"Firefly" War Stories (TV Episode 2002) Poster

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Some intense torture scenes lightened by the humour of the show
Tweekums15 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
After the successful theft of Alliance medical supplies in 'Ariel' Mal has a buyer lined up to buy them; as Wash is getting fed up with his wife going off on all such missions so he gets to take her place... after all it is just a routine job. Well it would have been routine if Niska, who still hasn't forgiven Mal for what he did in 'Train Job', didn't turn up and capture Mal and Wash so he could have fun torturing them to death! When Zoë realises what has happened she goes to buy them back but Niska only allows her to take one of them back... plus an ear! Determined that nobody is getting left behind she organises a rescue mission; one where all of the crew will play their part. Away from the torture and excitement Inara is entertaining a client on board her shuttle; one that causes quite a lot of interest amongst the rest of the crew when they realise the client is a woman.

This is another great episode where once again the entire cast do great jobs; this is especially true of Nathan Fillion and Alan Tudyk who are convincing in their rather gruelling torture scene; managing to appear in genuine pain yet still being funny. This episode is notable as it features significant character development for two characters; we learn that Shepherd Book is clearly experienced with firearms in a way that suggests he was in a less peaceful profession before he became a man of God and River displays a skill that makes her potentially dangerous. Having watched this episode I'm rather surprised that the series was granted a '12' certificate; the torture scenes are quite long and far more intense than I'd expect at that rating and unlike the infamous scene in 'Reservoir Dogs' the camera doesn't turn away from the year cutting until just after the slice. Thankfully the serious moments are somewhat countered by the humour that manages to lighten the mood.
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Character studies like this one are why this show is so damn good.
Mr-Fusion15 September 2015
With its harsh subject matter, it always surprises me (even just a little) that "War Stories" follows so soon after "Out of Gas". But it's a phenomenal character piece, this time centering on the Mal-Zoe-Wash triangle. And I like that, no matter what goes down here, it's really about them. What's great is that Alan Tudyk gets his time to really shine outside of his usual one-liner confines. Wash totally mans right up when the chips are down and proves his mettle among his more battle-worn peers. The torture scenes in this episode are rough, but also deeply rewarding in the end.

8/10 Also, we already know this, but Zoe's an incontrovertible badass.
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Gritty-Action Packed-Kick Butt Style
piratecat-21 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
We start out with the crew ready to enjoy the fruits of their stolen loot from the episode of Ariel. But Niska is back with revenge from the Train Job. A sub plot of the day to day ills of the marriage of Zoe and Wash. Wash's insecurity of Zoe and Mal's relationship comes to the surface. Captain Reynolds takes Wash along with him on a job usually Zoe's place when they are ambushed by Niska's men and taken prisoner. This episode has action with purpose that we won't see till the Big Damn Movie. The trademark action sequences of this show are in full bloom. Zoe, Jayne, and Sherpherd Book track their love ones back to Niska's skyplex. The whole crew chips in all their cash from their stolen loot. More than enough Zoe offers a deal to Niska to get them back. Wash is returned but only a piece of flesh from Mal his given to her. Wash back on the ship distraught over the abandonment of Captain Reynolds musters up the resolve to mount a rescue mission. Zoe backing her man knowing the odds are not good. She knows Mal will be tortured to death. The crew rallies together to assault the skyplex in Magnificent Seven style. A great climax. Non stop action in rescuing Mal from Niska's henchmen. We see the Shepherd Book's knowledge in the use of firearms meets more than the eye. Kaylee a sweet dear is about to be gunned down by 3 mercks when of all else River takes them out. We now see the experiment of the Blue Sun Corp. come to light. An extremely powerful episode, well written and shot. Thumbs up all the way.
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High standard
Joxerlives7 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
War Stories

The good; So lovely to see Kaylee and River playing together at the start like excited children with Mal and Inara looking on like a pair of devoted parents. Exciting ambush and final rescue and some nice comedy with Inara and her client and the crew's reaction to her. Also hints that River may be a lot more dangerous than we ever thought she might be and some nice character stuff between her and Simon.

The bad; How exactly does Niska find out where Mal and co are doing the deal? Aside from that not much.

