"The Flash" Timeless (TV Episode 2021) Poster

(TV Series)


Candice Patton: Iris West-Allen



  • Caitlin Snow : What a day. First, Frost is sent to Iron Heights for life, and now Alexa's dead.

    Iris West-Allen : I can't let this happen again.

    Caitlin Snow : I'll get to work. I need to figure out how Nora was able to...

    Cisco Ramon : Kill a god?

    Barry Allen : She could because she had help.

    Iris West-Allen : Barry, she tricked you.

    Barry Allen : No, she manipulated me, just like she's been doing the whole time.

    Iris West-Allen : Honey, I know how you feel, but... not everything she did and said was a lie. I mean, there were moments that felt real, too. That must mean...

    Barry Allen : Iris, we can't trust her anymore.

  • Caitlin Snow : What about what Nora said about you two creating the other forces?

    Barry Allen : I mean, there's no proof.

    Cisco Ramon : Well, what if we find out if Nora's telling the truth? If she is, then that means the other forces would have been born the same day she was.

    Chester P. Runk : Oh, I'll pull satellite scans from the night we fought Mirror Monarch.

    Cisco Ramon : Please, and thank you.

    [Chester pulls the scans] 

    Cisco Ramon : Okay, you see that cluster of kinetic energy readings? Pretty sure that's the Speed Force being reborn in the Speed Lab.

    [seeing the four colored lightning bolts] 

    Cisco Ramon : Whoa. There they are. Three brand-spanking-new isotopic signatures.

    Iris West-Allen : Nora was right.

    Barry Allen : We created the forces.

  • Cisco Ramon : Barry, you're talking about creating another Flashpoint. You know we can't do that.

    Barry Allen : Not if I can figure out a way to go back that doesn't affect the timeline.

    Cisco Ramon : Which would be impossible.

    Iris West-Allen : Barry, look, I know that you're devastated about Alexa. But uncreating forces? That crosses a line.

    Barry Allen : I convinced Alexa to come here. Her death is my fault. If we don't get these new forces out of Psych and Deon, Nora will kill them, too, so it's on us to fix this.

    Iris West-Allen : By killing Psych and Deon?

    Barry Allen : No, I'm not killing them. I'm saving them from the forces that took over their lives. Whoever they were before this, they can go back to being those same people again.

    Iris West-Allen : And what about the other force that was born that night? Nora. If you uncreate her...

    Barry Allen : We're only gonna target the new forces, not Nora. That's the plan.

    Chester P. Runk : But if something goes wrong, Barry, you might lose your speed.

    Barry Allen : Then I lose my speed. All right? It's... it's worth the risk to keep everyone safe.

  • Allegra Garcia : Esperanza, don't kill me!

    Kamilla Hwang : They're everywhere. We need to keep them out.

    Iris West-Allen : Psych, stop. You're hurting them. Please.

    Psych : Oh, they're hurting themselves. Sure, I pull back the curtain. But what they see is up to them. Now, before I show you your greatest fear, why were you looking for me?

    Iris West-Allen : I wasn't.

    Psych : No... you were looking for the Speed Force? Nora. Why? Why are you so desperate to find her? Is it to hurt her?

    Iris West-Allen : I want to talk to her so I can help her.

    Psych : Are you sure? Because I am feeling the pain that she has inflicted upon you. How deeply she's torn apart your relationships. Your whole life. Actually, the suffering she's caused is quite beautiful.

    Iris West-Allen : That wasn't Nora. She's lost control. Just like you have. But if you let me, I can help you both.

    Psych : I don't need your help. Besides, I can feel what you fear the most. It's the person you seek. Well, your wish is my command.

  • Iris West-Allen : Psych.

    Psych : [telekinetically closing the doors]  Hi, Mom.

  • Speed Force : [in Iris' nightmare]  You think you can be a good wife? Good mother? But you never will. Everything you do pales in comparison to me. Besides... how could you be a good mother if you never even had one?

    Iris West-Allen : I'm not listening to you.

    Speed Force : You don't have to. You already know it's the truth.

