Suing the Devil (2011) Poster

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Fair Comedy With Heavy Religious Overtones
aesgaard4111 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Every once in a while, I think we all should break from routine and rent a movie that doesn't cater to our interests and preferences. That's how I picked up this movie. "Suing The Devil" stars an obscure actor named Bart Bronson playing Luke O'Brien, a struggling law student who launches a scheme to sue Satan, the Devil, the Prince of Darkness, for eight trillion dollars for the evils of the past in order to legally get the money to cover his debts and future. Never mind the shaky reality of this plot, but just as he gets close to pulling off this preposterous stunt, in walks Malcolm McDowell as Satan to defend himself in court. That's really where the movie tales off. McDowell relishes and irascibly enjoys himself playing the Prince of Lies, even over-acting at times, but there's no effort here to resolve the complex mythology of the character. The court scenes are nothing but a Biblical history and psychological study. The plot is light, but fun to watch. What this movie is a light comedy with a heavy fantasy element; the Devil hires the country's most corrupt lawyers and pulls an OJ by creating the most complex court case in all of judicial history. The fact that this movie even resolves itself after so little exposition is a miracle to itself. The movie also stars Corbin Bernsen from "LA Law" as Barry Polk, a TV law correspondent whose only purpose is to explain and narrate the proceedings. It's a nice movie with heavy-handed religious tones in it, but it's definitely worth a see.
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Pleased To Meet You Hope You Guess My Name
Theo Robertson26 August 2013
law student Luke'O Brien mother has been killed by a drunk driver . Vowing to kill the man who did it he tracks him down . Pulling a gun out of the glove department he also finds a bible and instead of killing the man responsible for his mothers death he then decides to sue the man responsible for all the problems in the world - Satan

If you think that premise sounds a little far fetched then you haven't seen anything yet and be warned if you're expecting a 21st Century version of Michael Powell's A MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH because this certainly isn't what SUING THE DEVIL is about . In short it's Christian propaganda of the worst , totally one sided that blames some fallen angel called Satan for the world's problems . I'll say one thing in the films favour and that's that it went on for nearly two hours where the Christians didn't blame the Jews for anything so that's a major plus point but everything else is fundamentally flawed . If you're going to sue someone for all the world's problems then there's one major candidate who should be in the dock - God

Let's suppose someone hijacks a plane and crashes it in to a high rise building . Who's getting the blame for that ? Satanists ? Atheists ? Agnostics ? Hmmm let me guess . Something to do with the will of Allah ? Am I getting warmer ? What's the first thing you think of when someone mentions " Catholic priest " ? A pious upstanding man of God whose vow of celibacy stands him in good stead ? I doubt if people problems with Catholic priests has anything to do with celibacy . Quite the reverse in fact . You switch on The God Channel and see the saintly Pat Robertson talk about tornadoes , Earthquakes and all sorts of natural disasters and who does he blame . Not Mr Satan but sinners who are being punished from God for all the filthy sin they're committing

And let's look at the so called hero of the story law student and born again Christian Luke O'Brien who starts the film planning to commit a murder and who Satan exposes as a sinner because ... wait for it ... Luke accessed internet porn 349 times before he got married . Cut to a devastated Mrs O'Brien who is devastated that her husband enjoyed masturbating to internet porn before they got married . Right so masturbating is a worse sin than planning murder ? I really hope the Taliban don't have access to lesbian porn , I mean how disgusting is that one minute you're watching a couple of hot chicks using each other as infidel sex toys then the next minute you're executing infidel whores in soccer stadiums . I mean they're both of the same moral equivalence are they not ? The arguments put forward are nonsensical but when you've got a mythical figure in the dock being condemned for being the antithesis to another mythical figure then you're not expecting a fly on the wall documentary but there's not the slightest element of irony to any of this . The lack of real life court protocol is distracting and irritating in equal measure . I'm no lawyer but even I know much of the questioning and incident seen here would lead to contempt charges and just because the film has a camp , tongue in cheek feel which one wonders is intentional is no excuse

The casting is very strange . We have relatively well known names like Corbin Bernsen and Tom Sizemore but they're playing rather superfluous peripheral characters who have little relevance to the plot and it's left to Bart Bronson as Luke O' Brien to carry much of the film . I wouldn't say he was wooden but I'm sure I saw him appear at this years world snooker championship as Ronnie O' Sullivan's cue . The only good performance is by Malcolm McDowell and even then it's one of those oh look at me aren't I a mincing luvvie channeling Jack Nicholson type performances but keeps the movie relatively watchable to a degree as does the rather ironic subtext

