"Doctor Who" Rise of the Cybermen (TV Episode 2006) Poster

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The Finger on the Trigger...
Xstal4 December 2021
The TARDIS all but discharges, in a parallel world like our own, so the Doctor, Rose and Mickey find some time to have a roam (while the TARDIS repowers, phew!). Micky goes his separate way and bumps into his double, while the other two are hired help at a party where there's trouble (although Micky is in a spot of bother too). The Cybermen surround the place and things are looking bad, not just for our three travellers, they're at Rose's mam and dad's (in a parallel world sense at least).
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The return of the Cybermen!! and Trigger's gone mad!!!!
Sleepin_Dragon14 August 2015
Finally, the return of the Cybermen, last year we had the return of the Daleks, this time around we get the long awaited appearance of the other cult villain, the Cybermen. We've had a trio of wonderful episodes ending with the Girl in the Fireplace, the next trio would be slightly less good.

The Doctor, Rose and Mickey are marooned on a parallel London after the TARDIS explodes and dies. Parallel London is different in many ways (echoes of Inferno,) Pete Tyler is still alive, the sky is full of zeppelins. Pete and Rose are a success, Rose is a Yorkshire Terrier. John Lumic appears to be behind the creation of the new Cybermen, he tries with the help of the Cybermen to build on his Cybus industries. Not getting it Lumic proceeds anyway attacking at Jackie's 40th Birthday celebration, all are cornered.

I think Noel Clarke is really good in this one, I enjoyed the part where he meets up with his Gran, and finally the Ricky question is answered, and he's really good in the Ricky role. It pains me to say it but I really disliked Roger Lloyd Pack's characterisation of John Lumic, I've loved him over the years, but he is rather terrible, as is Don Warrington, who almost seems uncomfortable, he is very wooden.

The imagery of people being turned into Cybermen is very well done, it's very macabre and nasty, and the sound they make when they march fits in really well. The cliffhanger is a brilliant one, very satisfying, seemingly no way out.

I liked the link back to The Invasion, Cybus Industries, International Electromatics etc.

7/10 it's good, but it should have been fantastic.
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Mostly good. But a few complaints
Adric2218 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I really liked the alternate universe. I don't think Doctor Who has ever ventured into this before. However, I didn't care for the "blowing on a crystal" to bring the tardis back to life. I'd have preferred another method. I also don't care for the way the cybermen sound when the talk. I always had trouble understanding the ones in the classic series and these are even more difficult to hear. They should be more clear when they speak.

It is interesting to see Roger Lloyd-Pack and David Tennant in the same movie together again.. (They played Barty Crouch and Barty Crouch Junior in Harry Potter) I have awoken to the fact that Noel Clark can act. I always wondered if it was the character I didn't like or the actor. Now I know it is the character, since I get to see Noel playing Ricky Smith, Mickey's alter-ego.

I remember thinking about 15 minutes into the episode that this was really interesting and suspenseful. So I had wished it didn't have to be cramming into 45 minutes. Well, I got my wish as it was "to be continued" Even though I hate having to wait for the next episode. At least they don't do like Star Trek and have a season cliff-hanger that leaves you waiting a year to find out what happens. I only have to wait a week.

Again we get to see Rose's parents fighting. We saw that in Father's Day. It was obvious in both occasions that Jackie was the main person at fault. Pete seems a lot more like he is always on the defensive, while Jackie is yelling at him. She thought he was incompetent as a door-to-door salesman 20 years before in our universe, and in this universe he is a billionaire and she still thinks he is incompetent. You just can't please some women.

One thing that bothered me was the obvious fact that this universe was more or less like ours. It must have been exactly like ours up until approx. 20 years before, when some things started to go a different course. Yet in this 20 years we have some technology that can't possibly have been developed, like the things in the ears that seem to control people's brains. But I keep waiting to see in the next episode if maybe that is from some alien influence we haven't discovered yet.. After all, Cybermen weren't supposed to be a creation of humans, I don't think.

