The Guilty (2000) Poster


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Not Bad For An Unknown Modern Noir
ccthemovieman-128 May 2006
This was a sleeper, a no-name movie that might have gone straight-to-video and was pretty good. It's one of these crime movies that doesn't have a lot of action yet keeps your interest all the way through.

Like a true film noir, none of the characters nor their morality in this are really good but what WAS good was a few things at the end of this story you rarely see in a Hollywood film.

Bill Pullman, Devon Sawa, Gabrielle Anwar, Angela Featherstone and Joanne Whalley (Kilmer) make for a diverse cast of actors. This is worth a look if you can find it anywhere but not that good to go searching for it.
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Deliciously twisty
jrgirones14 May 2001
A very entertaining thriller. The screenplay is full of twists and coincidences which would appear shamefully incredible in other hands, but here the whole cobweb is managed cleverly and for moments we seem to be in front of a real Greek tragedy. Waller builds some great moments of tension that keep you in the edge of your sit.Bill Pullman is superb as the mean, tricky lawyer. Worth seeing.
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Entertaining twisty-turny escapist drama worth a look.
=G=20 October 2001
On the up side, "The Guilty" offers deceit, infidelity, romance, rape, murder, family matters, and characters ranging from powerful and wealthy to scumbags and thugs all supported by an excellent cast. On the downside, this Simon Birch knock-off heaps coincidence upon coincidence as it weaves its very improbable story with characters behaving as necessary to make the convoluted plot work. In the final analysis, "The Guilty" makes the suspension of disbelief easy by slowly sucking the audience into its complex web of intrigue. An above average little flick good for 100 minutes of escapism with nary a dull moment.
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An underrated film that will please movie lovers who love mining nuggets from the flotsam of today's cinema.
Poe-179 July 2001
This is a flawed film, not flawed creatively, but in its sidestepping of consumerism. We, collectively, have been taught to expect certain things from movies and those things are attributes that make box office. That isn't necessarily stuff that makes good stories. This movie deviates, I think, from formula in one pivotal and disturbing scene. It doesn't give us what we've come to expect, it gives us something else, much as the movie "The Pledge" did, which also trashed its chances at the box office. But if you don't demand the "norm" in your films, this is a complicated and delightfully twisting tale of indulgence and getting accidentally swept up in things we had no intention of messing with. Personally, I found what has been called weak performances as low keyed and powerful and I had fun letting Bill Pullman do something ... well, sinister. It isn't a great film, it's for buffs who like something oddball to carry in their knapsack of cinematic experiences. It ain't for everyone, but for those it's for, it's a treat. On its most basic level, it's about a powerful man who, in aggresive drunkeness, rapes a nearly willing secretary and wants her to forget about it because of his career. On the other level, it's about what goes around doing its thing. Newton's Law. And you know laws, we will abide by them.
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Not a great movie, but the acting is solid
whatch-1793122 September 2020
It is funny how much Pullman and Sawa resemble each other, and that Pullman's character seems to feel it when they first meet. However...

Plot wise, it's a trash fire, but there is very solid acting here, and the directing may not quite be memorable, but it also is solid enough to make this a picture worth watching.

But it does require truly monumental stupidity for some of the "twists" to occur.
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Entertaining Thriller Despite Ridiculous Moments
Theo Robertson9 July 2004
Warning: Spoilers
!!!! SPOILERS !!!!

A hot shot lawyer called Callum Crane rapes Sophie his new secetary . Nathan Corrigan a newly paroled prisoner is released and tracks down his father . Just missing him at the law firm he literally bumps into Tanya who takes a fancy to him and invites him back to her flat where her flatmate is Sophie rape victim . Nathan eventually meets his father who is being black mailed . Nathan`s father doesn`t know Nathan is his son but hires him to kill the black mailer who is Sophie rape victim . Did I mention Nathan`s dad is Callum Crane ?

