Never Surrender (2009) Poster

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One of the worst Martial Arts movies, EVER!
smokecombs13 August 2009
I couldn't really believe how terrible this movie was. T and A couldn't even save this (well, maybe if it had been better looking T and A). Basically this is a poor movie in all categories and is basically, as many reviewers have claimed, a softcore porn movie like you see on Cinemax or Showtime late at night.

Don't get me wrong, I love MMA. I have interviewed Quinton Jackson and I love B.J. Penn, G.S.P., Anderson Silva and Heath Herring and I'm loving that they got a chance to make some money without taking the bumps and bruises they normally get in the ring. However the acting was probably the worst of any movie I've ever seen. G.S.P. and all the guys could probably get a little better, and I actually thought that Heath Herring was the freakin star of the entire movie in terms of acting ability. The main character, who I guess is supposed to be the experienced actor is the worst I believe I've ever seen. I literally almost turned the movie off and I'll watch almost any martial arts movie to the end.

As for breaking down the areas of the movie. There was hardly any training sequences, mainly in between fights it was just a bunch of sex scenes (usually sex is historically a big no-no before fights). So I would give this a 0 in terms of training. I like my martial arts movies to show some training techniques and the more of them they are, the more aspects of training they show, and the realism of the training the better he movie. This one had none of that. As for the actual action, it was pretty terrible there as well. I will rate it a 4, simply because of my true life MMA guys. They didn't get to show off enough of their skill, nor where they even given some roles where they could maybe use some Hollywood effects to supe them up a little bit. But just being generous I'm giving it a 4 in terms of overall fight scenes and action, the fighting was fairly realistic.

The acting was truly the low point of a movie that I really can't find many high points. I don't usually, or ever worry about the acting in these type of movies as long as the action is kick a** and the fighting is either very realistic, or a good back and forth between the main hero and villain, or something innovative in terms of the fight choreography. This movie had none of that, as well as even worse acting than even the lowest of this genre. Since martial arts movies aren't known for Robert Deniro type performances and saying that this movie is the worst I've seen thus far that would put my acting rating in the negatives. The lead character is terrible, the lead villain is OK and I'm a fan of his and always have been. He far outshines anyone else in the movie and I was actually hoping he would beat the crap out of the main good guy (I hope he did accidentally belt him in a few of the takes). And the supporting acting of MMA fighter, Heath Herring was pretty decent too, especially considering as many hard tough fights that Heath has had in real life. He seems really sharp still, no signs of any damage from all his fights and he seems to have a natural talent for acting if he wanted to do that. Still, when your lead character is so bad the movie is gonna be bad. For it's genre I would rate the acting of this movie as a 3 (only because of Herring and lead villain Patrick Kilpatrick). I would rate it a 1 or a 0 if not for those 2 guys. In terms of overall genres of movies, this movie gets a 0.

Action 4

Acting in Martial Arts Genre 3

Acting Overall Genres 0

Story Martial Arts Genre 1

Story overall Genres 0 (I should give it negatives)

In closing, if you're a die-hard martial arts/kung fun movie fan, you may still regret watching this. If you are martial arts movie fan, plus huge MMA fan and really like George St Pierre, BJ Penn, Quinton Jackson, Heath Herring, or Anderson Silva then you might want to give this a watch just to see those guys. I would steer clear of this unless there is totally nothing else on. I also wouldn't buy this movie unless it is found at a yard sale or something for under a dollar. I don't really know if it's worth a rental, unless you are really curious and can find it at a Redbox.
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MMA Fail
denize922 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I gave the movie a 2 when it should have gotten a 1 instead but i have reasons. First of all this comment basically goes out to people like me who are hardcore MMA and UFC fans because if you aren't this movie will be TORTURE! The main character is enough to make this movie a horrible experience. His acting is ridiculous as he changes accents by the minute. First he sounds like a normal person then like a mentally challenged person and then like an Italian taxi driver that doesn't have a clue of whats going on. Another thing is that he is ridiculously old and he doesn't seem fit at all (even though he throws flying kicks in the air that even Chuck Norris wouldn't be able to pull of AND he doesn't even break a sweat after his so called championship fight). Mainly everything is bad in this movie including directing and voice overs but for those people who are absolute hardcore fans of UFC and MMA there is a chance that it wont suck as much. Of course you get a kick out of watching big names like St-Pierre,Penn,Rampage,Silva and Herring. Having them actually participate in a movie even though for a short while might entertain you. Though I have to warn you the movie is so bad that even these REAL MMA fighters have a few flaws in the movie like St-Pierre having a totally off and weird accent while Rampage and Penn have ridiculous fighting scenes on the streets.

