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pretty creepy
rburkey-127 April 2005
while i give this an "average" score, it is a pretty good version of the story. in fact i was driven to write this review because i am currently reading "the colour out of space" (and yes, that is how the title is spelled) . i saw this movie a few years ago, but some of the parts will be stuck in my mind forever. the acting is par, (it isn't that bad, but isn't that good), the film work is par, but it does what Lovecraft's story did, it has turns in it that will stay in your mind for a very long time. perhaps the most disturbing thing i saw in it (other then their use of meal worms for certain effects) was the melting effect, if you watch this movie, that will stay with you for a very long time indeed, especially when the movie comes to its climax. it was a very good scare, and i recommend seeing it like i did, at 2:00 in the morning with no lights on, after all that is the best way to experience Lovecraft and his works. though it does not match the book by any stretch in terms of dialog, or even setting and writing, it is still very close to the original in terms of the way the plot develops. and after all what movie has been totally true to its literary counterpart? anyway, if you want a bit of a scare, and don't have a weak stomach, or are in to a "Twighlight Zone" type of scenario, this movie is for you.
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Creepy and eerie rendition of the short story by H.P. Lovecraft with disturbing special effects
ma-cortes16 November 2022
"The Curse" 1987 by David Keith displays great horrific atmosphere and a nice cast with Wil Wheaton, Claude Akins , John Schneider , Malcolm Danare , among others . From the darkest part of the heavens , horror has arrived , a meteorite that lands near a small farm. The night of a storm , an unindentified, glowing object falls from space , it seems to be a meteor that crashes on earth and infects the water , food and near a farm in rural Tennessee , and , subsequently , the Alien parasites do gruesome things to a lonely family . With it comes a terrible curse for the astonishing family , while farm animals and fruits get infected . As the stiff father (Claude Akins providing nice acting) undertakes a crusade to rid the wife (Kathleen Jordon Gregory) and children (Wil Wheaton and his real-sister Amy Wheaton ) of these monstruosities , resulting in fateful consequences . It will consume you ! No one believe them ! Now , no one's left to save them. It takes your body. And your mind . Then it takes you straight to hell... It took seed it needs to feed . A tale of crops , creatures and carnage !.

Terror movie with thrills , chills , scary events , strong violence and traditional but effective special effects . Concerning an outer entity , a huge, glowing meteorite falls on a farm and contaminates the grubby area , turning people and animals into slime-oozing mutants .Here stands out the colorful images and the gory and loathing FX with plenty of blood and grimy that deliver the goods enough . This is based on Lovecraft story titled ¨Color Out of Space¨, this notorious writer has been adapted in several films such as Dagon , The Dunwich Horror ,The Call of Cthulhu , Re-animator , Re-sonator , The Beyond , Valdemar Legacy I , Valdemar Legacy II , and many others . Stars Wil Wheaton as the good little boy who attempts to save his sister at whatever cost , Claude Akins as the fanatic religious as well as upsettling daddy and Malcolm Damre as the extremely nasty brother. The remaining ensemble cast includes , Steve Carlise , Cooper Huckabee and John Schneider , all of them giving decent acting . It was again adapted in 2019 as ¨Color out of space¨by Richard Stanley with fine performances from Nicolas Cage providing a really histrionic , gestual and almost farcical acting , Joely Richardson, Brendan Meyer and Julian Illiard.

