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For a fan of the cheesy Sci-Fy channel movies I was disappointed. Very cheesy but tried to be serious. Didn't work. I say C+
cosmo_tiger18 March 2012
"What if it happens to be our kin? What if that old fool was right?" Six friends leave for a week of fun in New Orleans when a stop at a local gas station introduces them to the legend of Grimley, a local half-man/half-alligator killer bent on revenge. They decide the best way to enjoy themselves is to venture into the swamp and see if it's real. Tell me you don't want to watch that. I have to admit that I am a sucker for these over the top cheesy killer creature movies. The gold standard to me is a tie between "Piranah" & "Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus." Those are fun to watch because they are really cheesy but they know it so they go for the comedy side too. That makes them so much fun to watch. This one had the low-budget cheesy stuff that I was looking for, but it felt like they tried to compensate by making the rest of it as serious as they could. The acting was so bad though that it didn't come off like they wanted. It became a movie that thought it was more serious then it was. Still fun to watch, but not one of the better of this genre. Overall, I was hoping for more comedy to go with the cheese. I give it a C+.
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Look in the swamp! It's a Gator! No, it's a Gorilla! No, it's a football player! No, it's Gatorman!
Someguysomwhere11 September 2011
Another movie about backwoods freaks preying on unsuspecting young travelers usually visiting, passing thru, or detained. In this movie they are traveling thru Loisiana to the city of New Orleans. And the backwoods freaks this time are a bunch of people who've made a pact with a "Gatorman"; part man, part alligator. This pact is steeped in religion and appears cultish. They give Gatorman what he wants and he gives them what they need. What he wants is tender, sweet, female flesh for dinner and sex. In return, he gives his worshipers what they need. Perpetuation; continuity. The cult are bred or born from incestuous sex; the women of which are sacrificed regularly to Gatorman (I'm only the messenger, folks).

Legend has it that circa 19th century, the Boteen (spell check) family, who lived reclusively deep in the swamps, were concerned about their lineage because their family tree was thinning out due to sterility. You know the saying: "Desperate situations call for desperate measures"? --Well it was up to 2 Boteens, Caroline and Grimley, who were brother and sister to save the Boteens from extinction. On the eve of their wedding, while they were frolicking on the swamps filled with love and anticipation of their union, a white gator rose up from the swamps and took Caroline. Grimley goes after her, finds the animals larder, but she's already dead. He kills the gator, but is overcome by grief and goes mad. He begins to consume the gators store of human remains (including sister Caroline) and "Gatorman" --who looks like a cross between a linebacker, a gorilla, and a reptile-- is born.

After seeing an old flier made for tourists daring them to go to Grimeley's old home in the swamps and directions to get there from a storekeeper, six young people, 3 guys and 3 girls, decide to make a side trip from their journey to visit the old house of legend (I think we agree, reader, that this can't be good). This movie is not a bad entry into the "Backwoods Freaks" genre. But instead of some psycho with a love for sharp things and torture after you, this time it's a Gatorman aided by a religious inbred cult. I would say that action and story-wise, it's fair. I did have a little problem with the way the lead in this movie took a bullet and didn't even limp after. As well, he got a pummeling from Gatorman that should have (in my opinion) broken every bone in his body. Bit of credibility lost there, I think. Still, if you understand that these type of movies are what they are; that they can often be a bit amateurish (some of the writing and directing here; the acting was okay) and a bit exploitive (some nudity with the violence in this one) and that they are designed strictly for entertainment and revenue, then most likely you would accept this entry into the Backwoods Freak genre as a fair one. Love, Boloxxxi.
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A waste of money - mine and theirs
CSHaviland14 September 2011
While I like creature movies in general, I only like good ones. This movie has no business trying theatrical distribution. Its distributor is going to lose millions.

The movie is basically the same quality and mentality as what you might see produced by Roger Corman or Charles Band, which are dirt-budget cheaply written ride-the-trend productions. To their credit they launch careers for actors and filmmakers trying to get their first break, but the products are horrible.

