Mind Game (2004) Poster

(I) (2004)

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Story that never ends
Gigo_Satana14 May 2005
And I thought the avant-garde style of animation and story telling was going to take its routinely long hiatus with the marvelous Triplets of Belleville, but I was fortunately wrong.

After reading countless reviews, certain people proclaimed their dislike for this film with little to no elaboration given, which somewhat intrigued me and pushed me further toward wanting to experience Mind Game. As an avid follower of experimental cinema and anime I rarely get rewarded with solidly evolving features, but once in a while I strike gold and get to travel through the medium of rich expressionism dealing with both real life and fictional events in the utmost fascinating fashion. Mind Game is the recent treasure and a great example of such artistry, fusing stories of love, self worth and other qualities of life, without forcing conclusions or values, but merely giving you a chance to reflect on your life or simply enjoy that of the characters.

The main conflict of this film deals with a young man named Nishi, who lacks courage to do what he really wants in life. After a rather fatal turn of events he gets a second chance at life and love. So he embarks on a journey to face things he otherwise wouldn't, but his personal rediscovery takes place in the weirdest of places.

Aside from feeling a genuinely exalting rush with its almost mosaic imagery and perfectly fitting music, I felt something else while viewing Mind Game and I attained a certain notion afterwards, which I don't see worth sharing, since I believe everyone who'll give this a watch will acquire on their own terms, levels and depth.
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A very interesting experience
lyynn28 January 2010
I think 'Mind Game' is one of those movies that you either really like or really hate, but never in the middle. I spent first 20 minutes itching to turn it off since the animation style didn't seem all that pleasant, but then things just kept happening and before I knew it I was really immersed in it.

'Mind Game' has everything: irony, action, humour , even romance; and it touches practically every aspect of human life, going from relationships to domestic problems. All that covered in psychedelic imagery leaves a great impression.

You might experience various emotions watching this movie but one thing for sure, you won't feel like you've wasted your time when it's over.
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Unbelievable...I loved it!
cyguration17 September 2011
I had to give this a 9 out of 10 for a couple of reasons: 1.) This is a truly original movie 2.) With a little patience the animation is greatly rewarding 3.) It's a rare movie about the enthusiasm of life without force-feeding it into the viewer's face.

I liked this movie mostly for reason number two and next because of reason number three. The animation is one of the real driving elements behind the film and if you enjoyed stuff like American Pop or Fire & Ice from Ralph Bashki, then you're also (more than likely) enjoy the animation and wacky celebratory art-style, rotoscoping, cel-shading, 3D and a bunch of other animation techniques used in this film.

Now, the real meat and potatoes lies within this movie's message for appreciating life, as it goes in the movie: the story never ends, just like life goes on even after the curtain drops for the main character (being you).

Unlike most films that force-feed viewers a "hero" who must save the day, get the girl and redeem himself, Mind Game instead wants viewers to root for the hero because the hero is put into a position where only he can root for himself. I also liked that this movie gives a flipside on what it is to appreciate life, even when you have nothing to look forward to in life. I think it helped turn this sometimes violent and dark film into something inspirational and hopeful. I also truly enjoyed the "possibilities" this movie played with that life can sometimes throw our way.

All in all, I loved this film. It's not a typical Japanese anime by a long-shot and it's certainly not for everyone (especially younger viewers) but it's a great film that any avant garde film enthusiast would greatly appreciate.
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A mind-blowing, surreal, life-changing adventure
mike886929 March 2005
Wow. What can I say? I was truly blown away by this movie. Winner of the Noburo Ofuji award (the most prestigious award in Japan for an animated film), this film has unfortunately only had a very limited release in Japan (although it is playing in theaters again since winning the award). The director, Masaaki Yuasa, has previously done critically acclaimed animation work on other series, and helped create the equally mind-blowing, and somewhat disturbing short animated movie "Cat Soup".

The first thing about the movie to note is the animation. The animators worked in a collaborative effort, and included a wide range of experimental and traditional animation techniques, a bit of CGI, and even a bit of live action. Viewed as individual pieces, it can be jarring, but seen together as a whole, each piece seems to fit with each other perfectly, with the different animation forms setting the mood perfectly.

