The Gingerdead Man (2005) Poster

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Ouch This is Awful!
david-163914 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie advertised in Fangoria, and immediately found the concept of Gary Busey as a killer gingerbread man hilarious. Sure I knew this would be bad, but I'd expected it to be bad in a good kind of way. Nope, afraid not! This movie is dreadful in every possible way. The action itself clocks in at only an hour, and that includes an overly lengthy opening credits sequence, the end credits somehow bumping it to 71 mins??? It seems silly to criticise a movie like this, but it really could have made a decent "bad movie". Why not more scenes of the Gingerdead Man? Why not more cringeworthy lines for him to deliver? Why not even a remotely interesting death scene? Possible Spoiler: There is one sequence in this movie which highlights just how funny the movie could have been: its only a 20 second sequence in which the GD Man dishes out verbal abuse to a rat. Truly hilarious (in a bad movie way) and the reason I've given this film a rating of two.
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Did Gary Busey owe someone money?
binchwb8 November 2005
Before I get blasted, I want to acknowledge that I am familiar with Full Moon films and have seen quite a few over the years (the 'Trancers' series is among my favorites), but 'The Gingerdead Man' was an unfortunate mess. There are pros and cons, though... and believe it or not, the killer cookie (looking very much like it's made of rubber) is the best part.

I've become a fan of Gary Busey in his "is he insane?" recent years, so his presence either in live form or vocally as a cookie is really amusing. The other actors aren't as bad as one might expect, either. But everything else in the film drags and drags and draaaaaaags, not to mention the production budget appears to be under $100 (check out the bakery sign that looks like it was painted for a junior high pep rally). I know these flicks are self-financed, and that's a great thing, but there wasn't much to work with.

The movie clocks in at around 60 minutes, so for there to be so many slow spots (i.e., scenes sans cookie) it was difficult to watch. Will this be a cult classic? Yeah, probably, just given the featured actor and the premise. But it's just not very good, even by Full Moon's standards.
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this movie has WAY too much time with people, not enough with Gary Busey as killer pastry
Quinoa19847 June 2009
What is it that makes this Charles Brand tick away? This guy is like the not-quite-as-talented step-son of Roger Corman, producing hundreds of films, very few of them people actually probably legitimately like with a straight face (let alone those he might have, heaven forbid, directed). I didn't know this until I a) looked him up on IMDb, and b) was subjected to The Gingerdead Man, one of his recent, um, "features". I bought it thinking I'd get some laughs, after all it's hard to not find the prospect of a Chucky-style killer in the form of a Gingerbread Man (voiced by Gary Busey himself) quite tempting as a truly fun bad movie. But I didn't expect it to be this boring, this absolutely dreadful, so abysmally acted to the point where I wished my own bed-ridden Grandmother could walk on to the set and wipe the floor with these other "actors" with her own non-existent acting chops.

Oh sure, Brand *tries* to put a story together, something close to it I suppose, involving a bakery called, um, "bakery", and how it is under threat from a Mondo Burger style competition of a new bakery across the street and how the workers cant seem to cope and, uh, work into the late hours of the night and then one of them cuts his finger and so conveniently blood drips into the flour and the electricity goes off on.... damn, you get the idea. What little hope I had for the movie, perhaps from the trailer, was moot. Brand probably does know how to put together a trailer for a movie - looking at the one for this and a couple other "Full Moon" productions on the DVD it looks like that is their real metee - but the actual film is um... a film? More like a string of terrible, inexcusable and inconceivably written scenes strung together by wretchedly done "attacks" from the pastry on his dumb-as-wood victims. The only thing more stupid and ridiculous is how the poor little feller meets his/its end.

I wish I could recommend this, I wish I could say this is the "shiznit" of killer-whatever movies that you can turn off your brain and enjoy as fun schlock. I can't, in good conscience, ever do that. If it weren't for Gary Busey's little bits of "WTF-ness", I might have come close to slitting my wrists and swearing a life of nothing but Ozu and Bergman for the rest of my life.
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A movie about a killer gingerbread cookie should be awesome, but in this case, it isn't.
"The Gingerdead Man" has a promising plot, and thinking that it would be similar to such gems as "Jack Frost", I decided to rent it from Netflix. My rental would have been better used elsewhere.

