Shaggy & Scooby-Doo Get a Clue! (TV Series 2006–2008) Poster

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:( this is just sad
Rogue_798 November 2006
I grew up with scooby(kinda the re-runs of where are you)I hate scrappy, love Daphne, and feel its not complete with out the whole gang. But this is sad, scooby doo is mystery solving comedy-not bad totally spy's jap anime. i like "whats new", they had to give danger-prone Daphne a makeover sometime :( and try to lose the *sex *drug jokes of many a generation, but this "get a clue" is flat out crap and should not have the Scooby name attached. They even tried to do some lame punk thing with the theme song. now i'm gonna go watch my DVD of scooby doo where are you to wash the filth of this new series off my eyes
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Not bad if you pretend it's not Shaggy and Scooby...
king_friday30 September 2006
OK, so this isn't a ringing endorsement, but if you had never seen Scooby Doo, you would probably think this show was OK. If like me, you have, you would need to pretend that it's just another guy and his dog show, not involving two beloved pop icons.

I'd echo the complaints of the people who went before me - Kevin French is not Shaggy (yeah, I know that's just another character he's voiced). It's obvious to me every time he speaks that he's someone else imitating Casey Kasem, even though he's not bad as Shaggy. I imagine that when the rumored new Star Trek movie comes out, we'll feel the same way about whoever plays Spock, even if he's done as much work as this guy.

The changes in how they're animated are also sad. If you want to call him Shaggy, at least make him move like Shaggy.

In short, this wouldn't have been a bad show if they'd just called it Frank and Spot: Get a Clue. I'm guessing someone just thought "hey, if we make it Shaggy and Scooby, we'll pull in Scooby Doo fans! Sometimes, it's better to just go with a fresh idea rather than try to make people think it's familiar even though it's not.
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Still better than Da Boom Crew and Coconut Fred
dbbaker-4346812 July 2016
Shaggy and Scooby Doo, the Lovable Coward/Big Eater duo from the Scooby-Doo franchise, branch out in their own show, where Shaggy inherits millions of dollars and a mansion from his missing Uncle Albert, an inventor. However, Uncle Albert's inventions are being pursued by the sinister Dr. Phineas Phibes and his henchmen. Fortunately, Shaggy and Scooby can thwart their evil plans thanks to special Scooby Snacks that give Scooby-Doo temporary superpowers... Wait, where are you going? Come back, we weren't finished yet! The villain pilots a submarine laboratory!

All kidding aside, the show isn't bad as most people make it out to be. It still carries the spirit of its predecessors to at least some extent, has an interesting ongoing plot and for once gives Shaggy and Scooby the spotlight without having to add another main character to the mix. Phibes also is quite an entertaining villain to watch as well which helps plenty with the show's humor.

For better or worse, it was a worthy attempt at trying something new with the mythos. In fact it was actually one of Kids' WB!'s better shows. Unlike Da Boom Crew and Coconut Fred, it didn't get cancelled because of poor reception but rather because CW shut down the Kids WB block after 4Kids bought it.
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Mr_Analog27 August 2007
Scooby Doo is undoubtedly one of the most simple, successful and beloved cartoon characters in the world. So, what happens when you've been everywhere and done everything with the formula? You switch it up right? Wrong. You stop production and let it rest for a decade or so and then run it again, keeping the core of its success intact. That is to say, stick with the formula for the most part but add your particular flavour to it. This to me is why "What's New Scooby Doo" worked, they want back to the classic Scooby Doo formula which had only successfully resurfaced a decade earlier in "A Pup Named Scooby Doo" but for the most part had not been tapped since the original "Scooby Doo Where Are You".

The first sign (to me) of a weak offering is the inclusion of extraneous characters; there might be a few fond memories from past iterations but generally if you think "Scooby Doo" you aren't thinking of Film-Flam, Scrappy Doo or Scooby Dum. Even worse, the exclusion of the other core members of "Mystery Inc" generally indicate a group of production people who don't understand from a kids point of view how the show works. The basic premise has always been a group of people who are diametrically opposed getting together and through their own individual, stereotyped qualities manage to surmount the tasks given at hand.

