The Me You Can't See (TV Mini Series 2021– ) Poster

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No this is not the platform
jtaylor310520081 June 2021
I have fought depression most of my adult life. This was a huge let down. I feel it is simply a spectacle for the now one trick pony Harry and not an indepth meaningful look into therapy and understanding of mental health. Sadly it was Oprah having a show and tell with her new product. Roll up roll up let's look at the broken prince.
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Attention to mental health
jjmillen18 December 2021
I think it's disgusting that people give this 1 star. I'm giving it 10 just to do it justice. Come on people, every attempt that's made to bring more attention to mental health is important. Especially one that's moving, like this one.
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Could have been so much better, too much celebrity whinging for me
Dorsi730991 June 2021
This past year + some months has been a strain for all of us &, although the topic of mental health/wellness is a very welcome one, I just couldn't relate to most of these people. It's very difficult to feel sorry for the most privileged among us when none are dealing with poverty, physical illness, abusive relationships or job loss that so many of the rest of us are. Disappointingly, none seem to have completely overcome their trauma & issues either. What hope is there for the rest of us, who don't have access to therapists & support, let alone top notch therapists like these people have? Prince Harry seems an odd choice for this - he's not particularly well-spoken, seems stuck in the past & has an axe to grind with his family. Many of us have family issues but are astute enough to realize that public attacks & smears do not serve any purpose but to wound & alienate those who we supposedly love the most. The place for this is the therapist's office, in private. It's inappropriate & damaging, especially since he's criticizing not just any family, but the British Royal Family! There's a reason the British Monarchy has survived for 1000 years - they retain a mystique. Harry sure missed that vital point. At the very least, he could have articulated his struggles without pointing fingers & blaming his family. Once we are adults, we must take personal responsibility for our actions & behaviours - Harry isn't doing that after 4 years of therapy & it's long past time he did so.
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mirettelouishenri21 May 2021
I had a lot of prejudices about privileged (rich) people talking about mental health issues because I have always associated wealth with happiness. I was so wrong. Hearing that these people were so miserable and went through the same things as me, made me very emotional. Losing a loved one, betrayal of the family, assault ... I cried a lot. If these people aren't afraid to speak up and be judged by the whole world, I can go next week and ask for help too. I am not alone. Thank you for your testimony. Thank you.
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Not worth the hype
emilynskinner1 June 2021
Extremely disappointed in this. It could have been done so much better- especially from a production standpoint. I didn't like the way the episodes were broken up. I would have liked to see each person get their own segment to tell their story and elaborate more on what worked/didn't work. Also, if no amount of money or privilege has helped any of them, where does that leave us common folk? What did actually help these wealthy celebrities? They are all still struggling with their millions in their wallets while living in big mansions- none of us can relate to that. That makes me not want to get therapy- not that the avg Joe can afford therapy anyways. Also, big difference between mental health (reading a book, self care, healthy hobbies) versus mental illness (diagnosis, medication, etc.). Prince Harry is still struggling after being vocal about his issues years ago- so has nothing worked? Can he elaborate on what did/why not? I'll trade his troubles for mine any day.
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huenola21 May 2021
Please take the time to watch this amazing docuseries. The stories range from a prince to a chef. By talking about their trauma they are dealing with their mental health. There isn't a cure but to know their are tools that people can use to process thru their trauma to begin healing. The EDMR therapy seems very interesting and I want to learn more.
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Celebrities Have Access
jaclyn_nicole1 June 2021
Celebrities have access to good mental healthcare. Average tax-paying citizens don't always have this access for their mental healthcare. Society is tired of the rich and famous telling narratives of struggle in order to make bank. So many people struggle and cannot afford good mental healthcare. This show was created to make money for the rich while the rest of the world continues to struggle.
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Even Trolls Cant Diminish This
jenniferjcarson22 May 2021
The trolls giving this one star kinda prove the point about bullying. However, their hate and negativity does not diminish the importance of this series. It's long past time that we have open, honest, and yes- hard conversations about mental health. So many lives could be saved if we stopped the stigmatizing of this health crisis.
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Well intended but poorly executed. Distracting and continues to dig deep into self-pity without actionable steps to survive through love, compassion, empathy and forgiveness.
goladeinbo30 May 2021
This is a positively re-energizing show and does encourage anyone (and everyone) to see help for their mental health issues. The best part is the recognition it gives that everyone suffers some form of mental health crises. However, the show drowns in pity-party and feels more depressing at some point. To be honest, I am not happy about Prince Harry joining this show to complain, complain, and yet again complain about his upbringing, telling some shaded truths, etc. That just isn't the essence of this discussion, and it is very distracting. One annoying fact is the weird belief that somehow it should be wrong for people to mourn our loved ones at a heightened emotional level--when my whole world felt like it crumbled when my mother died, I drew strength in the words, love, and empathy of others. Dealing with mental health issues does require a recognition of where we are, letting people in, sharing in other people's stories, not blaming other people tirelessly, but certainly finding a way forward through love, forgiveness, compassion, and truth.
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Excellent TV
esther-3518421 May 2021
Excellent program Had me in tears Wonderfully done Hats off to Prince Harry, Oprah and everyone who took part.
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cjlove252329 May 2021
This show felt very contrived coming from a the state of a very privileged individual being interviewed by another very privileged individual. Although I know mental illness is not a structure for entertainment, nor does mental illness discriminate against social status or class, I was hoping to gain some insight or actual remedies for mental illness for those who can't afford proper therapy. But this honestly just felt incredibly whiny, like a man with a vendetta against his family. And it was agonizingly boring. Maybe it's because I'm an American, and do not understand the inner working of the Royal Family. But whining, complaining, and not getting one's way- all under the disguise of mental illness to air out grievances for monetary gain- just feels slimy. Not at all recommending this show to anyone. The glowing 10 star reviews must just be fan girls since this makes no sense.
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Incredibly moving (ignore the haters giving low reviews)
jackiee197021 May 2021
First off, let me just state that there are people leaving low rating and bad reviews simply because Harry is Pernod the documentary. When clearly they haven't watched it and seen he is only a small part of the series.

