The Bogus Witch Project (TV Movie 2000) Poster

(2000 TV Movie)

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Bad Witch Project
jocke-1723 April 2001
This is the worst movie I have ever seen. If you think about seeing this movie you will probably have a better time just looking into a wall. Anything else would be better than to look at this movie, the actors are bad but the story is worse. It shouldn't be legal to make these kind of movies.
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Almost completely awful
b-a-h TNT-617 June 2001
The first segment, "The Watts Bitch Project", was mildly funny, enough to make me think that this collection of spoofs gained its REALLY bad reputation mostly because fans of the real movie took the whole thing as an insult. I was wrong. If the first segment was watchable, what came next was complete, unwatchable crap with not one single laugh. The fake commercials were lame and the next spoofs were so unfunny it was painful. The Pauly Shore segment was particularly goofy and out of place.

My advice it that you can skip this movie but if you happen to catch it on cable, watch only the first segment. The rest is absolutely unwatchable. By the way, here are my ratings:

segment "The Watts Bitch Project" 5/10; segment "The Griffith Witch Project" 1.5/10; segment "In the Woods Segments" 1/10; segment "Pauly Shore Segment" 1/10; segment "The Bel Air Witch Project" 1/10; segment "The Willie Witch Project" 1/10

Overall: 2/10
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Just like it's title, it's bogus
saint40530 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The Bogus Whitch Project is a prime example of pure Grade A trash. This film which has a number of short parodies of the movie The Blair Whitch Project is not funny. The films opening with someone running through the woods to be stopped by some bodyguard saying "You need a pass to enter" was a good start. Right when the first parody started, the film reached a new low. I turned the film off right in between the second parody. Now between parodies is the same guy running through the woods and a few fake t.v show placements like zombie chefs and other crap that is not funny and never will be. Then there's Pauly Shore, ha you pathetic fool. Skip this film, it will rot your brain and make you dumber. Good thing I didn't watch it all, Bogus Witch project gets a 1. To horrible for words, just horrible. Not recommended at all!
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Excruciatingly Painful
RogueMonkey5 September 2003
The second worst film ever made. Spoofs practically write themselves so even a monkey would manage to include at least one minor chuckle over the eternity that this film lasts. This, however, is a guaranteed laugh free zone. A big, fat, hairy, mess made by a collection of talentless, failed, drunken, pretentious drama students.

That said, rarely has a film had such an emotional impact on me. Whilst watching I experienced everything from hatred/anger/fury through despair/depression and all the way to wanting to kill everyone involved and set myself on fire.

Do not watch this film. I'm not joking. It has nothing to offer.

I can only imagine that the day this was made a lot of villages were missing an idiot.
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Horrible. So bad you can't laugh at it.
Svperstar7 July 2001
I first saw this over summer 2000, I KNEW that this would have to hit the bottom 100 here at the IMDB because it is at least as bad as the crap the guys on MST3K are forced to watch. I totally forgot about it until I was digging through a box of old tapes, I wish I would have remembered to come here and warn everyone back then.

It consists of 5 or so REALLY bad Blair Witch parodies separated by fake "commercials" which make the worst Saturday Night Live skit seem like High Art.

For example, one has a guy dressed up as Bigfoot sitting at a desk, then he waves his arms around and growls, and then it goes to the next segment. Yes, they actually put that on film.

Most of the parodies seem like something a few film students decided to do over the weekend to show their friends at a drinking party, it is like watching someone's bad home videos, you can't string that together and call it a film.

Oh I forgot it has Pauly Shore, I thought maybe he would have done a full parody of TBWP and made it at least a little funny since he has some experience in comedy, but he is in it for all of 3 minutes in the very middle and isn't funny in the least.

