Party Line (1988) Poster


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Quirky, Dated and Enjoyable
acidburn-1024 November 2022
'Party Line' is a camp 80's slasher flick that features a dated yet fun premise that involves the adult telephone line, a concept that will be completely lost on the younger generation, but here its used quite effectively as part of the storyline. The movie is pretty standard yet fun at the same time and competently shot with a tight pace and enough entertainment value to keep you interested throughout.

The plot = A pair of rich siblings Seth (Leif Garrett) & Angelina (Greta Blackburn) are crazed killers who use the party line to lure married men to their deaths. While at the same time a detective Dan (Richard Hatch) is assigned to the case with a new partner Stacy (Shawn Weatherly), can they catch the killers in time.

The performances in this are really strong with Leif Garrett stealing the show as the disturbed cross-dressing Seth, he's easily the most entertaining aspect of the movie. The sister played by Greta Blackburn also gives an entertaining performance and the pair have great chemistry together and every time the movie is revolving around these its hell of a good time. Richard Hatch and Shawn Weatherly are fine in their roles, but their characters aren't quite as engaging as the siblings. Richard Roundtree is always a joy to watch and brings a certain spark to the cast of characters.

The only thing that lets things down a bit are the scenes involving the police which can be a bit dull at times, but the party line scenes offer enough fun and nostalgic moments that are very contrived especially with the ridiculous and corny dialogue. There's enough sleaze and nudity to hold your attention most of the time, but the movie could have done with a bit more suspense and more bloody kills. However the movie is still a fun time, despite a few flaws.
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Too much plot but some intensely sexy scenes.
gridoon4 March 2002
A strange case, this movie. It's at its best when it explores the perverse (past and present) family ties that bind Leif Garrett and Greta Blackburn (and she's has a powerful, sexy presence). But the script keeps intercutting their story with that of a misfit cop (a real Dirty Harry wannabe) and an ambitious female assistant DA who are searching for the killer that is slashing his/her victims' throats with a razor. As you have probably already guessed, the film has too much plot, too many supporting characters (what's Richard Roundtree doing here?) and too many plot coincidences. You could do a lot worse, though. (**)
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Baggy Blue Jeans
caspian197817 October 2000
A hard to find movie, Party Line can be found in some video stores in the Mature Audience section. The reason being for the nudity. Still, don't look forward to seeing Richard Hatch in the buff in this film. In fact, Party Line is a debut film for Hatch where he is not dressed in tight pants! Unlike past roles, Hatch plays a more dark and complex character that has no ties with space ships or robots. Hatch plays the role of a bad ass detective who is determined to find a serial killer. With a six shooter, a pair of baggy blue jeans, and long hair, Hatch remains loyal to his roots but begins to make a dramatic change in the roles he takes as an actor.

Highly recommended for Richard Hatch fans.
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the line is dead; nothing to see here, move along folks!
FieCrier28 January 2005
People call a 976 "party line" to talk dirty to strangers, and perhaps meet up for a sexual liason. A deranged, somewhat incestuous sister and occasional transvestite brother use the line to find people to kill, usually married men, but they don't discriminate! A pair of sixteen year old girls also call the line for fun, pretending to be older, of course. One of them works as a babysitter for a married man who's hot for her (or anyone).

Meanwhile, a vice cop is borrowed by homicide when he's the first to discover one of the siblings' victims. He's teamed with a female assistant of the District Attorney.

Nothing too special here. Richard Roundtree has little more than a cameo as the police chief. One of the dirty-talking sixteen year olds is played by an actress who also voiced Peanuts character Peppermint Patty! According to the IMDb, the other died quite young, just several years after this movie: sad.
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Scummy fun
BandSAboutMovies15 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is the most 1988 movie that I have ever seen, one that is equal parts Cinemax After Dark semi-sleaze mixed with last gasp of celebrity, a late model slasher and even giallo-esque elements all with the gimmick of party lines, which before the interest used to dominate the late night airwaves, promising live sex chat for anyone. Oh man, if you could scrape this movie onto a mirror and do lines of it, I totally would.

