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hilarious parody of suburbia
silentbdeadly30 May 2003
If you like Peter Jackson's earlier works, "Bad Taste" and "Braindead," you'll love this film as it works in the same vein. It's a great parody of the dull life of suburbia whose citizens seem to have no reason to live but would be willing to do whatever they can to live as long and as healthy as possible. They become unwitting guinea pigs of experimental drugs designed to create superhumans. Warning: it has some really gross scenes, but this is secondary. This is one of those rare B-movie horror films that actually tries to convey a message and pokes fun at itself at the same time.
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The Incredible Melting Aussies!
Coventry7 April 2006
Icky throat-tentacles, a murderous placenta at large, exploding penises… "Body Melt" features quite a lot of splatter-images that you don't see every day, and I'll leave it up to you whether that is a good thing or not. Still, despite being remarkably better than its fellow contemporary melt-movies ("Street Trash" immediately comes to mind), this remains forgettable 90's horror with an insuperable lack of coherence and professionalism. I'm aware that it was all meant to be absurd and over-the-top gooey, but a little bit of continuity wouldn't have hurt anybody, would it? The goodhearted residents of Pebbles Road all receive free samples of a new vitamin product from the eminent Dr. Phillips' health farm, immediately after a bizarre lethal car accident took place in their peaceful street. Each and every one of them soon undergoes drastic physical changes, as it seems like this vitamin drink actually is an experimental drug. A Pregnant woman loses her placenta, a male resident has visions of a severely mutilated girl and two teenagers that seem to have escaped the "test" end up at an inbred & cannibalistic family that is also related to Phillips' health farm. It takes a duo not-so-bright cops quite some time they realize the clinic might be involved. The splatter images in "Body Melt" are indeed extreme but not at all constant and the gore-free sequences in between are actually quite dull. As strange as it may sound, the screenplay is much more effective as a social satire instead of a repulsive horror flick. Philip Brophy cleverly spoofs a lot of hugely irritating 90's trends, such as brainless fitness-freaks, fraudulent health-gurus and typical joy-joy TV soap-operas that portray life in the suburbs way too rosy.
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Weird gross outs and inexplicable Aussie humor
MBunge12 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
If you've been searching for a movie with an exploding erection in it, look no further than Body Melt.

I think this film is supposed to be an Australian Horror-Comedy. I'm not sure about that because while it is reasonably gory, it's barely funny. Now, I'm not terribly familiar with any Australian humor that does not involve throwing a shrimp on the barbie, so it's possible I'm just not getting it. But any possible comedy in the film can't be more than a very, very poor man's version of Benny Hill, if Benny Hill had a fetish for bodily fluids and rural inbreds.

The basic story involves a company called Vimuville and the special formula it tests on a variety of people to ill effect. There's a single guy, a pregnant couple and a family that takes a tragic trip to the Vimuville health spa. They take the drug and their bodies break down in what I'm sure were disgusting ways to Australian audiences of the early 90s. Compared to American special effects gore of that time period and since, it's fairly tame even if quite inventive. One of the more interesting things is that there's very little blood in this film. But it's more than made up for by buckets and buckets of snot, vomit and fleshy ooze.

There's also a couple of detectives investigating the case and a couple of kids, who look and act like the Australian version of the teenage guidos from that TV show "Growing up Gotti", that end up shanghaied and brutalized by a family of rural Australian mutants. I think a lot of the humor in the film is, theoretically, supposed to be wrapped up in the inbreds vs. Aussie guidos scenes. But, even though they pretend to tie in all together, it's like the Down Under version of The Hills Have Eyes got spliced together with the Down Under version of Videodrome or something.

