Miss Americana (2020) Poster

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A beautiful surprise
blue_stilton2178 March 2020
Believe or not, before watching this documentary, I have never listened to any of her songs no matter how famous she is/was. Just because today is women's day, I felt obliged to watch something related to an influential woman of our century and discovered this beautiful surprise. I always label her as some dumb b*tch who famous for creating songs for her exes. But but but her genuineness and impressive talent did move me big time. Like the soul searching bits, finding own voices and stands, and eventually she has learned to out-live her haters and live her life without needing the approval of others. Haters gonna hate anyway, let's live our life to the fullest and be a successful woman!
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Actually a very good Netflix docufilm to see a well known singer's life behind the scenes
Irishchatter7 February 2020
The parents dragged me into watching this documentary film when we were having the dinner and it was nice for a change that we get to see the actual real Taylor Swift. It was interesting to see behind the scenes of the Kanye West situation as well as developing the music she is well known for.

If you run out of movies or any series ideas you like to watch, I recommend this to anyone whether you're a Taylor Swift fan or not!
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arashmihajlovic6 February 2020
Miss Americana is as insightful a pop artist documentary as you could hope for, but by keeping some moments private, Swift reminds us that we'll never know the whole story. And really, what gives us the right to?
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A Look Into the Personal Life of a Pop Icon
josiahwlawrence21 February 2020
When I heard about this documentary, my expectations were relatively low. I was a fan of Taylor Swift's music in the 2000s and early 2010s, but over time, I guess I just drifted away. Upon hearing about the documentary, I thought maybe it would be some "believe in your dreams" bullcrap to inspire the younger fans. I was wrong. Taylor shows how she deals/dealt with real issues that everyone can relate to. From feeling alone, the need to be the best you possibly can, and eating disorders, it stunned me. The documentary shows us Taylor's life from a new perspective, HER perspective. I would've never guessed that she felt that way at the VMAs. The documentary also shows the results of callout culture, and how she coped with it. Taylor has gone through a lot these past two decades, and the documentary shows everything in a new light. Does this documentary make me want to go listen to her music? Yeah, but not the same way I used to. Do I have more respect for Swift? Undoubtedly. I give Miss Americana a 9/10
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deut-019979 February 2020
This honestly made me want to give Taylor a hug and tell her it's gonna be okay. I don't really listen to her music these days, but even still, the real ness of this changed my view of her and who the media says she is. I'm so glad I watched.
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The price of a true fairy tale is high
hans-mulders-577-1645351 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This Netflix documentary shows that you have to be careful what you ask for. Taylor Swift's life is a fairy tale, but she pays a high price for it. Wanting to be successful and achieving that ultimately makes your life empty.
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Great documentary
sijaha5 February 2020
When I read some of the negative reviews here, it's obvious that they came from salty republicans who are triggered. (Go cry somewhere else, ha) This documentary is showing an open and honest Taylor Swift, who is not scared to let the public see different sides to her success and her personal life. She comes across as a very sharp and sweet woman who despite her massive success at a very young age still is down to earth and very humane in her wish to stay on "the right side of history". I have always liked her and this documentary made me definitely respect her even more!
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Better than expected
steph-156-7447621 February 2020
Sure, there is a little bit of woe-is-me. But whether we live in a castle or a cabin, we all feel that way sometimes. Spoiler Alter... she's human. A smart one at that. I loved getting to see her writing process. And I love that she has obviously continued to read and educate herself beyond her incredible teenage years. If I were in her shoes, I'm not sure I would've taken the time to become as well-read as she clearly is. You are right Miss Swift. Someday your generation will usher Mrs Blackburn to the door. That they can't come soon enough for Tennessee.
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yosvaniramos6 February 2020
So good! I have so much more respect and appreciation for Taylor after watching this. She's so incredibly talented and also a very nice person. A must watch.
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Thoughtful ideas, servicable product
Dunkaccino19 February 2023
It's disappointing, how this promising Netflix documentary about Taylor Swift is nothing but a painfully surface-level mix of repetitive footage that ranges from her fame and success, to her songwriting process, to archival footage of news reports about her, to interviews with her that, even when combined, are less informative than a magazine cover story. There are thoughtful ideas here scattered around, but they are never connected strongly enough.