This next paragraph is just my theorizing so skip it if you want: I hope that I can explain why I think fiddling around with the basic elements of the show are detrimental with my interpretation of what the gang represents and how they contribute to the whole; Fred represents the Driver, I think in general it is the purpose of Fred to give the group direction, organization and sub-tasks. Fred isn't a happy-go-lucky teenager, he's your boss, your teacher, your dad, your authority figure. Fred moves without hesitation and is driven by tasks (problem always equals solution for Fred). In many ways Fred is the antithesis to Shaggy. Shaggy is your best friend, that guy who is just a little more afraid of things than you are, he enables you to be brave, to not be at the back of the pack. Shaggy represents emotion and is frequently showing emotional extremes from elation to fear. Velma represents rational thought, she applies logic but as we see time and again on the show she requires clues that for the most part are collected in pieces by the other members of the show. Left on her own would Velma solve a mystery? The group often finds itself in situations where truths aren't obvious and only through chance encounters do they achieve the necessary information to complete their task, chance is represented by Daphne. At one point (I think it is the first Scooby Doo series) she was known as "danger prone". Writers have used Daphne to link unrelated events together through accident. She frequently is the one who finds the secret door, collection of objects or some other detail that can help the gang link clues together. Finally Scooby himself represents us, the participant. He is always in the centre of events, capable of all the things the rest of the gang are capable of, yet handicapped because he is not human and much like us the television viewer is unable to truly participate. Scooby Doo works because all these personified elements of problem solving are immediately identifiable and entertaining.

Maybe I'm over thinking things but, in my life I've seen a lot of Scooby Doo (being a 30 year old self-proclaimed nerd, it kind of rolls with the territory). To me there is a magic with the classic "Scooby Doo" formula that should never be messed with.

As many have pointed out; Scooby Doo is not a great work of art nor is it completely trite, it falls into the category of programming that can be watched by young eyes with a hearty bowl of breakfast cereal. Messing about with the raw simplicity transforms it into something else, something lesser.
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This is beyond appalling!
TheLittleSongbird5 May 2009
I am 17, and I still like most of the Scooby Doo movies and the old episodes. I love the 1990s movies, and recently we were treated to one of the better direct to DVD Scooby Doo outings of this decade, Scooby Doo and the Goblin King, which I wasn't expecting to be as good as it was. Anyway, back to Get a Clue! I watched some episodes, expecting something very good, but from what I saw of it, I wasn't impressed at all. First of all, I hated the animation. It was flat, deflated and very Saturday- morning -cartoon -standard, easily the worst aspect of the series. Even some shows I really hate had slightly better animation. Even worse, Shaggy and Scooby looked like aliens, and I really missed Fred, Velma and Daphne, as they added a lot to the old episodes, when Scooby Doo was positively good. I also hated the character changes, because it seemed like instead of solving mysteries, Shaggy and Scooby were now playing superhero, something they would've never had done in the movies or in the Scooby-Doo Where Are You? show. The theme tune wasn't very good either, I can't even remember it, and the jokes were lame and contrived. Though, I do acknowledge that there is a very talented voice cast, had they had better material, and hadn't been told to sound as different to the original voices as humanly possible, which they did, might I add. In conclusion, I personally thought it was awful, and I am not trying to discredit it, it's what I personally feel. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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What has Scooby become?!?
Tuco_8823 September 2006
The first episode of this new show was on today, and it was horrible. Not only did Shaggy have a squeaky new voice that made listening to his lines torture, but it's so far away from the original concept and animation style that it's barely recognizable as a 'Scooby-Doo' show.

Even back in the dark days when Fred and Velma were gone and Scooby's nephew Scrappy was there, the team still solved mysteries. This new show instead features Shaggy and Scooby battling a James Bond type super-villain and his henchmen while living in a mansion. There's not even a van called 'The Mystery Machine' (and the teaser for the next episode which promised a transformers type robot car did NOT put my mind at ease). How can anyone take Scooby Doo and make THIS?

The show earns two point for two scenes featuring the whole Scooby Doo gang, all of whom speak with the correct voices except Shaggy, and even then I'm being far too generous.
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ISNIndigo24 September 2006
Scott Menville is not Casey Kasem. That is the first, most important, and most disturbing thing about this attempt at re-imagining Scooby-Doo and company.