In short this is a Christian propaganda film and like the worst propaganda its agenda is to preach to the converted , literally in this case . This explains why there's so many comments on this page giving the film full marks but yet explanations within the user comments fail to say why they've given this movie full marks . On my own part I've been rational and been are more objective
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Christian Rock/Touched by an Angle court movie, yawner.
joesuff13 July 2012
This showed up on my Red Box app. I cross referenced it on IMDb and read some of the reviews. "the instant classic" and a couple others stating there is no way it should have dropped down to a (4) rating peaked my interest. After all a Devil in court always makes for a good plot.

A true classic movie "The Devil and Daniel Webster", This movie, NO! 15 minutes and I thought about turning it off. I let it play while i did some house things.

It wants to be inspirational, uplifting, but all is it is flat. Flat acting, flat story, flat cinematography. I feel i was generous with a (3) rating. After all I didn't turn if off. I let it play to see if it was going to keep spiraling counter clockwise down the drain.

I guess its appropriate for something to occupy a CCD class or Youth group. The only thing offensive about this flix is thinking you were going to see a movie.
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Best Christian movie of the decade!!
lorensolley7 March 2012
Man alive. Just saw this....

I LOVED MALCOLM MCDOWELL (sp?)' s performance in this!! He really convinced me he was the lucifer so discussed in Scripture.

A stellar cast giving some of their best performances, visuals that deliver beyond what I imagined, a perfect mix of humor, passion & tragedy, and a feeling of grandeur, scope & impending doom. Perhaps as an ensemble piece with so many characters & the inability to concentrate on any one except Satan's, it can't be measured against some of the classic character study films, but even the casual moviegoer can grasp the ideas & not get lost - who who win the trial? Now to the characters. All I can say is, "Wow." I was a little apprehensive about the casting at first; I'd created such real images of the characters in my imagination, I almost didn't want them spoiled for me. However, I was not disappointed in the least. Corbin Bernsen, though not one of my favorite actors, was believable.

So was Tom Sizemore (amazing!)
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The Antichrist Gets Served
Chris_Pandolfi6 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
To watch "Suing the Devil" is to witness the birth of a cult classic. Mark my words: You will someday see it in midnight movie houses, and people, in all likelihood dressed as their favorite characters, will wait in line to see it just for the giddy thrill of making fun of it mercilessly. Here is a movie so flimsy in premise, so poorly written, and so badly acted that it achieves a perverse level of hilarity. I cannot recall the last time I laughed so hard at a movie that was clearly not intended to be funny. The more I think about it, the more astounding it becomes that it was released, and before that shot, and before that written, and before that conceived of. If John J.B. Wilson is the diligent moviegoer he seems to be, he's going to have his hands full at next year's Razzie Awards.

This movie has to be seen to be believed. It tells the story of a down-and-out salesman from Australia named Luke O'Brien (Bart Bronson), who decided to go in a new direction and began studying law at a night school. He's a born-again Christian who became despondent after a drunk driver killed his mother. Prompted by her death and by the evils plaguing the world today, he decides to sue Satan for $8 trillion. Miraculously (no pun intended), the lawsuit he files isn't dismissed, and within no time, Satan himself (Malcolm McDowell) struts his way into the courtroom clad in a black shirt, a black sports jacket, and sunglasses, behind which are eyes that can turn yellow. He isn't alone; with him is an entourage of lawyers, all of whom he handpicked not only for representing heartless, greedy corporations such as big oil and tobacco but also for being heartless and greedy themselves.

The trial itself is a laughable series of vignettes so plagued with loopholes and technicalities that it's a wonder it wasn't stopped after the first day. The judge (Roslyn Gentle) delivers every line like a flustered nanny scolding the children for not finishing their supper. Her favorite word is "overruled," and while I'm no lawyer, I don't think you're allowed to use it when the defense is making what seem to be legitimate objections. She's also an authority on screaming at people for making outbursts in her courtroom, and oh, how she loves her gavel. For the most part, she's shot at low angles directly in front of her desk, perhaps in an effort to make her look more imposing. During one of these shots, she bangs her gavel, only for it to fall off the desk and out of the camera's line of sight. Before we cut to a new scene, she turns and looks blankly in the direction it fell in. An outtake that was foolishly left in the final cut, or an intended moment of tension?