What Body Melt has going for it are some creative though crudely executed gross outs, some naturalistic nudity, what I believe is one of the only fully sculpted, fake corpse penises in cinema history and some insights into Australian culture. What it lacks is a coherent story, characters you care about and fully discernible dialog. The Australian accents in this film are the full blow kind, not the cleaned up, Americanized sort you hear from Nicole Kidman or Hugh Jackman. Honestly, you either have to rewind and listen to certain bits over and over again or just shrug your shoulders and go along. I'm not sure even understanding all the dialog would make the story any better.

The credits list this movie as based on several short stories and they didn't work very hard to tie them together into a complete whole. It's more like one of those anthology movies like Creepshow, though it's not even as good as Creepshow II.

The insights provided into Australian culture are two.

1. Australians apparently like to say the F-word. A lot. And not for emphasis like Americans do, but more like it's a random adjective or punctuation.

2. Australian Cinema in the early 90s did not place a huge amount of importance on physical beauty. Body Melt has a fairly large cast and there's two, maybe three people in the whole movie pretty enough to be in an American film. Especially in an American gross-out horror flick, where pretty actors are used almost like set decoration. Frankly, Body Melt may demonstrate the wisdom of casting the handsome. If the actors in this film were more attractive, you might pay more attention to them and less to the film's flaws.

The effects don't live up to today's CGI standards, but if you're looking for some unusual gore (like that exploding erection), you can find it in Body Melt.
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"That's what we call outback humour"
suttercane20 January 2004
This movie really surprised me. I picked it up after reading the rave reviews from other IMDB members, and on the strength of everyone comparing it to Braindead (aka Dead Alive).

Well, it isn't like Braindead. It's something new, something extremely unique and original. Really impressive if you ask me, and a whole lot of fun. I loved the inbred family, loved the "over-the-top" gore effects.

There is one thing that not many have mentioned yet, this film is clever. It isn't just some empty splatter film, it has personality and style. We never really get to know the characters that well, but it tells a good story just as well.

Oh, and it's funny. Very funny. Any movie in which a couple of deformed hillbilly kids kill a kangaroo with a rock at 1000 yards, then eat it's adreno glands to get high, has got something to say.

Love it.
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Not what I expected, and what I saw, I didn't like.
TokyoGyaru11 February 2021
The listing said it was horror/sci-fi, but it had a lot of "comedy" bits in that 1. weren't funny at all (just silly) and 2. I neither wanted nor needed. They were clearly going for satire, but none of it landed for me (maybe Australian humor is different, but I have no problems understanding humor from other countries, so I don't think that's it). I was very interested in the concept/mystery of the drug/body horror, so I was invested, but once the outback inbreds were rolled out, I was done. Robocop did sci-fi/body horror/satire FAR better.
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Lots of slimy stuff!
symbioticpsychotic26 December 2002
The residents of Pebbles Court, Homesville, have been chosen (unknowingly) to take part in the testing of a new Vitamin Supplement manufactured by a company known as Vimuville. Unfortunately, there are horrible side effects due to chemical imbalances in the body and the like, and most of the cast end up exploding, or imploding and various other things. The graphic FX are good; script nice and tight (and funny), and it's full of colour. So, not really a horror, but more along the lines of The Toxic Avenger(1985), Braindead(1992) and Street Trash (1991).
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It will melt your brain alright...
paul_haakonsen21 September 2018
I had not heard about "Body Melt" prior to stumbling upon it by sheer random luck. I decided to watch it solely because it was listed under the horror section.

Right, well I managed to endure 45 minutes of the ordeal that is known as "Body Melt" before I completely gave up from sheer and utter boredom. There was nothing interesting to the storyline, which actually seemed like they were just making up the story as they went along.

The characters in the movie were every bit as random and pointless as the storyline itself, which really didn't do much to improve on the overall movie experience.

It should be said that the special effects were adequate, taking into consideration the type of movie and the budget it was on.