The story begins in present-day Tokyo, and follows a loser who is letting his childhood girlfriend slip away. Things take a twist to the fantastical side, as the characters embark on a surreal journey that changes everything about them. The actual elements of the plot are not really the focus of the movie..it is about setting the mood, creating the atmosphere of the characters' emotions, and drawing the viewer in to same mental journey the characters are going on, without even realizing it. The pace of the movie picks up and slows in parts, before building up to its thunderous and (literally) exhausting climax.

See this movie , if only for the virtuoso animation that you will not see in any other film. And who knows? it just might change your whole outlook on life.
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Touching the limits of imagination
soulcharmer8 May 2005
I saw this piece on local Animefest and I tell you what. I honestly thought my head will blow. Such seemingly never-ending torrent of originality and imagination is truly unprecedented. There are numerous animation techniques mixed together, loads of standard anime exaggeration (no manga though), psychedelic trips, serious issues and silly sarcastic humor. There's no way an intelligent non-shallow adult would not like this masterpiece. Consider yourself as unprepared for what you will see but be ready to be surprised when you do and mentally exhausted once you did.

By the way, describing the plot of Mind Game would be utterly stupid. It's a mind game alright, you will get the message one way or another.

Straight 10/10
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If ever there was a GEM...
juubei-224 January 2006
I am frankly appalled to see a total of 5 comments for a movie which, and I believe most people will agree, is deserving of much, much more attention and inspection. This film is like a light at the end of a long, boring tunnel that is the general doldrum of cookie cutter animated films released year round.

At once unique, inspired, beautiful, hilarious, weird, touching, unforgettable, innovative among other words that won't do it justice: Mind Game is the definition of a GEM.

The only other movie that I can think of in the same "category" is Waking Life, another animated excursion worthy of your time and attention. But even if you hated Waking Life, Mind Game is so different you might love it. Mind Game sort of takes Waking Life's "all over the place" style (cartoony one moment, then rotoscoped the next) then adds a story and characters and a LOT of humor.

Seriously, you owe it to yourself to seek this one out. My new agenda will be to show this to as many people as I possibly can. Help spread the word: Mind Game is cool.
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MIND GAME redefines the animated film
bingobangobongo17 July 2005
This film is beyond anything that has been made to date, both in Japan and the U.S. It is not a conventional narrative, yet the narrative clips along like a kayaker on speed. It seesaws from tight-tension drama to dreamy atmospheric visualscapes to video-game style song and dance routines! The overall plot is unimportant yet is completely engaging and satisfying. The characters come across as real people, and the shifts in perspective and personality heighten our understanding of each character as they face their ordeals. We get a sense of time both passing and standing still- which is the true mark of a genius of film: The ability to wrap us up in his concept of time and carry us along breathlessly.

If you like shiny robots, plots about strange bio-computer viruses that mutate people into shiny robots, and silly relationship dramas about high school kids with strange powers, please avoid this film. If, however, you appreciate innovative stream-of-consciousness film-making, fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants pacing, and so-sloppy-its-tight design, get yourself this DVD!!!! (Fans of FLCL take note!) Its hard to find in the U.S. right now (July 17th 2005) but it is poised to explode.

An additional note of interest is the fact that Matthew Minami is the voice of the old man- Jiisan. (You may remember him from the clips of him interviewing Bill Murray on Matthew's Best Hit TV that were featured in Lost in Translation...)
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Probably the most underrated animation in Japanese cinema.
lalalelelililulu7 January 2013
This movie is to a human mind what solving a really complex formula is to a physicist: an eureka! What I mean by this is this movie has all the elements of a life changing experience. You go expecting another entertaining dime-a-dozen type of film but you come out bewildered instead. Okay sure maybe this is a bit of an overstatement but it deserves some overstating since it only gets a poor review of not even 8 stars here on IMDb. I decided to give it a full 10.

I am not going to spoil the experience for you and I will just to sum it up in a few short words. This is the story of a loser named Nishi who bumps into his old flame while she's being chased by some bad guys. They eventually end up the girl's family restaurant where bad guys show up things go horribly wrong and everything changes for everyone.

I found the little snippets in between the story to be most valuable rather than the story itself. Although you need to follow the story closely to understand the snippets. Is is the little things that count. This movie is a lesson. Maybe some sort of don't do what I did type of lesson I don't know. But whatever it is I feel is the only drug you can take visually.