In the end it all comes down to you. If you are as big as a fan as I am when it comes to the UFC and MMA you could watch it but a strongly advise you to only watch the scenes with the REAL MMA stars.
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Stupid Rubbish - With GSP
minorfifth-122 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The only people who will not vomit their guts out after watching this film will be UFC fans. If it was not for the cameos this heap eh shite would literally sell 0 copies. It's absolutely guaranteed that the only copies sold are solely for the cameos.

The film, has no story. It's basically a bunch of ludicrously over-the-top 'characters' mincing around in slo-mo while talking to each other mid-fight.

It seems to me that the person who came up with the idea of the film has had no part in it's creation. It looks like it's been made by someone who has never seen an MMA fight and has an obsession with slow motion sex scenes.

It's boring, slow, and an hour and a half too long.
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I can't believe I watched this movie to the end
bhillbilly0039 June 2009
First off, I am a big MMA fan, so I decided to check this out. I should have came here (IMDB) first, but decided to watch it blindly. Second of all, what was the point of putting in the cameo fighters other than to draw you into a horribly plotted, poorly written, pathetically executed soft core porn with less than any sort of believable fighting...oh I sell tickets or get people to rent the POS...ugggg!!!

This has to be one of the worst movies I have ever seen. The only good part about it was that it was so bad it made me laugh at such "talent" and "acting skills" lmao...I have seen 4th grade plays with more direction and talent. Bravo for such a good effort! Heeheeehaww!!
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MY SWEET Jesus!!! Hector Echavarria should be hung!
williamjflow14 July 2009
Hector Echavarria please for the love of the movie going public never make a movie ever again! You make everyone sound like a Mexican, GSP's voice might be the funniest thing ever! Also, if you watch late night HBO porn, this movie actually has worse actors! BJ Penn and Rampage have a sweet 1 minute cameo, and I actually gave up on the movie before I ever saw Anderon Slyva. This movie consists of round house kicks, sex, huge haymakers, sex, jumping back fists, sex, terrible lead acting, sex and Hector Echavarria attempts to be an MMA god and fails miserbly. So, in closing, Hector Echavarria please attempt another career because movie making is not in your future. I heard Billy Mays job is open, you might have a good shot at that!
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20 minutes in and I was ready to tap
ThoughtCriminal8425 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I don't think I gave away any spoilers, but I checked the box just to be safe...

I, like most that might be thinking of watching this film, was sucked into it because I'm a huge MMA fan and I couldn't pass up the chance to see some of my favorite fighters in a movie. Rampage and Anderson Silva are my personal favs, not to mention GSP and Penn. So I ignored the bad reviews and low scores and sat down to watch what I thought would be a fun little action movie. I mean, I love a good bad movie. (Manos anyone?)

Heres what I got instead: The main actor (the "Hero" if you will) looks about 20 years too old to be fighting anyone and that alone takes away from the realism right away. Then, the lead actress is probably the worst looking girl in a movie full of butter-faces. and then you've got the fact that it seems as if they didn't have any microphones during filming because EVERY LINE is dubbed in. They even had someone else dub in GSP's lines for him! (c'mon, his accent isn't THAT bad). There's 3 or 4 cringe worthy Skinamax-style sex scenes that serve no plot purpose. There's hardly any plot to speak of really. There's nothing remotely likable about any of the characters. The soundtrack is b-movie emo-pop-punk bile and every song sounds the same as the last one. Worst of all, the MAIN PURPOSE of the film, the fight scenes, are horrible. They start off with some "ROUND ONE! FIGHT!"-style intro, and then its 4 minutes of extreme closeups, shaky cameras and unrealistic MMA. They look more like outtakes from Street Fighter or Kickboxer than they do MMA fights. and as a cherry on top, the fighter cameos are a joke. I don't know how they talked them into being in the film (because by the looks of it, this movie was made for 14 bucks), but blink and you'll miss Rampage, Penn and Silva have 2 quick fights and GSP has probably the best fight in the film. But remember, thats only relative to the suck-fest that is this movie.

