The Crocodile Hunter (TV Series 1996–2004) Poster


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In respect of Steve Irwin.
Boba_Fett11384 September 2006
Saddened and shocked by the sudden passing of Steve Irwin I decided to come here and post a comment for the television show he will always be remembered for; "Crocodile Hunter".

Thing that "Crocodile Hunter" taught us the most is that Steve Irwin was one unique character, who taught us the word 'crickey', with his typical Australian accent and other crazy Australian words and expressions. In a way he made the Australian dialect popular, all over the world. He had a passion for wildlife and crocodiles in particular, no doubt. But the way he expressed his love and passion was totally over-the-top.

When nothing else was on television and I was bored, I often watched a "Crocodile Hunter" episode. When watching the show you just knew, no matter what, that you're going to be entertained by Steve's overreactions, his silly antics, his jumping around and screaming and cheering. It gave Steve just as many haters as lovers and admirers, from all over the world. It made Steve Irwin one of the most colorful and vividly unique characters on television. Well aware of his own image Steve also often made advantage of it by appearing in television commercials all over the world and eventually even made a movie "The Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course" in which he more or less spoofed himself, together with his wife and colleague Terri Irwin. There never has been a character like Steve Irwin before and there will never be one again.

The show often was more entertaining than educational and more hilarious than serious. Still it provided also some good information about the Australian wildlife. It also made it still interesting to watch, next to entertaining. Fans of wildlife shows will find definitely more than enough joy in this. Steve showed us things and places you never thought you would ever see. He certainly provided us with some unique and dangerous looking television.

Steve Irwin was brave but he was just as 'crazy'. He jumped (and I mean literally jumped) crocodiles, alligators and poisonous snakes like they formed no danger at all. His obsession almost seemed sick at times, especially when he carried his kids around with him under his arm, as a football, through dangerous swamps. I always was surprised that he never got seriously attacked or bitten and injured by an animal. He really crossed the lines at times. He had so many close calls. It sort of fits him that he died in 'action', while diving off the coast of Queensland and got stunned by a stingray through his chest, while shooting a documentary. He just was not the kind of person to die in bed at old age. Nevertheless fact is that Steve Irwin of course died way too young and he leaves a wife and two young children. He could had provided so much more educational but also mostly fun hours of television for years to come. But unfortunately it wasn't meant to be so...

Thanks for all those hours of entertaining television Steve. "Crocodile Hunter" will always be a television series to watch over and over again without ever getting boring. It will probably be still aired and remain popular for years to come. A really unique show with an unique character.

R.I.P. Steve Irwin.

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About the Croc Hunter-Steve Irwin
ake467534 September 2006
I must say, this guy had it all with animals. My eldest son, who's now is 11, loves Steve so much and wish to work with him one day. but because of this day my two son (11 and 9) are now very emotional upset over the death of Steve. As my eldest son was too also a love of reptiles animals and so on fourth. His interested all started when he was only 3 years old. He would walk around with big blue tongeslizard on each shoulders and patting it with confidence. He just an image of Steve in a lot of ways. But because of this happened to Steve and his death has hit hard on the boys as they wanted to meet him at the gold coast one day as i was intended to take them with me to see him.

Well I wish to give my sympathy to the Irwinn's family, his wife and dearest loved children. Who will suffer at great loss to their dad their "hero" that will remained lived forever.

I felt to write this, as due not knowing where i could send a email to the Irwinn's in direct as the boys wanted very much to say sorry and hope that the wonderful memories is shared of him forever.

thanks guys and the work of Steve series and others has been amazing experience and taught us to enjoyed the thing's in life what you do best and loved most of all.
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An Australian Conservationist Who Left His Mark
patboldt28 December 2017
I will really try to not let nostalgia blind me as I write this review, and I will try my hardest to ignore how this amazing man, Steve Irwin, had his life cut short by tragedy, but I can honestly say that this show was amazing when it came out.

Crocodile Hunter helped redefine what it meant to be a nature documentary, well before massive hits such as Planet Earth came to be. Mostly because of how daring the main star was onscreen. Steve Irwin was no Survivorman who existed because he wanted to get famous, his love for wildlife came first and foremost, and that is seen through his actions and personality. One really feels a sense of wonder and amazement when he interacts with wildlife especially at times when he could have been killed at any moment. It had an element of realism to it that is not as well observed in modern documentaries that seem to be censored to only showing what should be seen, not what can be. Steve and his wife, Terri, did these things together because they loved their work and they wanted to help make the world a better place by showing the beauty of the world to those who lacked the knowledge and even existence of such beauty, and if one is looking for a show about people who love wildlife, this is it.