All in all, this was not a particularly interesting or enjoyable movie. And I have absolutely no intention of returning to watch the rest of the movie.
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Does what it says on the tin.
BA_Harrison10 July 2016
Australian pharmaceutical corporation Vimuville tests a revolutionary cognition enhancing vitamin on the inhabitants of a suburban housing estate, unaware that their drug has been sabotaged by an ex-employee. When consumed, the vitamin— missing a vital ingredient—causes hallucinations before reducing the user to a gloopy mess of mucous and gore.

Being Antipodean and hailing from the early '90s, messy low-budget schlock horror Body Melt, directed by experimental musician Philip Brophy, automatically makes me think of Peter Jackson's splatter-fest Braindead, although it never quite matches that film in terms of sheer lunacy or creative bloodletting. Thematically, the film is much closer to Larry Cohen's deadly dessert cult classic The Stuff (1985), but is most similar in overall tone to Jim Muro's 1987 melt movie Street Trash, which featured a cast of colourful down and out characters dissolving or exploding after imbibing a toxic liquor.

As with Muro's film, the messy death scenes in Body Melt are the undisputed highlight, no two victims going the same way. The first to suffer is Vimuville employee Ryan (Robert Simper), whose neck opens up to reveal quivering tentacles. Radio station employee Paul has his face reduced to a gory mess, his lips peeled off and his eyes bulging from their sockets. Pregnant housewife Cheryl gives birth to her placenta a month early, the pulsating protein sac latching on to her husband's face while her belly opens up to reveal her innards.

Other fun stuff includes a family of kangaroo-killing out-back inbreds, an imploding head, an exploding penis, gratuitous nudity (both male and female), a roller-blading brat falling from a height onto his face, and Harold Bishop from Aussie soap Neighbours (Ian Smith) getting his ear pulled off.
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Only worth watching to see Harold from Neighbours in a very different kind of role
Leofwine_draca11 December 2015
A gross-out, low budget Australian comedy horror, very blatantly following in the footsteps of BAD TASTE and BRAINDEAD. Unfortunately it lacks Peter Jackson's inventiveness and also the ferocity of his films, and by the end of this run-of-the-mill gore fest, the viewer distinctly gets the feeling of 'been there, done that'.

The plot is both confusing and difficult to describe, and is merely a linking device between the numerous gory slime sequences, which clearly owe their inspiration to '80s trash classics like STREET TRASH. The focus is on comedy instead of horror, in fact there is actual little horror at all, apart from the gore. None of the actors and actresses are in the least bit convincing, they're all very bad. Characters come and go without explanation and the film is full of those stock hillbilly depraved, deformed, demented types which seemingly fill every Australian exploitation film I've seen.

I didn't find the comedy in the least bit amusing, mainly as it's basic and pretty childish, but I guess it depends on your taste. The special effects are definitely eye-popping (literally in one case) and disgusting, as to be expected. They're also pretty rubbery and fake-looking. I'm surprised that it was released uncut in the UK actually, the censors were obviously being lenient. Expect lots of green slime, there is little in the way of blood, apart from people's bodies splitting open occasionally. Added into the brew is a generous dash of female nudity and some action.