Best line; Wash; "I am a large, semi-muscular man" also like; Jayne; (aroused by the sight of Inara kissing her female client goodbye); "I'll be in my bunk" Zoe; "Jayne grab your weapon!" portending of things to come; 'No power in the verse can stop me' said by River and Kaylee in 2 VERY different ways.

Kinky dinky; The henchman is reading some truly ancient porn when the Serenity arrives, did the Alliance ban Playboy or something? Zoe tells Mal to 'Take me sir, take me hard', naughty schoolgirl style prompting Wash to give his wife a hearty spank on the ass as foreplay for their 'bunk time'..

Notches on the Serenity bedpost; Inara's first female customer. Mal confirms that he and Zoe never had sex.

Capt subtext; So the whole idea of the River/Simon incest vibe was actually given to people by Alan Tudyk's in his commentary for this ep? Doesn't give a jot of evidence for it though. Inara's first female client, as Kaylee observes "They look so glamorous". Love her 'God!" expression as Jayne leers over them. The latent jealousy between Mal, Zoe and Wash comes to a head, noticeably Zoe never promised to obey Wash but does Mal. Of course she picks Wash to save over Mal which must reassure him. The central message seems to be that Zoe loves them both equally but Wash in a sexual romantic way and Zoe as a friend/war buddy.

How'd they get away with that? Mal and Wash horribly (yet somehow quite amusingly) tortured by Niska. Stops being funny when he cuts Mal's ear off!

Subverting the Hollywood cliché; Amazingly Niska escapes. Mal actually wants the guys to shoot the torturer rather than deal with him himself. Wash does his 'Leave no man behind' schtick whilst cocking about the smallest pistol you've ever seen.

Kills; Inara takes no part in the combat and Kaylee never even fires her gun. Hard to tell amongst all the confusion but I'll give Zoe and Jayne 4 kills each and Wash 2. 3 kills for River. Despite both participating in the gunfight neither Book nor Simon kill anyone. Mal; 11- Zoe; 10- Jayne; 11- Wash; 2 River; 3

Happy high-class hookers in Space; Everyone seems to be insatiably curious of whom the Companions are hired by, even Book, they're the futuristic equivalent of Heat magazine. She seems to specialise not so much in the sexual aspect of her job but in making everyone feel special.

Shot; Jayne get's clipped during the rescue Mal; 2- Kaylee;1- Jayne;3- Book;1-

Crew injured; Mal and Wash tortured half to death with Mal's ear cut off. Thankfully Simon reattaches it.

Reminds me off; The desert hill where they get ambushed is the same one Buffy fights the First Slayer on in Restless.

Questions and observations; Niska returns as a recurring villain, I've often thought that Dollhouse and Firefly fall short of Buffy and Angel's success partly because they didn't have the interesting and exciting returning villains those series specialised in. Apples again, I'm beginning to formulate a theory that the entire series is actually about fruit. Alan Tudyk states that he believed Wash flew a couple of missions for the Browncoats during the war then was interned by the Alliance before seeing any action. Jayne and Book are workout buddies. Note that Jayne still takes the time to loot the bodies at the ambush site (and presumably recover the drugs from there and the money later from Niska's space station). Note it's Book who rigs the bomb on the mule. So what is River who can effortlessly shoot three gunmen without even looking? Did the Alliance's experiments turn her into some sort of supersoldier and is that why they're so desperate to retrieve her? Or is she some form of X-men style evolving super being and the Alliance's experiments were designed to prevent her becoming dangerous? Or some secret weapon one of the sides developed during the Unification war and are now trying to cover up? Is that what scares Kaylee at the end? Zoe cooks for Wash at the end which takes in greater significance if you've watched 'Our Mrs Reynolds'.