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The visuals and the way the film is told will blow your mind. The story is less intriguing
dbborroughs23 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Purely form over content anime that combines a variety of styles to tell the story(?) of a guy in love with a girl and the gangsters who chase them and the people they meet and...your guess is as good as mine since the film restarts and shifts and goes in out out of thoughts and hopes and minds. I can't describe it you really have to see it. Violent, sexually frank and with other material that people might find offensive (this would get an R rating) this is a film thats in your face and in your head. I kind of understand why this film was a big to do a few years ago since as an experience the film is simply overwhelming. I got to a certain point and wanted to raise my hand and say I'm full now. Actually I had to go through this in pieces since it was too much.Its the sort of thing that I wish was more readily available for people to see (I had to get a region 4 Australian DVD in order to see it) but at the same time I completely understand why it hasn't been released widely in the US and elsewhere, its a film that I think companies would have a hard time marketing with many people loving it and many more going "WTF?" Actually in saying all of that about the experience of seeing the film I haven't said how it it is. As a movie, or as a story its a mess. Its scatter shot and rambling taking odd turns in order to come up with great sequences, many of which look great but don't hang together. Its a film that leaves the audience wondering what in the hell is going on. Is it any good? As an experience yes, its great, I mean who needs drugs? As a story its up and down. I'm mixed. That said if you want an experience you really have to see this.
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Actually, the story is important... perhaps profound
PKazee10 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Love this film, though - like another reviewer - I find the beginning a bit difficult to embrace, due to the initial portrayal of the lead character, Nishi, as an - on-again, off-again - screeching, whining, gushing emotional wreck, who also is drawn to look embarrassingly cartoonish during his outburst. But this proves to all be intentional, setting him up for a personal transformation. In fact, he gets not ONE chance to change his life, but TWO. Initially, he is an ineffectual coward. This ends very badly for him and the woman he loves. In fact, he dies. After being brushed off and disrespected by God, however, he decides to take his life back and goes to another extreme, becoming so fearless as to be reckless, again bringing horrible consequences upon himself and the woman he loves, and also this time, her sister (the three are swallowed by a whale). The bulk of the film involves the lessons he learns while inside the whale, one of the most important being not to give up or retreat from life, like the bohemian man they meet inside of the whale, who - for 30 years - has managed to learn to make himself safe and comfortable, but who has also effectively stopped growing in any way other than old. In short, he's forgotten what it means to live.
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In this game, there are no rules
Jay_Exiomo5 July 2009
"This is one surreal mess!" says one character in the film and, yessir, how right she is as weird doesn't even begin to describe the highly experimental anime "Mind Game," Maasaki Yuasa's adaptation of Robin Nishi's manga. It's simultaneously an assault to the senses (Oh, what bright colors! Oh what loud drum rolls!) and an assault to logic (What the hell did they just do?) though it's not to say it's not a hilariously entertaining trip.

The film's narrative -- if you can even call it that -- involves the struggling comic artist Nishi (voiced by Koji Imada) who has just met his childhood girlfriend Myon (Sayaka Maeda) and they catch things up in her father's yakitori pub where they come face to face with two Yakuza members. Nishi gets killed in the process but in a highly bizarre encounter with God in the afterlife, he is brought to life, manages to kill both gangsters, and makes a run for it with Myon and her sister Yan (Seiko Takuma) as they are pursued by other gang members. The three are then swallowed whole by a giant whale. Trapped inside with a man who has spent the last 30 years inside the whale's belly, Nishi, Myon and Yan finally get a chance what true happiness means for them.