I give this film one of the lowest scores, and only one singular factor at all redeems it. Harold Bishop, from NEIGHBOURS (also known as the actor Ian Smith) is in it. And he plays a mad doctor! If this isn't the highlight of sheer craziness in the film then I don't know what is. If you've ever wanted to see the mild-mannered Harold swear, shout, and wield a gun, then this is the film to watch. He's totally hilarious and I loved every moment he was on screen. Smith is the king of cult comedy. Apart from that, BODY MELT is a missed opportunity, something good could have been made around the special effects but unfortunately they're wasted. It's the classic case of "all special effects and no story do not a good film make".
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MLS8631 March 2021
This is an interesting movie! Not sure what I was expecting, and this wasn't quite it, but I definitely enjoyed this very much. I love movies with unique concepts like this and it didn't disappoint. Tons of body horror and some good, goofy laughs. It's basically a black comedy with some really nice special FX. Would watch this again.
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The worst film I've ever seen!
jacks_smirking_revenge12 August 2001
This is by far the WORST film ever made..... It makes me a little embarrassed to be an Australian. On my 'TOP 10 WORST MOVIES' list,there this film will be, sitting proudly on top. Not only is the acting fifth rate, the special FX crap, and the script a sespool of junk, the direction is absolute garbage! I dont know if anyone knows this, but there are a few actors in this film who are rather big in Australian TV. Lisa McCune..... Harold from Neighbours....... this movie gave me an extremely low opinion of these people that they will never be able to win back. All Australian films aren't this bad, I promise you. Instead of this &%$, check out Moulin Rouge, The Dish, Chopper, Romper Stomper, Dead Calm.....or even Looking For Alibrandi(if desperate). I know i had to, to remind myself ...... IT AINT ALL AS BAD AS THAT!!!!
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Strikingly original, absurd and wonderfully gory horror comedy ...
cafm28 October 2014
As an Australian reviewer it is gratifying seeing reviewers from other countries express their appreciation for Philip Brophy's little 1993 gore-fest. Brophy is something of a Renaissance Man, wearing many hats from composer and musician to film critic, curator and academic (for those interested in Brophy's scholarly work you might want to check out his website:

BODY MELT cleverly pokes fun at a variety of popular contemporary Australian television dramas (most notably NEIGHBOURS, the long-running prime-time Aussie soap opera well-known to British viewers and set in the neighbourly cul-de-sac of Ramsay Street) and 1970s Aussie police procedurals. Even most of his cast come from Australian television series, such as BLUE HEALERS regulars Lisa McCune and William McInnes and Brett Climo (who starred in A COUNTRY PRACTISE and THE FLYING DOCTORS) and Gerard Kennedy, the face of Crawford Productions 1970s cop show, DIVISION 4. Perhaps best of all is the casting of NEIGHBOURS veteran Ian Smith, who plays Harold Bishop in that long-running TV Soap. Casting Smith as eccentric Dr. Carrera, Brophy provides the actor with a rare opportunity to play against type and Smith inhabits the role with relish.

I was at the wonderful old Valhalla Cinema in Northcote (now the far less interesting Westgarth Cinema) back in 1993 on the night that Brophy premiered BODY MELT to an appreciative Melbourne audience who belly-laughed at the over-the-top comedy and lurid special effects. His depictions of bodies self-destructing and liquefying in various icky and imaginative ways recalled, for me, Brophy's 1988 experimental film, SALT SALIVA SPERM AND SWEAT, in which he explores corporeality and the idea of bodily fluids as a form of social exchange. At the screening, Brophy explained that he incorporated ideas he'd had for shorter films into BODY MELT as side-stories, admitting that while they do not contribute towards a cohesive narrative, they nevertheless fit within the broader thematic concerns of the film. Indeed, I would argue that these moments of suburban Gothic psychedelia and outback redneck cannibalism add to the outlandish comedy and disorienting effect of the film.

It's nice to see people from other countries getting into this film, which deserves a higher rating than 4.3, even if some of the humour is culturally parochial. Thanks to those who took the time to watch and appreciate this overlooked little gem.
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Wild and Crazy Look at Vitamins
Reviews_of_the_Dead14 July 2019
This was a film that I never actually heard about, but when there was a new version of this release, it seemed to gain traction with people talking about it. I was intrigued from the title to see it. The synopsis is residents of peaceful Pebbles Court, Homesville, are being used unknowingly as test experiments for a new 'Body Drug' that causes some horrible side effects.

We see a couple that just had sex. The guy tells Shaan (Regina Gaigalas) that they need to stop what they're doing, because it is illegal. He says something about testing on humans. She tells him to not worry about it. He then leaves, going back to his computer to figure out who is currently being tested on. We then hear her say to someone over the phone not to worry about him, that she gave him a dose that will kill him by morning. We then see the effects of whatever she gave him, he starts to melt. He does make it to the place he was going, but dies immediately.