The Corman / Band era is over, however. Until the 90's, movies like that could take advantage of the fact that nobody knew they sucked until it was too late. Word of mouth was only as good as your local community. Today we have the internet, where everyone with at least one finger and a brain stem can bang out their reaction to a movie and send it up to a site where it gets visibility. Thousands of viewers can rate movies at many sites, such as IMDb, Yahoo Movies, Fandango, Flix, Hulu, etc. This averages out to an overall audience reaction, despite idiots who give everything they see one star or those who give everything they see "all" stars. This rapid response medium spreads the word so fast that after just a day or two of release, I can see that hundreds or even thousands of people have averaged a movie to 4 stars out of 10, and that means I should steer clear of it.

(Obviously it didn't work with me this time because I'm one of those rare persons who doesn't pay much attention to the opinions of others.) The cost of distributing a movie to the theater is ENORMOUS. It is harder to distribute a movie to a US theater than it is to raise millions of dollars to produce it in the first place. With Blu-Ray on the rise, and the increasing popularity of using the internet to stream movies, theatrical distribution is riskier than ever.

I suppose the distributor of Creature figured the time was ripe. It's the second deep-south swamp horror to come out this month, the other being Shark Night, which was marginally better (but not a good bet either). I suppose they were inspired by the surprise success of Piranha 3D, which had a lot of star cameo power, a lot of gore, a lot of nudity, and a lot of fun. All Creature had was a little nudity, and that's just not enough. The plot was confusing, the characters were ridiculously unbelievable, and the creature costume was even worse than Swamp Thing 20 years ago.

Seriously, guys. College students can make a better film than this.
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xrabid_yaoi_fangirlx15 September 2011
I could tell this movie was going to be great when we walked into the theater and no one else was there. I had expected it to be awful from the get go, but it surprised me by also being completely nonsensical. What looks like a typical "monster eats a bunch of teens in the woods" movie is actually much more convoluted. Throughout, I couldn't shake the feeling that this had started off as a kinky softcore porn that accidentally mutated into a horror movie somewhere along the way. While the breasts all gave a moving performance, the rest of the cast left something to be desired. Of course, that could have just been the weird script. There should have been subtitles for the 40% of the dialogue that was delivered in fake Cajun accents, but what we could understand didn't make things any clearer. I mean, yeah, we got the gist of it, but we just kept asking why. Why did anyone do anything that they did in this film? I guess it's up to the viewer to decide. Audience participation!

I have no idea what the writer and director had on their minds when they set this baby up, but I'm pretty sure I can tell you what they didn't: logic, character development, timing, or continuity. If you love bad horror movies like I do, you might enjoy this, but honestly we spent more time being confused than laughing. Plus I kept waiting for it to stop beating around the bush and just turn into Deliverance 2 already, but it never did.
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Pretty Bad. No, really bad.
moustasch19 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I love horror films and I'm old enough to remember the great "rubber suit" monsters from the '50s so I was really looking forward to seeing this movie. The sad thing reminded me of everything that was bad about some of them.

The first five minutes we have a beautiful nude woman going for a swim and our first death. Out of the entire movie this is the best part of it and everything goes downhill from there. Actually the first half of the movie isn't really that bad, except for the acting of some Louisiana Cajun bad-old boys led by veteran actor Sid Haig. Haig does his best with what he was given but it's really just a rehash of his role in House of 1000 Corpses (sans the clown makeup). Popular TV actor Mehcad Brooks has the best role in what I think is his first movie, but even he fell apart near the end because of some seriously bad writing. I've seen a lot of straight to DVD movies that were better then this and I have no idea why this movie got into theaters instead of suffering that fate.

The whole second half of the film just falls apart completely. People, whom you've never seen before suddenly show up out of nowhere. The monster easily kills a bunch of people but then suddenly goes weak and can't finish off the last guy. Someone gets shot in the leg and then a minute later is running through the woods, attacks and defeats several bad guys, jumps down a 20 foot hole in the ground and completely dismisses the hole in his leg.

