Martial Law (Video 1990) Poster

(1990 Video)

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Passes the time
hengir26 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The plot is unsurprising, just a framework to hang on martial arts action. There is some emoting but it doesn't get in front of the action. Chad McQueen as the lead was bland and the great Cynthia Rothrock has a thankless role in support. David Carradine is an under rated actor and unfortunately played in a lot of films like this, roles he could sleep walk through. The film does have Philip Tan (with great London accent) as chief henchman though to add some spirit.

The fight scenes are OK. It is always pleasant to see La Rothrock kick some butt and she has a fierce fight with Tan near the end of the film that completely overshadows the simultaneous fight (they are all at an airfield, you know, one of those that never have any staff to see lots of men mown down by gunfire and call the police) between Carradine and McQueen. With a bit of imagination low budget martial art films can be really good. This is not one of them.
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Decent production values, weak writing, insufficient action
I_Ailurophile19 April 2022
I've yet to watch a movie starring Cynthia Rothrock that wasn't rife with peculiarities, and at that, usually all the same ones. Her films are generally blunt and over the top in most significant aspects, including writing and acting if not also direction, and often ham-handed and inauthentic on top. She's not uncommonly no more than second fiddle in her own starring vehicles - and yet for all that, the fight choreography is broadly well done. It's an odd mixture at all times, and 'Martial law' doesn't try hard to convince us that it's any different. From excessive sound cues (such "whooshes" as fists or feet flying through the air or hitting their marks), to massively done-up and visually distinct hair, makeup, or costume design; from small, gratuitous flourishes, to an enjoyable but curious score from Elliot Solomon that oscillates between guitar fireworks, fanfare that wouldn't sound out of place opening 'Saturday Night Live,' and synth-driven ambient pieces - there's a lot going on here. Most prominent actor Chad McQueen, playing actual protagonist Thompson, really does look like a Joe Piscopo impersonator; a scene set in a nightclub features a very 80s hair metal band and song (accordingly Tempest, performing "Sauza" - I won't lie, I liked it); and there's a brusqueness to the execution of some action sequences that somewhat defies suspension of disbelief.

Through it all, I'm surprised to find myself thinking that 'Martial law' is, in some ways, better than I anticipated. Maybe it's director Steve Cohen's guidance of the cast that we have to thank, but the acting feels unexpectedly restrained and sober compared to other Rothrock films. For all the flair here and there, including sequencing and otherwise editing that echoes that cheeky tenor, it almost seems like the production is played straight, declining the greater bombast we're used to seeing from her and those with whom she shares the screen. David Carradine, Philip Tan, John Fujioka - and yes, even Rothrock - all show glimmers of real nuance in their acting that's a far cry from the tomfoolery we saw in, say, 'Honor and glory,' or 'Tiger claws.' Even when performances are overdone (for better or worse I'm looking at you, Vincent Craig Dupree), it's unmistakably intentional, and though he has a small part, it's always a minor joy to see Professor Toru Tanaka. The cinematography and sound design are crisp and clear, the orchestration of every shot and scene is suitable - honestly, in a lot of ways, 'Martial laws seems pretty well made.

The biggest question,though, is of course the writing. Richard Brandes doesn't have a lot of credits to his name in that capacity, with one of the few others being this picture's sequel. There's no substantial depth to most characters, and they mostly fill familiar action-thriller crime flick archetypes. There's occasional cleverness to the dialogue, but so much of it just feels unremarkable and downright uninteresting. The scene writing is a little stronger, but varies wildly in accordance with the needs of the story - some bits seem well thought out and work to engage our attention, advance the plot, or enrich the experience as a whole, while other instances just feel overblown or unnecessary. And as to that plot: it's complete, coherent, and cohesive. It's also oafishly slow and meandering as it switches gears at intervals from criminal enterprise, to criminal investigation, to family drama, and back again, with martial arts sprinkled throughout. For that matter: apart from some key scenes, the cinema-ready disciplines are weirdly deemphasized in the screenplay, letting the other elements take precedence to the disadvantage of 'Martial law' - while antagonist Rhoades' (Carradine) signature finishing move is overused until it fails to provide invigoration. The result of it all is a title that's hard to get excited about, not least of all as the core plot doesn't seem to go much of anywhere until the last third of the runtime, and even then it comes and goes with minimal impact.