Over all... very good.
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The Cybermen return to send us behind the sofas again!
djarmhp14 May 2006
After a slightly uncertain start to this episode, featuring the long awaited return of the second most iconic Dr. Who monsters, it gets into its stride. The Doctor,Rose and Mickey find themselves in an alternate London, sending both Rose and Mickey on the trail of relatives that have long since died in their reality. Finally, we start to get an idea of what makes Mickey tick as his back story is filled in. Rose's desperation to see her father is a rerun of Father's Day from Series 1 and covers much of the same ground, which gave this episode a score of 9 rather than 10. The Doctor is almost a peripheral figure for most of the episode, but David Tennant makes the most of every line, look and gesture. The villain, Lumic, was a muted character compared to Davros but quite effective. When the Cybermen arrived, their previous risible portrayals in Doctor Who were completely removed from the memory. These are Borg like monsters. This, in effect, returns the favour as the Borg were originally based on the Cybermen, as their first appearance in the episode entitled 'Q Who' makes clear! They even have their own catchphrase to rival the Daleks' 'exterminate!!'. The new Who goes from strength to strength.
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Exciting Alternative
A_Kind_Of_CineMagic1 December 2018
Rise of the Cybermen is the first part of a two part story where the TARDIS takes the Doctor, Rose and Mickey to an alternative Earth where Rose's father Pete is still alive and successful but is working for an evil businessman Lumic who has created a parallel universe version of the Cybermen.

Apparently a section of fans dislike this modern take on the Cybermen but I belong to the section of fans who feel that this redesign is absolutely fine. There were many disappointing Cybermen stories in the classic series and many disappointingly represented versions of Cybermen with dodgy voices, unimpressive design changes and illogical plans. I loved the original Mondasian Cybermen and loved their return at the end of the 12th doctor's era. However, despite the occasional great story which kept Cybermen as one of my favourite monsters there were plenty of Cybermen stories over the 60s, 70s and 80s that could have been a lot better.

These 21st Century alternative reality Cybermen are far better than some of the earlier versions with a design that looks good, works well for a modern audience, good voices and a good level of menace. Some of the scenes make them properly scary and threatening again. Lumic is also a suitably unpleasant villain.

The trip to a parallel Earth adds a great extra element into the plot which makes this a fun and interesting 2 parter. There is great humour, some nice pathos and good excitement.

My rating: 9.5/10.
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'Ex-Ter-Min-Nate' is a tad cooler a battle-cry than 'De-Lete'
movieman_kev30 May 2006
Knowing this was going to be the first part of a two part arc, I held off on reviewing it until I saw the whole story. Then I got a bit lax and am behind reviewing not 2, but 3 episodes (This 2 parter as well as Idiot's Lantern). Needless to say, I seem to have my work cut out for me, so let's get to the nitty-gritty, right? The Doctor, Rose, and Mickey find themselves stranded on an alternative Earth after the TARDIS breaks down after the time vortex suddenly and inexplicably disappears. Rose is excited at the prospect because her long deceased father is still alive in this reality and very successful to boot. The Doctor is quite adamant about her not seeing her alternate daddy, but fate has other plans in store, as he works for a baddie who is creating a new version of old Doctor Who enemies, the Cybermen. As a rule, I'm not really fond of 'Alternative Reality' stories, as more often than not they usually have no lasting repercussions and no real sense of any danger (stemming from no vested interest in any but the main characters) I'll get more into that in my review of the second part, but suffice it to say this episode felt more like an episode of the now defunct "Sliders" than a true Who episode. Still very watchable though.

My Grade: B-
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MaxBorg8911 January 2011
When Rusell T. Davies became head writer of the revived Doctor Who, he dictated that the stories be kept as simple as possible in order to avoid alienating new audiences. In particular, no space travel unless it involved humans settled on another planet. Rise of the Cybermen, which comes shortly after that continuity-embracing yarn that was School Reunion, dares to break that rule by taking our characters to a place never before explored, even in the original series.