Marks out of 10; 8/10 and again bordering on 9, continuing the high standards of Ariel.
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Whedon and the "Long" Arc.. finally traction for all 4 wheels
A_Different_Drummer25 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Here is a spoiler's spoiler: Joss Whedon may go down in history as the man who invented the "long" arc, and deservedly so. That is no simple claim. To work a long arc into your story you need a will of iron, an imagination of (fairydust?) and most important you need your series to go on for years. In the case of Angel/Buffy, Whedon's optimism was justified, not one but two multi-year series resulted. Wow. In the case of Firefly, problems arose. Other sites, other reviews, other readers, have already discussed the problems. There is even (sigh gasp) a documentary about all this. Suffice it to say that Whedon pulled this project (more or less) out the fire with an extraordinary (wow double-wow love-that-film!) feature named Serenity. But, this is the catch, at the time this episode was done, in real time so to speak, he did not know how all this would play out. He was just doing his thing, he was. So, spoilers done, this is the first episode in the series where I finally felt the Whedon magic, I enjoyed the zippy dialogue among the team, I met a villain worthy of the name, and I saw action that made my little heart pound. It is fantastic. A bit late in the game, perhaps, but when you play the long arc (which, I remind, he INVENTED) it takes a while to get traction under your back wheels. Shows the promise a multi-year series would have had.
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Jealousy, Friendship and Bravery
claudio_carvalho30 October 2016
Wash is jealous of the bond between Zoe and Mal and demands to go with Mal to trade the cargo of medical supplies with locals. However Niska's men capture and bring them on board. Niska tortures them both while Zoe collects money from the crew to pay a ransom for them. However Niska releases only Wash and takes Mal's ear to give to Zoe. But the Serenity 's crew decides to fight to bring their captain back.

"War Stories" is a full of action episode of "Firefly" of jealousy, friendship and bravery. The attitude of Wash towards the cynical Mal is boring and annoying. Unfortunately they are not able to kill the evil Niska. My vote is eight.

Title (Brazil): "War Stories"
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Bonds are tested
Fluke_Skywalker14 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Plot; Wash, jealous of Zoe and Mal's personal bond, maneuvers to replace Zoe on a mission w/Mal that goes horribly wrong.

Since the beginning the elephant in the room has been the tight bond between war buddies Mal and Zoe, and it's addressed here in typical Firefly fashion. Which is to say expertly. Relationships are torn apart only to grown back stronger and nearly everyone is pulled into the story in a meaningful way (save for Inara, who has an interesting but ultimately unimportant little side story).
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Jayne: Oh, hey. Free soup.
bombersflyup4 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
In War Stories, Wash starts to become jealous of the bond between Zoe and Mal and demands to go with Mal to trade the cargo of medical supplies with locals. However Niska's men capture them and take them aboard the space-station.

Among the best of the episode's, where Wash takes center stage. Niska enjoys torture so much, he brings em back to life just to torture em some more, well played by Michael Fairman. Not sure what the deal with Mal continuing to make jokes is, either that's his coping mechanism or his way of making Niska like him, pleading to be spared. Wash garners a new level of respect for Mal here.
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A good serie B episode
nicofreezer22 July 2022
Seriously everything in this show feels cheap,low budget , B acting, plot seen and seen many times before. As a star trek fan its difficult for me to truly live this serie B show. But despite all that , it is still watchable and a good watch for a sunday afternoon chill. Not to put on TV on an evening or a more serious occasion.

For " War stories" my rating 7.5/10.
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Lame ending
a13x_home4 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is relatively OK except for the lame ending. I mean seriously, some sadistic maniac tortures you in the nastiest ways for an entire day and you let him escape? With the crew of Serenity almost overrunning Niska's space station, as unbelievable as it may seem, Mal fails to use the unique opportunity offered to him. He fails to do justice by killing that bastard and getting some needed cash as compensation. Instead Mal and the crew just run the hell out like some cowardly dogs after his rescue. I find that hard to believe. Imagine how much anger and fury you must feel after an absolutely awful day like that. It doesn't seem plausible for a man like him to do that. Very lame.
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Terrible continuity.
owenandowen30 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Watch the episode and you will see the worst example of editing/continuity you will ever see.

Your challenge is to find it.

Your clue is the following.


Other than that "little" unprofessional gaffe, this is a good series, and this is another good one. It's a shame they let this series drop. it reminds me of Deadwood. A great series they canceled because the powers that be decided they were going to work on other projects. The movie was nice too, but it's hard to talk someone into keep a project going when the movie only breaks even on a 40 million production budget
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