No redeeming qualities at all.
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The concept has problems
Ace_of_Sevens29 May 2006
This isn't exactly a movie. It's six short parodies of the Blair Witch Project with miscellaneous skits in between. Like many compilation movies, the quality is terribly uneven. A couple of the sections are pretty decent. The first one, the Watts Bitch Project, about some white kids who get lost in the ghetto is one of my favorites. The last one, The Willie Witch Project, about government housing in the woods is also pretty good. Both are dependent on broad racial humor, which I must admit I am a fan of. The other segments range from not great to awful. The filler bits are almost all awful. Besides this problem, since the skits all have more or less the same plot (except Pauly Shore's The Bogus Witch, which is at least different if not good), it gets pretty repetitive. While there are a couple good bits, I can't really recommend this to anyone.
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The absolute worst movie or video I have ever seen...
Vigilante-40723 July 2001
And I've everything Phil Tucker and Ed Wood have ever done...I've seen Leonard Part 6...I've sat through Highlander 2: The Quickening FOUR TIMES! So I know bad...and this movie is definitely not good.

This video is a compilation of shorts based on the lamentably popular The Blair Witch Project. Unfortunately there is not enough material here to make one decent ten-minute short film float.

This video is complete and utter trash. I think I may have actually smiled perhaps twice during it, and the only recognizable actor is Michael Ian Black (Johnny Bluejeans from Comedy Central's Viva Las Vegas, if you can call that generally recognizable).

Don't waste your time with this has Pauly Shore in it for God's sake! Flee! Flee!
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warning do not rent
adb_brat13 April 2006
Warning if you see this movie at the video store, keep walking don't pick it up. Its a waste your time reading the back of the box. The back wont tell you about the bad acting. How stupid the jokes are and how after watching you will want to kill someone or beat your TV. The movie did't make me laugh it just made me mad. Do not rent do not buy. You could not pay me to watch it again.

I did'even watch the whole movie before I was pulling out my hair just to make the pain stop. I want to meet the person who thought making this would be a good idea. He/She needs to be smacked this movie will cause people to go though I don't know how many fits of anger. AWFUL MOVIE I can't even Begin to tell you why, I can't really tell you why with out screaming and yelling and etc. I wanted to take it right back to the video store and pay them to burn the disc so no one Else would though what I went though. It burned my eyes and my brain. Make this pain stop. Just thinking about it hurts.
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I just don´t understand????
anton-65 June 2001
How can anybody do such a bad movie.I rent this movie one day because it looked like a funny spoof but oh my god it was so BAD and I tell you it was so BAD.I do wonder: How can anybody do such a lousy movie??????

Well it is one of the worst films I have ever seen.I am so sorry if you will have to see this movie.My brother went away after 20 minutes.