Man I could be here all night explaining all the intricate plot twists and the quite ridiculous coincidences involving this thriller . But I won`t put the boot into it since it might give the impression that I detested THE GUILTY . I didn`t detest it . It`s a rather enjoyable thriller but I can`t ignore the fact that there`s far too much coincidence involved . For example character A always happens to be walking down the right street so they can bump into character B which pushes the plot along , or character C will fail to open an envelope that would have saved character D`s life , and you can`t help noticing the blatent plot hole that Sophie wouldn`t be able to make the rape allegation stick since there`s no forensic evidence after several days and that she has a motive for blackening Crane`s name . The script - Via Crane - actually points this out

It`s this clumsy writing that stops THE GUILTY from being far more highly regarded . I notice that the IMDB voters have given it an average in the region of 6.3 and this is probably the correct score . If you`re the sort of person who endlessly anylizes movies you`ll find much to criticise but you`ll probably still be entertained . If there`s nothing on television and you`re just looking for a thriller to pass a couple of hours before you go to bed I can certainly recommend THE GUILTY
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not bad all things considered
jebiga8 April 2003
and all things considered means that if you throw 6-7 idiotic characters in the movie and you have any kind of plot (someone said even a twist), you will get OK rental movie.

everyone in this movie does exactly opposite of what would make sense.
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Will All the Guilty Parties Please Rise?
lavatch7 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The title of this film implies that that there will be moral considerations raised about the subject of guilt. It turns out that there will be an abundance of guilty people in constant interaction during this two-hour drama.

At the center of the story is a sleazy attorney, Callum Crane, who becomes a judge after committing a heinous act of assault of a young staff member in his law office. The balance of the film is a desperate effort on the part of the judge to eliminate all of the incriminating evidence and to silence the woman he abused when she attempts to blackmail him. Part of his master plan is murder.

The screenplay for "The Guilty" is a nonstop string of coincidences that bring together various subplots: (1) Crane's response to a blackmail threat from his victim, Sophie Lennon; (2) the untoward circumstances of the long-lost son of Crane, Nathan Corrigan, who has started a relationship with Sophie and has been hired by his father to kill her; (3) an adulterous affair that is taking place behind Crane's back with his wife and another attorney; and (4) an unsavory group of criminals who enter into the mix, due to Nathan's association with a young thug named Leo.

Bill Pulman's interpretation of the character of Callum Crane has far too much sympathy because too often he seems like a really nice guy. We see the conscience of Crane as he attempts to redeem himself after he has reached a point of no return. Likewise, Crane's bastard son was far too sensitive, decent, and honest to have ever spent time in prison for auto theft or to have become enmeshed with a troubled soul like Leo. The father and the son were simply too likable.

Despite the film's shortcomings, there were many creative touches in the multi-layered narrative. Hardly a minute goes by without some indication of the main emotional theme: guilt.
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Coincidences galore and characters who do not act realistically
clauspeters25 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Outside of a soap opera, what are the odds of someone unknowingly hiring his own son (whose existence he didn't know) to kill a girl with whom, coincidentally and also unknowingly, the son is temporarily living? What are the odds that son will have a criminal record, and also will have a friend who is being persecuted by thugs and who would be ready to do the job the son refuses to do? There are more implausible coincidences in this hyper-convoluted and hyper-far-fetched plot, but these should prove the point.

Characters are not only extremely improbable, but they also do not behave in a rational, intelligent way. A senior lawyer is manipulated like a boob to fire a girl on the flimsiest of reasons (with no cause, in fact). As his only leverage, the son has an envelope with evidence to incriminate the father, but instead of hiding it he goes to sleep, so the father easily grabs the envelope. Mysteriously, this same father -to demonstrate that he is as idiotic as his son- does not destroy the incriminating envelope immediately. Later, being interrupted by his wife when he is finally going to burn it, he exits the house just leaving the envelope on a table (!). Not only that, but days pass without him even remembering about the envelope. So too late he learns that, in the middle of a marital crisis, the wife (apparently also unknowingly) had sent the envelope to the District Attorney.

The son goes to the girl's house to prevent her from being murdered, but he botches his speech to such a degree that she expels him from the apartment and he is unable to stop the killer. Generally speaking, characters seem unable to convey information in a clear way, even on essential matters; misinterpretations abound. Too much suspense is built around these confusions and these unnatural behaviors.
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Life's ironic twists
PeterJackson25 August 2000
Callum Crane(Pullman), a manipulating lawyer(and thus a very good one too), is about to become a federal judge, his greatest desire of all. Now his life is like he always wanted it to be. One evening however(surprise, surprise), he has a brief sexual encounter with his new secretary(Gabrielle Anwar). Things run out of hand and she threatens to blackmail him. Meanwhile, a young man is released from prison...

