The Land Before Time VIII: The Big Freeze (Video 2001) Poster

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An all right LBT
Mightyzebra9 November 2007
Unfortunately, this LBT has a spoilt, usually positive Ducky who is now grumpy and a storyline that is good for teaching but not very good for a LBT film.

Luckily, the plot is all right and the songs are good, especially "Family" and the learning songs. The animation is quite good as well, sort of in between LBT 7's animation and LBT 9's animation.

The new characters are entertaining. Mr. Thicknose is a wise threehorn (they are all dinosaurs) who likes to teach Littlefoot and his friends. While he talks to them again, Ducky is angry at Spike and Littlefoot is worried that he is seeming to upset Mr. Thicknose. The film continues on as a pretty good learning adventure and an adventure good for an animated film.

The best character in this who is one of the main five is Petrie.

Ah well. Enjoy "Land Before Time VIII: The Big Freeze".
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The Big Freeze
Smells_Like_Cheese1 April 2009
The Land Before Time VIII: The Big Freeze, the eight installment in the Land Before Time series. I can't believe how many more movies there are to this series, it's a bit crazy, I feel like I'm on a Lord of the Rings type journey. But still it has been a decent one, you know each time I go onto the home page of the new Land Before Time sequel, the rating is low and the reviews are all very bad, just saying how sick everyone is of this franchise. Personally though I've enjoyed it, each film as silly as it may be, has a very good message and I think is just a great family film. Something that both the kids and the adults can enjoy together. After all it may be cheesy, but look who this was made for, the kids. I like these stories, they're very cute and always teach something.

Littlefoot and his friends are being tutored by a dinosaur named Mr. Thicknose who claims that he's been there, done that, seen it all, heard it all, etc. When Littlefoot questions him, he gets angry and Grandpa tells Littlefoot that they all respect Mr. Thicknose and his "experiences". Ducky is also getting annoyed with Spike lately, she can't get any sleep because of him, but when Cera tells her to express herself, she takes it the wrong way and gets angry with Spike letting him clearly know on how angry she is with him. When the dinosaur families get trapped in a valley by an ice storm, one family of spike tail dinosaurs volunteers to leave since they consume more food than the others. Meanwhile, the young dinos and Mr. Thicknose, head out to bring back their friend Spike, who has left his friends to be with members of his own species. Spike also starts to miss Ducky, but they have bigger problems when the food is extremely scarce. But realizing that Mr. Thicknose may not exactly know all, Littlefoot and his friends are now facing this challenge head on facing the extreme cold weather.

The Land Before Time VIII: The Big Freeze I think is a film definitely worth watching. I loved watching Ducky and Spike's relationship being renewed, that they can get annoyed with each other but still end up loving each other more than ever in the end. I also thought it was kind of funny with the story between Littlefoot and Mr. Thicknose, sensing that Mr. Thicknose was somewhat jealous of Littlefoot's curiosity and questions. This is a good sequel to the series, yeah, I agree that there are a lot of these movies, but each one has been good for different reasons. So I would recommend watching this one, so far all the sequels have been good, so I don't know what to expect in the next sequel, but I still have good hopes since this has been a great series to get into.

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Decent but not great
TheLittleSongbird12 February 2010
While a long way from being the worst, this sequel isn't the best either. It does benefit from some nice colourful animation, a sweet story and a sterling vocal turn from Robert Guillaume(who also voiced Rafiki in "The Lion King"). Actually in general the whole voice cast was very well done. However, while sweet the songs aren't exactly memorable, some of the dialogue is a little on the corny side and the film is too short. I may be alone as well in thinking the singing was a tad weak, Guillaume has done much better singing before.

Overall, I do recommend it for kids, they will definitely love it. However depending on whether you loved the first film, I did, or how old you are, others may find it disappointing. It does do the right thing though, provides decent entertainment for its target audience. 5.5/10 Bethany Cox
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No more! I give in!
goevikes14 August 2002
Ah, I remember the good old days. 1988 it was, I was a little kid and had just been taken to see a great movie called Land Before Time. I really enjoyed it and wanted to see more of the cute talking dinos. Be careful what you wish for! Each sequel to the film has degenerated farther and farther from the original nice story into pure theatrical sludge. The characters have become increasingly more annoying, the plots are trite, the songs make you pray for the ice age and those are the series's GOOD points.