The feature has a leg up on some of its brethren when it comes to technical craft, so I suppose that's worth something. But even if we generously put aside the major dearth of screen time for top-billed Rothrock, which still blows my mind, there's still so little about the movie that inspires, or gets the blood flowing. As the length lackadaisically saunters to the climax - and a final fight that is admittedly quite well done - one can't help but ask what it was all for. Everyone involved does their part, more or less - so what? I'd much sooner watch a romp buzzing with ridiculous, exaggerated ham-handedness and questionable construction than a solidly built snooze. Unfortunately, by and large, that's just what we get in 'Martial law,' and I wonder if I'm not being too kind in my assessment as it stands.

What's kind of sad is that it really didn't have to be this way. More than anything else, all the feature needed was more martial arts - and, once more to highlight, more Rothrock - to improve upon the actual finished product. Oh well. Cautiously recommendable for martial arts fanatics and utmost fans of the cast, and halfheartedly enjoyable for those receptive to all the wide variety that cinema has to offer. There's just no need to seek this out, though, and actively keep your expectations in check if you decide to sit for it nonetheless.
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Cynthia Rothrock is so cute!
Aaron137531 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I have never seen a film with Cynthia before this one with the exception of the much newer Santa's Summer Home and she was pretty cute in that one, in this one she blew my mind with her cuteness. Her yells as she does her karate and kicks are even cute! If she were kicking my butt, I would also be falling in love. Unfortunately, she is paired with the not nearly as charismatic as his father, Chad McQueen and the film is not as good as it could be due to this and a few questionable decisions in terms of plot and such.

The plot has a guy who is an excellent martial arts cop whom they refer to as Martial Law! His brother though is a dumb dude who wants to work for David Carradine who is an evil dude who demonstrates his karate prowess by taking out the James Bond villain Oddjob! His brother actually does a good job for Carradine, but the problem is some crazy dude really wants to work for Carradine again despite the fact Carradine loathes him. So the younger brother ends up dead and Martial Law must be enacted along with his super cute girlfriend!

David Carradine is pretty good in this and does good as the bad guy. Too bad they could not come up with a better fight for him and Chad at the end because it was a letdown after all the buildup. I much preferred Cynthia's portion of the fight with the guy with the heavy British accent, mainly because I enjoyed watching her beat him up as much as I enjoyed watching that crazy guy who wanted a job finally being killed! Seriously, Carradine did not like you, what did you think he was going to do?

So it had some good action and watching Cynthia made my heart aflutter; however, the disappointing final contest between Chad and David plus David's lack of charisma dropped this film down a notch. There is a sequel to this and Chad is gone and I think Cynthia is the star so I will have to check that one out for sure! This one is not bad, bad and was entertaining, it just needed a bit of work.
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Not enough Rothrock
jellopuke22 March 2021
Despite her being all over the cover, she's barely in this. Instead you get sub-Joe Piscapo look a like Chad McQueen in a dorky jacket stumbling through fight scenes and looking like a goof. Nothing to see here.
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A waste of Rothrock's talent.
BA_Harrison2 December 2018
Cynthia Rothrock kicked off her movie career in Hong Kong, but was eventually lured back to the U.S. to star in numerous martial arts films, very few of which come close to the quality of her Eastern output. Martial Law, one of her earlier American efforts, is a forgettable action flick with Ms. Rothrock relegated to supporting character, vice cop Billie Blake, love interest of Sean Thompson (Chad McQueen), who goes undercover to bring down the bad guys responsible for the death of his wayward younger brother Michael (Andy McCutcheon).

