Asteroid-a-Geddon (2020) Poster

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I've seen better acting in pornos
weiserd6 November 2020
This would be a good movie maybe if you are blind and deaf
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Sometimes you just got to know when to not look up to the skies...
paul_haakonsen23 October 2020
Well, truth be told the title of the movie set off an alarm clock already. I mean, "Asteroid-a-Geddon", seriously? Yeah, well still I ended up sitting down to watch this disaster movie. And then the logo of The Asylum came up on the screen, and I just knew it was going to be one of those movies.

Let's just be honest, The Asylum is not exactly known for their track record of putting out super impressive movies. Sure, once in a blue moon they manage to release something that is outstanding in comparison to their usual releases. But as it happened to turn out, "Asteroid-a-Geddon" was not one of those uniquely outstanding movies.

In fact, the storyline in "Asteroid-a-Geddon" was just so generic and mundane that you could actually drift off to Slumberland and wake up a bit later and continue to watch the movie as it you never missed a beat. Not to mention that the movie was as predictable as these type of disaster movies come.

The special effects in "Asteroid-a-Geddon" were adequate. But for a movie made in 2020, the special effects left much to be wanted. I mean, it felt like I was watching a movie from the late 1990s or thereabout. The special effects served their purpose well enough, hence being adequate, but they were by no account impressive or visually bedazzling.

"Asteroid-a-Geddon" doesn't really boast itself on having that much of an impressive cast list. I mean, there was Eric Roberts as the only familiar face to me. And let's just be blunt, I mean, he is Eric Roberts for better or worse.

This disaster movie from writer and director Geoff Meed is not one that you have to sit down to watch, as it is by no means an outstanding or memorable addition to the natural disaster movie genre. In fact, it offers nothing new to the genre, actually.

My rating of "Asteroid-a-Geddon" lands on a generous three out of ten stars.
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staunton-gary25 October 2020
With the title of this movie giving you plenty of notice of what to expect, you can safely agree that it will be crap. And, it doesn't disappoint. The acting is terrible with a honorable mention to Veronika Issa, from her bio, it looks like she's only just started acting, and it comes across as that too. Gigi Gustin was the stand out actress in this movie, she acted better than everybody else and she looked hot too. Eric Roberts looked totally bored. I wouldn't recommend this, unless you are vegging on the couch suffering some kind of hangover.
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Worst Actress Ever
chipsdipsanddorks9 March 2021
So you know the movie is going to have crappy special effects, bad acting and a poorly written, but the acting by the lead Veronika Issa (Alexandra Svoboda) has got to be one of the worst in movie sci-fi history. The other actors were fair to good, but the lead apparently went to the Joey Tribbiani night school class.of drama. Most of the time she looked like a chicken pecking while trying to recite her lines. I understand that the lead slept with the director in order to get the part, but the other twenty people in the movie looked like professional actors compared to Veronika Issa. I would suggest that in the future that Veronika only be allowed parts that have no speaking lines or acting positions. If she wants the lead for being the best, she could look at maybe a elementary or middle school drama program. Of course she would probably still have to sleep with the teacher to get the lead over the kids. .
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the doctor's daughter
wlevyiii7 March 2021
Wow, HORRIBLE actress. only one emotion - anger. even sensitive lines are delivered angry. As bad as I've ever seen

and outrunning a Tsunami in a car from a standstill - just wow!
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So bad!
Nokomismpls-921-35752924 March 2021
The acting and special effects are Horror-a-geddon! Some of the actors are so bad, it's almost funny.
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A new low...
Leofwine_draca22 September 2021
A new low for The Asylum, who are not even so-bad-it's-good anymore. Barely any kind of FX in this one at all, just a lot of people chit-chatting with looks of mild consternation on their faces. Eric Roberts is the 'name' cast member whose role is just to sit behind a desk and respond to people shouting at him. Almost as bad as cinema gets.
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Time for Asylum to be committed.
mark.waltz25 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Rule of thumb for watching an Asylum film. Watch until the first disaster hits, get to know the characters a little bit even though they are basically extremely annoying and not people you would want to be stuck in a disaster with or work with or even pass by on the street, then start to fast forward until the next disaster hits. You basically haven't missed a thing. You can tell just by the title of this movie that it is moronic from start to finish, with dialogue that's meant to sound pretentious but is extremely dumb. I usually don't assume based upon a title, but in their case, I've learned the formula, and there's no nutrition in it.

Another good rule of thumb when watching their films is to read the reviews as you're picking up the major plot devices and you will see that their pattern has completely been exposed. this isn't the first asteroid movie they've done, but once again, very little has changed other than they tossed the script up in the air and whatever pages fell together, that's how they filmed it.

