"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" School Hard (TV Episode 1997) Poster

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The one that affixed the greatness
gilhamit14 December 2006
From this episode and onward, it's a whole new series This is the episode that defines the greatness of this series. We had clues, like in the first season (Prophecy girl, I think) when we understand the true meaning behind this series, but it took "School hard" to show us the series is really evolving into what is to become by the end of this very second season, one of the best shows ever aired, maybe even the best ever. While the first season was a mid-season filler, and as good as it was, looked like one, the second season opens with a certain declaration of intentions. "When she was bad" takes Buffy's character to new places, showing she is less one dimensional than she was up until now (first season Buffy I mean). While the first season Buffy was mostly just the one dimensional girl-fighting-vampires-an d-wisecracking-at-the-same-time, the Buffy of the last episode of the first season and first episode of second season is a round character. but what about the plot? The introduction of Spike and Drew gives us something to look for. they obviously are much more than your usual evil vampire. More like the upcoming Angelus than the former Master. a truly fun, emotional, totally evil, character. the fact that we find that the principal knows what happens and cover for it, paves the way to the third season. in conclusion, this is the chapter that started the perfection. the season's finale finalized it as the best series ever.
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Spike and Dru hit town... and Sunnydale is never the same
katierose29518 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I LOVE this episode. It's brilliant from start to finish and kicks off one of the best story arcs in the entire series. Vampire super-couple Spike and Drusilla cruise into town and, pretty soon, the Scoobies are yearning for the halcyon days of the Master. Spike and Dru,(and their one time partner-in-evil, Angel) just about steal this entire season. They add a hip new element to the idea of vampire-ness. No more grandiose monologues, unholy quests and repetitive chanting. Now it's vintage cars, black nail-polish and Star Wars references. It's time to have a little more fun in the ranks of evil. Good-bye Annoited One, Hello Spike!

Spike's different from other vampires, a fact that becomes clear as the series progresses. He can apparently still feel emotions, especially love, and Drusilla is what Spike loves most. Dru is more than a little nuts. She carries her doll, Miss Edith, around with her, she trails off on bizarre conversational tangents and she has visions about the future. Unfortunately, (for Spike, anyway) Dru is very sick. She's growing weaker by the day. Spike is desperate to find a cure for her illness in Sunnydale. And, while he's in town, he's planning to add to his Slayer body count. In later seasons, Spike reforms and leaves the Darkside to fight along side the Scoobies. For now, though, he's happy enough to brag about the two slayers he's already killed and generally create mayhem. This is bad news for Buffy, not only because Spike's one of the most merciless vampires in history, but also because he's planning to attack during Parent Teacher night at Sunnydale High.

There are so many things to love about this episode. The scene where Spike introduces himself to the Annointed One is fabulous. As Spike simultaneously flirts with Dru, reminisces about Woodstock and beats up the other vampires, you just know that this guy's a keeper. And Snyder is sooooo wonderfully unlikable. His hatred of students in general, and Buffy in particular, make him one of the best antagonists BTVS ever has. Also, the first time Spike sees Buffy, is just beautifully done. He's walking right as everyone else in the crowd moves left, keeping his eyes fixed on Buffy as she dances with Xander and Willow. Right from the get go there's something between them, even if it's not romantic yet.

It's hard to find a real complaint about this episode. However, I do think if the writers had known where the characters of Spike and Angel would end up, they would have done their scene together a bit differently. Spike, in all the later flashbacks showing their history, follows Angel's lead. Spike kind of sees Angel as his older brother. Maybe they torture, criticize and steal girlfriends from each other, but Spike has a healthy respect for Angel's authority. Why would Angel bother to try and trick Spike? Just TELL him to stop. I really think Angel should have taken a stronger stance with Spike and, odds are, Spike would have backed down without a big fight. Or, better yet, if Angel had tracked Spike down when he first heard he and Dru were in town, he probably could've stopped the whole raid before it started. Also what was Angel's plan regarding Xander? Just to let Spike bite him? Why?

My favorite part of the episode: Spike, outraged that Angel would side with the slayer over his fellow vampires, "You Uncle Tom!" Just wait a few seasons, Spike.
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A whole new beginning for the series
Joxerlives11 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
School Hard;

A whole new era begins as Spike and Dru explode onto the scene!

