Amityville: A New Generation (Video 1993) Poster

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Amityville: A New Generation
HorrorFan198416 March 2020
After a very good sixth sequel released a year before this, the series takes a slight step back in the 7th film - Amityville: A New Generation. We continue the theme of possessed items from the original house being evil and having the power to kill people. This one is an evil mirror which has the power to show a person how they'll die - and then makes it happen!

The film begins with a young photographer named Keyes who is given a seemingly innocent antique mirror by a homeless man. We quickly learn that the mirror is cursed and was an item in the infamous house on Long Island. Once Keyes puts the mirror up in his loft, many of his roommates and friends start dying off in pretty creative ways by staring into the mirror. There is also a bit of a backstory with Keyes as we learn that he once lived in the Amityville house as a child and that his family murdered by his possessed father, connecting this sequel to the first two very nicely.

I really liked that they took us back to the original story and tried to integrate Keyes into that plot of the possessed man killing his family. The movie itself though isn't all that scary. The mirror's power to kill people was creative, but not all that terrifying. That is the core problem with the series at this point with the theme of possessed items. No one is scared of lamps or mirrors or dollhouses.

In the acting department, Amityville 7 gives us horror heavy hitters David Naughton and Terry O'Quinn. Both of which are known for 'An American Werewolf in London' and 'The Stepfather' respectively. In addition, Ross Partridge does well as the lead male character. Everyone else is pretty much background to the overall story.

Amityville: A New Generation, like its predecessor, manages to at least be an entertaining watch. It isn't a terrifying film, and the second half falls apart, but if you are a fan of the series it does tie in to the original story of the DeFeo's and their deaths at the infamous Amityville house. It isn't nearly as fun as Amityville 1992, and drags on way too much, but manages to be a competent entry. I'd check it out at least once.

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"What really scares you"?
lost-in-limbo25 December 2013
Here we go again, another mediocre entry to the Amityville franchise that seems to get less interesting the further along it goes. I don't know, but I do miss the ominous house itself which featured prominently in the first three films. Sure it has connections and even the image of it appears in the haunted antique mirror which came from infamous Long Island house, but it's just not the same. The straight-to-video fare "A New Generation" is the seventh film, where the terror scraps suburbia for an urban apartment building filled with budding artists who one-by- one fall to the evil entity.

An antique mirror is given to a photographer by a homeless man. Soon after accepting the gift, the man starts having haunting visions of a killing spree which might just have some relevance to him. But he's not the only one who's been affected by the demonic force within the mirror, but those living in his studio building begin to find themselves possessed/or infatuated by these dark forces.

The plot tries to tie in a little more to the history of the Long House island, especially with the main character's (an affable Ross Partridge) connection to what's actually happening. So most of the time is spent with Partridge's character trying to uncover the truth and dealing with flashbacks. Didn't make it any more interesting though. Predictable and interchangeable. The imitating special effects do have its moments, but there's a real lack of atmosphere and thrills. Sure it's slickly directed, but feels vapid and flat. There's a good supporting cast featuring Terry O'Quinn, Richard Roundtree. Julia Nickson-Soul and a very twitchy David Naughton that do enliven things.

Hardly terrible, but rather uninspired.
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Should have been better, but suffers from serious lack of originality and direction in key places
Muldwych7 March 2010
'A New Generation' is the third Amityville entry to base its plot around writer John G. Jones's premise of an item taken from the Long Island house that causes spectral misery and death for its new owners. First a lamp, then a clock, and now a mirror. However, this is also the first Amityville since 'The Possession' to directly tie in to the real- life events that started the whole series. This time around, Keyes Terry (Robert Partridge), an artist, is given a macabre-looking mirror by a homeless man one day. Soon enough, people around him start to die, eventually leading to his discovery that the mirror once hung in the Amityville house - indeed on the very night a man named Franklin Bronner (Sonny Montelli in 'Amityville II') murdered his entire family. Unfortunately for Terry, his discovery of the mirror isn't entirely coincidental, and he soon learns the truth about his past a truth he's kept buried since childhood.

