"Midsomer Murders" Dark Autumn (TV Episode 2001) Poster

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Interesting and in Some Ways Outrageous
Hitchcoc21 February 2016
The object of many off color jokes has to do with the guy who services all the married women in a community. The first murder victim here is one of those. He is a postman who shares time with his customers (take that Cliff Klaven!). Anyway, during one of his rounds, he is savagely attacked, nearly decapitated. It turns out that most of the husbands are quite aware of this guy, and, hence, quite a pool of suspects emerges. Of course, this sets up quite the possibility for Barnaby and Troy to focus on minutiae as they sift through the evidence. A significant aspect of the crimes is that big band music is heard as the murders are being committed. One interesting subplot is Troy's falling for a pretty young officer who is aiding in the case. She lives in the village and is a fount of information. She is also kind, but has some baggage we really don't know about. This is a decent episode, returning to some of the more bizarre stuff that makes good theatre.
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"Generally good mystery though some of the magic has gone."
jamesraeburn200324 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Inspector Barnaby and Sgt Troy are sent to the isolated village of Goodman's Land where the local postman Dave Cutler (Rupert Walz) has been brutally murdered. As usual, the duo discover that practically everybody in the village had reason for wanting Cutler dead because he was a womaniser and had affairs with several local women. For instance, the local dairy manager Mike Yeatman (Dez Henney) once attacked him in the local pub because he was carrying on with his wife Mary (Prue Clarke). Then there's the wealthy but dull and stuffy publisher Owen August (Alan Howard) whose wife Louise (Celia Imrie) also had an affair with Dave Cutler as well as the struggling antiquarian furniture salesman Simon Reason (Nicky Henson). And when Reason is subsequently murdered in his showroom, it makes August the chief suspect. However, August himself is later found battered to death while he was out hill walking so Barnaby and Troy's theory is shot down. All of the women who had affairs with Cutler seem to be distraught because of his death, but could this merely be a facade to put the detectives off the scent? Meanwhile, Troy is developing a strong friendship with the village police officer WPC Jay Nash (Gillian Kearney) whom is helping him and Barnaby with their investigation. But when Troy buys her a present, she refuses it telling him that it means the start of a relationship, which she doesn't want as she was willing to give up her career for a man once who hurt her badly. Therefore, she wants to remain only a friend and colleague with Troy. There is a fourth murder and Jay very nearly becomes the fifth victim of the psychopathic killer who is stalking Goodman's Land before Barnaby and Troy are able to apprehend the guilty party. But who is the madman with an obsession for the 1950's period that leaves timepieces beside his victims' bodies such as pens, old fashioned lipstick, records and articles of clothing? In addition, he stalks his victims beforehand playing 1950's dance hall music on a tape recorder. What significance could all this have to his/her motives?

Dark Autumn was first transmitted on 16 September 2001 on ITV and it turned out to be quite a good installment to the successful Midsomer Murders series, which by now was in its fourth year. Jeremy Silberston who was the series' founding director once again does his usual professional and polished job. However, the script wasn't written by Anthony Horowitz (the establishing writer who also worked on the majority of the MM episodes that Silberston directed) therefore some of the magic has gone. The script here by Peter J Hammond is by no means bad but it lacks the quirky characterisations of the deceptively shady yet seemingly harmless eccentrics who you wouldn't think had skeletons in the closet but usually did. This was something that always made the Horowitz-Silberston collaborations so memorable. The characters in Dark Autumn seem more cold and serious, but there is still some fun to be had in the nostalgic look that it places on the 1950's period. For example, Barnaby and Troy set up their incident room in the village's derelict dance hall, which retains many of its original features. This prompts Barnaby to dig out his old David Whitfield 78's out of the loft making his wife Joyce wonder what on earth he's doing. "You haven't decided to go romantic in your old age have you?" she asks. In addition, the film still has a feeling for the seemingly soothing and tranquil way of village life with all its sinister double meanings popping through from time to time such as numerous affairs and even brutal murder. It's not long before Barnaby and Troy discover that almost everybody has something to hide. "Why does everyone in this village have to be at it?" the former remarks.

