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US/Spanish co-production with bloody scenes , spectacular fights , enjoyable score and being filmed in Almeria
ma-cortes9 December 2012
Sword-and-Sorcery epic with female lead taking on multiple adventures and fierce battles . Thrilling and stirring movie full of imagination and fantasy that introduces us a brave heroine , female counterpart to Conan , she leads a valiant tribe of women who dares to be free . This is a delightful action/adventure romp set in the Dark Ages , where savage and violent men enslave all women . There appears a valiant warrior woman , her name is Hundra (Laurene Landon) , a Red Sonja-alike , she was born in a tribe of fierce warrior women . Hundra is an archer and sword fighter , whose Amazon tribe was wiped by nasty Vikings in some scenes similarly shot to Conan film . Hundra is superior to any male , woman of beauty , a warrior of strength , a hunter of man . Hundra The Invincible finds her family slain and takes a vow of vendetta until one day she meets her match (Ramiro Oliveros) .

This exciting film packs noisy action , adventure, and rip-roaring fights . Dumb images , unintentionally hilarious and lots of amusement and entertainment . Made on a fairly middling scale with passable set design , glimmer photography and excellent musical score . This entertaining picture contains frenetic action , tension , bloody fights , and moving action scenes , including blood , gore and beheading . The film is full of freaks and bemusing situations ; it is quite entertaining because being a laborious and intriguing adventure tale with some unintentional humor . Sympathetic performance by Laurene Landon as Hundra the Invincible , a valiant woman who has been raised to despise the influence of men , she the finest warrior of her people . Laurene Landon executed almost all of her own stunts in the film , the only stunt she didn't carry out was a backwards fall from a high tower . Agreeable support cast full of Spanish actors such as Maria Casal , Luis Lorenzo and Spaghetti usual as Eduardo Fajardo , Fernando Bilbao and Frank Braña . Although all the dialogue and dubbing for this movie proceeded by nice actors was looped in post-production . Colorful and evocative cinematography by John Cabrera . Very derivative special effects , acceptable production design and matte paintings . Impressive musical score composed and conducted by the master Ennio Morricone . The picture was shot in La Pedriza , Manzanares , Madrid , Texas Hollywood-Fort Bravo, Almeria , Spain and ¨Condor¨ fortress , where was filmed several Spaghetti/Paella Western as ¨ Blind man, Massacre at Fort Holman¨, ¨A man called Noon¨ , ¨El Condor¨ and ¨Conan the Barbarian¨ .

The motion picture was middlingly directed by Matt Cimber . He has directed all kind of genres , in the mid 70s did three immensely enjoyable blaxploitation pictures : The Black Six (1973) , Lady Cocoa (1975) and the terrifically trashy The Candy Tangerine Man (1975) . Matt made a rare foray into the horror genre with the disturbing psychological shocker The Witch Who Came from the Sea (1976) . His next work was based on a Mario Puzo story, a World War II drama A Time to die (1982) starring Rex Harrison and Rod Taylor . Later that year Matt teamed up with Pia Zadora for two films : the underrated Butterfly (1982 ) , Orson Welles last film , and the fun Fake-out (1982) . The following year Matt joined forces with actress Laurene Landon for Hundra (1983) and Yellow Hair & the Pecos Kid (1984) , both of them being shot in Spain with similar cast and technicians . The film will appeal to adventure buffs with enough action to make it worth looking in on . In other words , it seem likely Conan enthusiasts and juvenile viewers will be delighted because thrills, action and adventures are regularly presented and edited to offer the enough impact . Rating : 5,5 ; it's an old-fashioned B film on an acceptable scale and basically enjoyable because of it.
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Bow to the bull.
BA_Harrison6 May 2013
Beautiful blonde warrior woman Hundra (Laurene Landon) would rather have a good horse between her legs than a man, but after a savage attack on her tribe by a horde of hairy barbarians she is forced to seek out a mate to ensure the continuation of her people.

Matt Cimber's Hundra supposedly turns the tables on the male-dominated fantasy genre with a barbarian woman who is more than a match for any man; it soon becomes apparent, however, that the feminist angle is just for show, the film exploiting its female star's physical appeal—and that of the other women in the film—just as much as any other B-movie trash. Bad news for the women's liberation movement, but good news for fans of sexy ladies in small loincloths.

Landon's wooden delivery of her lines makes it abundantly clear that she was not hired for her acting ability, but rather for her sex appeal and athleticism. Hundra might swing her sword as skillfully as any Cimmerian, but she does so in a skimpy outfit that frequently gives glimpses of her shapely behind; when she's not fighting, she likes to go for a naked ride through the surf on her horse.

