Reaper (TV Series 2007–2009) Poster


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A show worth keeping!
Spindles4 November 2007
If you haven't checked out this show yet, then I suggest you do.

It's a fun, light-hearted take on the whole Faustian bargain. Falling somewhere between Shaun Of The Dead and Idle Hands it's a truly like-able series. It consistently juxtaposes believable characters with fantastic scenarios. Ray Wise definitely comes out on top with his take on The Devil, anyone who remembers him from Twin Peaks will see glimpses of Leland Palmer in there, albeit a bit more over the top.

Definitely a few plot points being dropped that suggest a deeper storyline ahead for Sam and his cronies. Can't wait to see how it pans out.

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A good non-cable show !? Who knew?
geesuz20 October 2007
Reaper was much much better than I thought it was going to be; consistently funny and not predictable in the way that most sitcoms are. It is a regular on my TiVo list now, I can only hope that the network doesn't kill it off for some lame reality show replacement. If you get a chance, watch it, it is the rare network show that is funny without resorting to being dumb. It's so strange to actually have something decent to watch on regular TV! Excellent casting, especially for the Devil.

Oh, and the person who was reminded of Shaun of the Dead - the unlikely loser hero with the fat maladjusted buddy is a comedy standby. Shaun of the Dead borrows from some of the best as well - Ghostbusters, Army of Darkness, etc....But the comparison to Shaun of the dead is really a compliment - watch Reaper folks, you won't regret it, and you will actually laugh for a change.

Still can't believe that this is on Network's too good, someone must have made a mistake.
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Funny as Hell
moviesmarts198814 October 2007
The CW has really stepped up on there line-up of shows this season and this is an example. Sure, a kid who plays bounty hunter to the escapees from Hell, it doesn't sound funny. Its sounds like a... well, something deep and dark. And that's what you would expect, but don't. The show takes you out of the land of religion and plops you in sunny suburbia, with a guy who just can't get things right, and then finds out he has to work for the devil. That would suck. That's the appeal of an average college dropout battling hell with his friends at his side. That's where the real fun comes in: Sam has great friends. He has his bud Bert "Sock" Wysocki who is loyal and just goes with his friend's new gig. There's Ben, who is more of the brains of the outfit. And, of course, there's the girl, in this case, Andi. She works at the same Home Depot-like store with the guys and is going part-time to college. Oh, and she has no clue that Sam is in love with her. That's all pretty typical of a twenty-something TV comedy. But the fact that they throw in the Devil and his needs takes it from "Friends" to "Buffy" – real life is hell. But it can be funny too. This fall, don't miss "Reaper" on the CW.
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Quickly becoming one of my favorite shows of all time
jhanse294 October 2007
I read all of the premature reviews from the critics who just about all stated this was one of the best new shows of the season. I have never been a fan of The CW or WB/UPN for that matter and was extremely skeptical about tuning in. Man, glad I did. This show is so funny. I haven't laughed this hard watching TV in a long time. And I laugh a lot during The Office. Reaper is paced perfectly for the hour long format. I could never see this working as a sitcom. The interactions with the cast seems so real and natural. Sam and Socks chemistry is great as well as Sam and Satans. Everything clicks. Sure there might be some continuity issues but this show isn't made to be taken all that seriously. The plot all but says it shouldn't be taken seriously. This is a great show and is quickly climbing the ladder to become one of my all-time favorite shows. hopefully it can keep up it momentum. RECOMMEND THIS SHOW TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW. Let's help in its ratings. It'd be a shame to see this show disappear.
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this show is really good
dharmaelle26 September 2007
I decided this fall season that I would give every show one chance. So far they've all been bust. But, last night I TiVO'd Reaper (thinking I wouldn't enjoy it at all) and to my much delighted surprise found myself really enjoying it. It has comedy throughout, action, drama, and could have some cool special effects down the line (if it gets picked up for a second season and has a bigger budget). I recommend people give this show a shot because it's a keeper this new Fall season. It has likable characters, a great story (whether you believe in the Devil or not), and it has all the elements to be a fantastic show. I hope America doesn't let this one slip by. And so far, this is the only new show on the CW I will be watching every week.
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The BEST New Series of 2007
Ryan_McLelland24 October 2007
I came over to this show from The Loop - one of the best Fox shows of the Y2K era that was dumped on the public this summer and never to be seen again. That show starred Bret Harrison as Sam - the youngest exec at an airline.

