Vile (2011) Poster


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Not bad at all
FredSlim12 September 2012
As a rare reviewer on IMDb I only decided to comment on this after reading the rather negative posts from others. It ain't half bad - yes there are Saw/Hostel comparisons and it fits rather aptly into the "torture-porn" genre. It seems as though the production staff are fairly new to the game and I don't think they deserve the kind of criticism handed to them by the other (two, at the time of writing) reviews seen here.

Without giving anything away, it's a solid, tense first hour with questionable (but believable, considering the circumstances, and assuming you have an open mind) character development that would have benefited from a less ambitious attempt at a dramatic conclusion and something that's worth a watch for fans of the genre.
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Simple story spiced up with some good torture scenes...
paul_haakonsen6 January 2013
Another cash-in in the wake of the success of the "Saw" movies. But that is not necessarily a bad thing. "Vile" turned out to be an adequate movie, actually, and it did have some pretty interesting scenes and moments that will have you curling your toes.

So was the movie vile, as the title claims? Hardly, but it was a good movie in itself, and a good jab at this particular torture movie genre. But compared to the "Saw" movies, then it is fairly tame.

The story in "Vile" is about a group of young people who get kidnapped and end up in a strange house where they are trapped along with another group of people. To get out of the house, they need to torture each other (or themselves) in order to collect some chemical that is released in the brain. They have to collect enough of this chemical to reach 100% before they are released.

I will say that the movie concept was interesting and well enough executed. It really helped the movie that there was a good amount of rather gruesome scenes of mutilation and torture. So there was even something to please us gore-hounds. But again, next to the inventive ways of mutilation and mayhem seen in the "Saw" movies, then "Vile" was like water in comparison.

As for the acting in the movie, well it was alright, but nothing groundbreaking or outstanding. Most of the characters tended to be generic and not really stand out from one another. The movie could have spent a bit more time on fleshing out the various characters, as to give the viewer some insight into whom was whom and what their personalities were. But then again, on the other hand, with this type of movie, the characters are merely just fodder for the grinder, so having generic characters is acceptable.

If you enjoy bloody movies that are violent and doesn't need to have a deeper and more meaningful storyline, then "Vile" might be right up your alley. I found it enjoyable because it was so simple, yet brutal in itself.

Without revealing anything of the ending of the movie, then I found it to be a rather lame and unrealistic ending to it. It was just downright insulting to end the movie that way for us who sat through it and hoped for something better at the end.
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nogodnomasters24 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The film opens attempting to build character of two young couples. The next thing you know they are trapped inside a house with other people. Their brains are connected to a collection system which measures and deposits chemicals produced when the body is in pain. The captives have 22 hours (86 minutes movie time) to produce the desired amount of this chemical or else! They can feel free to use any of the torture devices provided.

There are two things you can do, should you want to play the game.

A) Figure out which ways effectively get the desired chemical by causing pain, but minimizing the damage to the body, such as pulling a tooth and irritating the nerve ending underneath or... B) Draw lots and randomly torture each other in different ways.

Plan B makes for a better film. The film was mindless and senseless, not like the original "Saw." Unless you just want to watch people hitting and cutting each, you might want to take a pass. Oh yes, expected twist blah blah blah. The opening soundtrack/scene was the best aspect of the film.

Parental Guide: F-bombs. No sex or nudity.
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Tries too hard and delivers simply too little
Robert_duder8 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The incredibly successful Saw franchise gave birth to a new breed of torture type horror that many have tried to emulate but none ever come close to. The makers of the Saw knock offs miss the point that made Saw so successful and Vile is a perfect example of that. Vile is gory and torturous just for the shock value. It has a weak strand of a story, characters you just don't care about no matter how invested they try and make you, and no real villain per se. You know a "twist" is coming...its a given but you don't care by the end of it. The film will make you wince, there is no doubt about, some of the torture scenes are brutal although they try (again like Saw) to leave a lot of it up to your imagination. But there is also a fair share of true bloody gore. I really had to push myself to get through it just because the story was just really bad. I mean, the whole fill the meter with torture on each other is sort of an interesting concept but its so badly delivered. The most important part of the film is that you just don't it begins, what goes on, and how it ends.

