"Invincible" This Missive, This Machination! (TV Episode 2023) Poster

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Did you people even watch the first season???
jason-6388524 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I expected this episode to have a higher rating. But it seems like some people just want 8 hours of omni man slaughtering innocent humans and humiliating his son.

A review said the new episodes have too many different storylines. Well damn I'm pretty sure it was the same in the first season.

One said they added jokes to it like marvel's movies. IT HAS THE SAME HUMOUR AS THE FIRST SEASON WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?

One said going to that planet with that blue bug guy was a mistake and bad writing because Mark trusted him. Well didn't you watch the 5th episode of the first season where he just trusted a criminal superhuman? You think he's learned his lesson already? If you know teenagers and been through adolescence you know most of them don't after the first time. Don't you really notice that the whole story is about him making lots of mistakes and then learning from them to become a truly "invincible" superhero?

Also all of this storylines and events happen in the comics too. The main story is not from the writers of the show is that too hard to understand?

Also someone said Allen's scene with the viltrumites was done poorly and lacked energy and action and was slow. Yeah maybe because it was supposed to be an emotional scene!!!!!!

Did you expect to hear videogame boss music while he was getting beaten to death?

Yeah it's good to criticize a show or movie and discuss its technical flaws and plot holes but only when you really know what you're talking about and paid attention to the show.
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MamadNobari9717 November 2023
This episode mostly felt like the last episode, where the main story moves at a snail's pace (which isn't that bad), and I'm not gonna say they're fillers, but I think the main plot is gonna be on a roll from the next episode.

This episode had it all again, the brutal and gory fights, the funny moments, the emotional scenes, the twist ending, and you can't have an Invincible episode without a weird baffling dialogue between a couple, in which the girl in the relationship drops some baffling reasoning for her weird behaviors.

It seems like now that they made Amber more likable (which I still feel zero chemistry between her and Mark) and are trying so hard to make her likable and have her approve of Mark's decisions this season, which I have no doubt it's to please the fans, they had to make another girl annoying to fill up the vacuum I guess? I'm not sure why the added conflicts and drama between the members of Guardians of the Globe are necessary. I guess they have to have something to have a subplot for them, but surely they can do better than these weird and contrived conflicts? I mean I guess Rex and Dupli-kate were like this from the beginning and they're always gonna have drama to make up for some conflict, but it kinda feels artificial and the writing for them doesn't feel super well-done.

Anyway, that weak part aside, the episode is pretty nice and the pacing is decent too considering it has less action than the previous episode.

I think it's nice what they're doing with Mark's mom's arc and showing how she's dealing with all that stuff. But I'm not sure what the end goal with her storyline is or what it's gonna lead to. It's a nice little character study regardless and it's nice to see they develop side characters as well as Mark and not make it feel overwhelming or hurt the pacing of the story.

The story with Allen is pretty good too and I thought the whole episode was gonna be dedicated to him, but I'm glad it wasn't all him even though it was a nice story anyway. I wish they showed this part in season 1 and established his character sooner, but we'll have to wait to see how it's gonna coincide with Mark's storyline again.

Overall I think it was a pretty good episode and the ending made it even better and makes me excited for the next episodes.
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Pieces To A Story
gracieknight-2344722 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm actually quite floored by all the poor reviews this episode is getting? This episode is essential to the character building and atmosphere of the show. It's setting some of the wheels in motion while the more important stuff will happen in later episodes. We actually get some incredibly important information in this episode, including Debbies decline after Nolan, Allan and the relationship he has with his planet as the defender. The fact that theres a mole on said planet. The fact the Viltrumites now know about Mark and Nolan. Rudy and Monster Girls reletionship is taking new steps and we look deeper into Duplicates psyche. The people giving this episode poor reviews are the people watching the show for the wrong reasons.

Excellent story telling and character buliding.
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The cliffhanger made everything worth it
josef-7602322 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Man that ending had me in suspense, I was just waiting for something to happen regarding Omni man. I wasn't expecting it all, I actually thought the insects needed help or whatever. So when I heard his voice and they called him the monarch, I was like what is happening? But I digress even though I'm not a comic reader, I feel that I want to pick it up soon due to all the excitement about what's coming next. I want to know everything about the so called "vultrimites" , i recently got into this show. That's probably why I want more of the story to unfold. Other than the episode wasn't amazing but it wasn't that bad, I really like Seth rogen voice acting the alien it was very noticeable though. I didn't really enjoy the drama between the guardians, it just felt boring after a while. But the cliffhanger was something else, can't wait for more Omni man content.
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SlummyT21 November 2023
This episode has got lots of different stories packed into its 50 minute run time but that is by no means to say that it is 'messy or boring'. We get to learn more abouts certain characters and the back story behind there involvement in the viltrumites purging.

The narrating bit over the sex scenes had some humour behind it but I couldn't help but compare it to a toned down version of the boys. That is the only pick point I have of this episode other then that it was incredibly interesting especially hearing Peter cullens voice.