Being that this was aimed for younger audiences, it does have a sort of datedness that impacts it's rewatchability but Steve Irwin himself had an amazing legacy and this show is just one of the many testaments to it. It's truly sad to know that he is gone, but he will be well remembered for his honrable service to the conservation community. He may have just been an Australian who loved Crocodiles, but he left his mark and it will be cherished forever.
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Everyone's waiting for that one time...
okenter3 June 2001
The Crocodile Hunter, aka Steve Irwin, has to be the craziest man on Earth. In any given episode, you'll see him trapping pissed off crocs, holding highly venomous snakes by the tail as he points out their colorations, or just feeding the inhabitants of the Queensland Zoo by dangling a chicken leg inches from their tooth filled maws.

Half of the show's appeal is the knowledge he displays with each animal he finds, explaining everything he knows about them to the camera. The other half is watching as he stares down some creature, hoping this is the time he gets bitten or eaten, knowing that if it happens, his last words will be, "Crickey! Keep the camera rolling, and...." The best moments so far have been the numerous close calls, from crocs attacking the camera, to being sprayed down by spitting cobras. More interactive than any given National Geographic special, he risks life and limb each episode, all because he loves his job so much. In my opinion, this show is better than some unknown dude sitting half a mile away watching a lion eat a zebra. You know Steve would be kneeling a few yards away, smiling to the camera. That's why he's the best host on any nature show. I rate this show 8/10, and I'll keep watching until the day he gets too close.
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Fantastic Show!!!!
cuzzinman6 January 2019
Love this show, the people, and all of the cool stuff you learn on it!!!! Steve Irwin, Terri Irwin, and the entire crew do a great job of both educating and entertaining!!!! It is a very wholesome show and very genuine and you learn a lot about wildlife and the environment. Steve's skill and passion are extraordinary!!!! I highly recommend this show to everyone!!!!
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A prayer for Terri and her family
mewildetoo5 September 2006
I write this with a heavy heart and tear stained cheeks. I knew Steve personally. I had met Steve and Terri in Eugene Oregon when he and Terri was visiting Terri's family there. It has sadden me to the point of tears that we have lost such a caring, wonderful, and talented man whose hands were satin against an animal's skin. I knew after I had talked with Steve that my path was one of nature and animal blessings and that I was suppose to help the creatures of the world. I thank him for that knowledge and I only pray that his family finds peace in their knowledge that Steve died doing what the God and Goddess wanted him to do, which was to educate the world about all the misunderstood creatures on this planet. Please join me in sending blessings to his family, Terri, Bindi and Robert and their grandparents. I am lighting a white candle to remember him by and setting it in my window seal until nightfall.

"Blessed Be the family of Steve and Terri Irwin. I knew them personally in life and know Terri's family in Eugene Oregon. I had the gift of meeting this wonderful, gifted man after he had had his knee worked on and he was the most caring and gifted person I had ever seen with animals. Until we meet again Steve....... May the heavens take you in and may your lifework continue through someone's hands and through the heart of all those around the world. "