I was able to watch the whole thing, but it took me 4 sessions. And I only forced myself so I could get on, write this review and hopefully save someone else 90 minutes. But I know if you're looking into this movie and reading reviews, you've probably made up your mind to watch it no matter what, as I had.


just this once, you could take a strangers advice and stay away. it really isn't worth it, its not the kind of bad thats fun. its the kind of bad thats just painful. go watch Never Back Down instead. because as dumb and unrealistic as that movie was, at least the fight scenes were somewhat fun to watch and it felt like a movie. Never Surrender feels more like a 90 minute practical joke on the viewer.
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Kick Boxer reinvented - MMA mixed with Soft Porn
OrderedChaos18 April 2009
I give this flick 1* because GSP is i the film. Other then that it is simply Kick boxer spliced into MMA with loads of soft porn.

Through every second of this film my partner and i couldn't figure out why anyone would make this crap?

It was so bad we turned it off near to the end.

I love UFC and ill say this much, If you have no brain cells and get off on thee most unrealistic fights scenes ever and like your soft porn = Buy and cherish this flick ;)

Although if you are a die hard UFC fan then you will obviously have to add this one to your collection.

Unwrapped and dusty it'll be though ;)
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Worst movie ever.
jerryrevolution17 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
There is nothing good about this movie. I've seen better plots and characters with more depth in "blue book" movies. (Actually, the best acting was done by Heath Herring, much like Hector's last movie where the best actor was Flava Flav) I can't even begin to explain how poorly the scenes were constructed. The "George" character gets into a 3 minute fist fight to talk to his friend out of engaging in illegal fist fights only to give up on trying to talk him out of it in 30 seconds. Oh, this "George" character, gets much screen time up to this scene and is then never seen or referred to in the rest of the movie. Come to think of it, we never even find out who this guy is or what his relationship is to any other character, and he's on the one-sheet.

Script and acting aside, the directing is so poor it makes Ed Wood look brilliant. The fight sequences are shoddy and confusing, the gratuitous sex scenes are UN-erotic, and his grasp on pacing and scene transitions is non-existent.

And more note: It has the best out-loud laugh I've had in a long time. Heath Herring is killed in an illegal cage fight, the next scene...THE VERY NEXT SCENE!!! The main character has a "Flash back" to the murder. How in the hell do you flash back to the last scene!?!
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Is Oh So Bad!!!!
Demetrio_Dagieu_S13 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This might contain spoilers The high point of the movie is seeing a lot of MMA stars acting, all of them need to polish their acting skills, the best of them was Gorge st Pierre, but let's face it, these are fighters, not actors, lets think of their participation on the movie as cameos... now the "big" (phun intended) Actor/director/writer/producer of this movie has no excuse , his acting is as the title said, ooh so bad, really really bad, speaks on clichés, and all... physically, he stays in good shape, for a 45 year old desk jockey, not a MMA fighter, he surely can kick my ass with one hand, and can make at least 3 push-ups with one hand... but physically has no muscle definition and a nice beer gut, hardly your average action hero, never the less he can take guys 3 times his size (made of muscle) without breaking a sweet... cmon, the girls... sure there is a lot of T & A but hardy worth to endure the rest of the movie, you are best off renting some softcore
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Watching this, you'd consider giving up
kosmasp15 June 2010
If you can watch the movie and try to be positive about it and see the fun of it (even and especially the unintentional fun of it, like in the bad acting), you might enjoy it. If this still doesn't work for you, take the title and try not to surrender before the end credits roll. You might like the music ... or the action ... or the women.

But all in all, as you can see by the rating, you will likely not like the movie. I only got interested into the movie, because I heard they released the movie in a cut version in Germany. I can't tell you exactly what they cut out, but it wasn't the "softcore action" of the movie. It must have been a bit of the fighting, that goes on.