So, here's the plot. Gary Busey, playing a psychotic killer guy, gets sent to the electric chair because of one girl's testimony. See, this girl's brother and father were killed by Psycho Busey, and because Busey didn't kill her, the girl testified against her.

Well, one night, the said girl is making a gingerbread cookie in her little bakery (that looks so rundown from the front that you wonder why anyone would ever go in there) and somehow the cookie comes to life. Now if you read the plot line on the Netflix sleeve, it says that Psycho Busey's ashes found their way into the cookie. Apparently if you cook ashes in an oven, they come back to life in the form of whatever they're in. But you don't go into movies about killer cookies looking for plot lines.

Unfortunately, "The Gingerdead Man" doesn't have anything to offer. Sure, there's Gary Busey in cookie form, and he's good for a few laughs, but the VAST majority of the movie is just filler. The 60-minute running time (does that really qualify this as a real movie?) seems like 2 hours, because most of the movie is just people running around the bakery going "what is that thing", "I think it's Gary Busey", and "well, let's run away". Except they don't run away, even if they could have easily just tore out of the bakery and ran to safety.

Ultimately, the killer cookie plot can't save this dull, horrible movie that looked like it was made for $20. Seriously, I could make this movie. It isn't even the low budget that does it in, it's the fact that the movie is just dull, it has no even somewhat cool kills and there's just not enough killer cookie goodness. I was expecting a "so bad it's good" movie, but I just got a really, really bad movie that wasn't even unintentionally funny. Disappointment.
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Undercooked In Every Way!
jamesbourke5916 January 2006
I have been a huge fan of Charles Band and his entire body work as both a producer and director for many years now. If I were to delve into specifics, my first experience of a Charles Band production was the 'Gremlins'in disguise movie that Luca Bercovici directed 'Ghoulies' of course it was until I later watched 'Trancers' that I truly became a devotee of the great man's output.

However that said, it comes as a grave disappointment to have to say, that with the fall of Empire pictures, and the lack of consistency with Full Moon Pictures, and all the other divisions within the same outfit, this latest movie, arrives as something of a major disappointment.

I'll be honest, I have watched every movie good or bad, that has carried Charles Band's name on it. Whether it was a Tim Kincaid movie or even a David Decoteau movie in disguise.

It must be said though that the fan's patience is really wearing a bit thin, when it comes to this latest exercise in pint sized terror.

A novel idea though this is, is seems slightly undercooked in every way. I can always remember vividly, that to cut down on film costs, when Empire Pictures had they're studio in Rome, they used to film the movies using one set, such gems like 'Dolls' 'From Beyond' why even the mighty 'Celler Dweller' was a one set wonder.

The same applies to this movie, yes it's set in a bakery, the movie itself takes place during a nigh-time shift.

As the movie begins we witness the actions of Gary Busey crazed psycho going gun happy in a local Texan diner, then we flash forward to just another day down amongst the cream buns.

I have to say, although the lack of budget was a major factor, the lack of any real acting talent and any real gusto to the script made me pay attention.

I can only imagine, that whatever funds Charles Band raised for this movie, a small some went towards the special effects and the vast majority went straight into Gary Busey back pocket.

I found it stranger that the writing partnership of William Butler and Domonic Muir should write this script using aliases, that being said, so too did Don Mancini when he also penned 'Celler Dweller' but looked which way Mancini's career went and by the looks of it the same can be said of Butler and Muir.

The ending of this movie suggests a sequel, although I'm sure we will see the 'Gingerdead Man' doll long before we see such a dreaded beast as a follow up to this miserable exercise.