What bugged me about Miss Americana is its insistence to show us how much bad press Swift has been getting throughout the years. The negativity surrounding Swift is a great point for this so-called "revealing" documentary to explore, but all of that is reduced to clickbait news headlines being smashed in front of our faces. It was not pleasant to have to sit through all the problematic incidents and annoyances she experienced. Those are better off without being discussed and mentioned repeatedly.

The fairly large section involving politics is well-intentioned but forced. This is another example of director Lana Wilson not having a strong enough connection to the themes of her film. It's admirable what Swift has done to use her voice for advocacy. If only the political material here was used on a better occasion.

We are back to her songwriting process again, with seemingly endless footage from the recording studio, with her producers, discussing albums and songs. Fans will no doubt find these rewarding like they will with the entire film. But the thing is, Taylor Swift is a really interesting person. She deserves a documentary with a clearer focus and more compelling statements. This one is barely serviceable.
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A good girl finds her voice
adamsandel7 February 2020
This is a very revealing portrait of a very talented artist, and how she came to be. But aside from detailing the ups and downs of pop stardom, the film really comes into its own as Ms. Swift does herself - with the awakening of her social conscience and using her voice for causes of justice. As for those who are bashing the artist and the film here... "you need to calm down."
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Good content, not necessarily worthy of a documentary
coralisaacs6 February 2020
I feel like everything that was said in this documentary could have been said in a fifteen minute YouTube video. I like Taylor swift and I enjoy her music and I am glad she is going through personal growth. However, I didn't really need an hour and a half of explanation. I suppose I expected there to be more content? Second, and arguably most importantly, I completely agree with what she said about celebrities being "frozen" at the age they became famous. I appreciate she was able to recognize this and stated she felt like she was trying to "catch up" to 29. She does come off as immature for 29. Perhaps this is the difficulty of fame, not leading a real life, never struggling financially, never actually working soul crushing jobs to make ends meet. I do recognize how psychologically crushing it must be to not be able to go out in public. However, her huge emphasis on politics makes this difficult for me. My problem is not her views, but rather how she came to the conclusion. I find that it is very easy for rich and famous people to have one sided political views. The world isn't black and white. The problem is much deeper and celebrities can really only see the surface, so they need to really do their research before giving advice. Would I watch it again? No. Am I glad I watched it? Sure. Would I recommend it to a friend? Yes. 7/10.
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Unfortunately, boring
d-cisowska1 February 2020
With all the respect I have for Taylor as an artist, I feel like this documentary was a shallow puff-piece aimed at showing a part of her life that she chose to show, which wasn't a lot. If you decide to make a documentary about yourself, let people in, show something, don't hide... Don't just show the deep political thoughts / dilemmas which make you look good, without showing some aspect of the relationships, friends, feuds, parties, imperfections. In the end, it just felt scripted and planned for most of the time and lacked authenticity that Netflix's docuseries usually have.
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Haven't been a huge fan, I have been interested in what fame does to Artists.
xxtynkerbellxx4 February 2020
I am a stubborn soul, Artists, sitcoms, etc. become popular I and I wasn't part of it, I don't want to jump on the band wagon. I have like her music, but never a huge fan. I think she is funny. But never understood the obsession. I do however hate seeing young fame happen because you very rarely see them mature in to healthy adults. And some have good support systems but it would still be HARD to grow up and not be so psychologically messed up and constantly trying to figure yourself out. And in this documentary I think they/she did a good job explaining her growth. These stars are HUMAN BEINGS. Trying to please million, billions of people through their success. And it's only gotten more messed up by adding social media. A 24/7 second to second reminder if the world loves or hates you. This wasn't a pure story of her life. It more seemed to be a break down of a PART of it. I respect her openness. And sure, I would want to explain myself and have a piece of the world accept me too. So to the harsh comments, "pitty party" you are human and would want to be accepted. For those that hate her for Kanye, a part of him feels better saying out load he is bipolar. We're human. EVEN celebrities. Very cool documentary that flowed evenly and wasn't confusing. Well made.
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grgory_19846 February 2020
Whether you like Taylor or not, a solid watch. Two thumbs up, true holiday fun.
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Honestly, Just Super Sad
trevorwinsor9 February 2020
Taylor Swift hit stardom super early in life. And as far as I can tell, that does damage to one's soul. It teaches you that you're loved only as well as you perform. It's a super sad reality that many of us fall into on a much smaller scale, but Taylor gets it at an astronomical scale.