With such a clichéd plot and with Cindy playing second fiddle to McQueen, the film doesn't offer much for fans of the lovely lethal lady to get excited about. There are sporadic fight scenes that fail to impress thanks to uninspired direction from Steve Cohen and weak choreography, and the casting of David Carradine as crime-lord Dalton Rhodes leads to a rather disappointing final showdown, the actor (54 at time of shooting) unable to pull off any impressive moves. The most memorable performance is by Philip Tan as Rhodes' Cockney right-hand man Wu Han - he's a blast. Also look out for the great Bennie 'The Jet' Urquidez as a nameless henchman.
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Martial Thespianism
Dragofan9 February 2002
Chad McQueen is perhaps one of Hollywood's most underappreciated actors. While his performance in Martial Law is not his best, it is one of the most tender, in that he plays a street-hardened cop torn by the death of his brother. McQueen brings together a fine blend of toe-jamming action and heart-wrenching drama. His sexy co-star Cynthia Rothrock, also comes from the "west coast" drama scene. An accomplished actress through out college and beyond, she lends her acting talents to this fine film. If you've never seen her in the off-Broadway production of "Hair" you haven't lived yet. This movie is a powerful blend of action and drama.
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BandSAboutMovies15 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Sean Thompson (Chad McQueen) and Billie Blake (Cynthia Rothrock) have come up against drug runner and car smuggler Dalton Rhodes (David Carradine), who may also be killing all of his competition with his deadly kung fu death touch known as dim-mak. Complicating matters? Sean's brother Michael (Andy McCutcheon) is working for Rhodes.

Director Steve Dalton was on second unit for Invasion U. S. A., The Midnight Hour, The Goonies and I, Madman before directing ten Billy Joel videos. Richard Brandes, who wrote this, also wrote Party Line so I'm instantly a fan of whatever he chooses to make.

Rhodes has some memorable associates and criminal contemporaries like Professor Toru Tanaka, John Fujioka (Shinyuki from American Ninja), Tony Longo (who teamed with the Undertaker in Suburban Commando) and Vincent Craig Dupree (the boxing Julius from Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan.

It also has Chad McQueen undercover as a Domino's driver, so it has that going for it.
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definitely worth a watch
chilla-black5 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
i'm a big, big fan of Cynthia Rothrock (what a lady) and fight films in general. However this is mainly a Chad McQueen film and her role in it is clearly secondary but the final fight sequences involving Rothrock are some of her best ever filmed. I really like the boss character played to a tee by David Carradine, that Dalton Rhodes - he's one mean bad ass of a villain and his character is pretty believable for the plot.

The fight scenes in this film are pretty well done and the best is saved for last, the excellent David Carradine shows that he had a few tricks of his own when one on one with McQueen. The match up between Philip Tan and Cynthia Rothrock is excellent - frenetic, high octane, sustained action. Rothrock takes one hell of a beating but comes back and wins. The dim mak finale by McQueen is as good to watch as the Frank Dux (vs the sumo) move in Bloodsport.

really enjoyed dusting this one off again and was saddened to hear about David Carradine.
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Slop socky...
fmarkland3226 September 2006
Chad McQueen and Cynthia Rothrock star as two martial artist cops who take on a Mr. Big (The always lovable David Carradine) who is also responsible for the senseless murder of McQueen's admittedly not too bright brother, much action ensues as David Carradine manages to convince despite being too old to do martial arts. That is something that you don't want to dismiss, David Carradine has always been a slower martial artist, despite being quite precise and stylish. Carradine has always been more of a self defense styled martial artist so seeing him play a martial arts bad ass is somewhat hilarious due to the fact that Carradine somehow manages to still upstage (Despite being 54) his hopelessly slow co-star Chad McQueen. Worst of all is that while Rothrock is easy on the eyes, her roll in the sack with McQueen provides the viewer with some of the most awkward sex scenes ever. It is mainly David Carradine who steals what little show there is here.

* * out of 4-(Fair)
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He's so good, they call him Martial Law! Awesome
AwesomeWolf26 February 2005
Cheap DVD + Cynthia Rothrock + David Carradine + Chad McQueen as a butt-kicking cop whose nickname is Martial Law = Instant winner.

Chad McQueen stars as Sean Thompson, a cop whose martial-arts skills are so good that even his brother Michael calls him Martial Law more often then Sean. Sean teams up with another cop, Billie Blake (Cynthia Rothrock) to beat bad-guys up and stop a gang of car-smugglers and drug-runners under the command of Dalton Rhodes (David Carradine). Sean and Billie are going to need all of their skills to take on Dalton, as he has a nasty habit of killing nearly everyone he meets.

Plot? What plot? Just remember the term 'Dim Mak', and you'll know how Rhodes goes about killing people. There are some points where McQueen and Rothrock seem to forget that they are in an action B-movie, as McQueen's character laments that he abandoned his brother to go to Hong Hong, and has nothing to show for it apart from martial-arts championship trophies. Awesome.