A Dali painting by way of a French New Wave film, the wildly unpredictable head trip of the aptly titled "Mind Game" beguiles all logical conventions, presented in dumbfounding temporal edits, inebriating close-up transitions, and varying degrees of crude yet proficient artworks. Unsuspecting viewers are likely to be thrown off by Yuasa's helter-skelter bombast (an outlook substantiated by not a few walkouts from the film's screening) but with exactly the right frame of mind, notwithstanding a sometimes bloated feeling courtesy of the film clocking at a little over 100 minutes, this heckuva kaleidoscopic joyride should delight as it tramples all cinematic formalities and shows, should you decide to break the rules, how to do it with style.
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Mind Game is unique in animation, Japanese or otherwise
tavm2 November 2006
I just saw Mind Game on YouTube after AMID in Cartoon Brew recommended it and I've gotta tell you: You have not and most likely will never see anything like it again! Initially seeming to be a tale about Nishi and his unrequited crush on Myon since childhood, this anime goes in all kaleidoscopic directions that leaves you breathless all the while. If you're tired of all the mostly cookie-cutter CGI features that have bombarded features for the past few years, and want something more unique in Japanese animation, Mind Game fits the bill perfectly! All the animation techniques that have ever existed seem to come into play here and the music score will take you on the wildest trip possible! So on that note, seek Mind Game on YouTube or wherever you can find it.
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Cool but long and tiring at times
AndrewTheWatcher12129 December 2018
LIve your life to the fullest. Create it, grab and take it. Otherwise cool visuals but also a bit tiring...
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Nothing But Crazy And Experimental Visuals
lloydmorgan11122220 November 2015
I have to say that I find it quite odd that I've watched two films in a row that both made me feel, for the most part, neutral. What makes it more odd is that the films are pretty much polar opposites. 'The Martian' is a conventional sci-fi blockbuster by a famous director. 'Mind Game' is a zany and surreal anime film that you can't even get on DVD in most countries (I had to watch it on Netflix).

The plot revolves around a pathetic loser named Nishi who gains a thirst for life after being killed by a Yakuza hit-man, meeting God and returning to Earth to exact revenge. After killing the gang member, he runs off with a car full of drugs, accompanied by the girl he is fixated with and her sister, and gets into a car chase with the rest of the Yakuza. This chase culminates with the trio driving off a bridge and being swallowed by a whale. Inside the whale, they meet an old man who has been living there for thirty years. The film then shows them becoming accustomed to life inside the whale before trying to escape, which serves as the big climax.

The main thing that stands out about 'Mind Game' is its animation and visuals. The film is crammed full with colourful and experimental imagery. It frequently shifts art styles and animation techniques. This is a primarily 2D hand-drawn animated film but often uses CGI for 3D tracking shots impossible in 2D animation, highlighting certain fantasy sequences, or just looking weird and different. There are even certain shots that replace 2D characters' faces with stop motion animation using live actors. I would suggest looking up a trailer to gain a proper look at the film's style.

The animation is very well done and the visuals have had a good amount of thought put into them, but there isn't much else to the film. I would like to apologise in advance for all my future reviews in which I go into great length about how empty or how rich the characters felt. The characters are an important part in whether or not I am engaged with a film. The characters in this film are unremarkable. Besides from what I've already mentioned, the only thing about Nishi is his urge and determination to escape the whale. The three other main characters – the crush, her sister and the old man – are not that interesting either. The fact that I can't remember their names illustrates my point rather well.

The problem of forgettable characters is not helped by the fact that the surreal imagery feels meaningless. It doesn't do much for the film besides making it weird and different. Surrealism isn't necessarily bad. 'Eraserhead' had bizarre and twisted imagery but that, along with its slower pace, helped established an eerie and dreamlike atmosphere that helped draw me into the film. On top of that, the main plot of trying to escape is rooted in the "you can do anything if you put your mind to it" cliché common in anime. These two sensibilities clash and cause a very peculiar mix. A scene in which Nishi gives a pep talk about living life to the fullest and not giving up feels life out of a more generic anime.

There are two montages in the film that give information about the characters and their back stories. The shots in these sequences are only screen for a very short time, which means you need to be attentive. This is all well and good if you're interested in what's going on. Since I wasn't, however, I found myself losing focus and finding them (particularly the one at the end of the film) to drag on for too long.

This isn't a bad film. I didn't hate watching it. I just found it to be unremarkable. The visuals are definitely unique and memorable, the animation is impressive, and the story moves along at a quick enough pace to make up for my lack of engagement. It's just that there are a few failures that cause said lack of engagement. I would only recommended this film if you like crazy and experimental visuals. There isn't much more beyond that.
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The story has never ended
siderite17 March 2007
This movie is really what the title says it is. At first I thought the title was bad, since it didn't say anything about the film, but in the end I realized it does.