So far for the plain and all too familiar starting-point. Of course, you just can sense that there will be some more to it than just this. But hey, didn't we see that sort of twisting and turning thriller before too(much)?

THE GUILTY is notable especially for its (good?)sense of humour and its anti-typecasting. In a way, it reminded me a bit of LOCK, STOCK AND TWO SMOKING BARRELS(especially the character of the gangster boss in this film). There are some rather funny scenes in it and a few unexpected turns, but it's not enough to make up for the many holes in the plot and the mediocre acting.

Bill Pullman was, in my opinion, not the right man to play the tough, wise-cracking lawyer, who's always looking for a way out. He overplays his character, but could have done this much better. I expected a lot of Gabrielle Anwar, whom I haven't seen in along time, but she doesn't get much to do(despite her big part)and really doesn't seem focused at all. Angela Featherstone(as Anwar's friend)is good as long as she doesn't have a big scene. Then, it's obviously that she 's not a great actress(yet). Devon Sawa(as the young man released from prison) comes off best, but then again, his character is nothing special at all. I also thought that there were many similarities between this film and Sawa's earlier FINAL DESTINATION.(though that was a much better and yet completely different film)

All in all, I found this film to be rather unconvincing. Anthony Waller really could have done better than this. With MUTE WITNESS, AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF and this film he certainly has developed his own way of filming, but he still has to make his first good film too. I was surprised to see that in neither of his films the acting was of a high standard. Certainly not bad, but not worth the trip to the movie theatre too. 6/10
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Decent acting but the script and ending... infuriatingly stupid
imdb-2382124 March 2021
The actors do everything they can to pull together a script that has so many implausible coincidences to be ridiculous. Let's put all of that aside and just enjoy some of the excellent acting by Anwar and most of the supporting cast. Pullman is always solid. But what really ruins this film is the last 15 minutes where stupid goes to a whole new level just to reach the goal line set by whomever was rsponsible for the script.
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Brilliant movie
cryofry22 February 2005
I was watching TV late one night when I stumbled across this movie. I missed the first 15 minutes or so, but continued to watch it. I'm glad that I did, as it's become one of my all-time favorite movies.

The story is about a sleazy, self-centered lawyer (played brilliantly by Bill "Independence Day" Pullman), who gets drunk and rapes his new secretary. She threatens to expose him for who he really is, so he hires someone to kill her. Unbeknown to him, he has actually hired his long lost son (Devon "Final Destination" Sawa). However, his son is actually a "good guy" and refuses to do it. He throws all the documents away, but his no-good criminal friend finds them and decides to kill her instead, as he needs the money to pay of a loan. The action and suspense is non-stop from here on.

This movie has brilliant acting, fantastic direction and awesome camera angles. I give this movie 11/10! A must see for anyone and everyone!
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Unmentioned performance
Zipper69610 July 2004
Reading all the above comments, both for and against I note that there was no remarks on the pivotal role of LEO, played by Jaimz Woolvett, this young man reminded me strongly of Gary Oldman, the intensity he brought to the instability and sudden rages of the character were first class, the emotional switch from bravado to weeping terror when confronted with a pistol to his head were frighteningly real.

Bill Pullman, as usual gave value for money, his style of louche living and loose moral standards was excellent, young Devon Sawha seemed a little lost at first but with the more emotional scenes with his family and with the girl he rose to meet the challenge, he probably needs to move past the "pretty face" casting and look for more challenging roles.

I rate 7/10
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Slow and Totally Unbelievable
artpf14 November 2013
Callum Crane is in line for appointment to the federal bench during the same week he forces himself, while drunk, on a new secretary at his office who has firmly said no to him.

It's also the same week Nathan Corrigan (a young, callow ex-con) goes to the city to meet his biological father, the same Callum Crane.

They meet and before Nathan can tell Crane who he is, Crane offers him money to kill the secretary, who has threatened to go to the police.