The location photography of Graham Frake is first class and the casting is up to the series usual standards. Alan Howard (the nephew of Trevor Howard) is exceptional as the stuffy, self-centered and boring Owen August who shows little interest in his wife. Gillian Kearney is quite good as WPC Nash and works well in her scenes with Daniel Casey who gets more to do than usual with the script placing an emphasis on his growing friendship with Jay. John Nettles offers his usual down to earth performance as Barnaby and his pairing with Casey is as good as always.

Overall, Dark Autumn emerges as a generally good entry into the series, though some of the chemistry that we have come to love of the show has gone. But the plotting is quite strong and the murderer's identity is well concealed up to the climatic moment whereas some subsequent episodes were to become somewhat strained for new ideas.
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Very good episode from a great Series.
Sleepin_Dragon3 June 2018
Series Four of Midsomer Murders and this show was on top form, the viewing figures prove it. Midsomer Murders was essential viewing, following on from the likes of Garden of Death and The Electric Vendetta comes Dark Autumn, a case surrounding the murder of the handsome, but promiscuous Postman Dave Cutler.

Whilst it's perhaps doesn't reach the status of classic, that Destroying Angel certainly does, I'd say it's still very much a class act. It's somehow measured, the killings are brutal but basic, at this time they weren't attempting to script in bizarre and outrageous killings, it's very much a straightforward whodunit. At times you need to suspend belief, as a few events are a little silly, but it is a great watch. Well acted naturally, Celia Imrie and Robert Glenister both particularly good.

I love the use of music, so reminiscent of Morse 'Driven to distraction.'

A great episode, from a time when the show had something. 8/10
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Season 4 gets back on the right track
TheLittleSongbird8 January 2017
Not classic 'Midsomer Murders' by all means. However it is the second best episode of Season 4 after "Destroying Angel" and a huge improvement over the rather bland "Who Killed Cock Robin?" and particularly the weird, convoluted, underdeveloped and over-stuffed "The Electric Vendetta".

After the disappointing two-episode slump, Season 4 is now back on the right track with "Dark Autumn", which serves as a strong season to a variable fourth season. My only complaints actually are the episode just lacking the quirkiness and eccentricities that are such a big part of 'Midsomer Murders' at its best and the motives for the killings which are agreed outrageous and it's hard to swallow that anybody would kill so brutally for the reasons given.

However, as always, the production values are top notch, with to die for scenery, the idyllic look of it contrasting very well with the story's grimness, and quaint and atmospheric photography. Also loved the 1950s nostalgic look in some scenes, so elegantly and evocatively depicted. The music fits perfectly, and the theme tune one of the most memorable and instantly recognisable of the genre.

Meanwhile, the script is smart, thought-provoking and suitably grim, the humour also being a breath of fresh air. Nothing felt inconsequential, everything had a point and it was intriguing and maintained attention throughout. The story is absorbing and suitably grim, complete with a chemistry between Troy and Jay that does not thankfully threaten to grind things to a halt. More quirky and eccentric humour would have been more welcome this said, as well as characters somewhat less bland than how written here.

Acting is very good, superb in the case of John Nettles, and his chemistry with Daniel Casey (a great contrast as ever as Troy), Jane Wymark (love their loving chemistry) and Barry Jackson always convincing and more. An agreed exceptional Alan Howard gives the best performance of the supporting cast, while Nicky Henson, Celia Imrie and Gillian Kearney are perfectly fine too.

In conclusion, a strong episode if not one of the best. 8/10 Bethany Cox
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that big band sound
blanche-25 February 2014
Barnaby and Troy investigate the horrible murder of a womanizing postman in "Dark Autumn," a 2001 fourth season entry.

The village this time is Goodman's Land. The postman, Dave Cutler, who seems to have slept with every woman in the village, is found murdered, nearly decapitated by some sort of scythe. One person claims to have heard faint music playing outside on the night he was killed.

Needless to say, the women of the village are devastated and the men are suspects. But a few of those suspects wind up dead themselves, by the same method, and with musical accompaniment.

