Dirty Jobs (TV Series 2005– ) Poster

(2005– )

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one of my favorite documentary TV series
grewelgrewel31 July 2006
This is a very entertaining documentary series i have been watching since it first started, love all the episodes, very funny show as well The host is a very interesting guy, adds a lot of fun to the experience of watching the show, watching him work at a dirty job (pig farm, solid waste treatment plant, etc) and its really amazing how dirty some jobs are, really makes u appreciate the job u got, because your thankful your job ain't as nasty as some of these jobs :) Dirty Jobs teaches a lot as well, very educational, seeing all the dirty parts of society that are necessary for our comfortable existence definitely a good show to watch for all u docu fans though, lets hope it stays on the air for a long while, because TV networks have a habit of canceling good shows before their time, and these people that work these dirty jobs deserve recognition for the jobs they do
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Gives Credence to Jobs Most People Won't Take
thoughtfox22 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Dirty Jobs is an interesting and entertaining show on The Discovery Channel that focuses on plain folks who toil at hard and often less-than-easy-or-clean manual labor. The host, Mike Rowe, is primarily responsible for the show's success for many reasons. First, Mike Rowe is funny and personable with people with whom he visits on the job; so, his humor is never at the expense of others. In fact, there is mutual jib-jabbing going back and forth between Mike and the various employees he visits. Mike has the ability to allow others to be relaxed and more themselves in front of the camera, which is another reason why this series is so successful and enjoyable to watch. The ordinary, everyday and hard-working people Dirty Jobs showcases are the real gems of the show. It gives a real sense of humanity and value to the people who might sometimes be disregarded by the majority of society. When was the last time you ever thought about the person who goes around your neighborhood in the wee hours of the morning to pick up your trash twice a week? Or what about the person who cleans animal feces at the fancy, multimillion dollar city zoo? Or the construction worker who works in 100+ degree heat for hours doing backbreaking work fixing a broken railroad tie? If you've ever wondered about the people who keep the dirty, but essential cogs of our society running smoothly, check out Dirty Jobs hosted by Mike Rowe, and experience a slice of life that few have ever witnessed, and even fewer dare to experience themselves.
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Get in There, I Don't Care How It Smells, It Sells
DKosty12327 February 2008
Mike Rowe has really come up with a great concept for this series. Not only has he created an interesting show, but the show entertains and educates the viewer as well. I have seen some of these running on the Discovery channel.

The ones on Discovery are 60 minutes long & usually tackle at least 2 terribly dirty or challenging jobs in an hour. What is amazing is that Mike is always asking for requests at the end of every hour, sounding desperate for finding another dirty job, and yet seems to find one every hour. So far in spite of his desperate pleas he is meeting the challenge.

Is there anything Mike won't do? So far I have seen him work dirty from confined spaces to high rise bridges, to working with tools which can cut off limbs. He has absorbed heat & cold. I used to think being a Doctor, Firefighter, or Astronaut was tough until I saw some of these.

This series is incredibly entertaining & to me it does well because of the ideas & daring of host Mike Rowe. He makes "Tim The Toolman Taylor" of the old series Home Improvement look like an amateur when it comes to what he will try to keep his viewers coming back for more.

As more people discover this show, that is exactly what they will do in higher & higher numbers.
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You'll Love Mike
Bronco4618 July 2006
I've been watching this show since its inception and have never been disappointed. Mike the Rowe the narrator and star of the show was a great choice for this or any show of this type. He's articulate, has a good voice for this narration and is very personable. He seems to really enjoy people, he interacts well with everyone he runs across. And manages pull out lots of interesting facts from average people who with out Mike's easy style might otherwise not be so at ease on camera. I've always enjoyed seeing how things work, and this show covers jobs and processes not usually covered on TV, or any other medium. Thanks Mike!
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Forget "Survivor" or "The Apprentice" - THIS is reality TV.
AmericanPanascope17 September 2005
This is a show I've wanted to see happen since I was in middle school - more or less. This show is awesome. The people who do the jobs we'd rather not think about finally get their dues in this brilliant show from the creators of "Mythbusters". Host Mike Rowe injects some great observational humor into the proceedings, without being insulting to those brave men (and the occasional he-woman) who take part in these dirty jobs.

