Hollow Gate (1988) Poster


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Painfully bad slasher flick.
HumanoidOfFlesh5 April 2004
"Hollow Gate" is early Joseph Merhi/Richard Pepin production made before they formed PM Productions,who made a slew of decent action and horror films during the 90's.This one is easily one of the worst horror films I have ever seen.It's about psycho Mark Walters(Addison Randall)killing a bunch of incredibly stupid teenagers at his isolated country estate during Halloween Night while wearing various silly costumes(soldier,doctor,cowboy).The killings are bloody,but the storyline is so dumb,that you'll just shake your head in complete disbelief at some of the things these teenagers do.The acting is awful and there is no suspense whatsoever.The film is clearly as bad as Joseph Merhi's "The Newlydeads",so if you're a fan of this kind of trash you won't be disappointed.As for me,I give up.3 out of 10.
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Lousy but sporadically amusing slasher drivel
Bloodwank8 November 2011
I find myself writing this review a day after viewing, not because it inspired me so much I couldn't wait, but because if I leave it much longer the film is pretty much guaranteed to vacate my memory. A quivering slab of SOV junk that neither glistens with home movie crapulence nor captures any genuine freakishness or gruesome laughs, Hollow Gate is pretty far from memorable, though it does at least carve out a more or less bearable path for its 87 minutes or so. We have the sad tale of Mark Nelson here, humiliated by his boozy step dad and thusly bound for insanity and subsequent murder, it's a message film clothed in the inimitable rags of 80's video technology. Child mockery makes for ticking time bombs, unwatched cars may be set to explode, unwatched pills may remain untaken, even with assurances that they have been. Be nice, be attentive, writer/director Ray Di Zazzo seems to say. Or maybe not, but you can never tell. Anyhoo, this is worse than average for a late 80's slasher, witless padding by idiot cops bulks out a pretty thin set up, there are only 4 kids about for the offing in the bulk of the film and the blood and gore is very thin on the ground. At least Addison Randall conjures up some enthusiastic unhingement to make up for being utterly unscary, while the two ladies in peril of the film are easy enough on the eye. Randall seemed to pop up in a fair few straight to video roles, though of the aforementioned womenfolk the most interesting sounding later film role is Katrina Alexy being "Head in a Bowl" in the likely never seen by anybody short film Oatmeal. Achievement! Best (or worst, depending on how you look at these things) for acting in this one is Richard Dry, who perhaps anticipating never appearing in anything else builds up a head of steam before really blowing loose the last stages of the film. His madly profane panic and acclamations of love to his girlfriend carry a remarkable energy, almost as if his very life depended on it, and its an almost awesome thing to behold. There isn't much reason to watch this one altogether, I wouldn't recommend it. Inane killer, daft costumes (though his soldier scene is pretty funny) little violence, this is something of a failure, of interest only to the real geeks out there. Dig in if you feel you must and you might not get burned too bad, but there are still tons of worthwhile obscure slashers out there that you likely haven't seen, so try them instead.
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Pointlessly violent horror film that wallows in its own ineptness
GoodWill28 December 1998
Hollow Gate is so unoriginal, so cheap and shoddily produced, so very badly acted, and so dark at times, that it will come across as a complete and utter waste of time. The plot is so low budget horror based that it degenerates into the same fate as other late 80's horror, and that is as a rip-off. I mean at least Jason and Freddy had motives. The sicko that slays in this one is supposedly "crazy" due to an abusive childhood. In flashback, we see the boy's (named Mark) father dunk his head in water...ooooooohhh. I can see how he turned into a homicidal maniac, running over helpless girls with tractors and playing war veteran, throwing axes and knives with robot like proficiency. Hardly.....The film is so inept that you almost come to see that the teens are so unintelligent to walk into this sicko's house that they deserve what they get. Well, not exactly, but the film is terrible. Even as a low-budget (or should it be known, NO budget) late 80's horror film, this one tanks. It is that bad. Don't rent this movie unless you are fond of cheap horror films with no plot and an overbearing air of familiarity. 2 out of 10
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Happy Halloween You Filthy Old Hag
BenTramerLives7829 October 2020
Hollow Gate is the story of a young boy, Mark, who almost gets killed by his drunk and abusive father on Halloween. Ten years later, he is released from a mental hospital and decides to go on a murder spree.

Hal Roach's grandson, Addison Randall, plays Mark as an adult. He does a good job as the psycho although the acting in this film is really bad. It is still an entertaining film to watch but I recommend it only to die hard fans of the horror genre.
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* out of 4.
brandonsites198122 September 2002
This film hits rock bottom. It makes a Troma feature look like a masterpiece by comparsion. What little story there is involves a kid who is nearly drowned by his drunken father as a child. As a result of this single incident he grows up to be a maniac who butchers off a group of teenagers who make the misfortune of stopping by his house. This film skips over simple elements like direction, acting, characterizations, etc. and just features one sleazy violent scene after another.