The Good; Pretty much everything. Spike and Dru spark right from the beginning, you get their swagger mixed with their very real affection for one another. Julia Landua did her 'Look at all the people' line once for me and it chilled me to the bone. I often think the secret of a successful show is to make the villains as interesting as the heroes and here Buffy does it in spades. Also a great ep if you're a fan of the the Joyce/Buffy relationship (and face it, who isn't?)

The Bad; Not much!

Best line; Xander; "Does anyone remember when Saturday night was date night?" Cordy; "You sure don't!"

Observations and questions; First meeting between Cordy and Joyce, Cordy seeming to be appreciative of Joyce's milfiness, as Snyder comments, a mother/daughter resemblance (certainly when she hits Spike with the axe). First hints that Snyder and the SDPD are aware of the truth about Sunnydale. For the record only 3 people died at Woodstock although Spike never says he killed, just fed. The very subtle handbag joke reminiscent of 'The Young Ones'. Ironically whilst Spike later teases the Trio for their nerdiness he refers to Angel as 'My yoda'. Angel's 'Anne Rice routine' is so convincing you almost buy it for a second. Listening to Spike mocking the 'I'm so tortured' brigade you can't help think of 'Twilight' and laugh. Spike's fascination with Buffy could almost be there from the beginning, check out the way he looks at her in the Bronze. The first Spike/Joyce scene which are something to look forward to in the seasons ahead. It almost goes unnoticed amongst all the excitement but this is the first time Cordy is a full official Scooby, she's in the library making stakes with everyone else without any form of back story, she's simply an accepted part of the gang. The crucifixion is mentioned, confirming Giles' assertion that demons and vampires predate Christianity but also confirming it as historical fact. Interestingly at the end of this ep Cordy and Willow end up in the closet together. Will's out, how about Cordy? Also in Shelia do we have a prototype for Faith? Utterly fabulous 10/10
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second time around
jezabelejane8 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The second season is GREAT. It introduces the character of Spike for one, who no matter how much I read that he was originally only supposed to be on for a few episodes I don't believe it. True I only started watching with the fourth season and already knew Spike lasts, but no fan would want to see him die, maybe in honor like he does in the finally but not as a common vamp. His character is appealing from the start maybe 'cause he is the first villain with character, he talk, TALKS, and his topic is him or something else concerning him, it is never how much he will kill Buffy for the Anoited or does he honer him it's like if he doesn't kill him the season will be about them fighting over being the evil one in town, and I personally like how the season turns out.

Than there is Angelous, now we have all met Angel here is his evil half. I think the everyone was curious about Angel without the soul from the start but not as much as in this season. Here his past comes back to haunt him and attempt to kill him, but mostly with all the references made to his old days it does leave us quite a bit curious to, how bad was he really. Well be careful what you wish for because out comes Angelous, by the way was the whole thing about him losing his soul due to sex just a ploy to keep young girls from sleeping with their boyfriends? Or maybe instead of like other dramas that talk it to death BTVS went on the offensive, anyone can worn you about STDs and pregnancy, but your boyfriend turning into a monster and trying to kill you and your friends, no one ever warned you about that. Evil evil evil horrid horrid horrid Angelous is talked about being soooooo bad yet he stalks around, kills one person that matters (which you could even say was in self defense) and tries to end the world, where is that big bad horrible evil we have been warned about, the guy is all talk.

Big, important characters introduced, ones that will come up a lot later, as if the first season is just the prologue and this is the real beginning of the story. However the real reason I think the second season is great and even better the second time around is because of Spike, how he scolds and looks down on Angel for killing vampires and being with Buffy. Yet watch the show to the end and again and it is just hilarious that he calls Angel an "Uncle Tom" and claims that "it made me sick to my stomach seeing you being the Slayer's lap dog". Now if you think about it his soul made Angel kill vampires and love Buffy, without it he's a monster. Spike on the other hand fought against evil and loved Buffy pre-soul, so you watch it the second time you could see Spike is such a hypocrite, laugh, but still you gotta love irony.

