I'm Going to Tell You a Secret (2005) Poster

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amazingly spectacular and intriguing
Andy_aint_dead24 June 2006
Hello!!! I just bought the DVD "I' m going to tell you a secret" and i watched it with great enthusiasm and extreme admiration the the female pop-star. She -once more- proved that she really is the Queen of Pop, a tremendous trend-setter as far as fashion, politics and religion are concern. Her show was clearly provocative but was extremely inspired and glamorous. Madonna stands alone between two worlds... The stage and her family. There are numerous juxtapositions inside the film...Madonna is spectacular on the stage, but she is also a woman with political and ethical values. I have to admit that perhaps she gave too much emphasis to her being a follower of Caballah, but on the hole the film is great...A must for all Madonna fans and for people who love show business. A graphic and artistic triumph by any means. Generally speaking, I saw a Madonna much more wise, raw,authentic and determined. She has a belief and she stands for it.

Oh, and if you need some extra pop-star glam quality seek for the name Anna Vissi. She is huge...
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After "Truth or Dare" the next best thing Madonna did.
dikkiepost25 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Finally after a long year of waiting i got to see this movie. My expectations for this "Rockumentary" where very high and i was hoping i could see this as a sequel to "Truth or Dare (in bed with Madonna)". But nowhere this documentary can be compared to the 1991 Madonna documentary, the only similar thing these two "docu's" share is the use for black & white footage for off stage scenes, and full color footage for on stage scenes. The great difference between these two docu's is Madonna herself, and it is really great to see that the same egocentric woman who shocked the world by touching herself on stage has grown to be such a tender and caring person who now uses the "shock-element" to make a difference in the world. The docu begins with a stunning new video of "the Beast Within" which is perhaps the most dark and scary thing Madonna ever did. After that you can see Madonna at work in the studio mixing the soundtrack for her Re-invention tour. Step by step you see the preparations for such a massive tour, the audition of the dancers, rehearsing songs, shooting of backdrop screens. Then the docu follows Madonna from opening night until the last show in Lissabon, and also shows some of the strongest performances she did during the tour. Songs like "Vogue", "American Life", "Like a Prayer" and more. After some emotional footage of the last show the docu shows Madonna's visit to Israel. In my opinion the docu would be better of without these scenes. I do understand that this also is an important part of Madonna's life, but some of the footage you get to see is so hard and depressing that it leaves more impact then the 100 minutes before. I think it is save to say that although this docu isn't that good as "Truth or Dare" you won't be disappointed by this one.
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Even Better Than "Truth Or Dare"
wvsexy690628 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a die hard Madonna fan...I mean literally obsessed so i've seen, heard, and read just about everything shes ever done unfortunately i wasn't able to view this film when it originally premiered because of work but thankfully i caught a late night showing of it last night on VH1 hopefully they plan on showing it again cause i'm definitely looking forward to repeat viewings...now i have to say cause its only natural that people will be comparing this movie to "Truth Or Dare" after all they do share some similarities...like they're both documentaries for a Madonna tour..oops sorry but thats where the similarities end...the person Madonna has become is nothing like the person from TOD not that she was a bad person the but her life has changed so much...she's finally experienced some success with her acting (Evita)..she's finally won Grammys(something that should have happened long ago)...shes discovered a newfound spirituality...which i think has a lot to do with the changes i observed...but most of all and most importantly the biggest difference now is that shes a mother...and wife...2 roles that i know lot of people thought she'd never play...but she is and with great success..after almost 5 years of marriage her and Guy act more like close friends than husband and wife and it is truly beautiful to see her interact with her children...even though we don't get to see too much...but i think what was most touching was seeing how more open she is about her emotions and how much kinder she is and ultimately how much happier she is...i thought this movie was beautifully done hell i think the cinematography is award worthy...and there were a couple scenes when she was talking about peace that made me get a little choked up...particularly at the end when she went to Isreal to give a speech about that very subject...well i have to say the biggest difference between the 2 films is that TOD is for fans only...IGTTYAS is one anyone can enjoy or at least learn something from whether fan or not so check your local listings and when it comes out on DVD don't just buy a copy for yourself but for everyone you know
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Incredible is the only word
menoa_minnoan25 January 2006
I was skeptical. The movie began, and the introduction had my attention right away. The color shifts or black-and-white- to color, back and forth, was very good. The music was hers, obviously, and were wise choices as the soundtracks. This movie made me see Madonna as less than simply a superstar, but as a human being, with her flaws very evident. The highlight of the whole documentary are the clips of her concert, which is probably the best she has ever done. The stage, the choreography and costumes are phenomenal. Madonna has proved that age simply made her get better,and that even though she may be under the radar sometimes, she is still very relevant.
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blackcarlover2 December 2005
I saw this on UK TV last night and really enjoyed it and it left me feeling emotionally touched. It's really like a Truth or Dare Part 2 (as many have said), but the huge difference is Madonna.

