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Chuck Norris cheapie is laughable rather than scary
Leofwine_draca26 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
If you've ever wanted to watch Chuck Norris kick a demon really, really hard then this film is for you. It's basically a clichéd thriller with Norris doing his usual routine, i.e. running about with a gun, looking cool, and beating up anything that moves. However, having run out of ideas for opponents to go up against the formidable Mr. Norris, they decided to have him fight a nasty demon instead. While I was watching the film I got an overwhelming sense of déjà vu and then I realised something - this film is a hell of a lot like Arnie's recent END OF DAYS. It's got the ageing cop, the comic relief partner, and an imprisoned evil entity wreaking havoc in modern society.

Sadly, though, while END OF DAYS had the budget to do its story justice, this film hasn't. Throughout it looks cheap and poorly-made, and it comes as no surprise that this film never got a theatrical release. A bit of originality would have gone a long way too, but no, it's some stupid story about the demon collecting bits of a broken shaft. I mean why was he collecting these anyway? I don't think it was ever explained. This film tries to combine two genres but fails on both accounts.

For an action film, there is little action. We get to see Norris take out a couple of opponents (in poorly-lit conditions, too) and that's about it. Most of this film is filled with talk, talk, and more talk, mainly of the comic banter variety. Okay, so this is passable, but I've just about had enough of the buddy/buddy routine! Amazingly, some scenes involving a young pickpocket are played for comic relief, with a jolly tune playing! Talk about being out of place...

Straight to video flicks are usually rubbish, but occasionally a nice little gory item may redeem itself. Not in this case. In one scene the demon rips an old guy's heart out and throws it around, but that's the sole bit of gore in the entire film. The acting is pretty bad too. Norris is his typical wooden self but Sheree Wilson, the love interest, is totally worthless. Calvin Levels, the comic sidekick, seems to have been added into the film only to supply some ugly racism. The only worthwhile person here is Christopher Neame, who has come a long way since his Dracula 1972 AD days. Neame just can't stop overacting, and he makes his demon role hilarious. He also sports some nifty shiny fingernails, some reptilian eyes, and a really, really deep voice. Neame is the best thing in this film, it's just a shame he isn't really given much to do.

Check out the ending where Norris and Levels have a big fight with Neame. Also unexplained are the cowled Satanists who lurk about in dark tombs. Occasionally we get to see their faces and it turns out they're ugly monsters - why? Where did they come from? The only thing I did like about this film, apart from Neame, was the over the top score which made the film feel grand and Biblical when it wasn't. As a so-bad-it's-good movie, this is quite watchable.
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Sympathy for the Devil
utgard1426 May 2014
Surely you've heard this one before. Chicago cop Chuck Norris and his motor-mouthed black sidekick Calvin Levels travel to Jerusalem to hunt down a wild-eyed demon called Prosatanos running around looking for the pieces to a scepter he needs to bring about the apocalypse...or something like that. Chuck's character is named Frank Shatter. I think they meant it one way but I took it the other. Calvin Levels has all of the most annoying comic relief sidekick clichés down pat and beats us over the head with them every chance he gets. He also has Whoopi Goldberg's hairdo from the '80s. Sheree J. Wilson, Chuck's co-star on Walker: Texas Ranger, plays his love interest and the inevitable babe-to-be-sacrificed-to-bring-about-Armageddon. A badly-dubbed Zoe Trilling appears in her underwear and a brief shower scene, which is honestly a highlight of the movie. The real star of the movie is Christopher Neame, who hams it up gloriously as the demon Prosatanos. Opening Star Wars-style text crawl was a dead giveaway as to what kind of a crapper this would be. Aaron Norris, the Roger Clinton of action movies, directs with the same lack of skill I've come to expect from him. Good for some laughs at its expense but if taken seriously it's complete crap.
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"Let me introduce myself. Welcome to hell!"
lost-in-limbo11 March 2013
Two Chicago cops investigating the brutal murder of a rabbi are asked to head to Israel to answer further questions from the local authorities. There they continue their investigation, despite being told they're just tourists. However they soon learn they might be dealing with something supernatural.