Now somewhat of topic but, from Buffy's point of view. She calls Spike having a chip being like a serial killer behind bars yet Angel is the one with an evil half. Spike changes, really changes so with or without soul he's the same. Angelous is the one locked behind bars with a soul.
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It's easy to undermine, in retrospect, the importance of this episode
SLionsCricketreviews6 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
As far as I'm concerned, the episodes "Prophecy Girl", "When She Was Bad" and "School Hard" are the ones that first actualized the potential of BtVS to be great television. "School Hard", in particular, is easy to undermine for those who have completed the series time and time over again. It introduces Spike and the show's seasonal concept of the Big Bad but it does more than that. Even excluding themes and the like, it brings a charisma, a depth and a likability to the show's more villainous characters.

Up to this point, BtVS featured mostly stale and one-note villainous characters although Mark Metcalf was able to inject humour into the otherwise stiff Master character. Spike and Dru, almost immediately upon entering the frame, inject the series with a whole another life. Much like the heroes, the villains too can now be compelling. Spike's first transition from 'vamp' face to 'human' face is once a seriously ill Drusilla walks into the factory and we see his tremendous affection and care for his lover. There's immediately something far more human about these two characters than any prior and both James Marsters and Juliet Landau have such a palpable chemistry and charm to them. It really transcends the show from what it was up to this point.

The episode utilizes, quite brilliantly, the setting of a parent teacher meeting night to explore one of the prevalent themes of the early years of BtVS: Buffy's dual lifestyle, one as a teenage girl in high school and the other as a vampire slayer. We see the burden of responsibility on her shoulder and how she not only bears it in this episode, but thrives under it. It leads to a fantastic moment very late into the episode where Joyce tells Buffy that she's proud of her, that no matter how much of a "troublemaker" she may be, that she can rest easier knowing her daughter is capable and confident of herself.

It's also a tremendously exciting episode stack full of typical Whedon & Buffy wit, excellent characterizations and plenty of entertaining action. The use of location in this episode is more inspired than arguably most episodes of the show. With this episode, the world of the Buffyverse is well and truly alive and thriving. "Innocence" will be the final stepping stone that will confirm the show's standing as a legacy of television.
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Spike is here!!!
kellyq121 June 2022
Finally, he's hereeee! This is a very good episode with Buffy's mom being in on the action and the comedy that comes from people either trying to explain away supernatural elements or the reveal that they may know more than we realized. The Spike/Angel/Xander scenes are great. This is the point where season 2 REALLY begins!
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Spike pwned the "Annointed One"
kyle_michaelsen16 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
As everyone has already said, this episode is absolutely epic for its introduction of two of the greatest characters to hit the show: Spike and Dru. There are so many great moments in this episode- pretty much everything Spike and Dru do and say, really. But my favorite moment of the episode has to be at the very end, when Spike gives us one of the coolest death scenes ever on Buffy (for me, it gets beat out only by Jenny's brutal neck-snapping death in Passion, and the massive alternate universe bloodbath at the end of The Wish). If you've seen the episode, you know what I'm talking about. And if you haven't seen this episode, what the hell are you waiting for? 9.5/10
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"Cordelia... have some lemonade."
foamyfan1501029 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Exit: Annoying *ahem* Annointed One

Enter: Spike and Drusilla

This episode introduces two of the most interesting characters, in my opinion. Spike is phenomenal. I love the scene in the Bronze when he's watching Buffy through the crowd. You can totally tell he's attracted to her in more ways than one--even if he's not aware of it yet. His and Angel's interaction was a little odd, though, I thought. It was just weird how Spike knew right off the bat that Angel was lying. I thought Angel's act was pretty convincing... And also, what's all this about Angel being his sire? I could've sworn that something in Season 7's "Lies My Parents Told Me" indicated Dru was his sire. Also, Season 5's "Fool For Love" kinda pointed more towards Dru than Angel. Whatever. I probably just misunderstood.

Anyway, Joyce was also awesome in this episode. You can tell where Buffy got a good bit of her rebellious personality from. Not all that gumption comes from her being the 'chosen one.' All in all, a great episode.
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Spike and Dru:The exciting new villains
madman_salv28 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers

Spike and Dru arrive in Sunnydale as the new villains.Spike is a British, blonde haired creepy but hilarious character and Dru is well a nut-case-literally.Buffy has got parent teacher night coming up, she is worried about this as she doesn't want her Mum to find out what the principle thinks of Buffy.The evening starts and the vamps crash in.Buffy must protect everyone from the vampires.

A fantastic episode.This episode was faultless, had nothing wrong with it.It introduces a character which will become more popular and will be involved in later episodes.Spike is hilarious. This is a fantastic episode with some great memorable lines.

