Roadside Prophets (1992) Poster

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Wheezy Rider.
Son_of_Mansfield11 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
It's another one of those collections of weirdos movies which seem to be the modus operandi of independent filmmakers. The best cameo belongs to John Cusack who plays Casper, the friendly pirate. He believes that there should be "free food for everyone." Yeah man, like, yeah. John Doe, everyman in name and features, takes an annoying dead guy's ashes to the homespun casino where everybody knew his name and they were glad he spent his money. It takes him the better part of the film to find it. He asks many, including Timothy Leary, who couldn't help him either, and finally dumps his remains in the desert. If, like me, you were perusing the oeuvre of Jennifer Balgobin, you may be interested to know that after an amusingly spastic exotic dance, she reveals her right nipple. Nice, but not worth having to listen to Abbe Wool's hippie logic or Adam Horowitz's every word. Best enjoyed by those who lived, and liked, the 60's or those who think that Easy Rider is a classic.
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Abbe Wool's sharply humorous and quietly subversive homage to Easy Rider and the spirit of the sixties overcomes an uneven storyline and some casting problems to create an infectious and ultimately charming
pslower-221 July 2001
This laid back, low key and off-beat homage to Easy Rider set against the scorched Nevada desert was a treat to watch. John Doe plays Joe, a Harley-loving loner who leaves his factory job and sets out to find "Eldorado", Nevada where he plans to spread the ashes of Dave, an amiable biker he met in a bar and who had the misfortune to be electrocuted while playing a video game.

There's a lovely sense of the absurd to the proceedings as Joe pours Dave's ashes into a sky-blue motorcylce gas tank which he straps to the back of his 50's vintage hog and heads out down the highway. He's pursued by a Sam, a kid with an obsession with Motel 9's and a puppy dog determination to ride with Joe and become his friend. If there's a weak link it's Adam Horovitz as Sam. The character is underwritten and Horovitz just doesn't make it work.

But what's really nice about the film is the whimsical, darkly comic look back in fondness to the spirit of the sixties as embodied in guest appearances by Arlo Guthrie and Timothy Leary. Arlo runs a restaurant (not Alices'!) and Tim drives a tow truck. Great turns by both as they wax philosophical on the mysteries and meaning of life. David Carradine does a cool and hilarious cameo as Othello, a hooka smoking desert guru.

The tone of the film is playful with a nice tongue in cheek sense of humor that is very hip. While the main storyline falters occasionally there's a nicely crafted and very funny subplot carried on by telephone between Joe and a woman who works in personnel at Joe's plant.

The star turn of this flawed gem goes to John Cusack who does an astounding and hilarious performance and a poverty activist whose does his bit for the movement by ordering massive amounts of food at restaurants, stuffing his face then doing a classic "dine and dash" routine. He shows up twice and is a treat to watch.

The ending falls a little flat but the climax of the film works just fine as Joe finally finds "Eldorado", a tiny Nevada oasis of neon and casinos where they bet everything on Dave's dream. An easy film to watch and enjoy for those who were there.
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Wish the title fit... (SPOILERS)
djelvis216 May 2004
Warning: Spoilers
As road trip movies go, it's subtle and (perhaps too) familiar. Joe (no last name) decides to honor a stranger's last request, and deliver his ashes to an oasis in Nevada. Along the way he discovers the citizens of Today's America: the rebels whose time has passed, the franchise minimum-wagers, the common people in their varying degrees of lunacy... As he drives farther and farther from his old life, the purpose of his trip morphs into a larger exploration of the journey that everyone makes, the journey of life... John Doe's "Joe" pulls off the everyman bit, the straight man for everyone else to prosletyze to and joke around. His only job in the movie seems to be the audience's advocate, reflecting their reactions to the strangeness in the desert. Adam Horowitz's "Sam" is more than the lively sidekick; he represents the end result of being raised in modern times. A pathological liar, a pyro and a lemming, he's the motherless child that considers every location of the Motel 9 franchise his home. Overall, the movie feels as staged as an above-average Afterschool Special. The cameos feel like stunts (Mike Tyson's appearance in CROCODILE DUNDEE IN LA was more believable) and the intentions are so clear from the beginning that the trip seems redundant. And the point? It would seem to be as Sir Edmund Hilary reasoned for climbing Everest; "because it's there."