    Iris West-Allen : No. You're not real.

    Speed Force : There's no escaping your own fear.

    Iris West-Allen : I know you're still here, Psych.

    Psych : [ending the vision]  Very good. Mm. It is not every day that someone can sense my presence in their nightmare.

    Iris West-Allen : I'm not just someone. We have a connection. I know you can feel that, too.

    Psych : Perhaps. It's not going to help you, though. Escape one nightmare and I'll just serve up another. Because there's always more terror to unlock.

  • Iris West-Allen : Before you had those powers, before you became a force, you were a person. I'm talking to that person right now. I have friends. I have a team. They can help you fight this monster that's inside of you. We can help you regain control of your body.

    Psych : What makes you think I'm not in control?

    Iris West-Allen : I know you didn't... choose to have these powers. And you shouldn't have to go through this alone. I know that we're not flesh and blood. But in a way... I'm... I'm like a-a parent. So please let me help you.

    Psych : Well, then there's something I should tell you, Mother. I hated my parents.

  • Barry Allen : I won't help you kill again.

    Speed Force : Oh... My beautiful boy. You have no choice. Because if you don't, those things will kill everyone you've sworn to keep safe. Is that what you want? Then, please, Barry... help me.

    Barry Allen : No.

    Speed Force : You have to help me, damn it!

    Iris West-Allen : Nora, stop.

    Speed Force : I will destroy those other forces, Barry, with or without your help. Then you'll see that I'm right.

  • Iris West-Allen : She's dead. You killed Alexa.

    Speed Force : Barry and I did it together. That was the only way. She was the strongest. I needed every ounce of power, including your strength, to kill her.

    Barry Allen : I'm supposed to protect lives, not destroy them!

    Speed Force : I'm helping you clean up your mess, Barry. This is your fault. The night you brought me back, you created these monsters.

    [derisively at Iris] 

    Speed Force : You and your lighting rod. When you regained your speed, I wasn't the only thing you two willed into existence.

    Iris West-Allen : That's impossible.

    Speed Force : Really? Alexa was afraid to come here, but she trusted you. Why? Because deep down, she could feel a connection with you. The same connection that you feel with me now. But these new forces? The way they've merged with the people they chose as avatars? It's corrupted them because it's unnatural.

  • Iris West-Allen : How bad is it?

    Chester P. Runk : Okay, did Nora kill somebody else?

    Barry Allen : No, and I have a way to make sure she never does.

    Iris West-Allen : Okay, how?

    Cisco Ramon : [entering]  I'm here. What's going on?

    Barry Allen : I spent all night coming up with a way to fix all this.

    Cisco Ramon : Okay, what the solve?

    Barry Allen : We need to wipe the new forces out of existence.

    Iris West-Allen : Barry, what are you saying?

    Barry Allen : I want to go back in time... and uncreate them.

  • Kamilla Hwang : You want to go after a force of nature?

    Iris West-Allen : Yeah, if I can convince Nora not to kill Deon and Psych, then... Barry will see that she can be reasoned with.

    Allegra Garcia : But how do we find her? I mean, she's the freakin' Speed Force.

    Kamilla Hwang : Well, if she finds us first, at least we'll know she's coming. Holy crap... . you guys gotta see this.

    [showing them the filter on her camera] 

    Kamilla Hwang : You see that bright spot at the center of you? I think that's kinetic energy.

    Iris West-Allen : Guys, this is gonna sound really wild, but...

    Allegra Garcia : Yeah, 'cause a ghost-hunting lens isn't weird enough.

    Iris West-Allen : But if Barry and I created these forces, what if there's a little bit of each of them inside of us?

    Kamilla Hwang : Like you're all connected? Wait, Iris. When you're over by the door, your glow was brighter. Like there's something in that direction that was intensifying it. What if...

    Iris West-Allen : That something is Nora. Guys, we can use me as a diving rod to track her down.

    Allegra Garcia : Yup, that's weirder.

  • Kamilla Hwang : Iris, you were right. These isotopic readings are off the chart.