You actually watch this show with a sense of reverence rather than in a totally grossed-out state. Rowe and his crew, rather than spending their time being totally freaked out, turn each outing into a fun little adventure. And wouldn't you know it, Mr. Clean sponsors this show.

Check this show out before it goes off the air (God forbid that should happen anytime soon). This is a really unique, entertaining, and fascinating show.
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Mike Rowe is a blast!!!!
tbozant7721 July 2007
I've been watching "Dirty Jobs" for a while now. It is great fun to go behind the scenes of some of the most horrible jobs out there. People really do this kind of work!!!! The show is great, but I mainly watch for Mike. He is quick witted and keeps me rolling. He is very, very funny. He is such a good sport about pitching in and helping out with whatever task is given him. It doesn't matter how gross or outrageous, and trust me he gets himself into some pretty crazy situations. The show is put together very nicely and the camera crew is always going the extra mile to get the "dirtiest" shot they can. Check it out, I am sure you will get a kick out of this show!
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A real reality show
einhard-127 December 2007
While many of my friends and family were enthralled by the reality show craze, I could never get on the bandwagon. Frankly, I don't think throwing a group of strangers together in unusual situations isn't reality. Dirty Jobs is different. It is real. These are jobs people actually do. Therein lies the appeal to this show. Very few of us would ever consider doing these jobs, but our way of life would be near to impossible without these people, a fact host Mike Rowe points out repeatedly. Some of the jobs have had my wife and daughters fleeing the room, screaming, covering their eyes. But they always come back to see what happens next. Mike Rowe is an excellent host. He is witty, mildly sarcastic and insightful. He also is respectful of the people who work these jobs. Simply put, Dirty Jobs shows us a side of life that many of us never see, but should be grateful exists. Otherwise we would have to do these jobs.
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Take a chance for Dirty Jobs
GreyFoxKS2 January 2007
Dirty Jobs. The title rather says it all, but I'll expand just for the sake of possibly winning more possible viewers over. Host Mike Rowe narrates, hosts (obviously) and takes part in all manner of dirty jobs. Many of them are ones that perhaps we only randomly wonder about--like golf ball recovery on courses, roadkill collector, and even ostrich wrangler.

Mike and his crew are amazing people--if they ever do get truly "grossed out" by some of the jobs they do/watch, they hardly ever show it. Heavens forbid this show is ever cancelled, for it is truly amazing and brilliant. And as odd as it might sound, only a few times have I ever been completely grossed out.

Be sure to check this one out. It'll be worth your time.
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Definitely a good show.
Analog_Devotee20 June 2021
I kicked back to this one pretty often when it was on television in the mid-2000s. A great turn-off-your-brain-and-just-enjoy-it show. Mike isn't afraid to get in there and get dirty with the folks who do these jobs day in and day out. Good for him -- he made this show darn good.
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Absolutely Amazing
kjman109 December 2007
This is one of the best shows on television today, hands down. For sure the best reality show on TV. Mike Rowe explains different jobs which keep America running as a country. Trust me, and Mike for that matter that these are not your everyday office jobs. These jobs are disgusting! But honestly, the filth of the show just adds to the excitement. Mike Rowe will make ANYBODY in ANY circumstance laugh. Then, at the end of it, Rowe usually explains that the show is a tribute to the men and women who get down and dirty every day of their lives just so that we, the general population of America, can live our lives on a day-to-day basis. Just give the show a chance to help Rowe appreciate these men and women, and if you do, I promise, you won't be disappointed.
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StrictlyConfidential23 March 2020
Believe me - When it comes to the absolutely dirtiest-of-the-dirtiest jobs imaginable - The totally gross tasks tackled here by Mike Rowe and his "ready-to-clean-anything" team couldn't possibly get any dirtier.