Back then she was in her early 30s and doing a larger concert and really had the world at her feet as this amazing female artist who was very fit and very controversial. I was 16/17 that time too, when I was a huge fan of hers. Big posters of her in that famous conical outfit, long blonde ponytail expression, lots of 'suggestive' poses - but even though I was young and my mum was insistent in sitting behind me watching TOD, it never bothered me. I was never discouraged and continued loving Madonna. I think, where she has always been a bit forward, etc, those were the years she was reaching out on a different level, but it all turned against her (the Sex Book, etc). Fast forward a few years and Ray of Light album re-ignites Madonna's flame of fame. She looks good and thou the album seems a little strange with some chant type music, I think she was quickly opening our ears up to see how she was a new person in herself. Ray of Light (song itself) certainly was a club-floor burner. Move on to Music album and I absolutely love it! Drowned World Tour, thou not seen as her best work, was one I actually thoroughly enjoyed……..

…….but onto this documentary, and I have to say the very beginning of it was strange, almost sinister. But rolling on and through it, watching her pick new dancers for the tour (Cloud is absolutely amazing!), to getting ready for stage, etc – you can see Madonna still gets a bit nervous as I feel she strives for a perfect concert all the time, nothing wrong with that, but perhaps it was a bit evident back in TOD it made her seem a little 'bitchy'. But by gawk this woman IS a great entertainer! The costumes are colourful, thou the concert seems a little smaller than Drowned World, it seemed a little more intimate with the fans. Anyhow, watching her in Slane, and she is taking care and making all aware of the rain, etc, when she gets into the car and while driven away mentions about 'suddenly forgetting what she sang and danced too' (or along those lines), maybe I'm imagining things but she looked a little upset? I felt a little emotional with that and the scenes of her sweating etc, and looking a little exhausted. Suddenly it hits you, while she is incredibly flexible and fit and looks great, its easy to forget about her age and possible physical changes coming ahead – you know what I mean. I loved the scenes with her and her kids, and with Guy in Dublin, etc………..and sharing moments with the dancers.

The whole documentary was worth it for me……….now that I remember the old Madonna and see the new one, yes, the lady has changed. I also think marriage and kids have contributed. Her voice is stronger, deeper and sounds better than ever I think. She is not quite the young fit, loud, controversial, rude woman we remember 12 or so years back, but she is still a great singer, dancer, entertainer – in fact I commend Madonna on coming as far as she has, all the highs and lows, etc….she is still a top person, many of the public have been rude and wanting her to retire and say she looks terrible – I say she looks terrific and is in better shape than a whole lot of us. She is not afraid of trying something new, and never was. Heck I'm almost 30 and still regret never going into dance when I was younger, because when Madonna is on, I seriously want to go to a club and dance all night – she makes me feel alive again.

Maybe any public reading this will think I'm talking rubbish, or don't know what I'm talking about. True, there is a lot to Madonna I don't know, but I like to enjoy the great things in life when they happen 'for the moment', and she is one of them. She is one person I've always enjoyed watching, and at least with her videos and concerts you ARE guaranteed fantastic dancers! she is all about fun! If she does happen to ease off or have a last tour as her kids get older, I will always remember this woman, who was never ever boring, and who finally became a better person for herself. Respect!
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brilliant and far reaching and stunning
toddcolemansmee14 February 2006
i FINALLY saw 'i'm going to tell you a secret' tonight from a copy someone had and was absolutely stunned for words when i saw it. i found the whole film enormously riveting and gripping...and yet i am more stunned that there hasn't been more hype about it.

is this because a lot of people still haven't seen it yet? even on IMDb. i have read reviews by people and external reviews by matthew rettenmund (madonna encyclopedia author) and everyone seemed to say it was good but not fantastic.

i actually thought the film was far more ambitious than truth or dare and had a depth missing in first documentary.