The motion picture was professionally directed by David Keith. This filmmaker has made a few movies , in fact this "The Curse" 2019 resulted to be his first film, and his subsequent outing was ¨Adventures of Tennesse Buck¨. He's a good actor , in his starters , Keith had a supporting role in The Rose (1979) starring Bette Midler ; later on , he had a supporting role in Brubaker (1980), and co-starred with Richard Gere in An Officer and a Gentleman (1982). He played a local thug in The Great Santini (1979), starred in The Lords of Discipline (1983) and held a prominent supporting role opposite Matthew McConaughey in U-571 (2000). After that , he played opposite Drew Barrymore in the science fiction horror film Firestarter (1984) , among others . Rating : 6/10 . Acceptable and passable movie horror movie . The pic will appeal to H. P. Lovecraft enthusiasts.
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"It's in the water!"
lost-in-limbo15 January 2011
A decent, but unspectacular late 80s cheesy low-budget b-grade horror feature starring Wil Wheaton (not too long after the hit movie "Stand by Me"). The peculiar plot is a very loose adaptation of a H.P. Lovecraft short story, and from that the film's pacing can plod about (quite talkie and then there was the family dramas) and throw around some ridiculous and elaborate occurrences. It's the performances that drives this one home and some icky, if tatty make-up FX work latter on (not including some very low-end special effects), but other than that there's not all that much to it. The idea isn't bad, but the execution (outside some well-shot scenes) is sloppy (like the use of slow motion towards the end). A respectable Wheaton makes for an agreeably sympathetic performance and a lively Claude Akins is the opposite as his aggressively headstrong, bible totting step-father. There's good support in the shape of Kathleen Jordon Gregory, Cooper Huckabee, Steve Carlisle and John Schneider. The setting of a remote farm does create a claustrophobic hold, where there's never a sense of feeling secure and surprisingly the night time sequences did draw upon some atmospheric spells. A fruity, small scale Horror/Sci-fi production, which can be a little dull.
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"Hail Mary full of grace, how's your garden grow?"
Backlash0076 March 2002
The Curse is a grotesque vision of H. P. Lovecraft's "Colour out of Space." Most Lovecraft adaptions suck (save the Gordon-Yuzna-Combs collaborations), but I happened to like this one. And it looks like I'm in the minority on that. Why do people hate this movie so much? Yes, it has flaws. David Keith's direction isn't great. He's an extremely likable actor and he should stick to what he's good at. I feel like the prologue part should have been saved for the epilogue. It would have been a fitting end, it was not a place to start. Some of the acting is also hammy, mostly the supporting cast. As actors go, Wil Wheaton does a fine job, as does his sister. And they're the only characters you are supposed to care about. The mother character freaks me out as she changes during the film. Horror Director Lucio Fulci produced, and maybe influenced, this one. There are scenes of gore present that rival Fulci's own. Not of the "flesh-ripping" variety, but of the "lets see what disgusting things we can do to food" type of gore. The Curse is not a film to eat during. I suggest that you ignore most of the comments, see the movie, and make your own decision as to whether it's good or bad.
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Don't watch this movie
AngiDas18 August 2022
Don't watch this movie! Wil Wheaton has said time and time again that he was abused on the making of this film so if you want to respect the actors who were children at the time don't watch this movie!
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From the works of H.P. Lovecraft: The Curse!!!
Captain_Couth5 November 2005
The Curse (1987) was a film that was loosely based upon the short story "The Colour from Outer Space". This seminal horror/science fiction prose was written by the master of horror H.P. Lovecraft. The problem with adapting his original material is that the film makers tinker with success. Whilst a few directors such as Stuart Gordon and Dan O'Bannon have been successful in translating his stories for the silver screen, most of them are pure nonsensical tripe that's best avoided (except for John Carpenter's trilogy of the apocalypse that captures the aura of Lovecraft perfectly).

The Curse had all the makings of being a decent film. But the director and writers just don't fully understand the works of H.P. Lovecraft. Dumbingt down the man's work for a pedestrian horror film just doesn't cut it. Whilst it get's an A for effort it get's an F minus in execution. Bad acting, sloppy direction and lousy dialog dooms this movie from the get go. Better luck next time.

Not recommended, unless you're a H.P. Lovecraft completist.
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Pretty bad, but I expected a lot worse. Is that a compliment? Not really
callanvass11 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
An overly obsessed religious man (Claude Atkins) is trying to provide for his family by holding onto his farm, and make sure his family obeys his orders. An unknown object flies out of nowhere in their yard during a hectic storm, and things start changing for the worse.