As a road trip, it's more a pleasant afternoon than the journey of a million miles. 5/10 stars
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Uneven but cool 90s road movie.
Infofreak4 September 2001
Road movies aren't easy to pull off. 'Roadside Prophets' tries and isn't entirely successful, but still has enough cool scenes and good intentions to make it worth watching. Musicians turned actors, Doe (X) and Horovitz (Beastie Boys) play bikers who form an uneasy partnership. One of the problems with the movie is right there - Doe is a natural actor, Horovitz isn't, and doesn't convince.

Anyway, the two set out travelling across America, in a deliberate homage to 'Easy Rider', and the movie in a subtle way is a eulogy for the 60s and a comment on the changes America has seen since then. Many interesting faces pop up in cameos - John Cusack, Timothy Leary, David Carradine, Don Cheadle and Alex Cox regular Biff Yeager to name several - which is half the fun. Especially Cusack's character. It was a pity there wasn't more of him here.

'Roadside Prophets' is uneven, but still enjoyable. If you like this I suggest you have a look at the road movies of Canadian director Bruce McDonald, especially his superb 'Highway 61', a more original and successful movie than this.
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A very pleasant surprise of an oldish road movie.
douglastynyparc6 July 2012
I'm a biker and was looking for something bike related to watch and came across this rather pleasant quirky little movie. It won't win any awards for the acting but the actors did a very passable job and the desert scenery was wonderful bringing memories of my trip there many years ago on some of those very roads. Considered a cult film written and directed by Abbe Wool, featuring musicians John Doe of the L.A. punk band X, and Adam Horovitz of the Beastie Boys, with cameo appearances by, amongst others, Timothy Leary, Arlo Guthrie, David Carradine, an uncharacteristic performance by John Cusack as Caspar, a self-styled "Symbionese" rebel, and a very early film performance by Don Cheadle. Give it a go if you're a biker and maybe if you're not :)
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jazfingr-111 October 2007
Not a bad film; it had a good story line and plot. The two leads do a good (not great) job acting. The writing is a bit weak, OK, it' downright bad. The cinematography is OK to good. The soundtrack is average.

I wanted to like this film and the storyline kept me interested, "but" the secondary actors are terrible, there isn't a good one in the bunch. It's almost as if there were cue cards off camera. The direction is quite poor. Even Cusack's small roll seemed forced and ridiculous. They made the film difficult to watch.

It was all I could do to give this movie a six star rating.
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An entertaining film that needed some more work.
mwendel3 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This film is about a long journey by Joe, played by John Doe, who really doesn't seem to get what life is about sometimes. Obviously the goal of the film is for Joe to wake up somewhere along the line.

The premise is good but the kick-start is a rather amusing in a bizarre kind of way. Joe meets this guy after his first day working at the same plant he's been at for six years. The guy tells Joe about this little casino out in the middle of nowhere in Nevada which he says is the place to go, where "everyone hits the jackpot". In the process of this they decide to go off and get a drink together. They drive an extremely long time to get to a ridiculously pathetic strip joint, where this guy gets electrocuted from an old video game and dies. I think it is this particular sequence that probably condemns this film to grade "B" cult like status.

The cinematic rendering of this film is very basic and feels kind of throw back for a film made in the 1990s. But I think that is part of what made this film watch-able and entertaining. Its delivery of the required philosophical anecdotes and montages at each stop along the way of Joe's journey, while somewhat campy, is sincere because there was no attempt to embellish the messages by pulling in "A" list actors to recite them as we have seen in other movies of this type. I think the messages are honest, blunt and still relevant today.

