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Hilarious Hometown Halifax Opening
Stefan-Rhyneheimer12 October 2006
I watched the "Trailer Park Boys: The Movie" Halifax Premiere on October 6 in a packed theater with the full cast in attendance. Notably in character was a bare chested Patrick Roach as "Randy". John Dunsworth as "Jim Lahey" patrolled the aisles in the theater checking to see if "anybody got a lil' drinky poo?" I know that laughter in a theater is contagious, but I really thought the movie was hilarious and I plan to purchase the movie DVD. I thought that Mike Smith as "Bubbles" probably got the biggest laughs, bringing the house down with the funniest one-liners and close-ups. Robb Wells as "Ricky" was terrific as the fast talking schemer and probably did the best acting. John Paul Tremblay as "Julian" had great screen presence as the quiet, burly, drink-toting enforcer.

The movie is all comedy, but it's a combo of slapstick, mocumentary, drama and action, and it even has its touching moments. I don't recall anything in the movie that needs to be taken seriously. The characters are at the bottom of the totem pole in life and their exceptionally poor ambition manages to exceed their ability, intelligence or education so they are unable to achieve any of their minimal goals. This cycles them between laziness, poverty and petty crime. Somehow, the characters don't really seem unhappy, since this is normal to them, and I guess that makes it feel okay for me to laugh at them.

I'm sorry to say I haven't been faithfully following the TV series, but I now am intent on working my way through the whole series on DVD to get caught up and that's something to look forward to. I know this will be a big hit in Canada, and I expect it to do very well in the USA and worldwide.
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TPB Screening - Sept 11th
slickpete212 September 2006
I caught the private screening hosted by Ivan Reitman on Sept 11th in Toronto. I enjoyed the movie a lot. I was mostly impressed with Rob Wells and Mike Smith, who really stepped up their performances for the big screen. Any fans of the show will surely like the movie, so be sure to check it out. It's tough to say whether the movie will gain fans outside of Canada, but let's keep in mind that Canadian movies like Porky's and Meatballs did so I wouldn't be surprised if TPB:The Movie obtains the same cult-like fan base. As a side note, I was surprised by the amount of T & A used. I could see how it was added much in the same way comedy movies from the 1980s used it to pacify the audience. I'm still undecided about whether or not it was necessary and it may have taken away from the inside- tone of the show's/movie's concept.
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The Big Dirty…Trailer Park Boys: The Movie
jaredmobarak11 March 2007
The cult TV show from Canada has really surprised me with how fresh the comedy has stayed throughout its six year duration. When I first heard about the jump to the big screen, I wasn't quite sure how to take it. Most half hour shows that get feature film updates really feel forced and dragged out like the writers took their next show idea and filled it up to last an hour and a half. With a show like "Trailer Park Boys" I sensed that something like this would happen, but thankfully I was wrong. Rather than expanding a short story thread, the creators actually seemed to have taken a full season arc and shortened it to make a movie. Trailer Park Boys: The Movie is then a tightened piece of work, with all the good parts kept at the expense of filler, to make it 100 minutes of pure insanity and hilarity.

A movie like this can only do justice if it keeps what works from the show. Our heroes, Julian and Ricky, need to go to jail at some point and come back to the trailer park right when the residents were getting used to the lack of trouble the two cause. Ricky then needs to win back his girlfriend Lucy, Julian needs to find a new masterminded crime to attempt, Jim Lahey has to find a reason to get the cops to arrest the misfits again, and Bubbles can enjoy some human friendship again, having only his cats to spend time with when the boys are gone. All the laughs and staples from the show are here to great effect. Now, while Showcase in Canada is a cable station with the swears and drinking allowed, it seems the filmmakers have decided to step it up even more for this movie. Lahey adds his favorite curse adjective to everything he says, (the least sense made the better), Ricky butchers the English language, Bubbles goes on his Tourettes rants, and with the addition of a strip club locale, nudity is very prevalent whereas non-existent in the show. The boys have pulled out all the stops for a crazy adventure of low-class criminals and the seedy activities they partake in for the love of friends and family.

