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Fantastic blood and bullets thriller
Mike Astill28 January 2003
Fantastic blood and bullets thriller starring Andy Lau and Takashi Sorimachi as Tok and O , two hitmen at the top of their game. O is the number 1 killer, he does his job and gets away clean. Tok is a showman, taking risks but always making them pay. To be number 1 he knows he has to defeat O, and begins to stalk his prey. Along the way, both hitmen fall for Chin (Kelly Lin), a young Taiwanese woman, and attract the attention of Lee (Simon Yam), a cop determined to bring them both down.

So far, so familiar, but Johnny To delivers a film that ascends over its premise to become a classic of the genre. The action sets are expertly done, and everyone looks totally cool - especially Lau. Slo-mo and visual effects are used but not overused, and there was clearly a decent budget getting thrown around (the list of sponsors in the credits attests to that). There's more depth here than in an average film of its ilk, but there's also a delightful sense of glee in the action pieces that make you think that those involved thankfully weren't taking it completely seriously.

If you're a fan of ‘heroic bloodshed' action and for whatever reason haven't seen this yet, do yourself a favour.
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Over the top Hong-Kong actioneer Charming and violent.
stormruston21 August 2005
This is one of the better Hong-Kong bullet fest to be released in a while.

The movie sets are good, the action fast, the gritty cold violence reasonably to excellently done. All the actors are good with kudo's going to Andy Lau for stealing many of the scenes.

The basic story is about a flamboyant over the top new assassin hoping to take over number 1 spot held by a disciplined introspective killer.

There are a couple of important sub plots involving a women and of course the cop trying to chase them both down.

This movie is all about set action pieces and how well they can be executed...that that is pretty darn well.

A fun movie with a charismatic cast and lots of blood and bullets.
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kz713 December 2003
For the fans of the so-called "Hong Kong blood opera" -genre this movie is a must see. Great visual styling, great acting, excellent script with originality and good directing. There is constantly the feeling of great drama even in the occasional moment of stillness. When you've seen all the classics by John Woo then movies like this are where you should continue.
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Hong Kong isn't finished yet
Futant22 August 2003
Fulltime Killer is a movie about assassins; one's trying to live in seclusion, the other is trying to showboat his way to top to become the #1 Assassin. Andy Lau does a great job as Tok, he has a natual arrogant look to him that really filled out the character. Tok is an up and coming assassin who takes any job he can find, difficult or not, and always delivers, throwing in extra style points to make his work unique.O, or Ono; is the current top assassin. He is played by Japanese actor Takashi Sorimachi, another good choice in casting. His methods are less flashy than Tok's but he is effiecient and very professional about his work. Over the course of the movie, a woman gets involved, as does Interpol, as news of a flashy killer quickly spreads across the surrounding area. The plot obviously ends up pitting the two assassins against each other(like you didn't know)and well, I guess you're going to have to watch it to see who becomes the #1 Fulltime Killer. But before I end this may I at least comment on the dialogue in the movie. I'm no expert in foreign languages but it seemed like there were 4 different languages spoken throughout the course of the movie, Korean, Japanese, Chinese(some form) and English. Like I said, I'm no expert so if they only spoke Japanese and English I wouldn't be surprised. But the dialogue between characters was well crafted, I enjoyed how the characters spoke their native language, or if they didn't, another character would inquire why they didn't. The action scenes were good, not too much physical action, but if you like guns, then this is right up your alley. Finally, I'd like to point out that this movie doesn't center around one assassin, it switches back and forth, and you really will find yourself rooting for one or the other by the end of the film. I rooted for O, did he win? Watch the movie.
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full time waister
movieman_kev24 May 2005
There's a plot in there somewhere about two assassins and a girl they both have feelings for. One of them wants to take the number one assassin title from the other. But really this film is just a exercise in style over substance. The thing is the style IS great and it's very fun to watch. Well at least it attempts to get serious. A few nice set-pieces though.