I did enjoy this episode and the ending it presented to us this series has been nothing but fantastic from season 1 to season 2. Let's see where the writers take us in the next episode.
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Great world expansion episode but unrealistic characters remain the biggest drag.
chrchancee17 November 2023
Starting to notice some slip ups and cracks in the script department...all in all a good episode... really great first half with Allen the Alien. Second half not so much apart from the last second cliff hanger. Also the series is starting to over do it with the credits thing. We get it, It was fun in the beginning but come on...it's becoming to much now. It just jarrs up the viewing.

And now to the characters. Some of the characters continue to exhibit an immense affinity to being overly dense and dismissive. Like how is the guardians blatantly shrugging off the ridiculous and obviously unwell maniac that is shapesmith (albeit hilarious) character to get access to their team is beyond me..How did Civil and his team not vet him first? So many questions that can only have dumb answers... How did William get to Marc that fast? Did he get some sort of speedster powers between the seasons that we're not aware of?... How did Amber make a complete a 180 turn to the point where she's now being a submissive robot of a girlfriend... Just feels like a totally different character now. The series could've found a middle ground from 1st seasons awful Amber to this potato of a character. It's super jarring to watch.... Why the made up drama between Debbie and the Taye Diggs character that could be seen miles away?? Obviously Debbie had nothing to do with Omniman being a psychotic massmurderer...Was he not listening to anything Debbie was saying about him? Wtf?.... I really hope these type of questions don't continue showing up since this show has so much potential to be something really special!
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This episode... is boring. 5 or 6?
kadiotatsuryu18 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode...is not very good. And it sucks because i know a lot of people are getting hung up on the omni man cliffhanger...but everything before that is SO BORING. Half the episode is a plot about Alvin the Alien, which is cute but its not as if he's a mega fan favorite or anything. It kind of feels like the writers are overestimating how much show-only fans like this character. The purpose of his section is some pretty good worldbuilding and some minor development in the Viltrumite plot. Then you have Debbie going to group therapy and Mark being in college. And its not like any of the ideas are bad but the issue is that the pacing is just atrocious... Why do the scenes drag so much? I still like this show but I'm starting to feel like not every episode needs to be 40 something minutes. There are like 15 minutes of mandatory material in this entire episode, and so many scenes are just characters talking and talking about stuff that doesn't matter at all.

If it were up to me, I might say put the Alvin part of the episode second and the normal Earth stuff first (outside of the end of that section), but also make the earth stuff shorter or at least more substantial. Alternatively, you can just start the episode with Allen and cut out the college stuff in the beginning and have the earth stuff as the second half, and that's a 35-minute episode. And it's not even that I'd remove any scenes per se it's that a lot of these scenes just feel too long. Compare to this to season 1, where the pacing felt mostly airtight and the Omni-man mystery was a ticking time bomb.

I had similar complaints for episode 2 but this was way, way worse. Mind you, I don't read the comics, so I'm talking purely from a show-only perspective, and I'm still a fan of the show, but this episode was not it...at all. And just because this episode ends in a way that has me excited for the next one, doesn't mean this episode gets a pass. This episode has an 8.6 right now so I guess most people don't feel this way idk or they're excited about the cliffhanger.

In summary, I still like this show, and the next episode could be a 10/10, but it still wouldn't change the fact that this is episode has bad pacing and is easily the worst episode in the entire series so far by a significant margin. I wouldn't even remove anything from it per se, I would just make the scene direction and editing snappier.
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Left feeling like I watched two aliens have sex and a pet licking it's two butts.
edgy-2631817 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Goodness, I love Invincible. Maybe that's because we have been SPOILED with most of season one, I also understand that it takes time for shows to build up to their climax, but it doesn't mean that these "build-up episodes" need to be so SLOW and SPRALWED. I mean we literally have a narrator commentating on the awkwardness of watching sex TWICE, then panning out to a pet licking its ASS!

My biggest gripe about this episode is Alan. Other than telling the universe about what happened on Earth, he (more specifically, the writers) wasted ~1/2 of the episode. We saw why he was made, his purpose, his duty to the Coalition, him having sex, so on and so forth all the way up to his untimely death. All of this was completely unnecessary to watch, as well as unengaging. Why waste time on a character who was quickly developed? Maybe to get us to feel something about him dying? If that's the case, why rush to flesh out his character in half an episode? Why not an episode of his own, I mean, he had his own intro card? Maybe he didn't need an episode of his own? Then why try to get us attached to a character with lazy and sloppy character building? Getting to know him was told through a montage of clips by a NARRATOR. Are you people seeing how this is lazy? Furthermore, the "twist". As soon as it was mentioned that there was a mole in the Coalition, I knew it was the leader. When he took Alan off of space life-support, I put my thumb and pointer finger on the bridge of my nose, and let out a disappointed, exasperated sigh. It is sugarcoating it to say that a toddler could've seen this one coming. There you have it people - a 20 minute tale of the man who was born, did one job, had sex, and died. All of this could've been done in 5 minutes, in fact, I don't think that it's a stretch to say this could've been done in a longer post-credit scene. We know who Alan is. Just have him do his job and get killed. We did not need to see him have sex, followed by an alien licking it's second ass! It's pointless and wastes the time that could be used DEVELOPING MARK OR DEBBIE!