'Martial Law' has some nice fight scenes, although none stand out as being anything special. It is entertaining, and all that really matters is we get to see Cynthia Rothrock and Chad McQueen in plenty of butt-kicking action.

As far as action B-movies go, 'Martial Law' is nothing special, but is fun to watch - 6/10
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Cynthia Rothrock in a bad movie
ebiros214 September 2012
At this point it was clear that Hong Kong movie studios have surpassed the quality of American B movie production studios. This is a movie that features Cynthia Rothrock, but if you compare the quality of the production of this movie to the ones she's starred in in Hong Kong, there's no comparison. There're very little redeeming quality to this movie.

Like other bad B movies, the movie is almost entirely constructed out of low importance teaser. The real action doesn't start until the very last minute.

The story of this movie is so derivative, and the way it's shot is mediocre to bad. There are many scenes with hard shadows that makes them difficult to see what the subject is.

Even with these negatives, if you're a Cynthia Rothrock fan, you'd probably be entertained.

This is a real B movie, and a bad one. Best stay away from it.
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'Where justice stops...Martial Law starts'
spywatcher4592 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I remember renting this movie when it was on VHS as a kid and I was so amazed by it that I tried to purchase the tape but unfortunately the rental place it came from closed down. I waited years hoping to see it again and then when a friend of mine showed me his copy that he had on DVD, I was saying, "Let's watch that one, let's watch that one!" During our movie club meeting, my friends were asking me all sorts of questions about the flick, the martial arts that Carradine's character Dalton Rhodes knew and so on. Martial Law was definitely a treat for me and you just gotta love the premise of the story: two high-kicking cops use martial arts to take down lowlife scum plaguing the City of Angels.

Sean Thompson is a hard-hitting cop known for his combat prowess and versatility in the martial arts along with his partner and lady-friend Billie Blake. They're both assigned together to work on a case after corpses start turning up in L. A. with each victim being killed by what it appears to be a lethal strike to the body known as 'Dim Mak' (Death touch). As Sean and Billie investigate, the blood trail leads them to the suave, vicious and lethal Dalton Rhodes, a criminal mastermind who runs a cartel for hire business for various underworld figures. Sean and Billie's investigation hits a nasty brick wall though when Sean's trouble-maker brother Michael is found out to be working for Rhodes as a car thief. And when a dangerous rival of Michael's named Faster Brown tries to rat him out to Dalton about his brother being a cop, all bets are certainly off...

The fight scenes were rather B-grade but still enjoyable with stunt man James Lew and full-contact kickboxing champion Benny 'the Jet' Urquidez making guest appearances as two members of the Tong Lin syndicate that start a fight with Sean and Billie in an alley. The plot is short, sweet and simple, the filming locations were incredible and the instrumental music score that was put together by composer Eliot Solomon had a synthesized jazzy flare to it.

I definitely recommend this flick to anyone that loves B-grade action and the lovely Cynthia Rothrock.
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"I'm your brother. I'm not Santa Claus!"
hwg1957-102-26570424 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A martial art wielding cop gets involved with his wayward brother and also a villainous gang involved with car theft and gun running, helped by his girlfriend who also is a martial art wielding cop. The plot is predictable and our hero who is first seen in disguise as a pizza delivery guy unfortunately seems more credible as a pizza delivery guy than the top martial artist he is supposed to be. No disrespect to the actor meant but Chad McQueen isn't really convincing in his role.

Far more convincing in their roles are Cynthia Rothrock as policewoman Billie Blake, David Carradine as the evil Dalton Rhodes and cockney geezer Philip Tan as his assistant Wu Han. They give the film much needed punch. Tan's battle with Rothrock at the end is great. The titanic Professor Toru Tanaka also appears but exits much too soon.

There is a sequel with Cynthia but not Chad.
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Not Bad Movie
hk-506 February 2007
It is a good way to spend the afternoon getting into the cop Vs Crim thing. Very interesting script. L.A is where two main cops try to take a ruthless gang leader who dresses well and has a band of martial arts expects at his hand and a club to hang around.

The story goes that the gang leader is trying to get into the sport promotion scene and ends up doing a couple of murders along the way. The two cops track him down and try to bring him to justice.