I think the use of cursing, cigarettes, alcohol, and partial nudity was completely unnecessary. The film might have been given itself more credibility it the barely partial nudity was cut and the cursing removed. Cigarettes and alcohol are so passé in today's movies that I think to an extent we ignore them anyways.

I do think the use of cursing was due to a lack of more intelligent dialog. A re-make of this film could yield interesting results, even using the same actors and scene sequences. I think the film. But hey, that's just my opinion, watch and judge for yourself.
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I like bizarre Nevada flicks, but this one's a sad excuse for a biker road movie with a few amusing bits.
matowakita4 May 2009
Like another reviewer, I'm glad I saw this on IFC instead of paying for a ticket in a theater. Is the lead's name really John Doe? After seeing this mess I thought it was a fake name he used to hide behind. He's not a bad actor, it's the script that reeks -- if they had one. I suspect most of the movie was improvised. The cameos by Arlo Guthrie and Tim Leary are interesting, especially Arlo's rambling tale. He's a master of that genre.

I sometimes enjoy a real "golden turkey," but Roadside Prophets wasn't quite bad enough for the achievement of "so bad it's good." It comes fairly close, but the cinematography and editing are competent enough to keep it out of the "Plan Nine from Outer Space" clan.

The title is excellent -- if only the roadside characters they meet had lived up to it. A more honest title might have been "Roadside Pseudo-philosophical Ramblings." It could have been billed as America's brain-damaged response to the film "Mindwalk".

I'm giving it four stars instead of the three I originally rated it because I was impressed with the huckster-style of the trailer. Together, the movie and the trailer prove anything can be made to sound good with the right sales pitch.

If you want to see a really good, bad movie shot in Nevada, check out "Never Leave Nevada". I saw it many years ago at Sundance and it's a gem from Bizzaro Nevada school of minimal budget strangeness.
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I loved this movie. Saw it on Bravo and knew I had to own it.
dkidd231 August 2006
This is one of those films which you can watch a dozen times and get something different out of it each time. Lots of guest appearances in this movie. I remember the first time I watched it and thought he looks familiar then realized it was Timothy Leary (Tune In, Turn On, and Drop Out Dude from the 60's) not long before he died. I had seen him on a lecture tour around the same time as the movie came out. Also people like Arlo Guthrie, David Carradine, Don Cheadle, John Cusack, etc. My favorite part is the entire section with David Carradine.

This is a road trip movie and if I didn't already know who had directed it, I would have thought it was a Robert Altman film. Lots of good weirdness and things for you wrap your head around. Quite a few "in" jokes that you might not catch the first time you see it. If you watched one time and thought it was okay, then watch it again.
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Who knew a Beastie Boy could act?!?
JanSvede31 October 2002
Although I first went to see this movie because it had Ad-Rock from the Beastie Boys in it. I soon realized it was actually a credible movie. John Doe does great job convincing the audience that he is sigle minded with an altruistic purpose. And I loved the Symbanise Liberation Army scenes with the special guest appearence. I put this flick in the indie-noir catagory just for s***s and giggles. We get a clear glimpse of lower/middle class America and see where we need to assert pressure for change. Lots of changes if I directed
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fsrainman14 February 2009
Don't even think of wasting your time on this tripe. I did and I never give an opinion of a movie on here. But this movie my 4 year old using my cell phone camera and would earn a Golden Globe at least. Don't believe anyone who gives this "cough" film more than one star. Wow what else could I say about this so-called movie that would actually make it worth ten full lines. When a something is so bad a person should not be forced to write more than is necessary. Fortunately if anyone really cares, I was able to watch this movie on cable and the actual cost, money wise, was quite low. The aggravation of time lost comes close to the 2nd bailout er stimulus plan signed today by Orator Obama.
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Philosophical Must - See
ewj5431 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
A movie most people will love or hate. I think it is one of the greatest of all time, but it wont appeal to the hoi polloi. The story of a guy on a mission to scatter the ashes of a casual acquaintance in some unknown remote Nevada gambling town along with his nerdy sidekick. This movie is entertaining in a quirky way but the coolest thing about it is the people the bikers meet and the things that they say. Those people are the Roadside Prophets, and it is the words of those prophets that was the neatest think about the movie. The Prophets are Tim Leary, Arlo Guthrie, John Cusack, David Carradine, and more. This movie reminds me of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance and Dead Poets Society wrapped together with the Firesign Theater. The motorcycle trip is a interesting carrier story line for the real message, which is a philosophical one. Do something with your life. Let your roman candle burn brightly. Don't waste your time sitting on the sidelines.