Still "stuck" with Mickey, the Doctor and Rose witness the impossible - a TARDIS malfunction that causes them to end up in a parallel world. They're on Earth, all right, but it's a bit different: Rose was never born, her father Pete (Shaun Dingwall) is still alive, and Mickey's counterpart is called Ricky (a nice reference to Eccleston's name-calling in the first season). Most notably, though, there's been a significant evolution in the field of cybernetics, with one John Lumic (Roger Lloyd-Pack, last seen playing David Tennant's father in the fourth Harry Potter film) determined to use the new technology to create a new robotic body that will contain his brain once a terminal disease has disposed of him. Inevitably, the gang is drawn to Cybus Industries: Rose is eager to meet her long lost "father", while the Doctor suspects something evil is lurking in the shadows...

While the title pretty much gives away the plot (especially if you're an old school fan), this remains an entertaining and thrilling story that effortlessly blends old mythology and new story lines, using the classic "alt-world" gimmick (see Star Trek and Buffy) for great dramatic and comic effect. On the minus side, Mickey is more annoying than usual, and Lloyd-Pack is the show's most wooden villain so far. But hey, the cliffhanger is a surefire guarantee the conclusion will be worth watching.
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Entertaining Despite Some Flaws
Theo Robertson6 May 2008
This is a strange episode where the Tardis travels to an alternative universe where everything is the same but different . One in which Rose Tyler was never born , her would be father is very much alive , where everyone travels via blimps and where a megalomaniac is trying to reach immortality via cybernetics .

If you ignore one of the all time classics from the original series ( inferno from 1970 ) then this is a fairly entertaining two part story . Director Harper makes the best asset of night filming , something seen only very rarely in the original show . Some of the acting is superb especially from Camille Coduri as Jackie Tyler and even David Tennant is impressive especially in the cliffhanger that'll have you gasping as to how the Doctor and his friends will get out of that one !

Despite the positives there are some negatives . Despite some good performances Noel Clarke is once again terrible while Don Warrington is wooden but Roger Lloyd Pack gives just about the worst performance ever seen in the show's revival as a cross between Trigger and Davros ( Trigos ? ) . I suppose we should be charitable and say that children watching this won't notice the acting or the fact previous continuity has been totally ignored and they begged their parents to be allowed to watch this show simply to see the Cybermen . Fair enough . You can't help thinking it could have been just a little bit better though
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jonathanluke198613 May 2006
Aaaarrrgghhh!!!!!! The first episode in the new Dr Who that made me want to hide behind the sofa!!!!!!!!!! Aaaarrrrggghhhhh!!!!!!!!! I literally screamed out in terror at the end!!!!!! You know Doctor Who is back when you get this spooked! New Cybermen - so evil and villainous! Are they back for good? Are the gang all stuck in an alternate dimension??!?!!?!? Will other villains be coming back cos of this alternate dimension?!?!?!? Seriously, way more scary than the Borg. I know they have the whole special effects and Star Trek angle - but I don't think they can beat monochrome evil! And think about it - Cybermen vs Borg? Who'd win - really?
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southdavid7 September 2020
The first two parter of season two is a long anticipated return for the second highest profile characters in the Doctor's rogues gallery, the Cybermen. It's also a return for Director Graeme Harper, who became the first person to oversee an episode of Classic "Doctor Who" and "Nu-Who".

The TARDIS accidentally crashes through to a parallel Earth and to a London that is recognisable, but with some differences, like a fleet of Zeppelins that populate the sky. Despite The Doctor's (David Tennent) warnings Rose (Billie Piper) and Mickey (Noel Clarke) head off to see how their alternate lives are shaping up. Mickey's gran is still alive in this universe, but as he having an emotional reunion, freedom fighters sweep him up. For Rose, her father (Shaun Dingwall) is still alive and a rich and successful businessman but he and Jackie (Camille Coduri) never had any children. These stories intersect when tech mogul John Lumic (Roger Lloyd Pack) introduces his latest creation to the world.

The first thing that struck me about this episode is how much we've caught up with the "futuretech" of this one. Bluetooth headsets did exist in 2006, but nothing like in the volume that they are used now, since the growth of the airpods. So the city scenes, of vacant Londoners lost to their own worlds don't look as odd as they did then. Also the receiving of TV quality video on a mobile, was fiction then, but very much the norm today.