My two stars are awarded basically for the presence of Band's name and that of Busey's
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Yet another Band's masterpiece
YugoNinja25 October 2006
This man turns into an indescribable mess everything he touches. And "The Gingerdead Man" is the proof. The proof that Band finally lost it. He no longer makes movies, he unmakes them. He demolishes, maims, mauls, distorts, destroys and deforms everything that a movie is. How can this be a movie: it has NO logical plot, in fact, it has no plot at all, it has NO acting, even Busey's acting was shameful, it has NOTHING that makes it a movie. And what genre is it anyway? Comedy? Horror (I doubt it)? Sci-Fi? Trash? Garbage? I tell you: it is a new genre that Band invented: WASTED TIME: LIFE-SUCKING BRAINWASHING ULTRA DULL SENSELESS NOTHINGNESS. People will enjoy Band's movies when he will stop making them. But I cannot blame him anymore, the man is just making a living, hell, at least he made something out of him. But seriously, Charles, if you're reading this, for the love of God, stop. Please, stop. It is enough. You tried and you failed. You are no director, you are no writer. Stick to producing, doll-making or whatever you do. Don't destroy young minds. Don't waste your and our time. And leave Gary Busey alone.
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I Little Bit Too Long in the Oven
jamhorner24 January 2008
Now I did not expect this movie to be any good, and that is exactly what I got, a bad movie with one hell of a villain. Actually, this movie is more of a comedy than an actual horror. This movie is essentially about a killer who's soul gets somehow trapped in a batch of "magical" gingerbread dough. This ultimately spawns a homicidal, foul-mouthed and sadistic gingerbread cookie. It's just as bad as it sounds. There was horrible acting and a curious plot. However, there is one good thing about this movie and that is it's great surrealistic tone and coring. Other than that, there isn't that many things good about it.

So lets kick off, shall we? The acting was atrocious and really bad. Robin Sydney and Ryan Locke both displayed the perfects example of really bad acing as well as Larry Cedar, whose performance seemed as though he was trying not to laugh during his monologues or seemed that he was personally trying not to act at all. There were points where the acting was so over the top, that it wasn't even funny. One of the only good actors, and he wasn't all that good, was Jonathan Chase who actually was creepy near the end, though they killed him off way to quickly. As for Gary Busey, well, he was in the movie for a whopping 10 minutes.

The plot itself was very bad because it never fully explains anything, nor does it explain where the batter came from and it was never really confirmed that it was Millard as the Gingerbread cookie. The story took place in a closed bakery with glass walls and the main characters where panicking because they were trapped and they needed to find a way out, rather than breaking the windows or using the keys to unlock the door, since they work there. Plus, they were getting worried because the police won't come when one of the character literally ran out the door to look for her dad, who died, and rather than running to the police, she ran back inside. They also never explained who was it that dropped off the evil cooking dough. Also, Cedar's character was stupid enough to run into the wall as the gingerbread man ran into him, thereby becoming a victim of his own stupidity.

There were no scares in this film; even some of the gore and killings were laughable. But wait, there were only 2 dead people. I can't take a talking homicidal gingerbread man seriously and when he lops off fingers, shreds somebody's face or shoots somebody, it's actually quite entertaining in a funny way. The only scary part was when Jonathan Chase's character becomes the essence of the Gingerdead Man, and that in itself was pretty hysterical. I'm sorry, I just can't take a talking gingerbread seriously, even for a horror movie or a supernatural sci-fi it was pushing the box too hard.

However, the was one big aspect of the movie that I did enjoy and that was it's surrealistic atmosphere that practically tributed comic book style scenes as well as 80s horror movies. There was excellent red and green lighting that coincided with the theme of gingerbread and a bakery shop. There were great references to the ingredients of gingerbread cookies that was demonstrated through the lighting and special effects such as sparkles (sprinkles), yellow and some blue lighting (the frosting) and gumdrops. The camera angles were very interesting because they incorporated some great angular shots as well as some great pans and zooms. The camera work itself stayed consistent to the comic book style of setting up scenes with a primary focus and individual or group shots, as well as some POV's. It was an altogether great accomplishment for the technical side of this movie.