The place he was going to was Pebbles Court, Homesville. This from what I gather is near Melbourne, Australia. Living in this housing development are four groups of people. We have the Nobles, with the father Thompson (Adrian Wright) who is quite health conscious. His wife Angelica (Jillian Murray), their son Brandon (Ben Geurens) and daughter Elloise (Amanda Douge) also live there. Next to them is a married couple who are expecting, Brian (Brett Climo) and Cheryl Rand (Lisa McCune). The next place is either the house of Sal Ciccone (Nicholas Politis) or Gino Argento (Maurie Annese) who are bother younger guys while the family is away. Then there is Paul Matthews (William McInnes). He is divorced and this is the person the man was coming to see. The company the dead man worked for was Vimuville and they sent some vitamin powder to Paul.

The accident draws the police and they start to look into what is going on here. The two cops are Det. Sam Phillips (Gerard Kennedy) and Johnno (Andrew Daddo). They investigation takes them to Vimuville's new health camp, but they see no reason to linger there. They trace it there due to a pill bottle found on the dead man.

Paul starts to hallucinate and doesn't really feel himself. He starts to see Kate (Suzi Dougherty), at first deformed and then normal, but her normal way is quite worse. The two young guys are supposed to go to Vimuville, but they get lost and end up with some aborigines. The old man in charge is Pud (Vincent Gil) and with him is his deformed family. The problem is that they might have a connection with Vimuville as well.

Cheryl is seeing doctor Dr. Carrera (Ian Smith) who seems to be harboring a secret and his treatments might not be going along with his the code of ethics that he should be as well. What is going on with Vimuville and their new product?

Now I wanted to be a bit cryptic and not to really spoil anything, because I'm going to be honest, this film is wild. At first I was so confused as to what was going on. It really does jump into it and doesn't waste any time. I will actually touch on the pacing here, because it is great. I never got bored and if anything, I thought the film could have pumped the breaks to explain some things. To be honest though, I'm almost glad that it didn't now, because it does all make sense in the end. It is interesting that this is a combination of short stories by co-writer/director Philip Brophy, because that's exactly how it feels. I do love how this film plays out, which will bring me to an issue this film is exploring.

There is a coroner in this film, Willie (Bill Young). When he is doing an autopsy he tells us that the 1980's was doing drugs and in the 90's, it was going bigger. I do vaguely remember that there was a health kick of vitamins and I think that's what this film is parodying in a sense. We didn't really know what we were putting into our bodies and we still don't know if it was good or bad for us. I like that this film is exploring that with a company that is doing illegal testing to circumvent the system. It is scary that with the United States current president removing regulations, things like this could happen here.

I will warn you to not come to this film expecting great acting. This film is part comedy and definitely over the top. It does feel a lot like an early Peter Jackson film to be honest, which makes sense as Brophy worked on Dead Alive. I really dug that aspect of it. I did like Kennedy who plays the main detective. He really is no nonsense while his partner, Daddo, is a bit more comedic relief. Smith is an interesting character and I also like Gaigalas. She would make a perfect capitalist worrying about making money and not about the repercussions. The actors in the outback are gross and I liked it. The people those living in the housing development are all different enough. I don't have anything bad to say, but no one really stood out overall.

Something that I do have to give credit to would be the effects of the film. They went practical and they went after it. Not everything looked real, but with some of the things that are happening in this film, that would be nearly impossible. Despite that problem though, this film is gross and I loved it. I'm not really into splatter or things like that, but with the comedy it just has some charm to it. I also think it is shot very well.

An issue I did have with the film would have to be with the soundtrack. I didn't think that the techno music really didn't work at times. There were some moments that I was down for it, especially in one of the hallucinations. There also were times where it needed to be tense and it was a bit too upbeat. I do understand that the group is the same ones who made the film, which explains it; it just didn't work for me.

