The Immaculate Room (2022) Poster

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Interesting idea for a story, which never reached it's potential. In other words: boring
imseeg21 August 2022
When one places 2 actors in 1 room and there is nothing else but a white room, then THE ACTING becomes paramount.

The bad; the problem with this movie is that we get to see 2 decent actors, who cant elevate this movie though to a higher level. I really do like both actors, but they aint Oscar winning performers.

More bad: the direction isnt gripping. It's missing spark and punch. Part due to the story being dull and predictable, part due to the direction itself.

Nice idea, mediocre execution.
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A Real Letdown From A Good Idea
johnnyhbtvs277 September 2022
The Immaculate Room feels like a missed opportunity. It has an interesting idea and starts off well enough but loses it's way badly towards the end. Emile Hirsch (who is seemingly incapable of a bad performance) and Kate Bosworth (may be the strongest i've seen her) give great performances and it was nice to see M. Emmet Walsh in one scene. The concept of the movie is definitely better than the execution and the directing is rather poor at times, most notably in the ending which is rushed and is really a letdown after what's gone on before. Shame.......................................................
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Already-Dated Pandemic-Era Product
MogwaiMovieReviews19 August 2022
It's hard to imagine a more obviously COVID-era movie, made in strict isolation with a small handful of actors, some of whom never even meet each other and talk only to a camera in another room.

On one level it's admirable that they tried to keep on making movies in such an incredibly challenging time, but it already feels dated and claustrophobic and it's just obvious that it exists only for the reason of producing content during a pandemic.

There is practically nothing that happens in it that comes as any kind of surprise, and there's no original, meaningful or particularly convincing moments that occur at any point.

To be fair, there's nothing glaringly BAD about it, either, just the perpetually nagging feeling that it wouldn't exist at all if not for some head office instruction to continue pumping out streaming content at all costs when the barrel is otherwise scraped dry.
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How do they keep bumping into things
storey9715 December 2022
It drove me crazy that they kept bumping into the bed or kept saying they couldn't see anything after the lights went out even though the room had the entire floor covered with lights. I mean the bed practically had underglow light effects like a car would have.

Pretty slow movie where nothing really happens..

Ok. That's the end of the review. Why the hell is the app making me come up with 600+ characters for the review. There is literally nothing left to say. I want this review to stop but no, it won't let me. It just keeps making me type more letters. Yippee, only 26 more characters to go.
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Shallow characters, predictable story
lynxmajic8728 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
From the first moment the characters are shown, it is clear they have nothing in common and arguments are going to be all over the place. Kate and Michael depict two opposite ways of dealing with the Room. The two main characters seem to live two parallel lives, which never meet. Why did the director write these? Just to show two opposite characters within the Room? Michael and Kate learn nothing from each other. They do not grow or develop.

The characters and their stories are not well explored or developed. When they receive outside messages, we still feel like we don't know the characters.

Why is Kate so upset about her father? Instead of empathizing with her, the spectator feels confused. Showing Kate have a breakdown in bed does not really help in making us feel for her. Dialogs between Kate and Michael are shallow, pointless, they do not lead to the next point of the story. Why does Michael's sister not like Kate? This is never developed.

Kate and Michael's feelings, thoughts, fears, doubts are not particularly developed or heartfelt. Michael appears to be constantly high or lost in space. Kate appears to be OCD, forcing herself to play the good soldier.

The rest of story is predictable: Kate trying to be the good soldier, Michael being the rebel one. Treats are predictable, like Michael receiving a woman and eliciting feelings of jealousy, anger, frustration. The psychedelic/acid trip scenes are a desperate attempt at luring in a certain type of audience, or perhaps at appearing in tune with modern times.

The rules of the Room are available on the monitor, but they are not developed well. The final argument between the two is predictable, boring and not particularly memorable.

What was the message of the movie? That people are willing to kill each other for money? That people eventually go crazy and start hating each other after isolating for too long? That human kind really is selfish, brutal, primordial, fragile? If so, these messages were not conveyed well. At the end of the movie I did not particularly feel for the characters, did not empathize with them, did not take away any special message or new revelation.