The trial becomes a worldwide media frenzy, and a political debate show, on which one of the commenters is Tom Sizemore, continuously weighs in on the subject. The pious O'Brien, meanwhile, repeatedly calls witnesses to the stand, mostly pastors, in an effort to prove that Satan is who he claims to be, something the defense is trying to disprove. In a pathetic effort to add drama to the story, writer/director Tim Chey has added a subplot in which it's discovered that O'Brien's wife, Gwen (Shannen Fields), is sick with cancer. She's repeatedly seen coughing, a sound that's usually accompanied by melodramatic piano music. When O'Brien confronts her and they both begin to cry, the scene had the exact opposite effect on me. I suspect it will be the same for most audiences – even the religious ones, because you see, religious people go to the movies too, and just like the nonreligious, they appreciate good performances.

With the exception of McDowell, who has had a long and relatively distinguished career, all the actors in this film give performances that wouldn't pass muster in an amateur high school production. Topping that list Bronson. Someone needs to sit him down, hold him by the hand, and tell him as lovingly as possible that he's not an actor and needs to consider a new line of work. The same can be said for Kenny Epps, who plays Mr. Innocent, one of the many ironically-named attorneys representing Satan; he fakes a southern accent so blatantly phony that it's liable to outrage and offend all populations of the American south. He doesn't even seem to be having fun with his role, which I think would have helped a great deal.

The only one who seems to be having any fun at all is McDowell, probably because, as a professional actor, he was the only one with enough sense to not take the movie seriously. That still begs a few questions, namely why he agreed to be in it and how he could possibly share credit as one of the producers. Exactly what was it about "Suing the Devil" that inspired him to finance it? I'm not looking at this from a religious angle; frankly, I don't know what his religious beliefs are. But surely he must have been aware of how incompetent this project was. Only a movie like this would actually end with a plot twist – and not just any plot twist, but quite possibly the single most infuriating copouts in the history of narrative tradition. You probably think you've seen bad movies before. Let me assure you that, until you see this movie, you have no idea what bad is.

-- Chris Pandolfi (
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You should watch it to see how many fake good reviews it got
acasali-406-44030125 June 2012
I rented this movie after reading the numerous stellar reviews on IMDb. It took me 2 minutes to realize something was wrong. It felt childish, amateurish, grotesque. And not in an intentional way. This is truly a terrible piece of work. I even thought I had mistakenly rented another title. After triple-checking I decided to go on and watch it to the end. This is in my top 5 of the worst movie of all time. Rarely I felt so embarrassed for who took part in this, form the cast, to the Director, production and so on. Every single line of the script is so stupid that seems to come from a 14 years old kid. The acting is laughable, with the only exception of Malcom Mcdowell. I don't want to waste any other single minute in trying to explain how bad it is. However, I decided to read again some of the reviews. I can't believe that some say this is in the top 10 movies of the decade. DO NOT TRUST THE REVIEWS. They are obviously FAKE. Now that I think about should watch this movie..just so that you know who is right.... After this, my trust in IMDb is at an all time low.
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Pathetic film. Worst movie I've seen in a very long time.
seacnnct1 May 2012
Only decent thing was Malcolm as the devil. Every other actor sucked. The script and dialogue is so bad it makes my brain hurt. Then you add ultra naive Christian propaganda on top and there is your cake. I watched it since I liked to watch a B-movie with a devil which is usually a good combo for a lazy days film, but this movie simply did not deliver even what a cheap movie should. Every person who has given this film a positive review or more than 1-2 points review is either financially involved or wants to back up a Christian propaganda film for their religious interests. This movie is simply so bad that the opinion margin could not be more than that. I gave it one star I could have given two just to a statement that there was 1 good actor in a film. But in the end it didn't help the film a bit since even devil's dialogue in the script was just pathetic.
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What the.....?
glkris20 June 2012
I went in with hopeful expectations, I was sadly disappointed. Being in the clergy I am always looking for a new way to pass the message - movies, streaming media, modern ways are the new pulpit but this is exactly why the message will never leave the walls of the church. How did they get Malcom McDowell to do this movie? Did everyone else work for free? It was the absolute most horrible piece of movie I have ever seen. I saw it with other members and I am ashamed to say it we laughed at it's feeble attempt to be a serious movie. Horrible acting, worthless delivery and very disappointingly a waste of my dollar.