Seth (Leif Garrett, who we can pretend is the kid from Devil Times Five grown up because, well, that's totally the truth and that kid was a transvestite and this character is too, so let's just pretend, OK?) and Angelina (Greta Blackburn, who played Lorraine, one of the aliens on V) are a brother and sister duo who hide out in their family's Hollywood Hills mansion and use the party lines to lure people into having threeways with them and then slashing their throats with razor blades. Yes, incest and sex is violence and L.A. scum all in one glorious package.

But what if there was a bad boy cop? Oh, there is and his name is Detective Dan (Richard Hatch, who battled Cylons once upon a time). He's under investigation for all his bad cop antics, but when his CHiP woman gets killed by Seth, he teams up with a psychologist (Shawn Weatherly, who knows a thing or two about cops, seeing as how she was in Police Academy 3: Back in Training) to take on the case.

This is the kind of movie where Detective Dan handcuffs a cokehead to a toilet before shoving his face into the urinal cake while two siblings sex murder a dude in the alley. Also, because this is a late 1980's cop movie, the boss cop has to be a gruff older black guy and hey, Richard Roundtree is perfect for that role.

The guy who played Simmons in this, Terry McGovern, has a pretty interesting claim to fame. Sure, he was the voice of Launchpad McDuck. But he was also the guy who invented the word wookie. While making THX-1138 for George Lucas, they were riding in a car together and he shouted, "'I think I ran over a Wookiee back there," which made the future Star Wars director laugh so hard that the word - which McGovern invented - stuck in his head.

Director William Webb uses Garrett and Roundtree in a lot of his films, which include Delta Fever (which has Martin Landau and Wendi Jo Sperber in it) and The Banker (along with Teri Weigel and Robert Forester). This is the kind of movie that I'd be watching at 1:37 AM on a Friday when I was 16 years old, so in case you thought that I ever did anything productive with my life, you are sadly wrong. At least now I document my movie watching, I guess.

Oh man, I almost forgot that this teenage girl is coercing her friend into calling the party line too and then she goes to the cops and they make her call the party line while they listen to her basically have phone sex. So this movie riffs on I Saw What You Did, but there's no Joan Crawford to make it better.

That nightclub also looks like it totally came out of a Rinse Dream movie.
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"I never called the party line before".
lost-in-limbo20 August 2010
You feeling lonely, well pick-up the phone call the "Party Line" to live-out you undesirable fantasies as you can talk, or just listen and then maybe hook-up on this single-dating service line. The concept abound can really touch a nerve, because how authentic it is and how a fad so popular and addictive could spin dangerously out of control in not knowing what you're really getting in to. This gimmick is what drives the story, but the low-budget produced "Party line" is something fairly patchy and trashy, as it falls somewhere in between a detective film and seedy slasher outing, and when it's focusing on the former it's quite stodgy but with the latter it's rather riveting… as eventually the two would tie in together.

Two disturbingly crazed siblings (who have a very strange, perverse relationship); like to participate in a chat hot-line, luring their eventual victims to meet up with them. A well-worn, rogue detective happens to come across one of the sibling's murders and then is reluctantly assigned to the case with the aid an aspiring, by the book female assistant of the Distract Attorney.

Whenever the story was dealing with the brother and sister relationship, it brought up some kinky and demented shades of jealousy and affection. Even the past events of their parents intrigues (especially one scene involving Garrett and a wedding dress) -- as this could be the attribution to their murderous impulses, but the script only window-dresses it by never truly balancing it out. Leif Garrett plays it cold, but underneath that persona he's feebly unstable in his fear of being alone as a meek mummy's boy but he's overshadowed by the formidably headstrong, but racy Greta Blackburn. However the sub-plot involving the hard-bitten detective (who wants to be like Eastwood's dirty Harry --- as just look out for the movie poster of "Sudden Impact" in his home) and Distract Attorney assistant is simply black and white. These moments in the film are laboured, despite the best efforts of Richard Hatch and Shawn Weatherly. Also showing up in nothing but a minor role is Richard Roundtree. The script keeps a serious tone throughout, but can go over-the-top and cause some giggles with unusual developments, contrived circumstances and a rushed wrap-up. The direction is predictably textbook looking like a made for TV feature, but killing it is the sluggish pacing and working its way in is an oozing jazz flavoured score.