It is great seeing John Paul Tremblay (Julian) and Robb Wells (Ricky) keeping their characters consistent with the show. The two have a great rapport and really shine as the brains and stupidity of the operation respectively. Their friend Bubbles is hilariously played as always by Mike Smith. His slow mannerisms and bottled up aggression always lead to laughs between his small vocal outbursts and his full on attack once his shack is destroyed. All the other regulars make appearances too, John Dunsworth the best of which plays his drunk park supervisor role to perfection. When he does a long take stare while downing an entire bottle of alcohol, I was dying of laughter just from the dedication to the scene. There has to be sacrifices of course for a jump like this, though, and that is at the expense of characters Cory and Trevor. This duo are great fun and foils to the boys in the show, but mostly wasted here in the film. Also, where was J-Roc? Youknowwattimsayin?! I really wish his role was bigger than the ten or so minutes he got.

Sure the film might not be as successful as the show, but it still delivers the big laughs and misplaced heartfelt moments as its originator. It was strange seeing the numerous inconsistencies to the show being that this is not a continuation after season 6, but an almost restart to gain a new fan base. I understand the reasoning here, but I feel that they could have kept it in context to the storyline with scenes of exposition from the show itself to help new viewers understand what was happening. Either way it was still enjoyable. Credit too to the Canadian support as always with cameos from Gord Downey and Alex Lifeson, along with the great soundtrack and hidden easter eggs. Between the numerous Hip songs, Our Lady Peace sampling (during J-Roc's rap), Tea Party instrumentals, and Rush titles hidden at the theatre (game machine was 2112, and the movie names based off songs), I had fun noticing them all. So, whether you are a fan of the show or just want to experience the craziness for the first time, Trailer Park Boys: The Movie is well worth your time.
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Get the series or the film and enjoy some white trash mockumentary tonight
scobbah16 August 2007
I am a huge fan of the complete series and I was worried that the film would disappoint me. Luckily, it did not.

Clattenburg and his team managed to craft a Trailer Park Boys film which has an excellent story, and indeed the story itself is a somewhat "typical" TPB story - something a fan immediately can recognize and acknowledge. Although I believe that people who have yet not seen the series might not completely follow at all times, the very same people will never find themselves lost while watching the film. I mean, the film introduces the characters rather well to those who make their first acquaintance with our Trailer Park heroes, but the film has much more to offer those who know the characters well.

Do yourself a favour and get the series or the film and enjoy some white trash mockumentary tonight. In conclusion, the film is great. 7/10
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TPB Fans Will Be Happy With The Movie
rawram29 September 2006
I saw it today at a screening here in Victoria, BC Any hard-care TPB fan will be happy with the translation to the Big Screen. No contrived "fish out of water" plot-lines or cameos by unlikely big Hollywood stars.

The budget was spent on a few car crashes, and that's about it. Viewers outside of Canada or not-too-familiar with the characters will be able to follow the characters.

Plenty of dope-selling talk, liquor and whores: the staple of life in Sunnyvale.

Die-hard fans of the show will be able to spot recurring characters and actors from previous episodes.
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Saw the US Premier Last Night!
iejdaniel10 March 2007
Attended the US premiere last night here in Austin, as part of the SXSW Film Festival. Got a pic taken with my Canadian wife, Ricky, Julian, and Bubbles, which should tell you what a dork I am.... :) Overall, I agree with the comments here that the movie is okay for long-time TPB fans, but is kind of a watered down version, probably meant to not snow over the initial viewer. Some good laughs, but I think I have laughed as much at some of the individual episodes, each of which are about 30% the length of this. That being said, I am sure I will add the DVD to my collection.

In the Q&A after, the question was asked, "when can we see more TPB in the States?" I think Mike Clattenburg. was there answering, didn't pay much attention to the name when he was introduced, but the answer was that there simply is too much censorship here. He referenced the one season they tried, on BBCA, and I remember that debacle. Too many bleeps to follow the dialog. But one thing that kind of amazed me is that was not mentioned as a source to get all of the DVDs. A lot of my fellow film-goers didn't know this either. It's not network, but it is available....