Now with that said, this film isn't great, but I had a blast with it. It really is a wild film and there are some outrageous things that happen. What is scary though is the actual basis of this film could legit happen, especially with some things we are seeing in the US with pushing back regulations. Basing it in reality like that is solid. It doesn't waste any time getting into anything and I thought how it plays out is solid. It really brings all of the threads together which I needed. The acting isn't great, but fits for what was needed. The effects were practical, which I also love. They all don't necessarily look great, but they definitely were fine by me. The soundtrack doesn't always work, but it does have its moments for sure. Overall I wouldn't recommend this to everyone, but if you are looking for a fun horror film that's gross to watch with friends or check this out for the real world implications of 'pharmaceutical products', check this out.
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Not even Ian Smith can save this one!
andrewlast2 October 2000
This is a film about a corporation which, for no apparent reason, is testing a body-enhancing drug on the local 'Ramsey Street' like yocals in an Australian community.

A man drinking bleach in the opening 5 minutes?!?!?!?! This was gonna be one bizarre schlock horror experience from the off. A severe lack of storyline and any continuity really reminded us all of why Australia is not a name readily heard when discussing great movie moments.

I realise this is low budget but could they not have at least found a body builder who didn't sound like a chipmunk?! Even with Ian Smith (Harold from Neighbours) having a pivotal(!) role as a doctor involved in the trials this film is one big joke from start to finish. Even the video cover has a picture of him with his left ear cut off when it's his right that gets cut off in the film!

This nearly overtakes Twin Dragons as the worst film ever! A resounding 1 out of 10.
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Hell of a good time!
Infofreak20 August 2001
'Body Melt' is one of the most misunderstood Australian movies of all time! Director Philip Brophy, who has a background in avante garde electronic music and performance art, has created a wicked subversion of splatter movies. The film is all the better for having many Aussie soap stars and familiar faces in its cast, a fact that will probably be completely lost on overseas viewers. Just imagine your own "beloved" family favourites in the main roles and you might start to see what Brophy's done here.

'Body Melt' is rude, crude, messy fun that only a complete idiot could take SERIOUSLY as a horror movie! So sit back, tune in turn on and drop IN to 'Body Melt'! Just watch what you eat when you do....
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artpf20 September 2013
This is more of a horror-comedy than a strict horror film.

Some sort o elixir causes people to die a horrible death. Not sure why it's called Body Melt, however. It's more like something grows inside them a la Alien.

Perhaps being filmed in the 90's explains why this is not letter boxed. Unsure, but it's so odd watching a film that is a perfect square these days.

Anyway, it's a weird film. Not great. Plus there is an overly long subtext with a weird family in the country. Not sure why that was even there really and it went on for about a good third of the movie! There are definitely long drags of boredom. The film feels like it's 3 hours long Oh, and the special effects really suck.

In all, it's not really worth the effort.
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So much potential.
csnewlon7 October 2020
I really do like this film a lot, but there's something missing in all the body horror moments. If there was just a little bit more given for every victim then it would've been a great movie. Yeah the acting could've been better and the direction of the story wasn't very well paced or clear. At time it would just get caught up in the parts of the story that didn't really add anything or had little purpose. I would've enjoyed it if they would've given us more of Paul's story. So many missed opportunities for some really heavy hitting horror. I still give it a 6/10 though. They tried and it shows.
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The first, second and third stages are all a choking sound
The_Void22 June 2006
Body Melt is basically what it appears to be; just a big pile of gore. Australia isn't a nation instantly recognised for a lot of hit horror films (despite one or two successes), and this one really shows why - as aside from all the blood and guts, there is nothing at all to recommend it for; and anyone that doesn't watch horror films purely for gore won't even have that small pittance to fall back on. Body Melt is a more modern example of the 'melt movie' - a worthless type of film kicked off by the worthless James Muro flick 'Street Trash' towards the end of the eighties. I can't say I've seen too many of these sorts of movies, and this one isn't even as good as the earlier eighties film. The plot is similar to Street Trash, as it follows the unoriginal idea (also seen in Larry Cohen's "The Stuff") of a new product disrupting people's bodily functions. The product in this film comes from a health farm and is known as 'Verbatim'. The film starts with a sequence that sees a horribly mutilated man crash his car after his body begins to melt. After that, we see other people melting...