This movie has an R rating simply because of a few nude girls running around and some drug usage. There's hardly any gore because most of the deaths and/or mutilations happen off-screen. Besides some beautifully shot bayou scenes there really isn't much to see here. There was one twist. The guy you think will probably get killed first, due to it happening 1000 times in other movies, survives. All in all I give it a 2, just because I did like the first few minutes, which made me hope for something exciting to come. It never did. My advice...see the beginning and then go next door and watch Contagion instead.
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The good old days of horror are no more...
facebook-124-9558459 September 2011
I've always been a fan of blood, gore and guts. I would watch anything that fell under the genre of Horror. I've seen all the Friday the 13ths, Nightmare on Elm Streets, and Halloweens; I've seen all the Jeepers/Creepers, Texas Chainsaw Massacres, and Saws; and I've watched most of the classic Dracula, Frankenstein, Wolfman, Invisible Man and Creature from the Black Lagoon movies. Some of my all-time favorite Horror films have been the less mainstream films though; such as Killer Klowns from Outer Space and the cult classic Evil Dead. When I was asked if I was interested in passes to see a screening of Creature, I couldn't resist. I'd seen a trailer for the movie and knew that it was definitely a "low-budget" film; and with low-budget films comes low expectations.

Using a budget of approximately $3,000,000, an extremely small amount by Hollywood standards), Fred Andrews III makes his directorial debut. The most notable actor in Creature is horror film stalwart Sid Haig, mostly known for playing Captain Spaulding in the movies House of 1000 Corpses and The Devil's Rejects. Sadly, Haig basically just plays a dumbed down version of Spaulding and sadly his is extremely underutilized because he's the best thing in the movie. The "creature", if you will, is not a computer generated image but is merely someone wearing a costume; similar to the way it was done back in the "good old days." Regrettably the comparison to the "good old days" stops there. Yes, there's the nudity, and quite a bit more than the standard gratuitous, there's pot smoking and drunkenness; but, the shock factor is lacking. The kill scenes show very little gore…if any at all. The characters are underdeveloped, giving you no one to relate to or to root for. The witty humor is dull and the dialogue isn't much better. There really isn't much that actually works.

Grade: F

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Full of meh
Heislegend12 September 2011
While I'm not sure what I expected going into this, I didn't really get what I was looking for. I think I was hoping for something a bit more like Hatchet which was a ton of fun and had quite a bit of gore. This movie feels like it's just a step above a Syfy channel movie. If you've ever had the misfortune of stumbling upon one of those without expecting it, you'll know what I mean.

I liked the slight throwback to 80's era movies what with the camping, one-by-one killing, and somewhat gratuitous nudity. Everything else was pretty bland. The creature effects are OK, but not fantastic. The effects in general, really, are just OK. Then there's the suspension of disbelief which is just a bit more than I can handle (aside from the monster stalking the swaps of Louisiana). I won't go into why exactly, but it's just a mess. The movie isn't terrible, but it's certainly not anything that's going on your favorites list.
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Same ol same ol but worse
Sorpse20 August 2012
Man i've watched some garbage movies lately. Monster brawl, dear god no, and then this. Im gunna try and go catch batman in theaters tonight to remind myself that good movies do exist. Basically everything in this movie is something we have seen before. Teens go to creepy rest stop, locals creep em out, they go somewhere they are warned not to go, locals terrorize them but there's more to be worried about, the creature. The creature is about the only remotely memorable part of this movie, it looked semi-cool but doesn't actually do anything worth talking about. Pretty much all the deaths happen off screen and we are shown maybe a severed limb or the spray from an attack but never the full out carnage so the death scenes are easily forgettable. The characters are all of the same characters from any other movie like this but at least the women show a lot of tits. plenty of nudity in this movie. Its all well made but nothing new or memorable at all I should have turned this movie off half way through like i did those other two.
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This movie can go f**k itself
lovecraft23122 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I remember seeing "Creature" on the marquee at my theater. I didn't bother to see it, and judging from the amount of people who saw it (about $327,000-also, I heard only like six people bothered to see it at my theater) and reviews (apparently, everyone but Fangoria hated it), not many did either. Nonetheless, I started to grow fascinated by the movie-that tends to happen to those of us that review movies. How could a movie bomb so spectacularly on both levels? Was it really as bad as everyone said it was? The answer to that question: yes.

