings with an infectiously heady, baroque, garishly colored and gloriously excessive splashy style, displaying a genuine flair for bizarre flourishes (what's with that dude banging out a crude one-two marital beat on his drum kit?), ably creating and sustaining a suitably bleak, defeatist, pessimistic idealism-doesn't-mean-jack tone ("We were born dead"), and staging the assorted copious shoot outs, fisticuffs and knife fights with excellent rip-snorting stomp-a** bloody'n'balletic aplomb (the mano-a-mano one-on-one physical confrontation between Williamson and hulking behemoth rival gang leader George Eastman in particular smokes something stirring). Shot on nicely grainy'n'gritty film stock for that grimy verite edge, further enhanced by some snazzy agile gliding photography and a wicked-a**, heavy on the wailing guitars, gutty drums and fluttery flutes skull-pounding score, and topped off with a marvelously downbeat bummer conclusion, this funky futuristic blast totally deserves its sterling status as a terrifically tough and sleazy-hearted cult classic.
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We really enjoyed 1990 and we're pretty confident you will too.
tarbosh220003 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
In 1990, the future, street gangs have taken over the Bronx, and it is officially designated "No Man's Land". A lone hero, Trash (Gregory) is a member of the Riders gang . He wants to protect his girlfriend Ann (Goodwin) from the onslaught of violence and lawlessness, but she's the daughter of the President of The Manhattan Corporation, the suits who are really running things from behind the scenes. Part of Trash's quest is to get to Ogre (Williamson), a powerful man in the underground community. In order to do this, Trash and his compatriots must fight through a dizzying array of enemies. Meanwhile, Hammer (Morrow) and Hot Dog (Connelly) are monitoring the situation. If that all sounds confusing, don't worry, as 1990 is a year that can't come too soon! Ah, 1990: The Bronx Warriors. A video store classic if there ever was one! Just starting from the opening credits, you know what you're about to see is going to be an absolute treat. The Walter Rizzati music is pitch-perfect, the outfits are amazing, the vehicles are a joy to watch , and the weaponry is filled with eye-catching innovation. It's yet more proof, as if any was needed, that the 80's rule! We've always been fans of Enzo G. Castellari, and here he puts his stylish directorial touches (as well as a role in the movie) towards the time-honored post-apocalyptic movie. In more recent years, this has come to be synonymous with "slog", but here, that couldn't be further from the truth. Pretty much using The Warriors (1979) and Escape From New York (1981) as its template, the filmmakers behind 1990 somehow managed to come up with their own unique beast. The Italians really have their own style, and here they put their energies to an extremely entertaining use.

Trash is truly a hero for the 80's. First off, his name is Trash. Are you really going to argue with him? Well, there's really no second part to that. Adding to the nostalgia factor, there are plenty of scenes that feature the World Trade Center towers. But 1990 offers something new even there: how often do you see a dude playing the drums right out in the open in front of the towers? And later on, there's even a New York cake with the towers on it! The "icing on the cake" (sorry) is that this falls into another category we love: movies that take place in the future but are now the past.

We really enjoyed 1990 and we're pretty confident you will too. The Media Blasters DVD looks great, and needless to say, blows away the old Media tape, quality wise. It's hard not to love 1990.

For more action insanity, drop by: www.comeuppancereviews.com
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Guerriero! Vieni a giocare!
leeprew111 July 2022
Low budget Italian knock-off of Warriors/Escape from New York. I can see how some may enjoy how silly it is but it's also pretty lame and boring compared to other such films. I can also see why I've never heard of the series before now. The fight sound effects are amazing!!!
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