The film only runs for about seventy five minutes (not including closing credits), and the vast majority of that is filler. It would seem that every time director Philip Brophy doesn't know where to go, another person melts. It didn't come as a surprise to me, therefore, that the film is based on a series of short stories - as that's exactly what it feels like. The gore actually isn't bad, as despite being cheap it does have a cheerful feel to it; and the film goes further than most would dare, as offending body parts include penises, placentas and over-sized tongues developing a mind of their own. The way that they are used doesn't inspire the imagination, however, and that is a shame as this film could actually have been quite scary if done correctly. The only recognisable person in the cast is Ian Smith, who many will immediately identify as 'Harold' from the Aussie soap 'Neighbours'. It's not surprising that there's no other 'names' as this production is unprofessional and lacklustre, and if I were an actor with a good reputation; I wouldn't have gone anywhere near it. This film might delight fans of mindless gore; but most of us are better off elsewhere.
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Not As "Splattery" As I Was Expecting...
EVOL66614 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I've read/heard various things about this film, both good and bad - and I can honestly say that I wasn't very impressed. BODY MELT started off pretty decent but lost it's steam about half-way through and never really regained it.

The film is about a vitamin lab that's testing out it's newly created drugs on hapless locals. The drugs cause weird stuff to happen to the users, ending in some splattery demises. There's a side-plot about a mutated family whose father used to work at the "vitamin" facility, and a few other nonsensical things thrown in for good measure...

First off, BODY MELT isn't all that gory. It's got a few OK scenes, but nothing that you haven't seen from a Troma film before. There were some funny moments, and I was hopeful that it would turn out to be pretty good, as I was genuinely entertained for the first half-hour or so - but after that - it all just gets pretty dull and uninteresting. I guess it could be enjoyed if you bang back a few drinks or something, but unfortunately, I was stone sober at the time. Regardless - I'd say it may be worth a one-time-watch just for the hell of it, but I'd try to rent, not buy...6/10
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Not exactly horror and not exactly comedy... but extremely BAD
Aussie Stud23 July 2001
This movie was one of Australia's 'attempts' at making a horror movie, Peter Jackson-style, but instead turned out a turkey that went straight-to-video.

The plot, (if you could call it that) is simple. A company manufacturing a 'health' drink in powder form decide to distribute it amongst a group of residents living in a cul-de-sac. Little do they know that anyone who consumes the 'health' drink end up mutating and dying in revolting ways that try to be humorous, but instead makes the audience groan in disbelief. This movie treads in the 'been-there-done-that' territory.

All the 'characters' are as usual, Aussie stereotypes played way over the top by renowned Australian TV stars, such as Lisa McCune (of "Blue Healers"). One ridiculous storyline has a pair of young men ending up on a farm as captives by a group of mutated hicks. We even get to see the horny guy trying to hit on the big ugly sister which is really revolting.

The deaths themselves are quite ludicrous. One woman has her tongue swell up she chokes to death. Another woman gives birth to a mutant baby that crawls around the room like one of the 'face-huggers' from the Aliens series. One man's face literally 'melts' off. All of this is either supposed to make you laugh or cringe. Instead, you will find yourself rolling your eyes at how incredibly foolish you were to either rent this movie or watch it on Cable.