My Grade: C+

DVD Extras: 25 minute Making of; 23 minute behind the Scenes; Bios for Andy Lau, Takashi Sorimachi, and Johnnie To; Theatrical Trailer; and Trailers for "The Believer", "the Last Minute" and "Scratch"
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High style, low substance
cherold4 April 2005
There seem to be a lot of Japanese movies that are pure exercises in style. I tend to like highly cinematic movies, so I usually enjoy myself, but somewhere along the way I always seem to go from thinking, this is just so cool to thinking, is there some point here. Fulltime Killer is lots of fun. It is very stylish, looks nice and has some very striking scenes. But it has about as much depth as a piece of typing paper. There's not much in the way of character development, and the movie feels increasingly unconvincing as it progresses. So while there is stuff I love, like the scene with the grenades, the movie as a whole failed to connect with me on any sort of intellectual or emotional level. Still, it is lots of fun, and I was torn between giving it a 7 or an 8 (which is usually the quandary I face when rating stylish, empty movies). Well worth watching, but not worth remembering.
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If you miss John Woo...
nedwalton5 October 2005
For those of us out there that miss the "Old" John Woo from The Killer, Hard Boiled, and A Better Tomorrow 1&2, Johnny To comes to pick up where Woo left off with Fulltime Killers. Now while some call that a blatant bootleg or hijacking of John Woo's style, I call it a pleasant revisit.

Andy Lau plays Tok, a flamboyant leather clad professional killer who not only takes pride in his work but also looks to put himself in the spotlight with every kill he makes. Tok is a sort of tribute to one Castor Troy of Face-Off, with his flair and his trademark smile which he flashes at all times. Takashi Sorimachi plays O, a more traditional killer with a guilty conscience, who stays in the shadows and executes his job keeping himself out of the spotlight. O's guilty conscience is the result of an innocent getting caught up in his world. O is something of a tribute to Chow Yun-Fat's character in The Killer. As a result of O's more low-key approach he is the highest ranked and most sought after professional much to the dismay of Tok. Naturally a rivalry will result between these two polar opposites in an attempt to be the top.

Acting as a catalyst to this rivalry is the lovely Kelly Lin, playing Chin, a mild-mannered video store clerk who is bored by life. An incidental visit by Tok to her video store, and a second job cleaning O's apartment begins a chain of events that puts her in the middle of these two professional killers rivalry.

Fulltime Killer provides mind-blowing action scenes and a love triangle that even guys don't mind keeping up with. A throughly entertaining movie and a throwback to the "old" John Woo puts this movie high on my list. Give it a chance, and you'll be entertained at the very least.
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Antagonisten23 January 2005
I would call this a playful mix of different influences. Of course there is always a downside to making a mix between already existing movies, you get the feeling you have seen all of it before. But this is still entertaining.

"O" (Takashi Sorimachi) is the coolest hit-man in Asia. If you need a professional hit done you call him for a clean and professional execution. Tok (Any Lau) is the new kid on the block fighting to become the best hit-man. He is becoming more and more irritated always hearing about how great O is. Soon the two assassins have a vendetta going.

There are many obvious references and nods to other movies in "Fulltime Killer". And much of the movie is more or less stolen from already existing movies. But it's always done tongue-in-cheek and Tok even comments on what movies he like and how much he wants to be like a movie star. That's why this feels so playful, the film-makers never try to hide that they are inspired by existing movies.

The action-scenes are well made and most of the time beautifully shot. The two main actors are both good and the assassinations are well thought-out and entertaining. Also the climax of the movie is quite original. So this is recommended for people who don't mind influences and are hooked on movies about hit men. I rate it 6/10.
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Full Time Killer is an existential action thriller
ewa-318 October 2005
It is the story of two professional assassins who live to kill. Both are act without remorse or second thoughts, are highly effective and completely relentless. Takashi Sorimachi plays O, the Japanese killer who is considered the best in his (admittedly limited) field. He kills efficiently, dispatching the target, his bodyguards and anyone who could identify him. He is quick, clean and much in demand by those who employ him. Andy Lau is Tok, a Chinese killer who wants to replace O but who is considered too showy and flamboyant. When O executes a hit he simply walks away and disappears into the crowd. Tok escapes on a stolen motorcycle while a police station explodes in the background.

They are brought together by Tok's envy of O and Tok's desire to replace him as the most sought after assassin in Asia. While they stalk and spy on each other, they are also linked by Miss Chin, played by the gorgeous Kelly Lin. She is O's housekeeper and Tok's girlfriend. Simon Yam is Inspector Lee of Interpol who leads a team going after both of the killers and who (literally in one case) are always just a step behind them.