April Matson plays the scream queen of the film. She does okay, much like the rest of the cast but they are given little to no personality. Her schtick that they make clear early on is that she's pregnant and that's her character in a nutshell. Eric Jay Beck is her boyfriend and pays an important part in the whole story. He does well too. He probably gives a slightly better performance but not by much. Akeem Smith is the token minority of the film. I liked his character, he was kind of feisty and actually more of a hero than the rest of them. Greg Cipes seems like the geeky second string character but plays a bigger part in the final outcome. I found his acting strained and almost annoying. There are a few other supporting characters that really do not much of anything than scream and run around frantically. The last main character would be Maya Hazen who plays the obnoxious and loud girl who wants to turn on everyone. She's okay but she truly does get obnoxious and has a ridiculous scene where she "accidentally" scratches wildly and ends up killing a girl ridiculously severing her neck artery.

The actors are not the issue with this movie, they could have likely done a better job with a much better script. The story is simply poorly written. It's a hack job written by someone who wanted nothing more than to get their piece of the "Saw" induced pie. It comes as a zero surprise that the co-writers and producers are first time writers. Eric Jay Beck (who also stars in the film) and has a tiny bit of experience behind the camera and Rob Kowsaluk who has only this film to his credit. On top of that director Taylor Sheridan has done lots of TV performances but this is his only directing credit. Sometimes actors don't translate well behind the camera and this is the perfect example. Even fans of gore won't find much likable about this. 3/10
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Terrible movie...
khaymanbb27 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, I tried to like this. I really did. When the synopsis is to inflict pain on someone to gather the "chemicals" in the brain, you would think that the people could think of creative ways to cause pain without breaking a leg, or disfiguring yourself via burning. I mean come on, really? Getting your fingernail ripped off hurts incredibly bad, and they do this to give them the extra "pain boost", so why not do that only? You have 20 of them for pete's sake, and they grow back! I felt sad watching this, as the bad person gathering these people must have chosen from a group of people that rode the short bus to school and only for getting off on watching them hurt each other. Yet at no time was any of that mentioned, just camera's to make sure they do what they are supposed to do. Dreadful acting, pathetic attempts at hysterics, just plain awful. If you see this on Netflix just ignore it. You'll wish you had...
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kosmasp24 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
As much as I love Saw (and was curious about the evolving story in its sequels), I almost kind of despise it for what it kick-started. One of the (many) movies that seem to take the formula out of context is on display here. I watched it at Frightfest in 2011, which should be a good place to watch any horror movie ... if it is worth it. This one unfortunately isn't really worth the money.

You get a bunch of people locked in a house. They wake up not remembering anything, but a video tells them, they have to hurt themselves to get free. As a reviewer (who was harsher then me) on Dreadcentral pointed out, there are options that don't even get discussed. But it's not the dialogues that try to be the strong point here. It's the torture scenes. While you could see some human behavior issues on display here, too much is left out to make it really count as psychological thriller. The actors seem to have too little to work with, but even that gets squashed away (no pun intended) ... I can't really recommend this at all
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Good movie if your stomach can handle it
rojidodge25 January 2013
On the surface, the plot of this movie would seem like another lame piece of junk written by some dumb teenager who doesn't have a clue about anything. Many comparisons have been made to Saw and other torture movies, but really, it's not the same kind of thing at all. But make no mistake, this is not for the squeamish, it is quite gruesome. But it is not gruesome for gruesome's sake. Many of the gory parts are implied rather than shown, which I think is done so you can connect to the story rather than the gore. The acting and directing have done an outstanding job to pull off what I think is a great success in what could have been a dismal failure, given the plot. There are also a couple nice twists at the end to give it a bit more credibility.

It held me captivated because it wasn't just predictable guff. If Big Brother was more like this, maybe I would have watched it.
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If by vile you mean tedious then yeah
movieman_kev13 September 2012
Two couples regret picking up a cougar hitchhiker after she knocks them out and they come to in the basement of a locked down house with some others. These others show them a video that explains that the only way out is through torturing one and other. The timer starts counting down and it's down to business.

Further testament to the (sometimes sad) fact that I'll watch just about anything on Instant Netflix, this film has a threadbare plot, even for a torture porn film. That would almost be excusable if it bought anything new to the table, it doesn't. The characters never seem real, the violence never reacher the caliber of Saw, much less Hostile. And before too long the whole thing grows very tedious.
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What more would you expect in an indie horror?
fxdx427 August 2014
Vile is what indie horror should be. With that said, this is not an amazing movie, but it does the genre right. Indie horror should have an interesting premise, solid gore, passable acting and avoid obvious stupidity. And with the bar set low, Vile easily sails over the bar.

