"It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" 2020: A Year In Review (TV Episode 2021) Poster

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Very Solid Start
jdoty-024762 December 2021
Nothing incredible or anything but a very creative and interesting start that has me hopeful for the season to come. The forrest gump bit at the end was hysterical.
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mkayseryan3 December 2021
SEASON 15 and they are competing with what we do in the shadows and Dave. Talk about standing the test of time. Love this crew and the chemistry they have .
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Brilliantly Political
skaterryan122 December 2021
I do not care what side you are on, this show has always been about a group of terrible people getting involved in terrible situations. That being said, this episode sums up the gang perfectly and hilariously. The fact that they somehow contributed to most of the 2020 nonsense is absolutely hilarious and definitely in character for the guys (and Dee). This episode obviously is a lot more straight forward with the political aspect, but it still plays so perfectly into who these characters are. It's just like Seinfeld, you get into situations and then since they are who they are they just brush it off and move on to the next situation. How could you have the year that was 2020 and not expect the gang to get into some crazy mischief? This episode was just typical Sunny with a much more straight forward approach. Just because 2020 was what it was, doesn't change the fact Sunny has always been up to date with current events. Only thing I will say is that it no longer feels natural for these guys to play these characters as it really does feel like actors playing characters now. Back then you felt like these actors could be the characters but now it really does feel like they're acting. Nothing wrong with that, but the delivery just doesn't feel as natural.
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I'm sorry but IASIP has always been political
ronniewhitedx2 December 2021
To every reviewer crying about politics... They've been consistently making political heavy satire since day 1 so I don't really know what you're on about. Might be new here or something but don't ever claim to be a fan.
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Nothing short of brilliant
dylankoury2 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
All the republicans saying the show "got woke" and "went leftist" clearly haven't seen Always Sunny. What you have is them in their element. A bunch of dysfunctional psychopaths getting wrapped up in hairbrain schemes. If the Democrats had stormed the capitol or had a rally at a landfill by an adult store you'd be sure Always Sunny would've covered it. They're taking advantage of facts that happened and could be traced back to Philly. The reality is that reality of 2020 looked a lot like it does on the show and they saw the opportunity and took it. It's not about politics it's about comedic opportunity created by current events that perfectly fits into the style of this show and that's what makes it great.
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The gang is BACK
sawyersmith-952001 December 2021
Hysterical. While season 13 and 14 worried some fans (though not without their own gems) this episode shows this season could be a return to form. Very refreshing. Let's go gang.
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Hilarious! They are back!!
cartsghammond2 December 2021
I am in love with the fact that right wing people are complaining it got too political. Sunny has ALWAYS been political. Look at season 1... have you seen the show?? This episode was great.
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JonanthanNewOrleans2 December 2021
The gang is back !!!!!!!!!!! Had been waiting for this new season for such a long time and i am not disappointed by the first two episodes !!

As always love the humor , satire , acting and story telling!!

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My favorite show, not a great episode.
jonasarjunior2 December 2021
This episode was good, don't get me wrong. But it wasn't great. To be sincere, I smiled the whole time, but didn't laugh even once. It was a very intelligent episode, but there was something about the pacing. Something felt different, some scenes which would normally be cut sooner, took longer to end. The F. Gump idea was super cool, but where are the laughs? It's like I get the point, it's genius, but there's no punchline, unlike the IASIP that I know.

I usually love their political episodes cause they show both sides of a matter and at the end, everybody is wrong and stupid. That's the amazing and funny thing. Now it's just preachy. WTH??? Why the change? Keep the positive features. I only saw them showing whoever is a conservative is an idiot. It used to criticize everybody. And nobody can say "it's because you are a republican", I'm not even American and have never visited the country, I just love great TV like IASIP and follow what happens in the US in the political field. This is just another great show falling into the woke category. It used to be incredible for NOT falling into any basic category.