This 7th installment in the often worn-out franchise is something of a disappointment for me. Things were starting to pick up with the silly and uneven, yet entertaining 'It's About Time', and given how much this film tries to draw upon its roots - not the first episode, but the source material itself - it should have been better than it was.

However, three trips to the same well with yet another evil artifact from the Amityville house with yet another explanation for the malign paranormal visitations is wearing on me, to say the least. One of the biggest weaknesses of the Amityville franchise is the steadfast determination by each set of producers to completely ignore every other episode in the series. On the one hand, it's perfectly reasonable that they don't want to be tied to someone else's continuity, but at the very least, they could maybe acknowledge story lines that have already been done and just possibly *not repeat them over and over again*.

There's also something rather plodding about the way in which the story unfolds, doubtless due to the inevitability this repetition-fest brings. Since you already know what's going to happen, the carefully-paced build-up is simply slow and tedious. Or maybe it's just tedious anyway. Director John Murlowski probably could have done more to heighten the tense atmosphere associated with the mirror rather than simply having it flash red and emit chattering 'evil' voices, which lacks any kind of subtlety. There were times when characters seemed fairly unfazed by its otherworldly qualities. If they don't take it too seriously, why should we?

Which is a shame, because 'A New Generation' has a more-than-capable cast. I was going to hold off on watching this until I saw the name 'Julia Nickson' in the credits. She captivated my attention just as she always does, and if anything, I was annoyed her part wasn't more extensive. Terry O'Quinn was equally charismatic and again, underused. Partridge himself in the lead role clearly fits the early 90s over-coiffed lumberjack-shirted square-jawed hero type, and while I'm not sure he really gave it the gravitas needed, it's not as if anyone here is performing Ibsen.

The sets are also worthy of note, from the dramatic artwork filling Suki's room, to the claustrophobic corridors featured in flashback/supernatural sequences. Getting the look of these right is especially important given how certain sequences are repeated throughout the film to simulated fragmented memories. Clearly, Murlowski is more of a visual director rather than either an actor's director or one of horror. Unfortunately, it is meant to be a horror film, after all.

'A New Generation' sees the same race being run for the third time in 4 years. Add to this the lack of direction where it was really needed and the whole effort fails to stand as tall as it should. However, it should be acknowledged for its strong ties with the source material and some good actors in not necessarily their finest hours. Honestly, the ideal person for this is someone who hasn't seen any of the sequels past 'The Possession', for whom the story won't be such a massive deja-vu trip.
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Pretty good
aaronzombie9 June 2000
Warning: Spoilers
Most people don't like this movie, but I actually enjoyed it. The only thing I don't like is that it doesn't mention the other films, it just shows the infamous Amityville house.

!!!SOME SPOILERS!!! A young artist buys an antique mirror from a bum on the street. As soon as he puts it in his apartment, evil things start happening to his friends. He also discovers who is Father was and his past. Good story, acting, and o.k. effects. ***1/2 out of *****.
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The Amityville yard sale terror continues.
b_kite21 June 2022
First a lamp, then a clock, now a mirror. The Amityville yard sale terror lives on as this time an artist is gifted a possessed mirror from the haunted house by a homeless man (who may or may not be the surviving kid from part 2). As usual weird possession things happen, and people die. There's some good stuff here like a scene where a family gets wrecked by a shotgun, and the supporting cast is pretty impressive including the addition of Terry O'Quinn. Not quite as good or as crazy as It's About Time, but not bad either.
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You Can Skip It
ericritter-0176510 October 2020
An L.A. photographer gets an antique mirror from a homeless man which triggers memories of his mysterious past and also allows a demons to rampage the lofts where he lives and terrorize the residents.

Amityville: A New Generation has a few memorable moments, but a lot of the horror scenes read more goofy than scary, especially any time the demon manifests. It does function as a fascinating 90's time capsule, though, and the cast is much more staked than other entries in the franchise with several horror regulars showing up for supporting roles.
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Mirrors cause problems
BandSAboutMovies12 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Inspired by the book Amityville: The Evil Escapes by John G. Jones, this non-cannon sequel is packed with so many genre favorites and has a pretty astounding premise, combining early 90's performance art and the Amityville mythos.

