Granny (Video 1999) Poster

(1999 Video)

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Awful but funny
Pheebshirl23 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This film is so awful it is funny, not quite to Troll 2 levels of hilarity, but funny nonetheless. The acting is awful, the music is atrocious and the story does not make a blind bit of sense. The story revolves around a man dressed in an awful granny costume killing a bunch of people at a party. The death scenes are so badly done they are hilarious. One girl is stabbed repeatedly in the chest, but does not scream, try or defend or self or run away. She also manages to remain standing despite being stabbed repeatedly. Another death scene involving a rope is also extremely hilarious. No thought seems to have been put into the plot. The Granny seems to magically move from one area to another(e.g. be hiding under leaves in a woodland just where the victim just happens to stand, appears in front of someone even though it had been behind them ten seconds earlier), people kiss at extremely inappropriate moments(would you stop and kiss someone if you were being chased by a homicidal maniac) and the double twist at the end is utterly ridiculous, it seems they just threw it on just to confuse people. I would advise people to watch this film if they love awful horror movies like Troll 2, The Dreaded or Blood Gnome, but do not watch it if you are expecting a scary horror movie, you will be disappointed
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Crappy crapola!!
gamera6421 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Truly awful nonsensical garbage. This movie does everything wrong except make the running time under an hour. The gore FX defy gravity & logic. There are no scares. The acting is abysmal, with everyone appearing to be reading their lines. There's a surprise ending that's just silly where we find out that things we saw happen didn't even happen. Boy do I hate cop out endings! They pad this thing out with long drawn-out shots of people doing nothing interesting(like putting on make-up or talking for what seems like forever). They have to pad out a movie that's under an hour long? Ridiculous. The story itself is pretty freakin' thin. I mean it's just a variation of the movie APRIL FOOL'S DAY, if I remember that movie correctly, and that film wasn't all that great either. The only good thing I can say is it seems to have been shot well. Too bad nothing happens that's very exciting.
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Agonisingly awful but mercifully short.
BA_Harrison17 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Granny, directed by Boris Pavlovsky (who?), sees eight friends experiencing a night of terror when a psycho-killer dressed in a old hag rubber mask and a nightdress interrupts their party.

They say you can't judge a book by its cover, but it appears that the same is not true of DVDs: I was in the mood for a REALLY bad horror film last night, and since the cover of Granny featured a shoddily photo-shopped image of the titular killer swinging an axe, terrible typography (they even use the system font Sand, a definite design no-no!), and credits featuring absolutely no-one I had heard of, I reckoned it would be pretty lousy.

It was!

When a film clocks in at just under an hour long, it really shouldn't waste too much time before getting to the action; Granny, however, spends the first 20 minutes or so with its unlikable group of friends indulging in pointless games and extremely banal conversation. Anyone who actually stays with the film long enough for the killing to begin (and I doubt most sane people would bother) will be treated to several dreadful death scenes featuring amateurish gore, loads of awful acting, and a surprise ending that comes as no surprise (if you've seen April Fool's Day, then you'll guess what the twist is way before it is revealed).

Granny is uninspired, unexciting, and almost unwatchable. Avoid.
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It's so bad it actually becomes must-see stuff
miykwhat14 September 2003
Nothing can prepare you for how truly rubbish this film is. Rubbish actors, rubbish script, rubbish camerawork. But it is because of this that you simply must see it. From the way some actors make random noises instead that have to purpose, to the ending that seems to contradict everything in the film, this film is a work of terrible genius. My favourite scene? When the girl is repeatedly stabbed in the bathroom, and yet the knife remains somehow clean, and she is still standing after getting a good 30+ holes in the chest. Oh, and the blood looks like it's being squirted from a tomato sauce bottle. In fact, it probably is tomato sauce. Just watch the film and laugh. Laugh hard.
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Granny says be nice!
wigglexwiggle26 April 2006
I watched this movie at a party, we were very puzzled by the ending, it ended rather poor. even though the entire movie isn't too amazing, i was expecting something slightly better. This movie is pure trash, but i suggest you watch it if you find cheap horror films with a weak script quite funny. Personally I loved the advert, it was my overall highlight, the fighting scenes were basic, a shot of a knife, some shadows in a window, fake blood. I must say the Granny costume was quite scary, This film is a mixture of kill joy, camp blood and boggy creek 2,except this film has slightly better camera wok and colour treatment compared with camp blood.
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Probably the worst film you will ever see.
trevhurt3 June 2000
This film is truly execrable in all departments. Script, acting, plot, direction and editing are all uniformly awful. I give it 1 out of 10 simply because people turned up to make it. I would have given it 2 out of 10 if they had all stayed at home instead. Avoid at all costs!
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Lets Talk About Our Paranoeas
pizowell14 January 2001
This movie really sucked.....HARD! It was just stupid with a terrible ending. I love a really cheesy horror flick, but this was terrible! The "trick" ending totally contradicts everything you've seen in the movie, if you last til the end. Take my advice and steer clear of that dirty old hag The Granny.
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Borderline Offensive
mungthemerciless13 October 2005
Granny is definitely one of the worst horror movies ever made in the history of cinema.