As it is, this is a decent start to the two-part episode but nothing too amazing. It's nice to see alt-Jackie, alt-Pete and "Rickey" but really, only Noel Clarke is doing anything to distinguish much between the characters. He also acts with himself in scenes that are visually OK, but a little lacking in the interaction you'd see in a similar set of scenes today. The human villains, played by Lloyd Pack and Colin Spaull feel like a bit cliché - though maybe the Dr. Frankenstein and Igor parallels are deliberate. The crippling and the resolution of the issues with the Tardis are a bit flimsy, logic wise.

It's an OK episode, don't get me wrong - but the second half will have a lot to do to drag this into comparison with the first season's two parters.
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Fantastic To See The Return of the Cybermen !!!
mgbrit28 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Those of you who remember hiding behind the sofa as a child will absolutely enjoy this story of a parallel Earth, showing the original genesis of the Cybermen. This series continues to amaze me, not for the special effects, not for the acting, but for the imagination required to suspend disbelief and indulge in the story thread. A highlight of this episode is Billy Piper dressed up as a saucy waitress - a bonus for those who admire her for her beauty as well as her considerable acting ability.

What wil happen to the Doctor? Will they be deleted or be upgraded? How will they return to the 'regular' world now that the Tardis is no more? And what will become of Rose's parental units? Watch and enjoy!
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A very Good debut for a Cyberman Story, creepy,dark eerie episode salvages a weak Plot
rohanumpleby-340573 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This Episode doesn't feel well connected. Unlike Dalek that set-up the Finale for the very first siries, this one didn't do it that well. It relied on Torchwood with a crappy excuse but luckily the finale was good, and despite a shallow plot this episode doesn't fail to Entertain.


The fact they walk slowly makes them a scary Villain. The Design of them was also pretty cool. The Kidnapping parts were really entertaining and makes them a frightening and intense scene. They scream Delete Delete Delete, which is Iconic. For a debut episode for the Cyberman this one was good for me as it made me interested in the Cyberman and also became my favourite villains of the entire shows history. They also have a master that gives them orders, for me it made them unique and different. They had a lot of screen time and this episode has surprisingly good energy and good pacing. Surprisingly it also has some Shock Value.


Noel Clarkes performance was also good in this, and he his character gets a lot more development in this story then the whole of siries 1. He meets his dead grandma, this is a parallel universe so in this universe she's alive. I found this concept really interesting.

The Ending,

The Doctor and Rose are surrounded by Cyberman who have the humans held hostage in Roses mum and Dad's house. By there master Lumic. Doctor and some other members are stuck which is the shock value for this episode. You didn't know what the doctor was going to do, which creates tension and danger. Enuff Said about this story!. My Verdict,

7/10, Fresh Score:71%
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Awful episode comparatively
Gemsie14 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Compared to other episodes in the series, this was absolutely awful, however if this were the first time I'd ever watched Doctor Who I wouldn't have said it was so bad. I thought the whole Pete Tyler thing was awful, we should have left him in the last series, after the fantastic episode with the Reapers. I thought a couple of great touches were the doggy called Rose, and the fact that they had yet ANOTHER woman for Rose to get jealous of, if only briefly (The waitress, Lucy(?), blink and you'll miss her). Seems we're gonna get more and more of these. I thought that the TARDIS breaking thing was absolutely rubbish. I mean, "oooh, look, there's a pretty light and if I blow on it, everything'll be alright". They could have handled that SO much better, like the bit at the end of the last series when they are forced into the Gamestation. The greatest redeeming feature of the episode, obviously, was the Cybermen. Their storyline was awful and should have been handled by Russell T David as opposed to one of these 'Side-writers'. The design team have done an amazing job redesigning them, I think they're absolutely gorgeous. The Mickey/Ricky thing was handled well, but as a story I don't think it's that great. I don't particularly like Mickey, I thought he was necessary in "The Girl in the Fireplace", so that Rose had a distraction from the Doctor, leaving him to romp with Reinette. However, I don't think he should be on the TARDIS for much longer. I don't know what it is about him that I don't like, I just feel the character is really lacking in something. If we need a distraction for Rose, bring back someone Captain-Jack-Like, a character who is more easygoing. Mickey seems to take everything so seriously, and this definitely came off in last nights episode
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A decent reintroduction to the cyber men despite the camp
dkiliane15 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is a little bit difficult to describe since their is so much going on to set up this two-parter.