If I was on the fence about seeking God - this would change my mind. Shame on you.
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Badly made Christian film not advertised as such, damn you Redbox...
jaychelf23 June 2012
First, I would like to address the complaint of a previous reviewer that the film had a sudden burst of negative reviews. I think this is most likely due to the appearance of the DVD in Redbox machines and probably not an organized attack on the film. Prior to the release through Redbox, I imagine that this movie was only viewed by its intended audience, namely church groups and Sunday schools. With it's arrival in Redbox, the film has been exposed to the general public and has been subjected to higher standards.

This is a Christian film, it is NOT a film which just happens to have a Christian theme. As such, it is just like the films played at the Christian summer camp my parents used to send me to (depressingly). That is, it is laughably bad. It is low budget, poorly acted (all the reviews that say otherwise are kidding themselves), badly written, and has no merits of its own other than as a Christian propaganda piece. I do not even think that this film would be enjoyed by your average Christian, this is clearly made for mega-church going, Ken Hamm inspired, Jars of Clay listening, Ned Flanders style Christians who do not watch most films for fear that their faith may be compromised. If this describes you, then you may actually want to see this. However, the vast majority of movie watchers will find themselves shaking their heads at the inanity of this steaming pile of a film.
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Its not a gimmick, its something new.
sikes2328 January 2012
Yes, it's true. The entire movie is based on a gimmick. However, I honestly feel that this does not cheapen the picture in the slightest bit. I loved every scene; discovering information as our lead character discovered it. It demands a second and third viewing, as there are many subtleties and quick flashes that may not be picked up on the first time around. Its one of the most original films ever made, and for people who scoff at the concept of not having a short-term memory, it actually is a real condition. Watch this movie. And, please pay attention. The performances are wonderful, and its structured magnificently. The guy who plays the devil really hits it on the nose. I know I'm suppose to know his name, but I can't remember it.
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Absolutely Terrible. Worst movie I've seen in decades.
paul_thirty228 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The title is no exaggeration. I literally cannot remember a movie that I've seen that is worse than this. Perhaps Iron Eagle 2. I only watched Suing the Devil all the way through because it had been my idea to rent it, and as such I felt that I deserved to watch it as punishment. Redbox should be ashamed of themselves for carrying this.

First off, the film is a blatant Christian propaganda movie. And before you start, that might be OK... a film can have an agenda and still be entertaining.

But even within that context, the movie was awful. The plot made no sense whatsoever. Every one of the characters was flat and written inconsistently. There was not a single decent acting performance. The special effects looked like something from a 1970's Doctor Who episode.

And I'll give a spoiler here because if you still see this movie after reading this review, I have no sympathy for you. Get this... the movie used the "And it was all a dream!" finish at the end. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It's beyond belief that any professional scriptwriter from this era would have the gall to use that.

The movie is not even bad in a campy sort of way, where you can just laugh at it. It has no redeeming qualities. It has no characters that you can identify with, laugh at, or just sit back and be entertained by. There is no way that anyone who is not a hardcore Christian would score this above a 1, and even then, I can't see how anybody could possibly have enjoyed this.
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A real American Beauty - an exceptional movie,
batterypark12330 January 2012
I've never posted a comment regarding a movie but feel compelled to after attending a screening tonight at a Bible Study gathering. I won't speak to story here as it's covered in the other comments.

This is a movie of real beauty. It made me cry. I felt moved in a way that happens very rarely. It was an inspiration. All of us have committed many sins and only Christ can forgive.

The feelings it evoked were all based on the power of the acting and the writing. The words were real and human. The relationships seemed real and human. This may not seem like a great feat - but I consider it a true rarity. It didn't feel calculated and artificial, like so many movies (read: Crash - but I'm not here to bash that...). It was very organic, natural and (I can't say it enough) just beautiful. Cripes, it's making me sound like a hippie, for heaven's sake.

This is the real American Beauty and I'm sad it didn't win anything, but someday everyone involved will. God bless everyone on this board. No enemies, just trying to tell it as it is!
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An appropriate spoiler review
the_og131 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
As an African-American, I loved this movie, man. Bar none.

I'm really tired of hearing about these 2 guys who pirated the film, then bashed it. You guys should be thrown in jail. What's wrong with you? Why do people have to be like that? This is the state of our society, man.