As always when you try to bring a Hollywood bad man to justice it ends in a fight. All the martial bad men (and women) fight against the two cops and in the end you've guessed it - the gang leader gets killed in a end film fight (that wasn't that good).

The film is easy to read, no need for heavy thinking. Just enjoy the drama and the fighting. Could of been better though.
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Mixed Bag
refinedsugar17 September 2023
I never thought I'd see another flick feature the Dim Mak "death touch" like 'Bloodsport', but it's here. 'Martial Law' is a b-movie through and through. The type of which I'm starting to have an appreciation for, but it can't be denied that the story on display is second rate. Carradine and Rothrock have their moments though.

Sean Thompson (Chad McQueen) is a cop that goes by the nickname "Martial Law". Yes, seriously. Crooks around town call him that. He spent a few years in Japan so of course he's a martial arts expert. After ridiculously busting up a hostage situation in the opening, he has to contend with his younger brother Michael who's gotten himself in too deep stealing cars for Dalton Rhodes (David Carradine). An all around bad dude dealing in a lot of shady stuff, owner of a martials arts studio and a badass himself. Lending Sean a hand is fellow cop, martial arts practitioner and part time lover Billie Blake (Cynthia Rothrock).

Carradine was no stranger to b-movie roles in the 80's and early 90's, but he puts in a sober performance here. Cynthia plays 2nd fiddle but still gets to display her chops. Chad McQueen - son to the legendary Steve McQueen - is another matter. He's not quite out of shape, but looks a little doughy for the hero tough-guy role he's supposed to be pulling off though his martial arts are on point. Oh and when your brother is arrested for GTA after hopping out of a Porsche 911 and feeds you the story he was just hitchhiking and you believe it - you're an idiot. What kind of Porsche owner in LA gives random strangers a ride!?

'Martial Law' has some gunplay, the fisticuffs you expect, but you gotta contend with a few annoying characters and a few too many stupid moments in the story. Kill an informant right in front of the cops for instance. A step-up sequel followed a year later with Rothrock and Jeff Wincott taking on the Sean Thompson role.
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Generic martial arts crime action movie...
paul_haakonsen16 October 2022
Now, I have been been a fan of Cynthia Rothrock, and I have always avoided her movies during my youth. But within the recent years, I have started to watch her movies, if I have had a chance to sit down and do so. Not that I am actively seeking out her movies, nor am I a fan of hers in any way, but since I haven't seen her movies before, I do so whenever I get a chance.

And thus I happened to come across the 1990 crime action movie "Martial Law" here in 2022. Sure, I knew about the movie by its title, but I had actually never seen it before now in 2022. Were I impressed? No, not really. Sure, "Martial Law" was a watchable enough movie, but it was a rather generic martial arts movie, so writer Richard Brandes and director Steve Cohen weren't exactly delivering gold here.

The acting in the movie was adequate, with the likes of Chad McQueen, Cynthia Rothrock, David Carradine and others on the cast list. While I still am not a converted fan of Cynthia Rothrock, I will say that she does know how to fight.

"Martial Law" had adequate martial arts and fighting sequences to it, which made the movie all the more bearable to watch, truth be told.

Having seen "Martial Law" now, for the first time, I am not particularly much a fan of the movie, and I doubt that I will ever return to watch it a second time.

My rating of "Martial Law" lands on a bland five out of ten stars.
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Mediocre overall
gridoon6 March 2007
Although her role is actually secondary to Chad McQueen's (who is an OK action lead), Cynthia Rothrock is at her near-best in "Martial Law", both looks-wise and fighting-wise. She even goes 1-on-1 against Benny "The Jet" Urquidez at one point, though her highlight is probably when she delivers 6 or 7 rapid kicks in a row to a guy's head! But the script & direction are perfunctory, the "family drama" stuff is so lame and tiresome that it should have been left out altogether, and David Carradine is a weak, boring villain. If you find yourself watching this movie, my advice is to fast-forward through ALL of the dialogue scenes and focus only on the fight scenes - you won't be missing a thing, and you will be getting the maximum value for your money. (**)
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first we have a snack...
FlashCallahan17 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
there is some sort of story here.

Cops brother gets involved with David carradine and his suits, and Phillip Tan with his hilarious 'cockernee' accent.