The story is pretty basic-hell, it's probably too basic. A group of friends go into the backwoods of Louisiana for for a good time, but end up running afoul of a half crocodile/half man (unfortunately, he's not the half shark/alligator/half man rapper Kool Keith told us of) who wants to mate with women and kill men. Also, it is worshiped by a religious cult that has Sid Haig and Pruitt Taylor Vince.

The so-bad-it's-bad ways of "Creature" are numerous. It's obvious that director Fred Andrews wants this to be a "Hatchet" style horror fest, and while offers us plenty of female nudity, he skimps out on two important aspects: gore, humor and personality. There's gore, but not a whole lot, and none of it is particularly interesting, and many of the kills take place off screen. Hell, the final battle between our surviving heroes and the monster takes place off screen, which feels pretty insulting. If you are going to offer us a rubber-suit-style monster movie/slasher hybrid, at least offer more on the thrills. Even the titular creature itself isn't all that impressive.

Then there's the acting. Look, I know movies like this aren't known for great performances, but you can't help but feel bad for some of the actors involved (Amanda Fuller, who did such a great job in "Red, White and Blue" is better than this IMO) having to deliver such awful dialog. Even the presence of Sid Haig doesn't help, as he just plays a half-assed version of his Captain Spaulding character. That leads me to another thing-if I were from Louisiana, I'd probably be offended by this movie. Here, everyone from the bayou is portrayed as an incestuous sister f**ker whose all about bad teeth and doing the "lords work." I know, stereotypes are a given in movies like this, but here it just feels lazy and narrow minded.

There's no reason whatsoever to watch "Creature", not even as a curio. This is a boring, lazy, half-directed crock that deserved the poor fate it received. This movie can go f**k itself as far as I'm concerned.
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A waste of mediocre acting! Awful movie
copelandshawna29 September 2011
Do not buy this on bootleg or rent this at Redbox. Don't waste your time, money or breath.

This movie is worse than Megafault or Howard the Duck. I hate this movie. It was so bad that it made me angry. It was disgusting, stupid and boring. I could have clawed my own eyes out. There were 5 other people in the theater who left, so I was the only idiot left watching the movie. I got in with a free movie pass and I wanted to ask for it back. I was sitting there like an abused woman knowing that things would get better. This movie went downhill from start to finish. Lockjaw looks like he is wearing a costume from Party City. The whole incest thing = GROSS! AWFUL - AWFUL - AWFUL
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To call it "utter trash" would actually be a compliment; it's much worse!
vip-danii17 May 2014
No, seriously... if this movie was made in the 80s, you could, perhaps, excuse it to some extent, but it was produced in 2011, for Pete's sake!

In this day and age, it is totally inexcusable to waste money on making this kind of crap!

I would also complain about waste of talent, but none was involved -- not one of the cast members could pass for an actual actor.

You could also bring up waste of effort, but that is also not applicable, since the movie is exceptionally poorly-written and badly-pieced-together.

Sometimes you watch a movie and it makes no impression on you, so you forget it. But some movies are so BAD that you feel obligated to warn others. Well, this was one of those.

Lame, wacky, dump. Basically, a TOTAL waste of time.
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nogodnomasters17 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Some kids are on their way on vacation through the backwoods of Louisiana. They stop at a local general store and the most normal person in the place is Sid Haig. One of the kids steals a picture and they decide to detour to a local attraction only to find out it is a trap! And there is a twist!

For those love those 80's style horror movies with bad monsters, nudity, pretty foul mouthed redheads, funny dialogue, rubber monsters,and quirky characters, this your 5 star cult masterpiece. Better than Lake Placid 3! Not for everyone, but if you like Haig's other work, worth a view.