Abbe Wool is a genius.
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It's not the destination that counts, it's the journey there.
jrabbit-25 October 2000
A blue-collar joe seeking to fulfil a dead man's last wish finds himself sucked into a spiritual journey and questioning his own life.

This is a film that lends itself to being misunderstood. Previous comments have listed it as "rambling", and I can see where it might appear that way. Just remember the name of the film. It's not about the quest to bury ashes. It's about personal enlightenment and breaking away from a static, nowhere life.

Rich characters and counter-cultural icons litter this film. Definitely a find if you're a fan of movies like "Alice's Restaurant" and "Fritz the Cat".
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A Rare Gem
leftoverbot24 February 2009
For those late nights when all you have to entertain yourself with is a TV and a good buzz, "Roadside Prophets" saves. This movie has been hailed as the, "best ever" and that is quite a stretch but, I love it to death nonetheless. I got sucked into it when I noticed Beastie Boy Adam Horovitz was in it. He may not be the best actor but he is interesting enough to pull it off. There are many cameos by some of my favorite personalities. What makes this movie great are the lazy scenes out on the road and somewhat non existent plot. It's one of those flicks that let you leave the couch when you really can't. Roadside Prophets gives you the feel of total freedom and crazy misadventures out on the open roads of America's west. For the first time in 38 years I am tempted to buy a bike (but I wont).
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A Harley riding guy decides to take the ashes of a co-worker to where he always wanted to go.
icelandknight22 August 2000
I enjoyed the movie immensely. Sometimes it reminded me of the 1992 "Highway To Hell" movie, which also seems a bit of a "trip". Being a biker helps when seeing this movie. One 'understands' it, like teens are supposed to 'understand' "Wayne's World".

At times one doesn't quite understand some of the 'visions' the characters have, and one has to guess. Basically, it's a biker fantasy (the boss' daughter on the phone covering for the biker cos she's got a crush on him) with some dark comedy thrown in.

I'd say it's almost a "serious" Cheech & Chong type of movie.
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Worth a watch
Paul_Rudd_has_a_sweet_ass4 February 2004
The main character of this film is on a journey to find a place his dead friend (who he knew for all of 3 hours) talked about and scatter his ashes there. Along the way he bumps into a young man with an obsession with a chain of motels and fireworks who eventually ends up following him everywhere. They become friends (sort-of) and have a very strange adventure indeed. I bought this film to see Adam Horowitz and he gave a great performance. John Doe was average at best but the star had to be John Cusack in a small cameo. Worth watching if you like very odd films. I do so I give it **** out of *****!
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Great food for your head
1L1920 August 2000
This is definitely one of those kick back in your sofa, light up and flow movies. The subdued plotline is warm and insightful and the many cameos in this movie are always a surprise waiting around the next corner.

If you are walking the path or surfin the wave like some of the rest of us, check this movie out.
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A Road Movie Wannabe
rwint20 April 2003
Doe meets a man at work who comes off as very annoying and empty headed. The type of person most people would want to run from. Yet Doe befriends him immediately. Then, when this new friend dies suddenly, he decides to honor him by burying his ashes in a mythical city called El Dorado, Nevada.