Overall, this movie was about as scary as your average Disney fairy tale; it even had its "Disney Magic" to it as well. The acting was insanely stupefied as well as the plot, mainly because it didn't make sense. There were points were I could not look at the movie and just turn away to laugh, because it just wasn't scary. It was if somebody turned the Gingerbread Man from Shrek into an angry, belligerent and more annoying "thing." I would recommend this movie to those who enjoy a good hardy laugh or to those who enjoy a not-so-good quality horror movie. But for those who actually want to be scared, or who are looking for something with a kick, stay away, far away; I didn't so now I'm remorseful.

It sure makes me psyched for the upcoming Gingerdead Man 2: Passion of the Crust. Blah!!!!!
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Somehow, they made this boring
lastgoldrush21 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know how they did it, but they did. You have a killer cookie, the insane-as-hell Gary Busey and a bizarre cage-wrestling personality all in the same movie, and it is somehow STILL boring. This is not one tenth of the ridiculous cheese-festival it should be. Nothing much happens, Gary Busey has like less than ten lines, and the only person I remember him actually successfully killing (spoiler, whatever) was that old guy whom he hits in the knees with a car (but how does he reach the gas pedal?).

Pure wasted potential. A more interesting movie would just be a documentary on how Gary Busey behaved on the set. His feature billing here is misleading and dumb. This is below b-movie humor; this film just kind of melts you until you drip out of your seat and dream about getting your money back.
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confectionery man comes to live with murderous intent
endedmike23 December 2005
I rented this movie because I was looking for something that was a huge mistake.. a movie that never should have been made. I was looking for a movie that would be so bad, it would entertaining. Well, it turned out to be WORSE than that. 90% of the movie is filmed on one set. The entire thing is filmed in dark gray tones that make it next to unwatchable. The script is so predictable, you can quote the lines if you have never seen the movie. There are no enjoyable characters. The scenes never get shocking, and the whole thing could be PG13, even though it is unrated. And Gary Busey is so lousy, If he wasn't friends with people in Hollywood he would never have a career.

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More like NOT a ginger dead FAN anyone wanna accept that one into their lives??
joe_schiavone526 January 2008
This may have been the biggest waste of money anyone has ever spent. what the cluck was the director, writer, producer,actors or for that matter anyone who was in anyway involved in this movie including me for watching this thinking??? what about the part when the gingerbread man shoots the gun and the ass that made him dodges the bullets cause he just cant wait to go to his wrestling match. I hate this damned movie and i hope anyone else that everyone else that sees it loses their memory so they wont remember the agony they have just endured. Gary Busey, what the hell were you thinking I'd love some answers to this unsolved puzzle of madness. I'm gonna go poke my own eyes out with a cookie cutter.
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Powdered Sugar This Ain't
drqshadow-reviews1 February 2016
Sometimes you've just gotta watch a stinker, and this undoubtedly fits that bill. It's the brief (but not quite brief enough) saga of a cold-blooded killer who's put to death, then somehow returns to life as a stabbin', laughin', wise-crackin', foot-tall slab of holiday confectionery. As if that premise needed a little extra kick, this monstrous devil-cookie also happens to be voiced by Gary Busey. The concept itself is hilarious for all of ten minutes, but burns out quickly as the plot tries, courageously but hopelessly, to make us care about his victims. It's atrociously acted of course, the equivalent of D-grade porn stars who keep their clothes on, so those misguided storytelling efforts don't even have a fighting chance. A moment rarely passes without some manner of absurd stupidity. If it isn't a particularly bad pun, a wickedly awful special effect or a pathetic dash of vacant dialog, surely there's a glaringly obvious editing mistake in view. We're talking night-becomes-day-becomes-night, several times in the same scene. Removing a baking pan from the oven with bare hands, commenting on how its contents are freshly scorched, then casually setting it aside. Firing seventeen times from a six-shooter. Though it runs for just an hour and ten minutes, that seems about twice as long as it should've. I had almost as much fun glancing at the cover art as I did watching the entire thing.
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Come on!
dred1107 August 2008
Anyone who says this is a bad movie must be insane. Why? Because if they couldn't tell that it was an awful piece of garbage just by looking at the cover of the DVD, they're brain dead. This movie was never meant to be taken seriously! It's camp, folks! If you honestly expected to be scared or find some kind of horror, you've missed the point. The point is to make the cheapest, crappiest, piece of garbage ever caught on film, and make it so bad that you just can't help but laugh. That's why this movie gets 10 of 10. It did precisely what it set out to do, which was to make my friends and I laugh our butts off at how hilariously ridiculous it was...
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It was
zaadiav13 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It was weird at times but it doesn't make it a bad movie it starts when a guy is having a shootout at a bakery and kills three people and then he figured out he was sent to the electric chair and then he comes back as a killer cookie to kill the person who sent him to the electric chair which was someone who survived to shoot up he kills people and weird ways later someone ate him and then they got possessed and tried to kill the person who sent gingy to the electric chair but he fails and his throne in the oven and burns to death it was a funny movie this is one of my favorite Christmas horror movies I will watch it again.
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DEAD on arrival...
anxietyresister16 September 2007
A worker at a bakery is simultaneously pursued by a murderer with a grudge against her family, and a homicidal gingerbread man created during an accident in the oven. All she has to protect her is her dopey boyfriend, the daughter of a competitor who wants to get her shut down and a senile old lady (who dies first, oops). Ever had one of those days where you wish you hadn't got out of bed?!