Bret was the MAN on The Loop so of course I followed him over to Reaper where he plays another character named Sam but this one's a college dropout who works at a Home Depot clone. Sam turns 21 and suddenly he finds out that his parents has sold his soul to The Devil many, many years ago. The Devil (Ray Wise) comes to collect by making Sam become the 'devil's bounty hunter' by re-reaping souls that have escaped from Hell and now are killing people back on Earth. It's really a win-win...the devil gets his soul back and the town has less murders. Sam, however, thinks the situation ...well...SUCKS! The show is pure genius. It is set up like Smallville or Buffy where there's a 'monster of the week' to beat up but here it is always secondary to Sam just trying to live his life normally. He has two friends which are INCREDIBLE: Sock (Tyler Labine) who is the overweight, quick witted buddy that everyone prays they have in their life and Ben (Rick Gonzalez) who rounds out the trio and usually is the one who ends up getting hurt...quite hysterically. It's a show about GREAT FRIENDSHIP and this show has really believe these guys are friends. The show is rounded out with super hottie Andi (Missy Peregrym) who likes Sam but isn't in 'the know' of what's up with him and is therefore blown off a lot and the BRILLIANT Ted (Donovan Stinson) who is the young arrogant jerkie boss who is more akin to be a young David Brent from the office - he wants to be cool...but he's the boss.

The show SHINES with Harrison and gives 'Devil' Ray Wise the biggest and best performance of his career. The man shines in every single scene he has on the show. You see him as he tries to help Sam and when he is angry that smile disappears in a moment and you truly believe that there is Satan behind Ray Wise's eyes.

A top notch cast, amazing scripts, great direction...I was sad to see The Loop get cancelled and now I wouldn't have it any other way. Reaper is brilliant and I only hope it lasts for many seasons to come.

Ryan McLelland Latino Review/Newsarama
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Incredible show, my current favorite
mockingbyrd131315 November 2007
"Reaper" is a brilliant show, not one episode has seemed flat (some have been better than others, but none have been bad at all) and it truly does have an ensemble cast. Sam (Bret Harrison) is terrific, "Sock" (Tyler Labine) has perfect comedic timing and steals most of the scenes he's in, Andi (Missy Peregrym) is a fantastic actress (and not to mention has a dazzlingly bright smile), the Devil (Ray Wise) is by far the best TV/film devil I've seen. Ben (Rick Gonzales) is not as good as the others, but still very funny.

The end of every episode is satisfying; I've found VERY few plot holes or flaws. The show is deep and complicated without being confusing, and every episode has several laugh-out-loud and edge-of-your-seat moments.

The concept of "Reaper" is very original, the script is flawless, the acting is phenomenal, the special effects are gorgeous, and it's the highlight of my Tuesday night.
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If you aren't watching....START!
jwoehr21 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Reaper stars Bret Harrison (Grounded for Life) as Sam who works at a Best Buy wannabe store and is afraid he'll be stuck there his whole life. He then finds out the hard way that his parents sold his soul to the devil before was even born. Now the devil wants him to pay up and hunt down demons that escape hell.

The result is a show that goofy fun with the cast in top form. Bret Harrison who was the geeky but hilarious b/f in Grounded for Life handles the lead role perfectly. While Missy Peregrym is adorable and hot at the same time as Sam's crush Andi who works with him and is also a good friend. Ray Wise is simply a show stealer as the devil. Tyler Labine is also great fun as Sam's bestfriend, co-woker and sidekick Bert and he gets to show his comedy talents more than he did in abc's Invasion. Rick Gonzalez is also funny as Sam's other co-worker and friend who also helps him catch demons.