Unrated; Violence and Profanity.
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So terrible, it's incredible
Tromafreak13 October 2010
Alright, fine. "Incredible" is a bit of a stretch. Terrible, on the other hand, pretty much tells the entire story, here. In its defense, I have most certainly seen worse. Not a helluva lot worse, mind you, and not too terribly often. Although, Hollow Gate is really, very quite terrible, I didn't find it to be unwatchable, and it an't event that boring. And, at times, this movie even makes a little sense... A little.

Alright, fine. So, this completely random obscurity makes no sense whatsoever. But sometimes that's the appeal. Although, if this one made any less sense, I don't think I could stand it. So, we begin at a Halloween party where an apple-bobbing contest is being held. Mark sucks at it, and his drunk step-dad is about to let him know exactly how much pride he takes in this activity. Berating the poor little fellow, and basically trying to drown him. Fast forward ten Halloweens later, and a traumatized Mark is now working at a gas-station, and a couple pull up, and make it their business to berate this ticking time-bomb just enough to get themselves blown up. I guess Mark got away with it, because now the timeline in set two more Halloweens later, and a chick whom Mark has taken a shining to makes it clear exactly how disgusting she finds him. Well, it doesn't take a genius to figure out what happens to her. Time for Mark to go away for a while. I guess he eventually gets out, because now, on God knows how many more Halloweens later, the actual story begins. So, now this guy is looking to slaughter a bunch of irritating teenagers, for pretty much no reason. I guess he's gone off the deep end to the point that he no longer needs a reason. Kinda like Michael Myers... uhm, without the mask. Oh, I'm sorry. Did I forget to mention that this was shot on video? Yeah, I know. I was shocked too. Hollow Gate isn't so much like other s.o.v's from the same era, such as Cannibal Campout, or Blood Lake. This one reminds me more of something like Troll 2. If you haven't seen that one, see it, now. Nevermind this one, just see Troll 2. As for Hollow Gate, if you have a thing for the most obscure of 80's s.o.v. schlock, and have an unlimited amount of patience for ineptness, as well as many, many other flaws, then you just might not hate this movie. Actually, come to think of it, I love obscure Horror, and I have plenty of patience for ineptness, yet I still kinda hate Hollow Gate. 4/10
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Toronto2sec-126 September 2001
I for one thing am glad to not found this movie anywhere else besides Video Update. This 'is' in my opinion the worst movie ever made. The plot is about a young boy almost getting drowned one night by his drunken father, almost is the key-word. And that is about the only time we ever heared about his father doing anything else. Alright, I know people who grew up having beatings every night of their youth lives, and became something other than a homicidal maniac.

Out of 10- 0!
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Coventry29 September 2004
I know it's a long shot but in case you're desperately looking for the most retarded movie ever made…. this is it! Hollow Gate represents EVERYTHING that went wrong with the horror business during the 80's. There's not even a slight attempt to bring depth, character drawing or tension and the whole film is just a series of ineptness. Hollow Gate tells the heart-breaking plot of a young boy whose daddy wasn't capable of loving. Awwww… During a stupid Halloween party, daddy humiliates little Mark Walters and 10 years later he goes berserk on Halloween's eve. Dressed in ridiculous (not necessarily Halloween-related) costumes, he slaughters some of the most stupid teenagers you've ever seen while the local cops are outside his fence, chatting about how deranged he is. Words fail to describe how awful this movie is. I hope everyone involved in this production is still too embarrassed to leave his/her house. Rating 10 out of 10 for being so painfully hilarious. Rating 0 out of 10 for wasting yet another hour and a half of my (not-so) precious life.
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The most pathetic victims in the history of movie
the_wolf_imdb19 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The movie could have some positive traits but they are wasted by the, um, heroes.

It goes like this: "Nooo, nooo, please nooo! Lets go! Please get up and run! Please! Please start moving! I cannot! Nooo! You have to go! Noooo! Noooo! Noooo! Please! Please! Noooo! Let's go! I cannot go further! Noooooo! It's horrible!" Yes. It is THAT horrible.

Then we have a girl unable to run a little. She just kinda lays on the ground waiting to be shot and then run over by a lawnmower.

The we have an attempt to run using a golf cart (!!!) I was unable to watch the rest of the movie anymore.
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Hollow Numb Numb
saint_brett22 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
In my opinion, the real baddie around Halloween time is sugar. It's the undisputed king of rot. But I've read some negative things online about this movie, so let's find out if Hollow Gate can give sugar a run for its money at the title.

Am I watching the right movie - is this Dolls?

I bought my Halloween pumpkin today and paid 12 bucks for it. And as usual, I ruined the facial design again.

So what is this - a Nickelodeon movie?