"Hey Frank. I can't deal with this devil sh!t". Maybe for some, or more likely for most; wise words spoken. "Hellbound" is an extra ordinary, if unusual Chuck Norris starring Cannon produced vehicle directed by his brother Aaron Norris, which sees the buddy cop theme morphing together with some conventional horror elements of religious good vs. evil. Sadly I found it lacking, passable entertainment, but so much more could have been done. I just didn't find as fun as it could have been. Sorely it just lacked the action, a couple moments aside (like Norris and Christopher Neame's opening encounter in a seedy hotel room) it was sparse and if anything it was all pedestrian with no sense of imagination to the story or set-pieces. Norris (looking good with his fashionable mullet) seemed a little more flat and moody than usual, while alongside him was Calvin Levels in a whinny, unfunny role as his ever hungry detective partner. "Eat this"! Christopher Neame's would ham it up in the role as the resurrected emissary of Satan. Sometimes really over doing it. Also popping were the delightful Sheree J. Wilson and David Robb as King Richard in a medieval prologue. Director Aaron Norris' handling is workable, but seems to concentrate on the searing supernatural factors and stodgy investigative groundwork than the action in this hybrid, delivering cheap shocks of gore, dreary atmospherics and sweaty tension. The location work makes good use of the Israel backdrop, even though the set-designs look second rate.

Ultra-silly, but not as exciting action-horror fare.

"This is only the beginning."
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The End of Cannon
Michael_Elliott28 February 2016
Hellbound (1994)

** (out of 4)

Chicago cops Frank Shatter (Chuck Norris) and Calvin Jackson (Calvin Levels) are investigating a bizarre and brutal murder of a Rabbi. Soon they're called to Israel to answer some questions and it becomes clear that they are dealing with some sort of Satanic force.

HELLBOUND turned out to be the final film of The Cannon Group as they'd go bankrupt shortly after. Sadly the film itself really isn't all that memorable and I think the biggest reason is probably budget issues, which is something that hampered a lot of the later day Cannon films. With that said, if you're a fan of the company or star Norris then there are enough decent moments here to make the film worth viewing.

I thought the film actually got off to a pretty good start as there was some nice action and some good laughs to be had. Norris is in fine form and manages to handle the various action scenes just fine. The earlier scenes in Chicago also had him delivering some nice one liners that managed to be quite funny. Norris and Levels have a nice chemistry together and help keep the film moving nicely.

Once things get to Israel everything just comes to a crashing halt. The film really looks very cheap and it just seems like the story ran out of ideas on what to do. More times than not Norris and company are just standing around having conversations and once the action scenes do start they're all rather routine. HELLBOUND certainly isn't going to be remembered for anything other than being the last film from Cannon but fans of the company might get a little entertainment out of it.
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A very bad movie
klimas-33 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Norris plays a Chicago cop who stumbles upon a devil's apprentice? who wants to, well, create Armegeddon. He eventually kills the creature by, get this, throwing a solid gold 24 inch spike, not very sharp, about twenty feet, hard enough to penetrate the chest. Unlikely? So is the rest of the movie. Much of it consists of CN and his sidekick driving cars and talking nonsense. The Israeli (or Arab) kid is there ostensibly to humanize CN. OK. Doesn't work, makes no sense, and advances the plot, so-called, not one bit. Also, no cops ever every get invited out of the country to be interviewed by other cops. It is ridiculous as a premise. The whole thing is bad. Unfortunately, it's not so bad as to be entertainingly bad or campy. Just plain bad. But--one can see how Norris was trying to find his way to the successful Walker: Texas Ranger series.
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Um, can we say bad
mkgilson22 July 2000
This movie stunk. There is not much more to it. The final fight looked like Walker taking on my grandmother, not some supernatural demon with the strength of ten men. I found the commercials more interesting. The plot twists and jokes could be seen coming a mile away. The only redeeming quality of this film was that it ended. Avoid this at all costs...unless you enjoy bad Chuck Norris movies.
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Cheesy and moronic.
gridoon11 July 2004
Warning: Spoilers
For the most part, I considered this movie unworthy of a comment, but the last 10 minutes prompted me to write one. You see, right then we learn (SPOILERS...if they can be called that) that the Devil's emissary has no chance of properly preparing the domination of the world by his master, because he is not skilled at martial arts! "Prosatanos" has been lying in a hole for centuries, waiting for "human greed" to release him, only to be defeated in a simple one-on-one match against 54-year-old former karate champion Chuck Norris! Imagine what would have happened to him if he had taken on Jackie Chan... (*1/2)
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Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits.
Coventry14 July 2021
Chuck Norris can dribble a bowling ball. Kids pee their name in the snow, but Chuck Norris pees his name into concrete. Chuck Norris can speak Braille. Death once had a near-Chuck-Norris experience. Chuck Norris can strangle you with a cordless phone. Chuck Norris once won an underwater breathing contest...against a fish!