They also look for an out of work actor with somewhat of a name, in this case, Oscar nominee Eric Roberts, and pray for the best. of course that actor is going to be good and create a bit of a marquee, but most of the times as in Robert's case, they are wasted. Special effects once again our mediocre and few and far between, so this ends up being a bore. The photography going over Washington DC looks as if someone took their phone and shot it out of their plane window. Nearing two decades of these types of films, they haven't learned a thing. Most modern science fiction films are bad. This is just rancid
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dazsmith-7789128 November 2021
I sat through this, mostly as the handset was a little out of reach and I'd just had a large roast dinner.

The like the word Petawatts, a lot.

I fear for the safety of the next person i hear saying it in real life.

Dont do it to yourself, nothing good is here.
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Nothing Good Here!
collectorofsorts25 October 2020
I gave this movie a try because Eric Roberts was in it and he's always a good watch. Boy was I disappointed! Even from the very beginning, this movie was a terrible experience. From the opening scene in space that had graphics similar to the ones my 12 year old makes on his laptop to the generic plotline to the bad acting by everyone. THIS movie was a dog that I put outside before it even ended. Honestly, at that point, I was rooting for the asteroid. It was so bad as to be painful to watch.
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Glorious B grade Sci-fi action.
stevenaaus26 October 2020
Asteroid-a-Geddon - the name says a lot about this movie. It's a shoe-string-budget, B grade, apocalypse movie; but with quite a bit going for it.

First up - a real plot, which quite frankly, puts most mainstream cataclysm movies to shame. It is killer, not filler, from the outset, and the icing on the cake, and probably what most reviewers have missed, is the hard scientific edge the plot has. In probably a world first, this budget B-grader has researched dialog and some (almost) believable scenarios.

Secondly, the special effects, while blatantly over the top, are slick and emotive. And while most budget B graders just pad and talk themselves to oblivion, there is quite a bit of cheap, but entertaining CGI action here.

Now, sadly, the acting is fairly par for the course. It is appropriately well below average. But the exception is the sincerity and belief that the lead actress has in her role. Veronika Issa has a super strong presence, mixed with a budding charisma, and she holds the movie together.

So all up, i gave this movie quite a proper beginning-to-end watch, and have to say it punches well above it's weight in entertainment value.
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You have got to be used to The Asylum's low bar by now.
jvontheprowl18 March 2021
Don't understand why people watch these and then complain. It's a movie by The Asylum. They've been pushing out garbage for 20 years. If you are just know figuring this out then maybe stick with movies that make it to the cinema. Complaining about it after a 20 year track record is like complaining about FEMA not responding to the Great San Francisco Earthquake.

Ok... This movie is the typical fare for The Asylum. It's not the bottom of the barrel that The Asylum has spit out over the last year. It's not one of those gems that they occasionally surprise us with. It's about on par.

You have rediculous plot lines that skip across plot holes like it's jump rope. They reuse CGI from previous movies. They have a fanatical group of weirdos that for some reason cause more damage to humanity while thinking they are saving it for god. Don't forget about pointless drama to meet a run time requirement.

All the usual fare for The Asylum. The part that sets this a bit above the low bar is the acting. The cast of no names manages to at least make a valiant attempt and took their time in the Sun seriously. It wasn't a half hearted attempt like the previous few The Asylum movies (Shark Season was painfully dull).

If you enjoy mocking terrible movies, this will be right up your wheelhouse.
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Painful to watch
maherstar3 November 2020
Horrible Act.. Bad Graphics.. nothing good at all.. The ending is very expected, and similar to kids stories. Wondering how much was the budget .. I doubt if reached 100K USD
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Couldn't even watch it all
debigoldben8 March 2021
I love disaster movies and watch lots of them ... even B-rate movies. This movie has a decent plot but much of the acting is awful and Issa is not at all believable as the female lead ... her acting seems forced and fake. I was really disappointed as I like Eric Roberts and the premise of the movie was promising. I kept hoping it would get better but turned it off about half way through.
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farrell-7986728 March 2021
Don't waste your time and watch this movie. I love science fiction and this did not even come close. We were rooting for the asteroid and the bad-guy to finish off the cast.

I won't give away the ending...that wouldn't be fair to those who sit through the 88 minutes of torture.
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Firing up the Transducer!!!
nogodnomasters29 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A killer asteroid is headed to Earth and nuclear weapons won't stop. Bruce Willis and Liv Tyler are too expensive for an Asylum production so the fate of the planet rests with Veronika Issa and Eric Roberts. And oh yes, there is a religious group that wants to stop them not lead by Michael Ansara but Craig Gellis.