And to be honest, if you like/love the 80s style US Martial Arts movies, you might more than enjoy this. And if it were shot in the 80s, van Damme would've been the first one to call for this! No offense to the writer/director/producer AND main actor of this, but he can would have been the better choice ... especially because he can act quite a bit more, than the guy on hand here.

What kinda bugs me though, is that the guys, that seem to be able to hold their own (acting wise), get shoved to minor roles. Especially the Georges St. Peter guy and the Rampage guy (I think that's what he's called). If they would've been longer in the movie, it would have helped immensely!
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An Epic Action Movie for UFC fans
aashley-69 June 2009
I was pleasantly surprised by this film as its something you can enjoy even if you're not that into UFC. Having said that it is ESSENTIAL for fans of UFC with appearances from Rampage, GSP and BJ Penn. Films starring sports figures have generally been hit and miss (Space Jam anybody?) but Never Surrender is definitely a hit. Rampage is particularly convincing and shows signs of what might be a looming crossover into Hollywood (The Rock anybody?)

This movie doesn't require many brain cells and that's the joy of it - you won't get lost following the story and it never descends into anything even slightly mundane.

Hector Echavarria does a great job as Diego Carter, a world champion who risks his life and his reputation in the illegal underworld or MMA. It's got women, weapons and wheels - so is satisfying on all fronts.

The only disappointment is that it ends after 90 mins. I could have watched about 3 hours of it.

Its out on DVD in the UK on 22nd June for all British fans of this fine sport... and for girls who want 90 mins of peace and quiet while their boyfriends sit glued to the screen.
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Was a kinda good movie
Impartial78612 June 2009
I thought that it was an OK movie, not too bad, as it's been rated. I think the rating of 3 is too harsh; 6/7 would do.

The storyline could have been a lot better, adding more spices and a touch of elegance to it, but i can say that; this movie is a lot better than other movies which have been rated a lot more than this movie.

The girls were amazing and very sexy, and add a touch of love in the movie, which you wouldn't expect in MMA movies. The fighting was OK, but could have been better.

Overall, i thought this movie was an satisfactory movie. Tweaking it and making it better could for some viewers, find it enjoying and fun to watch. If you like MMA with a touch of 'sexy', you'll like this movie.
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Bad but fun... depending on what you like!
filmsploitation30 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Never Surrender is probably the worlds first ultra soft core porn crossed MMA film. Sadly it wont really please fans of either genres. Whether you like this ego trip film by writer-director-producer-star and probably tea boy Hector Echavarria will depend on whether you own films like Kickboxer, Bloodsport 2-4 and American Ninjas 2-4 because, whether it meant it or not, and I'm guessing not, this badly directed, produced and choreographed actioner is a throw back to the good/bad (depending on who you are) days of DTV action films.

For me, well at least it made me laugh (unintentionally) with its soft lighting sex scenes and OTT acting by DTV star Patrick Kilpatrick and brought back memories of me, 12 sitting at home late night watching my brothers action film collection.

Oh and a warning to MMA fans… don't be impressed by names like Georges St Pierre or Quentin 'Rampage' Jackson high up in the billing – most are there for a max of two scenes and do very little.

Hard to hate but be warned this is as poorly acted, directed and put together a film as your likely to see this year. Set your expectations low and you MIGHT see something you enjoy… MIGHT.

Best Bit: Heath Herring does a good job IMDb Rating: 3/10 or 6/10 depending on who you are! If you liked this try: Karate Kid (7/10); Kickboxer (6/10); Never Back Down (5/10) Phil Hobden For more reviews like this check out:
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Not Very Good
chaffitl15 December 2009
The cover tricked me into renting this film. The UFC fighters pictured on the front cover are only in the film for a brief period of time. The acting is poor, and plot is poor. However, the film did keep me slightly entertained, despite being a poor film.

If you are a fan of mixed martial arts, do not rent the film. I am a moderate fan, but quickly decided that I do not view this film for authenticity of mixed martial arts, instead I viewed it as entertainment. The fights scenes do not resemble fighting or mixed martial arts. It is more like violent dancing. Very unrealistic fights.