Nathan takes an envelop of cash and the woman's photo, tells friends about it, and throws away the envelop. One of the friends, who needs money, retrieves the envelop and sets out to kill the woman. Can Nathan stop the crime?

Firstly, Bill Pullman is not a good rapist and the scene is directed like a romance. And why does he always look like he's gonna cry? The movie is very slow, and the giant chink in the armor? The plot is absurdly unbelievable. Why doesn't the girl just go to the cops? Why doesn't the friend just take the envelope with the money and run for the hills? It's a film that makes no sense.
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Not Bad
baybee5 June 2002
One rainy day while searching the video store my boyfriend and I came across this movie. Bill Pullman was on the cover so we hired it without reading the back of the cover and we were pleasantly surprised.

It was strange seeing Bill Pullman as the bad guy. He's certainly an underrated actor and this movie works only because of him.

Gabrielle Anwar was dull in her performance but Devon Sawa was great.

Bill Pullman plays a lawyer about to become a judge who tries to seduce his secretary, Gabrielle Anwar. She threatens to blackmail him and he hires Sawa to kill her but there are a few twists involved.

All in all this isn't a bad movie to watch and even though his performance was good, after being the nice guy for so long you have trouble believing Bill Pullman as a baddie.
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The British version is better, but not by much
blanche-24 April 2015
In deciding to do this British TV miniseries as a movie, there was an opportunity to take maybe just one of the coincidences that ruin this story out of the script, but instead, it's practically verbatim.

Bill Pullman plays Callum Crane, an excellent attorney who is totally self-involved, arrogant, and amoral. He lives with his wife and her children, whom he doesn't like.

Crane becomes interested in a young secretary, the petite, leggy Sophie (Gabrielle Anwar). One night, they are both at the office late, have drinks together and go to her apartment. He wants to have sex with her, but Sophie realizes it's a mistake. After all, he's her boss and he's married and drunk. Crane doesn't take no for an answer and rapes her.

Sophie is too traumatized to report it or do anything about it, but Crane is bothered by her presence and has her fired. Then he is made a Judge. Sophie sees an opportunity to threaten him with going public if he doesn't resign.

A subplot concerns a young man who, learning he is adopted, goes searching for his father.

The British version, due to the young thugs, is grittier, and let's face an important fact - Bill Pullman is no Michael Kitchen and doesn't come close to realizing this character. He comes off as a bland guy, although an egotistical attorney, who decides to take a desperate action, but we don't see his growing desperation, and we don't see him as someone capable of making the decision he makes or any of the follow-up.

What I found mildly interesting is that Joanna Whalley plays Pullman's wife, and like the character of Sophie, she too is petite and brunette, so you can see the interest -- he's at this point not very involved with his wife.

I've always thought Gabrielle Anwar was a very good actress, and she is excellent here, sexy and more street smart than in the British version where the character was much more naive and fragile.

The ending is different, making it a tiny bit more palatable. The ending of the original was disappointing.

If you're going to see a version of "The Guilty," see the British 1992 version.
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Decent viewing.
bombersflyup23 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The Guilty isn't great, but it ain't bad either, it holds the attention. It has a "Melrose Place" seedy vibe, where everybody's up to no good.

Pullman has both the sleazeball and the president in his wheelhouse. Gabrielle Anwar's absurdly beautiful, her character didn't have to do any of these things though, the situation's messily undefined and overblown, nor did Crane need fire her. Sawa plays the main character, who oddly feels out of place in this setting. Why he throws the money in the sewer after accepting it in person makes no sense, plus the fact that it's his father's money. Byers from "The X-Files," along with others who have guest appeared on the show briefly seen here.
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Not bad, not brilliant
neil-47618 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Let me first of all cast a vote against the title. I particularly dislike titling stories by just adding "The" before a relevant words. Horror novels are particularly prone to this, and I think, "So you couldn't think of a proper title, then?" For the most part, this is a moderately predictable suspense thriller, though it has one or two moments which are a little unexpected. Spoiler: the fact that Sophie is, indeed, murdered surprised me. I expected her to be rescued. And the final denouement is nicely realised: the kicker is fairly given away early, but nicely hidden/forgotten until the last moment. All of this was satisfying.