This is pretty trashy stuff on virtually no budget what so ever. Actor David Keith takes a break from the acting world to direct this one. How did he do? Not so good… I've seen a lot worse, believe me, but that doesn't mean this is a good horror film. It's incredibly cheap looking with many unlikable characters. The so called "Father" is a sanctimonious idiot who refuses to succumb to any type of reasoning. The brother is a fat pig, and the Mother is unsympathetically weak and naive. It's the real life sister and brother combo (who ironically play brother and sister in the movie as well) of Will & Amy Wheaton that manage to be likable. The gore is mostly consisted of lame gooey effects, and is more laughable than anything else. We do get a rather gruesome scene of a chicken pecking away at a girl. That's really about it. Will Wheaton shows off the talent that he brought to the table in Stand By Me, and manages to overcome such a crappy script. He wasn't great, but considering he had nothing to work with? I commend him. Claude Atkins's character is written as a religious nut who is pretentious, but I thought he was completely moronic. What type of idiot is adamant on drinking water, even if it's been heavily tampered?? He was just written so idiotically that I couldn't wait to see his character perish.

Final Thoughts: It never bored me, but it's an incredibly stupid movie. The poorly written characters and the fact that it took everything seriously really does this one in. This could have been a great cheese fest, but it went the serious route. I can't recommend this one to you guys, unfortunately

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Pleasant surprise
Bored_Dragon1 May 2017
IMDb rating almost kept me away from this jewel. That would be a big mistake. The first hour is a mystery drama with SF premise, and then in the last twenty minutes it grows into good horror. In my opinion, few scenes with lousy effects should have been skipped and without them movie would be more convincing, but even this way this is the best Lovecraft adaptation I saw so far and one of the best movies in its class, primarily because of excellent atmosphere it builds and succeeds to maintain on the level till the very end. This one definitely goes to my collection.

7/10 (8,5/10 within the genre)
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At Least Troll 2 was fun...
aidanratesmovies7 June 2021
The Curse (1987) is among the worst movies I have ever fully sat through. Not only is it dull, badly acted, badly shot, and horribly scored, but it also makes absolutely no sense and is easily one of the biggest misfires i've ever seen. It's one of those films that try so hard to be scary, even though it clearly knows it can't. Besides the bland scenery and cinematography- we are often treated to the exact same country banjo-toned music covered by standard ominous tones in nearly every single scene- and truly its enough to drive you nuts. The special effects aren't too terrible I suppose, at least for a low budget film like this, but they are quite obvious...and incredibly cheap looking...and look like something you can find at a dollar store- so yeah they're bad- but I guess they could have been worse? The acting is incredibly over the top as well, especially from the non-Wheaton's of the main family. That being, Claude Akins, Malcolm Danare, and Kathleen Jordon Gregory (the later of which never had a role other than this movie). Akin's is an over the top abusive stepfather who is hilariously forced on screen nonsense seems like something you would see out of an 80's family sitcom. Danare's portryalof the older step brother is so offuttingly dumb that you can't help but feel sorry for the actor as you're watching him- as you know he isn't going anywhere after this film. The Wheaton's are not great in the film either, but they try the right amount, and most of their flaws throughout the film are largely due to the ridiculous script- which, truth be told- doesn't really have a clear story to begin with. In the end, The Curse is an incredibly bland over-saturated little low budget horror film that should never be watched voluntarily. Simply said, just watch the 2019 Color Out of Space instead- it's actually good.

My Rating: 1/10.
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Another lost 80's VHS gem, disturbing and atmospheric.
kclipper11 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
H.P. Lovecraft's "The Colour Out of Space" was the direct influence for this 1980's science fiction/horror creepy classic. Wil Wheaton (Stand By Me) is a young boy who lives on a farm with his mother and bible-thumping, patriarchal stepfather, Claude Akins and his family, when a sinister meteor falls from the sky which seems to infect the water supply, causing vegetables, cattle and victims to rot from the inside out. Meanwhile, greedy developer, John Schneider wants to buy up the property in order to construct a new dam.