There are references galore to other movies: El Mariachi and Desperado, Blood Simple, Hard Boiled, Point Break, The Godfather, Samurai and probably plenty of others that I missed. Even the Warner Brothers cartoons of Chuck Jones are referenced—one of the more outrageous assassinations by Tok has "Largo Factorum" from The Barber of Seville accompanying the action, in much the same way that Bugs Bunny committed mayhem to the tune of Mozart, Wagner or Rossini.

The action scenes are excellent. There are cars that blow up when shot, pistols that are accurate at 500 yards and huge shotguns that appear from beneath short leather jackets but even with these clichés the action set pieces created by Johnny To are exciting, fast paced, very violent and seamlessly shot and edited.

Sorimachi is properly dour and brooding, almost phlegmatic. His understated acting personifies the loneliness and isolation of his character. Lau, in keeping with his character, has a much more florid style—Tok could be a full time smirker as well as a full time killer.

While not exactly a return to heroic bloodshed—there aren't any heroes here—Fulltime Killer uses many of that genre's conventions. Very much worth seeing and recommended.
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Slightly flawed but pretty decent gangster flick.
dr_klaw22 August 2001
I have seen this movie twice, and it took me the two viewings to really appreciate it. It is a typical gangster flick - heavy on the gun-toting action and lighter on plot - but this is what I have come to expect from an action movie.

The film's biggest flaw comes from the confusing mix of languages, particularly the use of English. I felt that the actors were so hard pressed to make their English accents understandable that their lines often came across as clipped and emotionless. The police in particular really annoyed me, but you have to give them credit for trying.

I was, however, highly impressed with Kelly Lin's language skills. She seemed to make the transitions between English, Japanese and Mandarin very easily. She is just so watchable! Takashi Sorimachi had it easy, being required to speak only Japanese. Andy Lau's English got better as the film went on, or maybe it just grew on me. I can't really comment on anyone's Cantonese because I don't speak it.

I really enjoyed the plot, whether it is cliched or not. Basically, Sorimachi and Lau play two assassins who vie for the title of Number 1 and also the attentions of a girl (Lin). The police are hot on their trail as well.

Not having seen many other movies of this style, I cannot compare Full Time Killer to other films which may be regarded as better or more original. All I know is I enjoyed it for what it was, having gone in expecting a little less than perfection, and I was not disappointed.
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Terrible terrible terrible
Natureboyinperson5 October 2003
Wow. Killing for no reason... or at least not understanding why he is killing... glorifiying on killing people... like it is soo cool. What are these people thinking. Many things not beleivable. It looks like they just filmed what ever look "cool." Well I was looking forward to seeing a good Cantonese movie, but this is truely far from it. Hopefully they will be able to make things more beleivable and understanding ... without trying to make is look cool it would be better off.

I recommend not seeing it at all.
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Pleasantly surprised
Goldenboy14226 February 2002
I just finished seeing Fulltime Killer. What a pleasant surprise. 2 months ago, I was sorely disappointed with the flicks that H.K churned out. Apparently, i was tired of watching every action directors in H.K imitating Tsui Hark, John Woo, Ringo Lam, and Johnny To. Every movie I saw, there was that typical shaky cameras, and sweeping movements, making everything seemed cooler than it actually is. Even the Greats imitated themselves in such mess as Zu Warriors. But then I saw Shaolin Soccer, and that shook my disturbed belief a bit. And today, I saw Fulltime Killer, and my faith in H.K is fully restored. I know that Fulltime Killer is nothing original, compared to the action classics such as "the Killer", but it was done right for once. I found myself lost in Johnny To's perspective of this excellent story. In the end, I took what seemed like the first breath since the opening of the film. Apparently I had a very good time. I was certainly pleasantly surprised. I found that every actors did their jobs well. Andy Lau, who always seemed a bit feminine to me fit the role well, and made it work. I was impressed with Takeshi's performance. Although his role seemed very stereotypical and slightly less demanding, he made it work well. I found myself in awe with Kelly Lin's portrayal of the innocent girl. The action scenes were very well done. Although they were noting revolutionary as the recent films "crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" or "time and Tide", but I found them incredibly effective. The Music was certainly the highlight of the film. Its haunting theme weave in well with the scenes, and made them alive. All in All.... not the most original, but at this day and age, it's almost impossible to find originality. Very fun time, and quite a pleasant surprise.
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Style over substance.
gridoon20 July 2004
"Fulltime Killer" is not quite as good as John Woo's (just plain) "Killer". The super-stylish direction catches your attention, and the flashbacks and changes of focus among the four main characters are confidently and successfully integrated into the narrative. Also all the performances are good. But if you're looking for any qualities like originality, substance or realism you've come to the wrong place. (**1/2)
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Good ideas, badly executed... Could easily have been far better...
joebloggscity12 March 2006
Full time killer is a mismatch of a film. Tries to be one thing, then another, then back again and so on. The film centres round two hit men and a women, with one aiming to finish the other off so he can be the best hit man around. The romance angle is not heavy but is poorly developed as she is in between the two of them.