Watchable, but token stalk n slash thriller at best.
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This isn't trash. This is lower than trash.
mark.waltz21 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There are films that you can tell within 5 minutes are going to be genuinely awful. The setup is hideously written and the acting is even worse, with photography that is barely watchable and the intelligence of adults who have been partying for a 3-day weekend and still having sobered up yet. Leif Garrett and his sister Greta Blackburn are on a crime spree of murdering men who go home with Blackburn, with absolutely no motivation given for their insanity. It's up to District Attorney Richard Hatch and police detective Richard Roundtree to solve this string of violent crimes, but the real crime here is the script inflicted on unsuspecting audiences that may have them in a trance because it's so bad that they feel they have to stick with it either for their own titillation because of the sex scenes leading up to the murders or just to see how bad it continues to get.

With the number of big screen sexual thrillers dominating movie theaters in the late 1980's, there were plenty of ripoffs, very few even watchable, and this is probably one of the worst that I've seen of that genre in any era. Garrett has definitely passed his prime by taking on a role like this, with dialogue so trite and ridiculous that is fooling himself into thinking that it will hide his non-existent performance. Blackburn is even worse, her bad 80's perm out doing Glenn Close's big hair in "Fatal Attraction" for tacky garishness. When good actors like Hatch and Roundtree go slumming in films like this, obviously for just the paycheck, it becomes truly sad. I give this two stars simply for its audacity and the metaphor for what the number two indicates in street terms. Had this actually been a parody of this genre directed by John Waters with his usual cast of campy actors, I would definitely have enjoyed it, but as presented here, it fails on every level, even as camp.
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Entirely lacking
Leofwine_draca1 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
PARTY LINE is a slow and uninteresting attempt at the psycho-thriller genre, almost entirely lacking in suspense and excitement. This kind of erotic thriller story played out much better in the hands of Paul Verhoeven in BASIC INSTINCT so I'd simply watch that instead. A miscast Richard Hatch plays a cop on the trail of a pair of murderous siblings with an odd modus operandi: she seduces the male victim into her bed, while her cross-dressing brother proceeds to murder him. It's an oddball set-up, unconvincingly acted by the principal cast members, and directed in the most mundane way imaginable. The most fun I had was seeing Richard Roundtree in support as the genial police captain.
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Party on
Party Line has the weirdest killer couple I've ever seen. They're pathetic brother (Garrett so funny here, and we even see him get to wear a dress) and hot sexy sister (Weatherly) who lures her victims in through a sex hotline. The men, or any man would go crazy for this bit of trim, make out with her and we leave it up to good old Leif, mentally controlled by the sister, to do the killing. Hot on an obsessed tail with another case, cop, Hatch (Ghettoblaster) is teamed up to his disliking, with a woman on this new case, that killer hotline involved. As with these macho cop characters, here's just another one, a rule breaker, who thinks he has style, low key actor, Hatch, so cool in this. In spite of other negative reviews, this movie is a lot of fun, and plays out as not a bad quality b thriller, and Leif and our sultry hot Shawn who may'be love each other a bit too much, are just priceless. A chubby and cute babysitter, an intended victim, helps out our two cops, after the last male victim was an acquaintance of the babysitter, in more ways in one, as trying to come on to this cute girl, sexually. The middle aged guy, should of known better,in both case. One film, worth a watch (don't believe the bad hype) I found, in a quite surprisingly, if quizzical, bad light.
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A mediocre movie with Leif Garret as a razor-bladed murderer!!
AWERTH22 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers

I have seen this movie a few times already. It's not bad, and it's not good either. It's not horror, but more like a "catch the villain" film.. This movie is about numerous people who call a 900, or 976 no. to chat to strangers for fun and entertainment. One of the people that call to listen in is actually a villain who sets up other men callers with his sister..and then things get action packed fast! The men who get set up by the villainous caller to meet his sister get slashed with a razor, thereby getting murdered..and the villainous caller is named Seth played by Leif Garrett.

A cop and this blonde lady are assigned to track down this madman who loves murdering with a razor! 2 teens who often call in to the Party Line often hear the killer, Seth's voice. So they are able to help the cop and blond lady track him down...