A messy case, in which the detectives are helped by a local police officer, Jay Nash (Gillian Kearney) whom Troy falls for. However, she tells him that she can't have a relationship with him. She is still very hurt from her last one.

Then Jay is nearly killed herself. Barnaby and Troy notice that the murders have a distinctly '50s theme going on -- there is old lipstick, and also records, old clothing near the victims, and someone describes "dance hall" music being heard.

Interesting case but not one of the best. As I've said before, every Midsomer Murder can't be a masterpiece. This one is good and intriguing, with the usual high production values, and a realization by Barnaby at the end that is rather sad.
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What a shame about the last ten minutes
boxyfella15 September 2021
I love the dark atmosphere surrounding this one, the cinematography is stunning, a delightful contrast to the colourful summery scenes we see in so many of the episodes. And that dance band music that accompanies the killings just gets in your head and stays there. So that's what I liked about the episode. But the killer's motivation was absolutely ludicrous. As has been said, amongst the weakest in the entire series and that's saying something. A shame, because otherwise this would be a classic.
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jerseysax29 May 2018
When Barnsby enters the old dance hall and finds Troy and Jay dancing, the closed captions announce music playing, Tangerine by Frank Sinatra. It's not Frank at all. It's Bob Eberle singing with the Jimmy Dorsey Otchestra. It's a very famous recording.
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Solid enough entry!
harrykivi2 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The 4th season of "Midsomer Murders" has been up and down for me. It started with watchable "Garden of Death", continued with an awesome "Destroying Angel". Then proceeded with an awful "The Electric Vendetta" and mediocre "Who Killed Cock Robin?". "Dark Autumn" definitely gets the season back on track, but it's not as good as I wanted it to.

Let's start with positives, shall we?

. The production values of this episode are wonderful as usual. Jeremy Silberston's direction is astute and the use of fifties music created an unsettling atmosphere to the scenery. The cast's also pretty good. Alan Howard and Celia Imrie are charismatic in their roles. Robert Glenister and Nicky Henson fine enough.

. The murders here are brutal and the story of "Dark Autumn" is definitely dark. The characters are well-developed and plot twists mostly intriguing. Really liked the game between the villagers that ends Tom Barnaby winning.


. "Dark Autumn" took a while to get started for me (about 30 minutes). Before that, like one reviewer put it, is interviewing and not much else.

. The episodes does lack of quirkiness, which has been in the previous episodes. Some gentle humor would have lightened the tone.

. Even though the killers identity was quite surprising, the motives for the murders were very stupid ( Just to kill three people, because you didn't like them feels ludicrous).

Overall, I liked "Dark Autumn", but it's not one of my personal favorites.

7/10 HK
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Average Midsomer Murders.
poolandrews12 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Midsomer Murders: Dark Autumn is set in the small Midsomer village of Goodmans Land & starts early one morning as local postman David Cutler (Rupert Walz) is delivering the village post, however this particular morning he is attacked & his throat is slashed open with a bailing hook. DCI Tom Barnaby (John Nettles) & Sgt. Gavin Troy (Daniel Casey) are on the case, they liaise with local community constable Jay Nash (Gillian Kearney) & quickly learn that Cutler liked to sleep around & usually with other guy's wives. Then before the police even have time to set up an incident office another villager is found dead with her throat slashed open, that of Debbie Shortlands (Fleur Bennett) who as local gossip would have it was Cutler's latest conquest. Is it a jealous lover? Or is there more to this case than first meets the eye? With little to go on & confusing evidence Barnaby has a job on his hands to work this one out...