This movie is indescribable on an alphabetic scale, since it would start at B-movie, then slide all the way down to Z and beyond. This is the cheapest of the cheap, a shoestring budget that a 14 year old student filmmaker might have to work with. But surely even an acne ridden teen would have created a more convincing puppet that the titular character, who resembles a free gift in a packet of cornflakes and is about as scary. This latex atrocity can barely move its mouth, but when it does the comedic one-liners it inevitably spouts are about as funny one hundred variations of 'Who do you think I am, the Stay Puff guy' can possibly be. Yep, that hilarious.

Among the morons our snacky friend knifes, burns, garrotes etc not one amateur thespian stands out as being anything less than dreadful. In fact, you're be cheering the little guy on all the way as he consigns these pathetic performers back to bit parts in The Young And The Restless where they truly belong. The exception is Gary Busey, a fine character actor who deserves far better than to provide the voice of a homicidal sweet treat in a direct to DVD release. Mind you, I'd say the same about Brad Dourif regarding the doll, Chucky. I guess the difference is, the Child's Play films are made with wit and intelligence, where as this mess was probably put together in a fortnight by a college guy whose ego far outstripped his actual talent.

Next time, Mr Producer, can you actually READ the script before putting up the cash to back it? Also, if it turns out to be awful, how about donating the dough (Geddit? Ha Ha...) to charity instead? It'd be far more useful... and less painful... for all of us. 1/10
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"Dead" is right
Wizard-821 October 2010
With a title like that, and the premise being a walking/talking/killing cookie, I think most viewers will picture this movie being a (black) comedy. And it could have worked - I thought that the original "Jack Frost" movie, about a killer snowman, worked. But in this case, NOTHING works. The movie is really cheap, looking like a backyard production made in the 1980s and shelved for twenty years without any restoration. There's also a minimalist feel, with barely enough props and scenery, all looking very unconvincing. Gary Busey just seems to be going through the motions, with the scene he actually appears in as well as voicing the killer cookie. The supporting cast comes across as even worse, if that's possible, not helped by a script that makes them the stupidest characters I've seen in a movie for a long time. And even though the movie barely lasts 60 minutes (not counting the s-l-o-w closing credits), it goes by at such a slow pace that it feels endless. This movie actually has spawned two sequels, making me conclude that it was even cheaper than I thought, since I can't see most people liking this movie.
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This one is bad... and not in the good sense
lover10122 February 2006
I went into this expecting something similar to Jack Frost, the killer snowman movie. While Jack Frost was obviously a low-budget slasher flick, it was very funny. The humor was the point. In this flick, I'm quite confused as to what the point is. The story is terrible, and major plot points are plodded through just because something had to be explained.