We know this cop is good, because he's known as martial law and goes out with Cynthis rothrock, the type of girl who beats up any man with a mullet and moustache.

Steve Mnqueens son knows his brother is up to no good, but instead of doing the right thing, he just chases him, tells him to get lost and carries on being martial law.

Carradine gets a little suspect of Mcqueens brother, so he tries to get him to kill the annoying African American guy who turns up every now and again for no reason. Carradine kills the brother, Mcqueen gets all serious by his grave, trains at the beach to some hilarious music, and gets employed as Phillip Tans voice coach.

a typical straight to video gem, starring some familiar faces from action movies from the early nineties, and for fans of the genre, this won't disappoint.

we have the pre credit fight sequence, where the robbers are bad portrayed, one actually looks at the camera. Then as usual, we meet the bad guy, realise how bad he is by watching him prod a sweeping brush handle on someones head causing him to faint and so on.

But these sort of films shouldn't be taken seriously, and i for one, just take these films for what they are, pure trashy action films with no punches pulled.

they are fun movies, and it's great to discover old gems like this from the past
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kosmasp10 May 2019
My teenage self who was watching these types of movies would disagree with me as stern as he could. While I hope he would not be tempted to rate it a 10 out of 10, I know he would indulge in it and rate it higher. And some say I'm being too nice with my ratings.

But back to this, which has Cynthia Rothrock and a guy I can't remember seeing in my youth, when I watched hordes of movies like this. He does have a short introduction at the beginning at it is a decent scene overall to be fair. Except that the stunts dated so badly, it hurts watching. Which is incredible if you think about it: you can actually see how the punches are way off target! But of course it was still enough to spawn a sequel, which is also not a bad thing in general
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The female action Jackson
xenazues11 June 2020
I dont know whether to appreciate these these movies or look at them in disbelief. I watched martial law 2 first by accident before I seen this one. And the two were similar and had nothing to do with each other. I remember hearing about cynthia when I was younger so now that I'm 41 years old and have time I decided to catch back up on the 90s action flicks I missed. And I'm impressed.

This disappointing part is how far they go to use stereotypes in these movies. The black dudes always look typical and usually a superstar small role with the same hair cuts. Even the same as the Asian guys. Known karate experts barely talk. It's sad how much they ripped off from Japan.

And of course your typical white guy who seems to have learned from the asians hand taught "grew up in Hong Kong" type. The whole raised by wolves type of plot. One of a kind.

With that said this movie gets a 6 from me only cause it sticks with the plot. You can follow this movie super easy. The one liners were pretty good. But the acting wasnt that terrible. Its definitely re watchable.

I would have gave it an 8 but i dont recall anything blown up. I dont recall any nudity and david carradine saved the bad guy scenes. But not his best acting. Cynthia saved this movie. Her high kicking antics made it watchable
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Bog standard actioner
Leofwine_draca14 March 2016
In terms of early '90s martial arts vehicles for Cynthia Rothrock, I really enjoyed CHINA O'BRIEN and its sequel, which were thoroughly entertaining and full of slick action. This film, not so much. It's saddled with the chubby and decidedly uncharismatic Chad McQueen as the lead, and the storyline and action just aren't interesting enough to get excited about.