Shockingly, the movie starts with a group of teens getting kidnapped. However the twist is they then finding themselves in a locked house with another group of people who discover they must torture themselves to extract a drug from their brain before they can leave. Interesting premise – check.

The horror is both physical and psychological. Could you torture yourself via burning iron, finger nail pulling etc? What would you do? All good questions, and often the characters come to the same conclusions (eventually) as I may have. When the audience does see gore, it is very tactfully done, looking real, but not over blown. This is not a torture porn movie. Solid gore – check.

The actors are solid, characters are interesting enough, and create some marginally engaging dynamics. Characters have a good balance of screen time, and enough personality to create some realistic group tension. The directing is also solid, although some of the sub plots might have been expanded on more clearly. Acting – check.

The obvious stupidity is questionable. The premise is good, but as the cliché goes, there are enough plot holes to drive a truck through. These lead into an ending that predictably is a letdown. I could not think of an ending that would be much better. The movie just kind of locks itself in. This is common with indie horror, so I mostly gave it a pass. Enjoy the build up, not the pay off.

So there you have it, a solid indie horror movie with lots going for it, but some obvious pit falls that are hard to avoid. Sometimes as a director, to get characters into situations you want them in, you just have to hope an audience overlooks some obvious trucks.
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jaxon-075846 March 2021
This movie is Saw without the puzzles. There is no "game" just people torturing each other until they have all collectively felt enough pain in order to escape. The story is very basic and the ending is not satisfying. I give it a three because the dialogue is shallow but keeps the pacing from coming to a dead halt. The setting is also cool but aside from those two points i have to rate it as barely watchable.
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Better than similar torture horror
creativehands13 September 2012
This film may not have the greatest of plots but for all horror gore fans it has its nice little moments, the characters are well acted and believable. I didn't expect much from this film, but would personally rate it higher than other similar films such as hostel.

If you are looking for a nice bit of gore and torture you can't go wrong with this film. and at least it's not a group of teenage kids getting bumped off one by one and shot on a camcorder like most horror coming out of America at the moment!

Here's hoping more of you out there will watch this neat little horror and they will get round to making vile 2.
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Far from perfect but there are some positives here
jtindahouse7 December 2017
Taylor Sheridan, director of 'Vile', has gone on to make some absolutely sensational films in the last few years including one of 2017's best 'Wind River'. So when I saw that he had actually started out his career with a horror film, and a gruesome looking one at that, I knew I had to see it. It's safe to say he hadn't quite perfected his art just yet, however there are certainly glimpses of what his potential was. He didn't write it, so it's hard to say just how much of an impact he had on 'Vile'. And while it's hard to argue that there are a lot of flaws in this movie, there are also some real positives to it.

The negatives lie mostly in the writing. The whole concept is a rather bizarre one and takes a massive suspension of belief to get your head around. The characters feel like they simply accept the situation they're in far too easily. Also the dialogue ranges greatly throughout the film from really charming and natural, to unbearable campy and unrealistic. There were two writers of this film so that could have had something to do with it.

The positives are basically the concept. It allows so much freedom for the story to flow and for the audience to be shocked. Every character needing to be tortured by their fellow characters. It's a writers dream. There are some unbearable scenes in this film to watch. I have a pretty high tolerance level and even so found myself turning away at certain moments. This isn't a must-see film by any means, however if you do find yourself with the opportunity to watch it you're probably going to have a decent time (perhaps switch your brain off at the start would be my advice).
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Yes, torture porn can get worse.
Zebb6713 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Now that the Torture Porn genre has fizzled out at the box office, these films are fortunately going straight to video where they belong. This one has an absurd plot (torturing people to obtain a body chemical that is also released during sex - that might have been an interesting film and certainly more humane!), unsympathetic characters and terrible dialogue. At least a good half hour of the characters screaming at each other goes by before they start beating each other's brains in. I only watched it because it was on Netflix Streaming, where a lot of terrible, direct-to-video horror movies go to die. Only if you really miss the Saw films will you possibly find something to enjoy in this mess.
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Saw Golightly
smashthecontrolmachine7 February 2022
As my review title reads, it's Saw light & seeing as the soundtrack was written & peformed by Holly Golightly and The Brokeoffs, it also appears this is a broke/low budget version of a light Saw wannabe film. Nothing to see here, but I wasn't expecting much anyway. Bad acting, bad script, no potential, no build up, it just goes no where, and it does it slowly...I think the idea behind the film should have been to effectively entertain the viewers by torturing the characters in the movie - not by torturing the audience in the theater or in their homes, forced to have to watch this junk.
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Shaky cam a thon
LincolnSixEko2 March 2022
Why do some "directors" have to rely on this sloppy, shoddy method of making films? It doesn't add any tension to the movie at all.