This is 1987, the classic year for 80's horror, and this little film is no exception. It harbors a real deviant and nihilistic quality that makes it disturbing to watch. Icky, gooey slime oozes from vegetables, animals and human beings suggesting the worst effects of a diseased and tragic aftermath of cosmic proportions in the typical Lovecraftian sense. Wil Wheaton portrays the sympathetic protagonist as he must not only confront the terror at hand, but deal with being alienated by his step-family's cruelty and oppression. With everyone against him and time running out, poor Wil, being the only one intelligent enough not to drink the water or eat the food must convince authorities that something extremely weird is going on. A gloomy ambiance looms over the mood of this lost 80's gem thanks to Director/Actor, David Keith. Nothing about this film is comforting or reassuring. Spielberg look out!
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hurricane_floyd19 February 2006
Lmao!!! You guys think you have it bad watching this thing, I actually spent half my life in the little hick town it was filmed in.

Now that is bad.

Oddly only a small glimpse of the town is visible in the movie, in the scene where you can see an old barbed wire fence outside of the car window as John Schneider drives down the road... well the hill just above it has contained 3 apartment complexes since around 1992 and I currently reside in one of them.

In another scene you can see out the door of the "Inn" (if you can call it that) the old historic Co-Op building which used to be a Railroad Station that was used in the Civil War (tracks have been gone since 1990 or so).

Fortunately I did spend the other half of my childhood in various other places across the country.

Unfortunately, I am currently residing in good Ole' Tellico Plains Tennessee again ..... can't seem to stay out of this place .... aaahhh... omg it is a curse!!!!
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Atmosphere, atmosphere, atmosphere!!
glyptoteque22 June 2005
There certainly are elements in this film that could have been left out, and the film would have been better off for it; why the cheap monster/demon makeup?(The increasing blisters are great though..) Why having that obnoxious fatso-brother appear in the film at all? And let's face it, the special effects in places were not exactly state of the art either, neither were the editing. So why give it an 8 then? Well my rating couldn't have been any lower, and this is based solely on the fact that the film positively reeks of unique and creepy atmosphere, atmosphere so dark that I put it up there with the Kane-scenes in "Poltergeist 2", and the atmosphere in "Exorcist 3". There truly are some psychotic and memorable scenes. Two that stands out are when the mother of the family tries to " connect the dots" on Cyrus's back, the other is when she sits quietly in the living-room sowing, and then starts to jam the needle and thread into her hands! Excellent! Not to mention the infested fruit and vegetables! All in all,there is in this film a disturbed and unsettling tension that you seldom get to witness in other horror flicks of the same decade, and certainly not in contemporary and crappy Hollywood blockbusters, that's for sure. If you are just curious, rent! If you are a true horror-fan, buy!
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It Is in the Water!
claudio_carvalho8 April 2004
In Tellico Plains, Tennessee, the widow Frances (Kathleen Jordon Gregory) has married the pious farmer Nathan Crane (Claude Akins), and her children, Zachary (Will Wheaton) and Alice (Amy Wheaton) are living with his obnoxious son Cyrus (Malcolm Danare) in the farmhouse. Nathan is digging a well in his property to irrigate his plants and supply water, and the worker Mike (Steve Davis) is helping him. One night, he does not give attention to Frances, and she betrays him with Mike. Out of the blue, a meteor falls in his farm, and Nathan sees his wife with Mike. The local Dr. Alan Forbes (Cooper Huckabee) decides to call the appropriate authorities to investigate the rock. However, he is dissuaded by the speculator Charlie Davidson (Steve Carlisle). Alan's sexy wife Esther Forbes (Hope North), who wants to move from that place, also convinces him to analyze the meteor by himself. A dam will be built In Tellico Plains and the value of the lands will increase, and Esther will receive an extra bonus from Charlie, if Nathan sells his lands. Meanwhile, the meteor releases a strange substance in the water table, contaminating the water of Nathan's farm. Zachary notes that something weird is happening with his mother, vegetables, and animals, but Nathan disregard his observation, believing that God is punishing them for her infidelity.