Don't miss out on this show just because it's on the CW. It's not sappy teen drams show that wants to be Dawson's Creek. It's clever and fun and is an original comedy horror series.
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Must Be The DEVIL
jahobiclive25 September 2007
I have seen the pilot and I must say Here Comes The DEVIL. In the first episode Sam Oliver learns that his parents sold his soul to the devil he must now serve as a bounty hunter, tracking down evil souls that have escaped and returning them to hell. Despite saying no he has no choice and uses the help of his goofball friend (Bert)"SOCK" Wysocki (who complains (sort of) that HE wasn't sold to the DEVIL). Its one of the best shows and has great amounts of laughs and after an hour of jokes that don't bore you down I must say Reaper is here to stay AND the CW has got a winner in this one. I think it might even pass House and The Unit and lots of ordinary humans (the ones that don't have a DEVIL for a boss) will check out the Show If they didn't already. CHECK IT OUT ITS A MUST SEE
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Another classic bites the dust
jaymcr6 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Terrible finale. Honestly if they were planning to cancel the show why didn't they just get Sam to beat the Devil with the competition rather than lose and have absolutely no closure?

Worst people in the world are TV Network Execs and they might as well be working for Hell. How they make their decisions feels like they are punishing the audience intentionally rather than providing entertainment.

Don't forget if you watch this all the way to the end then just imagine the opposite of what happens in the end and there's your closure.
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Love it !
MelissaP5133 October 2007
It was a fluke that I seen a preview for this show, I was watching the only show I tune into the CW for and they showed a preview for it. I was happy I tuned in! First off, Tyler Labine (Sock} is the main reason I decided to check out the first episode and I was really happy with what I seen. It is such a great change to see a new show on television that has nothing to do with "reality" or superheroes {even though I like one or two of them} It is refreshing to watch a show where the idea hasn't been done to death, I think the originality is one of the major things I like about this show. There isn't much flaw to the show other than the network, The CW. I really hope this show becomes a hit because I would hate to see it canceled. This is a real diamond among a sea of coal.
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A true gem
robnels200016 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
There are many shows this season that have had a great premise only to drag and loose my interest after just a few episodes.

Reaper is one I am glade to say is the exception.

There is a dark humor to this show; like in Angel and Buffy tat makes each episode entertaining, it doesn't bore you the way Charmed did.

This show is great, the characters and stories have been great even if they are a little predictable. This show has been getting better with each show and it has a sub story that keep's you guessing, like why is his dad keeping him from seeing the contract and what is the Devil not telling him.

I look forward to this show every week and will miss it when it goes off for the holidays. I hope the writer's strike doesn't kill it.
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Pontential dampened by formulaic structure like Chuck
ferahl6 January 2008
I was really looking forward to this series, it looked fun. Unfortunately the writer seems to have little imagination and the episodes are churned out within a predictable framework for quick and easy dollars: "Guy wakes up, something is weird that gives a clue about the escaped soul, with his 3 buddies he captures it" Fair enough he is a reaper and this is his job, however this does not mean the plot cannot deviate from the same monotonous scenes and setups - such as the development of his powers or his relationship with Andi.

The relationship with Andi also lacks realism and seems frustratingly infantile (like in Chuck). There are other frustrating moments too, like when he is in danger from a 'escaped soul' and seems to forget the fact that he possesses any powers at all. Why bother with the whole reaper thing when really its just 3 normal guys capturing these souls?? After every episode you get the sinking feeling that nothing has progressed and the next episode will be just like the last but with a different escaped soul.

Overall the series is quite fun but I cannot get over these bad points.
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nice to see ray wise...
nujuv27 February 2008 a good role - best since Bob Roberts. the series is on ep 6ish in old blighty. Good mix of slacker humour, with enough mystery about the original Deal with the devil. Plenty of possibility for soul searching and moral issues - perhaps a bit predictable in places, but what isn't these days?

Cast is good, but main attraction is Mr Wise in a suitably slippery take on old nick. Not quite Dogma but shaping up fine.