From dealing with heaps of messy garbage, to shoveling piles of yucky bird excrement, to tolerating the sickening stench of raw sewage, and beyond - "Dirty Jobs" is the sort of filthy presentation that makes the dirty, the smelly, and, yes, the truly disgusting actually kinda entertaining (in a twisted sort of way).
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A Breath of Fresh Air
nvserv11 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Instead of the pompous type of show we've become inured to, Dirty Jobs is a show that doesn't take itself too seriously. Host Mike Rowe shows us what the people who keep our lives clean do to make them that way. From cleaning up chewing gum, cleaning out sewers, working the salt mines, tarring roofs and more, Mike shows us what's involved in those nasty little jobs we don't think about and what those who do them for us experience every single workday.

Mike has a self-deprecating sense of humor, and I've never seen him shy away from getting dirty. He's literally been right there underneath it all when the charcoal dust fell. Somehow, I can't see a lot of other hosts putting themselves in that position.
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moivieFan2 December 2019
One of my favorite things is to learn about jobs. So dirty jobs is a show I enjoy. A lot of or probably most of the jobs on dirty jobs I never knew existed. Mike Rowe is funny. I don't think I could do any of the jobs on the show after watching an episode of dirty jobs. Some of the jobs I wish I had though. If you like learning about jobs and particularly dirty jobs you will enjoy watching dirty jobs. Its fun to watch and informative.
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A little too tongue and cheek....
porterslama11 December 2022
Still love the show, but Mike uses too many phallic references these days. All the new episodes reference male equipment in the conversation at some point. It's getting old real quick. Every now and then, cute. 3 to 4 times an episode, vulgar. Could really do better. The thing that made dirty jobs so great was the genuine nature of the conversations, and real humor Mike would bring to each episode. If he only relies on phalic based humor we have lost a really great show. I'm not saying this because my kids watch it, or it has offended any of our friends. Adults don't always want 8th grade gutter humor in their favorite shows. Just a thought.
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An extremely interesting and hilarious show...
morbid_Visions30 August 2005
The Discovery Channel started to take a turn for the better when they added "Mythbusters" to their TV schedule. It seems, however, that they aren't done there. With "Dirty Jobs" they have another winner on their hands. Host Mike Rowe has excellent comedic timing and brings such a great atmosphere to each dirty job he encounters.

On the negative side (and it's not really "negative") some of the jobs Mike attends aren't that dirty. They should've named the show, "Jobs The Majority of Us Don't Want to Do" but since most of the jobs are really dirty, "Dirty Jobs" fits the bill quite nicely.

My only really worry is that he'll run of out of jobs to attend. It's really neat to see the people behind these careers and how every little thing works. The chick hatchery was especially interesting and equally funny.

I really hope this show stays on for a good while and can get a following like "Mythbusters". I'll end this review with a comment from another IMDb user who had to defend the host, Mike Rowe, because some others unjustly labeled Mike as "annoying" because Mike brings humor to these jobs instead of blinding acceptance and joy for the work:

User: mrp- Comment: "if he liked the jobs it wouldn't be funny

hes supposed to represent the average person who's watching the show, someone who works at walmart or behind a desk, not walking with (stuff) up to their knees down in the sewer

he makes it funny, hes not an employee hes a TV show host and the workers who teach him the jobs know this and I'm sure they don't get annoyed with him because of this

i wouldn't watch this show if he enjoyed all the dirty jobs "
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Well, somebody's gotta do it! "Dirty Job" is a good, not-so-clean blast of reality entertainment!
People don't have perspective on how the world works, and what it takes for a country like the good old US of A to function over the course of a single day.

Enter Mike Rowe and the crew of the Discovery Channel's reality-show hit "Dirty Jobs."

