Thick as Thieves (1999) Poster

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Good crime story with a warped sense of humor
FlickJunkie-229 September 2000
This film has a good story, but you have to have a certain appreciation for warped humor to appreciate it. The characters range from mildly unusual to downright peculiar. Pointy (Michael Jai White) is a black crime boss who is trying desperately to be a yuppie, playing golf at the country club, owning a French restaurant and lecturing on culture to anyone who will listen. All this is highly incongruous with the drug dealing, cap-busting realities of his crime syndicate, which makes him a droll and entertaining character. Mackin (Alec Baldwin) is a meticulous thief, who does occasional heists for the Mafia. He is an obsessive collector of vinyl jazz albums and takes his dog on capers because he wants to spend quality time with him.

When Mackin does a food stamp heist for Pointy, Pointy double-crosses him. This sets up Mackin's revenge, which encompasses most of the film. The vendetta keeps escalating and the Mafia starts losing patience with both antagonists, introducing a third element into the conflict. The plot has a number of interesting twists and the climax is quite unexpected.

First time director Scott Sanders' direction was solid but nothing special. The music, especially the jazz, was excellent. His work with the cast was nicely done, adding a sardonic tone to the entire movie, although I thought at times he got carried away with the disjointed humor.

The acting was generally very good. Alec Baldwin's quirky portrayal of this painstaking thief was delightful. Rebecca De Mornay played a very different character than we are used to seeing from her. She was terrific as the tough and impassive cop with an understated and sarcastic wit. However, the best performances were given by Michael Jai White and Andre Braugher. White stole the show with his oh-so-refined mob boss impression. Braugher was great as his cool and calculating lieutenant, with nerves of steel and a brilliant criminal mind.

Overall, this was a good crime story that meandered a bit too much from the main plot. I rated it a 7/10. Add a point if you like wry incongruous humor because this film has plenty.
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Why am I just now hearing about this movie!?!
ladybean21 January 2000
This flick has me laughing out loud ALONE in my apartment. I found the dialog a total trip. I love Andre Braugher for "Homicide," God bless it. I grew some respect for Alec Baldwin, who I've never seen play this kind of role. This thing is truly worth seeing if you have a quirky, dirty, urban sense of humor. Short, pointless and entertaining.
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Revenge and mob etiquette.......
merklekranz23 January 2008
Alec Baldwin gives an edgy performance, not unlike his similar character in "Miami Blues", as a professional thief who sometimes works for the Chicago mob. When a deal in Detroit goes bad and he is set up by the local hoods, Baldwin's escalating war of revenge pushes the mob to take appropriate action. Good character development, smart dialog, and an excellent supporting cast, lift "Thick as Thieves" well above the usual crime drama. There are unexpected moments of dark humor, intermingled with the not too subtle violence. This smart, action-packed film is far more entertaining than some of Tatantino's supposed "classics". Seek it out. - MERK
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Great entertainment
jonnyorange7619 December 2000
I borrowed this film of a friend who said it was one of the best he'd seen in a long time,at first i wasn't sure what it would be like due to the fact i'd never heard anything about it,but after watching it i was amazed that it hadn't come out at the cinema,this was a truly good film. The movie has a great script with some memorable lines,as well as a good jazz soundtrack,but also an excellent cast who give some of the best performances i've seen in a long time. Michael Jai White is awesome as Pointy Williams,the smooth black Ghetto Gangster who's trying to become an upmarket buisnessman. Praises must be given to Reginald Ballard who plays the hard hitting Sugar Bear who seems to be the main muscle in Pointies operation.But the best performance of the film must be given to Andre Braugher who plays Dink,a streetwise gangster who knows the score and is Pointies right hand man,he reminds me of Isiah Washington playing Mac in Romeo Must Die. If you watch this then you are guaranteed a good nights entertainment.
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Criminally Under-Appreciated
gavin694229 August 2013
Two master thieves go at odds with one another as one sets the other up for a crime. The first (Alec Baldwin), a suave pro who does his job and then hides in his own privacy, listening to old jazz records and caring for his ailing dog, Wally. The other is a local gangster with a taste for the finer life, who decides to eliminate the competition. This ignites a war between the two men and their aides.

This is quite a good film, and despite my growing up in the 90s, I never heard of it until today (August 2013). How did that happen? I am not saying it is the lost "Citizen Kane" or anything on that level, but it is a good criminal versus criminal sort of film, and we can never have too many of those.