It's a very great TV show episode, but not a great IASIP comedic one.
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It's always sunny shine again
juikter1 December 2021
The sun shines in it's always sunny as the show returns to its former glory with a very hilarious first episode. Any episodes written by the trio are the absolute best. This season so far is worth the wait, live up to the hype and also claiming its title as the longest running comedy as well as the funniest sitcom ever made.
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Pretty good
matteolegomatteo2 December 2021
This episode felt off, it didn't really tackle political issues in the same irreverent and intentionally ignorant way that sunny always does, and it felt like the writers were trying to comment on issues that are a little bit outside of sunny's scale. Still, many of Charlies lines made me laugh and Mac and Dennis' segment was pretty funny as well as Frank's. Overall, i feel like the show could have executed the concepts presented in a much better way, but it was an okay start to the season.
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So funny. They've still got it
aquarianavenger2 December 2021
10 minutes after finishing the episode and I'm still chuckling. Definitely needed that. Haha. Danny DeVito's bit is cracking me up. Didn't know a new season was starting today. What a nice surprise.
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Not bad but far from great
EmanuelShark-829412 December 2021
Something just felt off about the line / joke delivery this episode but I think that's a problem of the last few seasons not just this episode. Some call backs or lines just felt forced in. The plot isn't great either it's just a few sketches tied together by the meeting. I will say the episode looked really good. The evolution of how this show looked 15 years ago to now is amazing. There are a few good jokes in here too. I think it might be a me problem but after the last (almost) 2 years I really couldn't care / find little humour in the pandemic stuff. Hopefully the second episode will be a return to form. Also to the people crying sunny has always been political / made fun of politics.
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Too obvious
thomasibach3 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Unlike a lot of the people reviewing this, I don't have a problem with political comedy or even dated political comedy, my problem with this episode is that every joke is insanely obvious. There's almost seven full minutes dedicated to the Rudy Giuliani hair dye incident, and it's blatant from the first mention of hair dye that that's exactly what the joke would be. I mean was it even that funny to begin with? The gang keeps making references to voting for trump, only to have it revealed, in again, incredibly forced fashion, that they voted for Kanye. That's the joke that they milk for half the episode. It genuinely feels like they had a couple ideas for jokes and just wrote an episode to go along with it, with nothing of substance in between. It just felt lazy.
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starblacksun2 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Amazing how the gang is capable of utilizing comedy to illustrate the ridiculousness of partisan political worship. Even though the gang are far right wing extremists, both sides can take a lesson from this episode. Illustrating fictitious causes of the Capitol Riots and Pennsylvania's inability to count all votes in a timely fashion, and Giuliani's hair dye, the gang helps a all realize just how mental this country has been; especially during the recent Presidential Election.
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South Park started the Pandemic and
mindlessmoviemaster3 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Sunny gang started the Capital Protests. Lol that was great these first 2 episodes of this season was hilarious. Keep it up, can't wait for the next episode.
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What side are the crybabies now?
justinmaikranz2 December 2021
Sunny has always had political satire. But in recent years the right have become so sensitive anytime comedy doesn't go their way. Some of these reviews show why. Things can be funny even at your cults expense. Sunny is still the best comedy show on tv. Pull up your bootstraps and suck it up.
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Growing out of touch?
adamossey5 December 2021
This show just doesn't hit the same. It feels like a shallow imitation, which is strange, since Howerton is back as a writer this season. It's not that I'm bothered by political jokes, that's an always sunny staple. I'm bothered by the narratives sure, but mostly just because it feels totally out of place for these characters. They're not supposed to be socially conscious, they're not supposed to be good people. Why does Charlie comment on people not knowing how to wear masks for example? Charlies supposed to be an idiot and he's not supposed to understand social standards, it just doesn't make sense. That's only one example. Constantly throughout this episode, along with the second, there are lines which feel delivered from the mouths of the writers and not the characters. Somethings changed. It's clear these guys are just growing out of touch. I hope the gang get it together, Always Sunny is my favourite comedy, this is the first episode I've ever given a negative score to.
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garbageusar2 February 2022
When I heard they were making a new season my first thought was that it was gonna suck, mostly because the show's gotten more and more political and the latest years have been terrible for politics. So when I watched it... I mean.. I expected worse. It's not the worst. That being said, it's not particularly funny either. I watched ep 1 and 2 and got halfway through the 3rd and then didn't really bother with the rest cause I laughed very little.