First off, there's the crisis of the TARDIS losing all (just about) power cause they somehow crashed into an alternate reality, and then, they're in an ALTERNATE REALITY! One would think this would be enough to throw into an episode but on top of that they add in the Cyber Men. That is a lot for an episode - - even a two parter, to tackle.

And for the most part the episode does a decent job of setting up all these elements. Good character moments for both Mickey and Rose, with some decent mistaken identity humor thrown in for good measure. The episode really does a good job of building all the "good" characters but unfortunately gets a little lazy when it comes to the villains. Very cardboard cutout human masterminds engineering the Cyber Men, who in turn seem a little slow (mentally and physically) to be the threat they are presented as.

This is the area too where the episode, like much of the season, falls prey to the overuse of camp, which undermines the validity of the villains' threat to humanity. But the strong performances by the other actors helps alleviate some of this irritation and elevated this episode to a decently strong setup for this two parter. 8/10
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Near perfect. Warning: Spoilers
Roger Lloyd Pack is perfect in the role of creator of the Cybermen. I think this is one of the better Tennant episodes (there are of course many great ones, him being one of if not the greatest Doctor (that's up to you)). But this is truly a great episode, highly recommend.
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Pretty average episode
tartydoris23 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Re-watching some of the earlier seasons of Doctor Who you really do notice the hits and misses more clearly.

This was definitely more on the side of miss than hit. Perhaps the main reason for that is the terrible acting from Roger Lloyd Pack. It reminds me of one of those YouTube videos counting down the 10 most wooden actors. Now perhaps his acting is supposed to be robotic to a degree because he's turning into a robot himself and becoming less human. However, that still does not convince me that he's actually what he is supposed to be portraying and isn't that the point? He was awful in this episode!

The other thing that is really underwhelming, and has been mentioned by numerous other reviewers, is the way the TARDIS goes from dead to still alive and on a recharge cycle because of some lame glowing crystal. Surely something more inventive could have been thought of than this? There are in a parallel universe for a start. Which means perhaps there might be a parallel TARDIS and Doctor you could mooch parts off? It's just a lack of thought in writing. Someone should have surely flagged this as a terrible idea and reworked it to something more interesting during production.

I think that is the main problem, that is highlighted, with these earlier seasons is the quality of the writers isn't very high unless the episode is penned by Steven Moffat. Something I think they must have realised to a certain degree when Steven became the lead writer and more experienced quality writers were drafted in for other episodes.
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The new look Cybermen
warlordartos10 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A great cliffhanger episode. being trapped in a parallel earth where the cybermen are born makes it feel a bit like Mondas as it is earth but not quite. Very much like the new "Delete phrase and the electrocution method. The way the TARDIS was fixed however was not done so well, but the rest of the episode does definitely make up for this. Hope the second part keeps the action and story as suspenseful
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The Cybermen arrive....
stevenjlowe8221 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was a bit of a slow burn episode that really just sets up for the big second act. What I did enjoy about this episode was some of the character work, particularly where Mickey is concerned.

I've always felt Mickey could have been a much better written and developed character. He is often written to be a buffoon and slightly dim which is a shame. I've also found the relationship between Rose and himself to be quite odd, ever since the Doctor came into their lives he has played second fiddle. Finally it is addressed in this episode and I appreciate how The Doctor also acknowledged this.

Rose as a character in this 2nd series has been quite inconsistent at times wavering between petty, jealous and bratty whenever another woman shows interest or has a close connection to the Doctor. Her petty jibes towards Lucy the waitress were totally unnecessary and I just don't enjoy that side of her character.

Going into the episode it wasn't hard to work out that the Cybermen were making their debut in the new who era in this episode so that took a lot of the mystery out for me. Also the main human villain was kinda hammy in my opinion and not in the good way.