I give this : 0 out of 10
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Pauly Shore...what's happened to you?
yoyodinepropulsion9 November 2001
...I never thought "Son in Law" or "In the Army Now" were classics, but they were disposably amusing trash. This however, is just plain trash. Actually, I shouldn't be hard on Pauly, as he's only in this one for about 10 minutes. As you've probably already read, "The Bogus Witch Project" is not a movie, but instead a collection of skits. And out of the 10 or so bits, 0 are funny. I repeat, 0!!! I feel stupider for having seen this movie, and an hour and a half of my life is forever wasted. I honestly cannot comprehend anyone deriving enjoyment out of this movie. Run quickly from this one, and don't look back.
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A Parody of the Blair Witch in Hollywood!
Sylviastel22 December 2010
Okay, the premise is based on spoofing the then popular Blair Witch Project film. This film has an unfamiliar cast. The film is broken up into different segments. You have three white people going to find the Watts Witch Project and all is well until their tent is stolen. Another three people try to find Blair Underwood Project in his town of Sherman Oaks. There are three people who try to camp out at Griffith Park. Anyway the premises are silly regarding the witch project. They get interrupted by crazy commercials. If they're trying to spoof, they're not doing a good job of it. I didn't laugh at all. Nothing was really very funny. I appreciate that they tried to parody a popular horror film. Now if they only had better writing to accommodate this unknown cast. Pauly Shore makes a cameo of himself in the film.
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Dennis Woodruff in Funny Spoof Film
hhbooker2-19 December 2004
A very funny comedy that spoofs "The Blair Witch," this movie must be seen to be truly appreciated. It was really hard to stop laughing, almost cried because I laughed so hard and spilled my hot buttered popcorn and ice cold soda-pop all over my best clothes, but it was worth the cleaning bill from the laundry. Especially funny was Dennis Woodruff, the great actor and comedian who ranks up there with Charlie Chaplain, Buster Keaton, Woody Allen, Steve Martin, Jonathan Winters, and Martin Lawrence. Also adding to the film was James DiStefano as the cameraman in the Paulie Shore segment, Bil Dwyer as the anchorman into the woods segment, Mark Mower as the man with the dog in the Bel Air Witch Project, and Crystal Scales as Pookie in the Willie Witch Project; it even featured Paulie Shore who was playing off his special brand of humour with Dennis Woodruff who played the straight man with this other outstanding comedian. This is definitely a stocking stuffer for the Yultide Season and I would like to buy many copies either on video or DVD to give to my acquaintances, friends, and relatives this holiday time. Sarge Booker (Dennis Woodruff fan)
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Not What I Expected
Converse199124 September 2009
I know I'm going to get a lot of crap for this comment but I have to say what my opinion is. When I saw this at the video store in late 2006 I wanted to get it because it said, "Pauly Shore in" and I am a big fan, and he hasn't had a good movie for like 10 or so years. so I rented it. I thought it was going to be a linear story which is what i look for in movie. but what I got was 6 Blair Witch spoofs, and they were freaking great. and all the people that say it was terrible, what did you think you were going to get? It even said "A Parody" on the cover. and since I knew it was one just expecting it to be funny, and it was. 10 out of 10.
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What a Mess!
desperatetrash25 January 2002
I know that spoofs of popular films were the 'in' thing a couple of years ago, but come on! This piece of garbage makes 'Scary Movie 2' look like Citizen Kane. My dear producers, if you wanted to make a good spoof of 'Blair', you needed look no further than 'Blair 2' (which while being spoofy, also kept my attention). I mean, what was with the shaky camera scenes and the convoluted assortment of short stories? I'm sorry that I actually wasted time in my life to watch this crap.
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Oh my good Christ
ill_behavior24 October 2001
This has to be the worst "film" I have ever "watched".

I cant believe a studio spent money on this worthless piece of trash. I could have drunk three bottles of Robitussin Cough Medicine and still written a better script and screenplay than this pathetic attempt at film-making. All concerned with this project should never work in movies again, and it would not be a bad thing if someone hunted them all down and gave them a good shoeing behind the bike sheds. I cant tell you not to watch this servile junk enough. Suffice to say I have sat through films which are "so bad its funny", but this is totally without merit.

Such a bad film. Bad, bad film
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it has its moments
mrwednesdaynight15 August 2001
it has a few funny moments but i could probably count them on one hand. over all this movie hurts. it would be better if they just left those in the woods segments out. i have no idea what the pauly shore segment was about. the "best" one is the willie witch projects followed closely but the bel aire witch projects simply for the line "do you know the santa monica mummy." that was the highlight of the movie if you ask me. if you feel the need to call yourself a survivor, then see it. but if you are normal human being you dont want to see this movie.
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A few laughs...but be warned..
cryptkeeper0213 December 2002
You have to watch all the movie to see the few laughs it does provide. But it's only fair to warn you, this movie at times is just terrible. I paid less than $3 for my copy and for the price and the few laughs I'd say I broke even. Of course any movie with "Bogus" in it's title, should provide you with a sort of bad quality warning.
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Just awful
MKCustodial31 March 2005
You know how sometimes a movie is so bad that it's actually good? Well, this is not the case here. This is a bad, terrible movie. Unfortunately, I got it as a translation assignment at work and had to sit through it all. I pride myself on having a great sense of humor, and I love parodies, but this is just bad. I believe the writers involved here must all be friends, and maybe they hated "The Blair Witch Project", and proceeded to joke about it after watching it. So one of them must have thought it'd be a good idea to get all those jokes and make them into a movie. Only the jokes make no sense, are not funny and are totally unrelated to each other. Even "Scary Movie", which is a bad movie (the 1st one, not the 3rd one) had one or two laughs in it. Sorry, you won't laugh here. I read that some people laughed out loud to tears watching this, so I just wanted to say... How?!? How did you accomplish such a feat?!? I'm a Pauly Shore fan and even I cringed when I saw he was in this suck fest! I think this is the first *1* I've given out to a movie around here. Avoid at all costs.
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Don't waste your time
yeah,yea18 October 2000
Please save yourself the time, it may be only 90 minutes long but it will be probably the longest hour and a half ever. Please save yourself... if you want to laugh watch the original. I don't say this that often but it SUCKED!!
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Reizvoll27 December 2001
Do you want to know the only good joke in the movie, although over-used?