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An amazing show killed by the writer's strike
chickory726 June 2021
Others have said much better than I how clever Reaper was, what great chemistry the characters had with each other. I particularly enjoyed the demon Doris who delivered the assignments at the DMV. I loved loved loved this show. The writer's strike took it and pretty much everything off the air for what seemed like eternity. It was the true beginning of "reality tv" where writers could be eliminated or at least reduced tremendously and no real talent was needed. It also was a time where show promos did not run as often as they do now. When Reaper came back, it was on a different day and time, and I missed all but the last episode of season 2. I had no idea there was a season 2 until then. I think this show was amazing and could have run many seasons if outside circumstances had not derailed it. So so so good!
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One of the best TV shows that ive ever seen
awesomegrovsnus17 February 2018
I watched the show when it came out, when it was all new and awesome. I hated that thet canceled the show and got realy mad couse i tought it was one of the best TV shows ever. Around the time i watched Kyle xy (also canceled) there wasnt many shows like this one. The comedy and all that potential.. so wasted :( I was realy hoping that they would start shoting again after some years but that never happend, so i ended up watching those 2 seasons they made and my god do i feel the same way now as i did back in 2009.
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Interesting and out of the ordinary
antonistab25 September 2018
This is probably one of the most beautiful, friendly, interesting and exciting series you can ever find. It has a lot of fun and the plot is quite new, thinking what other series look like. It is very unpleasant that it stopped so early, at only the second season, and we all live in hope of watching new episodes coming out. If I had to choose among the huge variety of series that exist in the world to watch, this would definitely be on the top!
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"Dead Like Me" get's revisited
dr_caputo27 September 2007
I thought this was a decent show over all, but it lacked the spark that I loved about "Dead Like Me". This was an obvious take off from a classic show, but lacked the underlying literary value. In short, reaper felt a little like it didn't have anything to say, it just wanted to talk. This isn't exactly a bad thing, it just seems like a celebrity impersonator. It could have something to offer; but since it rips off another artist, it just seems pathetic. Casting Christine Willes seems to pay homage, but it doesn't excuse the trespass as far as I'm concerned.

I still enjoyed watching it, and maybe giving it a bit more play, and a little less depth is exactly what it'll take to get this into mainstream. I suspect the depth, and subtlety that DLM had was probably the reason it didn't make it out of the second season.

Still, This show is worth watching, so...
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Decent Show
janbi-8765014 September 2019
I enjoyed re-watching the Show several times. Pity it was cancelled. Show is funny, with talented actors, and you're not tired or bored of any episode. Tyler Labine and Ray Wise are truly perfect actors.
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pancake_repairman7 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Starts out a lot like the main dude's other show Free Ride, a twentysomething dude living with his parents and hanging out with his more boistrous friend who makes all their plans and gets him into trouble and inspires him to make his move on the girl he's pining after. The type of comedy is similar too, more banter than gag oriented, and just as well done. The best friend dude is too old to play 25 and he acts too much like Jack Black though. The supernatural aspect is a vague collection of recycled ideas. The main dude has some kind of mind powers which he neither asks nor is told anything about by the devil. The devil apparently owns his soul but whether or not it still resides in his body is unclear. He doesn't mention feeling different, but dogs start following him around snarling at him. The armani-wearing devil seems like a played out device, it would have almost been refreshing to see him depicted more demonically. In the second half we're treated to a special effects sideshow that looks like something out of X-Men where our hero battles a flame-throwing earth-quaking escapee from hell. To me the battle scenes felt out of place, but it makes some kind of sense considering this pilot was directed by comic-book buff Kevin Smith. The serious drama in the second half also felt cheesy, especially the revelation that the villain is going to burn down an elementary school. Oh no! The children! And when he complains to the devil that he can't do his job after his first attempt, and the devil advises him to get inside the guy's head, it's like a really bad imitation of the deductive reasoning parts of cop shows, especially since working out where the guy would be next wasn't even our hero's major problem, it was that the enemy was too physically powerful. The integration of the supernatural stuff into the banal everyday, like handing in the enemy's soul at the DMV, seems derivative of both Dead Like Me and Buffy. I was a lot less into the show by the end than I was at the halfway point and don't think this series will have much originality to offer. SECOND EPISODE: missy's 30 seconds of dialogue emphasize how entertaining and clever the rest of the writing isn't. more sloppy uneventful mystery writing around this week's villain ending in another overblown special effects battle where he is defeated in a way that makes no sense. THIRD EPISODE: i'm torn about continuing to watch this show. i'd prefer to just watch a 5 minute compilation of all Missy and Sock's dialogue from each episode. the action and investigation aspect around each weeks villain is like a bad cop show.
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Outstanding Show!
pavlin-6366316 September 2019
I want to thank 'Reaper' creators, screen Writers and actors. They overdid themselves. Show is Lovely, I enjoyed it very much. It was funny and had interesting story line. Shame it was cancelled.
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Worst of 2007
dewsterling27 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Reaper is the worst "comedy" of 2007. It's as unfunny as unfunny gets unfunny. This show pulls out all the stops by recycling every bit of hackneyed bits from animal cruelty to homophobia jokes to the DMV as "hell on earth" and the Kevin Smith-standard sidekick, the obligatory over-weight Neanderthal who is so unpleasant, rude, and ignorant that it's a wonder that anyone is friends with him, much less confides in him about anything. Ever. Apparently such a troglodyte is the height of humor in Reaper's sophomoric, perpetually 1994 world. In the real world it makes the "hero", Sam seem unsympathetic and moronic - a deliberate loser who surrounds himself with even more pathetic and sad people ostensibly to simultaneously make himself look good by comparison and to keep him from making any attempt to be a decent human being.