Cheap titillation aside, Cimber's movie is at its most entertaining whenever there is fighting, the blood flowing freely as Hundra hacks and stabs at her opponents; however, there is a prolonged absence of action once our heroine enters a city where the local high priest, whose temple doubles as a knocking shop for barbarians, vows to add her to his stock of subservient women. While avoiding capture, Hundra falls in love, gets pregnant, gives birth to a daughter, and teaches a slave girl how to fight, all of which is fairly dull to watch.

Things eventually pick up for a rousing finalé (aided immensely by Ennio Morricone's epic score) in which Hundra rallies the women to revolt against their captors, but despite more bloodletting and the hilarious demise of the high priest (a woman suffocates him by straddling his face), Hundra remains a fairly mediocre affair overall.
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Hundra the militant honey
asinyne19 September 2012
Hundra, a fabulous warrior woman sets out to punish via execution as many of us wicked man things she can. All of us drunken, slobbering, sexually obsessed men need death and she is more than happy to deliver. All the while she hopes to find that one "special" guy who will give her a baby. The guy she takes aim at just happens to be a doctors...soo there.

Hundra is a very nicely produced eighties sword and sandal epic that produces its share of entertainment on various levels. Yeah, the entire concept is kinda dumb but its actually one of the better Conan type films made in that era...the genre was not done justice. The costumes look pretty decent and the on location filming is a big plus. Surprisingly, the fight scenes are better done than one would expect. This is not Shakespeare so don't approach it expecting Hamlet...K?

The lady playing Hundra is athletic and does lots of stunts, and pulls them off nicely. There isn't much need for acting here so we won't go there. If its slightly campy action and adventure you could do a lot worse than Hundra!!! PS...the thing with the dog is a big plus...not really, but cool anyhow!
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Morricone's score almost makes the movie worthwhile
bensonmum224 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
In the past few weeks, I've watched a number of movies with Amazon-style man-hating tribes who only seek the company of men for the purposes of procreation. In this one, the Amazons are wiped out by a band of men. Wiped out, that is, except for a hunter/warrior named Hundra (Laurene Landon) who vows to get even for the slaughter of her sisters. It's also up to Hundra to repopulate her tribe if it is to survive. But to do so, Hundra will need the help of the very same men she seeks for revenge.

Based on my rating, it should be obvious that I have some real problems with Hundra. Tops on that list would be the film's terribly mixed message. The movie tries to incorporate a lot of pseudo-feminist mumbo-jumbo into its plot with little success. It's all for show. You see the film is terribly hypocritical. On the one hand, the film seems to be trying to explore the empowerment of women - but at the same time the film exploits the very same women it purports to empower. The filmmakers seem to be trying to have their cake and eat it to (Is that cliché enough for ya?). Getting past the film's mixed message, Hundra is, for the most part, a poorly made, badly paced, and horribly acting movie. You would think that a plot involving this much bloodshed and sex would hold a little more interest. I, however, found myself nodding off several times throughout the movie. Dull and uninteresting doesn't begin to describe it. The version I saw clocked in at about 1:45 – or about 30 minutes longer than it should have. As for the film's lead Laurene Landon, she's honestly one of the worst actresses I've seen in a while. Her delivery is so unnatural that it's distracting. Finally, the fight choreography is abysmal. Between Landon's unconvincing movements and the lack of any creativity in the fights, these scenes seem to drag on forever. And it doesn't help that the longest fight during Hundra's climax was shown in slow-motion.

Before I end this, I feel I should mention one very obvious highlight of Hundra – Ennio Morricone's score. It far exceeds anything else in the movie. It might not be Morricone's best, but it's certainly memorable. There's one particular piece of music played during the film's final fight scene that almost makes the movie worthwhile. It's that good.
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bad enough to be worth a chuckle or two
movieman_kev21 June 2007
This lightweight bit of silly feminist twaddle has Laurene Landon as a female Conan the Barbarian-type woman who really hates males (even berating her dog for being a guy) who goes on a quest of vengeance after her village is devested by pig-headed males (figutively, of course). This film is way to silly to ever take even remotely seriously and it's all the better because of it. Be it Landon's awful reading of the script, midgets who lack depth perception, Hundra riding naked through the shoreline for no reason whatsoever, the general inaneness of the story, or a combination of those elements, the flick is quite watchable IF you have a high tolerance for films of this nature. Don't go into it expecting Conan, don't expect even Red Sonia. Set your expectations very low though and you might be pleasantly surprised. And I'm talking "Babarian Queen" low. The movie also seems to go on to long and could've used some tighter editing.