Shaggy's voice is squeaky and does not sound anything like he has ever sounded in any of the previous incarnations of the Scooby shows. They've also changed the outfit and the classic mode of walking from the original.

I'm not sure what they're on about yet with the villain angle, but it surely isn't following the formula used in any of the previous Scooby shows.

And the animation style is very bizarre and distorted. I like it, but it's not real Scooby-Doo type animation. But the weird animation used for other WB shows grew on me; this might, too.

It's worth a glance at -- once -- if you can handle the lack of proper Shaggy voice. That right there is enough to jar one out of enjoying the show properly. Besides, I am trying not to be an inflexible, nitpicking fan. Evolve or die, as the saying goes. We'll see how it looks after two more episodes -- by then I'll have formed a much more solid opinion.
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L_Forster28 January 2007
The animation looks like it was done in 30 seconds, and looks more like caricatures rather than characters. I've been a fan of Scooby Doo ever since the series premiered in 1969. I didn't think much of the Scooby Doo animated movies, (I'm talking about the TV Series, not the full length movies.), but some of them were pretty cool, and I like most people found Scrappy Doo to be an irritant, but this series is pure garbage. As soon as I saw the animation, and heard the characters, (and I use that term loosely) speak, I cringed. Also, Mystery Inc., was a team, and without the entire crew to compliment each other, it just seems like opening up a box of chocolates to find someone has already ate the best ones, and the only thing left are the ones nobody wants. What's New Scooby Doo was better than this. If you're going to have a Scooby Doo TV series, include the elements that made the series endure so long. The entire cast of characters, and quality animation. They need to put this one back under the rock from where it came.
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Not a Scooby Doo fan
Kondase31 March 2007
My baby sitter was a fan so I saw many of the older episodes while growing up. I'm not a fan of Scooby Doo so I'm not sure why I left the TV on when this show premiered. To my surprise I found it enjoyable. To me Shaggy and Scooby were the only interesting characters *dodges tomatoes from fans of the others* so I like that they only focus on those two. However, this may cause fans of the original shows to hate it. I like the voice acting, especially Dr. Phinius Phibes. I liked listening to him even before I knew he was Jeff Bennett. And Jim Meskimen as Robi sounds to me like he's really enjoying his job as an actor. I also get a kick out of the techies with their slightly autistic personalities and their desires to play Dungeons and Dragons or act out scenes from Star Wars (not called by those names in the show, of course).
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An abomination
gpryan5 March 2022
There are loads of great Scooby Doo series. This isn't one of them. Just don't go anywhere near it and if your kids find it and put it on, you need to discuss their taste in TV programs and possibly penalise them until they understand that watching dross like this is wrong. If it had Scrappy Doo in it I'd have given it an extra star, that's how bad it is.
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Love it! Very funny!
Kmclellan27 October 2007
Like many here I grew up with Scooby-Doo. Unlike many here who did, I love this show! I think that it has been very well done and thought through. Everything about it marks it as a spin-off which isn't meant to be taken seriously. The formula is simple - it is a parody of other cartoons with a single bad guy trying to get the better of the good guy. By using the well known Shaggy and Scooby-Doo characters it is much easier to engage the viewer with the parody humour from the outset of each 30 minute episode.

There have always been Scooby-Doo spin-offs which have annoyed fans. The classic being the Scooby-Shaggy-Scrappy shorts from the 80's. These spin-offs had their place: They allowed new content to be sold, created new fans, and kept Scooby-Doo merchandise on the shelves. I would agree that "Shaggy & Scooby-Doo: Get a Clue!" doesn't fit in with this traditional role but it is probably what I had always wanted the Scooby-Shaggy-Scrappy shorts to be: an action packed show which focuses on the best/funniest Scooby-Doo characters! Good features of the show: the animation, the voices, the attention to detail, the bad-guys, the "Best Friend" relationship between Shaggy and Scooby-Doo, the constant humour! Bad features: None, although the revamped Mystery Machine is pretty close at times.