The thing that bugged me were the coincidences, principally that Nathan a) was Calum's son and b) already knew Sophie when Calum recruited him into the plot to murder her. The story would have worked just as well (subject to only minor rewriting), and would have been more credible, if neither of these coincidences had been present.

Oh well. It passed a couple of hours satisfactorily.
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I never think unless I'm paid
sol12185 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
**SPOILERS** Extremely over-plotted made for TV movie that has at least a half dozen different storyline running concurrently through it at the same time.

There's young and troubled Nate Corrigan, Devon Sawa, who' looking to turn his life around after serving six month behind bars on a stolen car conviction. There's also Nate's two muddled headed and criminally prone friends Leo & Dennis, Jaimz Wolvett & Darcy Belsher who are about the last people that Nate, being on parole, should associate with. It's these two noodnicks who pick Nate up from prison in a stolen SUV and almost end up getting killed in a wild ride where they almost ends up killing a number of carnival security guards who try to stop them from demolishing the place.

The major plot in the film is the connection that Nate has with sleazy and oily defense lawyer Callum Crane, Bill Pullman. It's Crane who it turns out, through his birth certificate, is Nate's biological father. The father Nate never knew he had! It also turns out that Crane is somewhat of a ladies man cheating on his wife Natalie, Joanne Whalley, who in return is cheating on him by having an affair with Crane's law partner Brent Frazer, Kent Thembleh. The thing that really gets the movie, with all the confusion in it, going is Crane's rape of his first day on the job secretary Sophie Lennon, Gabrielle Anwar. Having Sophie fired from her job to keep her from giving him any trouble the very smart Crane showed just what an ignorant and overconfident jerk, despite his perfect recored as a defense attorney, he really is.

It was Sophie on learning that her hot in the pants and unethical lawyer ex-boss was appointed to be a respected Federal Court Judge where he's sit and pass down judgment on rapists like himself that she started blackmailing him to either resign his post or she'll, by revealing just what a sleaze-ball he is, force him to do it. What in fact ties the Crane Sophie entanglement together in the movie is that Crane's illegitimate son Nate is also Sophie's roommate! Now how's that for a coincidence!

Believe or not all this is just half of what's going on in the movie "The Guilty" the other half has to do with Crane trying to get Sophie knocked off by non-other then his, whom he at the time doesn't realize, son Nate! Nate not willing to do the job, he doesn't even ask his old man whom he's supposed to knock off, which has his good friend Leo, who's in debt to a gang of murderous bikers, do the hit-job instead.

***SPOILER ALERT*** The last fifteen minutes of the film is packed with so many twists and turns that your left feeling dizzy just trying to follow it. When you and Crane finally get the pay-off to what the movie's ending is really all about you by then have been left so mind numbed and psychically exhausted that it takes you a while to figure just what the big surprise ending is really all about!
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So so
mfsor22 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Bill Pullman is a good actor, and most of the other actors in the film did well, too. But it was to unbelievable, too full of coincidences, too full of unimaginative dialog ("Do you always attack people in garages" when Bill's life had probably just been saved by the guy). And Leo was not believable, nor were the three guys who killed Leo, they were just the dumbest sort of stereotypes. Even a basic anchor of the plot, the Bill would kill to be a judge and give up a million dollars a year for a couple hundred thousand, wasn't believable. I never suspended my disbelief and that's the problem with this film. Okay, one more line: the blonde roommate was just too stupid for words, and the way they both flirted with Bill's son was too cute for words.
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Above the law
jotix1002 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Callum Crane, a powerful lawyer, is seen in his summation on a case being tried for defamation of character. He has even orchestrated the right moment in which a ray of sun will shine on the defendant's face to dramatize the occasion, while fumbling on a Shakespeare quote. He is too theatrical to lose the case. His own take on the two million dollars awarded the offended party is probably half of it.

Crane believes he can have Sophie Lennon, an attractive young woman who works in his office, just after he had been toasted by the partners. It was the wrong move because Sophie did not have any intentions to have sex with the powerful head of the lawyers' firm. Callum has no idea the humiliation he provokes in the young woman he decided to rape against her wish.