Subversive Cinema's DVD Extras (R1): 47 and a half minute Making of 'Hunting Hundra'; Cast biographies; Theatrical trailer (with nudity); and Trailers for "Future Kill" (with nudity), "Sensetive new age Killer" (with brief nudity), "Dust Devil", "Wild Blue Yunder", & "Land of Look Behind"

Easter Egg: got to the special features section, then on to 'Credits', while in that menu press right for a 2 minute and 50 second easter egg video clip of Laurene Landon talking about working with Robert Aldrich and confusing him with Robert Altman (she hasn't aged well at all)
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Hundra Needs A Baby
Rainey-Dawn12 November 2016
Hundra Needs A Baby - that sums up this film minus the fighting of course. Hundra comes home one day to find her family and own kind killed from a raid on their village. The clan of the wolf is to blame. Hundra hates men - all men BUT the wise sage woman tells Hundra to find of the wolf clan men and to have a baby in order to keep there kind going, since they are the last of their kind. Then our movie really begins... Hundra goes out to hunt for a man of the wolf clan to have a baby with.

The movie is alright - not too bad. The acting is lacking a bit but it's not so awful that the characters are flat.. everyone in the film was doing their best I believe. It's a sincere film with a handful of comical scenes (like the belching & farting man).

This is a pretty decent sword and sorcery type of movie if you like the Conan types of films - except this one is focused on a female barbarian.

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The film which introduced a new sub-genre - the 'Feminist Fantasy Film'. Unfortunately, it's not very good.
barnabyrudge5 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The inexplicable craze for sword and sorcery during the 1980s saw some good films (Conan The Barbarian, The Beastmaster), some decidedly average film (The Sword And The Sorcerer, Hearts And Armour) and some downright abysmal films (Ator The Invincible, Gor, Deathstalker, and many more which I don't have ample space to list here). The only real surprise is that a genre of such limited appeal managed to stick around for the best part of seven or eight years, especially considering how shamelessly these movies tended to rip each other off. A peculiar sub-genre which arose at the time was that of the 'Feminist Fantasy Film' – best described as Conan-style movies in which the main character is always portrayed by a woman with considerable sword-wielding prowess. Well-known titles in this field would include the likes of Red Sonja, Gwendoline and Barbarian Queen, but the first film to use this idea was actually the 1983 offering Hundra. Alas, apart from introducing a new slant to this Neanderthal genre, Hundra comes across as a pretty dismal movie.

A tribe of women survive in the wilderness without a single man amongst their number. The only time they mix with the male species at all is when they wish to be impregnated. Even then, if they give birth to a boy they simply give the baby away and try again until they have a girl. One member of the tribe – fierce, independent warrioress Hundra (Laurene Landon) – refuses to have any dealings with man-folk and proudly declares that she will never have children, preferring instead to hunt and kill and serve as a protector to the tribe. One day, while Hundra is away on an expedition, the entire tribe is slaughtered by an army of men. When Hundra returns, she finds that she is the last of her kind… and the only way she can repopulate the tribe is by going amongst the very men that massacred her brethren to find a suitable mate. She finds the task repugnant but accepts it anyway, as it is the only way to ensure her people will live on. But her fighting instinct refuses to stay down and she is soon leading a rebellion against the men-folk and their chauvinistic ways.

It's hard to find many positives to say about Hundra. It has the dubious honour of inventing its own sub-genre, which is something at least, and the score from Ennio Morricone is every bit as lively and catchy as one would expect from this composer. Some of the battle sequences, especially early on, are put together quite competently too (though I would hesitate to call them truly rousing examples of screen spectacle). Apart from that, the film is a pretty sorry affair. None of the actors come across well despite their enthusiasm – the thick sound and awful lighting embarrasses them every step of the way. The film's message is as muddled as its perceived target audience – on the one hand, we are told how misogynistic men are and asked to celebrate as a woman hacks them down to size; yet at the same time we have this crusading warrioress riding around on her horse in the nude, showing plenty of tit, bum and pubic hair. It's like the film sets out to challenge cinematic degradation of women, but is happy to join in with it too, which is confusing and stupid in equal measure. The best way to approach Hundra is as a pure sword and sorcery film – it might not be a very good example of the genre, but it sure beats trying to figure out the movie's unfathomably cockeyed politics!
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Watchable for what it was...
paul_haakonsen2 April 2023
Oddly enough, then I have actually never heard about the 1983 fantasy adventure movie "Hundra", before now in 2023 as I had the opportunity to sit down and watch it. I happened to come across the movie by random chance, and I have to say that the movie's cover immediately drew my attention, as it had that particular 1980s fantasy art on it.