The script was diabolical, so bad in fact that I was almost crying with laughter at some of the things they came out with. The acting was almost as bad, they would have been better off casting traffic cones to play the roles (they would have done a better job). The murders were laughable, the suspense was non existent, the camera work was ineffective and the "major" plot twist at the end was disgustingly inappropriate, it just gets worse and worse.

"The Granny" is possibly one of the most unthreatening "villains" caught on film, she looks like she is wearing a cheap mask from the supermarket (the nylon hair caused endless amounts of laughter) and a frilly nightgown. Would you be scared by that??? I certainly wasn't.

If you like watching bad movies (see Manos, Troll 2, Michael Bay films  ) then this is a must see. Those who don't like bad movies and don't enjoy laughing at shockingly bad dialogue, avoid like the plague.
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Beyond the realms of stupid!
Ironhelm3817 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I love low budget movies. Including those that are intentionally or un-intentionally funny,excess fake gore,violence etc.

This,however is beyond stupid. Once you see the ending you'll say,what the hell was the point of all the killing scenes with no one around(except in a couple) to witness them.AND how did the ending actually come about(I won't give the WHOLE story away for those dumb enough to actually watch this) Granny is like a psychic Jason. First she's outside the window with a body and 15 seconds later she's in the living room knitting. The whole thing is a setup for a newcomer. They pull off graphic kill scenes,the knitting needles in the eyes,that only Chris Angel Mind Freak could pull off. And again,the very end was Pre-posterous. 56 min waste of time. I've seen one of the directors other films and it was almost as bad. Give me 20 grand and I could do better. This really deserves a big fat 0.
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Telefilm ? Ach, ja !
fegorleo-18 January 2007
NO WAY ! I hated Granny. First, she is way too tall -of course she is, it is Tom, whoever's brother, who's playing her- and I hate that thing she does when she brushes her fake silver hair back, but : there are funny parts in this movie. For instance, the fact that every single actor looks V.G. (very German), and also that they think that, even when left alone, they should pretend that that guy (Tom) is their actual "granny" or something. I specially liked -not- that moment where Charlotte leaves and starts walking to the nearest gas station to ask for some help. She suddenly finds herself in the middle of some woods (where were these before? nobody dares explaining) and turns, turns, turns a-r-oun-d like a ballerina, looking at the stars...and...ignoring the fact that GRANNY'S BEHIND HER, READY TO STRIKE !!! But, anyway, the music wasn't so bad, the haircuts were okay and the ending terribly provocative... Mmmmm... wish I had the German version.
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You'll never see worst.
ilovefixou2 November 2005
Oh my god, this movie is incredible, it's the baddest movie ever and I know what I am talking about! I am a scary movies fan!

The story is totally silly, a group of adults decide to make a party and a silly guy with an awful mask comes and kills everybody... the dialogs are a kind of parody, worst, they're just talking about sex with a so bad accent. The end is (oh!!!!!!) discover by yourself! you will be really really surprised... (not possible! yes it is!) and surprise the movie is just 58minutes. (not possible (bis) yes it is!) Worst than House IV and Howling V.