Rowe and his dedicated crew who appear on camera from time-to-time spend each episode taking a look at one or several of the stranger, dirtier, and often just plain disgusting jobs that many people have to do (or choose to do), that most others couldn't comprehend. Ever wonder what happens to buffet food after it goes bad? Ever wonder how a sewage backup into a basement is cleaned out? Ever wonder how a turkey farm or leather tannery works? Ever wonder who collects the roadkill of the streets? This show will give you the answers, and so much more.

The format is pretty simple. Mike meets up with the works who do the dirty job in question, he learns a little about the why's and how's, and he gets to work, doing their job alongside them. And it's usually disgusting, hilarious and informative.

Rowe is an engaging, likable host. Sort of the classic masculine American man with a quick wit. He's got great hosting chops and a likable, respectful (yet still humorous and joking) attitude. He's the cool guy at the bar whose always got a joke or a story and shakes everyone's hand with a smile.

And the show itself is well-made. The jobs are always interesting, and it gives you a respect for the people who make our lives easier by handling the dirty work we'd rather not think about.

This is one of the best Reality shows on TV now, and I love it. Give it a watch, though make sure you have a strong stomach. A 10 out of 10.
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Discovery Channel classic!
leader-1617 September 2008
THis among other DC shows has to be one of my favorites. I admire how he can handle doing these jobs that we wouldn't do if we were givin a million dollars. Some of them i think i could do but some are just ridiculous. I like the jokes that he makes while doing the job, it gives a humorous feeling to the serious jobs that people dedicate themselves to. I don't really watch it that much anymore but i always enjoy it whenever its on.