Does anyone want to show some enthusiasm about being in this movie? Come on, look alive, people.

What's the annoying guitar rock score you can faintly hear in the background?

So, um, some drunken father, inspired by Halloween 2, tries to drown his six-year-old son, who was innocently dunking for apples. Sulking, the humiliated drowned kid then speaks blasphemous revelations, "I hate Halloween." Yes, you and I both, kid.

Jump ten years later, and some gas station attendant pumps two bucks of gas into a couple's car and sets it alight with the woman's panties. Jump another 2 years down the track, and it appears the arsonist, "Mark," is our killer. (Must be the grumpy kid from the start?)

I'm being patient with you, movie, but like they say in boxing terms, "Show me something."

Basically, Mark's a Michael Myers wannabe. He's put through the courts, evaluated by state doctors, and then left to the care of his grandma, only for him to turn on her with scissors and insults.

A carload of Uber drivers deliver some Halloween costumes to Mark's Hollow Gate mansion. He traps them inside with the intention of hunting them down. For what reason - who knows?

Our killer, Mark, is uninspiring. He's just some preppy valedictorian who wears windbreaker sweaters and corduroys. The Uber drivers are hunted on Mark's vast property, and like the nimrods they are, they decide to split up. Safety in numbers, people.

One Uber driver down already. That leaves Huey, Dewey, and Luey there for the taking. They find the time to have a threesome while our killer, Mark 'O' Myers, keeps changing costumes to fit his split personality.

They should have cast Clint Howard as the killer in this. He would have been more convincing.

Uber drivers are dropping like flies. One just copped it through his thigh. That's a main artery shot. Technically, you should be dead, but he just gets up and runs off. Look at him walking normally. (In real life, you wouldn't be able to stand up, let alone walk.)

I'll give Hollow Gate 3 out of 10. It's better than that Terror Vision I watched last night. And it's better than the worst movie in the world, After Last Season. And one point for the Halloween-themed nature of the movie.

Long story short, just watch the trailer for this movie. It shows you the whole film in under 2 minutes.

Other than that, keep away.

PS Sugar's still the undisputed king of Halloween for badness.

Revised review - 2024.

A Halloween-themed movie only a few weeks after Christmas?

Don't feel right.

As if kids would bob for apples when there's a plethora of junk food at hand.

"I hate Halloween. It's dumb." All those in favor of these remarks raise their hands.

A drunken, deadbeat father tries to drown his son in apple water and single-handedly ruins everyone's good time.

Cut to ten years later, and that same humiliated kid is pumping gas on Halloween night.

Every day and every night is Halloween in this movie.

For no reason other than jealousy, Mark Bolton roasts the two trick-or-treaters alive.

Speaking of number two, the movie then jumps another two years ahead, and it seems Mark Bolton didn't serve any time for two counts of first-degree murder.

Speaking of the number one, I think the furnace was a tad hotter than a degree.

The name Mark Bolton doesn't exactly send a chill up your spine.

If I were to say, "Don't fear the reaper, fella," you would, as you know he's in the same league as the boogeyman or sandman.

But Mark Bolton? He looks like the son of Kevin Tighe.

And what springs to mind when you say Mark Bolton? Yep, you guessed it, that, um, I can't believe it's not butter, said I loved you, but I lied singer Michael Bolton.

Bolton's assessed and determined to be fit to integrate with the public after stalking a girl.

Left in the care of his fruit bat grandmother, the odds are short that Bolton wants her out of the picture.

Mark Bolton is kept locked up in the attic, and his grandma looks like Bernice Worden's severed head in Ed Gein's cooking pot.

Not only is Mark Bolton generic, but his appearance lives up to those standards as well.

The last words Worden hears before meeting her maker are, "You filthy old hag." Apparently, Mark Bolton detests Halloween with a passion as it's rolled around again.

Four victims drop into Spirit Halloween and cut a deal to drop off boxes of costumes in exchange for a nine-dollar glitter wig. Did no one have the guts to inform that chick that she looks ridiculous in the stupid pink phony hair?

They're directed to Mark Bolton's Hollow Gate mansion, and as soon as they enter the premises, they're not coming out.

It doesn't take long for Mark Bolton to alert the party of four that they're in danger with targets on their backs.

Okay, let me if I may. Are you telling me these four strong individuals couldn't overpower that weasel?

And if the property is surrounded by an electrical fence, then why not pop the van in neutral, push it down to the entrance, and just scale over the wall?

Where are your thinking caps, people?

I'll tell you, if you're ever in a jam, you better pray I'm on your team. I think ten moves ahead, and I'd already be on the outside of Hollow Gate by now.

As for these four clowns trapped on the inside, they're sitting ducks, planted idle, and debating battle tactics.

One jock is down already. He had stabbing pains in his chest. There are racist comments in his scene, which wouldn't be accepted in today's sensitive times.