"The Curse" (1987) is a horror sci-fi movie that deserves to be watched with attention My first review of this film in IMDb was unfair, and "The Course" is not so bad. The sanctimonious Nathan Hayes is the key element of the story, with his ignorance and religiosity. The greedy of Charlie Davidson, Dr. Alan Forbes and his wife Esther are also important. The last point is the lack of experience of Carl Willis is the last factor for the happening of the havoc in Tellico Plains. The special effects are poor, but the viewer shall consider that this is a low-budget movie. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): "A Maldição - Raízes do Terror" ("The Curse - Roots of Terror")
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HumanoidOfFlesh10 August 2001
"The Curse"is a total,almost unwatchable garbage,I can't believe the positive reviews people give it here.The acting is bad,the special effects are lame,and the script is obnoxious and stupid.More boring than scary "The Curse" is one of the lamest horror movies I have seen.Why such great director like Lucio Fulci produced this one is beyond me.Watch it to make fun of it.Not recommended.
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Bizarre 80's science-fiction...
leathaface4 October 2004
This movie is about a family living on a farm in the country: a husband, wife, and two sons and a daughter. The father, being an EXTREMELY religious type, finds out that his wife is cheating on him. Not long after that, a meteor hits the backyard (how stereotypical can you get?) and begins to pollute the water and the vegetables. Those who eat the vegetables and drink the water slowly turn into hideous, slime-spewing homicidal mutants!!!

Duh-Duh-Duhhnn! I'm guessing that maybe this meteor is supposed to be a punishment from God (or so the husband says.)

Everyone but the younger brother and his sister eat the food and drink the water from the farm. First, the fruits and vegetables start to rot/become infested with insects/fill up with brownish fluid. Next, the chickens attack the daughter, and the horse kicks one of the brothers. After that, the cows become sick and start spewing up maggots. By this time, the mother, who was infected first I'm guessing, starts to break out in these nasty little blisters. Eventually, she starts talking in gibberish, eats with her fingers and tries to stitch a cloth to her hand, then she tries to kill her husband. The husband puts her in the shed for the next few days. The next person to show signs of infection is the brother, who starts acting like more of a buttmunch than usual. A dog on their farm kills a traveling salesman's assisstant, and the wife ends up munching the salesman's guts. When the husband finds out he moves his wife to the attic. Meanwhile, the main character (Will Wheaton) tries to figure out how to save his sister from his now-criminally insane family. That night, his father finds him in the shed looking for his mother. Then he notices that his son has a backpack filled with evil, sinful, store-bought food. His father tells him he's unappreciative and tries to beat him. When that fails, he tries to kill him. The brother is able to hold him off until the house starts collapsing. A friend of the family comes by to save Will Wheaton and his sister, but Will says he has to save his mother. He goes up to the attic, and in one of the most creepy scenes of the movie, he watches his mother rot away into a puddle of black goo. He escapes just in time to watch the house sink into the ground, sending his unholy kinfolk into redneck hell!

I liked this movie, it WAS poorly acted, but it was far-fetched to begin with. There are some genuinely nasty moments that will make your skin crawl. For instance, after the chickens attack the little girl the camera zooms in as their eyes collapse in the sockets and start bleeding this nasty yellow goop. Or the scene where the cow's udder splits open and locusts fly out. Or the scene where the mother cuts open a head of lettuce to reveal it's putrid, rotting innards (and lettuce doesn't even HAVE innards!). The film is very dark in atmosphere and there is a sense of impending doom throughout the whole film, not unlike that of Poltergeist. I give it 6 1/2 out of 10 because the acting, other than that of Wheaton and Akins, was horrendous.
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The Curse
Scarecrow-8829 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
A struggling farmer believes God has blessed him when his crops begin to grow substantially after a large meteor lands in his field, dissolving into his soil and water supply after the local doc, Forbes(Cooper Huckabee), pokes a hole in it. The infected water(it's molecular structure altered by the introduced alien substance from the glowing meteor) causes people and livestock to act irrationally, soon turning violent. Hysteria, dementia, violent mood swings, and skin mutations all result from the infected water.The fruit is worthless internally despite looking ripe and healthy externally. The local realtor and city councilman, Charlie Davidson(Steve Carlisle) woos a TVA water employee, Willis(John Schneider)hoping to get a contract for building a dam in their community.

