"Supergirl" Welcome Back, Kara (TV Episode 2021) Poster

(TV Series)


Melissa Benoist: Kara Danvers, Supergirl



  • Zor-El : There she is.

    Supergirl : Father.


    Supergirl : How long have you been awake?

    Zor-El : Not long. Just long enough to try out the perks of your yellow sun. A man can get used to flying.

    Supergirl : Oh, wait until I show you to how use your heat vision. Cold coffee? Not anymore.

  • Alex Danvers : I'm sure that Alura would be overjoyed to know that you're still alive.

    Lena Luthor : Yes, you must be anxious to get back to Argo City.

    Zor-El : I am, of course. But before I go, I'd like to see what my daughter's been up to here on Earth.

    Supergirl : I think that can be arranged.

  • Supergirl : [waking from a nightmare]  It was so dark and horrible.

    Alex Danvers : Was it about the Phantom Zone?

    Supergirl : I don't... I don't wanna talk about it.

    Alex Danvers : No, no, no, y-y-you don't have to, okay? It's-it's all over. We've got you. I've got you.

    [Kara hugs her for comfort] 

    Alex Danvers : It's all behind us now.

    Supergirl : [letting go]  Good. Oh, 'cause I don't think I ever wanna hear the word "phantom" ever again. Not in an opera, not in a Star Wars prequel. Especially not in a Star Wars prequel. I don't even think I could handle an episode of Scooby-Doo right now.

    Alex Danvers : [laughing together]  It's... I'm sorry. It's so good to have you home. Now, uh, come on. You've got some folks that are waiting to see you.

    Supergirl : Alex?

    Alex Danvers : Yeah?

    Supergirl : Can I have another hug, please?

    Alex Danvers : Always.

  • Supergirl : [hugging Lena]  It's only because you're on the team that I'm here

  • Andrea Rojas : Nia told me what you've been cooking up and, well, I smell another Pulitzer.

    Kara Danvers : [trying to be modest]  Oh.

    Andrea Rojas : And that's gonna be great for business. I can't wait to read it immediately.

    Kara Danvers : Well, uh, I'm not exactly done with it yet.

    Andrea Rojas : Of course. End of day, then.

    Kara Danvers : Uh, that's the weird thing, though. There's... there is no story.

    Andrea Rojas : What?

    Kara Danvers : Yeah, Mirando... Miranda changed his mind... at the last minute. He said he would take everything off the record, he would deny everything. It's... it's the funny thing about these resistance leaders, they think they want fame, but their lives depend on secrecy.

  • Andrea Rojas : I have been shockingly patient with your long absence, which resulted in exactly zero stories, so you owe me. I want you to call Supergirl. I want an exclusive with her about how she stopped the National City Phantom attacks.

    Kara Danvers : The... the what?

    Andrea Rojas : The Phantom attacks. And I want a whole series. Interviews with Supergirl and everyone who was turned into a Phantom. Here's a list of the victims, and I want all the details. Don't let them skip a single thing, okay?

    Kara Danvers : [not really listening]  Okay.

    Andrea Rojas : Thanks.

    Kara Danvers : [going to Nia's desk]  Why did no one tell me that Phantoms attacked National City?

    Nia Nal : Alex didn't want us to burden you. She knew you'd be worried, and for no reason. The Phantom is gone, this is in the past.

    Kara Danvers : Yeah, but how did it even get here?

    Nia Nal : We... sort of released it... the first time we tried to rescue you.

    Kara Danvers : So... so all these people suffered because of me?

    Nia Nal : No. Kara, no. It is Lex's fault. He is the one that sent you there.

    Kara Danvers : It, uh... it doesn't matter now. Like you said, that's over. It's done now. So, I-I'll go talk to Andrea.

    Nia Nal : [seeing Zor-El pick up a copy machine]  And I will go talk to Uncle Archie and remind him that humans cannot lift 800 pounds of machinery.