Bonus: All the attendees last night were given complementary key-chains by Mike C... Yay!!!
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Trailer Park Boys: The Movie
cultfilmfan12 October 2006
Trailer Park Boys: The Movie is a feature length film of the television series Trailer Park Boys. Seeing as the ads and the film's trailer give away virtually nothing that will spoil the film I have decided not to give a plot synopsis and besides fans of the television series should know what they are in for and what to expect from the film. I first started watching the television show back in the fall of 2005 and only after a few episodes I was hooked and have been watching it ever since even if the episodes are re-runs. The show itself is like a comedy soap opera. In the first couple of episodes we are introduced to the main characters and more as the series goes on. The characters go through various humorous situations and some real life problems as well. Many would dismiss the show and call it vulgar and unappealing due to the language in the series and the occasional drug use and mild violence. To me while watching this show the three main characters Ricky, Julian and Bubbles grew on me and I started to like them and there were times when they would make me laugh and times when I would feel genuinely sorry for them. The series also has some of the most interesting side characters of any series I have ever seen as well. What I like about the show so much is that it is almost always constantly funny and keeps a smile on my face even if I have seen the same episode over and over again. The show is always entertaining and intriguing and never loses steam not even for a second. Also the show has a lot of heart. Family and friends are really important to these guys and deep down they care for each other and try to take care of one another and there are some episodes that are downright touching and heart warming. I 'am pleased to say that everything I liked about the series is there in this full length movie. The same great characters and side characters are there, there is humour, there is heart and it is entertaining from start to finish and it's just like watching a full length episode of the series, so overall I was not disappointed. If you are a fan of the television show then I can see no reason why you would not like the movie. And on the other hand if you are not a fan of the series the chances are great that you will not like the movie either. If you are however interested in the movie I do suggest you watch the show first to get acquainted with the characters and all the different things they have been through. The show is still on television and if you don't get that particular station you can find the episodes on DVD. Trailer Park Boys is one of my favourite television shows on the air right now, so seeing as the movie is just like the show or maybe even better than I'm sure you can understand why I loved this movie and consider it to be one of the best films of 2006. I applaud the cast and crew for making a great series and pulling off an excellent movie as well. Good job guys you made something great and fans like me will not be disappointed by this movie and like I said earlier it is one of the best films of the year and one of the best recent comedies of the last few years as well.
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Comparing it to the TV show, it disappointed me
The_Light_Triton1 September 2007
I am a big trailer park boys fan. And this movie, i really wanted to see it when it came out, but i figured, "hey, i'm 17, i can't get in."

yeah right. this movie was rated 14a in Canada. how can you rate this 14a? they drop how many F-bombs? 177? and 77 percent of the time, Ricky is the one dropping them? and what else do we have? Topless women. i never saw that in the TV series. and the series was 18a? what the hell is going on with Canada's rating system?

OK, enough with the rants. here's the scoop. Ricky and Julian are in jail. Ricky's mind is set on winning a big road hockey tournament against the prison guards, while Julian is keeping fit and lifting weights. while Ricky enjoys himself, Julian is talking to someone about pulling off "the big dirty" which is a big job where someone makes a lot of money. so Julian's mind turns to....change.

This movie, actually disappointed me. i mean, i laughed at everything in it, it was hilarious. it captured the foul mouth and the stupidity of Ricky, but there was several boob and sex scenes too many! there is rarely any of that in the show. plus, there was very little crime and wrong-doing. thats what made the trailer park boys so funny!

ah well, it was well worth renting to see.
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Great movie, more time needed
nazz_nomad7 October 2006
Just saw this tonight along with a sold out crowd (can't remember the last time I was at a movie that was sold out hours in advance). Did not disappoint at all, had everything you would want from the boys and more. The only thing I thought that could of improved the film is a bit more time fleshing out the story lines. The "Big Dirty" turns out to be a quick job that might disappoint some people. Overall a rightful standing ovation at the end of the film from the Sunnyvale hungry audience. I personally would like to have seen more Ray, as he always cracks me up but this is nit picking and I am sure that they will explore these things in future sequels (I hope). I am sure a lot of this might go over the head of American audiences once this is released there but for now I revel in this made for Canada movie with all the in jokes any Canuck would love. I plan to see it again once the crowds die down, I tell you it was a mad house atmosphere in the theater and well deserved.
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No cats were harmed during the making of this movie, but they must have been bored.
fedor85 September 2008
So this was the highest-grossing homegrown comedic Canadian movie bacon in years? Either the Canadians are desperate for comedy, not being too nit-picky about its quality, or the TV series is much better hence the success at home soil.