As for the whole "they became more political" vs "they were always political"... yes and no to both. The show has always had political references and a bit of edge but it was never really ABOUT politics. Like they make references to jihad and economic crises and such but the plot is mostly still just them doing their own thing. Furthermore, most of the show's funniest moments are the ones where they are non-political and they are just doing their own thing. The family fight episode, the therapy episode, when Frank hides in the couch, etc all those classic moments were when the show was standing on it's own legs, while in the recent seasons it's become overly obsessed with the current news. S15 Episode 2 they are just throwing out buzzword after buzzword trying to make jokes, and most of those jokes are based on politics rather than the show's own plot and funny characters. Also, it doesn't really make sense for the characters to be apologizing for past jokes that were intentionally supposed to be offensive. The same characters have ruined peoples' lives and done horrible things but blackface is where they draw the line?

All being said, the statements made weren't really very bad, they just felt forced and unnecessary, and the jokes kind of landed flat. It doesn't matter if they had been left oriented or right oriented. It all just feels like a political comedy sketch on youtube anyway. It might be time to just let Always Sunny end.
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Amazing (..don't listen to butthurt people)
Bafomet_himself6 December 2021
This is It's always sunny, same as before. Amazing as always and a really nice comeback from 2020 munbo-jumbo.

To anyone who thinks this is a "political leftist agenda" are just upset because they are getting mocked for last few seasons. Show has always been political satire at times. You don't have to be an American to enjoy the episode, just like you didn't have to be one to enjoy "gang cracks liberty bell", or "gas crisis" or "gun control" or "gang spies like US" and so on... It's a nice episode, will hold the test of times just like all the other episodes. They mock the left the right the middle, just enjoy the show and stop getting hurt because they are treading on your "views" lol.
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Bad start but a good ending
thiccccyoshi29 December 2021
I didn't like the first episode at all. The writing was really lazy and I didn't like how meta the episode was. The second episode was a improvement but the part when dee was acting as a "Karen" I found extremely cringe and not funny at all. Overall if the season was the first 2 episodes I would give it a 3/10. But they really did turn it around with the second have. I really did enjoy the Ireland plot line and found all of those episodes funny and creative. The roller rink episode was also pretty funny and harmless no real complaints there. But the first 2 we're really a pain to get through. I hate when adults try to use "memes" because they are almost always used Improperly and after the memes have already died. Also what is funny about its always sunny is almost all of the jokes are about things they they have created. For example wolf cola, Charlie's illiteracy, Dee being a bird (even though I think that one is overused and not very funny anymore), Dennis being a psychopath, Mac's identity crisis, Frank's business and criminal past, Dee still trying to be a actress, etc. These are all what make the show so funny and special. Anyone can make jokes about the election or Trump or Covid but only the sunny cast can make jokes about what I just mentioned above. Overall if I had to rate the last 6 episodes I would have given the season a 9/10 but the first 2 bring it down to a 7/10.
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A fantastic return after a long time of waiting
mostafakhaledmohamed332 December 2021
I don't know what it is but they really stepped up their game and they really went back to the good old days and they did an outstanding job in those two episodes.
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Not very funny
stevenmortonuk5 December 2021
I'm not an American so have no dog in the fight, but the episode just wasn't funny.

It's kinda disappointing because this show used to be hilarious and unique. It's become a pale imitation of itself.

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Great Episode ***Spoiler***
tex19783 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I loved how this episode had you thinking one thing the whole time and revealed at the end they were talking about someone else. As for those complaining about it being too "woke", they were going for laughs above everything else, and I personally don't give a **** if your feelings are hurt. Some of us like laughing at your extremism, until of course you go too far and do something stupid like storming the Capitol. I'm sure fox News has something you can laugh at.
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Stop crying about what you hate
Mj851017 December 2021
This episode was great! People who keep saying it was bad because they aren't into politics or aren't from "this country" are both political and from this country. They just want to act like they aren't. Funny episode and great that they didn't truly side with either bad choice. Makes fun of our current political fanbase and that's awesome!! Stop being offended based off your political views.
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