i absolutely loved it and cried a couple of times! why has this film not been hyped as much as it should be? any thoughts?
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excellent documentary
beachboy18931 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is a very good example of what a documentary of a musician should be: music, private life, beliefs, we really have the illusion of entering in her life. The difference with Truth Or Dare and this latter shows how much Madonna has changed in this last decade. But let's talk about the documentary: it opens with the pop star choosing her dancers and it's a very good beginning. Then there's a bit of politics: she asks her troupe not to vote for Bush and even Moore is interviewed during a live show of hers. The political part it's very short indeed while a lot of space is given to the artist's new belief: the Kaballah. The final part shows us Madonna in Isral talking in front of an audience of the importance of peace and the need of a better future for all those children with guns in their hands. The movie ends with two boys of two different religions holding their hands. It's very touching. There are of course some performances ( but not too much ): the stunning and stylish Vogue, the strong anti-war American Life, the moving Lament and Mother And Father and much more. Of course some Madonna detractors would find it pedant and pretentious, but the artist gives us a lot of beautiful and meaningful messages with this documentary and every one has seen it, has the impression that if we want we can make a better world. Really worths!
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An amazing journey from beginning to end (Possible Spoilers)
michaelm19791 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is the best documentary I've seen EVER. Madonna shows that she pulls out all the stops and never fails to push the envelope in any department, in this case it's political. "I'm Going To Tell You A Secret" chronicles the events of her 2004 "Re-Invention World Tour" and Madonna showcases herself as a pop sensation, devoted Mother and Wife, political warrior, and most of all, her true self and her devotion to the study of Kaballah. From the beginning with the opening of "The Beast Within", Madonna begins with her partnership with music producer Stuart Price and having a very candid conversation about God and her beliefs and throughout the documentary, voices her opinion on the political and material world we live in today, yet she never comes across as preachy. There are several clips of her performances from the concert and her views on life off stage. It's genuinely touching, making us realize that we all have to be grateful for the blessings that we have in life and to not take them for granted. Want what you have and not what you don't is one of the most important messages. Her rendition of John Lennon's "Imagine" is absolutely mind blowing. The images depicted of the poverty stricken countries during the song is enough to make the toughest of people cry their eyes out. She delivers many important messages with her dancers and states that we all enter the world as better people than who we are and have compassion for all mankind and take into consideration the pain and suffering that is going on in the world. Without taking responsibility for your own actions and watching what you say to others makes your talents useless. This is so true. Madonna never ceases to amaze and impress and expose the world to closeted issues that must be tackled. In her own words, we are all responsible for making the world a better place. You could not ask for a better documentary. Even the if you're the least bit involved in her art/music and not an aficionado, anyone would appreciate this masterpiece. It is highly recommended.
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In some Ways disappointing
tinkerbelletom2 December 2005
You cannot review this without comparing it to Truth or Dare, even Madonna said in a recent interview that the two go together.

This time round its the Re-Invention (2004) tour that is backdrop, where in Truth or Dare (TOD) it was the Blonde Ambition tour (1990). The Re-Invention tour was hyped at the time because of the heavy focus on the back catalogue used, and the fans loved it. The same method of filming is used in IGTTYAS, black and white over colour for live performances. The dancers again are used as characters but this is where the film goes off track slightly. In TOD you managed to really got to know who the dancers were, you became familiar with their faces and humour. Here you rarely get any of that, all the focus is on madonna and Guy Ritchie. There just is not a good balance between knowing madonna and what its like being on a world-wide tour with madonna, dancers and crew. Yes the prayers are all here again but the edits are all so quick around back-stage antics. It all passes in a blur and you have no idea what really is going on. The live sections are better as you get a better feeling what it all looks like when its up and running. I thought that the whole film did not flow properly because everyone either went on for too long (meeting her dad at the ranch) or too quick, that back stage scenes. Madonnas children add some delight to the show, you become aware of the effects on them of what its like having madonna be on a world tour.