I had Deja vu all through this thing and it wasn't the good kind. Maybe for the kids.

Guide: No F-word, sex, or nudity.
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Moviedog2622 September 2021
This is movie was made as a bad joke? Someone else here said right that there is better acting in 80's porn movies.
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It was pretty bad but good for *nix and Apple nerds
mikechant-0611926 January 2021
Freeze frame on the terminal images - then step through. Darwin 6.1? PPC? Ding! It's Mac OS X Jaguar 10.2.1, probably running on a PowerMac G4 oor similar.

This is great - running on 18 year old hardware in 2020. Nerd heaven.
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seen worse from asylum
moonnight07224 October 2020
From what i'm used to see from then this looks better then other knock off they put out. the acting quality is funny to look at , that has not change from asylum, over doing it on drama
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Hello look at the title !!!
lomasney-190733 November 2020
Asteroid - a - Geddon , really you have to doubt anyone giving this film a bad review you are hardly going to watch this for an oscar winning performance. This is a brilliant Friday night film with a few beers and friends , fast paced , corny , dodgy acting but very entertaining this is a class B movie and yes they do come with dodgy graphics. Loved this film and definitely recommend to anybody with half a brain and a pulse as the bad reviews obviously have neither.
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Did they think Eric Roberts was going to elevate this??
mikerjones29 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The only actor I recognized in this waste of time was Eric Roberts. I assume he only took the movie for the money - or maybe he had a couple days to kill. They say a really good actor improves a scene by making other actors work harder. That did not happen here. Eric was just as stilted as everyone else. It seemed like the actors saw the script right before shooting the scene with no rehearsal whatsoever. That's how the entire movie came across.

Veronika Issa as the assumed lead tried hard to project toughness and authority, and was sort of successful. Unfortunately the dialogue was poor and the makeup was worse. In fact, after traveling all day to get to the bedside of her sick father, the women appeared to have been made up by a teenage Goth. In fact you have to gather from the dialogue that her dad died before she got there. Thankfully the heavy makeup disappeared after that scene.

The special effects were high-grade schlock, apparently making use of readily available video editing software. Overall the idea was not the worst I have seen, but execution was waaaay below standard. If you really want to waste your time on this movie, then the only way to watch is to stream. Then you can fast-forward through the middle crap and get right to the laser beam business.
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Lohnt sich nicht
cuxrsv24 February 2022
Gewinner in der Kategorie SCHLEFAZ.

Billige Effekte, nicht ansehenswert und empfehlenswert.

Was soll ich da noch schreiben, da schau ich lieber Teletubbies.
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xiamsam28 October 2020
This film was a tough sell. With an endless catalogue of these run of the mill "end of world, we must stop the rock from destroying out planet" films having been done to death since the beginning of cinema history - one would have to think... If it's doesn't stand up to some of the best made, why even bother recreating these recycled plot? I feel like the people who approve these concepts over and over are as bored as the leaders in the war room in this film. Generic to the point of being bland and an overstatement of been there done that territory - these "asteroids" have not only destroyed the earth but have filled more holes in story structure in this film that I have probably ever seen. That being said, the film has some pretty interesting VFX, that although may come off a bit cheesy and animated, felt entertaining and wasn't hard to look it - almost fun at times. Someone should call the acting police on some of the actors, the sets are non existent and the dialogue unnatural and forced, whoa, super forced. Yet, the standout actor amongst the group, Gigi Gustin is a true redeeming factor to this amateur disaster flick. When she comes on screen, she automatically steals the show and keeps you from throwing the remote at the screen. A natural up and comer and gorgeous to boot. Excited to see where she goes from here. So all and all, this is what it is, its campy, silly and fun at times, but an ok looking Vfx asteroid and a blonde talent on the rise saves Asteroid-a-geddon from imploding on itself. 4 stars!
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Was it not supposed to be a comedy?
jblambe10 August 2021
I switched to it in the middle of it and thought that it might be a comedy.

Bad production design (the sets look like sets or film studios), bad acting, bad special effects, and laughable science (both in the plot and the visuals (e.g. The rocket travelling in a straight line, and pushing asteroids out of the way)).

And it should look more modern considering that the asteroid was apparently first discovered in the year 2200. (It's catalogue number is "2200QL".)
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Take heart...
plantzr31 March 2021
It's always fun to see Eric Roberts in a film, but he didn't have much to work with.

In the meantime, take heart, for the sequel -- "Hemorrhoid-a-Geddon" -- is bound to be better.
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