Overall, the film is bad, and I honestly felt embarrassed that I was watching it at times. A 4/10 is a bit easy, I probably should have voted 3.
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Oh dear!
richieandsam22 March 2013

There really is not a lot positive I can say about this movie. It was terrible.

The story was bad, the acting was worst and the fighting scenes were comical.

It was about a champion MMA fighter who sees a girl in a club that he likes. She introduces him to a bloke who runs an illegal cage fighting tournament. This tournament is dangerous and people can get seriously injured or even die. The movie then becomes a revenge movie as the owner of this company kills one of his friends in a fight and beats up his girlfriend and a few other women.

I have not seen acting this bad for a long time. Not one person in the film was convincing as their character. All completely square and boring. Although there is one guy in the film that has a really fake accent... it is funny. He made me laugh a few times in the movie.

The fighting scenes were worst than watching professional wrestling. WWE is more realistic. haha

What makes me laugh is on the front cover of the DVD, the biggest pictures is of Quinton 'Rampage' Jackson... he is int he movie for about 2 minutes... he has one bad street fight scene and that's him done for the whole movie. I am surprised anyone hired him after this.

There is nothing but bad acting, bad fighting and sex through the whole film!

I will give this 3 out of 10.

The tag line on the poster says:


it should say on the end of that... AND THEIR LAST!

For more reviews, please like my Facebook page: Reviews/456572047728204?ref=tn_tnmn
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Unbelievably disappointing!
robbyrichards-542-68829429 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I had low expectations when I rented this movie. I was not prepared for this piece of trash movie! It was horrible! I'm almost at a loss of words for how bad this movie is. If your going to watch it here's a few things you are sure to be laughing at because the cheese is on thick: 1. The funniest scene has to be when Heath herring is training Diego, Diego is doing pushups using "Perfect pushup" The camera zooms in on the device for like 5 seconds lol I cracked up it is so cheesy.

2. Voice over of George St. Pierre. At first you'll be like what the F**k? Then you'll laugh it is so lame. GSP can speak English fine why the hell did they do a voice over? lol 3. UFC fighters acting. I love all the fighters who played roles in this film but they are not actors. I feel bad for them but it is just so cheesy how can you not laugh? 4. The writer/director/star actor/etc Hector glorifies himself shamelessly it is literally laughable. Going into this movie I had no idea he was so involved and I didn't even know the guy. But it is very apparent that he had total control over this film.

This movie is that terrible, the worst movie I have ever seen! I cannot believe anyone would give this guy Hector money to make another movie. I cannot tell you how bad this movie is. It's far worse than anything I've ever seen.
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At best okay film sunk by a worn out tale and lack in creativity behind the camera
dbborroughs1 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Mixed martial arts stars star in a film that feels like a throw back to the low budget exploitation films of the 1980's or perhaps a low budget TV movie. The plot has a one of the kings of the octagon getting suckered into fighting in unsanctioned no holds bar fights in underground clubs. Better than you think it is, but not much better than okay film suffers from un-exciting fights and a wicked sense that its all pretend. The director seems to have cut his teeth on or draws his inspiration from TV shows like The A Team or Silk Stockings where reality had nothing to do with the world the story takes place in. It doesn't help that the plot was well worn and clichéd back at the advent of sound. Watchable but this is more the sort of thing you catch on cable on a slow weekend afternoon when all of the sports are having a day off.
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MMA Fans: Beware!
Alic320 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
If I could give this excuse for a film a 0/10 rating, I would. I've seen plenty of bad made-for-TV flicks, and am a fan of the B-movie genre, but this movie is absolutely not self-conscious or tongue-in-cheek; it's simply a piece of crap unaware of how very, very bad it is.

I'd try to summarize the plot, but honestly, it was incomprehensible. A bizarre train wreck of muscle-heads, TERRIBLY choreographed scenes, staged "MMA fights" that make pro wrestling look good, chicks with fake tits, weirdly-placed shots of sunsets, McMansions, and expensive cars ensues that is sure to make your stomach gurgle. Also, everyone in this movie inexplicably seems to have the same weird, watered-down South American accent. Curiouser and curiouser...