As made obviously clear, I absolutely love these Chuck Norris jokes that can be found all over the internet! Maybe, just maybe, these jokes find their origin in this film in particular! After all, when you battle an ancient and demonic antichrist, who waited for more than nine centuries to bring upon the apocalypse, well, then you earned the right & privilege to be referred to as the toughest macho in the universe! The opponent of Chicago cop Norris is named Prosatanos, and not coincidentally that sounds a lot like preposterous. "Hellbound" goes massively over-the-top in every department. The plot takes partially takes place in the year 1186, in 1951, and in the 90s. The action is set in Holy places like Israel and the Vatican, as well as in the drug/prostitution infested ghettos of Chicago. Christopher Neame depicts an obnoxious archeologist and the Antichrist. Chuck Norris has a black comic-relief police partner that he drags around everywhere, and yet he does everything himself. The unearthly beautiful Zoë Trilling briefly appears as a call-girl who caters Satan's wingman! This movie is - to quote the buddy cop - nuttier than a Snickers bar! It was also the last title to get released by the legendary Cannon Group. And just because they are so incredibly hilarious, here's another selection of Chuck Norris fun-facts:

Chuck Norris is the reason why Waldo is hiding. Chuck Norris can build a snowman out of rain. The dinosaurs looked at Chuck Norris the wrong way once, and you know what happened to them. Chuck Norris was exposed to the Coronavirus, and the virus is now in quarantine for a month.
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A sorry state of affairs
robot523 December 2006
I concur with the other users comment. Hard to believe that this movie actually came out in 1994 because it screams mid 80's. I think it is dubbed because the sound and the picture don't always match up. If anyone can truly say this is a good movie, they need to be locked up. It is so sad how money has so much power over people that they will do anything to get it. I feel I lost intelligence from watching this. I used to have a little respect for Chuck Norris before I watched this but now I just feel bad. I bought this as part of a 3 movie pack for $9.99 and I can honestly say I would have been better off literally throwing the money away. Forgive me Jesus.
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Mess with Chuck and there's hell to pay...
HarryLags22 October 2016
I love Chuck Norris. He is one of the best action stars of all time and he is known for kicking the crap out of monsters.He ruled in SILENT RAGE, and took no prisoners in THE HERO AND THE TERROR. But now we have him fighting a demon played by Christopher Neame.

Two Chicago police officers are sent to investigate the brutal murder of a rabbi. As the investigation begins, Shatter and Jackson are summoned to Israel for questioning. Upon arrival they realize that they are, in fact, pursuing a supernatural being.

while Hell-bound isn't much of a horror movie, it's perfectly acceptable as action movie with some supernatural thrown in. Norris's action sequences, and the martial-arts work really well here and are flawless. Some audiences who are looking for a pure horror movie might not find it here. But personally i really like this movie and the eventual showdown is enticing, with some great karate kicks that land on the chin of the devil guy Prosatanos. Prosatanos! He may sound like a Greek restaurant, but Prosatanos is indeed a minion of evil who's waited centuries to open the gates of Hell. His powers mainly consist of grabbing people and smashing them in to windows and furniture and the occasional heart rip. Played well over-the-top by the supremely Christopher Neame.