F-bomb, sex, full frontal nudity.
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Fun Romp in the Swamp
rabiddog679 September 2011
This is a fun little film that I used to see its kind playing in the drive-in back in the 1970s and early 1980s. It is always good to see Sid Haig, who starred in many of drive-in exploitation flicks back in the day before House of 1000 Corpses and Devil's Rejects made him a horror icon. The plot is pretty basic: six friends go into the swamp to check out a local legend and fall prey to a creature from the swamp that looks pretty cool. There is trouble with the locals as well as some personal betrayals going on. I see some early reviewers on this site, knocking the film as expected because, as I imagine, many of them did not grow up watching these creature features and have little love for them. This is the kind of film Drive-In critic Joe Bob Briggs used to review and champion; I only wish I had a chance to see it at a drive-in instead of a indoor theater.
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This could have been a great movie
kaefab21 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The creature costume was amazing, the story nothing new but it could have been so much better.

I guess they blew it big time, the ending is god awful, because the guy gets sucked into a hole with the creature, you don't see anything, i guess he killed it then he comes out of the hole? What where they thinking, that alone killed the movie.

Its sad that today, they don't do what Roger Corman did back then and re-use costume and space ships and more, because they could get that suite and do another better movie with it.

Giving it a 2 for the suite alone the rest was very bad
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I wanted to love this movie...
stsinger11 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to love this movie. Really, I went into the theater hoping to be wowed. Unfortunately, a big disappointment.

The film starts out promisingly -- a woman strips nude, takes a nice dip in a lake where she is chomped by an alligator. Nice start, although in retrospect it seems added on since an alligator is not the titular creature.

We then go to a group of 6 twenty-somethings who are driving to New Orleans and, as is typical, are taking a "shortcut." There are two sets of brothers and sisters, and one of the brother/sister combos has brought along their boyfriend and girlfriend. The guys are supposedly Marines just back from overseas, which makes no sense considering later plot revelations. And as you might expect, these kids are obnoxious so we begin anxiously waiting for their demises.

And waiting is the key. For 45-50 minutes we are treated to watching these six talk and lame attempts to make us care about the relationships between the two couples (which only results in making us hate them more and start to look at our watches hoping the creature eats them soon). Of course, they stop at a gas station/local store where they meet some locals and discover a legend of a swamp creature, and they decide to go visit the house where the creature was supposedly "born." And off they go, to inevitably meet up with the Creature...

The film misfires on so many points, it's hard to detail. First, the good (and there IS some good). All the female cast members are hot and, except for Serinda Swan, show their breasts, and there is a nice plot twist in the middle that makes us think this is going to be something special. But the bad... wow.

First of all, after the opening scene, there is a total lack of graphic gore. The film is rated R, can't imagine why they were so reticent to show anything.

Next, the plot is incomprehensible. And WAY too much of it. At the end of the film, things just don't make sense. And this is a monster movie -- anything more than "Monster stalks and kills victims until only the final girl is left" had better be simple and clear.

Finally, the decision to make one of the obnoxious guys the hero was a huge miscalculation. And it's like the director has a man-crush on this guy -- first, they have a female character comment on how good looking he is. Then he becomes Rambo/Jack Bauer/Superman all rolled up into one. He is able to go somehow divine where his girlfriend is being held and go there instantly, even though he's never been in this swamp in his life. He is shot, then 5 seconds later it's like it never happened. He is stomped, crushed, pounded, and then 5 seconds later it's like it never happened. His battle with a supernatural creature that has been stalking the swamp for decades involves just punching out the creature. And then he develops some truly superhuman skills in the final battle... which happens OFF CAMERA!!!