MMA enthusiasts should not be fooled! The presence of UFC greats GSP, Anderson Silva, B.J. Penn, and Heath Herring DOES NOT make Never Surrender more watchable. I actually found the moments when these guys were randomly inserted into the movie to be the most cringe-worthy. Seeing Echavarria "beat up" (Seriously. A line in this film: "I can beat up anyone!") amazing athletes that could crush him in two seconds in real life is too embarrassing to look at. It's pretty sad to see guys who have worked hard for years to make MMA a legitimate sport look like chumps for this amateur film-maker's amusement.

The bottom line: this is a masturbatory film project made by a washed-up kickboxer looking to keep his name alive. Echavarria's bad taste just might qualify as a life-threatening illness and if there were such a thing as the Make-A-Wish Foundation for mid-life crises sufferers, Lionsgate granted his wish when it picked up Never Surrender for distribution.
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oh my god, this movie is bad!!
alchemistk9127 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This movie makes me want to cherish movies like Kickboxer and Never Back Down, which are at least 1000 times better than this movie was ever hoping to be.

The fights were unrealistic and robot-like, the acting was TERRIBLE and there were simply WAY too many sex scenes to not be called a porno. I truly believe the star/writer/producer/director of this was simply on a power trip and wanted to get with as many girls as possible as well as beat people up with stupidly unrealistic moves.

I am a huge MMA fan and the only reason I watched this was for the cameos of the UFC fighters. Sadly, the script was so amazingly terrible that it just lowered my view on the personality of some of my favourite fighters. I kind of want to beat the fight choreographer for this movie up. Plus the fighters were only in the movie for a total of about 3 to 4 minutes other than Heath Herring.

Hector Echavarria should not be allowed to make movies. I could have easily written and directed a much, much, much better movie, even with the same old cliché'd storyline. Hell, a 4 year old could have probably done a better job. This 'movie' gives MMA and its fighters a bad name.

The only reason I watched this movie to the end was because I could not believe that it was as bad as it was and I thought the finale would have better fights with more of the UFC fighters, sadly all it was was BJ Penn going half speed on some guy and not showing ANY of his skills and talent.

This kind inspires me to go out and show Hector how to really make a movie, because I KNOW I can do a better job than that! Although sadly, I'm still 18 and in university so all you guys are gonna have to wait till a company takes me seriously, lol :)
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Its structure resembles a brainless video game, but with more grunting.
tarbosh220006 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Diego Carter (Echavarria) is a world-famous MMA fighter who is enticed by a mannish woman named Sandra (Koys) to join an underground Punchfighting circuit. It is run by the ruthless Seifer (Kilpatrick) - ruthless in the sense that what he's really running is a prostitution ring. He calls them "consorts", and if you win a match, you get a consort, or your opponent's consort, or something like that. It's all just a tawdry excuse to have Skinemax-style softcore porn scenes with plenty of unwanted, un-asked for Hector Echavarria nudity. Ew. All this nonsense leads up to "The Tournament", presumably the ultimate battle for the ultimate consort. Also, Carter falls in love with Sandra. What's REALLY going on? This movie is like a 90-minute training video for Hector Echavarria. Somehow he was allowed to direct this thing, and it has all the inept editing and strange cuts you might expect. You never see blows connect because there's an unnecessary cut right before the blow lands.Undue emphasis is put on the fact that he uses the late night-advertised product the Perfect Pushup in his training rituals. Echavarria invited all his fighter buddies to be in the movie, whether they belong there or not, and they even go by some of their real names.

In the beginning of the film, two burly men in shorts are grappling, grunting and sweating while a song with the lyrics "45 minutes of Loooove" plays. Then they grab each other's legs for the takedown. Wags who would decry these movies as homoerotic...may have a point here.

Also it should be noted that Diego's "...punches carry the dream of a small child who grew up off the coast of La Plata." Naturally, The Tournament has "no rules and no referees", and Seifer notes, "is tax free". Is this a comment on today's political landscape? I know I go to modern-day Punchfighters for top-shelf punditry.