Good DC show, a classic, when your kids are in their teenage years, buy the DVD seasons, i'll bet that they will enjoy it as much as anyone has.
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Great show
xredgarnetx12 February 2008
I have fallen mightily for this quirky show about jobs most of us do not do, never will do, and haven't the vaguest idea who does them or how they are done. Not all are dirty jobs, but even then, the show is mighty entertaining. One episode took the host and his crew to Australia or South Africa to swim with the great whites and test something or other by way of a repellent. The only dirty part of the job was chumming, but the whole episode was extremely educational and funny at the same time, and was the type of episode that should be shown in every school in America. DIRTY JOBS is DISCOVERY CHANNEL at its best. Even when this guy is rolling around in the worst kind of muck, we learn something. He did an episode in a salt mine that was astounding in both the drama of an incredibly hazardous and scary real-life job and the wonderful educational aspects. I assumed at first DISCOVERY CHANNEL dreamed up the show and then hired an actor. Wrong. The actor in question dreamed up the show and brought it to the channel. Perfection. A must see, along with the equally innovative and educational CASH CAB.
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A rarity
ctomvelu15 January 2010
I have been a big fan of this show since its inception. Host Mike Rowe, a familiar voice from another documentary-type show, roots around in the most unimaginable places to help us understand how our world works. Some of my favorite episodes have had to do with wildlife and farm creatures, including an episode shot in Alaska or Canada involving winter sharks and one focused on a western ranch containing buffalo, yaks and other big, hairy beasts. An alligator farm episode is another terrific example of this one-of-a-kind show These are educational and entertaining at the same time, in a different way than when Rowe is just sticking his head in mounds of sludge, fumbling through slippery caves and salt mines or playing with some dead creature's entrails. Rowe occasionally indulges in some off-color humor, which any tots watching likely will miss.
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I just love this show
wdhunt26 July 2008
What I love about this show is the respect that Mike has for the work and the workers. Sure, he's funny and uses pretty black humour, but even the best house of the richest person in the world has got a toilet which will overflow a mass of raw sewage if it'd not working properly. Enter Mike. He talks to the people who get in there and fix the things up, who clean up the crap. He mentions the unmentionable but he never talks down to anyone. He demonstrates the skills involved by trying to do the job himself, which though not always successful is usually funny. Some of the comments about this show say stuff like "I wouldn't want my kids to do this". Maybe so, but someone's got to do it. Maybe if more kids started their careers doing "Dirty Jobs" they might be better employees and/or employers later on because of it. And they might even discover that the good feeling you get from being good at a dirty job that no-one else wants to tackle. Being a farmer, I get to see all the crap jobs as well as the "good" jobs, and my experience is that usually, the dirtier the job, the more enjoyable the company of the people you work with. Mike Rowe has found that out too which is one of the reasons the show is so successful.
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One of the best "reality" shows
peel_karen26 December 2006
Seldom are there really reality shows that deserve being watched but this is one of the rare ones. For the simple reason that it's smart and witty. It doesn't go into a personal drone and the host (Mike Rowe) actually isn't afraid nor does he complain about the work situations he gets into. Plus he really brings up humor in the worst situations. While paying a good homage to the workers profiled. And the work he has to due gets him right into what can be truly called dirty jobs. The wit of the show raises it above "Fear Factor" and the willingness to work attitude sets it apart from "Survivor". A great show to watch. Note: It does contain a language warning.
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Mike Rowe Should Be Replaced
dawnrenee-2114626 December 2021
I used to like this show with Mr. Rowe's jumping into blue collar jobs and giving the blue collar the workers credit for doing the job, but then Mr. Rowe decided to voice his political views on the news. I now find everything he says during the show to be insincere. Now that I know how he really feels about the middle class, he has lost his luster and his attempts at humility and self-deprecation rings hollow and fake to me. He got rich and famous off of doing the "dirty" middle class jobs but in reality, he cares nothing for the middle class. He should have kept his political views to himself. His politics and political opinions have turned me into an ex-fan.
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Love this show--but iron stomach required
kgrubbs7 August 2005
This show is more documentary than reality. Mike Rowe is half the fun as the quick witted gross-host-with-the-most. Kinda like the Mr. Wizard of sewage, but more of an engineering slant on the issue. Even though I'm married to a civil engineer who took classes in sewer design, both of us are fascinated by this show and have a new appreciation for Americas' unsung malodorous-heroes. Its not a gross out show. Really. Its kinda weird. You would think they were talking about the surface of Mars based on how little the public knows about the subjects he covers- but in reality, he's covering technology that dates back to the Roman Empire. The sewers of San Francisco have withstood fires and earthquakes, but the vermin and volume of effluence that flow through it are an unheralded architectural monument to the engineering accomplishments of the 1800's mason. Great show. Much better than the usual reality-show drivel equivalent that Mike analyzes on his missions.
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It works because you like the host...
planktonrules17 March 2014
This reality series follows the host as he learns to do a lot of jobs that are 'dirty'. Some clearly make the participant dirty, some are revolting and some are much more scary than anything else. Regardless, the show celebrates the people who do these jobs that make our lives easier.

Mike Rowe starred in this disgusting but highly enjoyable series. In fact, the show was often so disgusting that I got to thinking why I enjoyed it and why it had so many episodes. I think the key is that Rowe has a really nice TV persona. You find that you like him due to many reasons, such as his easy-going manner, his self-deprecation and his ability to make the often dull seem a lot more interesting. So, while the show occasionally was so disgusting I found myself queasy, it balanced that with a fun style and likable host--and that was the only way it could have worked. Highly watchable despite the subject matter.
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A Thank You Note
view_and_review3 November 2021
Years ago I was sitting in my cubicle reading a newspaper article about San Francisco's sewer inspectors. They got paid $22/hour (back in '99) and they had to inspect 900 miles of sewers and deal with cat sized rats and mouse sized roaches. I remember asking a coworker how much would he have to be paid to do such a job. I remember saying that $22/hour was not enough.

When I saw Mike Rowe doing a similar job to basically shine light on one of the various dirty jobs out there I was hooked. There are so many dirty jobs out there that men and women do that don't get any attention, yet are so essential. If anything, "Dirty Jobs" is a thank you note to all of those men and women.
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