It was especially depressing since one of the hot women was there, too, and would have made a great "final girl."
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Scarecrow-8819 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Oh, man, could this have been a good one. Too bad. The filmmakers got a lot of mileage out of Sid Haig's appearance in "Creature", a monster mayhem movie with just enough boobs to make it worth at least one watch. The cast is made up of beautiful people, and the rubber suit monster is quite grotesque (referred to as Lockjaw, kind of a half-man/half-gator). The plot is ridiculously simple: a group of friends are on their way to the Big Easy when they stop off at a gas station with a shrine dedicated to backwoods monster lore in the back of the store. Curious, the group decide to visit the dilapidated cabin of a man named Grisby, known for killing a large white gator that was terrorizing the swamp lands around the area, himself becoming a monster after going insane, eating from the remains of the creature's killing den, and remaining in the swamp, in essence transforming into Lockjaw. What the twentysomethings are unaware of is that Lockjaw is very real and that the backwoods folk keep him fed so their bloodline can continue. Haig is one of the locals who keeps Lockjaw's appetite satiated. Haig's presence alone helps this tease of a fun horror movie, but his energy and charisma can do little to compensate for a lack of on screen grue. There's a bit of titillation (the opening of this movie has a female victim stripping naked and giving us a nice full frontal (and back so we can savor her ass) shot of her gorgeous nude form), with multiple lasting shots of breasts (Lauren Schneider, the bubbly redhead with a great sense of humor and enthusiasm, delightfully shows her rack to a grinning Haig, also smooching with a drunk Amanda Fuller (who has her top and bra removed by a jovial Schneider, in a horny mood) with a possible lesbian seduction interrupted by boyfriend Aaron Hill killing a snake, dammit), but like most of the possible gory violence, never enough to warrant any real satisfaction. The severed limbs props (a head, foot, etc) are really right out of a William Castle movie, and the monster's rampage is all about what you don't see. Hell, we don't even get to delight in much of the beast's aftermath. This movie really gives you little of anything that can be considered essential viewing. The cast does seem game, though. Too cheap and unimaginative. This could have been a decent companion to Adam Green's Hatchet, but, alas, "Creature" just doesn't offer much in the way of thrills. Mehcad Brooks gets to be the token black character who actually plays the final hero of the picture, trying to rescue his photographer hottie from being the monster's plaything.
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Lots of clichés, very little new; throwback SFX.
suite9216 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The opening sequence with Ophelia's swim in the swamp marks this movie as an exploitation effort: full nudity followed by gore and death.

The scene then jump shifts to three upscale city couples traveling in an expensive SUV to the backwoods swamps in Louisiana. The six rich kids stop at a general store. They show their general disrespect for local traditions and people. The four men at the general store are depicted as inbred, uneducated, violent, and unsanitary.

The good old boys tell a story of the Boutine family, which was dying out some decades ago. The story culminates with the almost wedding of brother and sister (Grimley and Caroline Boutine), who are the last possible breeders in the clan. The ceremony is interrupted by a legendary gator, Lockjaw, who eats the bride. The groom is discouraged by this. He kills the gator, then eats it, including parts of his almost bride. Following one of the clichés of cannibalism, Grimley absorbs some of the strengths of Lockjaw, becoming a man/monster.

Let's have a moment of silence for that massive 'jump the shark' incident.

The local good old boys warn the six city folk to respect the tradition, which is not explained in any detail. The city folk don't show respect, of course, and the locals attempt to force the tradition on them.

Do any of the city youngsters survive this elimination derby and get home?


Cinematography: 6/10 Looked professional at least part of the time.

Sound: 7/10 Not too bad.

Acting: 4/10 Mehcad Brooks seemed way too old for the part; on the other hand, he was the best actor in the film by far. That in itself was another problem: why would such a level-headed young man get into this mess? Most of the other actors played caricatures, particularly Sid Haig. All of the actors playing swamp folk gave terrible performances.

Screenplay: 3/10 The dialog the actors were given was mostly poor. The exposition of motivation left a lot to be desired: why did anyone do any of the things they did in this movie? The worst for me was during the Niles-Lockjaw fight. There is no way that Niles could survive even one hit from the monster, much less 15 or so. Ridiculous.