Hell bound isn't particularly trying to be too ambitious, but it does manage to deliver its goods. This is a Chuck Norris flick. It's his End of Days. It's his Exorcist II: The Heretic. It's his Demon Knight ... Why don't you own this yet? This is Chuck Norris fighting evil, what more do we want in life!
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Worst film ever
nilsslarss21 March 2006
This is the worst film I have ever seen, so bad it is astonishing. I am glad that I have never seen that black sidekick in any other film: OK, it wasn't his fault that someone gave him those lines, but he could have refused the role, and tried to learn how to act instead. How did anyone get the money to put this film together. Is there some corporation in Hollywood that deals with trash for male college students with no brain? "Oh yeah, they will love this one: it's got no believable plot, some kungfu movements, Chuck Norris, a black sidekick with bad corny lines, a sweet little Israeli (or is he an Arab, or does anyone care?) boy pickpocket, and the devil." Brilliant, and many thanks to all concerned for enriching the human race.
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Chuck Norris can kick anybody's ass! Even Satan in a kung-fu disguise!
insomniac_rod20 September 2009
Damn it, this movie is solid entertainment. The kind of entertainment that should be enjoyed with a six pack of beer and trash to eat.

The movie has a dark tone and is filled with cool action sequences, dark settings, and some fine black comedy! Love the acting by Calvin Levels who totally owns this movie as the witty and funny buddy for Chuck Norris who once again rocks the world of bad asses.

The villain is creepy and I won't forget the scene at the beginning where Norris enters a room and finds him hiding in the shadows, threatening him and speaking in such a diabolical manner. That's badass! But Norris shows more badass when he reaches to Israel and gets ready for the final battle.

This movie is truly spectacular for a macho audience who is into horror and Chuck Norris!. I'm served.
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claudio_carvalho20 November 2015
During the Crusades, King Richard the Lionheart (David Robb) defeats the mythological emissary of Satan Prosatanos (Christopher Neame) and shatters his scepter in nine pieces that are kept in sacred places around the world. In the 50's, grave robbers accidentally release Prosatanos from his tomb.

In the present days (1994), in Chicago, Sergeant Frank Shatter (Chuck Norris) and his partner Detective Calvin Jackson (Calvin Levels) investigate the murder of a rabbi in a cheap hotel that had his heart ripped off. Their only lead is a piece of the scepter and a card with the names of the Jewish marchand Krieger (Jack Adalist) and Professor Lockley. Shatter and Jackson are summoned by the Israeli Police for a hearing and Shatter decides to seek out Krieger and Lockley. They also meet the professor's assistant Leslie (Sheree J. Wilson) that helps them and is attracted by Shatter. Soon Shatter and Jackson learn that they are dealing with a supernatural being and they are the last of mankind to avoid the Apocalypse.

"Hellbound" is an entertaining action film with the story of Satan's emissary Prosatanos. The plot is violent but also very funny. The fight between Chuck Norris' character and a demon is hilarious. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "Perigo Mortal" ("Mortal Danger")
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Chuck Norris vs Satan – Guess who wins ?
Maziun26 December 2014
This is Chuck Norris' last film for The Cannon Group. It's also the last film from The Cannon Group Inc. before going bankrupt. The last film that Yoram Globus produced with Chuck and Aaron Norris. When you look at the quality of this movie it's hardly surprising.

This is a god awful Norris film. It's not even "so bad , it's good" type of movie. The movie is stupid and boring. Most of it is people traveling and talking nonsense. The director Aaron Norris does a VERY bad work as the director. No suspense or thrills , bland camera work and keeps the movie at dull pace.

All the characters were terrible. Calvin Levels looks like a male version of Whoopi Goldberg and is INCREDIBLY annoying as his sidekick. There is a subplot about little Arab/Israeli kid to humanize main hero's character , but it doesn't advance plot in any way. Norris himself looks bored in this one. Oh , and there's Sheree Wilson ("Walker : Texas ranger" TV series) as the love interest. Oh , boy.

This is neither a good action or horror movie . Better watch "Fallen" with Denzel Washington. I give it 1/10.
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Definitely one to avoid
STAR RATING:*****Unmissable****Very Good***Okay**You Could Go Out For A Meal Instead*Avoid At All Costs

Chuck Norris has done himself well by keeping in such good shape and appearance in his later years,and it's still a joy to watch him unveil his martial arts mastery with such grace and precision.It's just a shame he doesn't seem to possess the ability to pick a better script.Hellbound is quite probably his worst film ever.Tacky sets,uninvolving characters,and a stereotype hollywood black partner who might as well make himself into a 50p cliche dispensing machine.The story is ridiculous and totally unengaging,with elements of humour thrown in that are very contrieved and fail to evoke a single laugh.To any Chuck fans who feel compelled to watch his every film,this is the one to least commit yourself to.*
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Walker, Texas Exorcist......
FlashCallahan24 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Shatter and Jackson are two Chicago police officers, investigating the brutal murder of a rabbi whom are summoned to Israel for questioning.