Love ya Mate
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Steve Irwin will live on in our hearts
aaronevil8 September 2006
Steve Irwin: 'The Crocodile Hunter' has passed now. But this was a great show in which he entertained us with his humor as he educated us with his love and passion for animals. In this show he traveled all over the world, including my home state(Arizona), to explore the land and tell us about the animals that inhabit the area by getting close to them with physical contact. I started watching the show in 1999, and bought a shirt with him on it the following year at Universal Studios, CA. That's how big he was to me, the news of his death shocked my entire family. He had never been bitten by a poisonous snake...but a sting ray took it's toll. Steve was very passionate and enthusiastic. He was that way from when he woke up until he went to bed. The show will live on forever though.
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Incredibly entertaining and quite daring
TheLittleSongbird4 October 2010
This was a show I remembered watching all the time when I was like 10. My sisters, brother and I were addicted to this show and never missed an episode. And I still have a soft spot for it. Crocodile Hunter never failed to be incredibly entertaining and daring. I also loved the scenery and camera work, the slick pacing, the outback wisdom and of course the bravado. And of course I love Steve Irwin, and was deeply saddened at his passing. He was incredibly talented and knew what he was doing and saying making him such an endearing and fun presenter. All in all, Crocodile Hunter is a great show, entertaining and daring with a great presenter. 10/10 Bethany Cox
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A great show
bairdo_baby5 September 2006
This is a wonderful show, hosted by a wonderful man. Firstly, I'd like to say that anybody who thinks Steve Irwin does an over-the-top "Aussie Impression" is dead wrong. That is who he is at heart, he does not act. He has more balls than Stephen Colbert, more energy and life and spunk than anybody anywhere, and has a great persona for a nature show. Many think hes "hurting" or disturbing animals, and while yes sometimes he has disturbed animals, he gives us a great understanding of animals lives, and why we should all work to protect natures wonders. Steve Irwin is great, a lovable character, a great guy in real life, a true lover of nature, and we will all miss him greatly. Bye Steve, thank you for entertaining and educating all of us for the past decade. You will be missed by millions.
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Crocs Rule!
bcolquho4 September 2006
I just heard this morning that Steve Irwin died. Crikey! I remember watching The Crocodile Hunter on Animal Planet a few years back. Good show. There was a controversy two years ago when Steve was feeding a crocodile with one hand while holding his son with the other. He apologized for it and said that if he had to do it over again he'd go surfing. He died doing what he loved. When he died, he got too close to a sting ray and was stung in the heart. Crikey! It's hard to believe he's gone. Steve was working on a documentary about the Great Barrier Reef when he died. His wife and children were off hiking in Tasmania when the news came and they caught a plane back to Queensland. RIP, Steve. CROCS RULE!
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Steve Irwin has a passion like no other.
jsabloomfield4 July 2002
If you are interested in animals, I implore you to watch this show. The hosts, Australin Steve Irwin and his American wife, Terri have such an intensity and passion about animals and animal conservation that even reptiles like snakes, previously though of as scary and slimy, really do seem slightly 'gorgeous'! They really are amazing people and a credit to the animal-loving society, if you love animals you'll love this show.
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Best Nature Show!
AngelHonesty9 January 2020
This one will take you for a fun wild ride about crocodiles and the fantastic critters of Australia! I loved watching this as a kid, it was extremely entertaining and fun to watch. Steve Irwin is the best! He is full of enthusiastic energy as he interacts with crocodiles and other wildlife. He explains clearly about the creatures habitats and daily functions in such an entertaining way that will keep you waiting to hear more. It's fun to see him sit on crocodiles or even be chased by them! This man was truly amazing.
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Luv u steve
powellben-2820619 March 2019
Luv u steve Luv u steve Luv u steve Gosh I love steve Irwin
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Life's a Croc
ThunderKing63 September 2020
This was a fun show to watch back in the day. It was both nature educational and exciting.

They don't make nature show like these anymore.

Verdict: Its unfortunate that Irwin had to go so soon. That's life.
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An Aussie nature show with a host who redefines exuberance.
rgforest18 September 2000
The Crocodile Hunter is Steve Irwin, who spent his formative years relocating rogue crocodiles and roaming the outback of Australia. He runs a zoo with his wife Terry where he is as much of an attraction as the animals. He combines an outgoing and typically direct Aussie personality with a fearlessness that continually has me thinking, "I don't believe he just did that". One minute he's capturing a crocodile by jumping onto it's back with several of his "mates", the next he's picking up the third most venomous snake in the world BY THE TAIL. Add to that the rich "Down Under" slang and you have a unique show. Entertaining and funny while showing you things about wildlife you'd never see in a typical nature show.
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This show is great!
The_Sisk023 June 2002
What can I say? I haven't really watched this show before until recently and all of a sudden I love it. I don't like the crocs as much as the other animals but Steve's explaining makes everything worth while. I love the dingos and after watching this show I really want to take a vacation to Australia. I can't wait to see the movie now. I can't really rate the show since its as reality as a t.v. show can get. But I can say its good entertainment and good education at the same time.
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The best show on TV!
jthompson-52 July 2001
Steve and Terri rule! I love this show, not only for it's entertainment value but for it's educational value as well. Steve and Terri are great role models for kids. And they seem to have a great marriage and a happy family. In a world filled with divorces and broken homes it is so nice to see an example of a good family. I just hope Steve dose not get killed on one of his adventures! Croc Hunter is the best!
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The most entertaining man in showbiz
Matthini12 January 2001
The first time I watched "Crocodile Hunter", Steve was in the jungles looking at elephants up close. The elephant noticed him and she started to run after Steve. He made it out ok, but damn was that ever entertaining!!! He knows how to make people sit up on their seats. And later on in that episode he climbs up a tree to get a snake. While he's up there hanging on for his dear life he breaks off the branch with the snake on it, the snake was venemous but he didn't care he brought it down to show it to us. This show, after one episode left me amazed.