SFX: 3/10 The creature effects were modestly convincing; they were reminiscent of the Creature in the Black Lagoon (1954). The gore effects were not convincing at all.
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kosmasp27 June 2013
The movie is called "Creature", you should know what you are getting yourself into. If not, the first few minutes will quickly let you know (and I'm not talking about the nudity, but the other "thing"). Of course having Serinda Swan in it, elevates the whole movie as does the appearance by Sid Haig.

The effects may not be the best and you will know where all this leads (be it through the relationships between the characters or otherwise/cliché). But it doesn't entirely take all the fun out of it. I actually did enjoy myself a few times. And that is what the movie tries to achieve. It's not a masterpiece nor will it get anywhere near a Horror Hall of fame or anything like that. But you can have fun with it, if you let yourself
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Camelzzzzzzzzzz17 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
WIthout a doubt, Creature is one of the worst horror films I have ever seen, which is saying a lot considering I've sat through films such as Psycho Ward, Acts of Death, The Human Centipede Part II, etc. Why, you ask, is this film so unforgivably awful? Let me explain. First of all, the characters flat out suck. I mean, this type of film isn't generally known for rich sets of characters, but these imbeciles were so annoying, so stupid, and such terrible actors that I didn't care whether they lived or died at all. Secondly, the story was such a rip off of other backwoods slashers that it was a bore. Thirdly, the movie tried to throw in some gross out themes and scenes of incest, which were more uncomfortably stupid than shocking. Also, there were several "twists" that made me lose IQ points with their stupidity as well as a script that seems to have been written as the producers went along shooting the scenes. Finally, the ending. Grimley disappears down a sinkhole? After ALL THAT? Seriously?

To make a long story short, save your time and your money on this one, because there are a million better horror flicks out there. Try Wrong Turn or The Hills Have Eyes instead, and if you've already seen those, just do something else, because you will regret watching this vile excuse for a movie.
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The title gives an idea of the level of creativity one can expect.
BA_Harrison1 May 2013
Six 'kids' on a road-trip to New Orleans stop off at a tourist trap to check out the local legend of Lockjaw, a half-swamp-man/half-alligator that supposedly lives in the bayou...

I've absolutely no problem with cookie-cutter horror films wherein dumb youngsters seem to go out of their way to be torn limb from limb; on the contrary, I positively encourage them, just so long as they don't skimp on the graphic violence and gratuitous nudity. Creature, a by-the-numbers monster film from first time director Fred Andrews, begins in the right spirit, delivering in both departments with full frontal nudity from a young woman who gets her legs chewed off when she takes a naked dip in a swamp.

The bare flesh continues with the introduction of the three uninhibited girls—Emily, Beth and Karen (Serinda Swan, Amanda Fuller and Lauren Schneider), all of whom strip off to some degree during the film, but the gore proves frustratingly tame, the majority of the nastiness occurring just out of frame. Add the fact that the film's monster is a laughably bad man-in-a-rubber suit creation, and it soon becomes apparent that Creature is one of the genre's weaker efforts.

Sid Haig does his best to inject some fun into proceedings with a deranged performance that is essentially Captain Spaulding without the clown make-up, and the plot is given some much needed pep with the introduction of some lesbian shenanigans and a touch of incest (Karen giving her brother a hand with his photography being surprisingly perverted), but the lack of decent splatter, the weak monster, and a very silly ending make this far from essential viewing.

4.5 out of 10, rounded up to 5 for IMDb.
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It's About What You Would Expect
sddavis6312 May 2014
Incest. A touch of cannibalism. A sprinkling of nudity. And a half- man/half-gator creature. Hmmm. Must be the Louisiana Bayou! And so it is! Really. What can you expect from this kind of story. The moral is that you have to go into it expecting what you should be expecting. If you do - and you're not expecting some horror masterpiece - you find a movie that ain't good by a longshot, but that can still pass some time in a way that at least isn't painful.