Writers Matt Cimber, John F. Goff and José Truchado put together a fair enough script and storyline for the movie. While "Hundra" certainly was watchable, it wasn't a grand fantasy adventure experience that I had been missing out on. Director Matt Cimber put together a movie that was entertaining enough for what it turned out to be, though there was a bit too much focus on the men dominating women in the movie.

I wasn't familiar with the cast ensemble in the movie, but they had an okay group of talents in the movie, I will say that much.

There was an okay amount of action and sword fighting in the movie to keep the movie afloat. And it was, for the most parts, fairly well choreographed and executed on the screen.

"Hundra" definitely looked and felt like a 1980s fantasy adventure, for better or worse. So if you enjoy that particular type of 1980s cheese, then you're in for quite a treat here.

My rating of "Hundra" lands on a five out of ten stars.
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Hundra the Warrior Princess & the Quest to Make Babies
brando64717 April 2016
I don't care for the sword-and-sandal fantasy genre that permeated the 80's with movies like the CONAN films and RED SONJA and BEASTMASTER. This was probably because I was only a child with no one to introduce me to them and, growing up, they just looked like live action heavy metal album covers, and I've never gone back to see what I've been missing since. But I've recently stumbled on one that's not half bad. Far from the level of CONAN and its ilk, the low-budget HUNDRA makes up for its flaws with heart and intent. It's set on an alternate world where women are second-class citizens, treated as property or pets. At some point in the past, a band of women broke away from the men-centric society to form a roaming band of nomads that only interact with the world of men when they need to impregnation. Except one member of the tribe, Hundra (Laurene Landon), can't be bothered to contribute a child. She'd rather continue being a warrior/huntress and let her younger sister do all the child-bearing. One fateful day, while Hundra is out on a hunting run, her tribe is attacked by a band of barbarian men who rape and pillage, leaving no survivors. When she returns to find everyone she's ever known and loved slaughtered, Hundra consults an oracle as to how she should proceed. The answer to Hundra's quandary…how she could best avenge her people and such…is to get pregnant. And so Hundra must enter the world of men and find a suitable mate with which to fulfill her destiny.

What I think I enjoy most about HUNDRA is that it feels like a horribly misogynistic film with a main character who didn't get the memo and proceeds to rebel against the script and film itself as the ultimate icon of women empowerment. It would be one thing if the men were just abusive and sexist, but the fact that Hundra's destiny is to find a nice man and get pregnant, and that she's cool with it, means the women don't seem too keen on fighting this imagery. When Hundra first comes face-to-face with Pateray (Ramiro Oliveros), a healer in the city of men where she spends the second half of the film, and he turns her away because he's not the type of dude to randomly sleep with any woman who comes crashing through his roof, her response is to allow herself to get captured and imprisoned in the temple where she knows she'll receive training in proper use of lipstick, eye shadow, and forks. If Pateray won't have her as is, she'll doll herself up and make herself a proper lady. It feels like a major tonal conflict with literally everything else in the movie. I mean, this is the same woman who routinely spits at the very idea of allowing herself to get close to a man and spent a previous scene blowing off some steam by giving a potential rapist the beating of his life. It could just be that I'm having a hard time understanding what it is this movie is attempting to tell me (and, keep in mind, this came out in 1983…it was a different time) and I'm just infinitely amused at how this is the most misogynistic "girl power" film I've ever seen.

This isn't your average low-budget fare either. The production value on this film is actually pretty impressive for what it is. The production design and costuming were commendable. The fight choreography, not so much. Most of the fights were more humorous than heart-pounding, with blows flying slowly and uncoordinated. But we get plenty of them. Hundra is, after all, a warrior. And Laurene Landon is giving it her all, even if her performance is wooden. I think because her heart is in it as much as it is, I found it easier to forgive the fact that she wasn't the greatest actress. Few people in this movie are, with exceptions for Ramiro Oliveros (who was genuinely decent) and Luis Lorenzo (who gave a scene-chewing performance as the high priest's adviser in charge of sex slaves). All combined, I suppose HUNDRA is on par with your average cable TV movie but just a little crazier. HUNDRA was written and directed by Matt Cimber, and I love when low budget movies are written and directed by the same person (bonus points if produced as well) because it means there's a lower chance that someone will stand up to them when things just aren't working. It's how I choose to explain scenes such as Hundra's random battle with a painted dwarf on a pony wielding a pitchfork and Hundra's naked, horseback jaunt along the beach that, again, seemed to serve no purpose other than to increase the film's level of nudity. Cimber thought they'd be iconic scenes and add legitimacy, but they're memorable for the complete opposite reason.