The lowest of the low has to be the sight-gag of Bert aggressively hitting a small dog with the car door. The show then treats viewers to the dulcet tones of the dog whimpering and crying...hardy-har-har.

The only highlights to this poorly written and miserably executed show are Ray Wise as Satan and Christing Willes, the DMV employee who is pulling double duty for the Devil. Their timing and line delivery are, as always, impeccable.
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Deal with the Devil actually fun
SnoopyStyle9 September 2013
On his 21st birthday, Sam (Bret Harrison) discovers his parents sold his soul to the Devil (Ray Wise) before his birth. Now he must be a bounty hunter for the Devil to catch dangerous escapees from Hell. His best friends and co-workers Bert 'Sock' Wysocki (Tyler Labine), and Ben Gonzalez (Rick Gonzalez) are there to help with his demonic tasks. All the while, he pines for his co-worker Andi Prendergast (Missy Peregrym).

There's a lot of fun from this show. The premise is interesting, and it has good possibilities. Most of the fun comes from Tyler Labine, and the chemistry between the friends is quite good. Also outstanding is Ray Wise who is outrageous as the Devil.
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not original
briaunamorgan30 April 2008
So I watching TV. on the net and I came across this show called "Reaper". I immediately became intrigued because it seemed like the title of show that could possibly be somewhat interesting. However, from what I've seen this show is nothing but a rip off on Dead Like Me which was made five years earlier. It has the same idea of a young person being torn from "normal" life and being forced to deal with the question and curiosities of death. The only difference between the two shows is that this reaper works for the devil, and this show is not funny and the actors leave much to be desired. If you like this type of stuff (tastefully morbid and ironic things), then I highly recommend you check Dead Like Me Out. It is only amazing.
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One of the BEST shows I've ever seen!
senbotsusha_tenshi3 April 2011
I was looking for a show that a friend suggested about a Reaper, when I came upon this show. It wasn't the one that he was talking about but I just couldn't stop watching it! It holds your attention and leaves you begging for the next episode. It's funny, witty, romantic, with some action, and it makes you think -- and not predictable. The only thing that makes me angry about the show is that it ends on the 2nd season -- I would LOVE to start a revolt to get it back on the air!!! Especially with the way Season 2 ended, it was the best cliff hanger ever -- if you got to get to the next season. I implore EVERYONE to watch this show, and beg to have it back on the air!!!
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