The sister of the killer is not really much of a killer herself. I think she is just there to lure the men to date her so Seth can kill them...and Seth indeed kills his sister by strangling her after she speaks illy of him...

A few parts confuse me. Why did Leif put on a wedding dress and start whining to his sister about how much he needs her?? And also, why is he so attached to his sister? It looks like he treats his sister like his sister is his girlfriend..

Anyway, a good way to pass the time might be to watch this movie. Not blood splattering, but a few small streaks of blood. This is sort of a suspense, action type bad-guy film...

And there is a good lesson to be learned too:: Never meet people who you talk to on a 900 number alone. Always carry a few friends along when meeting strangers from a Party Line. Enjoy!
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It should be found in the comedy section...
taxidr509128 June 2004
I watched this movie this past week. I picked it out of a line up of "old horror/ thriller movies." I wanted a good laugh, so I picked this up, along with "Fade to Black" and "The Slumber Party Massacre Number 2." Boy was I in for a surprise. The plot was too extreme to even be believable. (Why would a brother even want to take part in sexual escapades with his biological sister?)

I have to admit that some of the scenes were pretty funny in slow motion, i.e. when the babysitter's employer dropped the babysitter off, and the babysitter slapped the employer in the face- the face he made, was too funny for words. A must see. Leif Garrett must have been desperate for work. However, the film makers were even more desperate to have this film released. And I mean, "film makers." If you want to call them that.

Rating by TaxiDr: 2 1/2 for laughter, and 1 for taking a chance in the movie industry.
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A enjoyable slasher.
treakle_197824 August 2020
What a very good cast for this slasher. The picture wasnt that great of quality but overall I enjoyed this movie. Definitely worth a look.
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Stinks like a skunk caught in a vacuum cleaner..
anxietyresister10 June 2006
Yep, it's me again! Mr 'I sit through crap so you don't have to'.

What do you think this is about? Could it possibly be about a woman who call a sex line and arrange to meet bachelors in a secluded area? Then her cross-dressing boyfriend comes along and slits their throat with razor, before they make off together with his cash? Wow, what a guess! And if I tell you that the cop who is put on the case is forced to team up with a sexy assistant DA to nail these suckers, what conclusion will you come to? Do you reckon the sexy DA will go undercover wearing a flimsy red dress to an attempt to meet the drag queen, but then end up being kidnapped and having to be rescued by the maverick officer? (who has already handed in his gun and badge) ZING! You get 10 points!

Frankly, this film bored me to tears. Why do people insist on making this kind of rubbish? Its a waste of our time, their time and yet they still carry on regardless.. filming a movie that no-one gives an iota about. If it has any redeeming features, there's the fact that it has some of the prettiest ladies I've seen in a motion picture for a while. I hope they spent what meagre wages they earned on plenty of botox and colonic irrigation. They'd look great on the cover of Vogue, or perched on the top of a car in a bikini. They should just leave acting to the professionals (like Shannon Tweed).

Talking about future careers, I ran into the director the other day. He sure does whip up a tasty chicken burger meal. I must say too, that the uniform really does suit him. I asked him about 'Party Line', and his eyes went to the floor before he mumbled something about extra fries. Oh well, guess it didn't quite work out. Never mind, they're letting him take over the drive-thru tomorrow!! Hurray!! 1/10
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*1/2 out of 4.
brandonsites198130 May 2002
Leif Garrett stars as a crazed serial killer who kills men that his sister lures back to there home through a party line. Sometimes entertaining mystery/horror film with an intriguing premise, is ruined because of slack direction and a sleazy script not to mention a bad ending. The cast tries its best. Rated R; Violence, Sexual Situations, Nudity, and Profanity.
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Say Cheeeez!!!
lthseldy17 February 2002
Thats what this movie really takes. A big piece of cheeze. This movie is about a sister and brother Bonnie and Clyde type of duo that creates their own party line in order to lure their victims in and trap them and kill them. But for what reason? Just for the fun of getting away with it? In comes Richard Hatch who comes across as a wishy washy ladies man. A real BAD version of a ladies man. And he gets involved with finding who's behind all the killings across LA. He finally meets a teenager who helps him find the killer and rest is for your fun and amusement. But there are parts in this film that really get me going like the scene with Lief Garret dressed in his mothers wedding gown acting like a sissy in front of his sister telling her that he needs her and can't live without her and watching as she slaps him across the face dominateing him. I can't believe that was Lief!!! Well, I guess I could. But it's worth watching but only to see one of Garrets worst films that he ever did.
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Not That Bad
gwnightscream23 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This 1988 thriller tells about 2 disturbed siblings playing games with strangers on a phone sex line to kill them. Soon, a rogue cop and an assistant D. A. pair up to solve the murders. This isn't that bad except for some of the acting, there's erotic, disturbing and humorous moments. If you like 80's crime or slasher flicks, give this a try.
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B-grade thriller
grantss23 July 2022
A B-grade thriller despite some known actors in the cast. Pretty formulaic and predictable. Supporting cast are a bit hammy. Not much going for this.