Let me start by saying the Suing the Devil is a good movie. A GOOD movie, not a great one. I'm not sure how this one got so big, I mean, yes it's got that nice twist, but it's also somewhat predictable and (SPOILER AHEAD!) completely ludicrous if you think about it. Think about it! seriously. This movie reminds me of Arlington Road and Reindeer Games in that the movie doesn't make sense if you sit down and rationally think about it.

If you like drama, horror, mystery, and/or thrillers, you will thoroughly enjoy this movie. Although it's not one of my favorite movies, it is a great movie, with great acting and directing skills. If you haven't already seen it, rent it. 3.5/5 stars
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probably the worst film you will ever see
bobingtonrox14 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
McDowell should've quit while he was ahead.. In 1971.. When he did A Clockwork Orange. This film is up there with the biggest cinematic disasters of all time. An amalgamation of poor acting, terrible storyline and awful filming makes for one of the least exciting and gripping films I have ever watched. The lead role - Luke O'Brien, appears to be played by someone with no acting experience whatsoever. Honestly, at times you can't tell whether it's done deliberately it is so bad. The only thing this film may have had going for it was the remotely interesting subject matter and religious debate, but alas, this opportunity was thoroughly missed, and there is no real message conveyed by the film. I can deal with bad acting, a loose plot and not much production value, but the ending was really the deciding factor in me ranking this film lower than any other I have seen, and inspiring my first IMDb review. It is a longshot to get anyone to take a film with the title "Suing the Devil" seriously, and this is made exponentially harder by the fact that at the films climax, he wakes up, and in true children's story fashion, "it was all a dream". As if this poor excuse for a film could get any worse, then that happens, the true nail in the coffin of one of the worst films ever. My advice is steer well clear of this train wreck of a film.
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Pastor Pringle does an excellent job here on the witness stand
lee-dugan14 February 2012
The film's philosophical/metaphysical weight rests, to some large extent on its deeply ingrained spirituality. Of course, this aspect has been there from the beginning with the script, but here it is much more up-front. The film charts the paths of each witness (the two pastors were excellent). In the hero's opening line of dialogue he recounts how 'he was world-weary.' In the film, the characters show how much the difference between these two paths influences the personalities of the characters and the lives that they lead.

Because of this, it has a profound religious sense but without trace of piety or sentimentality. And if, like me, religion is not your thing, don't worry, the film's wonders do not require belief to reveal themselves.

Suing the Devil is not a lecture, it's not a sermon: it's an honest battle between the forces of God and the forces of the devil, meshed with inventions and dreams. It's a masterpiece. I don't feel like making technical remarks here, with this lone exception: everybody will talk about the magnificence of the images of God set forth brilliantly by the Pastor Pringle, the ones about the story of the world. I was struck, instead, by the way the lawyers were depicted in this movie: the camera is always at the same level of their eyes and after a while you really feel a kid yourself, a friend of them, a member of the pack, going along with them, one of them, again.

Bravo, to the Director, Producers and Cast.
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Wow... Awful
Cjpiro6 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Got this for free, yet I still feel ripped off. First off,the actor that plays the main character "Luke" is so bad, that you will laugh at him throughout the movie. This mixed in with an awful script, awful soundtrack, terrible editing, and even worse acting, makes this movie one of the worst I have ever seen. An absolute cinematic piece of crap. Even my family, who is very religious, laughed all the way through this. Seriously I could bash this all night long but I have things to do, like get out of my house and go find the two hours I lost from this piece of garbage. Moments like this one make me want to ask for my money back, even though spent none, from a vending machine. Perhaps it would be useful to read reviews before purchasing the rental, but the kiosk doesn't offer reviews when you select a title. On another note, I don't think that Tom Sizemore is benefiting from his treatment with Dr. drew. He was pretty incomprehensible and spastic. Moreover, I guess it shows that Christian producers can overlook long-term sinful behavior by casting Sizemore in the first place, which is a good sign, right? Oh, this movie is absolute garbage. The cgi graphics reminded me of an antiquated Atari game system....yes, that is how terrible they are.
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McDowell 1, God 0!
aventer-124 June 2012
The idea of hauling The Devil into court to answer for his "crimes" has been done before but never as badly. There are two major problems with this low-budget indie show. First, the script is a shambles. Is the movie about a man coming to grip with his shortcomings? His shaky faith? His rage against corruption? His failed career? His grief over his mothers death? Take your pick from an overabundance of themes in this script-by-committee because every few minutes it lurches from dark comedy to weepy romance then back to a saga of "everyman against evil", and finally finishes as a maudlin endorsement of fundamentalism.