To put it in a nutshell, forget it forever!!!
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The best £4 i have ever spent
extrema068 January 2007
Right, here we go, you have probably read in previous reviews on this film that it is awful, badly acted, avoid at all costs. Well i suppose in some ways this is true, it is fair to say that you couldn't write a spoiler in this comment as there is no plot to spoil. However, there is a fine line between plain awful and absolutely hilarious and believe me this film is the latter. The acting is so bad, the plot so non existent and the ending so completely baffling it will have you laughing the whole way through. There are scenes in this film that take comedy to a new level. Do not expect an Oscar winner but believe me for the small price you will pay for this disaster, it is worth every penny.
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michell94417 February 2002
I've given this film a "6" so i thought I'd better justify that one before i get driven to the nearest mental unit. As a horror movie, this was awful. It was boring for at least 30 minutes then it was poorly-acted, poorly-directed, and the camera work was terrible. Even i can hold a camera straight. As a comedy, it's a work of cinematic genius. I've never laughed so hard in my life. This is what "Scary Movie" should have been (but wasn't). So I give it "6" for its unintentional comedy.
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OK I'm very very sad!
wong-312 May 2000
This home movie is basically scandalously rubbish, but you have to give them 3/10 for trying. The blood is rubbish, but the granny that kills them is quite funny, and I think the concept is good, and make-up is OK for a home movie. However thank god it was only 55 minutes long, and the twist at the end is quite literally Fight Club (as in almost as trash as the film). Just read this comment, don't watch the film.
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Gives trash a bad name
alicespiral25 June 2007
An object lesson in how to make a bad movie which masquerades as Horror. Without going in too close I would imagine this is the results of a bunch of film school students all adding bits to the story and then actually ACTING in it! Its like a film workshop of some kind and its a film badly in need of an editor-in which case it would have lasted 10 minutes! The director of this garbage probably had more money than sense. Consider the number of submitted scripts or even unreleased films which would have benefited from this. The so called Granny who was killing people in some pretty stupid ways looked like Christopher Lloyd in Back to the Future-or maybe the musicians Johnny Winter/Edgar Winter. It starts off with 20 minutes of crass boring nonsense spouted out by the students-something about paranoia. Giving this rubbish 1 is because it can't get any less. It has not one single redeeming feature-and when one of the girls thinks the body on the floor covered in blood is the guy fooling about she has to actually TASTE the red stuff before she knows its not tomato ketchup! Its an insult to the intelligence of an idiot
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Stylish but tripe anyway !
Phroggy1 June 2000
This one features an interesting way of handling a camera,

espercially for a DTV movie - the version I saw was full-screen

  • but it falls short on the scenario department. First you get

around 20mn of talk, talk, talk in a would-be-hip, post-"Trainspotting" way, then it's slasher city. And then comes

the most dishonest cheat ending I've seen, much worse than

"April Fool's Day" - where at least it made sense. So, all in

all, it's the old song and dance : interesting director tries

hard, but deserves better movie. Funny : usually, it is the actors which are in desperate need of

something better… Skip it anyway, for your time
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Possibly the worst horror movie of the 90's.
bigpappa1--210 August 2000
A whole bunch of teenagers gather around to discuss their fears, but an uninvited guest has showed up and is killing everybody off.

Probably the worst horror film of the 90's, Camp Blood (1999) is the only film that could challenge it for that title, has some of the dumbest characters and situations to ever grace a television screen. The so called surprise ending is awful, as is the rest of this film. Mildly entertaining on a sooo bad it is good level. My rating: 2 out of 10.
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script lol
spawned-13-86043324 April 2011
made on an extremely low budget and with some of the worst dialogue i have ever heard in a film which is made even worse by the fact that none of the cast can act and are constantly stepping on each others lines there are far too many tedious scenes that go nowhere and for a slasher film with not much else going for it there is relatively little gore also there is some strange use of sound effects. The editing is sub par but not terrible as there is only one scene that desperately needs re-edited (also one of the dumbest parts of the film) the ending tries to deliver a twist but its nothing to write home about and rather contrived. Usually the dialogue is pretty hilarious and the casts overacting enhances the humour to a point were its pretty watchable would recommend to hardcore bad film enthusiasts
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Granny needed to be more gory
milkhole21311 October 2021
Granny is the type of film I want from the Tomb of Terrors box set. It's not in anyway good but it's short and to the point. Just a cheap dumb slasher movie with an annoying twist at the end. It's kind of fun before that with some decent bloody kills and a cool antagonist. Granny is obviously played by a dude in a mask and a wig. Since she's supposed to be a ghost or demon I could buy it that she got all buff in the afterlife. The film is about 58 minutes long and doesn't really get going until about the 24 minute mark. Most slasher films start out kind of slow so I don't mind but the first part isn't exactly exciting. Granny isn't great but I want more of this from my super cheap horrors in this box set- brief, straightforward, mostly derivative slashers and some monster films would be nice. There's no experimentation here or attempts at being inventive or annoying editing tricks with the only low point being the twist ending which I won't spoil.
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one big joke
trashgang13 March 2013
O sure, they knew what they wanted to deliver. A nice slasher. But without a good script you doesn't have a flick. This is a perfect example. This clocks in at 55 minutes and the first 10 minutes it's all about talking. The friends are sitting together in a room and are comparing each other over their sex lives.

Once the story involves into granny things go wrong. But it's already too late. The first ten minutes destroyed this flick. You couldn't care about any person. When the killings start the first one was rather okay for a no budget. But from then on it becomes ridiculous. The stabbing of a girl has no red stuff flying around and the knife used is bloodless. What a mistake. Just before the girl is stabbed it again takes ages before she's ready making herself beautiful.