Acting by Andy Lau is also awful, and his part is so OTT that it is cringe worthy. The film is also done in 3 languages, with the spoken English being embarrassingly bad at times. Should have been kept alone in one language.

Saying that, the movie has a few redeeming features. The main hit-man "O" is wonderfully done and is the main (only?) reason you will watch till the end. Else, the sniper scenes are good, but not great.

Each to their own, but to me this was a poor effort, which even with a good starting idea was poorly executed. Maybe next time.
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Great action, semi-great story
SiCHris05173 July 2003
This movie's action sequences blew me away, with how it was shot and the camera angles, i also like the way the dramatic music was used in order to express the emotions of the characters during the action scenes. As for the story, its not really that unique, it somehow reminded me of the movie, "Assasins" w/ Sylvester Stallone and Antonio Banderas. But its still a great action movie overall, it felt like a refreshment after seeing all the horrible action movies that they show here in the U.S. I definitely recommend this film for anyone who likes a lot of Shoot-em up ation, but only if you have already seen A Better Tomorrow, The Killer, or maybe even Hard Boiled, if that is not the case then I suggest you watch those first until you get sick of it.
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diverting flick
DanStarkey11 May 2004
Andy Lau does altogether too good a job playing the Farley Granger "Strangers on a Train" psycho killer role. In fact, with his gaunt, angular features and maniacal grin, he's just unpleasant to look at. On the other hand, Simon Yam is simply so cool that he makes the film worth watching. The film features the standard Hong King balletic gore. The special effects are a little silly at times; a police car, for example, leaps into the air when hit by a single bullet, to the bafflement of the nearby officers. The fetching Kelly Lin is a poor man's Shu Qi, lurching from bespectacled librarian to gangster moll. An entertaining film for a rainy evening.
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Exceptionally well made and exceptionally violent
planktonrules28 April 2007
This film tells parallel stories about two top assassins--one very professional and one who is incredibly flamboyant and seems to have a death wish. At first, it was very hard for me to tease apart the stories, as they merged here and there and intertwined and even went backwards and forwards in time. Ultimately, the younger flamboyant assassin attempts to kill the more experienced killer--sort of a fight to the death to see who really is #1.

I love Asian films but I hate the over-the-top violence of some of these films. It's funny but a week ago, I watched STREET FIGHTER (Japan, 1974) and later read the DVD box to see it had been rated X--but this film was STILL a lot less bloody and violent than many modern Asian films (such as those of John Woo or Chuen jik sat sau. There just comes a point for me when there is so much killing and blood and Nihilism that I just can't watch the films--this film was nearly that violent. Plus, there is a lot of puking and foaming at the mouth (this part really isn't explained--after all, WHO foams at the mouth and WHY?). So, before watching, understand the film IS well-made but I really cannot recommend it due to its unrelenting violence that really gets in the way of the plot at times. However, there IS a very good story behind all the violence and I must admit the film has high production values.
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Full Time Killers is delightful!
ETCmodel0225 March 2002
This film is wonderful. Although slow in places, this thing is a work of art and beauty. Andy Lau is amazing, dynamic and charming! I really enjoyed the multicultural aspects, and felt the tensions between characters as their individual mysteries unfold to be very charming, sincere and often surprisingly touching. In an rather tired and often exploiting genre, this film really stands apart as an example of the value of depth in characters, theme and story no matter how two dimensional the tracking story might be. The making of footage on the flip side of the DVD is equally nifty, because seldom will a film include multiple agonizing takes of key scenes both action and non-action so that you might understand how excruciatingly demanding and exhausting film making can really be.
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Try it and judge for yourself ( B+ Movie) My Ratings 9/10
Fulltime Killer displays the director's technical finesse, wicked sense of humor, and willingness to challenge the usual parameters of genre storytelling. At the same time, I wish that other pictures preceded it in the public consciousness, for Fulltime Killer possesses more power in the ballistic sense than as a cockeyed appraisal of the consciousness of a hired gun. The critical consciousness observable in much of his other material gives way in Fulltime Killer to a gleeful playing about with the rudiments of the action movie genre.
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They're driving Mercedes, which are also guns...
Mulliga6 August 2003
My aunt made a really funny comment when we watched this movie. See the title of my comment. There are guns everywhere in "Fulltime Killer."