TPB looks like a sitcom, and something tells me that the TV series might be considerably better. The movie starts off fairly well, but ends up with the perennial big-screen disease that seems to afflict the majority of big-budget North American comedies: the movie runs out of gags and ideas halfway through, leaving the viewer with a second half that is almost fast-forward-worthy: absolutely nothing funny or even amusing happens there. The cats end up being the sole entertainers from the half-way point onwards. The best stuff (what relatively little there was of it) came during the prison segments, which were too short. There was much potential to be squeezed out of the jail setting, especially considering that I can't recall ever seeing a proper prison comedy. The makers of TPB also broke a cardinal rule - an absolute no-no - when it comes to goofy comedies: do NOT try to get the audiences to take your cardboard characters seriously. This, for example, happened also with "Kingpin", which started off very well but disintegrated because the director thought that Woody and co. should be accepted dramatically as well!

My advice to makers of comedies - baconic or otherwise: stick to the gags, forget the mushy baloney, and if you run out of ideas, DON'T COMPLETE THE MOVIE until you get your script to the point when it's as tight as Demi Moore's silicone breasts. Someone was in a rush here to get the movie into the cinemas under the set deadline, hence the script's evident mediocrity.

The guy who plays Julian looks like a cross between Tom Savini and tennis pro Nenad Zimonjic...
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Trailer Park Boys 101
DonkeyPuncharello20 December 2007
For fans of the TV series, Trailer Park Boys the Movie offers nothing we don't already know. However for people whom haven't seen the series, this is a good beginning. I would however recommend watching the Christmas special, as this is a prequel to the series and offers a bit more insight to the characters. Or just as good, watch the original TPB pilot movie from 1999, shot in black and white. As good as the movie, maybe even better.

As for the movie, I liked it, I love the TV series enough said.


TV Series: 9/10
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A great time was had by all!
kittycats36 October 2006
I have never (!) seen an episode of TPB. Although I knew what it was, I thought it would be "stupid" humour, so I never bothered. Went to the movie on opening night ... it is an absolute blast! Hilarious! I hope it's as good for die-hard fans of the TV show as it was for me as a newbie.

If people the world over thinks that the TPB are what Canadians are like, that's just fine by me. These guys are truly good people. They appeal to both the typical "chick flick" crowd and the typical "guy flick" crowd (whatever those are). People who think they're too smart to watch "movies like this" will be swept up in the warmth and humour in spite of themselves - and probably learn some new ways to use the word f**k. Half-way through the movie I was already planning when I could go see it again. It's just great. Go see it immediately!
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Good old boys and petty crimes.
michaelRokeefe20 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Canadian comedy based on a popular TV series. Julian(John Paul Tremblay)and Ricky(Robb Wells)are released from incarceration a few days early and are anxious about returning to the Sunnyvale trailer park. Counting the days is running buddy Bubbles(Mike Smith), who lives in a little shack with his cats. Ricky is eager to see his girlfriend Lucy(Lucy Decoutere)only to find that she won't let him in the trailer and he has to live out of his car. Nothing new for Ricky. Lucy is not in a hurry to tell Ricky that in the 18 months he was gone, she had a $6,000 boob job done and she works stripping in a "gentlemen's club".

Julian, Bubbles and Ricky finally agree on planning "The Big Dirty", a crime that will enable them to retire from their lives of petty crime. Ricky's share of the haul will afford him the means to marry Lucy and start living "the life", drinking three or four days a week, smoking weed maybe five or six days a week, support his family by growing dope and keeping his wife satisfied...and you know what I mean.

Stupid jokes, silly situations, pervasive language and some nudity earns an R rating. Also in the cast: John Dunsworth, Nichole Hiltz, Patrick Roach, Barry Dunn and Hugh Dillon.
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Movie format is a flabby fit
scotch-415 April 2007
One of the great things about Trailer Park Boys on TV are the scripts. In a half hour format, they are cleaver and tight. The movie format with the given script only stretched it out and makes it flabby.