That being said, the documentary is incredibly well done. I felt moved by everyone's story and their vulnerability.

Please watch this and judge for yourself.
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Delusional Dissatisfied & Disappointing
jvncrfzvq1 June 2021
This topic could have been a magnificent and informative documentary however missed the mark. Appears to be scripted and over edited turning it into a Hollywood b-grade drama about the privileged and elite. How they 'suffered' but ultimately self-promote their own success; mental illness and mental health is more serious and complex than that. Access to health services can be challenging and sometimes inaccessible for many of the community who do not have the resources, connections or funds available. The credibility of some featured in this production also does not appeal to legitimate argument. Overall I consider this to be tinsel and trimmings without any solid structure or foundation. Belongs in the tabloid section, not a serious educational piece.
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Mental Health Matters
jchifi73 June 2021
The reviews clearly show how far we have yet to travel for people to understand, and accept, mental illness. Episode 3 was an excellent insight into the shared vulnerability humans have whether Prince or Refugee. Wealth is a protective factor but it does not exclude people from illness, or trauma. The excessive criticism of Oprah & Harry is ridiculous, especially as this series is supported by exceptional clinicians like Dr Bruce Perry. People are welcome to their opinion, however if they are criticising the person rather than the content, I would ignore their review.
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Slick production, no substance
ldnrabin1 June 2021
I was hoping that this would contain some tangible solutions for real people dealing with mental health struggles. Resources, steps to take with a family member or yourself, different modalities of therapy available. Etc.

If anything this series would be extremely unhelpful for someone struggling with their mental health.

None of the extremely privileged people interviewed seem to have gotten a grip on their own mental health struggles. If people with access to the best health care available cannot over come their difficulty, what was the point of this series? To show people there is no hope?

From my point of view this show was unhelpful if not detrimental.

I felt almost upset watching people who clearly are struggling being exploited for TV ratings by Oprah Winfrey. A talk show hostess not a psychologist I might add even though she is oddly presenting herself as such?

I would give this series a miss.
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Very moving-must see
aliciaakuajohnson21 May 2021
Very powerful, moving series on mental health and emotional well being. Heavy content and hard to watch all episodes at once but informative too with many experts involved. Really liked looking at cultural stigma around mental health.
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the rich and privileged whining about their lot in life
discostu00429 May 2021
Yeesh, nobody and I mean NOBODY wants to listen to people with 9 and 10-figure wealth whining. Yes mental health and the treatment is important but these two don't need to be the ones discussing it. At least Oprah worked for her success (even though she STILL complains about her life). Harry was given his success and he still can't cope. Also, it is peculiar that the rating is 5.9 yet about 95% of the reviews are 9 and 10.
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More powerful than I was expecting.
evelevin22 May 2021
What an experience. These stories are SO powerful I can't stop thinking about them. Thank you to these brave participants who shared their struggles with mental health. They are right, we all are impacted ourselves or through loved ones who suffer from poor mental health. Sometimes its passing but often reoccurring or always present. Talking and sharing helps us understand and support one another. It's a lot to take in so I don't recommend binging at one go.
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I am a Clinical Psychologist....
TruthSeeker4Life12 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
What I really disliked is the lack of facts, tools, and methods for helping people. Its more of a victimhood mentality. It's not inspirational, nor is it nearly as informative as it could have been. What I really disliked, is the idea that we are genetically programmed for these mental illnesses.