Aside from that, there's a TON of loud screaming in this movie.
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Dismal rather than vile.
thranjax1 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Notwithstanding the impressive later career of its director, Vile is a shoddily written Saw rip-off which sacrifices any kind of believable scenario to get to the gimmick. Ten people (of course it is ten) kidnapped and held in a torture chamber/house where they have to inflict pain in order to generate enough chemicals - dopamine, etc. To fill vials attached to their heads. There are several serious issues with the plot.

Early on one of the characters says - correctly - that they could probably achieve much the same result by having sex or pleasuring themselves instead of torturing each other, but this is of course ignored immediately as a suggestion, because ... no, no idea why.

The "Why" of the whole set up is never addressed. Why don't the kidnappers just torture them themselves? What is the purpose of this set-up? We never see the people responsible, apart from the mole in their midst and a talking head on a video. If they are turned on by watching it they'll be disappointed because this "Vile" film is really quite tame, not showing much gore at all.

Oh, yes, the mole. That is a whole cartload of WHY? For what reason are they there? At the end, the mole reveals that they have done the same thing with several other groups - so why do they not have ANY injuries or wounds apart from the ones they get in this session?

Having said all that, this is far from the worst film of its type, but it won't satisfy gore hounds, or people who like a good thriller, or suspense film fans. It would be a cracking team game on Taskmaster, of course.
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Not a bad Indie torture horror.
Michael-Hallows-Eve14 September 2012
This movie was a refreshing take on the "torture/pain" style horror films like 'SAW' and alike. Some of the scenes had me cringing which I haven't done in a while. Although the acting wasn't groundbreaking, it wasn't the worst I've seen. The movie kept me intrigued from go to whoa, and some of the torture scenes were quite graphic. It wasn't the typical stuff you've seen in the 'SAW' films, which in my opinion is what made it a good little Indie movie, one of the better one's to come along lately. I was pleasantly surprised by this film, and it helped as I wasn't expecting too much. If you're looking for a good film to watch on a lazy day or night, then this is not a bad movie. I give it a 7 out of 10.
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Let's All Hurt Each Other...
azathothpwiggins10 September 2021
A group of people are abducted and trapped in a house. No one knows why they're there, not even after watching a video by the person who set it all up. All it tells them is that in order to get out they must suffer pain.

Monitors have been surgically implanted in the backs of their heads that measure the chemicals released by their brains. This leads to drastic action and lots of bloody violence.

Admittedly, the setup sounds familiar. Movies like SAW come immediately to mind. However, the motive behind the torture is different, and this movie lacks SAW's nifty devices. As with many such films, the characters are mostly unlikeable, though the acting is above average.

The most unrealistic aspect of VILE is just how quickly these supposedly normal, everyday people adapt to being body mutilators! It's also surprising just how boring it all gets at times. Rather than being terrifying / disturbing, It's pretty tedious, and the implementation of the torment is pretty mundane: A hot iron, boiling water, a screwdriver, etc.

This is torture for torture's sake with a halfhearted "twist" at the end...
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A vile way to spend the afternoon
BenHarrington8 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
It was more torture sitting through this movie than actually being in the house itself. The movie starts off with decent character development and promising cinematography that makes the viewer believe they're about to get their moneys worth. It quickly takes a 180 into terrible-ville when they're ambushed by the most unlikely of attackers... A slutty cougar in stilettos creeping around at 1 am asking people for rides. Being the poor suckers that they are, this band of genius' give her a ride and thus starts the worst horror movie ever made.

Saying that this was a torture porn would be giving it far too much credit. The torture scenes were short and ill conceived. You can not even put this movie in the same category as Saw or Hostile. The most graphic scene was the movie poster, and that's doing it too much justice. Albeit, the concept was original and had promise: 8 individuals trapped in a house and they're only way to escape is to beat on each other.

The story did not follow through with the psychological thriller theme, and there was very little character development past the first 5 minutes, so you really don't care which one of these character's die.