    Allegra Garcia : Where are we?

    Iris West-Allen : The old Allen house. This is where Barry's mom was killed. He also said this is where the Speed Force went when she died.

    Allegra Garcia : [heading in]  Whoa. That old car is hella vintage. Almost looks brand new.

    Iris West-Allen : Must be a collector or something.

    Kamilla Hwang : We can ask him when we're done. Assuming we survive.

  • Kamilla Hwang : She should be here.

    Allegra Garcia : Maybe it was a false positive?

    Iris West-Allen : Maybe since Nora is the Speed Force, her isotopic signature is all over the city by now.

    Allegra Garcia : So what do we do?

    Iris West-Allen : I don't know. But we are running out of time.

    Kamilla Hwang : Well, Cisco always says you can't solve a problem 'til you're asking the right question.

    Allegra Garcia : Isn't "Where's Nora's kinetic energy leading us" the right question?

    Iris West-Allen : No. The right question is "Where's Nora?". We've been trying to find the Speed Force when we should be looking for... the person.

    Kamilla Hwang : So where would the real Nora Allen go?

    Iris West-Allen : Home. Come on.

  • Barry Allen : Nora's not a person, Iris. She never was. Look, if we uncreate these forces, we can put everything back to normal. Hopefully, that'll fix her, too.

    Iris West-Allen : Hopefully? Barry, do you hear yourself right now?

    Barry Allen : Iris, I'm trying to save people. How... how do you not see is is the right thing to do?

    Iris West-Allen : The right thing to do would be trying to get through to Nora. Just like how we beat Eva, just like how we talked down Abra Kadabra. That is what we do.

    Barry Allen : We tried talking to her. All Nora did was double down. There's no reaching her. Obviously, we disagree on this.

    Iris West-Allen : Yes, we do.

    Barry Allen : I have to do it.

    Iris West-Allen : Then you'll be doing it without me.

  • Iris West-Allen : I went looking for Nora. I thought that if I could just talk to her that I could fix everything. But, um, I ended up finding Psych instead. You were right. I couldn't get through to him. And it probably would have been the same with Nora. I should have listened to you.

    Barry Allen : No, I-I'm the one who should have listened.

    Iris West-Allen : Harrison told me about the birth of the forces. Sounds incredible.

    Barry Allen : It was. Can't believe how close I came to erasing them.

    Iris West-Allen : What changed your mind?

    Barry Allen : You. Joe. Everyone. Even the forces themselves. I could... I could feel how they would affect the future. All the speedsters and heroes' lives they'd shape. Some of them were family, Iris. Our family.

    Iris West-Allen : Barry, we both know how dangerous these forces can be. I mean, if you couldn't uncreate them and I couldn't get through to Psych... what are we supposed to do?

    Barry Allen : Try again. Together this time. Joe helped me realize that we can't judge Psych and Deon for who they are now. We have to help them become who they can grow up to be.

    Iris West-Allen : 'Cause that's what parents do.

    [the room suddenly rumbles] 

    Barry Allen , Iris West-Allen : Alexa.

  • Psych : What are you doing to me?

    Iris West-Allen : I wasn't able to get through to him. And now it's too.

    Allegra Garcia : Boss, we can't stay here.

  • Barry Allen : What happened?

    Caitlin Snow : There was a tremor, and Alexa sat up and looked at me.

    Iris West-Allen : Alexa's alive?

    Caitlin Snow : She was for a second, but she's not anymore. Which doesn't make any sense, medically speaking.

    Iris West-Allen : What if us being back in sync is what woke her up for the moment?

    Barry Allen : And then she reconnected with the Strength Force.

    Iris West-Allen : Is it crazy to think that we did this?

    Barry Allen : No. 'Cause we're all connected. And if we woke her up once...

    Iris West-Allen : Then we could bring her back permanently?

    [as they reach out to touch Alexa's foot, a spark forms and traverses Alexa's body] 

    Alexa Rivera : [bolting upright with a gasp]  Why is everyone looking at me?

See also

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