It's directed by John Murlowski, who also brought us...Santa With Muscles.

Keyes Terry (Ross Partridge, absentee father Lonnie Byers from Stranger Things) is an art photographer who is given a new objet d'art by a homeless man in the form of a mirror that ends up being possessed by the spirit of his father Franklin Bronner. Oh yeah - and it turns out that his dad killed his whole family on Thanksgiving night back in the original Amityville house. Obviously, this has nothing to do with the Defeo family from reality or the Montellis from Amityville II: The Possession.

This was made under the title Amityville 1993: The Image of Evil, which makes sense, as it's all about that evil mirror, which is now killing anyone it comes near and threatens to turn Keyes into the same kind of murderer that his father was.

There are some pretty nice practical effects in this, as the filmmakers were going for an old school tone in the midst of all the neon-hued 90's. That means that none of the visions in the cursed mirror were created with composites or other visual effects, but all created in-camera with the use of half-silvered mirrors placed at an angle in front of the lens. This process is known as Pepper's Ghost and has been a part of magic stage acts since the mid 1800's.

One of Keyes' artist friends Suki is played by Julia Nickson, who was Co in Rambo: First Blood Part II and also in Double Dragon, as well as once being married to David Soul and currently being a member of the Church of Scientology. Plus, you get Terry O'Quinn (Stepfather), Lala (sometimes billed as Lala Zappa, as she's Frank's niece) who was in Dream A Little Dream, David Naughton from An American Werewolf In London, Barbara Howard (Sara from Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter), Richard Roundtree (Shaft!), Robert Rusler (A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge, Weird Science) and Lin Shaye as a nurse.

Writers Christopher DeFaria and Antonio Toro also wrote Amityville: It's About Time. Toro has no other credits, but DeFaria has gone on to produce films like Mad Max: Fury Road and Ready Player One.
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Kinda' stole the Friday the 13th TV series plot line...
bmyers_196315 March 2005
Okay, maybe I'm a little bit too harsh on this movie, since I worked on it and got stiffed on the Credits for SFX... But, I hadn't seen it in about eight years, and when I recently managed to track down a Laser Disc version of Amityville: a New Generation,(yes, the older, really BIG Laser Discs, that you have to stop and flip over to side B, just when a movie gets really interesting...) I was disappointed by how "dated" and bland it seemed to be. It kinda' reminded me of a time when I sat down with some friends to watch my video collection of "Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In" and I had to keep explaining the jokes to everyone...

Oh, well, at least the nudity never gets old, (kinda' like that girl in the bikini on Laugh-In...)
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If you rent this do the world a favor and burn it.
Asmodeus Night11 April 2001
Movies just don't get worse than this. Horrible plot, terribly timed, pathetic characters and effects and yes this is using "B" standards.

And for the guys: nothing, this movie is a terrible let down, couple scenes that could have been great but you get nothing but build up with no delivery.

This movie appeals to no one, horrible movie,it had bad; plot, acting, "B" flavor, special effects and everything else. Plus no nudity or erotics for guys or the girls.
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Ugh... artists
Coventry6 March 2023
To my own surprise, I liked the other two nineties' outings in the franchise, namely "Amityville 1992: It's About Time" and "Amityville: Dollhouse", so I was reasonably confident I would at least enjoy this in-between sequel to a certain extent as well.

Wrong way of thinking, obviously, as this installment truly sucks. I should have guessed in advance, because even the title-addition "A New Generation" is boring and uninspired compared to the other two entries in the mid-nineties' trilogy. The story itself revolves around the most irritating and redundant type of people in the world, namely pseudo-artists. Not real artists, but obnoxious and wannabe amateurs that live in a ramshackle apartment block in a dangerous neighborhood and think of themselves as talented. When photographer Keyes Terry receives the gift of a mirror from a homeless man, the ugly antique thing appears to have a direct link with a vicious family massacre that occurred at the notorious Amityville house. Oh, and there's a connection between Keyes and the culprit of the massacre as well.