Poor Zack(Wil Wheaton) has to rough it on his own once his mother, Francis(Kathleen Jordon Gregory) becomes "under the weather" and his sister(Amy, Wil's sis) is assaulted by manic chickens, as Nathan(Akins) and his antagonistic jerk son, Cyrus(Malcolm Danare), both even worse after being infected, torment him through insults and harsh see he's not their blood(..his mother married Nathan, it seems, because they needed support he could give) which means they feel little pity or affection towards him. Nathan is a hard, strict, bible-quoting fanatic who doesn't want anyone "butting in" to matters he considers private, even if disease and death spread because of the infected water, or what's evident before him, the fact that his family are afflicted with a plague.

Tolerating Claude Akins for the duration of this film proves to be difficult because he's such a loud and repugnant creature you just want to see suffer in the worst possible way for the problems he causes. And, Wheaton is certainly easy to sympathize with because he's caught between a rock and hard place, little wiggle room to remove himself as madness evolves all around him. Of course, those involved in attempting to cover up something which could prove harmful regarding future prosperity will get their just desserts. Some really spine-tingling make-up effects showing what the mutations and disease cause to humans(and particularly the fruit and cattle)such as opening wounds bursting forth maggots, slimy puss, and beetles! The climax, as the house literally begins imploding while sinking into the earth, is a bit too much. The hideous nature for which causes mother Francis to deform into a ghastly monstrosity is really potent stuff. I'm sure Akins and Danare's fate will be met with applause. I do consider The Curse a success in regards to how it can effectively make your skin crawl, but other than that, I find this rather foul in all respects. It seems to suffer post-production problems, in script particularly, as characters vanish, while others make such preposterous choices which could cause irreversible results(..not to mention a ridiculous ending which leads us to believe that nothing was done in regards to the crisis of the film, written off as no threat or danger to the communities surrounding the farm whose soil and water could cause a national outbreak).

This is part of a series of films unrelated to each other.
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Hidden Fulci!
BandSAboutMovies7 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
During a storm in Tennessee, a meteorite lands a farm all H.P. Lovecraft style. Soon, a teenager is in the middle of a plague that destroys crops, animals and even his family.

Directed by David Keith, who acted in An Officer and a Gentleman and Firestarter amongst others, this late 80's film was released theatrically in the U.S. as The Farm and then came back out on video as The Curse.

Zack (Wil Wheaton, Star Trek: The Next Generation) lives on a farm with his younger sister Alice (Will's real-life sister Amy), their mother Frances, stern stepfather Nathan (Claude Akins, Sheriff Lobo and Murder, She Wrote) and their bullying stepbrother Cyrus (Malcolm Danare, Flashdance, Christine).

One night, Frances sneaks out to have sex with one of the farmhands. As luck would have it, a meteor lands in the field, starts to glow and begins to leak into the soil. A local scientist wants to tell the authorities, but just like Jaws, local businessmen put a stop to that. After all, the TVA is building a new reservoir in town!

The farm goes to hell. The water grows cloudy and gross tasting. Food grows way too big and is way too inedible. And the livestock have become violent. Meanwhile, Frances goes insane and begins to grow boils and attack her family. Nathan believes that all of this is God's curse because his wife cheated on him. Zack and Alice stay away from the infection by drinking clean water from anywhere but the house.

Willis, a TVA surveyor played by John Schneider from TV's The Dukes of Hazzard, comes to the house to get a drink when he is attacked by Frances. Meanwhile, feral dogs on the property start to kill people.

The Curse consumes everyone - Zack's mother turns into a gooey liquid mess, Nathan and Cyrus become zombies who are nearly unkillable and the house sinks into the ground. If you're wondering how this movie got so gory so quickly, guess who was the producer and gore consultant? Lucio Fulci!

Willis gets The Curse too, slowly dying in a hospital bed while the virus mutates further outside. There's no happy ending, even if the kids survive.

There are four sequels to this film and in true Italian tradition, none of them have anything to do with this one.

It's not great. But the parts that you can recognize as Fulci are.
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Boring, dull, tedious, slow - take your pick
jacobnunnally14 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Nothing happens before the hour mark. So damn boring! Come on. I'm really not sure what else to say. Very, very dull. Did not capture my interest at all. Had to force myself to keep watching it - I wanted to give it the benefit of the doubt just to see what happens in the end. Maybe it gets better?

No, it doesn't. Very, very boring. An uninspired script, ordinary performances, manufactured conflict.