Striving to be more than it is, HUNDRA falls short but manages to entertain in spite (and perhaps in part) of its shortcomings. Of the half dozen Z-grade movies I've treated myself to recently, HUNDRA is probably the only one I'd be willing to acknowledge as genuinely entertaining and not just schlocky fun. The plot's a little stupid, the messages seem confused, and the tones are all over the place (the rapist beatdown is accompanied by music suitable for the sweetest scenes in THE PRINCESS BRIDE) but despite all that, Hundra is a strong female presence in a movie that tries its hardest to whip her in line. Hundra may be destined to get pregnant to save her kind, but she's doing it on her terms. I enjoyed watching her battle against the tyrannical world of men and I'm frankly a little surprised this one doesn't have more of a cult following.
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An uneven, feminist sword and sorcery flick
Red-Barracuda9 February 2014
In a mythological land, a female tribe is slaughtered by marauding male barbarians leaving the warrior Hundra as the lone survivor. She sets out to find a suitable male to mate with to re-start a new tribe. Soon, she winds up in a walled city run by a group of chauvinistic men.

Hundra has the one original angle of being a feminist slant on the sword and sorcery cycle of films from the mid-80's. The genre had been usually typified by scantily clad barbarian women with little in the way of political correctness. So Hundra stands out a little from the crowd, although Red Sonja from a few years later was coming from a similar place. That said, it isn't above having the heroine ride her horse naked into the ocean for an unorthodox bath! In fairness, it's hardly the most gratuitous nudity and the film overall is noticeably less dependent on erotic moments than most others from this type of flick. Laurene Landon is spirited in the title role. She clearly does a lot of her own stunts and gives a very physical performance.

It's not a great film though sadly. The main problem is that its pace lags in the middle too much. After a great start the action slows down once the heroine arrives at the city. This means that it feels like the running time could have been reduced by ten to fifteen minutes. But, that said, there are good fight scenes that bookend the film. And the production values overall seem pretty good with some decent locations and a stirring Ennio Morricone score to add some additional class. In the final analysis, Hundra is no classic and is weak in its middle section but it does have some good things about it.
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An excellent and hugely enjoyable feminist variant on "Conan"
Woodyanders1 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Fierce and fearless warrior woman Hundra (a splendidly sassy and spirited portrayal by gorgeous Amazonian blonde goddess Laurene Landon) declares open war on vile and oppressive misogynistic male swine after her whole village gets butchered by a foul horde of guy marauders. Moreover, Hundra must find a worthy man to impregnate her so she can keep the bloodline of her people alive. Ably directed by Matt Cimber, with a clever and witty script by Cimber and frequent collaborator John Goff (the plot basically serves as a nifty metaphor for the many ways men tend to degrade and dominate over women), several stirring and well-staged swordfights, a handy helping of raw and bloody violence (the opening massacre sequence is especially brutal), bright, crisp, glowing widescreen cinematography by John Cabrera, a constant brisk pace, breathtaking Spanish countryside scenery, a decent sprinkling of tasty nudity, a winning sense of tongue-in-cheek humor (at one point Hundra encounters an aggressive face-painted midget on horseback who attacks her with a pitchfork!), and a first-rate rousing'n'robust full-bore orchestral score by the great Ennio Morricone, "Hundra" makes for an immensely fun and satisfying little corker. Neat supporting performances by John Ghaffari as sleazy high priest pimp Nepakin, Ramiro Oliveros as nice, gentle healer Pateray, Maria Casal as obedient and subservient harem girl Tracima, and Tamara as wise elder Chrysula. Best of all, Landon attacks her plumb lead role with tremendously thrilling gusto and passion: Laurene looks simply smashing in her buckskin outfit, wields a truly mean sword, delivers her pro-woman speeches with fiery aplomb, and even performed almost all of her own stunts. A very cool and entertaining romp.
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The world's first feminist?
MrTaft4 April 2006
After her all-woman tribe gets wiped out by some nasty men for no reason, Hundra takes off in search of a man to impregnate her (hopefully with a girl) to ensure the tribe does not die out for good. After giving the aforementioned men what-for, Hundra, her horse and her pet dog that follows her around everywhere, travel in search of the perfect man for the job. After a failed attempt with a drunken slob who Hundra ends up thumping, she arrives in a near-by desert village run by a chauvinist pig and his merry men. This "prince" likes to select the most attractive-looking female residents of the village and uses a hot mistress to teach them how to be the perfect woman, so they can then serve the drunken, brutish town aristocrats. Hundra stumbles upon the plot and tries to stop it, but is abducted and forced to undergo the same "training". Meanwhile, she falls for the village doctor and wants him to be the father of her child, but he is not very willing...