"Amityville: A New Generation" is dull and far too pretentious for a straight-to-video sequel from the early 90s. There is potential, for sure, but director John Murlowski fails to generate any tension or atmosphere, and a half-decent connection with the lead characters never gets established. The kills are too few and unmemorable, and the whole climax is a joke. The film is mainly a waste of a good cast, as it's full of familiar faces that can do (and have done) better. There's David McNaughton ("An American Werewolf in London"), Richard Roundtree ("Shaft"), Terry O'Quinn ("The Stepfather"), and Lin Shaye ("Dead End") and all of them deserve better.
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About As Dumb As They Get
BlackSox19194 March 2005
There isn't enough space to explain the many ways this movie is a disappointing mess. Silly special effects and an incomprehensible plot are the least of this movie's problems. The film looks like it was conceived in the mid-eighties and just stewed until it could finally be made in the early nineties. The mullet-headed "hero," (complete with fashionable "Miami Vice" three-days shadow beard), the ham-fisted slams at Ronald Reagan, it would be funny if it didn't take itself so seriously. As it is, the movie is just pathetic. I actually feel sorry for the poor actresses who wasted their fine nude scenes in this awful movie.
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This is a great horror film
jacobjohntaylor17 October 2016
This is a great horror film. It very underrated. It is not a 3.6. It is better then Amityville horror (1979). It is better then Amityville II the possession. It is better then Amityville 3 the demon. It is better the Amityville 4 evil escapes. The Amityville cures it better. Amityville it's about time is also better. The Amityville dollhouse is also better. Amityville (2005) is also better. This movie has great story line. It is the seventh Amityville movie. It has great acting. It also has great special effects. I give it 9 out of 10. It is no 3.6. People do not like this movie because it is a sequel. See this movie. It is a great movie.
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A different take on the Amityville saga which has its own odd charm
boy_in_red2 September 2006
Amityville: A New Generation marks a different take on the Amityville saga- focusing on the personal history and demons of our main character, the likable floppy-haired Keyes Terry played by Ross Partridge, rather than focusing solely on things that go bump in the night. In this sense Amityville: A New Generation is a more thoughtful film that its predecessors, and a bit of a slow burner.

It certainly won't win any awards but it does try something different- time is taken to introduce us to characters, in this case a group of struggling artists very much in the 90210/ Melrose Place mould of attractive, living in amazing apartments but supposedly broke and angst ridden. It's endearing in its own way- right down to the fashion. The occasional self importance regarding the "artwork" can lead to some unintentional humour, all of which adds to the odd charm of this film.

It is nice to see appearances from an older David Naughton (the male lead David Kessler in An American Werewolf in London) and a younger Terry O'Quinn (who plays the enigmatic Locke on the television drama Lost)

Overall though the film is unlikely to set anyone's world alight it does draw you in, and you will find yourself caring for the lead. However as I've said before, expect a different pace and style from the earlier Amityville horror films. Like 1992 its focus is as much on characters changing as supernatural happenings. So be aware of what to expect if you're thinking of picking this one up.
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Amityville A New Generation: More poorly constructed nonsense
Platypuschow21 November 2017
In this seventh outing to Amityville a haunted mirror brings bad fortune, possession and death to an artist and his friends.

What sets this apart from the others is the cast, it has the excellent Julia Nickson as well as industry veterans Terry O'Quinn, Lin Shaye & Richard Roundtree. Thanks to this the movie wasn't an complete bust, but still mostly.

With a baffling story, very little actual horror and being another film that just screams "Milking the franchise" There isn't much to the films credit and I'd say one for fans only.