The plot sees McQueen and Rothrock going up against a minor crime lord, played with overacting relish by David Carradine. Philip Tan is the Cockney-speaking henchman, and there's a hell of a lot of scenes of Rothrock kicking various goons in the head, but it's all underwhelmingly shot with below par choreography. I suppose if you're in a deeply forgiving mood then this sort of thing might just about pass muster, but it's not my cup of tea at all.
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It beats Murphy's Law!
GOWBTW20 September 2007
Here's a martial art film I say is a real keeper. "Martial Law" is fine, fast, and running and it's full of great action. Chad McQueen(Steve's son) plays a cop who teams with Cynthia Rothrock who also can kick some serious butt. I like it when she does that over the head kick that's really stealthy. David Carradine plays the sinister crime boss, Dalton Rhodes. It was amazing when he does that lethal palm strike to the heart of that huge guy. When done right, it can kill. Unfortunately, Sean's brother Micheal(Andy McCutcheon) fell the powerful impact of it when he was working for Rhodes. I liked the scene where Sean(McQueen) and Billie(Rothrock) took on the thugs, and Billie does the split and did some repeated groin punches on one the thugs. That's enough to make Johnny Cage jealous! I also like the confrontation fight between Sean and Dalton. It was great to see Dalton get a taste of his own blow. That blow is only good for defense, not for fun among friends. This movie is a lot of fun, and it's a keeper in my book! 3 out of 5 stars!
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Rothrock 2ad Banana
craigstinchcombe41010 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Well it's a okay Action Movie that has Cynthia Rothrock play 2sd Banana to Chad McQueen
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Cynthia Rothrock makes direct-to-video dreck watchable
a_chinn2 August 2019
Weak direct-to-video martial arts action film is a dumb story about a couple of undercover cops, Chad McQueen and Cynthia Rothrock, taking on evil smuggler and martial arts expert, David Carradine. With the exception of Rothrock, who first made her mark on the martial arts world as a world champion and later as an actress in some now classic Hong Kong martial arts action flicks, working with the likes of Michelle Yeoh and Corey Yuen, becoming one of the few western performers to find stardom in the Asian film market. Rothrock is far and away the best martial artist on screen here and is far more interesting to see fight than McQueen or Carradine, although Carradine is the best actor of the bunch, chewing up the scenery and nearly stealing all of his scenes. There's also a fair amount of familiar Asian character actors, such as Professor Toru Tanaka, which does add to the fun, but generally speaking this is a pretty weak martial arts action flick and a rather inauspicious debut for Rothrock into the American film market. You're better off sticking with her Hong Kong films like "Yes, Madam!" or "Righting Wrongs."
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Cynthia Rothrock carries the movie.
tarbosh2200015 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Dalton Rhodes (Carradine) is the leader of a large and growing criminal syndicate. Cop Sean "Martial Law" Thompson and his fellow police officer/girlfriend Billie Blake (Rothrock) are trying to shut him and his cohorts down. When Martial Law's brother Mike falls under the spell of Rhodes, it becomes personal.

As far as plot is concerned, it gets off to a slow start and then continues on at an odd pace, like an athlete that begins sluggishly and because of that, can't maintain his momentum or "get his groove back". Martial Law is unfocused and you don't really know what's going on at any time in any clear, defined way. The elements are certainly there, but it doesn't pull together. Seeing as Chad McQueen (yes, Skylord Harris himself) is an emotionless lunkhead, it pretty much falls on the shoulders of the always-great Cynthia Rothrock to carry the movie. But she's in a supporting role, criminally playing second-banana to a man with a wardrobe filled with silly shirts. Although, to be fair, he does have a cool, fur-lined coat he wears during the day in L.A. and has a rockin' motorcycle.

It's nice to see David Carradine as Rhodes, the classic baddie, looking dapper in his suits. Of course, more than simply an evil businessman, Rhodes knows the "forbidden" Martial Arts Technique "Dim Mak", or touch of death. Never before has there been such a disparity between attempts at realism during the dialogue scenes, and utter silliness during the fight scenes. Martial Law (the movie, not the clunky, overly-long nickname) could have used some car chases and blow-ups to liven things up. The movie lacked a certain fun element that really should have been there. We blame Skylord Harris, and this is one of his BETTER movies.

When he first appears on screen driving up in his Dominos Pizza car and in full Dominos regalia to trick a baddie, our initial thought was, "that seems about right". He seems well suited for that kind of work. And while Benny The Jet Uriquidez appears briefly, as does his famous training center (also seen in Death Match, 1994), and the final fight scene is cool, as is a short training sequence, it's too little too late.

About the music, there's a scene in a club where 80's hair metal band Tempest plays, and the score by Elliot Solomon is lively and amusing, but not memorable. But there's plenty of classic sax to go 'round. But seeing as the VHS released in the U.S. is in EP speed, both the sound and picture leave something to be desired.

While this first installment in the Martial Law trilogy (the third one is Mission of Justice, 1992) is largely mediocre, this would be rectified in the sequels. Starting with Martial Law 2: Undercover, things improve hugely. Luckily this franchise got a chance to grow - but we don't know why. WHY are there two sequels? Were audiences clamoring for more Sean "Martial Law" Thompson? How did this come about? But, fortunately he does return later - as Jeff Wincott. So start at part 2, unless you are a Cynthia Rothrock die-hard.

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