Hundra could possibly be the world's earliest feminist. She hates men and is strongly for women's rights, trying to force her beliefs on every woman she comes across later in the film. She is also well-versed in fighting and weaponry, making her no novice when it comes to taking-on these men. After she is forced into "training" by the prince, she discovers that her teacher has an illegitimate son, which the prince would kill her for. In exchange for keeping this secret, the teacher agrees to help Hundra win-over the doctor so they can make a baby. Hundra tries and tries and finally convinces the teacher to fight back against the prince and his merry men, and stand-up for her rights. There are many women's lib speeches from Hundra, almost as much of that as there is sword and sorcery, so you get my drift when I say feminism...

As for the sword and sorcery, it's a grand old fare with much slicing and dicing. There's a fair amount of blood and heads coming off, and even the poor old pet dog gets into a fight with a prince! There also seems to be a few horses who didn't get the good end of the bargain, falling all over the place. Speaking of horses, there's a strange scene where Hundra rides her horse through the ocean naked, presumably to bathe them both? You've also got a tiny bit of slap-and-tickle and the acting is fairly ordinary. No one stands-out much. The ending is what you'd expect, with the oppressed women rising up against those brutal men. None of them just seem to be as good with a sword as our Hundra! She also does it with the doctor and gives birth to a baby, but when she says "Give me my daughter", the doctor and the teacher exchange concerned glances, as if the baby's actually a boy. But Hundra says nothing of it later, so who knows what that scene was about... It must have been a girl, then! Doing her bit for the women of the village, Hundra takes her baby and rides off into the sunset, ready to try and replenish her tribe so that they may thrive again...

With the feminist themes, this film is an interesting twist on the abundant sword and sorcery plot. The locations were very well used and the film was well edited. Can't say much of the music, but there's nothing there that will truly annoy you, except for some of the storyline, of course! Not a bad viewing.
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Sexist beyond any logic and reason
ghoule-582-20709124 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Technically-speaking, Hundra could be an OK B-grade Conan-era movie : nice visuals, great Ennio Morriconne music, enough budget for decent locations, etc. Sadly, the filmmakers decided to inject badly weighted politics based on the male-female eternal struggle for sex domination. Basically put :

  • Males want to submit, enslave, rape and most of the kill women.

  • Females want to submit, enslave, rape and most of the time kill men.

  • Every men hates every women, and vice-versa.

Could a fantasy world like this possibly exist? NO, because :

  • Most of the women do want to have a relationship and sex with men.

  • Most of the men do not maim, rape and kill women.

  • Homosexuals coexist in society, not outside of it, with heterosexuals.

