"Smallville" Hex (TV Episode 2009) Poster

(TV Series)


Erica Durance: Lois Lane, Chloe Sullivan



  • [Clark has forgotten he's Kryptonian. He and Chloe/Lois see a woman on the street being mugged] 

    Chloe Sullivan : [as Lois]  Aren't you going to do anything?

    Clark Kent : [nods]  You're absolutely right, Lois.

    [Clark, bravely, pulls out his phone] 

    Clark Kent : Hello, 911?

  • Chloe Sullivan : [as Lois]  Open the door, Clark.

    Clark Kent : Lois, it's locked! We need a key!

    Chloe Sullivan : Open the damn door, Clark.

    Clark Kent : Lois, if you don't...

    [Clark pulls at the door handle and it breaks off] 

    Chloe Sullivan : *Now* do you believe me?

    Clark Kent : [looking at broken handle]  What I believe is that this door needs better maintenance. Look at the rust in here. No wonder it just pulled off like that.

    Chloe Sullivan : Okay.

    Clark Kent : Now, we're going to be stuck up here...

    Chloe Sullivan : How about this? Listen. Really listen. What do you hear?

    Clark Kent : That's amazing. The acoustics up here are incredible. It's like there's some perfect echo point right *here*.

    [Chloe/Lois grabs a pipe and swings it at Clark and misses, hits the roof edge] 

    Clark Kent : Lois! Have you completely lost your mind? That could have really hurt!

    Chloe Sullivan : No, it... No, it wouldn't, Clark. You've got superspeed and super strength and super-hearing and x-ray vision!

    Clark Kent : And I have a deadline, Lois. Now, please, if you would excuse me, I need to find a way to get off this roof. Unless my superpowers include an ability... to fly.

  • Clark Kent : You haven't insulted me once yet today. And you actually crossed at the crosswalk. Did Jeff not bring you your coffee today?

    Chloe Sullivan : Uh, let's just say I rolled out of bed on the right side. It's amazing how much more you can see with fresh eyes. So, anything else you wanna tell me...

    [she trips, and she catches him] 

    Clark Kent : What's the look for?

    Chloe Sullivan : Uh... you just never looked at me that way before.

  • Lois Lane : Little blonde sources tell me that you don't mind my assertive flair. Let me see it.

    Clark Kent : Lois, I don't know what you're talking about.

    Lois Lane : You have a terrible poker face, Smallville.

    [getting up from her desk and sitting on the corner of his] 

    Lois Lane : Gimme, gimme.

    [he reluctantly hands over the list of her rules that he framed] 

    Lois Lane : Wow. Who would have know you were this sentimental? I think we should hang it up so that everyone can see it.

    Clark Kent : [taking it back]  This is a memento from my first day on the job. And a constant reminder there's only one Lois Lane.

    Lois Lane : You better believe it.

  • Clark Kent : How gullible do you think i am, Lois?

    Chloe Sullivan : I'm Chloe.

    Clark Kent : Right. At first i had trouble telling you two apart, as well. But Lois is the tall one.

    Chloe Sullivan : You just acknowledged I was Chloe before our run-in with Zatanna. She bippity-boppity-booed you, too!

  • Lois Lane : So, how long did it take for you to realize that I wasn't my usual charming self?

    Clark Kent : Well, I have to admit, I should have picked upon it sooner. You weren't as bossy as usual. And Chloe let me drive.

  • Lois Lane : [giving Chloe a birthday cupcake]  Hey! One year closer to the sweet release of death.

    Chloe Sullivan : How wonderfully morbid.

  • Chloe Sullivan : Oh, my god, I'm Lois.

  • Chloe Sullivan : So everything's okay with you in Mexico, Lois?

    Lois Lane : Everything's great, except for government oppression and slave labor. Why?

  • Clark Kent : Lois?

    Chloe Sullivan : Thank god. Clark.

    Clark Kent : You couldn't have been deported that quickly. Why aren't you in Mexico?

  • Chloe Sullivan : Here's the thing. I never made it to Mexico.

    Clark Kent : Right. Can this wait until after your post-lunch, pre-dinner, after-coffee snack break?

  • Clark Kent : Lois, are you all right?

    Chloe Sullivan : No, I am definitely not all right.

    Clark Kent : [his computer beeps]  Well, this should help. Police standoff. Main and 5th. Grab your jacket.

    [heading out] 

    Clark Kent : Isn't this the part where you tell me to saddle up?

    Chloe Sullivan : Start your engines... Smallville.

  • Clark Kent : You just woke up like this? How did I not pick up on it sooner?

    Chloe Sullivan : Forget about it. This is my Shakespearean nightmare. Not yours.

    [trying to open a locked door] 

    Chloe Sullivan : Although it has been oddly illuminating.

  • Chloe Sullivan : Clark, you're the only person who can get up there and put an end to this right now.

    Clark Kent : Look, I know what you're gonna say, but...

    Chloe Sullivan : No, Clark. There are no "buts" with you. No exception to the rule. Now, super-leap up there and stop her.

    Clark Kent : Look, I don't know. It...