I respect Taylor a lot more after watching this. Her life has not been super happy and encouraging.

I loved getting to see into her creative process of writing and processing through song what she was experiencing in life.

I recommend this documentary!
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A look behind the veil
hntemple4 February 2020
While I don't agree with all of Taylor's politics, I do agree with some, this documentary was absolutely wonderfully done. I've seen bad ratings saying it's a tale of the entitled......just because someone is rich doesn't mean their life is perfect. She grew up to be what people wanted her to be. Watching her transform from a puppet to her own person with a strong mind is extremely touching. Good for her for stepping into her own.
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blowing your own trumpet
stehartley31 January 2020
First of all i'd like to say i'm a huge taylor swift fan. having said that i think this falls well short. its way to cherry picked and dosnt really have any depth to her story. love for what it is and let taylor blow her very big trumpet. its deserved.
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ellarollinson31 January 2020
Regardless of your current/previous opinion of Taylor, unless you have watched this documentary, you do not understand what she has had to go through to get to where she is. I cried, I laughed and most importantly I am now on the right side of history standing with Miss Americana!
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Pretty Good
Narratively, this is kind of all over the place. However, it's goal isn't so much storytelling as it is a "machine to generate empathy", specifically empathy for the plight of a rich, successful, well-loved white girl...and no matter how cynical I wanted to be, that empathy was palpable. Even if you don't like Swift's music, it would be hard to dislike her as a person after this.
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Brilliantly Well Done
pachys4 February 2020
Taylor Swift is the most resilient and honest female artist with this much stardom that I have seen. This documentary is very important in the many ways it addressed the issues that were presented in Taylor's life and how she overcame it and ceased to be just another "nice girl, who just does what the public wants her to do." She has grown so much and she speaks for what she believes in and that is that, regardless of what people think. Brilliantly well done. 10/10.
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ckamnig26 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Why's this so freaking horrible. Lmao she should stick to the victim role
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I would give this a 6-7
colonel-1307011 November 2023
So I am truly not a swift fan. Although I am very aware of who she is and the genres that she has been part of. With that said, it's not that I dislike her. I'm just ambivalent which is fine. It's just personal musical likes. With that said, her story is absolutely amazing. Her level of accomplishment is second to none and doing it as a solo artist. Starting off so young right up to the present day she is a major major force. That's what I was hoping to get here in this documentary. We spent way too much time on politics here. Part of her story is where she says that Country music leans away from discussing politics. I agree with that. This documentary spent way too much time on politics rather than her musical journey, which is what people are really interested in. So fast forward through that and the rest of it's pretty interesting. Her life, her background, her musical process at creating songs. Personally, I would like to see an even deeper documentary of her from the very beginning. How did she get her first break, how did she become a local bar singer all the way up to a mega star. Anyway, worth watching for sure. But know that she does delve into politics. We all know politics taints everything it touches.
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Honestly a sad sad documentary.
tahitianflower3 February 2020
I'm stealing this line from another review I read but honestly it feels like the whole thing was made to set something straight or prove an uncertain point. Instead of opening up to who Taylor really is it feels like a whole "feel sorry for me film". I'm so sorry to say that, but it's true. The way it was set up was Taylor talking only about Taylor. If you want to show the audience who Taylor is, then the focus should of been on her friends and family that truly know her. Doing so would only validate and make stronger the points of the film that would of been the intention. How much stronger would the film have been if Selena would of talked about Taylor? Or even her mom? The fact that no one else speaks in the film about Taylor is a HUGE MISS. It would of been nice to hear what her circle says and feels about her. I feel like the documentary was a FAIL. I love Taylor and her music but I'd tell her straight up if we were friends the same thing. It just wasn't that great.
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Taylor hit the right note with this documentary
davidgriffin-910-22712624 January 2020
I really enjoyed watching this last night at sundance. Taylor gave a Q&A before the movie which was amazing. The documentary itself features a lot of what goes on behind the scenes in her life and shows that it's not all fun and games. Taylor Swift in my opinion is an amazing role model for all young people worldwide and this 85 minute documentary proves it!
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