The Good:

Outstanding cast especially Julia Nickson

The Bad:

Nonsensical plot

Rather dull

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

This Amityville binge is going to cost me some brain cells
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rayray062 November 2000
This movie was not nearly as entertaining as the first couple of Amityvilles. I think it actually had a budget that broke the triple digits. The flashback scene to the nut house was genuinely scary. That's about it. The "dancing demons" were pretty hokey. The idea of highlighting an art show with a poor shmuck coming in and shooting his friends with a Supersoaker was less than Grade-A. That is why most people hate artists.
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I tell ya, the new generation sucks
Smells_Like_Cheese15 November 2006
Well, at least this was the last sequel that I could find at Blockbuster, because this movie was just downright horrible. I mean, I can understand how hard it would be to get rid of an evil house. We're talking starting a horrible fire, bulldozing, flood, etc. But a mirror? How hard could it be can it be to get rid of a mirror?! This was the most horrible movie that could've put the title of Amityville into the picture!

Well, a group of friends who are pretty much from the start, are a bunch of freaks. One of them is a photographer of some kind and buys a haunted mirror from a homeless creepy guy, teaching me a valuable lesson, don't buy things from homeless creepy guy. Of course, the horrible deaths and chaos ensues this group, though I can't imagine anyone missing them.

Please, skip Amityville: A New Generation, I've already got a few complaints about my generation, so I think this was a premonition. Not to sound so crazy. :P But believe me, this is horribly acted, not well thought out, and not even scary! I feel so bad for the original writers of The Amityville Horror, they must be crying every time person witnesses this film.

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Quite dumb
ericstevenson2 November 2017
I was so glad to be over with Slasher Month having to binge watch all those stupid horror movies but at least that's finally over. What this? For Direct To Video Month, there's tons more stupid horror movies! Yeah! The Amityville Horror series has to be one of the least satisfying of all time. I lost count of these, but I think this is actually the seventh! This movie features a magic mirror that belonged to the owner of the Amityville house. Looking into it makes people kill themselves or directly kills him, oh I don't care. This film is surprisingly dull.

There isn't even that much focus on the evil mirror itself. It's mostly just people talking and strange dreams or hallucinations or something. It's hard to keep track because everything in this movie is so uninteresting. There's just nobody to root for. Okay, I will give it credit for doing one good thing. We get to see Terry O'Quinn in the movie! I guess it helps that "Lost" had so many actors that it's easy for me to recognize them in other movies. He's actually pretty good, but he alone can't save this pointless film. It just feels like a long episode of a bad TV show. *1/2
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Almost as bad The Amityville Curse
atinder20 September 2010
A man is talking to a bum, who end up, giving him this mirror, this time is the mirror, that has the evil force in it.

then he gives the mirror too their next door neighbour, soon anyone who look into the mirror will die.

It was good idea, they could have done so much more, and better.

This is a stand alone movie,so it not connected to any of the other in series,

saying that this is third stand alone movie in the series

The acting in this movie was not that bad, the movie it self was way to predicable, can be really, really boring at time,

i wish there was a lot more gore then there was, I did enjoy, one or two so what gory scene, which were really well shot.

This is one the weakest of them of all, it not the worse one in the series.

The Amityville Curse is still the worse of the series, this movie in the second worse but still watchable, unlike The Amityville Curse.

I going to give this movie 3 out of 10
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Looks, Sounds & Feels like Hellraiser 3...just not that bad
Fraudzilla11 October 2023
Given the complete shock to the system that was Amityville 1992: It's About Time, actually delivering a well made and fairly entertaining movie in this largely lamentable series, it probably shouldn't come as a surprise that it didn't take long for another sequel to emerge that doesn't really have much to do with the original, following the tried and, uh, 'tested' method of a haunted item from the Amityville House somehow takes the haunting travelling.

I don't think it's ever stated exactly where it's set, although it was filmed in LA. It's that generic, run down US cityscape that early 90s movies love. This comes complete with the protagonist's abode, some sort of converted warehouse apartment block. Needless to say, they're all artists. Our main man a photographer by the name of Keyes Terry (Ross Partridge) who stays with his girlfriend Llanie (Lala Sloatman) next door to painter Suki (Julia Nickson) under the landlords Dick (David Naughton) and Jane Cutler (Barbara Howard) as they struggle to draw attention to their art.

One day Keyes is drawn to a homeless man (Jack Orend) who he photographs. In return, the man insists he takes his one possession, a family heirloom of a large gothic mirror. When those left alone with the mirror start to come to grisly ends, Keyes starts to suspect and dig into the history of the homeless man - but how does he fit into the puzzle himself?