Every single mental illness, and I mean every single one of them, begins at a point in one's life when they experience a severe trauma like abuse, loss of a loved one, and all sorts of things that can happen to people, especially during childhood, which manifest later on because the trauma was never addressed, thus spurring mental health issues. Everything comes down to an individual's environment when they experienced a trauma, the support system they have, etc. If they do not have the right environment, etc, then later on in life these traumas later manifest as a mental illness. There is nothing we cannot overcome! The biggest thing that they didn't touch on is how our mind impacts our bodies. For example, soldiers coming back from Iraq with PTSD all had B vitamin deficiencies. When we experience serious trauma it not only impacts our minds, but it influences our body, and our body compensates by releasing more stored nutrients, pumps out hormones like cortisol, and eventually, if the body is not addressed to, people develop serious mental health problems, which can easily be addressed with a REAL overview of the nutrient status and their hormones! There are so many studies out there that prove that Trauma = physiological overcompensation for the stressor they are dealing with. Most people who are experiencing depression, I can assure you, are probably also deficient in nutrients and their hormones are out of whack, which makes talk therapy ONLY part of the answer, and this is coming from a Clinical Psychologist!
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Fantastic abd much needed conversation
JanOliviaKartin21 May 2021
Very insightful and shows we need to talk more about mental health to destigmatize it. Well done Prince Harry for bringing this topic to the table.
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The me I can profit off
islatrel24 June 2021
For a family who wanted to move out of the spotlight, the Sussex's are really finding new and improved ways to gain public attention.

This show does nothing but highlight how the rich and famous will never turn down an opportunity to earn some $$$ off of a sob story. Obviously the rich and famous have mental health struggles but unlike the rat if the population they can get the best therapy ever but instead, they sit down with Oprah of all people for therapy they get paid for. Gross.

So sad to see that instead of doing something that might benefit them, These celebs are finding ways to earn money while crying and carrying in.
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omowura-7466921 May 2021
I'm glad that Prince Harry and Oprah made this documentary series and shinning light on mental health as a lot of us are struggling with our this will help a lot of people to open up and start a conversation on mental health issues. Thank you #PrinceHarry #Oprah for ❤🙏
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Mostly Self-Serving, Whining, and Rubbish
morganblakeney4 June 2021
What a bunch of pretentious nonsense from Harry. Could Oprah have found a less relatable person as her star to discuss mental health? I feel bad for some of the other contributors who had legitimately dangerous and disturbing stories people could relate to, because what they had to say was sidelined by the more prominent and petulant royal rubbish. I'm sorry, but while I can understand Harry's life wasn't ideal, it's was far from abusive or dangerous. The whole thing felt contrived, like the other guests were there to obfuscate the true purpose of the show, i.e., dishing royal dirt and gossip for ratings. It never should have been green lit and I hope Apple + loses enough money so they don't repeat this mistake.
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A moving documentary
hdjbrfj22 May 2021
It was moving. It was beautiful. It was real. It was needed. The stories were painful to watch, but necessary. Thank you.
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Here's the thing...
bushtony15 June 2021
Rich, famous, privileged people can experience trauma in their lives and are not immune from mental health problems because of their status. They can, however, afford therapy - the best therapy their money can buy. Poorer people, not so much. They can also utilise their status to give them a platform to tell their stories, share their experiences, air their grievances, real or perceived. Less famous, less prominent people, not so much.

Therapy enables, empowers an individual to accept things, come to terms with trauma and resulting problems, to understand them and to find strategies for coping with them and move on in life. However, if therapy works, why are the people on this show still crying? Why do they feel the need to repeatedly immerse themselves in their traumatic life events, keep going through them endlessly, relive them, keep banging on about them on a their gilded media soapbox. And how exactly does that help those less blessed who cannot afford or gain access to therapy and treatment?

There is a divide between the haves and have nots and shows like this won't help close it it, only cast a spotlight upon it and widen it. Encouraging people to speak out about their mental health issues, de-stigmatising them, is a good thing. Speaking out is great. But what then? Who listens if you are an average Joe or Joanna Soap, where do you get the help, how do you afford it (I'm talking about the US where there is no national health service)?

These sort of shows will help the rich and famous who make them and participate in them become richer and more famous. Which is what they are designed to do. Nothing much else.
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