The second problem is the utterly unconvincing acting of Bart Bronson, the central character and semi-hero of the piece. A gangling clumsy fellow, he is unimpressive physically, unemotional in his delivery and alternates between sleepwalking through his scenes and simply yelling at the top of his voice. It doesn't help that the costumer has dressed him in a cow-boyish outfit more appropriate for a club than a courtroom and added a mop of hippy hair that would look great if the movie was set in 1970. He plays the part of the worlds most clueless attorney. His illogical arguments wouldn't get a traffic ticket dismissed and he commits courtroom errors that would have a real lawyer disbarred.

The only saving grace of this dreadful story is Malcolm McDowell who seems to have written his own lines. He is witty, clever and makes far more sense than stammering Bart. Casting Mr. McDowell opposite an unprepared hobby actor is a puzzling strategy and makes Mr. Bronson look even more inept.

Clearly the intended audience for this creation is fundamentalist Xians who will cheer for any story, however dreadful, that supports their particular beliefs. So much do they love this movie that they have apparently conspired to elevate it's deservedly low rating by reviewing it as a mindless mob, rating it a 9 or 10, that is, right on par with Gone With The Wind or Citizen Kane! Unless you are a "fundie" and feel required to buy or rent anything that screams "I am a believer!" as Mr. Bronson does, the only reason to ever watch this is to see a very entertaining performance by Mr. McDowell. But if you have a functioning mind, be prepared to be somewhat infuriated by the ridiculous and illogical screenplay that shoves religious nonsense in your face every few minutes.
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Born-again Propaganda
fxdaly2127 June 2012
This is a Christian propaganda film cloaked as a horror movie. This is the sort of movie a "teen- pastor" would show to relate to the kids and seem cool. I thought: "Malcolm McDowell as Satan, how cool is that?"!!! It's got Tom Sizemore for Chrissake, who would think this would be a church movie? While it isn't a horror movie, I cannot recall being as horrified as when the "Dove association family seal of approval" message rolled prior to the start. Ugh! This is like picking up a DVD titled "10 Commandments " and finding an S&M Porn flick. Misleading is wrong no matter how good your intentions ma be.

Avoid....unless this is your sort of thing.
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Poorly done, interesting premise, bad delivery.
matchiam24 June 2012
This was ridiculous. Poorly done. Bad edit points. Editing sync was off with vocal track in points. Bad monologue. Bad dialogue with loose development. Poor acting sans Mr. McDowell. Everyone needs coaching. The plot blew around like a sail with holes. It was uncomfortable to watch. It should of had Justin Timberlake- that would of been better. They had a carpet python on the a prop of the Devils. They had the same scene twice shot from two different angles with different dialogue. The story took a trip into la la land when the main character had a telepathic moment with Satan & a youth group as angels & demons. They even went to "YOU WANT THE TRUTH, YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH" on the stand. Ugh. They should pay people to watch it & let Mystery Science Theater 3000 roast it. CineFamily in NoHo should definitely roast it.
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Don't waste your time watching this
Wicky_be3 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This is a (very) low budget movie, I can only assume funded by a Christian community somewhere. The "acting" is extremely bad which makes it painful to sit through the entire movie.

*** SPOILER ALERT *** The movie is pointless, goes nowhere for about 80 minutes and, would you know it, ends just like one would expect.

I can only assume that the current IMDb rating (4.9 which in my humble opinion is way to high) is because of votes from the Christian community - which undoubtedly will start flooding in again after this review.

Let me end with a copy from the review of 'seacnnct' who also rated this a 1-star movie: "Every person who has given this film a positive review or more than 1-2 points review is either financially involved or wants to back up a Christian propaganda film for their religious interests."
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an almost Biblical like morality play
shoobieK5731 January 2012
If you've read C.S. Lewis in college or university, this film will be a delightful surprise, especially in contrast to what usually happens to film adaptations of literature. For those of you who've never heard of C.S. Lewis, it's no matter. This film can stand on its own without reference or support from its original source.

Many a movie since my childhood has brought a tear to my eye, but I have not *sobbed* at a movie in the past fifteen years, except once: at the end of SUING THE DEVIL. It is moving, passionate and poignant. Don't miss it.

Rating: **** out of ****.