Following my slightly raised expectations on the back of a watchable previous movie, and a cast with quite a few pleasantly familiar faces, not even touching on Richard Roundtree's short role as a fellow artist and Terry O'Quinn's more significant stint as a cop investigating matters, my hopes took a nosedive in the first few minutes when the music, setting and cast instantly developed a recognisable sense of dread, an unmistakable atmosphere of horror. No, I don't mean the movie has a vibe, I mean it made me think of Hellraiser 3. Honestly I swear this has been made after hours during the production of that turkey.

As proceedings went on, it's got its issues but it is at least slightly better than that. Which is some sort of bizarre paradox when an Amityville sequel is better than anything. It makes a interesting attempt at actually connecting proceedings to Amityville, albeit this is completely half-cooked which is one of the movie's more annoying factors. We've now seen more than one 'possessed artefact' movies, and a good few 'house possessing people' ones, but this actually tries to at least tease merging the two, even if the house itself never appears beyond visions in the mirror.

It's quite something when an Amityville movie's most frustrating trait is things it almost does, as opposed to a plethora of stupid things, but this really is the case here. There's characters like those of Nickson and O'Quinn who I'd have been up for seeing much more of, and the ending just seems very...abrupt. Like they start off down the path of Keyes' history but ultimately have to cut that short so we can attempt to wrap things up.

Reminding me of the atrocious Hellraiser sequel (well ok I'm saying that as though 3 is the only bad Hellraiser, but it's the MEMORABLY bad one) actually has one positive, production values aren't bad at all. Partridge was possibly an unusual choice for lead given some of the players, and his hair has a life of its own, but I found him quite workable at this level. Certainly he isn't bad in the scenes a bit more actual acting are required, and he's possibly the biggest victim of his character's potentially interesting arc being underdone. O'Quinn is also very good in a rare good guy role. It's like Ronny Cox in the 1990 Captain America; I'm constantly awaiting a heel turn that never arrives. Naughton is a tad disappointing though, I'd have preferred they swapped more of his time for Julia Nickson.

This is a really hard film to try and call. It's not good by any stretch, but realistically it is any better than it has any real right to be. Considering the majority of films with 'Amityville' in the title are, well, awful, this is a fairly generic 90s horror movie, even down to the lame subtitle...but that's honestly a solid landing for a series that's missed far more than it hit. It's not something I'd recommend to anyone, but if you are going to subject yourself to an Amityville movie you could do much, much worse.
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Not as Horrific as It Could Have Been
Uriah4326 September 2023
This film essentially begins with a photographer by the name of "Keyes Terry" (Ross Partridge) being given a gift of a large mirror by a homeless person that he had just met. Not thinking much of it, Keyes takes it back to his apartment that he shares with his girlfriend "Llanie" (Lala Sloatman). Not long afterward, an artist who lives down the hall named "Suki" (Julia Nickson) drops in and, noticing the rather unique mirror, asks Keyes if she can borrow it for a while to give her inspiration. Not terribly attached to it, Keyes readily hands it over. What none of them realize, however, is that this mirror was taken from the haunted house in Amityville, and it possesses an evil presence which will soon bring death and destruction to everyone who looks upon it. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this film had an interesting premise and a couple of seasoned actors in Richard Roundtree (as "Pauli"), Terry Quinn ("Detective Clark") and the aforementioned Julia Nickson to assist in its development. Unfortunately, although it started off reasonably well at first, it took a sharp turn into ridiculous territory around the halfway mark and never really recovered after that. That being said, while I don't consider this to be a bad film necessarily, I wasn't overly impressed with it, and I have rated it accordingly. Slightly below average.
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Amityville:A New Generation
Scarecrow-8812 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Oh dear. This sequel has a mirror, this time, which houses the evil spirit of a psychopath which murdered an entire family with a shotgun in the Amityville home. The mirror captured the entire ugly incident of the horrified family who had no time to prepare for their uninvited guest. The mirror is given to a photographer, Keyes(Ross Partridge)by a bum(..who just so happens to be his lunatic father, and the man responsible for killing the family)and it's evil soon terrorizes those in a loft(..such as Keyes' painter pal Suki, portrayed by Julia Nickson-Soul)where he lives when they look into it. Soon Keyes is having nightmares, looking through the eyes of his father as he guns down the family in cold blood, worried that he might follow in his footsteps. Soon he sees other occurrences through his father's eyes like that terrible day pops bashed his mother's head against the floor of an institution or experiencing a moment inside the cell as doctor's administered a drug to immobilize him.