If you are looking for a normal story (you know, with a start, an end, a punchline) you are not going to find it in this anime. The animation is coarse, not like the classic Japanese animation, a bit like Tokyo Godfathers, but even more symbolic. So why is this film so great?

Because of the feeling. Plot and animation separately don't make this great, but together they do. The moral of it all is that you must live your life to the fullest and enjoy everything life throws at you, since it is all you have. No one else is going to live your life or enjoy what you have.

My thoughts are that this story is deeply personal to Robin Nishi and, even if a lot of the symbols in it can be singled out and understood, most of it you are left to guess. An argument for this is the torrent of animation sequences that don't make sense in the beginning of the movie, repeated at the end of the movie and suddenly making sense. I believe that is the greatest innovation of this anime.

Bottom line: this is an art film. This time I mean it in a good sense :). Perhaps because it has a positive view on live and it is more accessible. Anyway, if you are ready for its message and are in the mood for a fun carpe diem story, you gotta see this. If you've enjoyed Tokyo Godfathers, then you will also like this movie.
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A true masterpiece
vadim-berman6 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Like most people here, I saw Mind Game on a festival - in my case, Melbourne International Film Festival in August 2006 and was simply blown away. I am no fan of anime (I wasn't before Mind Game), because the ones I have seen before seemed either too violent (Akira) or difficult to appreciate because of the Japanese cultural peculiarities (Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke).

Mind Game seems to be a blend of Japanese and Western cinematography with only a few cultural barriers for westerners. I believe there are influences by Coen brothers (the hilarious episode with milk vs. "Mr. Mussburger is such a nice man, I give him double stitch anyways"), Run Lola Run, even Amelie. Perhaps the plot is inspired by the book of Job? Add to this Japanese imagination and intentionally left space for interpretation.

While the plot is inventive and complex enough, it is not what makes the film, in my opinion. It is the ability to focus on tiniest details and create, well, a detailed consistent absurdist universe.

Hopefully, it will be easier to find future creations of the same authors.
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A magical afternoon in Shibuya
samhillranch24 December 2006
The start of the film is a bit rough,character behavior, but as it moves it along it just gets more amazing. I have seen many Japanese anime movies, Miyazaki being my favorite. Mind Games raises the bar visually, not beyond Miyazaki, but for anime in general. I am amazed that this film has not toured the U.S, by now. Anyone who loves anime must see this film. The use of color is extraordinary and seems to build into ever more wondrous neon kaleidoscope. the story itself is also very well constructed, full of compelling characters, some suspense and a great ending. Life in the whale is such a creative element. I'm now trying to find a DVD copy of this film for my collection. If you have a chance, be sure to see this amazing film.
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A masterpiece of animation cinema that redefines the limits of imagination.
nyanbatcat25 June 2019
This movie pulls so many things flawlessly off, I didnt think were possible. The Artstyle and animation are some of the best Ive seen in my life (actually there are several artstyles that are unified by the same style of animation). Unique, exagerated, stylized, fluent, energetic, vibrant. The editing is artistic, yet it lets you easily follow whats going on. The characters seem a bit one-dimensional at first, but gain depth when the movie slows down. Even the soundtrack and sound design is top notch. From poppy, slower songs to powerful and fast drum solos, from the breathing sounds to auditorial dramatisation of emotions.

Mind game is stupid and smart at the same time, flat and phyilosophical. It presents itself as peak-artsy, but in such an silly and innocent way that you simply have to love it.

This is a trippy, exagerated journey and introspection. One that not only teens and early 20s people might enjoy, but pretty much everyone who can handle crazy.
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Mind Games
lastsonnofkrypton18 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What a ride! This movie is a visual feast, using several different animation styles to weave its tale. It might take a degree of patience to absorb all that Mind Games brings to the table; certainly, those who don't enjoy anime, can't handle subtitles, or aren't big on animated movies, this one's not for you.

Mind Games follows the repressed Nishi, a reserved coward and loser, and to a lesser degree his not-so-secret crush Myon and her sister Yan. A series of rapid montages littered about the film help to tell this story.

Upon a trip to Myon and Yan's father's restaurant, a couple of gang members come seeking revenge for past grievances. A tense exchange follows where Myon's fiancée is knocked out, Myon is nearly raped, and Nishi has a fatal encounter with the gang members when he finally finds his courage.