I found THX 1138 much more interesting.
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unstimulating, unexciting mess
Horror_Flick_Fanatic21 August 2022
This film is just a boring mess. There isn't anything intellectual about it. I personally found it tedious to watch, hoping it had something intelligent to say. But the film is just about greed, insecurities and jealousy. As an audience member, I was just as bored as the actors on the screen.
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The hatred for this movie is odd
darkmomo-818316 February 2023
Mostly because it was the kind of movie myself and clearly the reviewers, watched all the way through. It was entertaining. Mikey was a weak pos that much was for sure. But the movie itself made me want to keep watching all the way through to the end to see what happened! Which is rare. I can cut a movie off in the beginning if it's boring.

Again Mikey SUCKS and is the kind of douchebag you should never take anywhere. XD This is the kind of man you drop off before you enter a challenge because he's that show boaty and weak.

All in all a good movie. It kept me entertained, only checking the time halfway through and 20 mins until the end. For me, that means I was captivated. It was enjoyable. I won't spoil the ending. :)
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Slow, Pointless and Boring
sanrionislove20 August 2022
The trailer for this movie made it seem like it was going to be a thriller, and yet by the end I felt like I had wasted an hour and a half of my time as the movie and its story was boring and the entire movie was slow and pointless.

The premise had promise, but the writer dropped the ball.
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Meta, Meta, Squared
dtporter-886-8830203 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Very few films create their message by experiencing the film. The Immaculate Room is the one of those rare films. The slovenly pace. The absence of color, smell, variation. Asexuality. Then...

The film drones, your senses dull, and import of the film hits hard, like a tasteless bite of sand. Like a 2 second orgasm. Like a raw egg white. Life can be that way. Then...

Green lines. Nude strangers. Ecstatic pace. Smelly armpits. Hitting a white, polished marble wall with your head. Red blood. And...

Shawn dies. She leaves. You lose, or do you? Life goes on. Build that kitchen. Take that walk to the car. Learn, feel, be. Life goes on.

Bosworth, Hirsch, and Dewil created a world impossible to blandishly ignore. I was there. No ecstasy was needed. I was there. No bloody head occurred. I was there. No swimming pool water in my little brother's lungs. I was there. Thank you for that rare film experience, more than eyes, more than brain, more than intellect. Meta indeed.
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high-concept lacks tension
SnoopyStyle10 July 2023
Mikey Walsh (Emile Hirsch) and Kate Frith (Kate Bosworth) are a troubled couple with a chance to win $5 million. They have stay in an all-white room for 50 days to win that money. It's called "The Immaculate Room". Simone (Ashley Greene) is an actress sent into the room as one of Mikey's "treats".

This is a high-concept indie with some recognizable faces. The concept may be edgier when reality-TV was in its infancy. In the year 2022, this movie is barely a blip in the conversation. It wouldn't make for great TV and this is a rather slow movie. The tension is never that high despite all the manufactured drama. I do wonder if the writer comes up with the concept first and write around it.
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Admittedly it's my kind of movie - but I really enjoyed it
jtindahouse22 August 2022
'The Immaculate Room' is the type of film that makes me worry about which other films I would really enjoy that I haven't watched because of a low IMDb score. 4.3/10 is criminally low for a film like this, in my opinion. Is it just young people upset that nothing has blown up in the first 40 minutes of the film, switching it off and giving it a 1/10? Or are people actually finding this offensively bad and I've just missed something? I'm not entirely sure. All I know is I had a great time with it.

To be fair this is exactly my type of film. I love single-room thrillers where the only thing the film has to fall back on is the strength of its characters. Putting them in a psychological experiment setting is just the icing on the cake. I loved the arc they found themselves on too, how when they first arrive they think it is going to be a piece of cake, then the slowly realise just how long 50 days is. The "treats" the film throws into the mix to spice things up were excellent as well.

I can understand this film not being for everyone. But if don't need a film to have Marvel-level budget and explosions and CGI everywhere you look then you may just have a really good time with this one. If you do then probably stay away. 8/10.
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Not Great
gab-6759921 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
As expected the whole movie was shot in one room. I knew this going into the movie. I pictured it would be like movies such as Cube (1997), or Room (2015). The only difference was those movies added something special into the mix, where this one didn't! I must say I added a star because I am a Hirsch fan, but only one star. The few interesting moments did not outweigh the long drawn out boring parts in this movie.

I get it though, sometimes we don't know how toxic a relationship might be until we slow down and actually take a hard look at it. The lead was just NOT likeable! I actually hated her in this movie, her voice, everything was just annoying. This made the movie unlikable. No matter what she did at the end, I already disliked her and would have wished for someone else to play her in this movie. This felt like (to me), a very slow independent film about two people who anyone could see would be better off alone. I would not recommend and I only endured it for Hirsch, I will not be watching it again though.
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Interest concept, poor execution
jarskynz16 September 2022
The Immaculate Room, is as the synopsis states...a movie where you spend 50 days in a white room, and by completing this you win $5 million.