Pretty solid supporting cast who deserve better than being stuck in junk like this, such as David Naughton(American Werewolf in London)as the proprietor of the loft with which Keyes lives, Richard Roundtree as an eccentric sculptor/artist, Terry O'Quinn as a psychologist-detective, and especially Lin Shaye as a hilarious ditsy, rather strange secretary-nurse in the asylum(..the one which held Keyes' father) soon to be closed down.

Rounding out the film, the sexy, leggy Lala Sloatman as Keyes' supportive girlfriend, Barbara Howard(Friday the 13th:The Final Chapter)as Naughton's betrayed wife(..he was on the verge of starting an affair with Nickman-Soul), Jack Orend as the sadistic fiend who attempts to provoke his son into killing innocent people as he did, and Robert Rusler(A Nightmare on Elm Street 2:Freddy's Revenge)as a rejected lover(..of Nickson-Soul)who meets an unfortunate demise while ripping apart paintings as a revenge for his dismissal.

This film is a poor special effects movie merely using the Amityville title as a cash-in. The franchise has never been that great to begin with, but as each sequel was green-lit, it grew worse and worse. After the third film, furniture from the infamous house become "possessed" items tormenting folks. The cast try hard, though, but the material(..a mirror causing chaos and murder through supernatural means)is lacking in quality..and the rather mediocre special effects don't help matters. O'Quinn, as little as he has to work with, shows why he's such a great actor, he can even shine in excrement such as this. All's not lost, you get to see Sloatman always wearing super short skirts(..or her man's shirt in panties), showing off her legs throughout..hey, you have to find a silver lining somewhere. Believe it or not, AMITYVILLE:A NEW GENERATION was the seventh film in the franchise! Coolest part of the film were the portraits of demons painted by Nickson-Soul's artist, perhaps inspired by the evil mirror after looking into it.
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Really baf
jspicer9829 October 2020
The first 2 movies were ok. This one was absolutely terrible. Terrible plot, acting and effects. A mirror, really???
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Strong cast average movie
PidgeC5 April 2022
Ignore the ridiculous 1 star reviews from people who can't even get the plot points right, this is a decent enough movie with a cast of professional actors who can all act.

Not really a true Amityville movie, a cynic might suggest that they tacked on the name Amityville...shame on you! Haha. This is worth a watch, just don't expect too much.
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Barely better than "The Amityville Curse"
Cole_Early7 July 2007
Not a good one. -Not at all.

This installment revolves around a descent of the original murderer inside the Amityville home who must face his past to rid himself of the nightmarish terror of Amityville itself.

It's basically nothing. My bet is that this film was made for some extra fast-cash to buy a boat or something... because this one's just ridiculous... Thankfully, it doesn't kill or ruin the series, but it just has no effect on the series at all.

I'd have to say that just the fact that it is constantly referenced to the old, infamous house is probably the only thing that makes this one slightly more bearable than "The Amityville Curse".
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This okay entry in the Amityville series doesn't do much with the mirror
raisleygordon11 June 2014
This is an okay movie, but it doesn't generate much excitement or suspense because there's not much done with the mirror and the characters are not especially interesting. This picture is less about the mirror than it is about this kid's history concerning his deceased, murderous father. The only truly interesting characters are the detective, played by The Stepfather's Terry O'Quinn, and Llanie. And just like in the previous film, "It's About Time", there's no Amityville house either (except in flashbacks). If this really is a new generation, then I would have preferred the old one.

**1/2 out of ****
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