Give this movie a miss - there's nothing here to root for.
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Its an ooey gooey mess.
abduktionsphanomen47124 January 2022
Body Melt - 1993 ( This Film Rates a C- ) The film starts off with a nude woman injecting a man with some green substance. Later, the man has some side effects and starts to mutate. While trying to warn the residents, he crashes his car into the quiet town of Homesville, Melbourne, Australia. After being ejected through the windshield some living organism with tentacles slithers into his open neck wound. Meanwhile, the residents unknowingly become test subjects for a new dietary supplement that they find in their mailboxes. Some people have already been part of the experiments. Once taken the first "stage" starts off with horrific hallucinations and delusions where imaginary people appear disfigured and of the darkest nightmare. As the film progresses you realize the scope of the experiment is much bigger and becoming more out of control all the while the products are ready to be shipped to the general community. Come to find out there was a necessary additive stolen from the lab and never included in the final product. There are exploding penises, spontaneous alien like births, autoerotic strangling's, elongated tongue suffocations, and a lot of ooey gooey melting messes. Eventually the manufacturing lab is shut down, infiltrated by the police. It all sounds like fun, but it falls a little short. The story also follows two young teenagers from the same street who get lost in the Australian backwoods. The adventures there are truly bizarre and laughable. This has a mediocre script with all the typical Australian lingo. Too many of the stories are unfinished and left with loose ends. It also has an ending that does not surprise anyone. The gore effects are fake and subpar to those of earlier films of similar genres. There are some decent camera angles and a decent early 90's techno soundtrack. T&A positive, plus a penis shot following an autopsy.
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Great idea, terrible movie.
Skynet-TX18 March 2010
First of all, I have to tell I mainly watched this movie because the special effects was told to be made by the FX group and the poster was very promising about them. I've seen the uncut version. And if the uncut version is that terrible that it was, how terrible could the "cut" version be? It's not a horror movie, though it's full of gory scenes, and it's not a horror comedy, 'cause there's nothing funny in it. I supposed to see a movie where Virus (with Dustin Hoffman) and the melting scene of senator Kelly from the x-men are combined. Or something like that. But there was nothing like this in the whole movie. From the idea of the three stage (hallucination, organ failure, body melt) a far far better movie could be made by a talent director. I only gave three stars to the three stage, but I only recommend this if you think the gore makes a horror movie. And more gore you can see the better the movie is. But if you think that really good horror movies are like "The Thing", "Alien" or "Prophecy (1979)", avoid!
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Gory, yet funny, Sick, yet entrancing, a good first look at Australians....
Bas-712 February 1999
The second funniest horror/comedy I have ever seen, second only to Kiwi flick Dead Alive (aka Brain Dead). Special effects are corny, yet very well done. The plot isn't too involving, but doesn't fall apart and can be followed with ease. Great portrayal of your average Australian. Basically there's this company that tests it's hazardous products on a new neighbourhood causing havoc. Genitals explode, rednecks shove sticks up people, and pregnant women burst open and their placentas attack people. Superb! 8/10.
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I got a few smiles in between the wincing.
christopher-underwood16 July 2019
This is a really silly film but it is not over long and has its heart in the right place. It is also satisfactorily gory and if some of the acting a little lacking Ian Smith does very well in the central role as the doctor. I last saw this film at its first (only?) UK showing as part of the London Film Festival, presumably in 1993. I had thought it was going to be a bit like a Cronenberg but it is played much more for laughs. Apparently a lot of the humour depends upon some knowledge of Australian TV soaps but some works without so at least I got a few smiles in between the wincing.
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Could not sit thought the whole movie!
atinder7 October 2012
I saw the trailer for this movie, it look like it could be really good B- movie,

The start of the movie was not too bad, with really wooden acting from everyone.

Then the movie just get way too Cheesy and really silly, I was watching the movie, like blank , trying not take anything more in, i turned off early before 40 mins mark,

I won't rate it, as not see the whole movie, I don't think I missed anything unmissable, I just need to see the whole movie, so it can been fairly rated,

When I see the full movie, I will a rating for this ?? out of 10
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