The cast is also quite good, with Baldwin, Andre Baugher, Janeane Garofalo... people really ought to check it out.
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Very enjoyable movie
Sergiodave5 May 2020
I always love it when you turn on a film, not expecting much, and you find a hidden gem. The basic story is about a thief, played by Alec Baldwin who gets double crossed by a Detroit crime boss (Michael Jai White) and looks to get even. The story moves along smoothly, there is a good range of characters, it's funny in places, the Jazz music was an excellent choice and the direction was fine. The biggest plus point was the acting, brilliantly led by Alec Baldwin with good support from Andre Braugher (Brooklyn Nine-nine). Watch it, you won't be disappointed.
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An amusing journeyman gangster flick for channel surfers
=G=15 April 2001
"Thick as Thieves" follows a crafty professional thief (Baldwin) as he does a job, gets ripped off, and seeks retribution. The result involves cops, black and Italian mobs, and the thief all trying to resolve the situation in accordance with their respective agendas. A slightly above average watch, this journeyman gangster flick is all Hollywood light drama, mildly entertaining, more amusing than serious, and good fodder for channel surfers.
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Nearly a classic!!
ozwillb16 August 2021
I liked it, I loved the sense of humour! It just sort of lost its way somewhere down the line. What a pity.
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Fairly entertaining, but left me cold
mattymatt4ever14 January 2003
The cast is great, there are some very funny scenes and altogether I found the film to be fairly entertaining. But nothing intrigued me about it. It's about a group of thugs who are at war with a thief and the rest of his cronies. This seems like another crime caper/comedy that tried to draw inspiration from "Pulp Fiction" and failed miserably. Of course, this is much lighter than "PF" with less (though a good deal of) profanity and less violence. But it tries to be identical with its dark humor and quirky characters. Every actor (especially Alec Baldwin and Andre Braugher) deserves a much better script than this mediocre, forgettable fluff. If you catch it on cable, it might be worth a look, but don't go searching for it.

My score: 5 (out of 10)
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Smart Alec
lavatch3 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The strength of "Thick as Thieves" was the motley crew of characters and the snappy dialogue. As an action film, it was lackluster. But with "Smart" Alec Baldwin and the cast, the film was eminently watchable.

The setting is Chicago where Smart Alec's character Macklin is the master thief in the employ of the mob. He comes up against some adversaries that leads to internal bickering.

The film's style was tongue-in-cheek from start to finish. There was some deadpan humor and lively competition among the various thieves. The mafia chieftain was especially oily and the police utterly incompetent.

The best part of the film was Macklin's adorable dog and his apartment filled with jazz LPs. It was a relaxing environment when one was momentary not among the thieves.
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Ohh, my God, this movie sucks !!!!
power-1028 February 2000
This has to be one of the worst movies of the 90'ies I can't understand how Mr Baldwin could want to be a part of this movie...(he must have very few offers) :) A week plot, terrible acting performances, and probably the worst story ever !!!!!!!!!! (And what was that scene with the dog, was I supposed to feel sad for it ??)

Please take my advice.. N E V E R see this movie !!
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A gem waiting to be discovered
tvalstar995 January 2005
I watched this movie late at night, but I was right wide awake! The movie is a story about a thief who after a successful assignment, escapes a attempt at killing him and seeks for revenge after a black gangster who likes the fine things in live.

The movie distinguishes itself from other crime movies because of the humor and the witty and funny dialog. Michael Jai White proves to be a very good actor. I knew him from Spawn, but this role is completely different and he is impressive. Baldwin is a very versatile actor who does great in his role as Mackin the thief. The other roles a nicely casted too. It is a well paced, intelligent humorous gangster movie. Rebecca DeMornay proves that you don't have to have a big role to impress. She reminded me of Frances McDormand in Fargo.