It's not pure trash, it's not a B movie, but it does suck. Glad I got through this one, will never watch it again.
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A good gross 'em out rural horror flick.
Hey_Sweden30 October 2012
Actor David Keith made an unusual but creditable directing debut with this positively nasty adaptation of the H.P. Lovecraft story "The Colour Out of Space" (which had been previously filmed as "Die, Monster, Die!"). It takes the dying of the family farm quite literally. Young Wil Wheaton, who'd recently made an impression in the excellent drama "Stand By Me", is promoted as the star of this story about a small group of country folk and their yucky fate after a very strange meteorite lands on their property and oozes a substance that contaminates their water supply. It slowly but surely mutates some of the family - as well as the livestock - and drives them into a frenzy. Wheaton is appealing in the lead role, and is one of the few characters in the story with any brains. He knows the water is bad, but his Bible thumping, overbearing stepfather Nathan (Claude Akins) refuses to acknowledge that anything is wrong - at least, until he sees what's growing inside of his produce. Keith and his crew do a fine job of creating some *very* effective down-home atmosphere; this is both filmed in and set in the town of Tellico Plains, Tennessee. They also make this a decidedly grim affair, which only gets more creepy as it goes along. However, that's not to say that they miss the potential for humour, as witness the "connect the dots" sequence. Visual and makeup effects are generally well done, with the blisters that grow on peoples' faces growing bigger all the time. The music by Franco Micalizzi is quite good throughout. The cast features an interesting bunch of actors. In addition to Wheaton and the entertainingly hammy Akins, the actors include Malcolm Danare ("Christine") as obnoxious, bullying slob stepbrother Cyrus, Wheatons' adorable younger sister Amy as his sister in the film, the solid Cooper Huckabee ("The Funhouse") as the doctor who tries to do the right thing, and in an amusing case of "What is HE doing here?", John Schneider of 'The Dukes of Hazzard' fame plays the straight laced water company representative. Steve Carlisle is hilarious as unsubtle slimeball Davidson (then again, very little in this film is subtle) and Kathleen Jordon Gregory is memorable as the increasingly demented mother Frances. The film isn't without its problems: viewers can find the characters infuriating, and the script (by David Chaskin) isn't too coherent (just where does Schneiders' character come from during the finale?) overall. Still, horror fans should find this a pretty agreeable gross-out experience (that bit with the apples is fun) that is slickly made and full of cool moments. Associate producer "Louis Fulci" is actually film director Lucio Fulci. Seven out of 10.
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Boring and dull 80s "Horror" Movie
BloodyPredator22 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Very disapointing,as a Horror Movie Fan I Can tell you there is almost No Gore or Horror in this. There are maybe 3-4 Horror Scenes in this but absolute No Gory scenes or Good Monster effects. Very Boring Movie with annoying characters. This Movie seems for a Good reason forgotten.
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This food is not heaven sent
michaelRokeefe3 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A pretty decent Sci-Fi flick for such an obvious mediocre budget. A struggling Tennessee farmer (Claude Akins) is hoping for a bumper crop to help him get out of debt. One of his sons played by Will Wheaton watches a meteorite land near the farm during a heavy storm. The crops and fruit begin to rapidly grow as if some part of a miracle; but the son believes there is something wrong with the veggies and well water that is making the family sick. The young boy and his sister refuse to eat or drink anything from the farm. It is their belief the strange meteorite has plagued the crops. The movie becomes tense and gory with some psychotic images hard to soon forget.
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Get Your Daily Dose of Angry Religion
view_and_review2 February 2020
Bible verses and abuse go hand-in-hand in Hollywood. Not that it's totally groundless; the good Baptists of the South would beat, lynch, kill, and go to church faithfully. It has come to the point that if you hear the Bible being quoted on screen in a scary movie then that person is to be hated and/or feared.