So any snowflakes, you may take offense at the army kill scene.

This reminds me of all the girls being hunted in 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3.' Speaking of the number three, there are three left to be picked off, and if I remember correctly, only one girl survives at the end.

The problem with 'Hollow Gate' is that you can't take the killer seriously.

He's far from convincing as a killer. He shoots a nerd with a direct hit to a main artery in his thigh. Technically, he'd bleed to death in less than ten minutes, but look, he's not even limping in this movie and can even run around freely at full speed.

A lot of the movie is wasted sitting around talking and weeping like the victims they are.

The nerd is eventually eaten up by dogs.

It doesn't work that way in real life.

I watched a gore video last year where two Pit Bulls couldn't end a man's life as they were spent after only a few minutes due to a lack of stamina.

The last victim is taken hostage, and it kind of turns into 'Dr. Giggles' in a 'Saw' movie.

Victim number four manages to escape and plants a big knife in Mark Bolton's gullet, but no worries; he soldiers on as it has no effect on him.

He's super human, as some cops arrive at the end and pump two rounds into his head, yet he survives this as well.

The two cops would probably be grilled by internal affairs, kicked off the team, or sent to prison just for doing their job if this were 2024.
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Not good
BandSAboutMovies30 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
At a Halloween party ten years ago, a young boy named Mark Walters was almost killed by his drunken, alcoholic father who tried to drown him in the apple bobbing water. Now, the boy has brown up and is ready to begin a murder spree.

Mark is off his pills, he's killed the grandmother who raised him and he's having a party at Hollow Gate that will draw in plenty of victims. He's not to be screwed with or made to watch you screw. A young couple that makes fun of him by making out in a car while he watches are surprised when he sets a fuse and blows them up real good. And if you turn him down to go see the movies, he's going to strangle you.

Maybe don't even go around Mark.

He also takes a page out of Terror Train and Bloody Mania by switching costumes with every kill. Mark takes that even further by having whole characters - an English foxhunter, a soldier, a doctor and a rancher - that he plays while he puts teenagers in the ground.

There are also two golden retriever that know how to kill and are just so happy about it.

Hollow Gate isn't great, but the more bad slashers come out this century, the better it gets.
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The Funniest Horror Movie EVER MADE
vodkam8019 January 2010
This movie is a joke. The whole plot is pointless but the killing scenes are hilarious! You can fast forward threw about 90% of this but the scenes are the killer says stuff like HAPPY HALLOWEEN GOOK! are priceless. This movie should have won some sort of awards for it is truly hilarious and the great acting of the entire cast is seen through the entire film haha. Not like this movie was actually you good or anything, but its comedic value is endless. All the lines sound like they were written by a writer that failed high school, and went on you write great things like Hallowgate! A must watch for a boring night if you want a good laugh.
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Just a few Halloween nut cakes.
mark.waltz29 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Painfully awful slasher film with the worst ensemble of non-actors I've ever had the displeasure of wasting 76 minutes of my life. This is the type of movie that its badness results in a headache from the temples, with every aspect of the film way beyond dreadful, starting from the acting and script, moving down to the music, editing and pacing, and let's not get started on the direction. A crazy kid abused by his father ends up in the local mental ward, later released and promptly killing his socialite grandmother whose humongous estate reflects the film's title.

You expect over exaggerated acting in a John Waters movie, but the way everyone speaks reflects the type of acting you'd see in the worst community theater. This is the type of film that movie theaters should have offered free passes for another movie, for those who remained for the entire film. There is nothing amusing about this film in any way, although I must commend them about the estate setting. Definitely a candidate for the Audacity Award, film's so bad that a mystery remains of why it got made in the first place.
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The worst slasher film from the 80's.
bigpappa1--29 June 2001
Okay this is the plot of this movie; a young kid named Mark has a bad encounter with his father in which he almost drowns. Due to this one incident he goes comlepetely insane and starts butchering all the residents of a small town and some unlucky teenagers from out of town that are making a delivery on Halloween night.

No real story to speak of of, no acting or directing talent in sight, and no budget all add to one of the worst films ever made. Makes "Jack-O and Plan 9 From Outer Space" look like "Citizen Kane." That is just how bad this inept and how mind numbingly awful this piece of mess is.

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cvscfrank14 December 2023
Ok so alot have your opinion and that's great but I love this movie... it's such an 80s thriller.. idk to me I watch this movie all the time.. also, my friend Katrina Alexy is in it and I'm not being biased.. I just love 80s horror films.. all the people involved in this film gave their all and they made this film possible. Props! Let's appreciate a good 80s film. I mean there are other horror movies out there that are worse. So calm down and let's just give the actors who bet we're just starting an applause for doing their best! I swear I love this movie.. I watch it at least 2 times a week lol.
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