The film most-likely will not appeal to the young, hip, God-less crowd who relish 'Dark Knight' and drool over 'Saw'. But for the more intelligent, kinder generation - this film is wildly amazing and shows the spiritual battle that we face against a real Biblical dragon. If you just read the negative reviews from these kids, it makes you almost cry. They're doomed and they don't know it. They'd rather play Special Ops than seek God. Just like in the days of Noah....
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mikemike14111113 May 2012
This movie was one of the most horrible movies I've ever seen. Tim whatever needs to pray to god for talent. this was the most uncreative piece of garbage ever. Wow. Not entertaining at all. I only sat through it cause the preview looked good and I paid 5 bucks to rent it. Dumb. The acting was horrible, the script was horrible, nothing was good about this movie. It was even annoying at times. I caught myself praying to god during this movie. "OMG make it stop". Seriously I wish someone else had come up with this idea. Cause it could've been an excellent and interesting movie, I coulda done better and thats saying something. absolutely awful. BTW religious nuts, your bible says it OK to own slaves as long as they are purchased from another nation (Lev 25:44) and that i can sell my daughter into slavery(exodus 21:7).
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Intense, nail-biting, spiritual thriller!
howiej0625 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
It was awesome to see that this movie has it's own following on Facebook, and I would like to give my own evaluation of this movie.

First of all, I think I must have seen a different film from some of these other reviewers on here. How is it even possible to give it a 4.0??? This is one of the best films of it's genre I have ever seen! I am still feeling overwhelmed by what I saw. It is a very touching, and quite inspiring story about a man, psychologically scarred, and trapped in a situation from which he could have no escape and facing it with immense courage. It so happens that he made a series of mistakes to get himself into his situation, but when the Devil actually shows up to do battle, he doesn't back down. The film conveys very powerfully, the enormity of what will be required of him.

As the film develops, the complexities of the character are revealed. The acting is superb, especially from Malcolm McDowell and the other principals, and the development of the adversarial and sparky relationship at the heart of the film is a joy to watch. The film is very funny and the lead characters (Luke Obrien and his wife) have warmth and humanity. The film is well paced, and carries you along to the emotional climax, so that, even though I knew how the story would end, it had me holding my breath. If you don't need lots of action or special effects in your film, and enjoy seeing top-notch actors in a relatively low-budget film, this will be for you. You might also, as I did, gain a bit more insight into how the Devil fits into the scheme of things in this world.
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Take the movie for what it is...................
ellen_k4931 January 2012
I am sick of reading reviews from these nutcases that claim that this movie is too religious, Christian, etc.

Enjoy the movie for what it is. It is a movie meant for a FAITH-BASED audience - those who believe in God. The flack that Borat got and the flack that The Ringer got does not stop those two movies from being great and meaningful in some sense.

Christians are made fun of all the time, and I don't understand why some atheists are being offended for the bringing down of others when those people aren't offended.

I am Filipino and half American and I have mentally retarded family members and I thought that The Ringer was a great movie; This movie is not making fun of Mentally Challenged people anymore than Forrest Gump did.

If you are smart then you have seen the kind of movies Rebecca St. James is in, and you know that some talk of God will exist. If you are offended by this movie, then don't see it. Go see Space Chimps (good movie), unless you are going to be offended by degradation of Life on other Planets, etc.

I agree with the other posters - it's all coming from the same guy: This movie critic who illegally downloaded the film and got caught. Then, in a psychotic way, attacks the film almost everyday. I mean, get a life, dude.

Just, take the movie for what it is. A Movie meant to target a specific audience and bring humor and happiness.
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Truly awful movie
fuggle77-108-1374501 July 2012
I can only assume that the people who gave this pile of garbage a huge thumbs up must be god fearing bible bashers. This movie stunk to high hell (no pun intended). From the terrible acting which, at best was on a par with those really bad afternoon soaps, to the ridiculous honky tonk piano music in the background which was pointlessly and out of place. The narration from the lead actor was cringe-worthy and excruciating and I guess that we are supposed to identify with this awkwardly scruffy, long-haired, doe-eyed excuse for an actor portraying the man suing the devil. There should be a label on these sorts of movies warning that you are about to watch a Christian film and be subjected to the type of laughable propaganda usually reserved for cults and fringe groups. The whole thing had the feel of being a children's movie being aimed at the gullible and stupid Watch at your peril! Satan can rest easy tonight as the only people who should be on trial here are the advertisers who saw fit to present this movie as anything else other than smug, blind God-boy, steaming pile of turd that this absurdly sickening trash really is. Oh and by the way, the only reason gave this a one is that there is no option for zero.
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