When the guy is found in the corner, he's taking a whiz.

There, I've ruined this awful piece of time for you. Now go watch something intelligent.
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I'm so sorry..... I ever rented this movie.
slasherfan24 November 2000
This has to be one of the worst, most boring movies I have ever seen in my whole entire life. There is really not plot but that mightent matter. It's just a bunch of "jokes" together. The movie consists of short stories spoofing the Blair Witch Project. The same unfunny joke is used over and over again, the movie never ends, the actors all look bored, I was almost asleep watching this unfunny movie AVOID -10/10
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That was the worst comedy I've ever seen.
glennreiman19 February 2006
This is a horribly awful movie! I understand that some movies are lame to be funny, but this movie is just lame. I'm sorry I stayed up to watch this crap, and I'm even more sorry that I kept watching it after the first ten minutes. It's really sad that movies like this continue to be made, even though there are so many talented directors and actors that could could be making films instead. Oh, and Pauly Shore... your dead to me now. That was just bad acting. I mean, I know that Pauly's acting abilities have been pretty questionable in the past, but this just confirms it. He is a bad actor. Fortunately, the other actors in this movie were better then Pauly, but not by much. Even the main characters looked like they were regretting being in this movie. Substandard acting can be overlooked if it's a solid, interesting plot, but this movie just falls short of a home movie about a kid using a potty for the first time. So I'm begging you, please, if you value the cinematic arts at all, don't watch this movie, it's just not funny. It's just so bad.
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This movie is good
Chaves77772 July 2007
And that is not a joke! In spite of a lot of comments which cursed this movie, i actually find it really funny. Some of the jokes are... you know... stupid. Oh Kay, you're right in that, but this movie never pretend to be more than a silly parody of a lot of horror movies, that i actually enjoyed more than even "Scary Movie". Is not full of sex or disgusting jokes and that is so strange in XXI century movies. Specially parodies(Look awful "Epic Movie").

The movie told a reunion of shorts, basically, based on "The Blair Witch Project". There are great as awful, but that is not all... there some parodies to another movies (Talk about all the famous villains).

Im happy that this movie is available in DVD, and that have some good options in subtitles and other few features! Thsi is not an art film, but i think that if you like funny, rare and crazy movies... well, maybe you'll be disappointed but... you can take a risk. As for me... i loved it!

Sorry for the mistakes...well, if there any
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Not as bad as they say
alvart5 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I was fan of the Blair Witch Project and after I watched this thing, oh I laughed! After watching the Blair Witch Project a bunch of times and then watching THIS. Man, they make fun of the same exact things that made me love the original movie. Like telling you, hey this is how you fell in love with the Blair Witch, jackass! I SOOO laughed at this movie.

It's a parody, so in order to enjoy it you must know well what they're parodying. In fact, knowing that the Blair Witch was fake makes the movie stupid itself, so I guess that's why many people think that this parody is so bad, it really isn't, it's parodying a stupid movie, so that's why this is more stupid. But you know watch the Blair Witch a couple of times, grow to love it and then watch this, I'm sure you'll laugh.
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THE worst film ever!!!!!
newmill_loon19 November 2002
**Before we start can I say sorry to pauly for the following comment** I had the unfortunate luck to buy this 'film' as part of buy 2 get 1 free package. This was my free film, and I feel ripped off. From the cover it looks like a good spoof comedy but it is not. Even the comic genius that is pauly shore cant save this film(he is only in it for a short time). The video has subsequently been re-used for taping my grandmothers soap operas.
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