Episode 5 from season 4 this Midsomer Murders mystery saw a return to the series for director Jeremy Silberston who had made some of the finest episodes including the very first one The Killings at Badger's Drift (1997), after the previous two big disappointments that were The Electric Vendetta (2001) & Who Killed Cock Robin? (2001) I was hoping that Dark Autumn would mark a welcome return to form for the series & while Dark Autumn is better than the two previous aforementioned episodes it's still not up there as one of the show's best. The script by Peter Hammond starts off well enough with someone getting their throat slashed open before the opening credits have even played but then for the next hour or so Barnaby just wanders around Goodmans Land interviewing people about the affairs Cutler had. To give it some credit there's some nice plot twists but it turns out the murder didn't really have anything to do with anyone connected to Cutler & the entire first hour or so feels padded & surplus to requirements. Dark Autumn isn't that well paced either, it's rather dull going for the first half although things do pick up when the twists & turns kick in towards the end. I sat there watching this thinking I had it all worked out & I knew who the killer was, well I was totally wrong & the person I thought it was ended up as a victim of the real killer which show's how much I know! The other thing that didn't really impress me about Dark Autumn was the motives, the killers motives here are really weak & weren't strong enough to convince me that someone would murder four people because of them. This is one of those Midsomer Murders mysteries where you can catch the first ten minutes, go away & watch the final twenty & still more or less 'get it'.

Dark Autumn sees the character of Sgt. Troy get more on screen development than usual as he tries to embark on a relationship with Jay, this episode also brings out one of Barnaby's hidden talents as he turns out to be brilliant at the pub game of Aunt Sally! A game where wooden batons are thrown to knock a wooden dolly off a stand, apparently it's a game only played in Oxfordshire so forgive yourself if you've never heard of it. He kept that one quiet didn't he? As usual there are some impressive photography capturing the English countryside, Great Haseley in Oxfordshire was used while the windmill in this episode is from Turville in Buckinghamshire & was also seen in the film Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968). There are four murders in this one, there are a couple of corpses seen with slashed throats but otherwise nothing too graphic. The acting is very strong as is usually the case.

Dark Autumn is an OK Midsmoer Murders episode, a lot of it is very forgettable & the motive for murder here is one of the weakest & most unbelievable the entire series has thrown up & that's saying something in itself. I still thought it was OK & an improvement on the previous two episodes but far from a classic.
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It really is a dark autumn in Midsomer
hossychristie11 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After a good, but decent start of the series with "Garden of Death", the classic episode, "Destroying Angel", the miserable "The Electric Vendetta", and the slightly better one "Who Killed Cock Robin", "Dark Autumn" is a fine fifth episode from the fourth series of Midsomer Murders.

"Dark Autumn" is set in the Midsomer village of Goodman's Land when David "Dave" Cutler gets his throat slashed the same early morning he was supposed to have been delivering mail. It seems that Dave was a womanizer, and had slept with many woman in the village. Before Barnaby and Troy even get the chance to start investigating, Debbie Shortland is also found murdered, and later on, both Simon Reason and Owen August are found murdered as well.

During the episode, Troy grows a fonding interest in Jay Nash, a woman helping them with the investigation, but it seems they grow too close, when the murderer, revealed to be the bartender John Field, tries to murder Jay Nash. Troy, who wants to see Jay the same evening, then comes along with Barnaby and they rescue her from John Field

"Dark Autumn is a fine fifth episode of the fourth series of Midsomer Murders", and it is a lot better than "The Electric Vendetta" and "Who Killed Cock Robin?", but it is not a classic episode either. The first murder of Dave Cutler, happens after just a couple of minutes, and that is something I really like, when the first of hopefully many murders happen so quickly. It is wonderful that the next murder happens so quickly afterwards. The episode also features the aunt sally game, and these scenes shine of humour, as a contrast to the dark theme which I believe the story of "Dark Autumn" contains.

Unfortunately, the murderer's identity was not a big shock, something that has happened so many times before in Midsomer Murders. But what's bother me more, are the motives for the murders. I find it to be one of the weakest of all Midsomer Murders episodes. I do understand the love John Field has for his deceased mum, but honesty, why would he kill Dave Cutler just because he was prying on women? John Field should have had another focus on his own life instead of bothering with other's? The motives for the murder of Debbie Shortland is absolutely incom. The Murders of Simon and Owen are a bit more credible, as it seems they both rejected to publish John Field's book, "Dark Autumn", a work Written about his mother. Even though these murders are credible, John Field could easily have found another publisher. I find it a bit sad that John Field seems to have a hatred relationship with all the people he killed.