I can't understand why I didn't hear about this movie before. An example of gems waiting to be discovered by the audience. I loved it.
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Mickey Knox20 August 2002
I read some good reviews for this movie and I had big expectations. Unfortunately, Thick As Thieves offers nothing special. The story is simple and not original at all. Alec Baldwin is as inexpressive as ever. Vote: 5 out of 10.
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an altogether well-made film
leyenda619 May 2003
So I'm visiting my brother's house bored to tears and channel-surfing like crazy. All of the sudden, i catch Thick as Thieves coming on. I had never heard of it and the intro was pretty quirky, so i gave it a shot. This movie is one of those best-keep-secrets that most people don't notice. It's not a comdey per se, and not really an action or a Tarantino-esque movie, it kind stands in its own class. The situations the characters get in and out of are humorous-- not "LMAO" funny, just amusingly funny wry. The pacing, casting, the characters, the acting and direction are all top notch and very well fleshed out. So far, anyone i've personally recommended Thick as Thieves to has enjoyed. Hopefully you will, too.
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Sometimes, god is in the details...
torii1530 March 2003
"Thick as Thieves" is a terrific, fast-paced film with exceptional (and very funny) dialogue. As some of the other reviewers have stated, Michael Jai White is exceptional, but the same can be said about Baldwin and the rest of the cast. How many perfectly putrid or at best mediocre films were released and heavily promoted in 1999 while this little gem was swept under the rug? Watch and listen carefully. You'll be glad that you did.
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This was one of those.
Supercords29 June 2002
This ranks up there with "Freeway" and "Truth or Consequences, NM" as far as pleasant surprises go. Those movies with semi-interesting covers at the video store that you chck out on a whim. The ones you really know nothing about, and sit there slack-jawed half way through the movie wondering if it can really continue to be this good until the end, and then nearly shiz yourself when it actually is.

This was one of those.

Only I'd first heard about it from the Sundance film guide, and I rented it through Netflix. I knew Alec Baldwin was the main star, but that can be good or bad... that was about it.

Now don't go in expecting some kind of The English Patient granduer - just renting the friggin' movie, eat your salty snack, sip your icey beverage, and enjoy a good crime movie.

I'd never heard of the director, so I looked him up...Nothing. he's done nothing else, and has nothing in the can. Somebody find this guy, cause he put together a very smooth, nearly perfect movie. Alec was in excellent form. The supporting actors did a hell of a job. The plot AND sub plots were timely and substantial. Just the right amount of humor too. Now I got to wait another year or so for my next pleasant surprise.

Rating: A
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Unknown, Unappreciated And Unbelievably Good
jvincent125 June 2007
It's good to know from reading the user comments here that others are out there who've seen this film (probably on DVD) and enjoyed it as much as me. I don't recall when or where I bought this movie, or what motivated me to do so, but I'm awfully glad I did. Normally, a film's director is the major force in attracting me to buy a film on DVD. Since I had never heard of Scott Sanders, it surely must have been the presence of so many good actors which influenced me to do so. However, if this man never makes another film, he still has made a significant contribution with this one. The actors execute Sander's tight, fast-paced script superbly, as the film flies by so quickly, I was disappointed it was over. Alec Baldwin as the Mafia-connected thief, Bruce Greenwood as his sarcastic sidekick, a black guy whose name I didn't know, who plays Greenwood's foil and sidekick #2, together form a formidable trio of robbers with great chemistry, and much, much sly humor. Pit them against pseudo-sophisticated gang leader Michael Jai White, carelessly arrogant of his bigotry against the "Eyetalians," his #2, a quietly smooth Andre Braugher, and their entourage of bungling underlings, then throw in the middle, laid-back detective Rebecca De Mornay and you have a great crew to execute all the controlled anarchy which ensues. Great acting all around from these fine people. But, it doesn't stop there. There are three or four more guys and gals, again whose names I didn't know, who make vital acting contributions in sizable roles. This is not a "funny, ha ha" type film, but its serious nature is always undermined by subtle comedic touches. If there is a serious weakness in the film, I didn't see it. Director Sanders wrote a great story, recruited a team of top-notch talent, mixed it all together and came out with one great film. I've put myself on notice to see if Scott Sanders shows his face again, but so far ... This film was made in 1998. He has plenty of time, but, c'mon now.
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An ultra-cool jaunt through the criminal underworld.
Rambimbo30 December 2000
A crime lord decides to double-cross a professional thief that the higher-ups in his organization hired for a food stamp heist. Naturally, the professional thief evades the trap, but then decides to get even. As things escalate the cops become more and more interested. So do the chiefs of the organization, who realize that all this unwanted attention is bad for business, and finally find themselves having to arbitrate the situation.