    Chloe Sullivan : Yeah, okay. Okay, Clark, you don't have to know. If you won't believe in yourself, then let me believe in you. Okay? I know that deep inside, you don't wanna just be a normal guy sitting behind a desk reporting on disasters while you could be out there stopping them. Now, use the power you feel. The world needs *you*.

  • Yuri : You mind telling me who you are?

    Chloe Sullivan : Lois Lane, Daily Planet. I'm sorry, we thought you were under some kind of... spell?

    Clark Kent : Well, she did.

    Yuri : You know.

    Chloe Sullivan : We know Zatanna gave you a wish in exchange for some information on a book.

    Yuri : I never should have told her how to find that book. I'm afraid she's too blinded by her grief to see the danger that she's in.

    Clark Kent : Say this woman does know magic. What sort of danger are you talking about?

    Yuri : She must be stopped from using that book to resurrect her father. She isn't prepared to make the sacrifice.

    Clark Kent : What kind of sacrifice?

    Yuri : From what I could decipher, the incantation to bring a life back required the taking of a life in return.

    Clark Kent : So in order to bring her father back, someone else must die.

    Yuri : A life for a life. A soul for a soul.

  • Chloe Sullivan : Right before we walked in there, you were just complaining about how easy it would be if you could just forget the whole hero-alien-everything weird side and were just a regular, mundane reporter living a normal life.

    Clark Kent : If something seems to weird to be true, it usually is.

    [seeing she's confused] 

    Clark Kent : It's rule number four.

    Chloe Sullivan : [still confused]  What?

    Clark Kent : [taking a picture frame out of his desk drawer]  "Lois Lane's Rules of Reporting." Come on. Like you'd never let me forget.

    Chloe Sullivan : And you framed this?

    [trying to get back on topic] 

    Chloe Sullivan : Look, you said you wanted only one of your double lives. And whether you meant it or not, the spell thought you did.

    Clark Kent : Exactly what other life is it I'm supposed to have, Lois?

  • Zatanna Zatara : It won't be much longer, father.

    Clark Kent : Much longer for what?

    Zatanna Zatara : I'm sorry. Have we met?

    Chloe Sullivan : Does an enchanted cupcake ring any bells?

    Zatanna Zatara : You were the birthday girl.

    Clark Kent : You need to reverse the curse that you put on Chloe.

    Zatanna Zatara : Curse? Is that what you think happened? You kind of got things backwards. I granted you a wish.

    Chloe Sullivan : And why on earth would I wish myself into this?

    Zatanna Zatara : Beats me. I don't write the magics, honey. I just use them. Now, I'm not saying this is your heart's deepest desire. But in that moment, this is what you wanted.

    Chloe Sullivan : Okay, just for a second. Maybe I was little jealous of Lois living my dream life with Clark at the Planet, but I didn't literally want her life. Not like this.

    Zatanna Zatara : Well, don't worry. It will wear off as soon as you don't want it anymore.

    Chloe Sullivan : Fine. I don't want it.

    Zatanna Zatara : You keep telling yourself that.

  • Clark Kent : Listen, what I said about Jimmy...

    Chloe Sullivan : You're an equal opportunity good guy. I get it. I guess I'm just not used to seeing you from this perspective. By the way, "Tales of the Weird and Unexplained"? Nice callback.

    Clark Kent : I thought it might bring you back to a time when, you know, things were...

    Chloe Sullivan : Weird and unexplained? You sound like you miss it.

    Clark Kent : I don't know. It's just that there's a whole half of my life where this happens, every day. Weird has become so normal, it's not even weird anymore. Honestly, I like what I'm doing at the Planet now. But I would be lying if I said that there weren't days when I wish I could forget about saving the world and just be a normal reporter.

    Chloe Sullivan : [he easily opens the door]  Well, for now, how about you not stick to your day job?

  • Police Officer : Nut job up there on the fire escape, he owns Yuri's Antiques over on Main Street. He's been babbling in Latin all day.

    [to "Lois", as he leaves] 

    Police Officer : Hey, I'll see you on Friday.

    Chloe Sullivan : [listening to Yuri rant]  Woman... magic cursed on. Book brings death.

    Clark Kent : Since when did you speak Latin?

    Yuri : Zatanna! Zatanna!

    Chloe Sullivan : Zatanna. Clark! I bet it is that same witchy woman who did this to me. Now, I know where she's performing tonight. Maybe you can superspeed over to this antique shop and dust off any leads.

    Clark Kent : [surprised that "Lois" knows his secret]  Superspeed? We didn't even bring a car.

    Chloe Sullivan : What?


    Chloe Sullivan : It's okay. I'm Chloe.

    [Clark is still confused] 

    Chloe Sullivan : "Stood her up at formal" Chloe? "Planted one on you because Zod was ending the world" Chloe? "Krypton, Jor-El, Fortress, Braniac" Chloe!

    Clark Kent : [recognizing her]  Chloe.

    Chloe Sullivan : Bingo! And just like that raving wardrobe malfunction over there, some magician showed up at my birthday party in fishnets and hexed me, but you'd know that if you hadn't skipped it to answer voicemails from Lois. Not that I'm dwelling.

See also

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