As for this latest cinematic suppository, I can't help but say, in all honesty, that I would rather be castrated with a rusty pizza cutter then sit through it again. Five minutes of Land Before Time VIII can turn your brain into cottage cheese. This is the worst case of sequelitus I have ever seen.

It's high time these dinosaurs became extinct!
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Actually worth watching.
Animany9411 September 2017
Until now, I have watched every sequel to the beloved Land Before Time (1988). From the fifth installment on, I actually must confess that they have almost solidified on a decent level of quality.

The film is a little slow in the first approximately 15 minutes, but when the snow kicks in, the good stuff does too. The film has pretty backgrounds and good messages about identity and family.

Most of the songs are also serving the movie and the story well, and what more can you ask for from a direct-to-DVD film?

I can't be mad at this film. Yeah, 8th sequel in an everlasting line of them, I know. I like it and will not feel guilty if I in the future will be showing it to my kids.
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These need to go the way of the dinosaurs...
starcat50021 August 2007
I loved the Land Before Time (first one). I love Don Bluth movies in general. I would like to point out The first LBT was the ONLY one that Don had a hand in. You will notice that it is a new director every 3 or so movies after that. It is so sad that it has become the norm now to take something that was wonderful and heartfelt and turn it into a marketing scheme =(. I have only seen this sequel, and I don't plan on seeing any of the others, I prefer to leave my childhood memories of Littefoot, Petrie, Cera and the others intact. I miss animated movies that had imagination and an obvious amount of thought and effort put into them, most movies now a days are cranked out for the soul purpose of making money. So sad.
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This series needs ex-STINK-tion
Zantara Xenophobe19 July 2002
Warning: Spoilers
*This review contains spoilers*

No need to adjust your trifocals, this site is correct in reporting that they really have made EIGHT of these `Land Before Time' movies. And I am sorry to report that I have watched them all. They are going to be making these things for about as long as the Mesozoic Period lasted. While almost all of the LBT movies are derivative and lousy, I did like the schmaltzy Part II and I thought Part VII was a very good entry. I watched Part VIII with the idea that, since it is hot off the heels of a good entry, it will be just as pleasing. Sure the rest stunk, but none of those have been THAT bad. Until now. `The Big Freeze' is hands down the worst entry in the entire LBT series.

In the plot, a natural catastrophe befalls The Great Valley, which leaves the adult dinosaurs squabbling as to how to handle the situation. The young dinosaurs leave the valley to search for their own solution, solve the conflict, and return to The Great Valley to enlighten the adults as to how wrong they have been. What's that you say? You say I just described the plot to EVERY `Land Before Time' film? Well, of course I did, because they just reuse the same plot over and over again, changing the catastrophe and sometimes adding in an extra character. This time, the disaster is a sudden and temporary drop in temperature. At first the dinosaurs are thrilled by the snow, but when the coldness causes a food shortage, the adults begin to worry. Meanwhile, a pack of wandering stegosauruses asks Spike's adoptive mother if Spike can join them. She lets Spike decide, and he goes with them after being egged on by Ducky. Soon after, Littlefoot, Ducky, Petrie, and Cera decide to go bring Spike back home. They are accompanied by Mr. Thicknose (voiced by Robert Guillaume), a stegosaur that is the oldest dinosaur in the valley and acts as the kids' teacher, though he knows very little about what is outside the valley. Before you can say, `Been there, done that,' the movie is over. And mercifully so. Sure, this plot doesn't sound very bad, and it really isn't, but `The Big Freeze' crossed the line for this reviewer too many times.