The Gingerdead Man character lacks any humor, and the few attempts come up short. In addition, almost the entire movie takes place inside a small bakery. How much hiding, running, and action can play out here without anyone getting away? This movie had lots of potential. The premise was great, but it needed more development and better writing.
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This ginger leaves a nasty taste!!!
cool_cool_113 December 2005
The Gingerdead Man (2005) was very very bad, and not in a good way!!!

I was looking forward to seeing this, maybe a return to form for full moon...... they haven't produced anything decent for years and "Doll Graveyard" was poor too but the trailer for this looked good so my optimism was high!!

The story is about this serial killer called "Millard" who is played by Gary Busey, who one day kills this girls dad and brother in a diner, anyway she gives crucial evidence which leads to his execution by electric chair, after this he gets cremated and his ashes get sent home to his mother.

To cut a long story short, Gary Busey comes back as a gingerbread man to seek revenge on the girl and her friends, he wants them all dead!!!

Just like "Doll Graveyard" this film runs at 60 minutes with 10 slow minutes of ending credits, zzzzzzzzz!! The film is boring too, the killer gingerbread man is rubbish looking and the characters cant act AT ALL, even by b-movie standards.

The gingerdead man only kills 2 people in the whole movie, there's no nudity or anything!! even at 60 minutes my interest wasn't kept, oh dear Charles Band, i'm getting embarrassed by your efforts these days!!! 2/10 for The Gingerdead Man.
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Nothing to see here! Waste of time and space. Not a horror, not a comedy, just wallpaper
Bababooe20 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, this is not the worst movie ever made. At least I didn't have to fast forward through it. I knew it would be bad. Because it was part of an 8 movies for $5 set. And all the other movies sucked. The only way I made it through the end was because I was playing guitar while watching it. If it was a good movie I would have to stop playing and watch. So in that regard it was fine. It wasn't so horrible that I had to stop playing the guitar to press the fast forward button. There were a few seconds of decent scenes, like when the blond girl got the knife in the head. Busey was in the beginning and only voiced the rest of the movie. That would mean he can literally telephone his lines. And he did.

The horror element is minimal. The comedy, not much. There was some kind of nonsense soap opera romance happening while these people were stuck in a bakery with a killer gingerbread man.

So, that's it. Rating is an F. 1 star. Nothing to see here. Once all the movies in the dvd set have been seen I will destroy this set.
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All the talents of porn with none of the porn
spiderbond3259 December 2005
If poor writing, poor acting, poor character development, poor special effects, poor editing and poor directing add up to good film-making then wake me from this horrible nightmare. A horror comedy with 0 scares and 0 genuine laughs (i.e. laughs that are not directed at the ridiculous premise of the film) is not much of a horror/comedy. This film has all the talent elements of porn (acting, writing and directing) but with none of that annoying porn to get in the way. Gary "Drug A-Busey" Busey proves once and for all that he has fallen off the Hollywood A list (as if we needed more proof) - this one puts him somewhere on the Z list.
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Cookie Cutter
ghoulieguru13 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Another lame movie from the newly resurrected Charles Band and Full Moon, this is basically just CHILD'S PLAY with a cookie instead of a doll. Gary Busey overacts for the entire 10 minutes that he's actually in the film as a grimacing, murdering maniac who returns from beyond the grave to possess a gingerbread man.

From that moment on, the story revolves around the owners of a bakery trying to escape from the bakery while the gingerbusey tries to kill them while making lame Freddy Kreuger one-liners. This is almost bad enough to be enjoyable if you watch it after drinking a bottle of whiskey, but then chances are it would just put you to sleep.