In short... there's really no reason to pay money to watch this film. And in fact no reason for me to finish writing this review on a movie that apparently the writer's phoned in.
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Worth A Watch
ArmedForcesBear22 October 2012
I've seen a lot of reviews bashing this movie. I will give it 6/10 stars. It really wasn't that bad of a movie.

This movie has almost all of the elements that make up a horror movie. Without getting too much into detail the only element this movie really lacks (in the plot), is why? You come to understand why they need to put that brain fluid into the vile. You find out who but there is no real back story about it. They could have elaborated on that much at least.

The characters are ones that you can grow with and feel bad and hope and pray they actually get out(I wont mention anything about certain characters). Most horror movies, you see the characters and they die and that's it. You don't know there full background story and they could have elaborated a little bit more, but for this type of movie its just enough to feel some sort of emotion with the characters. (Again to make this movie better they could have gone into a bit more detail).

I wont go into any detail because i don't want to ruin this to anyone that has not seen it. Its worth a watch if your into torture movies. But this is a different kind of torture movie (Again i wont say why). For the average person, ask yourself. If you were in this situation, could you do it?
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Failed at what its supposed to be
jessicartim6 March 2020
I saw some ridiculous nonsense in my life but this little movie is close to be number one. Idiotic premise, bunch of unbelievably stupid characters, and lets be honest, the sole purpose of this film is to show some random folks in torture scenes. So, are the gore/torture scene any good at least? Nope. Sometimes we don't even let to see whats happening. Do we even care about any of them. Nope. Its a amateurish, pointless gore movie that fails even to be a good gore film.
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Awesome Flick
bigiebiggs12 October 2012
There are a lot of reviews for this movie that I don't think do it justice. Personally as a fan of this genre and a guy that's grown tired of the Saw series I was doubtful of this one. But after watching this's pretty damn good. It's not as crazy or complex as some would like, and yes there are some unanswered questions but this movie is way more than watchable. This is a damn good flick. I won't put any spoilers in this review but all I can say is that I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. If your a fan of movies that really look at what people do when they are torn to their base then this is for you. Give it a try. You won't be disappointed.
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Not Bad
sign543-6-32021715 May 2013
The acting was not very good and parts of the interactions between the victims was a bit forced and unrealistic...but, I did keep my attention throughout. As far as realism, the actors didn't convey as much pain as they actually would have felt. If you have a fingernail ripped out like that, you are going to be writhing on the floor for a long time and the throbbing from your finger would render that hand useless and would render you unable to be able to focus on anything until the gruesome pain subsided. Which would take a long time. Most of them had multiple fingernails ripped out. Also, when the one guy has the pot of boiling water poured over his lower half...he would have been unable to do anything more...yet we see him in the next scene without any discernible evidence of pain. In fact, we see him walking around like nothing has happened to him. The realism needs a lot of work.
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breakbeatology2 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Vile. Yes, its vile, why? Not because its been compared to other 'torture porn' films (which it isn't), but because its excrement mostly. A group of people trapped in a property of which they decide, very quickly, there is no escape even with multiple instruments to aid them and a lack of logic:'if there is a way in, there is a way out'. The gore is mostly inference at best and the lack lustre sound editing and soundtrack only further mute the need for a viewing of this punk arse bitch of a film. Cliché acts of even trying to review 'character development' would be futile in the least, as for the aforementioned twist at the end (by previous reviewers) there isn't one, you would have to be brain dead to believe the ending was even remotely 'twisted'. This film sucks basically.
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Not so much torture porn!
Patient44425 January 2014
God have I seen a lot of such movies! Good, bad, worse and so on! Down to a grade that barely deserves mentioning, so yeah, I had my share of torture porn movies!

So would I recommend "Vile"? Sure! Motives? Well: acting was overall satisfying, the torture methods were far more natural and humane in this one, as people would rather do, not those sick things you get to see in movies that have no idea how to impress without relying on gore/nudity/stupidity, the plot works OK, the ending is very likable and some other reasons you'll find while watching.

Indeed, I was skeptic at first, really doubtful actually, but as time passed, I found myself quite involved in "Vile", as I wanted to see more, to see where its heading and what the finale brings. And overall my friends, I was entertained!

Therefore, "Vile", not your standard torture porn movie, not your usual portmanteau film, but something more natural, more close to the human nature! So, check it out, I think it will work for you as well as it did for me.
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