While they are in Israel they continue their investigation on some leads they have. After a while they begin to understand that they are trying to catch a supernatural being.

And if they don't do it fast something terrible will happen, like really bad special effects........

Cannon and Norris were always the perfect collaboration in the eighties, like the pound shop version of De Niro and Scorcese. So when this was announced as the last film that they would work together on, they wanted to make the last one just that little bit special.

So it's basically Chuck Norris versus Satan, and if that sounds like your cup of tea, wait until you meet Shatters partner, and Shatter's wardrobe.

This is Norris in the mid-nineties, and it's obvious he's trying to get down with the kids with his style. He has a really wonderful mullet, and his clothes are straight from the 'Don Johnson in Miami Vice' section of JC Penny's.

However, the are some major flaws in the film, and it's all down to the comic relief of his partner Calvin, played by someone called.........Calvin.

His portrayal is totally un-PC, and looking back on it, this chap must feel dreadful for really bringing down his ethnic culture. But it was the nineties, and everybody liked to laugh at self deprecating supporting actors.

Norris kicks and punches his way around Isreal, until his fight with the end of game bad guy whom looks like a cross between Nosferatu and Stephen Lang.

If the supernatural element wasn't there, this would be a very boring sub-standard action film, but seeing as it's Norris versus The Dark Lord, it has to be seen.

And the Arnie made End Of Days....
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failed attempt to add a movie to my "so bad it's good" faves
FeastMode8 August 2021
Don't get me wrong, it's terrible. But only enough to be mildly amusing with some laughs here and there (1 viewing, 8/7/2021)
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Terrible but hilariously so
J Conn17 June 2003
This film is bad. Not so bad it is good. Just bad. It is however hilariously bad. I watched it out of some morbid curiosity and never intend to watch it nor any other Chuck Norris film ever again. If you have to choose between this film and death, you should happily choose this film, however, as it is is a masterclass in terrible film making (hence the hilarity).

It is a constant depression to me, as I grind away at my desk job, that some people get to be involved in movie-making and decided to produce things such as this.

1 out of 10. Still better than "Starship Troopers" however.
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Bland horror quickie
jdreng12 October 2005
This piece of Crap is actually the BOMB, as in Bottom of the Barrel. I can't figure out which is worst; Norris' dull portrayal of anonymity (not a great trait in an action protagonist) or Christopher Neame's hysterical overacting. This film doesn't deliver on any level what so ever. The action sequences are tame, the plot is paper thin, and the scenes that are supposed to be horrific look like a cliché from the fifties. You can't just fill a room with smoke and men in rubber suits, and expect the audience to scream in terror.

Visually the film does nothing for me. It actually looks like an unfortunate mix between a cheap porn flick and a Miami Vice rip-off with a little sprinkling of hell-spawn. No, wait. That should have been hell-yawn.
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Chuck Norris fans deserve better
jordondave-280858 October 2023
(1994) Hellbound ACTION/ HORROR