Well done Warner Bros. Animation! One of the cleverest cartoons in a long time!
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Good for fans who like to look beyond the formula
savejanos5 August 2007
I actually really like what I've seen of this cartoon so far. Sure, the animation isn't the best, but frankly, I'd rather see this type of more cartoony style done quickly and cheaply than the old type of style done quickly and cheaply (which was starting to happen more and more often--it's only a style that looks good when a lot of time and effort is put into it). There's nothing wrong with the angular lines and the little black-dot eyes--in fact, I think it's really cute. As a kid I never thought Scooby-Doo's design was particularly adorable, but I think I might like it better know.

Anyway, Shaggy has always been my favorite character, and believe it or not, but I think he has the most potential for some depth. Sure, the show doesn't center around the original "Mystery-solving" theme, but that was just a tired old formula anyway. Don't get me wrong--I'm sure there are writers out there who would be able to bring a lot more interest to Mystery Inc.'s traditional pursuits (which has been lacking as late), but in the mean time this show is a fun deviation from the standard. Shaggy and Scooby are still funny, but no longer only comic relief. They're still cowardly, but finally have the opportunity to use what seems to be (shock!) intelligence. They're the same old over-eating slackers as ever, but now actually seem to be getting on with their lives with the help of Uncle Albert's inheritance.

I used to find most original Scooby-Doo jokes to be pure cheese and unintentionally hilarious at best, but this show actually exercises a capacity for real humor. Also, I never really like Casey Kasem as Shaggy anyway, so the new actor doesn't annoy me as much as he does other people. (I still think Billy West was the best, though)

Overall, while not a great cartoon in the scope of all of cartoon history, still an achievement among other Scooby incarnations.
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Shaggy & Scooby-Doo Get a Clue
studioAT31 July 2020
As Scooby Doo fans we try to embrace all incarnations of the show, but this one makes it very, very difficult.