It's a given that any movie about dinosaurs is going to deliberately mess with the facts. Most notably, the fact that many dinosaurs seen together in movies lived millions of years apart from one another. But that is to be expected and ultimately accepted. But what about the other goofy things that happen? Cartoon films, particularly this series, always defy laws of science, but do they have to go this far? For instance, there is no way a dinosaur could stand the frigid temperatures for very long any more than today's surviving reptiles can without hibernation. Furthermore, there is a scene where a Tyrannosaurus Rex is clobbered by a rolling snowball, something which couldn't have gotten big enough to do much damage in the brief time it was rolling down the hill. These are forgivable, but there was one event in the end where I lost it. MAJOR SPOILER ALERT! They come across a frozen lake and the babies step on the ice. Then Thicknose steps on it. He makes it a little ways and them flops down. Considering Thicknose must weigh many tons, you wonder why the ice slowly cracks instead of immediately caving in? Sillier yet, the water under it turns out to be a hot springs. How can ice form on hot water? Even sillier than that, it is revealed that the springs have given life to a lot of green plants that all the dinosaurs from The Great Valley can eat until the weather warms up. Yet when you get a wide shot of the entire area, there is hardly a green plant to be seen! END OF MAJOR SPOILERS

These nitpicks may have made me hate the movie, but they aren't the only things. Keeping with the LBT tradition, `The Big Freeze' harbors a handful of really lame songs that will certainly not have the kids singing along. In one annoying song, Cera sings to Ducky that it is okay to be angry. This could send the wrong message to children, who may not figure out by the film's end that the anger Ducky had was not right at all. There is also a song that Thicknose belts out near the end about learning. Listen closely to the actual words Thicknose sings. These are good lines which would have been excellent in dialogue, but instead the words are forgotten in the context of a poor song. What a shame that the best lines are given the worst delivery.

I suppose it may seem like I am being too harsh, but really, there was no need for this gut-wrenching entry. It exemplifies everything that makes this series lackluster. When the ninth entry is inevitably made, I hope it learns from Part VIII what not to do. But since they haven't figured it out by now, they probably never will. Zantara's score: 2 out of 10.
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Great film, a bit light on action
jcmariano19 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The title says it. The action is not exactly long, but I think "Family" makes up for it. (SPOILER) Snow falls on the great valley and there are a few days of snow fun. Spike and Ducky get a bit mad at each other and Spike goes off with a migrating herd of Stegos. The kids enlist the help of know-it-all fraud Mr. Thicknose to guide them through the Mysterious beyond. They are reunited with ducky and face a rex. Their joint efforts pull through. They find a hot spring and green food. Thicknose admits his fibbing. Later, they go to the great valley to show the others the spring. They are soon joined by the spiketails.(SPOILERS END) I still can't help praising "Family" for its significance to the plot.
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I wish they had died in the snow...
larsgorzelak26 November 2002
How this awful cartoon managed to get a an "above average" rating is beyond me. It is terrible in every respect: the "music" is insanely bad, the artwork isn't much better, and somehow the film manages to turn everything that's interesting about dinosaurs into boring klichés about friendship and the importance of not stripping old people of their dignity. Unimaginative, an insult to children's intelligence. My favorite moment is when the dinosaurs decide to have a little snowball fight after the freeze sets in...
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Heartwarming. One of the best.
Cylex24 September 2002
Although the original film (10/10) can never be matched, this heartwarming sequel comes close. This time Ducky & Spike take centre stage as their "sibling" relationship is tested. They love each other but know that they are different. Spike faces a difficult decision when a herd of spiketails, including a cute infant, invite him to join them. The friends see snow for the first time and learn how it can be good and bad. The story has laughter, tears & adventure. The characters are as loveable as ever and the songs are not unpleasant. I am proud to own all 8 films and this is one of the best. (9/10) I look forward to future releases. Long live the Land Before Time!
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this movie is red hot
dipardo1219 June 2005
this movie is probably one of THE most amazing movies ever ... some of my friends laugh cause i still watch these movies to this day ... I've been watching them for 15 years and i never get sick of them. .i hope that they end up making at least 20 .. because i know that i will still be watching them . and to the person that insulted them before YOU SUCK ..

cause I'm sure almost everyone agrees how AWESOME all the Land Before Times are : ) me and my friends watch it all the time .. and were 15 and 16 years old. and we STILL love it

i think that everyone should watch this movie .. because land before time is RED HOT !!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D
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Oh not again, please not again!
cjennin8 January 2002
Boy that Universal really knows how to milk (or should I say "Mine") a franchise to death, these sequels seem to get cheaper & cheaper every time, it's really sickning that one of Don Bluth's classic mytho's is getting buchered more & more with near low quality sequels like this, I wonder how Don feels about this?