Thus begins a very feeble attempt at a road movie. It was made by those who never did it themselves, but still think it would be a cool idea. It's the same people who like the idea of 'rebelling' yet have no idea what to rebel against. It has all the bad road movie cliches with none of the substance. It's too contained with none of the ruggedness. The quirky story threads and 'hype' philosophy are simply attempts to cover up it's own hollowness.

There is some introspection involving looking at the 60's through 80's eyes. It shows how Generation X loves the allure of the 60's and wants to emulate it, yet has no real understanding of what it was about. It also shows how the aging boomer still longs for the open road even though he has now become apart of that dreaded responsible class that still needs to hold down a job. Yet all this is only done in minute spurts with the rest of it drowned out by a trendy existentialism that just doesn't work.

John Doe, the lead actor, aptly fits his name. He is very boring and transparent. The 'celebrity' appearances are nothing more than tired walk ons by fading 60's icons. Horowitz is the only one that manages to give a interesting performance. His youthful energy seems sincere and lively.

It's all very flatly shot and cheap looking. It looks like it should have gone straight to video. It also has some real stilted moments and bad acting too. This thing has the audacity to bill itself as THE EASY RIDER of the 90's even though it doesn't come close. It is pure imitation. Watching the real thing would be better or even watching some of the lesser known road pictures of that era.
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wish it was on DVD
fractalmama4225 May 2006
I rented this movie years ago and have been hoping for a DVD release for years so I can show everyone I know how funny it is. There are so many wonderful cameos in this, too many to list, but mostly you are left with the performances of john doe and adam horovitz. They lead you on a journey we all go on inside ourselves especially while we grow up. Who the hell are we and what do we want from life? How much do the people in our lives mean to us and what would we do for them push come to shove? I know many would think that is too deep for this romp but then I suppose many people consider deuce bigelow real cinema. Anyway, I would recommend this to anyone who for one thing is a nut about music and wants to see some of their favs in a new light and for anyone else with a mind that wanders, take a wander with these roadside prophets.
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Cult classic gem
mywordsdidglow29 June 2020
Before the Hollywood media fawned over itself by hyping (and sometimes over-hyping) female directors, Abbe Wool directed this gem of a movie. For those that love road trip movies this has a little bit of everything. Charming story line , humanity. quirky characters, and a great soundtrack. The cameos alone : Flea, Dick Rude, Don Cheadle, Arlo Gutherie. Timothy Leary, David Carradine and in quite possibly the greatest cameo ever John Cusack. I hope Abbe Wool gets an opportunity to direct again (it has been like 30 years) because this movie was a blast to watch. When I am with fellow movie geeks, this is one I always recommend.
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The movie is good!
a-maiboroda10 August 2008
This movie definitely falls in between of what people like to see and what they like to hope for..

While most of the blockbusters, that come out nearly every week, filled up with the special effects, but the "Prophets" show the simplicity of the idea, and the execution is on the top level! Two guys, bikers, hook up out of the blue, and end up becoming more than just simple pals, because, Joe takes on a challenge to see to his new passed friend last will...

i would recommend this movie to anyone who wants to see beyond the shine of Hollywood and glamour of most of the sunset strip.

View it, you may like it!! Cheers.
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Great Road Movie
xak_flash11 May 2005
I really enjoyed this film, it's worth the price of admission just for the scenes with John Cusack. Overall this is a great flick. I just wonder how it is rated as 5.4/10 when the mean is 7.4 and the median vote is 8.0. I am beginning to think that IMDb rates the movies the way it wants to and then claims weighted ratings. So the films they like get rated higher than ones they don't care for. It's really to bad this is not yet out on DVD it is well worth owning. OK now to mind flow just to make up three more lines of text, anything in particular that needs to be addressed? I didn't think so. Well I think IMDb ratings system is screwy, and this makes the tenth line so I am finished.
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Timothy Leary is Still Dead...
Twins655 December 2003
...and this certainly helped put him six feet under.