Patrick Kilpatrick looks like Howie Mandel now, and screams and yells just like Nick Mancuso in Death Warrior. However, this movie makes Death Warrior look like a masterpiece. James Russo is barely in it, which was a disappointment.On the bright side, Crusher's involved.

Overall, this movie is beyond dumb. Its structure resembles a brainless video game, but with more grunting.

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Its the best worst movie ever! The MMA version of the Disaster Artist
eclawson-114 March 2018
Its the best worst movie ever! The MMA version of the Disaster Artist. It was an honor getting beat up by Hector in the opening scene so you can say I m a biased opinion. Enjoy and laugh and notice how many sex scenes the director Hector cast himself in, brilliant!
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Worst Martial Arts Movie Ever Made!!!!!!
aussieduane13 July 2013
Dear god is this a horrible movie, its like a throw back to the awesome 80's martial arts movies, but holy crap does it fail on every level.

Even if you are a huge MMA/UFC fan Don't watch this embarrassing movie, Films like the original Kickboxer and Bloodsport are far superior to this, hell even Only the Strong was so much better, i have never seen a worse martial arts movie in my life, its insane that this movie was made in 2009.

I only watched it for my love of MMA and the UFC, also i Love "bad" movies like the Bloodsport sequels and films like Only the Strong and Shootfighter. But i have never seen such an unwatchable film in my life.

Stay away, you have been warned!!!
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This movie is laughably bad!
balrokeiser14 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I remember when this movie was announced, I couldn't have been more excited. I was in the height of my UFC-loving phase. The trailer featured Quinton 'Rampage' Jackson, Georges St. Pierre, BJ. Penn and Anderson 'The Spider' Silva. I didn't care that this was a straight-to-DVD movie. I wanted to see my favourite UFC stars act. I didn't really get that. What I got for my £14 ($22, €17) was a 90 minute ego stroke for Hector Echavarria (who also co-wrote and directed this movie, no surprises there).

This movie follows the journey of the generically named Diego Carter, a world renowned mixed martial arts fighter, played by Hector Echavarria. It presents him as having it all. He was the best pound-for-pound heavyweight fighter in the world, he had any woman he wanted, money and close, loyal friends who were willing to appear out of nowhere just in time to help him fight goons. But what is the one weakness of someone who has everything they ever wanted? A tall blonde woman with broken English and a crooked eye! How does our hero Diego meet this goddess of a woman? Well, he's at a club kissing and groping another hapless woman when across the dance floor he sees the siren known as Sandra. He tells the woman he's currently with that he will be right back, then in plain sight of said woman, marches over to Sandra and begins flirting with her. Classy. Sandra, knowing that Diego is such a huge MMA star, leads him to an underground fighting club known as Blood Lust, a corrupt business ran by hilarious villain and slight jab at Dana White, Seifer. Who not only runs an illegal fight club, also has his hand in a prostitution ring, roping women into working for him with the hope of one day being set 'free' by Seifer. Basically, every fighter who brawls at Blood Lust is allotted a prostitute or 'Escort' as they are known. If you win your fight at Blood Lust, you get to sleep with your opponents Escort. If you lose, you lose 'everything', whatever that means. Obviously, Diego can't just accept one of the dozens of prostitutes, no, he has to want the most beautiful of them all in Sandra, who in turn is Seifer's main squeeze. Seifer begrudgingly agrees to allow Sandra to be Diego's escort and that is the base for the rest of the movie. What comes next is about 60 minutes of fighting, followed by a sex scene, followed by very awkward dialogues, followed by more fighting, rinse and repeat and you'll have this movie in a nutshell.

This movie is hilariously bad and I can't help but think that Hector Echavarria, when writing this, just wanted to act out as many of his fantasies as possible. I didn't mention the cameos by the MMA fighters featured on the posters and front cover of the DVD because all in all, Anderson Silva, Quinton 'Rampage' Jackson, BJ Penn, Heath Herring and Georges St. Pierre probably feature for maybe 10 minutes of air time. This is the definition of a shameless cash in on big names and I was suckered in hook, line and sinker.

Avoid this movie and if you want to see a movie like this done write, I would highly recommend 'Warrior' starring Tom Hardy.
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