    Kara Danvers : Ooh. Oh... oh, dear.

  • Zor-El : [in the Fortress of Solitude]  I remember when your aunt and uncle made the plan for this place. I just didn't think it was possible.

    Supergirl : Yeah, Kal-El tried to get me to come here for years. I thought it would make me homesick. That it would be too painful to face all those memories.

    Zor-El : I... can understand that.

  • Supergirl : J'onn, I've got eyes on the satellite.

    J'onn J'onnz : Do you need backup?

    Supergirl : [with Zor-El]  Nah, we've got this.

    [as they reach the satellite, a piece breaks off and lands in the ocean, setting a pile of trash on fire] 

    Zor-El : I'll go get it.

    Supergirl : Try your freeze breath.

    [as he takes care of the fire, she pushes the satellite back into space] 

    Supergirl : Nice job.

    Zor-El : Thanks for the suggestion. I also x-rayed the garbage patch. It was covered in toxic chemicals.

    Supergirl : [spotting a large piece of marble with a familiar logo on it]  Well, looks like we have LuthorCorp and the former DEO to thank for that.

  • Zor-El : After you told me of Earth's environmental crisis, I couldn't shake the feeling that Earth was headed down the same path as Krypton. So I analyzed your oceans, and I'm afraid the prognosis is grim. Your oceans are dying, just like ours did.

    Supergirl : I know, Father. And I understand your fears, but it's not just our oceans. We've been trying to manage Earth's environmental crises for years, but it's... it's complicated.

    J'onn J'onnz : [entering]  Supergirl, I'm glad you're here. I'm afraid the fire from this morning has reignited.

    Zor-El : We had it contained.

    J'onn J'onnz : The fuel leak is coming from a Dominator warp drive. Brainy and I can break it down on the molecular level, rendering it inert. That should put the fire out.

    Supergirl : But that should have been done during the cleanup after the DEO imploded.

    J'onn J'onnz : Yeah, I'm not surprised it wasn't. Men like Lex all ascribe to the same motto: cheaper, faster, easier, no matter the damage.

    Zor-El : Neglect like this is what destroyed Krypton. The death of the oceans, that was the tipping point. And you're already there. We have to stop it.

    J'onn J'onnz : This doesn't have an easy fix; it's a complicated problem.

    Zor-El : Of course. But if I could access Krypton's records, I could really compare the data and analysis. Maybe there's something I missed on Krypton.

    [getting an idea] 

    Zor-El : Kara, the pod we used to send you to Earth. Do you still have it? It should have retained data from your launch date.

    Supergirl : Well, actually, I... I have something a lot better.

    [cut to her leading him into the Fortress of Solitude] 

    Supergirl : Welcome to Krypton on Earth.

  • J'onn J'onnz : Is Oscar an acronym?

    Zor-El : Oh, no. He's named after that irritable green creature who lives with the garbage.

    Supergirl : Yes, he binge-watched "Sesame Street" while I was recovering under the sun lamps.

    Zor-El : Crash course in Earth customs.

    Brainiac-5 : Did you upgrade him with Coluan technology?

    Kelex : I would hardly call it an upgrade.

  • Zor-El : I am so sorry, Kara. I should have done more to save our planet.

    Supergirl : You did everything you could. You sacrificed yourself to save us. You were a hero, Father.

    Zor-El : I ripped you from your home.

    Supergirl : And I found a new one. Here.

    Zor-El : And I promise you, this time I will save it. I will not let what happened to Krypton happen here. If Kal-El is anything like his father, all of Krypton's records should be stored in here.

    [as he activates a crystal, she flashes back to Lex sending her to the Phantom Zone] 

    Zor-El : Kara, are you okay?

    Supergirl : [shaking it off]  Yes. I'm just surprised that everything's still in order after...

    Kelex : Of course it is. That's what I'm here for.

    Zor-El : You have a Kelex!

    Supergirl : Kelex, my father is looking for scientific data about Krypton. Specifically, from the time right before the planet exploded.