10/10.Top marks
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There are two new vampires in town
Tweekums9 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Buffy has rather a lot on her plate; Principal Snyder thinks she is one of the school's worst trouble makers so is making her and fellow trouble maker Sheila do the preparations for the upcoming parent-teacher evening. She also has to prepare for St. Vigeous' night; the night when the vampires are at their most powerful. At this point she doesn't know that there are two new vampires in town; most notably Spike. He is young for a vampire but has earnt a reputation for brutality and has already killed two slayers… he wants to make Buffy the third. Inevitably he and the other vampires launch their attack during the parent's evening and Buffy will have to save everybody without more people learning that she is killing vampires.

This episode really kicks things up a notch thanks to the arrival of Spike; a charismatic vampire who is more entertaining than most of his kind and his girlfriend Drusilla who is clearly as mad as a box of frogs. James Marsters and Juliet Landau are great in these roles. While nobody will be surprised that Spike's plan to kill Buffy failed there are quite a few unexpected moments, notably when Buffy is saved by her axe-wielding mother, the revelation that Principal Snyder knows the attackers weren't 'a gang on PCP and the ultimate fate of the Anointed One. The only thing that felt a little wrong was how there were so few people in the school during the parent's evening; this is really nit-picking though. There is a good amount of action as well as some humorous moments. Overall a top-notch episode; I can't wait to see more of Spike and Dru!
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The One With Spike And Drusilla...
taylorkingston2 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I love this episode so much. It's so fantastic. It's one of my all time favorite episodes from the entire series, not just this season.

In this episode, we meet Spike and Drusilla. Vampires coming into Sunnydale, for a reason we don't actually find out, I don't think. Anyway, Spike says he can kill the Slayer for the anointed one. We learn that he has already killed two Slayers in his time. I especially love how he asks "is she tough?" and then we skip to a scene where Buffy is brushing her hair, and going, "ow". It's just funny to me, maybe not to anyone else, but whatever. Spike approaches Buffy and says that he's going to kill her on Saturday. But then, it seems that he just couldn't wait, and he attacks the Parent Teacher Night at Buffy's school. This leads to people being trapped in science classrooms and in broom closets. At one point, when Spike is about to go for the kill shot of Buffy, her Mum, Joyce smashes him on the head, and says "get the hell away from my daughter".

Overall, I love this episode and I give it a 10 out of 10.
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Introduction of an iconic character
ossie858 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Parent teacher night has arrived at Sunnydale High and Principal Snyder is threatening expulsions to Buffy and Sheila, Xander says she will be alright unless something bad happens - jinx. Two new vampires have arrived one a raving psychotic, Drusilla, and the other a blonde, very cool looking Spike. Spike is after the slayer.

Why It's So Good - It's out first taste of Spike. An instant fan favourite, infinitely watchable and will play a huge roll in the series. James Marsters, what an actor.

Watch Out For - Spike getting bored.

Quote - "I was actually at Woodstock. That was a weird gig. I fed off a flowerperson, and I spent the next six hours watchin' my hand move." - Spike.
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Spike & Dru Introduced
saxon-716 November 2006
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Buffy has to host a parent-teacher meeting along with fellow trouble maker Sheila Martin (Alexandra Johnes, "Neverending Story"), this of cause terrifies Buffy who has enough trouble as it is with convincing her mother that it goes well in school. Buffy gets her hands full when William the Bloody aka Spike appears along with his darling Drusilla and Sheila dosn't show up for the preparation of the meeting. At the actual meeting Spike gate crashes the party and Buffy has to save the day, but Principal Snyder has a surprise! What is great about this episode apart from the introduction of Spike and the mentally disturbed Drusilla is the surprise in store from Principal Snyder. The Snyder surprise is a great way to introduce the ongoing theme that all is not as it seems at Sunnydale High. As such this episode focuses more on the ongoing narrative than much else but touches on the subject of parent-teacher meeting which as most of us probably remember was a horror onto itself (what is the teachers going to say to my parents and so on and so forth).

The acting is as always great, if I am to point someone out it should be Juliet Landau as Dru and Alexandra Johnes as Sheila (her role is so far from the role in Neverending as can be). The character of Dru fits right in with the other strange vampires (Angel, Spike and Darla) and is a great casting job. The effects is okay but nothing special.