I really did like Gillian Kearney as Jay Nash in this episode. Celia Imrie as Louise August and Alan Howard as Owen August, play their parts wonderfully as well. Marian McLoughlin is also likeable as Barbara Judd. Robert Glenister plays the murderous John Field in a credible way, but I do have to say, I wanted to see some other aspects with his character.

"Dark Autumn" is a fine episode, and it really is a dark autumn in Midsomer, but the episode itself, could have been a lot darker, with some other suspects, and maybe a more credible murderer. 7/10 Hossy Christie.
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Top notch production values but poor plot
Schweizer8528 January 2021
As the name suggests- its dark and very eerie, there's no colourful gardens or houses in this one like we see in other episodes. Its obviously been filmed in the autumn or winter which makes for some amazing shots. We really get a sense of it being a very small and isolated community, a total contrast to the picturesque chocolate box villages we see in most other episodes. There's no colourful characters in this one either, some very sullen performances. I just love how the overall darkness sets the tone of the whole episode, the music adding to this. Sadly, the plot is lame and the episode lacks pace. I feel a smaller cast always works well in Midsomer Murders, with a stand out performance from Alan Howard.
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Not that great, but always worth a watch
jagannathkhalsa17 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I knew it! The bartender did it. I watched half the episode yesterday before work and I was just coming to the conclusion that all the obvious murderers had already been murdered themselves, so who was left? Either the bartender or the lady he boarded with (whom I thought was his mother... maybe she was his stepmother?).

I was heartened by the spark of romance within the police force. Between Gavin and Jane. Says me, as long as everyone in town is always 'at it', maybe it's inspector Troy's day. At the end, when Barnaby sees the gift Troy gave her but she refused (a book of Lord Byron's poems) I thought Barnaby would make a play to take the book himself and give it to his wife and get a little spark too. He set the stage earlier by playing dance hall music at home and Joyce says, "Are you going romantic?" and he says, "Why not?!!"

There were a couple of little parallels to Columbo. In an art heist episode, Columbo calls in a lady policemen in high heels to simulate an escape down stone stairs so the security guard who came just after the burglary could verify the sound he heard out back was indeed the sound of high heels going down stone stairs. She looked rather like Jane, in a smart looking policeman's cap. Secondly, Barnaby's stunning win at that bowling game throwing the wooden batons reminds me of Columbo executing perfect pool shots and excellent golf strokes, and playing the tuba expertly --- a guy you least expect to excel in these things.

I was sorry to see the accountant lady murdered. There wasn't a vicious bone in her body, so it was undeserved. I was awfully glad Jane was spared. I thought the bartender did a good moment of acting during his confession, with that quivering lip and all.

In one of the earlier DVDs was a special feature "The Making of Midsummer Murders". In it the director said when there aren't enough murdered bodies, people start complaining. So it became de rigueur to make sure there's enough mayhem. They decorate those corpses so nicely, don't you think, with all that blood splatter and eyes a-popping.

Who needs Halloween when I get my dose every week. With that scythe as the murder tool, it puts one in mind of the Grim Reaper, eh?
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weak ending
mgl-9203721 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
There are too many people acting stupid and going to meetings in the middle of the night. The last one, with the policewoman, was ridiculous. Overall it's enjoyable to watch; however, unlike other reviewers I rate Cock Robin and Electric Vendetta higher.
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Not great
lizzieqever26 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This one really wasn't great. One of the problems I've had with Midsomer mysteries is the motives of the killers are often off-the-wall.

This one suffers from a similar problem. The killer is basically crazy and the motive not intelligible. I much prefer when a killer has a motive that I can follow. I can't really follow crazy.

It does become somewhat obvious very late who the killer is. But that was my biggest issue with this one. That said it wasn't a terrible production. If you don't mind crazy motive you'd probably like it. I personally watch these things so I can solve it I like to do the puzzle aspect of it.

I forgive characters acting unrealistically as they often do, and who done it, because I realize it's necessary to create the puzzle for the viewer. A good example of the acting unrealistically is how often suspects answer questions in real life. People will not be so forthcoming with information.
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