    Kelex : I will pull up everything I have.

    Zor-El : [watching him work, something in his mind clicks]  Kara... I think I know how to save your oceans.

  • Zor-El : [about the upgrades he made to Kelex]  I attached a Coluan energy core, so Oscar can shrink trash and convert it into energy in seconds. Oscar will then absorb that energy, rendering it harmless.

    Alex Danvers : [he demonstrates with an empty to-go coffee cup]  Okay. I will admit that that is very impressive. But the Earth is covered in 70% water. I mean, do you really think that Oscar can handle that?

    Zor-El : Yes. And this is something I could never have achieved on Krypton. Your planet has an amazing melting pot of alien technology that we never had access to on Krypton.

    J'onn J'onnz : That's what concerns me. Some alien technology interacts poorly with others. Plus, I saw kryptonite out there.

    Supergirl : Kryptonite?

    J'onn J'onnz : Yes, but you must have been too far away from the garbage to feel its effect. But that's my point. We don't know the full scope of the garbage on those islands. We should run some tests before we release Zor-El's invention.

    Zor-El : I understand your concern. I wish I could give you an exact timeline of when Earth will reach Krypton's tipping point. But that's the thing; once you can see the tipping point, it's too late. That's why we need to act now.

    J'onn J'onnz : [seeing the logic of his argument]  Okay. But I want him recalled at the first sign of distress.

    Zor-El : Of course.

  • Supergirl : [watching Oscar work]  It's working.

    J'onn J'onnz : So it would seem. Brainy?

    Brainiac-5 : Uh... Oscar is converting the garbage even more efficiently than Zor-El's model suggested. I apologize for my skepticism.

    Zor-El : That's not necessary. I'm just happy I'm able to help.

  • Zor-El : [preparing to return to Argo City]  Almost 40 years in the Phantom Zone was worth it just to see you again.

    Supergirl : I'm gonna miss you so much, Father.

  • J'onn J'onnz : [an alert on Brainy's computer beeps]  What is it?

    Brainiac-5 : Getting some odd fluctuations in Oscar's energy core.

    J'onn J'onnz : His mass is increasing, too. He seems to be adding garbage to his body, not converting it to energy.

    Supergirl : We need to bring him back.

    Zor-El : I'll recall him.

    [the computer beeps again] 

    Zor-El : I've issued the return command, but he's not responding.

    Supergirl : I'll go get him. Brainy, the coordinates?

    Brainiac-5 : I've lost him. Visuals are gone, and he's disappeared off the radar.

    Supergirl : There are major shipping lanes in that area. If Oscar malfunctions, he could endanger cargo ships.

    J'onn J'onnz : Try satellite imaging.

    Brainiac-5 : [trying]  There's no trace of him. He's gone.

    Supergirl : J'onn and I will find him. Brainy, you stay here with my father, figure out what went wrong and how to fix it.

    J'onn J'onnz : Don't forget, there's kryptonite.

  • Brainiac-5 : Lena, I lost the drone with the virus in it. Can you recall it?

    Lena Luthor : Stand by.

    [trying as more trash bonds with Oscar] 

    Lena Luthor : Brainy, I'm trying, but I can't control it.

    Supergirl : I think we can grab the drone.

    J'onn J'onnz : Wait. I did a psychic scan. Oscar is protected by a force field. He must have acquired it from the DEO tech. Trying to breach it could cause a backlash.

    Lena Luthor : Brainy, that force field is keeping me from accessing the drone.

    Zor-El : You have to find a way to get close enough to the drone to release the virus manually.

    Brainiac-5 : On it.

    Supergirl : How will you get close enough?

    Brainiac-5 : I need to get him to think I'm trash.

    [turning to the monster] 

    Brainiac-5 : Kelex! Kelex, you stupid idiot! Can you hear me? Wow! Look how big and dumb you are!