I finished ROADSIDE PROPHETS, but it took some work. The movie is watchable, but that's about the only thing "good" I can say about it. A couple of "alternative icon" cameos (and John Cusack obviously in need of any kind of a paycheck back in '92) do not make it worth your time.

Doe is OK, but Horovitz is better sampled in small 4 minute doses. Check out his funny turn in the "Sabotage" video, but walk on by this one the next time you're going to take a chance at the video store.
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Back To School With Ya
grameightball11 June 2009
In response to the guy who does not know who John Doe is, just know that Roadside Prophets was a little labor of love for everybody involved, and wasn't ever intended to be a blockbuster, which is why it's a great little movie. John Doe is the bass player of the legendary LA band X, and has acted in many great little indie films WITH HIS FRIENDS, FOR FUN. In case you don't know, Adam Horowitz is AD-Rock of the Beastie Boys. Seeing these guys and Arlo Guthrie (Do you know HIM?), David Carradine and others in this midnight movie is purely a blast. Carradine's character especially is a treat, one of the many great cameos he's done in his long but now over career. Amen, Bro.
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Sometimes we need to stop and listen to what is being said
The-Sarkologist8 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
My friend pointed this movie out to me, but I was planning on watching it anyway. It was basically an English movie on SBS which usually means that it is an independent production and such movies are generally far superior to the movies shown on the commercial channels. Stan from Southpark quotes independent movies as being: gay cowboys eating pudding. This may be so, but generally they are nothing like that and focus on characters rather than on action. Roadside Prophets is such a movie and there is neither any gay people, cowboys, or pudding in sight.

Joe works at a steel mill in Los Angeles and one day after work he meets Dave. They go for a ride on their bikes and stop at a sleazy bar where Dave tells Joe about a place in Nevada called El-Dorado and the casino there that is really good. He then dies when the video game that he is playing shorts out. Joe was the only friend that Dave had and Joe discovers that Dave's family did not really want him, so he decides to ride out to El-Dorado and bury Dave's remains there.

The movie is about the people that Joe meets on his way. He meets another guy who has an obsession with Motel 9s. He buys a bike and rides with Joe. On their way across Nevada they meet a lot of strange people that seem to speak a lot of wise things. Joe's friend calls them all strange, but Joe seems to see wisdom in their words. They meet a couple who are dying of a disease, one of cancer and the other of aids. Both of them are dying so they joined together to die together. They speak of how one wanted to change they world, but that was taken away from him when he came down with cancer. The other raided an American Military Base and met her friend in prison. Another of the roadside prophets talks to Joe after he has left Billy and explains how everybody needs a friend. This guy is a lonely cook in a lonely town, and this spurs Joe to remember that the best thing to have is a friend and a riding companion.

This movie is a sort of life changing movie. Joe meets a lot of people on his trip, and loses all of his money at a casino believing that it offered hope. Dave spoke of how El-Dorado Casino showered them with money, but when they got there, such luck never turned out. In the end they lost their money and their bikes and were stuck out in the wilderness. Billy wanted to move on, but Joe just wanted to get back to Los Angeles knowing full well that there was a girl there -- Angie -- who had decided that she wanted to marry him, even though they did not know each other. But as Joe watches and continues to find an end to his quest, he sees that all the bonds tying him to Los Angeles are slowly being cut and are being replaced by new bonds. His friendship with Billy is one such bond and the girl from the Casino in Las Vegas is another.

I guess the main theme in this movie is listening to what people say. Joe takes his time to stop and listen to people, and the normal people on the road to his goal are more than just nameless entities -- they are fountains of wisdom waiting to be tapped. Billy called them crazy and that was because he could not see past his own obsessions, but Joe, a man whose mind was ready to be molded, was very eager to hear what they had to say.
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