Nathan Corrigan just recently out of jail for a car theft, returns to town hoping to go straight. His pals have another thing in mind. He receives a blow when he learns Callum is his father. Going to meet him, he runs into Sophie, with whom he likes from the start. Callum, who is not aware of the relationship, sees in the young man a powerful ally for what he wants to do when Sophie becomes his bitter enemy. Nathan becomes the instrument of Callum's wish to get Sophie out of the picture, something that backfires.

"The Guilty" a 2001 film directed by Anthony Waller is a film that seems to have gone to video, or did not get a commercial distribution. Written by Simon Burke for a television movie, it was adapted by William Davies for this new production shot entirely around Vancouver. The film has good moments, but the plot does not hold its momentum because its so many twists and turns. There are too many things that do not completely make sense, especially between Callum and Nathan, or for that matter, the nomination of Callum to a Supreme Court seat (state, that is, not federal) is too much to be believed, when as a star lawyer, Crane can name his price for any case he would decide to take.

There are other plot holes that leave the viewer scratching his head, but one gives it the benefit of the doubt. There are other aspects that work. The sinister character of Callum is one of the creepiest characters Bill Pullman, a good actor, has been asked to bring to life. Gabrielle Anwar shows up as Sophie, the violated young woman who vows revenge on the powerful Callum. Davon Sawa appears as Nathan. The wonderful Joanne Whalley has nothing to do as the two-timing wife of Callum.
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Infuriatingly stupid
mikemdp27 October 2019
"The Guilty" is infuriatingly stupid.

Don't let the presence of the great Bill Pullman trick you into watching this, like it did me.

Bill Pullman comes from the same Do Anything For A Buck But Still Be Excellent Acting School that graduated the great Gene Hackman.

Indeed, Bill Pullman is awesome in a part that would have gone to Michael Douglas in a better movie.

But even he can't redeem this lame-brained thriller about a scoundrel lawyer who hires a hitman to kill the woman he raped, not knowing the hitman was the son he didn't know he had.

Read that last sentence again to yourself, out loud.

This movie is even stupider than that sounds out loud.

Characters say and do things in this movie only because it forwards the plot, logic be damned.

I watched this on my iPhone, and more than once I nearly hurled it at the wall in utter frustration at this movie, before reminding myself the device warrantee had expired, and I couldn't afford a new one.

After the phenobarbital, I was OK again.

I recommend you watch movies that don't lead to prescription drug use.

"The Guilty" is not one of those movies.

Free on PopcornFlix and YouTube.
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Good Thriller
beagle_mom20 September 2008
I caught this movie on TV the other night and really enjoyed it. The acting was good and I loved the plot. A lot of suspense and a great ending. Bill Pullman is a really good actor who should receive more recognition. This movie is definitely worth seeing if you like a good story. I couldn't figure out how it was going to end and leave me satisfied with the outcome, but it came through with a terrific twist. I had never heard of the young man who played Nathan, but would like to see him in other things. The only character I thought was underplayed was the wife. More could have been done with this role. It was also a little heavy on the violence, but this is somewhat understandable given the "film noir" genre.
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dircpitt21 November 2019
Great thriller. It begins to be a little dated in technique but the story is solid and is genuinely interesting for an evening on the sofa under the blanket.
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So how was your week?
AnnPanders24 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The plot has been summarised well already. In one week, an ex-con Sawa is told who his real father is, so he goes to find him, and meets a girl who is roommates with the woman his biological father just raped. Sawa meets his father and doesn't tell him he's his bio son before his father Pullman gives him a load of cash to kill off the rape victim. Unfortunately Sawa doesn't even open the envelope that has her name, address, picture and $5000. His ex-con friend gets the envelope and goes off and kills her. And then, blah blah blah.

The story is incomprehensible. The characters don't act like normal people. The plot is so twisted and convoluted. I like a good thriller with twists, but this was absurd.

I did make it to the end, only to scream at the screen. Pullman almost got away with it all, but for some unexplainable reason he leaves an addressed letter to the police containing the evidence he hired the killer on his desk that his wife mails. So stupid.

It was interesting to watch, but the end was a total letdown.
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