Quite bad Chuck Norris vehicle especially when you have your own brother directing this film who in this case is Aaron Norris. The plot involves an unsuccessful ritual which happened many centuries ago and then it coming back to life taking over other peoples life forms! Chuck Norris of course, as a sheriff assigns on to investigate this, and a worthless sidekick by his side whose basically only there for comedy relief that isn't even funny! There is also an unfunny scene taken from a "Crocodile Dundee" where Chuck says "you call that a punch, this is a punch!" Unfunny with few fighting scenes is like watching a very poor HBO production! Sheree J. Wilson also stars in this, who is also a costar with Norris of the "Texas Walker" fame as one of the anthropologists! I couldn't believe seeing real life undefeated kickboxing champion Benny "The Jet" Urquidez credited as one of the fight coordinators because this is film is somewhat of a joke.
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Chuck Norris in an effective supernatural thriller
disdressed1227 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
this is a good,effective supernatural thriller with some light comedic elements combined.it is quite spooky and eerie.the basic outline is that 2 Chicago cops,Frank Shatter(Norris)and his partner Calvin Levels(Calvin Jackson)end up in Jerusalem(you'll have to watch the movie) as past of a routine murder investigation that is anything but routine.in fact,the fate of the world may depend on them.Norris and Jackson have good chemistry as the 2 partners and work well off each other.the partners have differing opinions on just about everything,which provides some amusing moments.i like the idea of Chuck going up against someone who may not be easy to defeat.i thought the movie was very entertaining and Chuck was convincing in his role as was Jackson.Sheree J. Wilson also plays a pivotal role in the film.Christopher Neame puts in an outstanding performance as the villain.Overall,a better than average movie.worth watching.a strong 7/10
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Great Movie and Christopher Neame is awesome!
Movie Nuttball29 June 2002
I always been a fan of Chuck Norris and when I first saw Hellbound I thought it was a good movie. Christopher Neame was given an excellent role which was absolutely awesome. His looks was scary and his voice very dark! The score is great and Hellbound is a very good film. Neame is an incredible actor and I hope everyone that is a fan of his, Chuck Norris, action, and the horror genre gets to see this!
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Chuck Norris in a buddy-cop horror film directed by brother, Aaron Norris.
kclipper20 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
It is an interesting and rare treat to see Chuck Norris (the all-American high-kicking karate champ with the stage personality of play-dough) in a horror film. This effort was directed by Aaron Norris (Chuck's brother, executive producer and stunt-dub), and opens up during 1186 A.D. when Prosatanos (an evil supernatural being) is defeated by King Richard the Lionheart, and the weapon that gives him life is destroyed. Fast forward to 1951, and the septum is re-discovered, and unfortunately, the dreadful Prosatanos is awakened. Fast forward even further to present day Chicago where cops, Norris and Calvin Levels (in the stereotypically bad buddy cop role) who's investigation of a murdered rabbi leads them to Israel to do battle with Satan's helper and rescue damsel in distress Sheree J. Wilson from sacrifice. Not a single original idea here, and the screenplay is standard stuff, but it sure is fun and exciting to see Chuck Norris kick monster ass! Add a menacing-looking/sounding bad guy and some gory heart ripping, and its decent enough to get by.
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Somebody Stole My Wallet!
tedg29 September 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers herein.

Aging karate celebrity fights the devil and wins. Everything in this film is borrowed, mostly from TeeVee.

Princess, the girl is what the evil entity wants. Ho hum.

Ultratrashy films like this are better if you come at it from a different angle: Think about this from the black guy's perspective. This is someone for whom life is already cursed, someone for whom the devil might as well be a drug dealer. He's only capable of following but he has chosen to be second dog to a dopey cop. Jesus makes an appearance in this film(!) but it is as if he were just a higher up in the police force.

The more you get into this, the more edgy it sounds. Sorta puts some taste in an otherwise cardboard film.

Ted's Evaluation -- 1 of 4: You can find something better to do with this part of your life.
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Norris vs Devil
liodavix28 April 2019
Entertaining fantastic horror movie starring Chuck Norris.

The film has an interesting beginning, located in the Middle Ages in which we see the English King Richard Heart of Lion, facing a satanic sect that are called Prositans, led by an emissary of Satan, played by a terrifying Christopher Neame. After being defeated by the crusader king, the leader of the satanic cult is locked in a sarcophagus, sealed with four swords with a golden hilt, for all eternity, but the greed of thieves already in the current era, will return to unleash hell on earth.

This was Norris' second and last foray into the horror genre, and probably the most successful one.

The film has a good technical score, with a photo by Joao Fernandes, a soundtrack by George Clinton, with a catchy melody sounding regularly throughout the footage, and well-resolved moments of terror.

The story mixes how it can not be otherwise in the case of Norris, the detective genre, in this case in the Buddy movie, with a funny and casual companion who will accompany Chuck to Israel to investigate the brutal murders that took place in a Chicago motel.

Both the development and outcome are typical in the filmography of the actor, although here this production stand out a little more, to have a more realistic setting, was actually shot in Jerusalem and a villain very up to the point, which is the best of the tape, it really is scary.

In short, entertaining film and few or no pretensions, especially recommended to the fans, who are more than you think, the karateka par excellence.
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