If the film had been conceived with the same snappy pace as the TV versions if would have been much better; perhaps four snappy subplots cleverly linked together. The film draws too much on previous TV episodes and needs more new material.

While the production values are better than the TV series, I don't think this works for the film either. TPB are down and dirty; no polish required.
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love the boys but story scattered
SnoopyStyle27 March 2016
Ricky, Julian and Bubbles try to steal from an ATM machine. It goes wrong and the boys are arrested. In prison, Ricky is told to do "The Big Dirty", a final crime to retire on, while Julian is warned against doing The Big Dirty. After 18 months, the boys are forced to leave prison. Ricky finds Lucy dancing at a gentlemen's club with new boobs. Ricky vows to do The Big Dirty. Julian and his new girlfriend Wanda go to the movies. He sees a giant globe of coins and thinks it's the perfect Big Dirty.

I don't watch the TV show. Solely from this movie, I love the boys. They are fun and have great dirty chemistry. The Big Dirty is a great idea. However, the story is too scattered. I don't like the 18 months jump. It would actually be funnier if it's 18 hours later. This feels like an extended TV show with various characters going in various directions. This needs to be a fun ridiculous caper movie centering on the idea of the Big Dirty.
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Classic Trailer Trash Comin' At You
Raptor457 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
First and foremost, I'd like to say if you aren't a fan of the show, there is no reason why you should go to this movie just to bash it. Or even if you haven't heard of this show/series , then going to see this over other movies would be different, since most people wouldn't get it if they hadn't watched the episodes.

Trailer Park Boys return with even more humor packed with more screwed up ideas, swearing, plans to get money (change), and such. You see Ricky trying to get with Lucy again, Julian hoping to make some money, Bubbles to just rely on his "Super Kitty Show" and breaking down carts for cash, and Corey and Trevor once again doing their pathetic idiotic ways, while Ricky gives them sh!t for failing on all attempts. But this time, they attempt at making the "Big Dirty" happen, aiming their ways towards getting cash from a Movie Theater attraction, which is a large ball filled with coins.

When compared to the episodes, this movie still does very well. Yet there were a few flaws ( a new girl acting Trinity's Roll, not a lot of focus on the side characters like J-Rock, Phil and Ray) , the perfection of bringing out the main characters onto the big screen really beefed up their performance.

From seeing them on TV in a different camera state, to seeing them on a huge screen, was different to adapt to , but the classic trailer humor starts right out from the beginning with Ricky's message to Julian.

I was shocked to see barely anybody in the movie, it was probably my group of 6 and 10 other people, probably not a big fan base where I live.

To end this , I have to say thee best quote from the movie where I almost pi**ed my self laughing, it went something like this

*Ricky In The Courtroom*

Ricky: Cover your ears, 'trin..... F*ck you, f*ck this court, f*ck Lahey, f*ck Randy, f*ck his lawyer, f*ck my lawyer, in fact, f*ck bob's BBQ chicken, f*ck the sun, f*ck the moon, f*ck squirrels, f*ck this chair, and F*CK everybody to do with this.


Excellent movie! If you are a fan of the movie, get out 5 bucks and go watch this well preformed film.
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Surprisingly Enjoyable First TCB Vehicle - Bring On The Sequels!
britishdominion30 January 2007
Though not a real big fan of the TV show (however the TPB Christmas special is a holiday staple like "It's A Wonderful Life" around here!), I enjoyed "TRAILER PARK BOYS: THE MOVIE" though it was kind of messy and disjointed but still quite funny, oddly charming and even warm-hearted. These characters may seem like trash, but they have honor for their friendships, a skewed respect for family, and an odd pride of neighborhood - all very Canadian traits. Plus, the way everyone was "introduced" allowed anyone who had never seen the show to get into the tone and the characters very fast was a good idea - it was a stand-alone film.

Saying that, I would certainly go see sequel(s) should there be any. But this is the kind of movie, like "Jackass Number 2", that you need to see with an amped-up, lively crowd - not in an empty theatre.

I'm sure it will play very well theatrically at midnights through the Fall and Winter 2006/2007 before having a healthy, long life on DVD and cable as a special-interest cult flick - a life something like "Slap Shot" or "Strange Brew" has.