Granted, the second half of the episode begins to get relevant in the sense of what everyone wants to see, but it shouldn't be that way. It should be the whole episode is relevant and engaging. I understand that it's important to see the Coalition drama, but could it not have been told in a shorter, less time-consuming way? We want to see more of Debbie and her struggle, maybe get more of an insight into her SOS meeting, or maybe more of Mark and his travels, after all, he is our main character. Hell, even seeing more of the Guardians would've been welcome. If there was more of a focus on Mark, we wouldn't be left off with a cliffhanger, the fart jokes of cinema. The issue is that all of those are 'maybes'. The only thing keeping me coming for more is the wake of season one.
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utter and non-stop cringe
tcrpxx19 November 2023
The entire episode has such an overwhelming decline in quality of writing and directing. The out of place sex scenes, the embarrassingly awful narration, and the lame, childish jokes that only 12 year olds would find funny.... and this show is definitely not suited for minors, which is plain ironic to be totally honest. Nearly couldn't finished watching it.

Season 1 was quite entertaining that about every episode felt exciting and kept you wanting more, and even had several iconic moments which are so popular that they've been made into memes as well as recreated in games like mortal kombat 1. And yet season 2 has been such a letdown so far. It was boring enough in the first 2 episodes, but they were at least acceptable. The 3rd episode is just a disaster. I hope this show doesn't continue to decline.. .
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What is this rubbish?
Eruaran22 November 2023
Season one started average but turned out to be very good, and the show held much promise. Season two started off a little lacklustre, but then episode 2 made no sense, and now with episode three it has fallen off a cliff into a steaming pile of excrement. What happened? Who is writing this low IQ, degenerate and juvenile garbage? You had an interesting story, you had decent characterisation, you had something going, and now it seems you're hell bent on destroying your own show. Its so bad it feels like a real bait and switch. I can't imagine how any team working on a series could go from good to utter garbage without any self-awareness at all. What's going on? Because after a good season one this show is imploding faster than a submarine at crush depth. What a disappointment.
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What just happened?
daniel-mcbain21 November 2023
This season started out lower quality. That was obvious. The writing took a hit, not very funny but I wanted to see where it went. Loved season one.

This was an atrocity. I couldn't make it past 15 min. I get that you must have replaced the writers with bad ones because it was a well reviewed show and that's what you always do . . . But did you fire the sound engineers as well? It looks and sounds like it was sent to a lower tier studio to produce.

Total night and day btw last episode and this one.

Also is this supposed to be veering into one of those interactive porn games with all the cartoon sex scenes? Do you expect kids to JO to this garbage? And what is going on with Seth Rogan? Does he have cancer? Did somebody not get him a working mic? He sounds drugged and or underwater.

Did I mention none of the jokes land. Not one.
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Last ep I though was a kids show this one's just crap
Kaioh12317 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I sigh when I say this "where should I begin" ? Last ep had a lot of empty talk and lack of cohesion this one had as well. Last ep mark fought a cracken like seamonster on easymode causing so little challenge to him that like the rest of the episode I really didn't care everything became so "made for children like" and dull this ep is worse. There are so many conversations here I don't care about like last ep I felt It was more like a soap with all these jammed in emotional scenes and different plotlines changing a bit here and there that we had to follow and not enough superhero stuff and importand dialouge and well paced and intense action as well as an entire well paced and intense episode. It's like they pulled out all the seriousness the intensity and intelligence of the show toned it down and replaced it with something supposed to suit kids .. too a certain degree .. lot's of explicit action between couples in ep 3 too long and streched out scenes imo they are awkward and doesn't really add annything of importance and it gave a reason for them to add the worst and most annoying narrator voice as if he's speaking to .. you guessed it .. children . He spends too much time as Mark and too little time as Invincible for me and one other thing that annoys me is how naive they made him, a random ailien shows up at his college doorm and tells him of this big threat putting his people and planet at danger and with barely any questioning about the integrity of this stranger he joins him on this quest to save the strangers planet in a different galaxy far far away as If you couldn't see from the moon the guy was lying and things werent as he said after all at his planet and that was a pretty underwhelming way to finaly expose Omniman, seriously disappointing from what feels like new showrunners or new directions either way I don't like it. Allen the alien is a fool without hesitation all he needed to spoil top secret interplanetary spy secrets was some intergalactic fast food and a date .. (sigh again) and there's a very underwhelming scene were 3 vitrumites beats him up in a predictable slow paced and lackluster fight where they once again removed the pace and aggression from the action to take away any intense excitement for the viewer here. I don't recognise the things that worked from season 1 and that's a shame the storytelling feels streched they gotten lazy leaving big plot holes some times lot's of entire scenes and conversations I don't care about and none of the intensity that made me love the show in the first place and they also added lot's of Marvel like humor moments where you're supposed to laugh that were pretty unfunny .. (sigh) .
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