I'm sure glad MGM didn't take The Secret Of Nimh to the same direction as Land Before Time (hey, one dog ugly sequel was bad enough), if there's ever a Land Before Time 9, I think they should try "Land Before Time IX, The Mushroom Cloud".
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rossrobinson16 September 2003
Warning: Spoilers
This one was made in 2001, a year after the 7th's release. I remember this one. The story is about where Snow falls in the great valley for the first time, Spike meets a new friend called Tibby. Tibby's mother asks Spike's mother permission if he could go with Tibby and his family on a long walk to where they lived. Ducky gets jealous as she thinks that Spike doesn't want his intrests in Ducky no more.
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What I Once Called the Best Sequel
allyball-6312416 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Another good sequel! I know, what dimension is this? The family dynamic in this movie is almost as good as the first movie. They really dive into what a family is and how it functions. The connection is very deep and it made Ducky's mom a good character! Speaking of Ducky, she is developed very well here and I liked how they portrayed the sibling relationship between Spike and Ducky. It was also one of the only Land Before Time movies that doesn't talk down to it's audience. The solution to getting back into the valley isn't actually that obvious giving the movie higher stakes and let's the audience focus on the adventure and heart-felt, deep moments. The final scene where Spike nearly drowns and his "mother" saves him was just outstanding! In conclusion, I once considered this the best sequel but then another sequel came along. Heck, I could go on and on about how deep this movie is but I want to keep this a short review because I might repeat myself if I go on anymore.
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I adore this movie
The songs are adorable and there's a great story about being honest without being disrespectful. Super adorable. Loved it since as the day we brought it home on VHS and now my kids love it.
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LBT On Ice
zsofikam17 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The next entry in the Land Before Time saga, The Big Freeze, is not as good as the previous film The Stone Of Cold Fire, but it still manages to stand on its own. Just as Stone of Cold Fire focuses more on Petrie, The Big Freeze puts Ducky and Spike into the limelight. This marks the first time that we see any stegosaurs other than Spike, which is significant because before this point all that Spike knew was Ducky's family. So when Spike befriends Tippy, a young member of the visiting spiketail herd, it's suggested that he spend more time with them. Meanwhile, Ducky is torn between letting Spike go with the migrants once they leave or having him stay with her. I won't give anything more away but I will say that this is yet another enjoyable entry in the series. As mentioned, it's not as good as the previous one but it still manages to have much of the same charm and I like how, just as Stone of Cold Fire did with Petrie, it gives Ducky and Spike a chance to be in the spotlight and gives the viewer a chance to get a glimpse into their lives. Mr. Thicknose is also very interesting, especially when he tells the story of his life. It helps that he has the same voice actor as Rafiki from The Lion King. But the highlight for me is simply adorable relationship shared by Ducky and Spike, who despite any differences seem like true siblings.
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My all time favorite land before time movie
vessalalizadeh30 August 2021
This film is the only film of the franchise that I was watching it as a kid. When I saw it again in a snowy day, it make me love it much more. I really love the story of this movie, I really love the cast of this movie, even and to the other land before time films since the 5th movie. The voice acting and to English and to Greek dub is perfection and realistic, not to mention that in my opinion the English dub in movies/series from Disney or dreamworks is far better than the English dub in anime movies/series, except the evangelion because in the evangelion English dub especially in the original dub is as realistic as the dub of the American animated films and series.

Ducky is one of my favorite characters of this franchise, she is so cute and adorable. In this film, Cera is better than in the other films, she's not spastic as usual. The songs are also effective, and the music is cool.

In my opinion, the best film of the franchise. 💖
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wildcat-2688724 February 2022
I love this movie and all of the Land Before Time movies! It's been great to rewatch all these with my daughter! And she loves them just like I do. Plus my wife had never seen any till we got together. So it's been cool to introduce her to them too. I don't think there's one Land Before Time we don't like.
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