Nishi finds himself in the "lobby" before the afterlife. When ushered towards the nothingness beyond, a red portal, by a form-changing entity that is apparently "God", Nishi's spirit finally senses its courage and purpose, and he makes a break for the blue portal at the opposite end that leads back to life. "God" is impressed by Nishi's tenacity and allows him to return.

When Nishi comes back, seconds before he died, he does things differently, killing one of the gang members and stealing the others car with the girls in tow. A wild car chase ensues between our heroes and more gangsters in cars that climaxes in a spectacular bridge plunge that sees our heroes swallowed by a whale.

In the whale, the trio meets an old man who has been trapped inside for a good 30-some years. He nurtures our heroes, feeding and clothing them, and allowing them a respite from the chaos of the fatal diner ambush and ensuing car chase fiasco.

After some reflection, and learning the whale is dying and time is running out, our quartet now develops a plan to escape. Another insane sequence follows as the heroes row a boat, swim, and literally run on the water to escape the whales gullet, which eventually, all four do.

We now get an animated closing montage that mirrors the opening one, also woven with a different unfolding of events from the films beginning, showing our characters lives and choices, resulting in different life paths, with a closing tagline of "this story has never ended".

Unlike other anime films, Mind Games doesn't take a lot of mental gymnastics to understand the messages and themes. Additonally, the animation is blazing-quick, epileptic, and borderline seizure-inducing with all its flashy imagery. The story probably could've been told without all the wacky animation, but I understand why they chose this approach; to illustrate the fervish uncertainty and creativity that envelops our minds and thoughts.

Overall, if you have the patience for it, Mind Games is worth a watch, if for no other reason than to enjoy the hand-drawn artistry at play. 7/10, would watch again.
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A great journey into the meaning of life
albert-schnol18 March 2006
I saw this movie at the Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival "www.bifff.org" in March 2006

This movie is a real kick in the face, a ballet of music, feelings and poetic vision of life. Something between David Lynch and The Yellow Submarine of the Beattles.

The hero is falling into desperation and will meet god for a little interview.

Please take that ride ! You will not regret it. This movie is full of pleasure and humor and you will probably cry or laugh ...

Thanks BB
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An astonishing, refreshing viewing experience.
NicolasHunter50015 October 2012
Knowing this was quite an unknown film around most parts, ( it barely got a release anywhere besides Australia and New Zealand outside of Japan, I think, correct me if I'm wrong) but, I must say after buying this Movie I did myself an incredible favor. It was a wonderful,heart pounding, utterly unnerving and hilarious movie that is a feast for the eyes and is an incredible viewing experience. The film uses astonishing and colorful visual techniques to tell its story, and it uses multiple forms of animation throughout its running time. Its an incredibly imaginative and unique narrative, the film jumps from one scenario to the next however the film makers, unbelievably were able to maintain a coherent and easy to understand story thats well told and fleshed out very well.The only minor flaw is that some parts of the film maybe a bit wacky and out there for some of the more sensitive viewers out there,but, Overall, see this film, by any means necessary, don't miss out on this one of a kind experience!
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Animated drugs
mutantdani2 February 2022
Watching this movie is an unique experience. A celebration of life with an explosive climax final. However, in my opinion it needs some more depth and creativeness to become a classic masterpiece.
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One of the most enjoyable experiences in anime
jonz_32 June 2015
Absolutely unconventional and totally unforgettable. I was only lucky enough to hear about this film in a YouTube countdown of top adult anime films and I was immediately captivated by its unique style of animation; a brilliant mix of anime and film. After searching the web and watching it in less than executable quality, i found a true gem of a film. With its intriguing stylizations of expression that go as far as obscuring the lines of life and death, reality and fantasy, love and hate... a real treat is in store for audiences (17 years and older). Do not expect anything that might mirror the pristine outlines of Studio Ghibli's masterworks. Instead, discover that there are many other unforgettable masterpieces in the world of anime films. Mind Games is a film that all anime fans MUST see before they die. Jot this one on your bucket list.
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Mind's Eye
politic198327 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I first came across the work of Masaaki Yuasa with 2010's "Tatami Galaxy". With the ever-quick dialogue and the constant changing of visual styles, it was clear his style is to assault your senses rather than allow you to relax into an anime. With repetitive narrative, but stylistic variation, you can just about get through a twenty minute chunk episode, one at a time. A feature film, therefore, may feel a step too far for this style of working. But with a title such as "Mind Game" and my aforementioned experience, I knew I was in for a slight fudging of the head.