It's not horrible, but all the elements just don't add up to much fun.
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yes the animation is bad
bassheadboy12 May 2007
I'm not sure how i feel about this new take on the Scooby Doo series, but it's here and i will not be bitching like some of you purists. Yes the old scooby doo was better but bitching about something on IMDb isn't going to change anything. i was reading wile_E2005's comment on the front and that dude/chick seemed like he just bitches about everything. The fact that Casey Kasem isn't voicing Shaggy isn't a reason to not watch a Scooby Doo cartoon, and the fact that Kasem left because Shaggy isn't a vegetarian is dumb. He was never a vegetarian in the 70s & 80s. You constantly saw Scooby & Shaggy pigging out on non vegetarian food. Kasem has been a constant voice for Shaggy through the years anyways. What's New Scooby Doo was a great effort IMO with trying to keep up with the times and trying not to drastically change the characters. You can't have characters rocking bell bottoms and ascots when they went out of style 27 years ago.
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Oh my God! Noooooo!!!
keith_york-111 July 2008
Shaggy & Scooby-Doo Get a Clue. It's like watching a much-loved relative in the final throws of a degenerative illness!! Clearly the work of people with no soul, no love or respect for the original work. What in the name of all that's holy were they thinking of? It seems they were trying to go all post-modern and ironic. Instead it's just abysmal swill!! What's the point in taking up a successful franchise like 'Scooby-Doo' if you just going to flush it down the toilet? My son loves the original series - and even some of the spin-off movies - but he can't stand this drivel! And let's face it, you can't argue against the tastes of a seven year-old
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Just Swhen I thought things couldn't get worse...
wile_E20053 February 2007
I thought "What's New Scooby-Doo" was pretty bad (yes, I'm sorry to say I didn't like it), since Hanna-Barbera didn't produce it and it took a drastic step away from the old series. When I heard "Shaggy and Scooby-Doo Get a Clue" was in the works, I thought it could be better. But when I saw a picture of how Scooby and Shaggy were going to appear, I knew this show was going to be bad, if not worse. I watched several episodes, and believe me, it is just yet another "Teen Titans" or "Loonatics Unleashed"-wannabe. No longer are Scooby and Shaggy going against people wearing masks of cool, creepy monsters that rob banks or have some other excuse. Now they are going after a typical super-villain whom wants to destroy the world. Shaggy and Scooby-Doo have become more brave, too. Also since Shaggy IS NOT going to be a vegetarian in this series, Casey Kasem (whom actually IS a vegetarian), the original voice of Shaggy, REFUSED to voice Shaggy. He would only voice Shaggy if he doesn't eat meat, and that was just a stupid corporate-done change to update the franchise, as if the Internet jokes weren't enough. So Scott Menville (whom previously voiced Red Herring on "A Pup Named Scooby-Doo") voices Shaggy here. Just as I thought, the voice is REALLY BAD! It makes Shaggy sound like a squeaky 10-year-old, and I must agree the voice definitely fits his new ugly look. However, Kasem DOES voice Shaggy's Uncle Albert, which is a sort of good thing. Scooby-Doo, on the other hand, does not ook that well. He seems to have been designed to look more like the CGI Scooby-Doo from the live-action movies. Also, Scooby's Frank Welker voice (need I mention Brain of "Inspector Gadget" again?) still hasn't improved. Robi, the robotic butler, is practically worse than Scrappy-Doo! He tries to be funny and does "comical" impressions and gives G.I. Joe-esquire safety tips ("Remember kids, don't stand under trees during a thunderstorm!"), but it just doesn't fit into a Scooby-Doo cartoon. The animation is atrocious, as you would expect. It is very flat and often lifeless, and the character designs seem to resemble the live-action Scooby-Doo movie versions but with dots for eyes and angular features. Again, the Hanna-Barbera sound effects are rarely used here. However, on a couple of episodes they use the "Castle thunder" thunderclaps during it, almost extensively! (Although they DO still use the newly-recorded thunder sound effects, too.) Scooby-Doo hasn't used the "Castle thunder" sound effects that much since 1991. But my question is, why use "Castle thunder" on "Shaggy and Scooby-Doo Get a Clue," while NOT use it on the direct-to-video movies or even on "What's New Scooby-Doo!" (Two episodes of WNSD used it, and it wasn't enough, unfortunately, and the sound was presented in terrible audio quality.) If WNSD and the DTV movies used it, then they might be better than this crappy cartoon. The day this show premiered, I watched the first episode, and it was SO bad I turned it off after only five minutes! To get my mind off of this poor show, I rented "Scooby-Doo, Pirates Ahoy!" which came out around the same time. And you know what? The "Pirates Ahoy" movie was actually BETTER than "Shaggy and Scooby-Doo Get a Clue" (and even somewhat better than "What's New, Scooby-Doo!") And it looks like the new designs that the characters have isn't permanent to the franchise. The direct-to-video movies coming out while this show is being made use the regular character designs, thankfully. But, whether you loved or hated "What's New Scooby-Doo," I don't recommend it. But if you HATE the old series, you might like it for a change. Overall, this and "What's New Scooby-Doo" were the two worst incarnations of the Scooby-Doo franchise, until the new "Scooby-Doo: Mystery Incorporated" show began to come around...
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Absolutely terrible
segunitb15 February 2007
I have grown up with Scooby doo all my life, My dad grew up with scooby doo. We have just watched the first episode of the travesty that calls itself Shaggy and Scooby get a clue. What planet are Warner Bros on allowing this shambles to air. The characters could have been drawn better by my younger sister. The story could have been better written by my 3 year old twin cousins (who are Scooby Doo fans too). Scooby and Shaggy just aren't!!!!! if anyone but Casey Kasem does the voice of Shaggy it just isn't gonna work folks!!!! trust me.

This program was disgraceful. What's New Scooby Doo is much better. Why change a winning format. Bin this piece of garbage and go back to the true Scooby
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Shame but sadly typical
clarefaradayreeves21 February 2008
As a mother of 2 young children who are or should I say have been growing up with the many reincarnations of Scooby I feel well positioned to comment on the historical and current version of Scooby.

If as a family we had not seen any episodes prior to Shaggy and Scooby get a clue we may have enjoyed it as a light weight, nothing special Saturday morning cartoon. But that in essence is the problem it is in it's current format so light weight that it will not have the longevity of the "old" Scooby and gang. I'm sure it may succeed in a quick monetary return but I'm sure the long term buy in of old and young is in very real danger of being lost. My 6 year old son on seeing the new version was really disgruntled and without any prompting said that it looked really badly animated and why wasn't it anything like the last series(Where are you).

Scrappy Doo was an anomaly but still infinitely better than this. Let's hope Get a clue will be apropos with reference to the producers.
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An Honest Review
generationofswine1 April 2017
Straight out of the box there is little real interest here.