    [a metal chain rattles nearby] 

    Brainiac-5 : A junkyard? Come on! You sorry excuse for a Roomba! I know you know the truth. Without that Coluan power core, you're nothing!

    [grabbing hold of the chain as it flies toward Oscar] 

    Brainiac-5 : I regret nothing!

  • Supergirl : I took Kelex back to the Fortress. He'll be all right. We can go see him tomorrow if you want.

    Zor-El : No. I need to return to Argo City and finally face your mother.

    Supergirl : Face her?

    Zor-El : When I found out you and your mother were alive... it was the happiest moment of my life. And I miss her so much, Kara. In the Phantom Zone, the memory of her and you were what kept me alive. But now seeing her again isn't just some far-off dream. It's... an inevitability. And the thought of looking her in the eye and seeing all of my mistakes reflected back on me... I didn't think I could handle the weight of that guilt.

    Supergirl : You did everything you could to save Krypton.

    Zor-El : I did. And that made me part of the problem. I made rash decisions out of hubris and made everything worse. Then when I saw your planet heading in the same direction, I thought if I could just fix Earth, I could earn my way back to her. I was so focused on avoiding the past, I ran headfirst into all my old mistakes.

    Supergirl : I definitely understand that.

    Zor-El : I may have made a lot of mistakes in my life. But the one thing that went right was you. You are strong and caring and have built a beautiful life. But, Kara... you don't need to carry the weight of this world or any world on your shoulders every moment of every day. Sometimes, even though you're Kryptonian... it's okay to be human.

  • Kara Danvers : [returning to work at CatCo]  Okay, so remember, you are my Uncle Archie, visiting from Midvale. Okay.

    Zor-El : Don't worry. I promise no one will even know I'm there. I'm starting to understand my strength. I-I'm sorry about your door.

    Kara Danvers : No, no. It's not that, I'm just... I'm just nervous, you know? I disappeared without a trace, I'm surprised I still even have a job. And William, I left him hanging without so much as a goodbye.

    Nia Nal : Oh. Don't worry about him, it's not like you chose to get...

    [realizing Kara's ordeal is still a touchy subject] 

    Nia Nal : He'll understand. And don't worry about Andrea, okay? I covered for you, remember?

    Kara Danvers : Right. Uh, what did you tell her, exactly?

    Nia Nal : That Cat Grant reached out to you personally to do a profile on Darien resistance leader Miguel de Miranda.

    Kara Danvers : Okay.

    Nia Nal : And that you've been off-grid, embedded with him.

    Kara Danvers : Wait, what?

    Nia Nal : It was the best I could do.

  • Kara Danvers : I just got a lead on a major environmental disaster story.

    Andrea Rojas : As it relates to Phantoms?

    Kara Danvers : No. A thousand miles off the coast of National City, there is a literal island of garbage.

    Andrea Rojas : Kara, that's hardly news; there's garbage masses in every ocean.

    Kara Danvers : Right, yes, but this one was hit by a neglected satellite today and caught fire because this garbage island has heavy amounts of debris illegally dumped by multiple corporations, including the DEO.

    Andrea Rojas : You mean Lex caused this?

    [calling outside] 

    Andrea Rojas : William!

    [beckoning him to join them] 

    Andrea Rojas : I want you to go investigate this trash island fire as it relates to Lex Luthor and his misdeeds.

    William Dey : Me?

    Kara Danvers : Him?

    Andrea Rojas : Yes. This is the one-two punch the paper needs. Two Pulitzer-winning authors, combating crises, both frightening and domestic. Not only will we focus on local security and safety with the Phantom story, but also, we continue exposing Lex for the global threat that he is. William, you still have contacts at LuthorCorp, right?

    William Dey : Yes, but I've been having trouble getting them to disclose anything since the trial.

    Andrea Rojas : Well, make them talk. Just don't tell me about it; plausible deniability.

    Kara Danvers : Well, Andrea, I-I really think that because I brought the trash island story, and I really should be the one to cover it...