By having all killings off-camera and only seeing the result it degrades to a turkey. But clocking in under a hour makes it watchable. The plot was a good thought although seen it before in April Fool's Day (1986).

This is all so bad that it even becomes good,

Gore 0,5/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 1/5 Story 2,5/5 Comedy 0/5
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Don't watch alone
stevendonovan-7085910 March 2019
Well it's not hard to find faults in this film, low budget and poor acting but it still works. It did hold my attention and I didn't once wonder how long left. This is the type of film you and your friends will enjoy poking holes at
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I loved it to pieces
conormcadam1045117 May 2010
..::The Prologue Of Watching Granny::..

I got this movie from a bargain bin in my local Boozer. Usually there you can get a "Bad" movie for £1.50 or 2 for £2! Needless to say I spend most of my time digging through that bin! On my latest dig I found the best bargain in the history of mankind.

GRANNY FOR £0.20!!! As you can probably guess I had 4 heart attacks in a row at the greatness of the box art. Later I woke up in a daze, payed for my copy of Granny and (Literally) RAN home to watch it on my 42" TV. As soon as I got home I got a six-pack of beer out of the fridge, turned my phone off. Logged off skype. I was literally unreachable. I had food, beer and Granny. The perfect night in.

Upon the first few minutes the fear really sets in. You can't believe what your watching. As some guy (I think its one of the dudes from American Pie or something... He was in A Kid In King Arthur's Court) tells his friends how he killed his Grandma, cut her into pieces and "Laid her to rest". These people are in their mid-20's and playing a game a parent sets up to scare her kid and their friends. GENIUS! These people are obviously trying to be children again, no doubt going to be their downfall as Granny picks them off one by one. Their inner-child being their weakness.

Or it could just be a really dumb (But hilarious) scene... Either way...

The movie is basically one character sets up a "Skit" to "Scare" his "Friends" and stuff. So he tells them to get out so he can set it up. When his friends return they notice a not on the door saying he left to get more beer (at this point I needed more) and chips. So they go in a and await the fright of a lifetime. Whilst waiting they hear crying. 'Tis no other than GRANNY! Who picks off the American Pie kid and delivers an axe to the head.

The rest of the movie is just the same horror cliché's we all know and love. Add a cheap granny mask, tomato ketchup, a flare gun (Supposed to be a colt .45) and some amazing acting talent. With probably the most brain busting twist EVER at the end.

The perfect night in movie.
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Too short, though time well spent.
Lord Vukodlak30 June 2002
On seeing this movie, I didn't expect much. I was delightfully surprised. Although the writing was unpolished, as some of the dialog seemed drawn-out and contrived, the script did have shining moments. (My favorite line, "Life is like a rich meringue, an-and I'm diabetic, so I can't enjoy it...".) The plot was new and refreshing as opposed to some of the newer more "main-stream" horror that most of us are (sadly) growing used to. I do believe some of the scenes could (should) have been longer (and maybe some shorter). The superfluous use of blood was campy but seemed to make sense in the end....Ah, the end. The end would have been a little better if they had explained why what happened, happened. (I don't wanna spoil it.) It might have also added to the movie time, which is in the area of "it's only an hour long, how good could it be?" Answer- Quite good.
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This film made ME want to go on a killing spree to make these characters SHUT UP!
planktonrules12 May 2014
The only positive thing I could say about "Granny" is that it was mercifully short--at only an hour in length. This is because I have never seen a film with a bigger assortment of annoying characters in my life! In fact, they were so annoying and poorly written that I couldn't wait until someone showed up and started killing them as this would (mercifully) make them all shut up!!

The film begins with a group of friends getting together to act like jerks. The men were particularly annoying and mostly made sexist comments, though a few of the women were also annoying and crass. Eventually, the killing began but it took way too long!

This film is obviously a semi-professional sort of film. The acting is fair, the writing is abominable and it all looks like it was filmed with a home video camera--with sound that ranged from very good to almost unintelligible. The fact that writer/director/actor Boris Pavlovsky has no other credits before or since doesn't come as much of a surprise.
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So bad it's brilliant!
vortgorn30 August 2004
Anyone who is annoyed by this film's quality should be ashamed. This is one of my favourite films ever! It has spawned many a catchphrase amongst my friends and it is a sure way to cheer me up.

This film is clearly rubbish. yes. but so terrible, it comes out the other side of bad into funny territory. The acting, the writing, the special effects, the camera work, the music, all hilariously awful. So bad, i still haven't figured out whether it was intentionally this bad, in a kind of spoof type thing.

Serious or not, when the makers of this film brought Granny into this world, they were doing a glorious thing!!

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