Overall a bit lackluster in parts but the character work made it stronger.
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The Rise of the Cybermen!
wetmars5 August 2020
I really liked this episode, it was so interesting and suspenseful. What really surprised me was that the director of this 2 parter was the same director of The Caves of Androzani and Revelation of the Daleks, I loved that episode. Just great dialogue, man.
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A New Era with Old Foes
hwiltshire-068894 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Rise of the Cybermen, the first part of a two-part story, successfully reimagines the iconic villains for a modern Doctor Who while offering a compelling, if at times rushed, adventure. It's a solid introduction to a new breed of Cyberman and earns a well-deserved 8 out of 10.

This episode wisely plays on fears of technology and media manipulation to reinvent the Cybermen. Their sleek new design is effective and menacing. The story moves at a brisk pace, introducing us to a parallel Earth while seeding hints of the danger to come. The parallel versions of Rose's family, notably her father Pete, add an intriguing emotional layer and allow for some excellent character work.

What really elevates the episode is the emotional core surrounding Rose and her newfound relationship with her parallel-world father. Billie Piper's performance shines, and the scenes between her and Pete are heartwarming and later heartbreaking. David Tennant's Tenth Doctor gets a bit less focus here, but he's still effortlessly charming and full of energy.

Where things stumble a bit is in the pacing. Some of the plot points, particularly the Cybermen's origins, feel a touch rushed to fit the two-part format. John Lumic, while acted well, is a bit too much of a generic power-hungry villain. Additionally, some of the dialogue verges on cheesy, even by Doctor Who standards.

Despite a few flaws, Rise of the Cybermen is a great reintroduction to a classic foe and a powerful start to the two-parter. The upgraded Cybermen are genuinely chilling, the emotional beats land perfectly, and the cliffhanger will leave you hungry for the conclusion. It's a solid, enjoyable setup for something even grander.
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Monkey on an iMac
JulesTSmith14 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Oh my god! What an awful awful episode and this season was doing so well! We've had cool Cat People, Were-Wolves, Sarah-Jane and 17th Century France. BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!!

But now we learn that Russell has given the series' defining moment to a monkey on an iMac. The writer this week has never written before for Doctor Who and has had brief spells on the crappy No Angels, so why why why give him the task of bringing back the Cybermen???

There was very little set up in the episode- it really didn't need to be 2 episodes. The dialogue was hammy, the storyline boring and a complete waste of a Doctor Who episode! Stephen Moffet should have written this one- then at least there would have been some jokes in it! Waste of time if you ask me- they really need to pull out all the stops next week because otherwise this season is going to go downhill! I'm not even looking forward to the season finale now because they're cyberiffic as well! Just as long as they're not written by this chimp then they might be savable!

Shame on you Russell T. Davies- shame on you!
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A classic
zuyuuu8 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
My love for parallel worlds in sci-fi may make me biased, but I love this episode. I'm glad we get another look at Rose and her dad, but this time it's not really her dad. I love that we get a look at how both Rose and Mickey react to seeing something they aren't able to have. For Mickey, it's his grandma, and for Rose, of course, it's her dad. I'm glad this episode expands even more on Mickey's feelings on being in the TARDIS. His character arc has been slowly coming since season 1, but it was really kickstarted in School Reunion. This transformation comes to a peak in Rise of the Cybermen and Age of Steel. There isn't much to say about this episode, it's a regular plot of the cybermen taking over the world, only this time in a parallel world. It's so simple, but it's done so well that makes it, in my opinion, a classic: 9.0/10.
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Rise of the Cybermen
jasonmarshall70-115 May 2006
I have been watching Doctor Who since I was six and I've always looked at the cybermen as just being tin men who convert people into their kind. This story is no exception, The Doctor, Rose and Mickey land on an alternate Earth ( or it could even be Mondas) see Big Finish audio Spare Parts. The main baddie, villainous John Lumic is obsessed with prolonging life and in doing so brings about a new race of cybermen that we have never seen the like of before. Their only purpose is to "delete" you if you are incompatible. We also get a background on Mickeys life to a certain extent in the way that his dad did a runner and he lived with his gran. At the end of the episode the gang of heroes are surrounded by about 30 cybermen, I'm dying to find out how they get out of this little scrape......
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