This episode gets a 7 out of 10.
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falls flat as an attempt to escalate stakes
nysmbs17 December 2022
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Spike is introduced as an unrestrained, uber-powerful new addition to the vampire population. In his first scene beats up another vampire and, we're told, has killed two slayers in the past. It's clear he's supposed to be special.

But as intriguing as it is to see a new antagonist, he does not, at least in this episode, manage to live up to the hype. Mostly because he never manages to convince us he's a real threat to Buffy. Even with the element of surprise on Spike's side, Buffy does not suffer any consequences. And perhaps the weakest aspect of this episode is the ham-fisted, cheesy last minute rescue by buffy's mother. Spike remarks he didn't expect the slayer to have family and friends which... is weird honestly.
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School's out
Realrockerhalloween30 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
School hard follow a new set of vampires arriving in town to battle the slayer on parent teacher night. This episode is amazing as Spike studies the slayer, learns her fighting methods and how to attack her. His partner speaks in riddles she sees about the future, almost child like, and mentally unstable leaving a lasting impression. Joyce finally learns Buffy can take care of herself, good in a crises and can be relied on when it comes to responsibility.

Also I can't believe after an attack of this multitude that the Sunnydale populace isn't aware of supernatural activity and stay on denial. It would seen after all the suspicious deaths up to this point, weird demonic folk running around and demon sighting no one has a clue. My last thought is the anointed one seems useless since he never did anything to kill the slayer and easily killed. I wanted more from what we learned about in the prophecy instead of a weak villain.
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A Spike in the Ratings
Hitchcoc18 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
As this series is retooled we are introduced to Spike, a vampire who has been around for 200 years and apparently is at the top of the food chain. Buffy and another girl are chosen by the principal to host the parent teacher conference. Buffy and another girl are chosen because they are the biggest troublemakers in the school. The principal is a terrible man uses his position to make life miserable for the students. Spike is a big guy who has killed slayers before and sets his sights on Buffy in order to control the underground kingdom. He is completely arbitrary in his approach to blame. Buffy finally confronts him but, of course, she gets no support from her immediate people.
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love Spike and Dru... Warning: Spoilers
Far too much for Buffy, parent/teacher night, a vamp thing of importance, not getting kicked out by a "horrid" principal who wants her (actually think that Shelia was just there so he didn't look...), but having them do up all for parent night...Love the Bronze, he, Spike really looks at her like wow, and don't think he knew just what he, Spike really thought...Spike "crashes" literally and of course really, parent night, Buffy taking charge, all kinda following her, Snyder then "tries" to take over, getting someone killed, her mom thinks she too should stay but she goes up to crawl through ceiling to get to Giles and weapons, though he is thinking of leaving to try an save day...Willow saving Cordie, they almost "caught", the "deceive" by Angel or not, the final show down and Buffy's mom enters to help "save" Buffy...and good rid to the annoying one...Dru's comforting Spike, real funny.

No words said to Buffy's mom, but she sees up close and all a bit of what Buffy can do and even "Spike and his gang" thing to Giles, and even her words to Snider that she knows what to do, still doesn't really "see" her daughter...oh well gets told by words at least 1 time before she "really finds out" and finally "knows" Buffy is a slayer and very strong
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Chaotic Changing of the Vampire Guard
Aegelis20 March 2024
Attempting to coagulate the dual life of the duel life, slayer Buffy finds trouble day and night. With full commitment, trouble goes down sooner rather than later. Story kicks ahead a little bit as those who surround Buffy find out more of what she's made of while the baddies have an equally sudden power shift.

Action abounds, a few quick jokes, some unexpected folk step up to empowered roles. A few head-scratchers for me as the show 'course corrects' like there was a scrapped script somewhere and a writer said, "I've got a better idea!" Development of characters continues and intrigue is sufficient to grip watchers, especially in suspenseful moments.
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Drusilla: Miss Edith speaks out of turn. She's a bad example and will have no cakes today.
bombersflyup20 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
School Hard is about Buffy and co being attacked on parent teacher night, by a new arrival in Sunnydale.

A great introduction of Spike and Drusilla, wonderful characters. Though the weakest episode of the season, with some of it quite cringe and lame. What's with this Sheila character and Joyce saving the day... and Angel's weak pitch to Spike and the gang trying to sneak celery snacks, come on...
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