The tone is not at all Scooby Doo. The animation is not at all Scooby Doo. The music is far from Scooby Doo. And the plot as a whole is not Scooby.

Really it is Scooby made for the reboot crowd, as in they took everything the fans loved about the series, threw it away, and came back with a watered down intellectually inferior version of Scooby Doo with only the names of the characters and their love for eating that was left the same.

Like Be Cool, Scooby Doo, it doesn't feel like you are watching a Scooby cartoon and it doesn't look like a Scooby cartoon.

It is less Scooby Doo than A Pup Named Scooby Doo and as insulting to fans as Scrappy.
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Enjoy the Change
applejax20258 March 2008
I grew up watching Scooby and have been a fan forever. This cartoon moves away from the same old routine that can get boring to viewers. The Crooks in Mask routine gets old and This cartoon is a change from that. It's not meant to replace the Scooby gang it's just a break from the same old crime scene for both viewers and writers I'm sure. The cartoon's focus is on Scooby and Shaggy who inherits a large sum of money and use that money to thwart world conquest plans from a mad scientist and his goons. Small homages of the gang and the gang themselves are featured from time to time. If you are a fan of Scooby-Doo you can still appreciate the bond between a boy and his talking dog, along with the jokes that come with it. Just Enjoythe Cartoon and support the creators/writers and producers so that this won't be the last Scooby Cartoon.
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jarretstroud11 November 2019
I only seen one episode and it was awful. I don't remember the episode I saw since it's been years since I've seen it. That's how god awful this show is. I wanted to rewatch from the first episode to see if it's still bad and I couldn't bring myself up to see another episode of this god awful show. The animation is awful. The theme song is mediocre at best. I will admit the theme song isn't that bad. The plot is stupid as heck.

Some people think Be Cool Scooby Doo is the worst scooby doo show but I actually like that one. Shaggy and Scooby Get a Clue is so bad I can't rewatch it. The only Scooby Doo series I refuse to watch more then one episode and the only Scooby Doo series I refuse to rewatch unless I was really bored.

This show doesn't even deserve one star if you ask me. This show belongs in the trash.
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Shaggy and Scooby Doo is a great cartoon
jaemiewaters25 June 2012
Shaggy and Scooby Doo get a clue is a great cartoon for everyone of all ages if you like Scooby Doo than you will enjoy this amazing cartoon that has 2 seasons of it i hope you enjoy this amazing i think you and your kids will enjoy the pretty colors that are in this wonderful show if you are looking for a show that will make you laugh and scram than Shaggy and Scooby Doo get a clue is the show for you than it is a must watch TV show for everyone i think you will say wow let's watch that again that is how good this show is i think you will enjoy Shaggy and Scooby Doo get a clue i think that this should be the next big thing on TV it rocks you will go crazy over Shaggy and Scooby Doo get a clue i really think if you like Scooby Doo where are you than you will enjoy Shaggy and Scooby Doo get a clue i hope you like it as much as i did Shaggy and Scooby Doo get a clue rocks i never saw a show as cool as his show that is called Shaggy and Scooby Doo get a clue it rocks
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It's... odd?
chrisminutolo6 May 2019
This is definitely not your dad's Scooby-Doo. This show tries to give off this slice-of-life vibe. It's... a thing? The theme song itself is harmful to eardrums. (Hipster fun fact: The theme song is loosely based on an Offspring song, One Fine Day) Die-hard fans probably wouldn't like it. I, personally, don't really care. I'm more... 50/50.
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Shaggy and Scooby Doo mustn't get a clue
arielsiere3 October 2023
The animation for this show is just horrible it makes Velma look like a masterpiece in comparison, the characters are just annoying like in the other show called Be Cool Scooby Doo and this has got to be one of the worst shows from 2006 along with Squirrel Boy which is another worst show ever made by Cartoon Network and one of the worst things from the same year i ever saw along with The Fox And The Hound 2, Re-Animated, Teen Titans Trouble In Tokyo and the Disney movie called The Wild glad this show got cancelled in 2008 with no second chances just like Out Of Jimmy's Head what a piece of rubbish.
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I don't know what the heck I just watched...
Milk_Tray_Guy7 March 2021
... But it sure as hell wasn't Scooby-Doo. Garbage.
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