Adapting Robin Nishi's manga of the same name, the aptly named Nishi bumps into old friend – and less-than-secret-crush – Myon on the train one night in Osaka. Myon invites him back to her family restaurant, where they sit and eat with her sister, Yan, and no-good father. It is here where two yakuza enter the fray looking for her father and after a butt-clenching near-death experience, Nishi and the two females make haste to escape the wrath of the yakuza.

It is here where things start to get a little peculiar. The yakuza forming a road block over a bridge, the trio, in a car stolen from the yakuza, are launched into the water below and into the mouth of a whale. Here they find a quiet place to rest in the makeshift living quarters of Jii: a man trapped in the whale for some thirty years. Getting comfortable, the film slows a little in pace, losing its frantic edge, though is equally creative in the scenes of play the quartet enjoy.

This cannot last forever, however, and the trio get the urge to escape the whale and again see blue skies. Hatching a plan, a frantic chase ensues to escape the whale's mouth, with memories and dreams flashing before each as they run to freedom. Before we start all over again.

But I've missed out some bits here…quite a few bits. The film's introduction is an endless stream of visual imagery that is seemingly unconnected. This fast and frantic style brings a lot to take in initially, though is enjoyable to watch as the colourful variety in the images flashes before your eyes, in a similar way to Satoshi Kon's subsequent "Paprika", blurring the lines between reality and fantasy. As the film progresses, however, with the opening repeated to come full circle, this is more than a simple stream of consciousness to look pretty.

At key points for each character, nostalgic memories and possible hopes for the future flash before their eyes, forming this montage when combined at rapid speed. These stay with the character's throughout serving as points of motivation to escape, and giving the film a well-rounded completeness on conclusion.

There are many apparent "mind games" at work here: flashing mind's eye visions throughout the narrative; and the literal "Sliding Doors"- esque twist of fate at the end showing how it could all have been avoided and life would have been different in an alternate reality – repeating the initial scenario once more in a "story that has never ended."

There are a large number of ideas to take in, but Yuasa handles this well enough to avoid unwanted overload for a feature length. The dialogue is sparser than in "Tatami Galaxy", something of a relief to a non-native Japanese speaker, and so the film can be enjoyed, as oppose to endured, with moments of relaxing animation to provide respite.

Jasper Sharp's introduction as part of the London East Asian Film Festival notes how its 2004 release coincided with a pivotal year for anime: the release of Miyazaki's "Howl's Moving Castle" and Otomo's "Steamboy" as well as Oshii's "Innocence" screening at Cannes. With "Mind Game", Yuasa's name can fit alongside this company comfortably for originality and style that lives long in the mind.

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New but nothing New
veeshman30 April 2010
I was pretty much impressed by few Japan Animations recently. So, I i rented this movie "Mind Game (2004)" with expectations.

First of all the animation style is purely different,it is new and fresh. Movie starts well and creates high expectations with in the first 5minutes & That's all. Through out the movie we wait wait and wait...with our expectations and neither part of the movie fulfils it!!

Story- I didn't understand the story while watching the movie....,even after watching the movie....! but some how got an idea after reading about it in web. (You need to read a directors note to understand the story!! Holy Sh*t) ((Prestige, Donnie the Darko, Dejavu - successful movies with hidden story line))

Animation- As i said earlier, for me it was FRESH and NEW and with few good ideas.

I don't have any more specifications in the movie to talk about.


Conclusion- Consider an art of a Mother and a Child. Classic or Normal Art- with a clear picture, beautiful colours, tone and every one can understand and enjoy it. Modern Art- with Stripes, circles,no eyes,five limbs,awful/different colour combinations, and more often the creator must explain it to understand it to enjoy it completely.

Mind Game (2004) - Is a modern art type of a movie (some may enjoy & some may not)

My rating 4/10-less than average (wall-e - 9.0, grave of the fireflies-10, princess monoke-08, whisper of the heart-08...)
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