So the film is a great show of madonna in her 30's to madonna in her 40's. its a great in-look on family life and how it works around madonnas life. Its just a shame the tour/film has not as many characters this time around.
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Madonna is the Queen
djuppi22 January 2006
Movie seems to be motional and real, Madonna is the Queen, I am not her fan, but I better will be, cause she is so strong women, I would like to applause to this movie and her. Very nice work on the show and special effects, also Madonna is hard-worker and she showed her work in real kind manner, she is hard, women, mother, boss, artist, wife, dancer - it is difficult or enjoyable?! fun? You better see this movie! As a person who have been at stage I can admit, that movie is very much realistic, as a person who believe in God, I agree with Madonna that wanted to send messages through this movie - "every one needs love, is it enough to everyone, what are we waiting for?" (hopefully I got it right).
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The Concert footage is good, but the story makes me sleepy
jradioj16 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a big Madonna fan but I found this documentary very boring. The concert footage is excellent. Unfortunately, it looks like this film has the ONLY footage available from the Reinvention tour. (Unless you find one of the numerous bootlegs online) I've tried to watch it several times, but I always fall asleep. While Madonna is a nicer person in this film, it's just not as interesting as "Truth or Dare". Some highlights include her father's vineyard, her children's lives and drinking at the pub with her husband. It was interesting to watch Madonna's relationship with Guy Ritchie. It proves that for "Every Beautiful Woman There is A Man who is Bored with Her." If you are a fan, it's worth watching, but you won't want to watch it over and over again. Once is enough.
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A soft, mature and heartfelt Madonna
joshuajason-14 December 2005
The documentary "I'm Going To Tell You A Secret" is beautifully shot and is quite inspirational. Uplifting and optimistic, it takes you on a journey from the beginning to the end of the creative adventure of this project. It is a more mature Madonna that allows the viewer to see a certain side of her that has long been developing. Those who were expecting something more playful like her other documentary projects, they will be disappointed, but shouldn't be surprised because it is nothing like anything you have seen from Madonna before. Many people will ask, "what is her secret?" Is it metaphoric or was it an attention getter? The documentary is a revelation of the essence of her happiness -- her family and spirituality aside from all things material.
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I Think There Needs to Be Another Version Released!
purplemonkey20022 June 2006
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Madonna...and she usually does no wrong in my eyes! However, I think when you have a music video director make your film instead of a film maker...that's what you get; music videos! I, of course, am referring to the live performances in this piece. They're ALL edited, chopped, and superimposed with graphic effects––not a good representation of a live performance from this tour at all! I should know, I saw her 6 times on this tour in '04. The behind the scenes footage is nice...but I REALLY would've liked to see at least ONE performance in its entirety! Please Madonna, for your fans' sake, release an unedited version. Better yet, release a full-length performance of the Re-Invention Tour!
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Great movie!
bizou00128 February 2006
This film is absolutely fantastic! Madonna, as usual, is so great... It's interesting to learn all the process of the show and all the work that is done by people! Every Madonna's fans will love it .. and the others.. you should like it because everybody loves the Queen! ;-)I think it's a good film to know more about Madonna and her "new life". There are a lot of talented people in it that deserve to be discovered like Stuart Price, her musical director, and all of her excellent dancers!! The documentary is done in a very spiritual mood, but the're also a lot of humor. Madonna, Her husband, Guy Ritchie and her children are lovely and it's cool to enter in their world for about 2 hours... Plus, it's a good way to understand things that are going on in the world. It's not SO political, but there's a bit of that. We can see Michael Moore, Gwyneth Paltrow and many other artist that support Madonna in the film.Finally, you must see it. It worth a sincere 10/10. :) P.S Sorry for the bad quality of my writing, but i'm french!!!
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I'm Going to Tell You a Secret (2006 video)
Benjamin_Lumb28 April 2017
Sort of a Madonna: Truth or Dare part-two documentary from the Re-Invention World Tour. Again, we get a look at Madonna's process of working with her dancers and team. I think Madonna wanted to show how she had changed as an entertainer, and we get another look at her beliefs, her children and ex-husband. Did Madonna feel she was less mature than her previous movie, and was trying to show a more mature side? As for the show we only get flashes of some of the songs that are performed, which is really disappointing because Madonna is a great performer, and we miss that again with this documentary. For the future it would have been better if they had released the whole show because there are many songs that are missing. At the time there were discussions about politics, religion and the environment, that are still matters of concern today, and still create an argument. The DVD has bonus features including never-before-seen footage, and a live CD.
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The shows are fantastic but unfortunately most of the rest of the footage is annoying and a bit laughable
bob the moo11 December 2005
This film follows Madonna on her 2004 Re-Invention world tour and shows her show, backstage, preparations and her experiences travelling around the different places around the world. I have never been to a gig that is as big as a Madonna show – mostly I have been in mid-sized venues that are just about the music rather than being a spectacular event in the way that artists like Madonna, Prince and U2 are known for.