TOPIC ONE: My one question back to everyone - will this film play in Peoria? Would the USA get it? Aside from it working in the universal White Trash milieu (aka "My Name Is Earl"), will someone in Florida understand the film's very regional, very Canadiana humour? Or would it be treated more as a "foreign" picture - a quirky national oddity like Australia's "Priscilla Queen Of The Desert" or the UK's "The Full Monty"? TOPIC TWO: I think the biggest problem is that no one in the US has seen the show. Maybe, like how the feature film of Monty Python's "And Now For Something Completely Different" really kick-started the Monty Python reruns on PBS, perhaps this movie might have the same effect Stateside - or even the world - in getting viewers to discover the show for themselves.

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Excellent Movie.. Worth every loonie
dscrawd7 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I love the Trailer Park Boys, I Own all The DVD Seasons, I watch the show every time it is on showcase I am a HUGE Mike Clattenberg fan. This move is awesome, I laughed over and over and even got teary eyed a couple times.. its great! I am a Non Drug, Non Smoker, Non Drinker. (Not your typical TPB fan) But I can appreciate the series never the less, The movie does repeat quite a bit of stuff already in the 6 Seasons, but that is necessary because they are reaching out to an American audience who most have never heard of the Trailer Park Boys. (Small Spoiler)

My only GRIPE is that the actress Jeanna Harrison was replaced in the roll of Trinity ( Ricky and Lucy's daughter.) But I can understand why, because she is older now and this movie seemed to be set around season 2 of the series.

Mr. Lahey (John Dunsworth) was brilliant in this movie and really came across as a jerk I loved it!, he is a brilliant actor.

Bubbles (Mike Smith) had me rolling on the floor with laughter, he did not have enough lines and his roll should have been bigger. Mike Smith is my hero.

During the Series on showcase I disliked the character of Ricky (Rob Wells), but I liked him much more in this movie.

Julian (John Paul Tremblay) Was brilliant as well and just as lovable and cool or more then he was in the series. (Crime is NEVER cool) but you have to depart from reality watching the TPB and should never repeat the stupid stuff the do on the screen!

I am hoping for a sequel or 2 or 3 and a seventh season on showcase!! But everything was all nicely wrapped up with a bow in the end so I do not see where a sequel would be about.

God Bless CANADA and Mike Clattenberg
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Nothing Out Of The Ordinary; Fans Will Love It
deepfrieddodo28 October 2023
In general, the additions around the fringes of Trailer Park Boys don't quite live up to the main series, with TPB: The Movie doing little to establish itself as anything especially different.

Utilising the same format, with noticeably superior visuals for the big screen, a plot is put together that could probably be stripped back and contained within a couple of episodes. The same humour and characters that fans love, it does stay true to itself, as daft and profane as always.

Not necessary viewing to follow the overall story of the series; a few plot points are explained, plus the last inclusion of Trevor as a character. Fans will undoubtedly enjoy this, plus its an easy introduction to the characters for someone who hasn't seen the series, but as a standalone film it brings nothing particularly memorable.
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Proud to be a Canadian
cpburrowes12 October 2006
Excellent. Many layers of enjoyment for us Canadians to embrace. The soundtrack for instance, who else would pick up on the immortal strains of Helix pumping out some Heavy Metal Love at Ricky and Lucy's wedding. Platinum Blonde gently caress my ears as the boys venture into the Gentleman's Club and who else but Hugh Dillon of the headstones croons along. Cops from the Tragically Hip and RUSH.