It's as described on the tin. Plot wise, it seems like its going to be like other similar titles such as Phonebooth, The Circle, The Platform, Cube, etc....but this movie really goes nowhere. There is no tension. And while I really like the main actors, its hard to suspend your disbelief that people would really act this way and be so self destructive when theyre constantly reminding themselves its $5m on the line.

Really theres quite a lot of stimulation. Theres actually 2 rooms. Plenty of space to be active and move about. The lights are dimmed every night (not constantly on and over stimulating), and there are various treats and such that add stimulation to the time, so really its hard to believe that people cant do 50 days.

There's no twist or pay off for the little bit of tension in the movie either. The movie really goes nowhere so can't really recommend it.
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Good idea, bad execution
mjdio23 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is so weak. The chemistry between the two characters that we have to watch for what actually feels like 50 days, is non-existent. They seem completely uncomfortable with each other from the very opening. I was uncomfortable just watching them. Like when you're hanging out with a couple that's fighting. And it's like they started losing it after one day! And why would you give yourself a wake-up call when you have nothing to do all day but try to pass time? And how did that one green crayon last so long? And why are they so afraid of the gun? And after a month of not seeing anyone else, why would you not welcome another person, clothed or not. Someone new to talk to! And why are they brushing their teeth? They're not eating anything! And why aren't her roots growing out after 4 weeks? Maybe all of these questions are answered in the last half hour, but I couldn't finish the movie to find out.
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Hour And a Half I Will Never Get Back
heykateforever25 January 2023
Most reviewers have already talked about the many problems with this so-called movie. I think calling this a thriller is a false statement and needs to be amended to simply Very Bad Drama. If there had been more chemistry between the two main characters, with more moments of intrigue and, well, plot, MAYBE you could call this a drama. But thriller? Not a thriller.

The acting was terrible, the plot was nonexistent. The two main characters who enter an all-white room for 50 days to earn $5 million as a "prize" in some sort of badly explained game show contest, could easily both have been substituted for robots with the same amount of energy and emotions. I could explain the stupidity of the food served (never really explained or eaten as far as I could tell), the robotic voice that kept announcing bedtime and wake-up calls, the everyday showers, but the lack of plot? THAT cannot be explained. Supposedly, the characters were left in this all white environment as a test of their ability to withstand the blandness of 50 days and nights with nothing to do and no color in their environment. But that could have been a better story done in short form, maybe 15 minutes.

There was no great camera work or cinematography as it was not needed. But honestly? I have seen more emotional moments between my cats and dogs in my life, than in this movie. Save yourself the loss of time and stay away from this absolute loser of a movie. Definitely up there in the top 5 worst movies I have ever seen. Do not know why I didn't turn it off after 20 minutes. I think sometimes, seeing something this badly made and acted is, in itself, entertaining! If you enjoy watching grass grow, then this movie is definitely for you!! Or, Hollywood at it's most artsy self-indulgence. Who thought this movie was a good idea? Now that is a mystery thriller movie I would enjoy watching!
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More horsecrap than the whole room could fit!!!
publicemaildump26 August 2022
I could have filmed this piece of junk for $10,000 (stripper included). Absolute waste of time, zero entertainment or thought implied. If you have seen The Cube, nobody could ever beat that.
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Not Immaculate
sarah-508-64942122 October 2022
Not Kate Bosworth's worse work by any means given she's the same in absolutely everything she's in. Quite a predicable film with a lot of conversations and not a lot of 'action' as such.

So you're isolated in a room with your other half. You're both as insecure as anything, both have your issues and skeletons you're battling so what could possibly go wrong? Especially when them in charge of the room know which buttons to press or which ones ultimately they want the contestants to press so you don't win the prize. Starts of amusingly quite well and naive to think that 'this will change everything for us'. Absolutely but not in the way they think. As I say quite predictable. If you liked - Squid Games, Escape Rooms this is for you - but without the gore.
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mariavkci18 April 2023
I cannot express how disappointed I am. I'm starting to get worried as to what makes movie these days. Plot was simple as it can be with 0 twists. Tedious process to keep watching hoping that something will happen. Nothing psychological here. Two simple personalities boring away their time (and ours) in a white room. No complex build ups and acting is just okay nothing more. This had a great potential. It feels like writers just wanted to pitch their idea of white room and when accepted never build up on it. Keep it as simple as possible. Maybe only good thing is that due to lack of plot and boredom it kept my imagination working and I came up with lots of alternative endings. All better than original.
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Pretty good, could be better
justinmoore-3980815 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I think this movie was a fantastic idea, with an "alright" execution.