I was sad to see this show never won any awards because this is the most entertaining show on television. He risks his life in every episode for us. It makes you laugh so hard you'll pee your pants or it'll leave amazed that you can't wait until the next show. Steve and Terri are the greatest people in showbiz!
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GrantCAGE11 July 2001
This is one amazing series! Steve Irwin and his wife Terri telling us all about crocodiles and their ways. Don't think that this is just one of those stupid voyeur nature programmes because it ain't! I admire Steve simply because his is so ENTHUSIASTIC, so BRAVE and so damn ENTERTAINING! In the series I have seen Steve sit on a croc's back, lie on the ground close to a croc and even seen him being chased by one! This is one FANTASTIC series that everyone must watch! It's just so entertaining as well as being fun, adventures, exciting AND informative. HOW MANY THINGS CAN YOU SAY THAT ABOUT?! 10/10 Excellent!
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Crikey, what a beauty!!!
DevastationBob-310 December 2000
Crikey...injecting a much needed shot in the arm of nature documentaries, Steve Irwin has burst onto the scene like crazed bandicoot. Steve Irwin and his lovely wife Terri head into the bush every week and traumatize innocent forest creatures to the great amusement of the television audience. Steve's hands-on approach to zoology is highly entertaining to watch, while at the same time informative. Granted, steve is a diesel mechanic, and holds no degree of any kind in biology. What he does have is a lifetime of experience with animals and utterly no regard for his own personal safety. "Watch now as I stick my head in this snake infested burrow...crikey, it bit my eye! No worries..." It's as much comedy as it is science. Steve Irwin is the Lee Majors of nature show hosts. I truly believe that Steve Irwin could defeat any land animal in hand to hand combat...including Rowdy Roddy Piper. If any one person is guaranteed of having their grisly demise captured on film, it's Steve Irwin. But until that dark day, we will continue to watch, dumfounded, the Crocodile Hunter. Peace.
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Great show!
Movie Nuttball6 June 2003
This show is really something.Steve Irwin is really a brave man.It is incredible how he handles all of the reptiles and other magnificent creatures.Though I think some times he is nuts for doing the things he does and he is very funny and he doesn't even know and he is quite serious most of the time.If you like animal shows with a person handling crocodiles,spiting cobras,lizards,scorpions,and among other dangerous creature of the world then check it out on Animal Planet!
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An embarrassment to Australia
julia_is_mental11 July 2002
For some unknown reason, the crocodile hunter is extremely popular overseas. But not in Australia. Like Yahoo Serious, he is an embarrassing man, and like the Crocodile Dundee movies, provides a false image of what Australians are like. We have only seen one series of Crocodile Hunter here, and it was shown after a much better Australian outback show was on All Aussie Adventures, which is kind of the same idea, except the host knows nothing about the bush and always gets his car stuck in mud and falls off cliffs. The Crocodile Hunter was shown, and I assumed it was also just a stupid joke. I was wrong. I hate it.
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Kirpianuscus4 September 2019
I think, his huge passion for the Australian wildlife was the basic ingredient of succes for this serie. The manner to talk, to live, to show, to demonstrate, the honesty child-like are the bones of the force of each episode. A great to magnificent lesson about nature. And an impressive art to be yourself . So, a remarkable show.
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Only interesting part...
hughluver134 October 2003
Is when he get's bitten. Yes, the show is VERY action packed, he IS brave, but that's about it. He's more of a poster boy (not a v.g. one if you ask me), he's not much of a educator. Look at Jeff Corwin, funny, smart, and he hardly ever get's bitten.

Not many people now this, but when a person get's bitten by the animal, they are obviously doing something wrong. Either the animal is very hostile or the person is hurting it, Jeff Corwin (correct me if I am wrong) got bitten twice and scratched once. Bitten by two mock snakes, a mock python (small and black) and a mock coral snake. They were small and harmless, Steve Irwin got more bites then anything. Sure, Jeff Corwin is a bit of a chicken, scared of monkeys and such, but otherwise, I think he's alright.

If you like ACTION, watch the 'Crocodile Hunter', if you actually want to learn something when watching 'Animal Planet' (a supposedly educational show) watch 'The Jeff Corwin Experience'. It's your choice, I'll take Jeff Corwin thank you.
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O Caçador De Crocodilos: Curso De Colisão
edwing-25 September 2006
Is very sad, but I tried to submit comments in Portuguese and Spanish, but the machine can't understand. Well, if is not possible to do that, I'll do in English. Is the best film I ever seen, is magic, comic and with a fine humor sense. It can ridicule technology to preserve wild life and world forests. I know that Steve had a deadly accident, I'm so sorry for that, and is in that way that I believe that everybody should attend and watch the film, to know a great man, his ideas and support the movement he started. By the way, Steve is well recognized at Bolivia and Brazil, perhaps because his sense of humor is very close to ours. Have a good trip to God Steve, there in heaven are all the animals you love.

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