This movie is by Canadians, for Canadians, and about Canadians. If that doesn't suit you, that's fine but I for one felt patriotic pride for those minutes, 90 or so, that I sat in that comfy theatre seat. This movie is is anthemic in proportion. Not that I know what that means. Go see for yourself, the power of the Canadian people.
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The boys are back
son_of_jack_322 October 2006
I saw this movie last Saturday and I must say that I was nowhere near disappointed. All of the characters act exactly the same as they do in the show; I really thought of it more of an hour and a half long show than a movie. The plot of the film is pretty simple and not a big surprise: Julian, Ricky and Bubbles decide to steal huge amounts of change because it is untraceable (they call this scheme the Big Dirty) and of course, the knucklehead duo, Cory and Trevor, agree to help them. J-Roc and Ray (who I think are some of the funniest characters in the show) don't get a very big role in the movie, but that didn't take away from the overall quality of the film. The one thing that kept me from giving this movie a 10 was the addition of nudity. It wasn't really needed (though I wasn't complaining!) but again, it did not take away from the finished product. Overall, this was an extremely funny movie, and it marks a high-point in the Trailer Park Boys' careers.
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As a hard core fan of the series, such a let down!!!!!!
Vagabond1117 December 2009
Absolutely hated it, such a huge let down! We love the series and often die laughing watching it. We re-watch it over and over and spend far too much time surfing You-tube for clips of it. This movie is a disgrace to it and fans of the show and doesn't even feel like it's put on by the same people. It made us so angry with the nudity and plot lines that centered around that, which seemed to be the bulk of the movie. Strip clubs, bunch of T&A every other scene. We missed out on a good chunk of the movie because of all the fast forwarding we had to do to get through that junk and about 35 minutes in we just shut if off because it was just making us angry. What were they thinking by agreeing to this junk?
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They couldn't have done it better
heisalexh22 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I was really surprised at how great the movie was compared to the classic TV show. It's probably the best comedy of 2006, and the best Canadian movie of the year too.

The movie is like an extra long episode of the show with all the usual characters plus a few new ones. Jim Lahey is his drunken old self with his assistant/lover trying to get Ricky Julian and Bubbles in trouble.

When Julian gets out of jail, he wants to pull off what he calls 'the big dirty' and commit one last big crime so he can retire. At the same time, Ricky is frustrated with his ex-girlfriend working at a strip club, while Bubbles is concerned for his shed and kitties.
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Surprisingly good comedy, based on a television series.
hu6751 March 2007
Ricky (Robb Wells), Julian (John Paul Tremblay) and Bubbles (Mike Smith) are small time crooks. They live in a Trailer Park and they struggles with everyday life. While Ricky and Julian are been released from prison by doing time for 18 months. Which they were caught stealing cartons of cigarettes. While the three friends are reunited. Things isn't the same for Ricky, since his girlfriend Lucy (Lucy Decoutere) is working and dancing in a strip bar. Which Ricky dislikes her sleazy boss (Hugh Dillion). Three friends are planning "the big dirty" by robbing change with the help of two clueless friends (Cory Bowles and Michael Jackson). Because change is untraceable. But they are also facing problems with an alcoholic owner of the trailer park Mr. Lahey (John Dunsworth) and his shirtless partner Randy (Patrick Roach). Who are conning Ricky, Julian and Bubles to pay extra money by living in the trailer park.

Directed by Mike Clattenburg made an amusing, often vulgar comedy with a heart. Which is based on a television series of the same name. Which the show started out as a cult favorite on T.V., then become largely popular in Canada. Which started out as a mockumentary before becoming a T.V. Series. All the cast and crew, who worked in the show. Also worked for the movie as well.

The Canadian DVD has an sharp anamorphic Widescreen (1.78:1) transfer and an fine:Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound. DVD extras are good:including an running commentary track by the director, deleted scenes, alternate takes and more. Die hard fans of the television series will surely love this movie and as well for non-fans. One of the most successful films in Canada in 2006. Executive Produced by Ivan Reitman (Ghostbusters 1 & 2, Meatballs, Stripes). Barrie Dunn, who plays Ricky's father is also one of the film's producers. Written by the director and actor:Wells. (****/*****).
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One of the best films I have ever seen
LewisLaker3 August 2009
An American friend of mine showed me this movie and I have to say when he told me what it was about I really thought it sounded like a load of rubbish, I really am so pleased he made me watch it.

It is one of the funniest films I have ever seen. Such a shame it seems to have never been released internationally, If it wasn't for my friend I would never have seen this film, or even heard of it!

Its a fantastic film following the life of some "trailer park boys" who go around doing small crimes to live off of. As the film progresses you find your self becoming so attached to the characters and fall in love with them and their lives.

A brilliant film, I see there is a sequel coming out in September . . . I hope it gets released internationally.

If your looking for good fun and a easy watching film which will make you laugh this is the film for you!
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