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Could be spoofed, like Airplane! and Naked Gun!
jrwufgrad6 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Where to really start with this movie? The story is a bit all over the place, and the way things come together, you could easily see how this could be spoofed.

To start, Lief Garrett, and his sister in the movie, are killing men they meet on the party line. Why? Because the men are married and they want to punish the men! Why? Because their father cheated on their mother. This is their motivation. Also, they parents are dead. They can not accept what their father has done to them or their mother, but they are certainly living well with the inheritance that was left to them. Their relationship is all over the place. They love each other, they hate each other, they fight like little kids, he dresses up in mommy's wedding dress. All over the place.

Next, Richard Hatch is a vice cop that gets to investigate the murders Lief and Sis are committing. He is the cliche troubled cop that gets into trouble but gets to keep his job. He has to work with the Assistant to DA to investigate the case. I know you are wondering why a DA is investigating a case. We were wondering the same thing. Eventually, he gets suspended and has to team up with the DA while he is suspended. The typical movie cop, with movie cop problems.

If you like bad movies like I do, it is definitely worth the watch. Nothing exciting really happens in the movie. You start to figure out how things play out, but it is the seriousness of the mood of the movie that lends it to being spoofed. That is really what makes it worth the watch. To give you an idea of what I mean, the first time you see Richard Hatch's house, he has a pieces of sports equipment in his house, from just about every thing that is considered a sport: tennis racket, hockey sticks, basketball jersey, a football, a baseball bat, a samurai sword, a hunting bow, and a safari hunting hat. All to prove how much of a man he is? Stuff like that.

Oh yeah, I can not forget about the baby sitter, which seems to be in high school, talking to guys on the party line and leading them on. She loves talking to guys on the party line, and Lief's character is very interested in her.

The only reason I gave it a 3, is due the little things that you think of that make it more enjoyable, while you are watching it. Nothing too exciting happens. It does have a few moments you think it is going to get better, but it fails. Still worth a watch. Especially if you are watching with friends. Enjoy.
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So bad it's good...
mbond-2813630 August 2023
Omg I remember these days!

The style of clothes, dancing, mullets & Madonna copy cats! Did anyone else notice the boom hanging down in several scenes?

Loved Mr. Richard 'Shaft' Roundtree & Leif? ( X rocker).

Makes me feel kinda nostalgic since I was probably the same age as many of the actors.

I knew there were real 'Party lines' back then and remember the old style cordless phones we thought were so cool. God I sure do feel old, but time flys.

Not crazy about the razor blade slasher & really something odd about the brother and sister killer-team! Typical eighths and ninetys style movie if you ask me.

Fun movie ya'll..
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wild wacky stuff
TheOldGuyFromHalloween328 November 2021
Apollo and Shaft team up with Kathleen Turner's stand-in to take down Leif Garrett and his bimbo sister. A couple of fat girls help out. Richard Hatch is perfectly cast as a hardboiled detective. Plenty of awful 80s hairstyles and a cool castle with an indoor pool make this a must see.
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Fun film
mharrison-1762723 January 2020
Leif Garrett was great as the murderer. However Richard Hatch was not believable as the detective and he was an unconvincing ladies' man.
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