All of these facts exposed, I can only view Hundra has a boring, exploitative, hateful, illogical, ridiculous, sexist B-grade movie, amazon myth or not. Avoid, especially if you believe in equal rights for both sexes.
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Dreadful Conan copy
Leofwine_draca21 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
HUNDRA is another gender-swap variant on CONAN THE BARBARIAN, much like SHE and RED SONJA; the main difference is that this film is absolutely terrible. It's directed by the awful Matt Cimber, whose YELLOW HAIR film was equally dreadful, and like that film it stars non-acting blonde starlet Laurene Landon. This film was shot in Spain and had the dialogue dubbed in afterwards. The plot is a straight copy of that of CONAN, with Hundra's village being massacred while she goes on a rampage of revenge afterwards. But the execution is terrible, and the locations are the only good thing about this. Cimber's reliance on ridiculous, endless slow motion shots during his action sequences is not anyone's idea of good choreography; it's so bad, it's not even funny.
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Oh my
SanteeFats2 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I have several problems with this film. I do not have a problem with women warriors but I do have a problem with them being physically stronger than male warriors in a face to face fight when the women are less massive than a man. Why was the village attacked, just wandering nomads?? Anyway they sure paid a price when they attacked. The entire tribe fought very well and killed a heck of a lot of the attackers. Hundra is the only survivor and she encounters an old seer who tells her she must perpetuate her tribe so she goes in search of a progenitor. Now one person male or female is not going to get it done but this ain't my movie. She comes across a very over acting Tatar type when he camps with his slaves (?). Boy is he a pig!!! She gets rather abused by him to say the least and ends up killing him and freeing the slaves. This is an uneven movie with the ups and downs in the plot and the acting could have been better (when couldn't it usually?). She comes to a city where the high priest seems to rule, an oppressive oaf and things take off from there. They try to to take her to the priest but have a little problem!!! She finds a man she wants to have a child with, goes to the temple because she thinks that is what he is looking for. Well the temple scene just seems to be an orgy. Hey keep the men in line with sex and they will usually do as you want. So she goes to the temple where they try and turn her into a temple slut. Boy does that not work well!! She learns the ways of a temple courtesan to save another plus to get close to the high priest. She has a child which is taken by the priests and they use it to hold her hostage to their god. The scenes in the pit are so chauvinistic it isn't funny. Anyway all ends well as the bad guys die off when Hundra's child is rescued. I like the end where the high priest is torn apart by the courtesans.
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Silly attempt at feminist profundity
robert375013 March 2018
Poorly acted, poorly written, and poorly photographed. We're supposed to believe that practically all men are misogynistic brutes with no respect at all for women, and we're supposed to believe that women should value men only as sperm providers. Let's get real here. Despite the pseudo feminist pretentiousness, the only reason to check out this film is to look at how gorgeous the tall blonde Laurene Landon is. She has essentially no acting talent, and no charisma other than the aforementioned striking good looks.
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Average at best for genre
fryguy-886684 February 2019
Typical terrible acting and effects for the genre. Will not replay the details present in other reviews. Agree that lead actress shows more athleticism than others in the genre, her fight scenes are better than most. For me it lacked the fun campy feel of others like Deathstalker and Sorceress. There may be two versions of the film. The one that I watched on Amazon had far less nudity than described in the parents guide but did include the rape scene which may be disturbing to some viewers. That scene is definitely more intense and brutal than typical for the low budget 80s sci-fi fantasy genre
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Red Sonja...kinda
BandSAboutMovies28 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Who has had a crazier life than Matt Cimber? Born Thomas Vitale Ottavian, he met his first wife Jayne Mansfield when he directed her on Broadway in Bus Stop. Just think about how his other two wives felt, competing with Jayne Mansfield. Come on.

He's directed everything from Mansfield's last movie Single Room Furnished to The Sexually Liberated Female, a cycle of three Blaxploitation films (The Black Six, which featured six currently playing football stars in Gene Washington, a San Francisco 49er Gene Washington, Pittsburgh Steeler Joe Greene, Miami Dolphins' running back Mercury Morris, Detroit Lions cornerback Lem Barney, Kansas City Chiefs linebacker Willie Lanier and Minnesota Vikings defense end Carl Eller; as well as Lady Cocoa and the Candy Tangerine Man), The Witch Who Came from the Sea and two Pia Zadora films, Fake-Out and Butterfly. He also created and directed the original Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling TV show (he's played by Marc Maron and named Sam Sylvia in the Netflix series).

Today, we're here to discuss Hundra, one of the two films he made with Laurene Landon (the other is Yellow Hair and the Fortress of Gold).

Hundra is the only youngster in her tribe of Amazons who hasn't been with a man and she has no problem letting the other ladies know. Sadly, every member of her tribe soon gets killed by barbarians and the old wise woman wants her to have kids rather than get revenge. And that means she needs a baby daddy.

One dude has bad manners and tries to kill her. Another is a thief who only wants to kill her. The other is a gay pimp. Finally, she meets a healer, but other ladies have to teach her how to seduce him. Obviously, they teach her well, because she's soon with child until a sorcerer takes her baby and forces her into a humiliating ritual, but she soon escapes and takes everyone out.

Luckily, as the narrator tells us, the spirit of Hundra lives within women from then until now. Also, somehow, someway, Ennio Morricone was conned into doing the soundtrack for this film, which is way under his legendary talent.

Star Laurene Landon also shows up in the recently released Terror Tales, as well as The Stuff, It's Alive III: Island of the Alive, Maniac Cop, Wicked Stepmother and many others. She's the best part of this movie, totally devoted to the action sequences and doing every stunt except for one fall off a 180-foot building.
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Strong Female Character, Yes.
cujoe_da_man17 September 2019
A movie about feminism? No.

I read quite a number of reviews stating how this movie is just nothing but feminist propaganda. I disagree with this idea. This seems more like a mockery of feminism. On the surface this looks like your standard "woman good, man bad" fare, but if you really read into it a bit more, you can see there is more under the surface than what meets the eye. Most notably, this movie realizes that an all female society cannot survive on its own (or for that matter, a male only society). You MUST have men AND women for a society to thrive. Even a group of barbarian women need men if they wish to keep their own way of life going. That isn't just some production of men, that's a fact of life. The movie is also not above showing some gratuitous nudity, even from the main character herself, hardly befitting a "feminist" ideal that women are not objects. Yes, later on it's the slaves skinny dipping, but there was literally no reason for that to be in the movie other than just some T&A.