I've said it before in my reviews Full Moon's other recent flops like DOLL GRAVEYARD and DECADENT EVIL, but it bears repeating. Band should be banned from making any more horror films. The really sad part is that I used to like Full Moon movies. They were just bad enough to be enjoyable, and I have quite a few of the Full Moon movies from the 90's sitting on the shelf with my Troma flicks. But these recent movies are poor and shoddy in comparison, and they lack the humor and campiness that the early Full Moon flicks had. These recent ones aren't worth the time it takes to watch them, much less review them.
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the definition of eternal pain and suffering
albetheir24 June 2008
OK i bought this movie thinking OK its a bad movie but i have 3 friends coming and i got it foe 2 dollars at a garage sale so as we were watching i had to stop the movie and ask my friends is this really worth watching it looks like a chucky movie export its a gingerbread man they said no and the descent into hell began the acting OK i can teach a monkey how to act better the effects the gingerbread man looked OK but everything else was horrible my 5 year old cousin watched it with us yes im a horrible rolemodel he has to learn it from somewhere so he even said the film was garbage i would rather have my eyes gouged out then watch this garbage. But the worst part has to be the ending opens up a sequel and if it comes to that go help us all.
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Why Gary Busey?
schniegp16 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This beautiful addition to the media world is a delightful tale of the average bakery that accepts shipments from anonymous hooded figures and that bleed into their own bake goods. Sounds like a fan-fricking-tastic story that could be filled with so many plot twists it makes the mind become boggled, however the only brilliant twist that the writers could come up with was to make every single character in the movie a flipping retard, I mean seriously how hard is it to walk outside of a bakery that is completely unlocked, or to avoid a gingerbread man cutting you with a knife at hardly a foot tall, or to avoid a car that starts a good 10 feet away from you that a gingerbread man attempts to drive at going at no speeds above 5 mph. The only redeeming quality of this movie was the brilliant acting of brick fields, yes a man named brick played the most astounding role in this film. enough said
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Honestly the single greatest piece of cinema ever.
lunchbox4228819 February 2006
So tonight my friends and I rented two amazing movies both starring the sensational Gary Busey, this movie and the wonderful Quigley, and I just have to say this movie is not only shocking, but beautiful as well. You really knew where the characters were coming from and could relate. I mean, when haven't any of us been in a situation like this. The movie was terrificly written, each line added a new twist to the film. Don't even get me started on the special effects...alright, i will get started. The only word that comes to mind is astounding. I've seen a lot of horror movies in my life, but this one just takes the cake. I also really appreciated the underlying biblical references, although i thought they could have been more subtle. The ending was also great and I definitely hope they will do the right thing and make at least one sequel. This is up there not only as one of my favorite Gary Busey movies (Along with Point Break, Rookie of the Year, and of course, Quigley), but one of my favorite movies ever. This movie touched my heart and I know if you watch it, it will change your life like it did mind. After watching this, i will never look at the world the same way again.
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Gingerdead Man: Birth of a cult icon!
SmakethDown63830 September 2011
Fans of Full Moon movies and campy horror movies will like this one. Gary Busey is great in his role as Millard and eventually, the titular character. Funny, creative, and an all around good time is what makes the Gingerdead Man a fun little movie. My only gripe with this film is that it tries to be a serious horror film. How can you take a killer gingerbread cookie seriously? Luckily, the sequels have nailed the formula and have made this (in my opinion) the best modern Full Moon franchise. Once I saw the sequels, the more I began to appreciate this movie. Great quotes, and a very memorable movie have made the Gingerdead Man a cult icon.
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Gingerdead Man
clopez9456521 March 2006
I gave this movie a 2 because it was the worst movie ever made, but it kept me laughing. There were so many errors. When the Gingerdead man is shooting a gun, you can see a finger pulling the trigger. When he is in the fridge, and apparently it is made to look like he is rummaging through the fridge, you can see an arm throwing items. In the beginning the waitress that was shot, she apparently blinks after dieing. When the mom of Milliard comes to drop off the box of ashes it is daytime, and in a matter of 2 minutes it is night time. There are more errors, but I do not want to ruin your fun in finding them. This film will keep you laughing.
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