In this regard the film is pretty strong because it allows me to see the spectacle without having to pay the £50 and stand in a crowded auditorium. The musical numbers are impressive even if there weren't as many as I would have liked; I'm not a Madonna fan per se but she does have good tunes and her delivery is something else. The problem with the film is that it goes beyond the shows and behind the scenes with her, her family and her dancers. For me the problem was Madonna herself because she came across as rather insincere and rather full of emotional and spiritual babble. She shows this in the way she talks and the very New Age and American displays of emotion throughout – some viewers will no doubt see this as honesty and frankness in front of the camera but for me it was liked they had cherry picked all the moments of forced sincerity and put them into the film (did I mention Madonna was the executive producer?).

This is bad for most of the film but is never worse than the final 20 minutes when she goes to Israel. This final section is pompous and so annoying that it almost totally cancelled out the musical numbers (which did seem to be long ago by this stage). It is hard to take her seriously – she speaks to the dancers as if she were the wisest woman on earth (probably because her dancers seem to look at her as some sort of cross between Jesus and the Virgin Mother). I don't mean to be too hard because she occasionally is natural during the film (and God knows how she copes with that little b*stard Rocco smashing at everything every other minute) but the overall impression is one of insincerity, religious clichés and the sort of sentences that wouldn't seem out of place in very cheap fortune cookies.

Overall though, fans will love it because it is Madonna doing her thing on stage as well as being honest and "herself" behind the scenes. Those a little less blinded by adoration will still enjoy the stage shows but will probably struggle to swallow a lot of the behind the scenes stuff and religious babble. Madonna is a very talented entertainer who has lasted decades in an industry not designed for artist longevity and I applaud her for that; sadly this film only touches on that compared to the amount of time she spends coming off as the sort of American you would laugh at the second she walked away.
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the most beautiful and touchy doc of a star
dominik2427 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
even that many people didn't like Madonna's message at her last tour, i think it's her pretty damn right to say what she wants! the only sad thing about this doc is, that they re-engineered her voice what shouldn't be. we all know that she has problems to keep the beautiful voice on stage. her original voice would better match to the re-invention title so she could show the world: i am proud of my voice doesn't matter that my voice is not always 100% perfect!!! this doc is not only be recommended for Madonna fans! i had the chance to see the TV version of it. and i must say the f***ing beeps made me crazy.. how stupid to just beep every f**k word i mean in that modern times but anyway will buy the original DVD without beeps hopefully
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Godawful mockumentary, beautifully shot but...
hermione472 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this last night on Channel 4 and I consider myself very lucky that I do not suffer from diabetes! The amount of saccharine and sanctimonious feelings was hard to bear... I really preferred her when she was all about sex and pop. Now she has married one hit wonder Guy Ritchie (who by the way behaves like a merry macho man with a Peter Pan syndrome - a mixture that I think very unappealing), she has two kids and has embraced Kabbalah. So she's all about finding the meaning of things, taking responsibility, helping others, etc. It's all very well, but the thing is that she wants to bully other people (like those poor brawny/not brainy dancers) into doing and thinking what she does. The best parts of the film were the bits from her Re-invention tour, where we get to see the tension and the playfulness and the flawless organisation of the Madonna machinery. The worse were the feel-good moments: Madonna sings for her father (a catholic conformist if ever there was one - and she's totally in awe of him), Madonna goes to Israel and sings Imagine, Madonna writes a(cringing, cringing) poem for her assistant Angela, Madonna says a crying goodbye to her dancers, yada, yada, yada.... Conclusion: Madonna is a great star, she just shouldn't have shown us what lies behind the curtain of pop stardom.
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I'm Going to Tell You a Secret
jboothmillard5 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Her songs are really good, examples include Ray of Light, Frozen, Music and Hung Up, but seeing Madonna in a documentary is a little weird. She is a bit of a cow away from the stage and mike, she's stubborn, she swears, and she's a yank. However, she does believe in God and prayed before every show with her dancers. Also starring Madonna's husband, great British director Guy Richie, documentary maker/director Michael Moore and Iggy Pop. An interesting documentary about one of the most well known and loved singers in the world. Personally however I prefer her next to the mike, and possibly on stage. Or just in that cute pink gym kit, even if she was body doubled. Worth watching!
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