There are good references to "Leon" and "El Mariachi" among other films, but Fulltime Killer doesn't reach the levels of cinematic excellence displayed in those movies.

There are a few nice touches, and the romance here doesn't feel forced, but overall it's just an above average action flick.

7 out of 10
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Not worth one's time.
belowblazing10 August 2001
This is an insult to movie-making. This movie tries hard to convince viewers that it has a plot, when it doesn't have one (or one that makes sense.) The competition between the two killers is not tense. The dialog is dumb also. The intent to try to enter the international film industry by combining Japanese, English, Mandarin, and (the very few) Cantonese dialogs becomes a meaningless mess.

Anyone wanting to watch a good action movie should watch Cheong Wong (double tap) instead. Or Face/Off. Or just any TV action drama will be even better than this movie.
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kosmasp15 September 2010
Ever since John Woo had left Hong Kong (he came back and hopefully he will do a few more movies in Hongkong like "Red Cliff"), it seemed there was big hole left in the industry. Of course not only Woo had left Hongkong and had to make a van Damme pic, like every other Hong Kong director, see Ringo Lam, Tsui Hark. So where would all this go? I wasn't aware of anyone who would be able to succeed him. And along came Johnnie To. And while not really comparable to Woo, he made the Hong Kong action cinema his own.

Fulltime Killer is only one of many exhibitions (which he has mixed up with a few other things, though he stays true to the action cinema). What makes the movie so great in my eyes, is the eye for details. Things that normally wouldn't be in an action movie, because producers would deem them as redundant and unnecessary. Like moments where you see a human side of Bodyguards or Killers for that matter.

But don't be fooled by that. The action is also top notch. A great movie, with many more to follow. And I don't think there is a need for him to move to Hollywood any time soon (or ever for that matter)
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Action Fan Must See
TheWrench16 April 2004
Fulltime Killer was very stylish. It has a good story and some good twists. Although they had to flesh out each character as much as they could, and keep the story going smoothly, some of the characters were not fleshed out as much as they should have been. I didn't read the book, but I am sure things such as Tok and his Brother's illness were more in depth in it. Good performances all around and some great action scenes. There was a good blend of language in it too, which kept it kind of interesting, and yet could throw some people off of what is going on. Though the assassin characters seem almost invincible, unlike most John Woo films they also have unique personalities and are likable. I suggest anyone who is a fan of shoot em' up type crime films should see it.
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Kid's stuff
=G=29 June 2003
"Fulltime Killer" out of Hong Kong has a silly and convoluted plot which is about two young male assassins and a babe. The relationships between the characters are poorly developed as are the characters themselves and the storyline plays out in a superficial make-it-up-as-you-go manner. The flick is difficult to follow, part subtitled, part English with no CC (on the DVD I watched), music which doesn't work and only serves to drown out much of the dialogue which is spoken with accents. There is no sense of good versus evil in the film, no one to care about, and no real good reason to spend time with it unless you want to see a whole lot of shooting by guys who don't have to look at the target to aim and never reload...you know the type. When all is said and done, "Fulltime Killer" is little more than kinetic high voltage kid's stuff which will have narrow appeal (eg: male gamers and the like). (C)
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