Yes, there are parts where it feels drawn out and nothing is happening, but I think the goal of that is to accentuate the amount of time the characters are in the room for, and to really make you feel like you're waiting for 50 days as well.

Although I do feel that it could've had more happen as well, especially with the "treat" twists brought in. It would've been interesting to see Simone in the room longer, maybe until the end, to see how she reacted to just 18 days instead of the full 50.

The acting was okay, but I feel it could've been better as well, Kate felt a little bit dry until the last scene.
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As soon as I saw Chicken Soup for the Soul...
gqkmqmtym3 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I knew it would be bland as soon as I saw which media company was behind this. Chicken Soup for the Soul claims to be the most self-conscious aware organization but they are so bland when it comes to their storytelling I'm talking no seasoning salmonella still pink in the middle because nothing's ever finished the way it should be. It's fully cooked with no spices. It leaves so much room for improvement you could make a whole new dish.

That's the only way I describe the effort that went into this dry piece of useless bland chicken film. 🎥

First of all anybody would have full blown psychosis after two weeks, in an all white room with no windows and no exit so you can imagine at 51 days. But no. It was boring. The budget was 5 million. I suppose they just wasted that on the actors because this has no value -it's like let's make the cheapest set possible spend a good chunk on the actors and somehow believe people will love it. It's boring. Fast forward to the end if you need closure. Ok bye.
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Intriguing if slow paced movie
catfanatic88823 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
If you don't mind slow paced movies, this might be one to watch. Despite the low reviews, I actually thought it was pretty intriguing. The addition of Ashley Greene took it to another realm which I enjoyed. There were enough scenes to keep me watching throughout. I kept wondering how this was going to end. It was not what I thought which was a nice surprise. Just know that the whole film is in one big white room.
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Painfully boring, great acting
bbpjstock-572443 December 2022
There isn't much to say. If you want to watch two people in a room for two hours, this movie is for you. I was hoping for some substance, but there's nothing there. The acting was wonderful, but unfortunately the movie was a dud. The last 15 minutes are the most "exciting" and even then, it wasn't that great.

This movie had a lot of potential to be something, but it fell short. Throughout the entire thing, I kept waiting for something exciting to happen, but was unfortunately let down.

In my opinion, it would be fairly easy to spend 50 days in a room like this, yet it seemed to be an unnecessarily struggle for these characters.

Great acting. Bad movie.
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Can You Survive?
demonblade-3779223 August 2022
A couple are sent to "The Immaculate Room" where if you spend 50 days in a room where there is mostly nothing that you win 5 million dollars. It was quite intriguing that the movie was shot in only one room and Mikey and Kate are questioning their own sanity while spent locked up by themselves as days go on with surprises that the room gives them. It is, at best, a decent film.
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Just not good
Dreamgirl-31 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There was literally no point to Ashley Greene's character other than to have a naked woman. I would be great to have a new person! I would have braided her hair. Kate's jealousy felt unjustified. Her partner obviously had no idea a woman would be joining them. Let alone a naked woman. He says later that he had never cheated on her. It's a wild leap to think that this would be the time. In a completely empty and echoey room. She would have absolutely heard them if they tried anything. It just felt like a "crazy" woman trope. It has an interesting concept but honestly it should have been a short film. There is only so long that you can keep the torture of nothingness going. I actually think the acting over all was pretty decent considering what they had to work with. The set was pretty interesting too.
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This movie took me 2 days to watch.
loveislikeabrick9 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is absolute trash. It was watching 2 of the most annoying human beings on the planet, alone in a room for 90 minutes. Not to mention, when someone else finally joins, it makes the two main characters even more annoying. Of course, we also have to add in a 3some with two women and 1 man. Moronic film. Pretentious plot that falls flat and ends up becoming completely pointless. I watched an hour of this film one day, rage quit, and then finished the next in hopes it would be salvaged by the end. No such luck. If possible, the characters got even more annoying. All in all an irritating movie.
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