    Andrea Rojas : Kara, every single news source currently outranking us is still covering the story. But thanks to your connections, CatCo has something no one else has: Supergirl. No one has been able to sit down with her. You can get us back on top. Unless for some reason, you have a problem covering the Phantoms?

    Kara Danvers : No. No, of course not.

  • William Dey : Welcome back, Kara.

    Kara Danvers : William. Hi.

    William Dey : Hi.

    Kara Danvers : Look, I... I'm really sorry that I left without saying goodbye, or without even giving you a call. I... I had to go undercover.

    William Dey : Kara. You do not owe me an apology. When we first met, I was undercover. I get it.

    Kara Danvers : Of course you do. Hey, we should get coffee after work, catch up.

    William Dey : I'd love to, but I have plans. Um... I've been seeing someone. Her name's Mary, she's a pediatrician. We actually met at a charity bake-off. Her apricot Couronne very narrowly beat my famous banoffee pie.

    Kara Danvers : Wow.

    William Dey : Mm-hmm. Well deserved, I must say.

    Kara Danvers : [laughing]  That's wonderful. I'm really happy for you, William.

    William Dey : Thank you. But coffee soon.

    Kara Danvers : Yes.

    William Dey : I know you can't divulge much about the secret profile, but I must hear some of the details.

  • Alex Danvers : I'm not gonna let the chopsticks defeat me tonight. But you, you're gonna have to open the wine. I, I tried.

    [putting the bottle down for Kara] 

    Alex Danvers : There we go.

    [sitting down next to her] 

    Alex Danvers : Okay.

    Kara Danvers : It was so cold in there.

    Alex Danvers : What?

    Kara Danvers : In the... Phantom Zone.

    Alex Danvers : Oh, Kara...

    Kara Danvers : So empty. Every breath felt like... like ice. And I was so weak.

    Alex Danvers : It's okay. You don't have to talk about this, okay? Remember?

    Kara Danvers : No, no, no, I-I want to. I need to.

    Alex Danvers : Okay.

    Kara Danvers : I don't wanna be alone anymore.

    Alex Danvers : You are not alone. You've got me.

    [Kara allows herself to let her emotions out] 

    Alex Danvers : It's okay.

    Kara Danvers : I think I just... I just... so desperately wanted to get away from the Phantom Zone that I... didn't let myself process... how much I went through. How afraid I was.

    [Alex gives her a comforting hug] 

    Kara Danvers : What if that fear never goes away?

  • Alex Danvers : You know... when I, uh, when I thought that we couldn't get you back, I... I just wanted to give up. I mean, like... like I couldn't get out of bed. I couldn't... you know? And now that we did get you back, I still feel like you could slip away at any moment. I felt that way today, too. And I'm so sorry. Because all I want to do is just shield you from any more pain that I just didn't even think it's... the only way out is through. And we're gonna get through this together.

    Kara Danvers : Healing together.

    Alex Danvers : Yeah.

    Kara Danvers : Iris West-Allen wrote a piece for the Central City Citizen about how the city came together after an attack. That's what I need to write my piece on.

    Alex Danvers : That is a very noble and a very courageous thing to do.

    Kara Danvers : Thank you. And we need to get you a fork because I am not gonna let you embarrass yourself trying to use these chopsticks.

  • Supergirl : [seeing the trash monster that Oscar has evolved into]  My god. You said he bonded with the trash, but this...

    J'onn J'onnz : He's picked up a Teallian along the way. Lex must have brought one to the DEO. It's a parasitic creature that forces even inanimate objects to adapt to survive. And it's impossible to remove once it's attached to a host.

    Supergirl : So now Oscar's protecting the garbage.

    Lena Luthor : [at the Tower]  His Coluan energy core is spiking. If that detonates, the atomic blast is going to spread inland.

    Sentinel : Copy that. Dreamer and I will evacuate the civilians. Brainy, launch that drone, now.

See also

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