In "Creature" we're following the adventures of six young people (3 male, 3 female) on their way to New Orleans, who stop at a backwoods store and get introduced to a local legend about this creature. The creature has an interesting background. Born (evolved? transformed?) a couple of hundred years before when a brother and sister decided they had to - well - take responsibility for making sure their family continued on. Unfortunately, before they could accomplish this, the sister was eaten by a large white gator, whom the brother then killed. But driven mad by the experience, he proceeded to consume everything in the gator's lair - including his now dead sister. This apparently was enough to transform him into Gator-Man! Gator-Man now keeps the family line going, with the use of nubile young females chosen against their will for this purpose - and, just by happy (or unhappy) coincidence, there are three nubile young females in the movie.

You get what you expect. And you should know what you're going to get right off the top. The movie opens with a young woman who goes swimming (stark naked) in a gator-infested swamp. Not surprisingly, we see no more of the young woman after those opening few scenes. That opening is certainly eye catching. The story from then on isn't great. It's not horrible, mind you. I've seen worse. Not unexpectedly, there are a couple of scenes that come across as mildly soft core porn-like, and there is for some reason that I didn't think was necessary a strange, religious cult-like background to the whole thing. And in at least one close up I thought Gator-Man looked surprisingly like the Gorn who did battle with Captain Kirk in the original Star Trek. There's a couple of twists involved - including one that keeps the movie going when you thought it had ended (and I'm still not sure whether that was good or bad!)

The strength of this movie was actually in the performances. The cast was (to me at least) completely unknown, but they all did a good job. They didn't just go through the motions. They were taking this seriously enough, which must have been a challenge at times. I thought that the three young women especially did a great job of showing very believable terror at their plight. The performances made this rather silly story watchable. (3/10)
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Incredibly bad
grantss13 March 2020
Craptacular. Even worse than your average creature-horror movie. The creature itself looks like a teenage mutant ninja turtle...
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Lack of Promotion loses Genre Fans
ryanbigbro13 September 2011
Has anybody out there seen a single television commercial for this movie? Or even a trailer in a movie theatre? I never saw anything about it, and I think that is what lead to such a poor opening for this film. Nobody knew about it. I find that to be a shame because a movie like this had a real shot at finding a good cult following. Finally, we have a true "monster movie" told very much in an old-fashioned way. It remained very true to the genre, and I thought this film was a blast. It never takes itself too seriously. It understands its fan base and accomplishes exactly what it sets out to do. If you are a fan of fun popcorn monster movies, I recommend giving this one a try.
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Not as Bad as the Box Office Might Suggest
gavin694220 May 2013
In the back country of Louisiana, a group of friends unearth a terrible secret that unleashes a monster from the depths of the swamp.

We can now look back on this and say it was one of the worst-grossing films of all time. Perhaps that is something of an honor. To be fair, it really is not as bad as you might think based on how it did in theaters. How did it bomb? What went wrong? That is hard to say.

One thing I do know is that the creators love Sid Haig, because he is prominently on display in the poster despite being a relatively minor character. And although he plays basically the Southern version of Captain Spaulding, they threw a "Spider Baby" reference in there, too. So that was nice.

While I am sad that the people behind this seemed to be inspired -- at least a little -- by "House of 1000 Corpses", it makes me feel better knowing they also had a very strong "Hatchet" vibe going on. While this is nowhere near as good as Adam Green's film, they seem to have been going for the same story... without ripping it off.
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Horrendously Bad
ksj87027 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
When a group of young tourists decide to take a detour on their way through Louisiana, they discover there's more than a legend lurking in the murky swampland. Not a bad idea as b-movies go, but CREATURE is a failure in every department of film making. The script is awful, the dialog crass and unrealistic, and the six young leads are totally unsympathetic and impossible to identify with. There isn't much action, but a few horrific set pieces are extremely gory and exceedingly unpleasant. The eponymous monster doesn't have much to do and it might have been wiser to make the villain one of the several alligators that populate the region in which the story takes place. Failing that, I imagine we're supposed to see this as some sort of homage to CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON, but this film has absolutely nothing in common with that classic. Insipid, vulgar, and insulting, CREATURE is an altogether toxic film experience.
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