This is a well made crime movie. The movie starts with a humorous scene featuring a cameo by Janeane Garofalo where she and Alec Baldwin deadpan some lies to each other. This scene doesn't lead to anywhere, but is very hip.

The movie goes pretty fast through its story with plenty of smart, breezy dialogue. As always, Alec Baldwin is good, but is outshown by Michael Jai White and Andre Braugher, who play the crime lord and his top lieutenant respectively. White plays a not so bright but vicious crime lord with upwardly mobile aspirations. Braugher hits just the right notes of dismayed resignation as he contemplates his boss' follies. Rebecca DeMornay also has a great character to play - a hard-boiled police detective who has seen it all but remains a half-step behind the action. There are lots of well-crafted minor characters as well. The sound track also deserves a special note (no pun intended).

It you've seen all the Tarantino and Tarantino-esque movies, and are looking for more, this movie would fit the bill.
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Swift-paced and very entertaining
pnay75-131 January 2003
Like Supercords, I regret that Scott Sanders 's Thick as thieves is the sole movie he wrote/directed up to this day. Not having read the novel, I cannot speak of the respective merits of the book and the screenplay; but the screenplay /direction combination results in a very entertaining, swift-paced, well-knit, and clear movie ( in spite of the intricacy of simultaneous action at three different levels: the mob's, Baldwin's, and the cops'), with many welcome humorous touches ; good editing, then, and good musical score, too. Another asset is the cast, apparently selected with great care, up to the smallest parts: if Michael Jay White and Andre Braugher got rightly-deserved praise, all the players rate from very good to excellent: Alec Baldwin and his sidekicks, Bruce Greenwood ( almost unrecognizable ) and Ricky Harris, mobsters Richard Edson and Reginald Ballard,amusing Janeane Garofalo, quietly effective and attractive Rebecca de Mornay, and little-known but accomplished actor Robert Miano as the deceptively mild-mannered second-in command of the local mafia.
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A really great and underrated film.
none-855 April 2002
This is a very warm, comic and enjoyable film. It's set against a gangster, "pay-back" theme, and it must be classified as a drama, but it has a lot of funny and warm scenes. Baldwin's love for his dog is both comic and tender. The way the black hoods talk to each other is also funny. There is the usual violence, but in this film it is not excessive. Baldwin is an underrated actor. The actors who play the black hoods and the actor who plays "Riles," the second-in-command, Italian gangster from Chicago are also very good. I recommend this highly.
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Well crafted, quirky, ironic and darkly comic crime drama.
z-man-721 October 1998
What a great subtle and fresh movie. Best thing Alec Baldwin has done in years. Michael Jai White (Pointy) is going to be a star. Andre Braugher is superb. Excellent supporting cast includes Bruce Greenwood, Rebecca DeMornay, Ricky Harris and Janeane Garafolo. The new director, Scott Sanders, has got the right stuff. Go see this movie.
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Nice show
zadisan24 June 2001
I have seen this film just by chance, and I have enjoyed it a lot. Alec Baldwin and Rebecca De Mornay are just fine, but without any doubt, it is Michael Jai White the spice of Thick as Thieves. Besides, Andre Braugher is superb too. The story? Nothing new, an old plot we all have seen many times before, but you should give this film an opportunity.
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A delightful surprise
truthmaw29 July 2000
In a previous post, z-man-7 expressed my thoughts better than I would have. Would add that the "cool bebop jazz" soundtrack was, well, very cool. Give it 8/10, and I'll be watching it again. Really nice first effort. Proof again that Indies can be more satisfying than major Commercial works.
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Excellent American version of Lock Stock.
bbx1 September 2000
This film appears to be a straight to video release in the UK and so may not receive the publicity it deserves. It is a stylized, smartly scripted and well acted, humorous gangster film in the vein of Lock, Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels. In fact, my opinion is that this is the American version of Lock, Stock and it compares well. I would go so far as to recommend a visit to the video shop especially for this film.
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A wonderful movie
Gordy-1022 September 1999
This is a very low-key but thoroughly enjoyable movie. Alec Baldwin commands the camera as he always seems to do. But so does Michael Jai as Pointy. The plot isn't the thing. It's not intricate and the action is elementary. But the play off with classic jazz numbers, the atmosphere established in the Detroit and Miami areas all make for delightful viewing experience. I highly recommend this movie.

Michael Greer
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