Scenes of men doing stupid things or being completely obliterated by one woman when an entire tribe could not stop them is nothing new in movies. All background characters are cannon fodder for the sake of making the main character look as epic as possible. Look at the Nazi's in Indian Jones, or Stormtroopers in Star Wars, entire legions of military trained personal could not stop just a small handful of people who have never had so much as a weekend shooting tin cans off a fence and met their demise by the end. This movie is no different and is only building on that idea. Some would argue that "the men are raping and treating the women as objects" and I would say that is 100% accurate. Whatever time this takes place in, it's simply portraying a time when women were indeed nothing more than objects of desire. The ironic thing is that Hundra's tribe also feels the same way about men, they are only there to have sex with and make babies, nothing more. If that's true, then their entire tribe is just hypocrites, treating men exactly the same was as men treat them instead of trying to make things better. Am I sad that a woman got the better of those "mean, old men", no. They certainly got what they deserved. Each and every one of them.

There are other little tidbits throughout the movie that directly conflict with the idea that this is just feminism. Hundra has no problem getting herself all prettied up to impress a man when it sounds like the women of her tribe just "bonked a guy on the head and had their way with him". No feminist movie would show their main character getting makeup on and her hair done up just to get some action And when you think about it, that's literally all this movie is about. If you want feminism, watch Red Sonja.

All in all, not a bad movie, but certainly no Conan (hell, even his woman became a Valkyrie in Valhalla, something men can't be!). It has its fun moments, but it does drag on a bit too. Also, why was this in one of my sci-fi movie sets?
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Revenge of the Sisterhood
mpskentuk26 July 2008
I think people over analyse the film. Laurene Landon was the original action woman of the 80's. She played a wrestler in All the Marlbes and did several more strong woman roles after that.

People have also said they don't know why the Amazon tribe was attached at the start. Were they watching the film? The female narrator makes it clear that the men feared the women living a life on their own and either wanted to enslave them or kill them.

As for the nudity part. It's obvious is it not? The women were meant to be shown as worthless slaves, pieces of meat for the men to use as they pleased.

The one point I'd make is that ALL the men in the film are for the most part shown to be utter pigs and violent to woman. No one seems to have noted that, instead it's "Oh look a naked woman" I don't think I've seen a film where so many groin kicks were administered by one woman! I think it's a film worthy of a remake. There has been a lack of Amazon style films over the last few years. It seems a shame when there are so many good looking muscled women actors (like Cory Everson) out there.
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Brilliant Music, Brilliant (apart from one bit) Ending
jennys-saviour12 November 2000
Anyone who knows me knows that I am the die-hard fan of sword and sorcery (Or sword and sandels) movies. But more often (Far more often) than not I am dissapointed (dismally) by the films I watch. However there have been a few truly exceptional ones which keep my faith strong and Hundra is undoubtedly one of them. The plot is a pretty simple one. Hundra is part of a women only tribe. Her whole tribe gets wiped out and she is sent on a mission to have a child so that her tribe might continue to survive. She personally is out for revenge on the men who wiped out her fellow sisters. That is pretty much the gist of the plot and Im not going to give away anymore.

The Film itself is quite good with some very campy bits a couple of pretty questionable moments. And two truly great sequences that make the whole film worthwhile. The first is the one where Hundra's tribe is attacked, and the second is the ending which might possibly go down as one of the best heroic endings of all time. The images are great, the effects great and Ennio Morricones music score is a stirring operatic piece that makes everything seem of epic importance (But its really not).

In Summary Fans of Fantasy Movies Rejoice. Because Hundra is one of the best fighting films ever. And when that ending comes on just sit back and enjoy.
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A must for fans of mixed fighting.
TD-1111 May 1999
Hundra is one of the best films of its genre. It combines humor and violence with attractive women doing most of the fighting. The movie starts with an ambush of an Amazon village and the destruction of all but one of the Amazon warriors. Her adventures and vengeance ensue in what only can be described as a very fun movie. The light soundtrack adds to the fun as some of the fight sequences come across almost as dance production numbers. But, it's not all fun and games. The characters can be and often are vicious and kill their opponents without mercy. This movie is 100 times better than its sister film "Yellow Hair and the Fortress of Gold" also starring Laurene Landon and filmed back to back.
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