The Bible thumping farmer in "The Curse" found himself on the receiving end of the curse. All of his bible reading and beating didn't save him. The curse was awfully similar to what happened in "The Crazies." The water was contaminated and with that came all kinds of maladies including psychopathy. "The Curse" wasn't as appealing as "The Crazies." It had an overall weakness to it--the acting, the story, the production were all toothless. Great if you want your daily dose of angry religion, but not good as a movie.
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A really gross and creepy little down-home horror flick
Woodyanders19 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
A meteorite crashes on the farm of the severely dysfunctional Hayes family. The Hayes family are a really messed-up bunch: stern fire-and-brimstone religious zealot patriarch Nathan (essayed with eye-rolling hammy brio by Claude Akins), his smart, but unhappy foster son Zack (a likable performance by Will Wheaton), lusty, faithless, frustrated wife Frances (a deliciously histrionic Kathleen Jordon Gregory), crude, browbeating, moronic son Cyrus (a perfectly hateful Malcom Danare), and cute little daughter Alice (the adorable Amy Wheaton). Some gunk from the meteorite contaminates the water. Pretty soon the crops, animals and even several members of the Hayes family begin to mutate in various disgusting and disturbing ways. Zack must save Alice from his now monstrous and dangerous family. Director David Keith, loosely adapting H.P. Lovecraft's short story "The Colour Out of Space," not only vividly evokes a thick and pungent down-home hillbilly atmosphere, but also does an expert job of creating and sustaining a spooky and unnerving tone. Moreover, Keith stages a few shock set pieces with considerable flair and skill; an attack by hostile chickens and the infamous worms-in-the-apples sequence are especially nasty and memorable. The over-the-top apocalyptic climax is a lot of wild fun as well. The sound acting from a sturdy cast constitutes as another major plus: Cooper Huckabee as affable, concerned doctor Alan Forbes, Steve Carlisle as smarmy real estate agent Charlie Davidson, and John Schneider as friendly water company representative Carl Willis. Roberto Forges Davanzati's sharp cinematography and Franco Micalizzi's folksy, throbbing, flavorsome countryish score are both up to speed. A good'n'gross horror romp.
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A good adaptation of a classic Lovecraft story...
paul_haakonsen23 July 2023
I have actually never watched the 1987 horror sci-fi movie "The Curse" before now in 2023. I didn't know that it was a movie heavily inspired by H. P. Lovecraft's "The Color Out of Space". And had I known that it was based on that particular story, I do believe I would have tracked down this movie from director David Keith a lot sooner.

The movie's title, "The Curse", does strike me as odd. Not that I don't understand the meaning of it, nor the fact why the movie was titled as such, but why not just call it by Lovecraft's title? Because of the minor adjustments to the storyline made? Perhaps...

But nonetheless, if you enjoy reading "The Color Out of Space", then "The Curse" should prove entertaining for you as well. I was genuinely entertained throughout the course of the movie. Sure, it wasn't as impressive as the 2019 adaptation of the same story, but it definitely was an entertaining movie.

The acting performances in "The Curse" were good, and it was fun to watch a young Wil Wheaton in the leading role. He actually carried the movie quite well. The movie also have the likes of Claude Akins and John Schneider on the cast list.

Visually then "The Curse" was good. Sure, the special effects are showing signs of aging, as the movie was made in 1987 after all. But generally, then the special effects are adequate even today.

My rating of writer David Chaskin and director David Keith's 1987 movie "The Curse" lands on a six out of ten stars.
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Annoyingly bad Lovecraft adaptation.
The_American_Caller15 April 2017
This adaptation of Lovecraft's The Colour Out of Space proves that adapting most of Lovecraft's work is just not feasible unless really done with utmost care.

The horror in Lovecraft's story is completely contained within his writing style and as such cannot be easily translated to film.

Especially when the film is so pedestrian and routine as this one, and leaves out significant elements of the story, or changes them, and/or updates it to a modern time period for the sake of budget. Just take one look at the "meteor" (like a weather balloon) and the "impact crater" (badly designed bulldozer scrape) and you'll see the budget restrictions.

Practically everyone who has read this story and is a Lovecraft fan has imagined it as a film. The proper way to do it would be as what the HPLHS Films did for The Whisperer in Darkness, which would be B&W and set in the same time period as the story.

And the use of B&W photography would be of prime significance since the actual "colour" from space is supposed to be a new type of color never before seen by human eyes.
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